02-316ORIGINAL 6 7 8 9 10 Presented By Council File # 0��31(p Green Sheet # 1 O 3 S'd 1- RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, Pursuant to the Cable Television Franchise Agreement with AT&T Broadband, Article III, Section 304.(a).(2).(B)., the City of Saint Paul received a capital grant from AT&T Broadband of $547,297 for PEG (public, educational, and govemmental) access and Institutional Network (I-Net) purposes; WHEREAS, Article III, Section 304,(a). of the Franchise Agreement specifically states, "PEG use includes PEG access and institutional network use."; WHEREAS, The City has a Performance Agreement with the Saint Paul Neighborhood Nerivork (SPNN), who is the Designated Entity to oversee community programming, public access, and educational access programming; WHEREAS, SPNN has a need for monies for facilities and equipment to meet its Performance Agreement obligations and community needs; 11 WHEREAS, The Office of Cable Communications has received and reviewed an updated mulU-year 12 equipment plan from SPNN, and the Office of Cable Communications recommends that $400,000 be 13 allocated to SPNN for capital equipment; 14 WHEREAS, The Office of Cable Communications held an educational access forum on January 17, 2002 15 to meet with representatives of public, private, parochial, and higher education institutions to hear their 16 needs; 17 WHEREAS, The City has an interest in increasing the production and value of educational access 18 programming to benefit students, parents, and the general public in Saint Paul; 19 WHEREAS, The Office of Cable Communications recommends that $100,000 be allocated to establish the 20 Capital Equipment Program For Educational Access (CEPEA) by the City for the 2002-2003 school year per 21 the attached application guidelines, and subject to City Council approval; 22 23 24 25 WHEREAS, The City has an interest in expanding use ofthe Institutional Network, and the Office of Cable Communications recommends $47,297 be allocated for Institutional Nerivork capital equipment; WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuantto Section 10.07.4 ofthe City Charter, recommends the following transfer of $47,297 in the 2002 Budget; and o ' 1' ��Of�l��e Mayor recommends the Following changes to the 2002 Budget: 2 3 TRANSFER FROM 4 Cable Communications 5 PEG Grant 6 166-31125-0545 Payment to Outside Agency 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 aF s c� Requested by Department of: /� Tech og d Ma ement es By: Form Approved by City Attorney a �isa., �3 - � Adopted by Council: Date � � ,'�� �.tlo�pP �— Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: l� By' Approv y Mayor: Date L - � d � BY� _ _ �G!'�� 'lfl�l � 604,383 Chanaes (47,297) o Z - ��c. Amended Budeet 557,086 TRANSFER TO Cable Communications Institutiona] Network 166-31123-0858 Communication Equipment 0 47,297 47 297 Total Spending 604,383 0 $604,383 BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Counci] approves these changes to the 2002 Budget and authorizes payment to SPNN of $400,000 for capital equipment purchases. CurrentBudeet r � Departmentloffice/council: Date fniGated Green Sheet No. 103522 Office of Cable Communications 4/OS/02 O� 3 ��' Contact Person 8 Phone: �-+� �� udate mreauaate Holly Hansen - 266-8875 V/ t➢epazmtent Dir. �� a csry cAw�� Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date) ��9° ? ��� AaO� City Clerk Number Financial Serv Dv. Financial Serv/ For 3 Mayor (Or Asst) _ Civil Se�vice Commissio¢ 4/17J02 Routing order Total # of SignaWre Pages �_ (Clip All LowHons for Signature) Action Requested: � Approve resolution to 1) awazd $400,OQ0 to SPNN (Saint Paul Nei�borhood Network) for capital equipment purchases, 2) establish a one-time Capital Equipment Program for Educational Access for $100,000 where schools and SPNN can apply for capital funds to purchase video production equipment to produce educafional access prograzuming, and 3) transfer $47,297 to the Institutional Network budget acUvity to purchase capital eguipment for activating the Fiber Institutional Network. Recomme�dations: Approve (A) or Reject (R) Personal Service ConVacts Must Answer the Following QuesOons: 1. Has this personffirtn ever worked under a contract for this depaRment? Planning Commission Yes No CIB Committee 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? Civil Service Commission Yes No 3. Dces this personlfirm possess a skill oot �oanally pouessed by any wrrent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet initiating Problem, iss�e, Opportunity (Who, What, When, wnere, wny>: The Office of Cable Communications received a capital equipment grant from AT&T Broadband for $547,297, as required by the cable franchise. These funds aze budgeted in 2002 and are to be used for PEG (Public, Educational and Government Access) and Institutional Network capital needs. na�a�a9eg if nPVro�ea: The City will be using the funds received in the manner for which they we�e intended under the cable franchise. Disadvantages N Approved: NOrie 4��'- � ;� ., :k" ���3P/ij� e .'2 � , � � ' . , z`1 !1 o��a�aor�9� ir Noc aPPro�ea: PEG Access and the Tnstitutional Network will not receive the capital funding that was required by the franchise; this would be a detriment to PEG programming and the Institutional Network and the City would not be using the funds provided by AT&T Broadband in good faith to comply with the franchise. Total Amount of Transaction: $ 547,297 CosURevenue Budgeted: yes Punding Source: Fund 166 Activity Number. 3N25- Financial Infortnation: (F�cplain) c:�wu,mowsrEnfw�cerEn cre� snea..pa SA/NT PAUL OFFICE OF CABLE COMMUN/CAT/ONS �� � i4 CAP/TAL EQUIPMENT PROGRAM FOR EDUCAT/ONAL ACCESS (CEPEA) NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF FUNDING AND INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSALS As a part of the Cab1e Franchise Agreement with AT&T Broadband, the City of Saint Paul receives a periodic capital grantfor PEG (public, educational, and governmental) access and Institutional Nefinrork (I-Net) purposes. The City has set aside a one-time one hundred thousand dollar ($100,000) amount of this grant to create and fund the Capital Equipment Program for Educational Access (CEPEA) forthe period covering the 2002-2003 school year. CEPEA is intended to assist accredited educational institutions and the Designated Educational Access Entity, SPNN (Saint Paul Neighborhood Network), that produce educational access television programming in Saint Paul to allow them the opportunity to purchase needed television production equipment. Those eligible to applyfor CEPEAfunds include accredited educational institutions (K-12 and higher education) and SPNN located in Saint Paul specifically producing educational access programming to be aired on Saint Paul's educational access cable channel 16. Organizations considering submission of an application should review the objectives to determine whether theirproposedactivitiesmeetprogramobjectives. Preferencewillbegiventothoseproposals which contribute matching funds, staffing, resources, and to those that are on-going activities versus one-time projects. The time schedule for the 2002-2003 CEPEA application process is: May 1, 2002 Proposers' conference to review with interested educational institutions and SPNNthe CEPEA program guidelines, requirements, and procedures. The Wednesday, May 1 meeting will be held at 3:30 p.m. in Room 40A of the City Hall/County Courthouse Conference Center,15 W. Kellogg Blvd. (Lower Level - enter on 4` Street between St. Peter and Wabasha and proceed through security). Contact Office of Cable Communications for further information (651-266- 8870). June 5, 2002 GEPEA applications due in Office of Cable Communications no later than 4:00 p.m. CDT. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered for funding. June, 2002 City review of CEPEA proposals. To request additional materials, please telephone Office of Cabfe Communications at 851- 266-8870 or write to 15 W. Kellogg Blvd., 68 City Hall, Saint Paul, MN 55102. oa-��c. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF CABLE COMMUNICATIONS CAPITAL EQUIPMENT PROGRAM FOR EDUCATIONAL ACCESS (CEPEA) GUIDELINES FOR 2002-2003 SCHOOL YEAR APPLICATIONS/PROPOSALS PURPOSE AND ELIGIBILITY The Capital Equipment Program for Educational Access, or CEPEA, is intended to assist accredited educational institutions and the Designated Educational Access Entity, SPNN (Saint Paul Neighborhood Network), that produce educational access television programming for cable channel 16 in Saint Paul, with a one-time opportunity to purchase needed teievision production equipment. These Saint Paul educational insiitutions (K-12 and higher education) and SPNN, specifically producing educational access programming, are eligible to apply for CEPEA funds. PROGRAM FUNDING As a part of the Cable Franchise Agreement with AT&T Broadband, the City of Saint Paul receives a periodic capital grant for PEG (public, educational, and governmental) access programming and institutional Network (I-Net) purposes. The City has set aside a one-time one hundred thousand dollar ($100,000) amount of this grant to create and fund CEPEA for the period covering the 2002-2003 school year. Preference will be given to those applications and proposals which contribute matching funds, staffing, resources, and to those that are on-going activities versus one-time projects. CEPEA OBJECTIVES The 2002-2003 CEPEA objectives are: • Increase local educational access programming on Saint Paul cable channel 16. • Increase usage of the 1-Net and foster the creation and local production of interactive educational access programming. • Benefit teachers and students by providing additional equipment to assist with programs, such as masterteacher/distance learning opportunities, implementation of a video curriculum within the schools, student projects, homework assignments, etc. • Benefit parents and the community with a greater understanding of the Saint Paul education system and providing opportunities for creating educational access programming. • Increase community awareness ofwhat educational access programming is and its opportunities via the I-Net and channel 16. • Increase usage ofthe I-Netforteachertraining and sharing ofeducational materials and instructors among Saint Paul educational institutions. APPL{CATION INSTRUCTlONS -1- o�. � ��, Eligibilityandpriority Before preparing its application, an educational institution/organization should review the 2002-2003 CEPEA objectives to determine whether their proposal meets the program objectives. The proposal must specify how those objectives will be met. Potential applicants should also review the CEPFJa guidelines, especially the sections regarding applicant eligibility to ensure that the organization will not be disqualified. They should a{so review criteria and contracting requirements to determine that the organization has the capacity to meet these requirements without undue delay or effort. Application contents A complete application consists of: the cover page form; the budget summary page form; a proposal narrative; and attachments. The proposal narrative should explain or outline, in detail, the following: 1) a full explanation of an on-going program or project or an explanation of how the program or project will be created; 2) how the project will meet the CEPEA objectives; and 3) what resources the proposedinstitution will provide to accomplish and maintain these objectives (staff, equipment, resources, etc.). Responses which exceed the space or length indicated, or attachments beyond the length specified, will not be considered. All applications and supporting materials submitted must be computer generated or typewritten, not handwritten. Please submit ten {10) complete copies of the application and all supporting documentation. Forms Cover aaae. Ptease respond with the cover page on the form provided. Responses must be confined to the space available on the form. Budget summary paae. Applicants are to use the budget summary form page to list the intended equipment to be purchased for the project and anticipated costs. Proposa/ narrative Please describe the proposed project by responding to the following items in no more than six (6) double-spaced pages. Background. This seetion may be used to describe: a) any existing history of the proposed project; 2) the unique role the project will play in fostering educational access programming within the community; 3) the need forthe requested equipment; 4) to further explain and expand upon the mission of the project; and 5) provide background information on -2- fla-�\4> the institution. 2. CEPEA objectives and �roject goals. In this section, the applicant should explain exactly how the project witl accomplish the CEPEA objectives. The applicant should list goals for the project (overall anticipated outcomes) and objectives — these should be specific and measurabie. 3. Accomplishments. List the accomplishments of the particular educational program/project or institution with regards to educational access programming. If this is a new project or program, then list anticipated outcome/accomplishments. 4. Evaluation plan. How does the applicant intend to assess accomplishment of project goals and objectives for 2002-2003? What measurement methods will be used? Staff and resources. Please identify the lead contact person for the project and any additional personnel. Also inc{ude what each person's duties and responsibilities on the project will be (job description or narrative discussion). In addition, please list any additional resources or funding that will be provided to accomplish the goals and objectives of the project. 6. Collaboration. Many projects can be most successful when they are coordinated with or operated in conjunction with other institutions or related programs and services. If the application and proposal are for a joint or collaborative project, list the other agencies or programs involved, and briefly describe the nature of the collaborative arrangement and its present status. Include other funds leveraged by this project, if applicable. 7. Time ine. Benchmarks or timing of major project purchases and activities should be listed for each quarter or shorter time period. All projects are assumed to be completed within the 2002-2003 school year unless otherwise stated. If you propose a different time period, or if you anticipate startup delays, please describe. 8. Budget iustification. Please provide detail to explain the need for and to justify each equipment item listed on the budget summary form. If other funds from outside sources, or from the applicant, will also be -3- oa _, �t� applied to the purchase, please identify for each equipment item the specific source of funds, the granting agency (if applicable), the dollar amount, and its present status (received, approved, applied for, etc.). Attachments Required. Educational institutions must provide proof of accreditation of their program or school. Supporting. An applicant may include up to five (5) pages ofsupporting documents, information, press clippings, etc. to illustrate or further explain points in the proposal narrative or to demonstrate eligibility or priority for equipment funding. Deadline Ten (10) complete copies of the application and supporting materials must be submitted. These materials must be received bK the Office of Cable Communications no later than 4:00 p.m. CDT on Wednesday, June 5. 20U2. Please send the completed application and support materials to: Office of Cabfe Communications Attn: Cheryl L. Pasalic, Program Coordinator 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. 68 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Late, incomplete, or unsigned proposals will not be considered for funding. APPLICATION PROCESS Responsibility The Office of Cable Communications will manage the proposal review process, and will establish a panel of experts to make recommendations on which proposalswill be considered for funding. Applicationmaterials Educationalinstitutionsmayrequestadditionalapplication materials by telephoning the Office of Cable Communications at 651-266-8870 or writing to the O�ce of Cable Communications, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd., 68 City Hall, Saint Paul, MN 55102. Assistance to potenfial In order to provide assistance to potential applicants, applicants the Office of Cable Communications will conduct a proposers' conference. At this meeting, staff will review with interested educational institutions CEPEA program objectives, requirements, and procedures. This meeting is being held so that all potential applicants can get -4- oz-��� comparable information; staff will not provide assistance to applicants on other occasions. Proposers' conference will be held: Wednesday, May 1, 2002 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Room 40A City Hali/County Courthouse Conference Center 15 W. Kellogg Btvd. (Enter 4�' St between St Peter 8� Wabasha and proceed through security to lower level) Saint Paul, MN 651-266-8870 Staffreview/�ecommendations Office of Cable Communications staff will prepare recommendations for the City Council to consider, using the criteria tisted under "Review Criteria." CityCouncil approval Proposals and staff recommendations will be reviewed by the City Council. Appiicants will be informed when the date and time for this review is scheduled. The City Council may fund a proposal as submitted, modify a proposal, or not fund it. The Council also may set restrictions or conditions on any proposal selected for funding. These conditions will be incorporated into the contract with the entity(ies) selected. The City Council will formally approve CEPEA awards by a Resolution. REVIEW CRITERIA The following criteria will be used by the O�ce of Cable Communications staff to prepare funding recommendations to the City Council. The City Councif will have finaf approval for any/all projects to be funded through CEPEA. Priority Does this proposal meet the CEPEA objectives? A proposal which does not fit the objectives will not be recommended for approval. Capacity To what extent does the proposal demonstrate that the organization can carry out the project successfully? /mpact To what extent does the proposal demonstrate that CEPEA funding of equipment for the project can be expected to result in a measurable impact on educational access programming? -5- oz-��c� Project design To what extent are proposed purchases and time lines reasonab{e to accomplish the projecYs objeetives? Project resources To what extent is the proposed budget and other resources (including collaborative arrangements) appropriate for the project and CEPEA objectives? OTHER FUNDING CONSIDERATIOPIS There are some additional factors which, while they are not formal review criteria, may have an influence on CEPEA funding of equipment for proposed projects. Although we do not know the extent to which these factors will influence funding recommendations and decisions, prospective applicants may wish to consider them in preparing their CEPEA application. These factors include, but are not limited to: General operating CEPEA funds are not to be used for general operating support expenses or staffing. Availabilityofother If a proposal can qualify for funding through another funding sources funding source, or an outside funding source known to be available, it is tess likely to be recommended for funding through CEPEA. Other Considerafions Whether the entity has demonstrated an ability to produce educational access programming in the past; has received equipment funding for access programming in the past from the City or from other sources; whether the proposed equipment for the project wiil be the start-up of a project or will supplement existing equipment; etc. CONTRACT DEVEIOPMENT AND IAAPLEMENTAT{OM Scope of work If an application is approved exactly as submitted, it will constitute the whole project and will be attached to the Resolution that is approved by City Council. Project budget for equipment purchase must be finalized prior to City Council approval. Payment All payments are made on a reimbursement basis. Payments generally are made quarterly, although other arrangements can be made, depending on the size of the program award. Documentation of all expenditures is required in order to receive reimbursement. Progress reports Quarterly financial budget and expenditure reports as well as a final expenditure and evaluation report are required of all who receive CEPEA funding. These reposts should be sent to: � Office of Cable Communications �a- ��O Attn: Cheryl L. Pasalic, Program Coordinator 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. 68 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 -7- aZ-� �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF CABLE COMMUNICATIONS 2002-2003 SCHOOL YEAR CAPITAL EQUIPMENT PF20GRAM FOR EDUCATIONAL ACCESS (CEPEA) PROPOSAL COVER PAGE Applicant organization Telephone: Fax: Contact (name and title) E-Mail address: Proposal title: Proposal summary: CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF CABLE COMMUNICATIONS 0 �" - � `� CAPITAL EQUIPMENT PROGRAM FOR EDUCATIONAL ACCESS (CEPEA) 2002-2003 SCHOOL YEAR PROPOSALS BUDGET SUMMARY SHEET Organization Name : Program/Project Name: 1. Audio Equipment (specify} Calendar Year 2002 i.e-3 Shure wi�eless microphones Calendar Year 2003 2. Video Equipment (specify) Calendar Year 2002 Calendar Year 2003 CEPEA $ 350.00 Other source (specify) $ 50.00(own funds) Total (specify) $400.00 3. Computer Equipment (specify) Calendar Year 2002 Page 2- Budget Proposal Form Calendar Year 2003 4. Other Equipment (specify) Calendar Year 2002 Calendar Year 2003 5. Totals Calendar Year 2002 o�.-� �t� Calendar Year 2003 oa-� �b CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF CABLE COMMUNICATIONS CAPITAL EQUIPMENT PROGRAM FOR EDUCA'TIONAL ACCESS (CEPEA) 2002-2003 SCHOOL YEAR PROPOSALS QUARTERLY BUDGET REPORT FOR QUARTER EPIDING Organizat+on Name : Program/Project Name: Submitted By: Name, Title, & Phone # 1. Audio Equipment (specify) i,e - 3 Shure wireless micro�hones �� $350.00 Other source (specify) $50.00 (own funds) Total (specify) $400.00 2. Video Equipment (specify) 3. Computer Equipment (specify) 4. Other Equipment (specify) 5. Totais CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF CABLE COMMUNICATIONS CAPITAL EQUIPMENT PROGRAM FOR EDUCATIONAL ACCESS (CEPEA) 2002-2003 SCHOOL YEAR PROPOSALS FINAL BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT Organization Name : Program/Project Name: Submitted By: Name, Title, & Phone # 1. Audio Equipment (specify) Caiendar Year 2002 i.e-3 Shure wireless micro�hones Calendar Year 2003 2. Video Equipment (specify) Calendar Year 2002 Calendar Year 2003 CEPEA $ 350.00 Other source (specify) $ 50.00(own funds) ��-��� Total (specify) ,:�i� �� 3. Computer Equipment (specify) Calendar Year 2002 Page 2- Final 8udget Summary Report Form Ca{endat Year 2403 4. Other Equipment (speciiy) Calendar Year 2002 Calendar Year 2003 5. Totals Calendar Year 2002 o �.,_ 7 \� Calendar Year 2003 ORIGINAL 6 7 8 9 10 Presented By Council File # 0��31(p Green Sheet # 1 O 3 S'd 1- RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, Pursuant to the Cable Television Franchise Agreement with AT&T Broadband, Article III, Section 304.(a).(2).(B)., the City of Saint Paul received a capital grant from AT&T Broadband of $547,297 for PEG (public, educational, and govemmental) access and Institutional Network (I-Net) purposes; WHEREAS, Article III, Section 304,(a). of the Franchise Agreement specifically states, "PEG use includes PEG access and institutional network use."; WHEREAS, The City has a Performance Agreement with the Saint Paul Neighborhood Nerivork (SPNN), who is the Designated Entity to oversee community programming, public access, and educational access programming; WHEREAS, SPNN has a need for monies for facilities and equipment to meet its Performance Agreement obligations and community needs; 11 WHEREAS, The Office of Cable Communications has received and reviewed an updated mulU-year 12 equipment plan from SPNN, and the Office of Cable Communications recommends that $400,000 be 13 allocated to SPNN for capital equipment; 14 WHEREAS, The Office of Cable Communications held an educational access forum on January 17, 2002 15 to meet with representatives of public, private, parochial, and higher education institutions to hear their 16 needs; 17 WHEREAS, The City has an interest in increasing the production and value of educational access 18 programming to benefit students, parents, and the general public in Saint Paul; 19 WHEREAS, The Office of Cable Communications recommends that $100,000 be allocated to establish the 20 Capital Equipment Program For Educational Access (CEPEA) by the City for the 2002-2003 school year per 21 the attached application guidelines, and subject to City Council approval; 22 23 24 25 WHEREAS, The City has an interest in expanding use ofthe Institutional Network, and the Office of Cable Communications recommends $47,297 be allocated for Institutional Nerivork capital equipment; WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuantto Section 10.07.4 ofthe City Charter, recommends the following transfer of $47,297 in the 2002 Budget; and o ' 1' ��Of�l��e Mayor recommends the Following changes to the 2002 Budget: 2 3 TRANSFER FROM 4 Cable Communications 5 PEG Grant 6 166-31125-0545 Payment to Outside Agency 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 aF s c� Requested by Department of: /� Tech og d Ma ement es By: Form Approved by City Attorney a �isa., �3 - � Adopted by Council: Date � � ,'�� �.tlo�pP �— Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: l� By' Approv y Mayor: Date L - � d � BY� _ _ �G!'�� 'lfl�l � 604,383 Chanaes (47,297) o Z - ��c. Amended Budeet 557,086 TRANSFER TO Cable Communications Institutiona] Network 166-31123-0858 Communication Equipment 0 47,297 47 297 Total Spending 604,383 0 $604,383 BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Counci] approves these changes to the 2002 Budget and authorizes payment to SPNN of $400,000 for capital equipment purchases. CurrentBudeet r � Departmentloffice/council: Date fniGated Green Sheet No. 103522 Office of Cable Communications 4/OS/02 O� 3 ��' Contact Person 8 Phone: �-+� �� udate mreauaate Holly Hansen - 266-8875 V/ t➢epazmtent Dir. �� a csry cAw�� Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date) ��9° ? ��� AaO� City Clerk Number Financial Serv Dv. Financial Serv/ For 3 Mayor (Or Asst) _ Civil Se�vice Commissio¢ 4/17J02 Routing order Total # of SignaWre Pages �_ (Clip All LowHons for Signature) Action Requested: � Approve resolution to 1) awazd $400,OQ0 to SPNN (Saint Paul Nei�borhood Network) for capital equipment purchases, 2) establish a one-time Capital Equipment Program for Educational Access for $100,000 where schools and SPNN can apply for capital funds to purchase video production equipment to produce educafional access prograzuming, and 3) transfer $47,297 to the Institutional Network budget acUvity to purchase capital eguipment for activating the Fiber Institutional Network. Recomme�dations: Approve (A) or Reject (R) Personal Service ConVacts Must Answer the Following QuesOons: 1. Has this personffirtn ever worked under a contract for this depaRment? Planning Commission Yes No CIB Committee 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? Civil Service Commission Yes No 3. Dces this personlfirm possess a skill oot �oanally pouessed by any wrrent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet initiating Problem, iss�e, Opportunity (Who, What, When, wnere, wny>: The Office of Cable Communications received a capital equipment grant from AT&T Broadband for $547,297, as required by the cable franchise. These funds aze budgeted in 2002 and are to be used for PEG (Public, Educational and Government Access) and Institutional Network capital needs. na�a�a9eg if nPVro�ea: The City will be using the funds received in the manner for which they we�e intended under the cable franchise. Disadvantages N Approved: NOrie 4��'- � ;� ., :k" ���3P/ij� e .'2 � , � � ' . , z`1 !1 o��a�aor�9� ir Noc aPPro�ea: PEG Access and the Tnstitutional Network will not receive the capital funding that was required by the franchise; this would be a detriment to PEG programming and the Institutional Network and the City would not be using the funds provided by AT&T Broadband in good faith to comply with the franchise. Total Amount of Transaction: $ 547,297 CosURevenue Budgeted: yes Punding Source: Fund 166 Activity Number. 3N25- Financial Infortnation: (F�cplain) c:�wu,mowsrEnfw�cerEn cre� snea..pa SA/NT PAUL OFFICE OF CABLE COMMUN/CAT/ONS �� � i4 CAP/TAL EQUIPMENT PROGRAM FOR EDUCAT/ONAL ACCESS (CEPEA) NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF FUNDING AND INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSALS As a part of the Cab1e Franchise Agreement with AT&T Broadband, the City of Saint Paul receives a periodic capital grantfor PEG (public, educational, and governmental) access and Institutional Nefinrork (I-Net) purposes. The City has set aside a one-time one hundred thousand dollar ($100,000) amount of this grant to create and fund the Capital Equipment Program for Educational Access (CEPEA) forthe period covering the 2002-2003 school year. CEPEA is intended to assist accredited educational institutions and the Designated Educational Access Entity, SPNN (Saint Paul Neighborhood Network), that produce educational access television programming in Saint Paul to allow them the opportunity to purchase needed television production equipment. Those eligible to applyfor CEPEAfunds include accredited educational institutions (K-12 and higher education) and SPNN located in Saint Paul specifically producing educational access programming to be aired on Saint Paul's educational access cable channel 16. Organizations considering submission of an application should review the objectives to determine whether theirproposedactivitiesmeetprogramobjectives. Preferencewillbegiventothoseproposals which contribute matching funds, staffing, resources, and to those that are on-going activities versus one-time projects. The time schedule for the 2002-2003 CEPEA application process is: May 1, 2002 Proposers' conference to review with interested educational institutions and SPNNthe CEPEA program guidelines, requirements, and procedures. The Wednesday, May 1 meeting will be held at 3:30 p.m. in Room 40A of the City Hall/County Courthouse Conference Center,15 W. Kellogg Blvd. (Lower Level - enter on 4` Street between St. Peter and Wabasha and proceed through security). Contact Office of Cable Communications for further information (651-266- 8870). June 5, 2002 GEPEA applications due in Office of Cable Communications no later than 4:00 p.m. CDT. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered for funding. June, 2002 City review of CEPEA proposals. To request additional materials, please telephone Office of Cabfe Communications at 851- 266-8870 or write to 15 W. Kellogg Blvd., 68 City Hall, Saint Paul, MN 55102. oa-��c. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF CABLE COMMUNICATIONS CAPITAL EQUIPMENT PROGRAM FOR EDUCATIONAL ACCESS (CEPEA) GUIDELINES FOR 2002-2003 SCHOOL YEAR APPLICATIONS/PROPOSALS PURPOSE AND ELIGIBILITY The Capital Equipment Program for Educational Access, or CEPEA, is intended to assist accredited educational institutions and the Designated Educational Access Entity, SPNN (Saint Paul Neighborhood Network), that produce educational access television programming for cable channel 16 in Saint Paul, with a one-time opportunity to purchase needed teievision production equipment. These Saint Paul educational insiitutions (K-12 and higher education) and SPNN, specifically producing educational access programming, are eligible to apply for CEPEA funds. PROGRAM FUNDING As a part of the Cable Franchise Agreement with AT&T Broadband, the City of Saint Paul receives a periodic capital grant for PEG (public, educational, and governmental) access programming and institutional Network (I-Net) purposes. The City has set aside a one-time one hundred thousand dollar ($100,000) amount of this grant to create and fund CEPEA for the period covering the 2002-2003 school year. Preference will be given to those applications and proposals which contribute matching funds, staffing, resources, and to those that are on-going activities versus one-time projects. CEPEA OBJECTIVES The 2002-2003 CEPEA objectives are: • Increase local educational access programming on Saint Paul cable channel 16. • Increase usage of the 1-Net and foster the creation and local production of interactive educational access programming. • Benefit teachers and students by providing additional equipment to assist with programs, such as masterteacher/distance learning opportunities, implementation of a video curriculum within the schools, student projects, homework assignments, etc. • Benefit parents and the community with a greater understanding of the Saint Paul education system and providing opportunities for creating educational access programming. • Increase community awareness ofwhat educational access programming is and its opportunities via the I-Net and channel 16. • Increase usage ofthe I-Netforteachertraining and sharing ofeducational materials and instructors among Saint Paul educational institutions. APPL{CATION INSTRUCTlONS -1- o�. � ��, Eligibilityandpriority Before preparing its application, an educational institution/organization should review the 2002-2003 CEPEA objectives to determine whether their proposal meets the program objectives. The proposal must specify how those objectives will be met. Potential applicants should also review the CEPFJa guidelines, especially the sections regarding applicant eligibility to ensure that the organization will not be disqualified. They should a{so review criteria and contracting requirements to determine that the organization has the capacity to meet these requirements without undue delay or effort. Application contents A complete application consists of: the cover page form; the budget summary page form; a proposal narrative; and attachments. The proposal narrative should explain or outline, in detail, the following: 1) a full explanation of an on-going program or project or an explanation of how the program or project will be created; 2) how the project will meet the CEPEA objectives; and 3) what resources the proposedinstitution will provide to accomplish and maintain these objectives (staff, equipment, resources, etc.). Responses which exceed the space or length indicated, or attachments beyond the length specified, will not be considered. All applications and supporting materials submitted must be computer generated or typewritten, not handwritten. Please submit ten {10) complete copies of the application and all supporting documentation. Forms Cover aaae. Ptease respond with the cover page on the form provided. Responses must be confined to the space available on the form. Budget summary paae. Applicants are to use the budget summary form page to list the intended equipment to be purchased for the project and anticipated costs. Proposa/ narrative Please describe the proposed project by responding to the following items in no more than six (6) double-spaced pages. Background. This seetion may be used to describe: a) any existing history of the proposed project; 2) the unique role the project will play in fostering educational access programming within the community; 3) the need forthe requested equipment; 4) to further explain and expand upon the mission of the project; and 5) provide background information on -2- fla-�\4> the institution. 2. CEPEA objectives and �roject goals. In this section, the applicant should explain exactly how the project witl accomplish the CEPEA objectives. The applicant should list goals for the project (overall anticipated outcomes) and objectives — these should be specific and measurabie. 3. Accomplishments. List the accomplishments of the particular educational program/project or institution with regards to educational access programming. If this is a new project or program, then list anticipated outcome/accomplishments. 4. Evaluation plan. How does the applicant intend to assess accomplishment of project goals and objectives for 2002-2003? What measurement methods will be used? Staff and resources. Please identify the lead contact person for the project and any additional personnel. Also inc{ude what each person's duties and responsibilities on the project will be (job description or narrative discussion). In addition, please list any additional resources or funding that will be provided to accomplish the goals and objectives of the project. 6. Collaboration. Many projects can be most successful when they are coordinated with or operated in conjunction with other institutions or related programs and services. If the application and proposal are for a joint or collaborative project, list the other agencies or programs involved, and briefly describe the nature of the collaborative arrangement and its present status. Include other funds leveraged by this project, if applicable. 7. Time ine. Benchmarks or timing of major project purchases and activities should be listed for each quarter or shorter time period. All projects are assumed to be completed within the 2002-2003 school year unless otherwise stated. If you propose a different time period, or if you anticipate startup delays, please describe. 8. Budget iustification. Please provide detail to explain the need for and to justify each equipment item listed on the budget summary form. If other funds from outside sources, or from the applicant, will also be -3- oa _, �t� applied to the purchase, please identify for each equipment item the specific source of funds, the granting agency (if applicable), the dollar amount, and its present status (received, approved, applied for, etc.). Attachments Required. Educational institutions must provide proof of accreditation of their program or school. Supporting. An applicant may include up to five (5) pages ofsupporting documents, information, press clippings, etc. to illustrate or further explain points in the proposal narrative or to demonstrate eligibility or priority for equipment funding. Deadline Ten (10) complete copies of the application and supporting materials must be submitted. These materials must be received bK the Office of Cable Communications no later than 4:00 p.m. CDT on Wednesday, June 5. 20U2. Please send the completed application and support materials to: Office of Cabfe Communications Attn: Cheryl L. Pasalic, Program Coordinator 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. 68 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Late, incomplete, or unsigned proposals will not be considered for funding. APPLICATION PROCESS Responsibility The Office of Cable Communications will manage the proposal review process, and will establish a panel of experts to make recommendations on which proposalswill be considered for funding. Applicationmaterials Educationalinstitutionsmayrequestadditionalapplication materials by telephoning the Office of Cable Communications at 651-266-8870 or writing to the O�ce of Cable Communications, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd., 68 City Hall, Saint Paul, MN 55102. Assistance to potenfial In order to provide assistance to potential applicants, applicants the Office of Cable Communications will conduct a proposers' conference. At this meeting, staff will review with interested educational institutions CEPEA program objectives, requirements, and procedures. This meeting is being held so that all potential applicants can get -4- oz-��� comparable information; staff will not provide assistance to applicants on other occasions. Proposers' conference will be held: Wednesday, May 1, 2002 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Room 40A City Hali/County Courthouse Conference Center 15 W. Kellogg Btvd. (Enter 4�' St between St Peter 8� Wabasha and proceed through security to lower level) Saint Paul, MN 651-266-8870 Staffreview/�ecommendations Office of Cable Communications staff will prepare recommendations for the City Council to consider, using the criteria tisted under "Review Criteria." CityCouncil approval Proposals and staff recommendations will be reviewed by the City Council. Appiicants will be informed when the date and time for this review is scheduled. The City Council may fund a proposal as submitted, modify a proposal, or not fund it. The Council also may set restrictions or conditions on any proposal selected for funding. These conditions will be incorporated into the contract with the entity(ies) selected. The City Council will formally approve CEPEA awards by a Resolution. REVIEW CRITERIA The following criteria will be used by the O�ce of Cable Communications staff to prepare funding recommendations to the City Council. The City Councif will have finaf approval for any/all projects to be funded through CEPEA. Priority Does this proposal meet the CEPEA objectives? A proposal which does not fit the objectives will not be recommended for approval. Capacity To what extent does the proposal demonstrate that the organization can carry out the project successfully? /mpact To what extent does the proposal demonstrate that CEPEA funding of equipment for the project can be expected to result in a measurable impact on educational access programming? -5- oz-��c� Project design To what extent are proposed purchases and time lines reasonab{e to accomplish the projecYs objeetives? Project resources To what extent is the proposed budget and other resources (including collaborative arrangements) appropriate for the project and CEPEA objectives? OTHER FUNDING CONSIDERATIOPIS There are some additional factors which, while they are not formal review criteria, may have an influence on CEPEA funding of equipment for proposed projects. Although we do not know the extent to which these factors will influence funding recommendations and decisions, prospective applicants may wish to consider them in preparing their CEPEA application. These factors include, but are not limited to: General operating CEPEA funds are not to be used for general operating support expenses or staffing. Availabilityofother If a proposal can qualify for funding through another funding sources funding source, or an outside funding source known to be available, it is tess likely to be recommended for funding through CEPEA. Other Considerafions Whether the entity has demonstrated an ability to produce educational access programming in the past; has received equipment funding for access programming in the past from the City or from other sources; whether the proposed equipment for the project wiil be the start-up of a project or will supplement existing equipment; etc. CONTRACT DEVEIOPMENT AND IAAPLEMENTAT{OM Scope of work If an application is approved exactly as submitted, it will constitute the whole project and will be attached to the Resolution that is approved by City Council. Project budget for equipment purchase must be finalized prior to City Council approval. Payment All payments are made on a reimbursement basis. Payments generally are made quarterly, although other arrangements can be made, depending on the size of the program award. Documentation of all expenditures is required in order to receive reimbursement. Progress reports Quarterly financial budget and expenditure reports as well as a final expenditure and evaluation report are required of all who receive CEPEA funding. These reposts should be sent to: � Office of Cable Communications �a- ��O Attn: Cheryl L. Pasalic, Program Coordinator 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. 68 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 -7- aZ-� �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF CABLE COMMUNICATIONS 2002-2003 SCHOOL YEAR CAPITAL EQUIPMENT PF20GRAM FOR EDUCATIONAL ACCESS (CEPEA) PROPOSAL COVER PAGE Applicant organization Telephone: Fax: Contact (name and title) E-Mail address: Proposal title: Proposal summary: CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF CABLE COMMUNICATIONS 0 �" - � `� CAPITAL EQUIPMENT PROGRAM FOR EDUCATIONAL ACCESS (CEPEA) 2002-2003 SCHOOL YEAR PROPOSALS BUDGET SUMMARY SHEET Organization Name : Program/Project Name: 1. Audio Equipment (specify} Calendar Year 2002 i.e-3 Shure wi�eless microphones Calendar Year 2003 2. Video Equipment (specify) Calendar Year 2002 Calendar Year 2003 CEPEA $ 350.00 Other source (specify) $ 50.00(own funds) Total (specify) $400.00 3. Computer Equipment (specify) Calendar Year 2002 Page 2- Budget Proposal Form Calendar Year 2003 4. Other Equipment (specify) Calendar Year 2002 Calendar Year 2003 5. Totals Calendar Year 2002 o�.-� �t� Calendar Year 2003 oa-� �b CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF CABLE COMMUNICATIONS CAPITAL EQUIPMENT PROGRAM FOR EDUCA'TIONAL ACCESS (CEPEA) 2002-2003 SCHOOL YEAR PROPOSALS QUARTERLY BUDGET REPORT FOR QUARTER EPIDING Organizat+on Name : Program/Project Name: Submitted By: Name, Title, & Phone # 1. Audio Equipment (specify) i,e - 3 Shure wireless micro�hones �� $350.00 Other source (specify) $50.00 (own funds) Total (specify) $400.00 2. Video Equipment (specify) 3. Computer Equipment (specify) 4. Other Equipment (specify) 5. Totais CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF CABLE COMMUNICATIONS CAPITAL EQUIPMENT PROGRAM FOR EDUCATIONAL ACCESS (CEPEA) 2002-2003 SCHOOL YEAR PROPOSALS FINAL BUDGET SUMMARY REPORT Organization Name : Program/Project Name: Submitted By: Name, Title, & Phone # 1. Audio Equipment (specify) Caiendar Year 2002 i.e-3 Shure wireless micro�hones Calendar Year 2003 2. Video Equipment (specify) Calendar Year 2002 Calendar Year 2003 CEPEA $ 350.00 Other source (specify) $ 50.00(own funds) ��-��� Total (specify) ,:�i� �� 3. Computer Equipment (specify) Calendar Year 2002 Page 2- Final 8udget Summary Report Form Ca{endat Year 2403 4. Other Equipment (speciiy) Calendar Year 2002 Calendar Year 2003 5. Totals Calendar Year 2002 o �.,_ 7 \� Calendar Year 2003