261986 WHITE - CITY CLERK CO1111C11 7�/61��s
� ` Co cil Resolution �
Presented By � �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul
does hereby approve contract for code inspection services
between the City of Saint Paul and the Housing � Redevelop-
ment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, said agreement
providing for code inspection services by City personnel to
the Neighborhood Development Program areas, including Minn. E-Z
and Minn. R-37, and providing reimbursement to the City of
Saint Paul for such inspectional services , the term of said
agreement to commence on May 1, 1973, and terminate June 30,
1974, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of
Saint Paul does hereby approve agreement between the City and
the Housing � Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint
Paul providing for the continuation of administration of the
City' s code enforcement program by the Housing Authority for
the term commencing January 1, 1973, and continuing until the
program is completed but in any event terminating eighteen
(18) months following January 1, 1973 , and providin for a
City contribution to said program in the amount of �132,902 . 00' "'�"
and Hou�ing Authority contribution in the amount of $180,229.00,
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are
authorized .to execute the said agreements on behalf of the
City of Saint Paul .
Re-Adopted by Council: Date 5EP 7 1973 Re-A b Mayor: 1 � �9�
Certif d Passed by uneil Secretary By
' ,�'s2•�v�
� PUBIIlHED ��EP 1� 1973
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
� Butler City Administrator
Konopatzki �_ In Favor
Meredith � Against BY
x��§c Roedler
Mme.President �yt� gutlt
Adopted by Council: Date
AUG 2 91973 Form Approved y Ci At ney
Certif' sed by Co il tary BY
Appro by Ma . Date O �'9 Approv by or Submission to Council
pusu�� S EP �
A,ug�s� �a, l'�7�
Mr. 3cott �viaa
C�t�r A�t��
�t= Sir=
Tt►�t �itp Cauu��.l ��� �+�o�w�des+� �ha�ir +��ioa �ra s�gxarr�a�
t�o tresaLu�i,a�ar, C��'. �bl�ffi6 app�r� s ex►�rract �and agr�e-�
sc►nt w�th t€�� �owrf�� �rst3�a�ci�� t�ar aod• t�paatiom s�avlca�
aad c�ds sn�o�+�+a�e�at p�o�c`�:� ,s�d C.�. 2619�7 appxcrniag t�►a
tt�s�'� c►�` �"ce�zd� �� ��s �to�a�ls a! �?.4.�?t! iraa Coda� ��+��a�-
��t-+��na� �r+�c'�� 9 +a� tf� to ��t�.dlt�g InspeaC�.or h boCtc
�d4p�a+d Jna�ast �9. i'�7:3�. ��� Caa�eiX �cam�aie�a�ed c1�arS.�
acl�i�rn �+�d�,a� l�z�l�eex` ��`az�t�oc� cr� 1�� [heeer r��o�.a�io�+�
a� �inlp tt+� tr����� of l�acde relat+a t+a t�a sra�tus a!
�rlay�e�a �� l�enr� ���r� +Mro�kis�� � a par�+r�.�i+m�.t. �aa�i+�. ':�ta,e
Cov��a� �l�a reqe�+r��s ��+�� �� ���dy in a�n��ctta� aith tha�
��or, Mx. �c►�esa. �� �+► �"�ra�oa��l �+apa�e�t tt�e �aet�r� a�
th� mrmae�r oi o�s�r +�#�vil Set�i�e �1o�rs�e ar�rkin� cr�a a
. �er+r�,si+c�l ���.+� +and tEt� �t�ra� a� �2x.�3r xi�h�s �� tz���iti�.
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TI�IS �Z+:���L1��id�, enterec� into as o.f thi s day of ,
J��37� r r�y and betwe�n the
GS`J'X OF S?'�II�FT PAI7L, a ��:ixinesota Mur:icip�J. ccrperatioY�
h�-±f:�in�zi�.�r r.efesred to as the "City" ,
Sr'1TNT PAUL, I��INNE�OT�, a Minnesot� cor�.oration,
ct::,ated pursuant to the �rovi�ions of the Municipal
Housing and Redevelc�pm�nt A.c�, :�a��s, I947, Chapter
487 6 hereinafter referrec' tc� as t�.he "Authority" .
�ah?�a�'<L�S , the City has, under datc of July 26, 1968 , as amend.ed,
ent�re.? �..n'co a Gr_ant Contract for Cade Enforcement PY'Ot�r'�`�ra v��i}h �he
LTnite�: a�atca of F.,mQrica to provide financial assistance to said City
under S�c:-kion 117 of Title I of the Hausing Act of 1949 , as arnended
by all amenda.tory Acts; and
K WHF.Rr,A�, pur.suant to such Contract, the City is undertaking
l:C��4U.-Ll�! dC�i'V1{:iE;S necessa�y iur -che lI'iit].ctL.lOTl d11C� �X8c;L1�i:1.Gi1 G.� d.
Code :�'n�`or_��:��ment Program consisting af cancentr.ated code enLorc�ment
acti�..�i.t�e� and th� pravision of certain public improvements situated
�..n the Pro jec� ArPa descri��ed in Appendix "A" , attaLhed to and here;�y
mad� apaxt of this Agreemerat; a.nd
WtiERFAS, th� City desir_es to contract with the Authora.ty to
C7..r�Il1�_Il1CLf.-.� said grogram; • � .
i�TOC�V, T�i�FcE�O�E, thc parties hereto d� rnuti::�lly aar�e as follou:s :
1.. �cape of Se:�vices. The Aut:l;ari-ty sha1.J_ per£orm, su.bj�Gt oilly
t� r.e���cw by the Ca.i.y Counc�il, all sc-�.rvices nec�saary to adanini5�ter
the F�der�lly AssiWted Code Enforcer�zent Prc��°�rn (hereina:�ter the
PrUgram) � �.�ne Cit� sr.all �!Y_ovide, �pon reques� by the t'�uthority, all
itas��cvioi? s�}:vi.ce:� r����3�c? to imp�e��:�t th�_s �.c;reerlent. T�?.e City
rha'..l iae�.� all ca5�.s `o� th.�su ins�,.��:;��ian:� F zr�ai.vh cost ai.s r_ot r.cm��u.+-�d
in f:h� Ci��` s� �an'�.ibuk..icii �.�_sted in �;�:c���.nn 3.� A13_ iraspectian
recxiaes`s s�°iulJ_ be �ecc�iv��� Ly tt�e ;��:x>as�trr�e:�fi. o� Fuk:=T.ic Luildings no
1«�ter �h�n t�,7� !?.i �:7,:kznc� c����s prior to Lkz� day scheduled for thP
.r . . ., ' . - � 2�.�.�,�?�
. . .
inspection. In the event that an emerg�ncy inspection is deemed
necessary by the Authority, the Department of Public Buil�ings
��:ali rrovide th� rVC��.LVJtcd r.u�,:�r cf in:pectors to perform as sacn
as possible. An emergency inspection shall include but �k:a11 not be
limited to: the need to determine if a buildirig can be placarded,
that is, a determination if the building is unsafe for occupancy
and must be vacated; and the necessity of dealing with the owner of
a building w.ho resists com�liance with the Program.
2s 'I'ime of Performance. The services of the Authority are to
commence as of January 1, 1973, and shall be performed in such
sequence as to assure their expeditious completion in light of the
purposes of this contract; but in any event, all of the services
required h�reunder shall be completed within eighteen (18) consecutive
months from January 1, 1973. This agreement may be terminated with
justificati�n by either party at any time upon the delivery to the
other party of thirty (30) days written notice of terminatian .
3. Compensation. The City shall 'contribute a total of One �
Hundred Thirty-two Thousand, Nine Hundred Two Dollars and no hundredths
($132,902. 00) for the operation of the Program. In addition to the �
above contribution, the City shall be responsible for the salary and !
all other expenses discussed in Section 5 of this agreement of Suszr ;
Tosky f�r as long as she is employed under this Contract. The i
Authority shall assume expenses in excess of the City' s contribution ;
of One Hundred Thirty-two Thousand Nine Hundred Two Dollars and no j
hundredths ($132 ,902. 00) but in any event not to exceed a total con- �
tribution by the Authority of One Hundred Eighty Thousand Two Hund.r.ed i
Twenty Nine Dollars and no hundredths ($180 ,229 . 00) yielding a I
maximum adrtinistrative budget of Three Hundred Thirteen Thousand One �
Hundred Tnirty-one Dollars and no hunaredths ($313,131. 00) for the �
operation of the Program. �
4. This agreement is subject to and incorporates the provisions j
attached hereto as P�rt II - Terms and Conditions (Form H-621B, dated �
2-69) . �
_2_ ,
. �
. ,s ` �CO/� ��
', - ' S. Other Provisions. It is expressly agreed that all City
- � � em�];oye�s, other than Building Inspectors, whose services are to
be provided under this Contract shall perform the services under
t�ae direct cont�ol and supervision of tlie Authority. Technical
�rapervision of all City Building Inspectors shall be the responsi-
�bYlity of the �upervisor of the Buil�ding Inspectors of the City.
�[.t is furtY�er expressly understood and agreed that all City employees
performing ��rvices under this Contract, who remain or become the
employees c�:� the City sha11, for all purposes including but not
limited to workmen's comp�nsation and hospitalization insurance
coverages, social security and pension payments and benefits, and
any other employee obligations or benefits be treated as City
employees� and all Authority employees performing services under
this Contract who shall remain or become the employees of the Authority
shall, farr all purposes including but not limited to workmen's
compensa�ion and hospita�ization insurance coverages, social security
and �ension payments and benefits, and any other employee obligations
. or benefits, be treated as Authority employees. It is expressly
agreed that the Authorit�'s Approving Officer shall approve all .
Section 115 Rehabilitat�.an Grarits after su�h money has been placed
. ;
in an Authority account €or disbursement to the homeowner, and
Section 3'12 Loans according to the regulations as stated in the
Rehabilitation Financing Handbook, 7375 .1, or as those regulations
may be modified by the appropriate authority.
, IN WI�NESS WHEREOF, the City and the Autharity have executed
this Agreement. as of the date first above written.
Countersigned: By
Its Mayor -
Its Director, Department of
Finance and Management Services
Form Approveri:
. At�est: By
Its .
- __ _ _- --�- . __ _ . . _ _ ----� ---__._._
. . . '` •I , , • r ,������
. �
5. Other Provisions . It is �xpressly agreed that all City
einpla ees, other than Building Inspectors, whose services a to
be provi ec1 unaer this Contract shall perzorm tne servic under
th� c�irect control and supervision of the Authority. echnical
��zpervision f all City Building Inspectors shall the responsibi�-
ity of the Sup visor of the Building Inspectars f the City.
It is futher exp ess].y understood and agreed at a11 City employees
performing service under this Contract sha remain the employees
of the Czty fox all p rposes, including b t not limited to workrr�en' s
compensatian anc� hospit lization insura ce coverages, social security
and pension payments and enefits, a any other employee obligations
or benefits , and all Autho ' ty emp yees performing services under
this Contract shall remain t e loyees of the Authority for' all
purposes including but not lim ted to workmen' s compensation and
hospitalizatian insurance co era es, social security and pension
paymen.ts and benefits , and any ot r employee obligations ar benefits.
]Ct is expr�ssly aqreed t at the Aut ority' s Approving Officer shall
approve al1 Section 11 Rehabilitatio Grants after such money has
veen placed in an Au ority account fo disbursement to the homeowner,
and Section 312 Lo s according to the r ulations as stated in the
Rehabilitation F' ancing Handbook, 7375.1, or as those regulations may
be modified by he appropriate authority.
TN WITNE S WHEREOF, The City and the Autho ity have executed
this Agrce nt as o� the date first above writt
Count signed: By
Its Mayor
� By
Its ` � ���'�
� � `��v� VS 6�t-et �t��l..�c'.•t.U'cu.
`� �" J� .
� .� � . . � . , . 2��.�,��
. � � � 6
PROJECT iv0. MINN. E - 2
The area is situated in the City of Saint Paul, County ot
R�a��sey, State of Minnesota, tlze boundaries of which are described ,
as follows : �
Beginning at a point one hundred and twenty-five
feet north �f the north line of East Ivy Avenue
and one hundred and to�enty-five feet east of the
e�st line of Arcade Street;
Thence w�sterl.y along a line one hundred and twenty-
�ive fee�t narth of the north line of East Ivy Aver�ue
and E. �.vy �venue vacated to a point on a line that
is one :zundred and twenty-five feet northwesterly
of the northF,�e�terly line of Brainerd Aven�:e;
Th�nce southwesterly along a line one hundred and
twenty-five reet northwest�rly of the northwesterly
line of Brainerd Avenue to its intersection with a '
�ine one hundred and twenty-five feet east of the
east line of De5ota Street;
Thence northerly along said line to a point one
- hundred and twenty-five feet north of the north
Zir�� ef L. H��acinth Avenue extended easterly;
Thence westerly along a line one hundred and twenty-
five feet north of the north ,line of Hyacinth Avenue
, extended westerly to a point one hundred and twenty-
five feet west of the west line of Westrninster Street;
Thence Southerly to the south line of Maryland Avenue;
Thence westerly to a point 237 feet west of the west
line of Westrainster Street;
Thence southerly on a line 237 feet west of the west
line of Westminster Street to the north �ine of
Jessamine Avenue;
Tnence westerly on the north line of Jessamine Avenue
to the east line of Mississippi Street; (which is the
ea�t line of Interstate Highway 35E} ;
Ther.ce southerly on the east line of Interstate Highway
35 E to a point one hundred and twenty-five feet south
of the souf:h line oi Case Avenue;
Thence easterly or� a line one hundred and twenty-five
feet south of the south line of Case Avenue to a poir.t
one hundred and t��enty-five feet east of the east line
of Arcade Street;
Thence northerly on a line one hundred and twenty-five
feet east of the east line of Arcade Street to a point
one hundred and twenty-five feet north of the north
line of Ivy �i�enue, being the point of beginning.
� ' �
. . , < <
----- .
. . ._ .. .. i _... .:..4.
_. _ .. . . ,. .... ... . . .
� . 1 .
� .
, .. � . . �
• — - — — — - — — - — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — '
� Port Il — Terms and Conditions
1. Ter,ai..naticn oi Contract f.or C�t.�e. IY, throu�h aay c�.use, the Contractor
shal.l Yail f,� ful:i�.11_ i.r� t���,y ex�d prc�Per r�bn:er his o'�li��t7.ons uu�er tY,t.,;
Contract, or if t�c Cor;recior sh.t-?1 vio?�te �ny o�' the cc,��ufy.�ta, �.;z�Fe�ente,
or s�ipu?��tion� o� �his Cont-ract, -�hc Loc�.l. Publ.ic Ag2ncy shtall tLe�•eupon havc
the xi,ht to �terr�in:te tsis Co��r��c-t by f,ivi.�ag �-ritten no'cice �o �;h� Cont�•�.ctor �
oi° such ter��n,a�;ion �acl apecigyir.� �Che e��ective da�e the��o?., at ].east 2i.ve
d�ys before the e��ective dste of �uch te•r�ir��.tion. In sac� e4�en�, all f iniac.�d
or unginis��d docu�.r�e�-��, data, Btudiea, �d reports prepa�ed by tr� Cou�Cr�.ctoz ,
under thia Co��ract �h�ll, �t the optio� oi' iche LocF�l. Public �'�ency, becc:�s i�:
' prop°xty �nd ths Con•�r�.ctar ah�ll b� enti'cied to receiz�e ,just �nd equi�able
[�flriltl!� r.ttt.in» ?nr �s�nv rr.i•io'°nnfnr�r vn�r.lr nnn+ a MNyy ��,.�...,�,r
'."_r_�_"'""__ "__ -�� _ _:...�....:.....�..._.y .,.v�.. �.v.e����vC: vu �+a•�L. ��i.V�MYrvwSVV•. -_ __..__ ._ � .
� Hotwitha�;€..ndin� the above, the Con�r�etor s��tl �no� ba rel.set!�d oP li�bili.�cy
to �h� LoccLl Public A�ency Zor d.^�.,�ges sus�wi.ned by �he Locel Pu??�.{c A;;z�cy b}*
virtu° oY �y breyc� o� the Co��a�ct b f i:�c Con-�z•��-tor, Fud �L�e Lx�1 Public
A,�ency rr.ay �ritlihold �.ny �;a���nt� i;o the Ca��cr�c�or �°or t�ae pu��»�N o� se�oPY°
un�il such ti�:e a� iche e�.act r�..:ou_r�t oi d�..za�es dua th� Loc�a]. Public �,ency
�ron the Con�raetor ia detex;ai.�ecl. ,
2. Ter�.inati on �:or Cerl•��r��eLce og Locu1 pub�3G ,��nc�. T`�e I�ocal Puulic
1�gency ��.y �;�•ra:i�^�e i,his Co.z-t�.-�,c� �y i;�9�:i: by � notice in trri��ug flrom �2ze
I,oce� Public A�ency �to the Co�.��?����;or. If' ��e Coi-t:crsct is t�r��inat�d by the
� I,�cal PuD.lic Ase�cy na provi�:�d Yaer�in, �:��� Coatrac-co� t:1.11 be psi.d � e,:et;:�t
��ich b��s� �he c�:a� r�;•cio �o ��� 'co'c�.]. co::�,ens�-c:io� �a �.he eertric�:, �,cti:aliy
p�r�o�::.�d b::t�x to tYle �o��� cei°v;ces oi the Co��,r�c;�or covar�d by t�i:: Ccn�.r�:cL,
leaa ��yL:�n'c� o� cor.t�•�nua,�ion previous.ly ��;:��: Pro�:ided, hoR`Z�er, �h:zt ii levs
than �ix�y p�r ceni o2 tse sexvic�.s cavz��d by th:;.s Coyt;-t�ct ha��e been p�rYo�;.�a
upon th� ci:i�:c•tive c�:��e o�° such ��ex�inatio�, the Ce�tractor s���?�. b� rLirL�uxsed
(iu �►ciditi.on to tl?z a.l7ove �e._y;;�n'r,) ;or ti�.^-� �ox�cjc�n o� f.;,e F:cL��F:J: out-o�-poc};��t
ea-pensea (not ot2i�i;rise rei�:b�zrU��;�: uridc:r �;hic Co�4•s-s.ct.) ir!curred b�� th�
Co�i�r�,��or durj.r; th� Cca-crF.ct p�riod ����.c�^ ar� dire^t�� :.�t�;^�.'�::y..��� �c� t��
11riCO::i1'ilet�d pol`i.1011 Ol° �ti.:e S�^.T'V�.CE.'A CG�'21^Cd 2�y �LhiS CO.�t2•L1C$. J.-_�" �hj.sVC4,^A�/.4L:Li`. •
ie tei;rin�,�ed. du� :•o th� �'uul�; oi t•he Cou�r���or, S�ction 1 h�reo� r�lc�tive Lo �
'tCx"u1�ttF;��G11 E��il.l t!.p�].y. •
3. Ch;�^es. ':.'he T�oc�til Pub1.1c ��ency ��y, Yro� tir�° �o .tia�, reqt;est
c�i.�n�c� f,i�.:�e ecop� o:: �L� r.ea°vicea o�P th:,� Con�Lr��ctor �o be p^ri'o.�.�e� re.cun�er.
S,:ch c�:w;,�s, 'nc:�.uui.�a� �ny i,.;�cz•er,t�e oi decT•eF�r_ 1n th� r..��ot;nt of th^ Cc.�-tr�:�ct��'ce
co:�N::�i:sai±.n, t;��ich �:re L.u�tu::.11.� e.3rced upoii by es�d betu.:en tne I,ocn1 �'•�blic
A4�ncy c�.!id 'c?ic CoT���:c•e.ct.oA, cLZl.l 'oe inco:�pa.u�tf�ct ira �,Zi.i.�ten r•�::enc��:tz;t� to ta�r,
Cun�y�:c�. .
, r--
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HUD•621 ES � ,2 _ . .
' 12•69) • . .
k. Peraoan�l. a. Z'he Contractor repreaents thut Le h�a, or �.�ill �ecure
�t his o� expense, e11 personnel xequ�red in parro�in� the services undnr
� this Contr�.ct. Such �eraonnel shall not h� eLployees of or have arxy contractuel
'relationai�ip with th� Loc�.l. Public 1`�;ency. ' -
b. All the services required vereunder uill be perfor:aed by the Contractor
or under his sup�rvision �nd �.11 p°rsonnel en��.;;�d in the �rork eh�ll b� Pully
qu�.7.i-iied end �ha.11 b� authorized or perruitt'ed under 5tr�te �,nd locril lt�v to ,
periorm such aervices. . �
c. 2to perflon �t�o is servin� aentenc:e fn a penP1 or correctional inatiLution
shall be ersployed on uork under this Cantract. �
5. A.nti.-Kic!:be.cL Rules. Sal�ries oP archi�ects, dre3temen, tec!�nical , �
en�ineera, en3 technici�.za perPo:�in� �:ork undc:r this Contract shc�l� be paid
unconditione,.tly t�d not le�s o°ten �han oace a r,;o.-,th uithout d�ductioz� or rebate
on any accoun� er.ce»t only such �ayrol.l d�ductio:�a aa are �r.ndatory by lt�w or
perai�ttecl by the applicwble reLulationa iBSUed by the S�cretary oP L�.Uor pursu�n�
� to thz "Anti-Kic},bacl� Act" o� June 13, 193�+ (1+� Stut. 948; 62 Stat. 7�0; 63 s�at. .
108; title 18 U.S.C., cection 874; �nd tiitle 40 I3.S.C. , aection 275c). The
� Con�tractor sh�l cc�ap�y Frith all �pl�licrble "A*�-ti-Y;ickb�cl;" reguluti.ons a.nd shall
inse�c�t ti.ppx'op.•ia�te provisfo�s in al.l subcon�rwct� covering Nork under this Conti�.,et
to insurc co:3�]_i�nce by aubco�it�actors wi'ch such regulationa, �nd shall be
responsible ior t�e sub�ission oi a��ic�avfta rec�uired o� subcon'�rmctoz•s there-
i�nriA+� nvnn.�t mo '4�ti"+n Cr��+t+atnw�r nfi` T,a}�n-� n��y c�c±ni?i.noll�► �+•nvirin Q��+ t•ay.{e4{nrti
. _ .. -- - — .. .v - - � • _ .. ... __. �_..._
of �r exe�p�ioiis f'�o� the require��nts thereoP.
6. Wi.thtioldin� of Sal�rics. I�, in the per.for�erice o� this Contr�ct, there
io cny undei-pay;��eu�: o� cal�rie3 by the Con�;ractor or by r.ny su�contr�ctor thcre-
under, th� Local Fu51ic Agency sh��11 ��ithhold �'ro11 tbe Contractor out or payx:�nts
due to hira an a�ount suf�icient to p�y to e�ployees ui�derpc�id the diPPerence
. betErnen the r�1.�rie3 required her�by to be p�id and the- sal�ies actually pt�id
euch erso].oyee� �ar t�ae to�FS�. nwab��r o�' hours woz•ked. 7'he ti:aounts rrith.held slztil.l
be dic+buxred by the Loco..L PuU].ic Avency for �id on F.eeount oi the Con4rCetor or
'subcentr�c��or to �he reapective er�ployee� to Who:� 1:hey �e due.
�7. Clt�ir�.a �ud Dirnutea Pertai.ni.n!� to Sa1�Rat�s. ClRim� and dioputes
pertninin� to a�lc�xy r�.tes or Lo cZ�:c�sificatio:�a oi �retzitects, draftcr����,
technical en�in�era, ewd techni.ciA...iaa p�r�oi;uing �.�ork uuder thia Contr�et ahull
� be pi•o�ptly r�portcd in �n•itin� by thc Contractor to the Loca]. PuUlic A�ency �
for the latter'a deciaiou ��ich ahr�ll be finul ui%h re�pect thereto.
�. E�ua1. F.?a�loY:l�nt Onnortu�lty. Durinv �cLe p�rfo:c�.�nce of thia Contr�ct,
Lhe Con�ractox• ��-rees �a fo�.lo�rs:
a. The Contr�ctoi• wi�l nat dascriminate a�aa.nst any employee or npplicant
for empl.oy:n�nt because of race, color, reli�ion, sex, or I�At�0:1�:1 oi•i�in.
The Contractor. will t�ke affirmative :ictio�z to �ttstu e tha� apgl:ie��7�s are
� . �m�ioy�a, �a tri:�t e��pl�y�ea are tr��tec: durin� ri�plo���n�L, ��iLao�.zt r.c,;�u•a
to their ra�.;e, color, relirion, �e.:, or nat�:on^1 or:�in: Such ac�ian
aha11 in�lud�, but not b�� 1 j:aitecl Lo, tl:e x'�17.o��ir,�: e��ploy�:;.��,
up;r�3in,, �c:�oii.oh, or t���.�a�'cr; recruit�:ent o:• rearuit..er.t r�i�•ert�.r.i^�;;
1c��oP� or tez�aiiiation; rrsLea oi pzy or other fo::aa of eorpeusr:io.i; rnd
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k. PeraonnPl. a. The Contractor repreaents that he h�s, or �ill secure
gt his o� exp�nse, c11 personnel xequired in p�rto�ir_n the services undnr
� tbis Contrn.ct. Such �ernonnel �hall not be eLployees of or have a:xy contractuel
relationahip �ith the Loca.l Public /`�;ency. � .
b. All the services requi.red vereunder Will be perfor:�ed by the Contr�.ctor
or under his sup�rvision und e1.1 p°-rsonneZ en�a;;�d in th� r;ork eh�ll b� Y�zlly
qu�l.ii ied �.nd sh�.l.l b� authorized or p�rc,itt�cd under St�ste �.nd locril. lt�rr to ,
periorm sucu tservices. . �
c. tdo peraon wtao is scrvin� sentenc:e in a pena.l or correction�l. inatitution
shull be er�ployed on t�ork under this Contract. �
5. Anti-Kic�:b�.cl� Rules. Salmries o� architects, dr�tamen, technical _
enginee-rs, �n3 technici�a perPo:�in3 �:ork t!nder this Contract sh�.l.l be paid
iwcondition�l.�y ��d not le�s o°�ea �han once a r.;or��;h �ril;hout deduction or reb�te
on any accoun� er.ce»t only such payro].l d�ductio:aa aa are ��ndatory by la�r or
permitted by the a�iplic�ble reCul.�tions iasued by the Secreteay oY L�bor pursu�n�
� to th� "p�ti-Kicl�bNc}; Act" o� Ju�.e 13, 193�5 (��i S�cut. �48; 62 Stat. 740; 63 S�at. �
108; title 18 U.S.C., �s��ction 874; ��d �itle 40 U.S.C. , aection 276c). lae
Contractox sh^.�l cc=.,oly trith all �pnlic�ble "An�ti-Kic�bsck" re�u�ations and shall
insex~L appropria'te provisioas in t�l subcoa�r�ctE coeering �ork ur_der this Contrc..ct
to insure co:�3�li�:nce by aubcontractors wi`ch such re;u�ations, s.nd shall be -
responsible ior tre sub:,.ission oP a�Piciavita required oi subcon�traetors there-
i�»Apr PVI�AV1'F c,o tha .Cnnro+.�?+rr n'�' T.n}�n�+ n�rv CTi]n�{��A011tl rT+n�riric 4nr troriotinna
---- . -- _ -- .._� �r......_--•-----d r- - . .._._ - - ----------
o� �r exe��i.ioas f�o� the require��nts thereai'.
6. Wi.th.l�oldin3 oP Salerics. IP, in the pexfor��nce o? this Contr�ct, there
� . � �
iu �.ny unv.er-���.;���,:en�; o�oal�rie�by the Con�:rr�.etor or by �.ny subcontractor there-
under, th� Loc�l. Public A�ency sh��11 �+ithhold �ro� the Contrac�;or out oP pay���nts
due to hi,-a an a�ount sufPicien't to p�y to emplo��eea under�,aid the difference
. bet�men the sa?�•i.ea requ�.red her�by to t�e p�:id anci the� stil.�.z�ies r�e�ually pc�id
sueh e�pl.oyees Yor ick�e to���.l. nwabf�r o2 hours woz-ked. TY�e a:aounts �rlth..iYe'ld sl��.11
be diaburred by the Loc�..1. Pub]_ic A„zncy for and on Fbccount o� the Contr�.ctor or
subce�tr�ci,or to �cuL reep°ctive er�ployee� to �rho�n they �rc due.
�7. Cl�ina �ud Dienutes Pertaini.uc{ to SAl.�u-�r Rat�s. ClRimg end diaputes
pertninin� to aale�ay zates or to c].rasificationa o� �rchitects, draftc�.�,
technical e��i�eera, and techni.cip�aa p�rPorrving work twde.:r t;�ia Contro.ct ahull �
� be pro:�ptly r�ported in �mitin� by the Contre�ctor to Lhe Loc�l. PuUlic �{gency �
tor the latter'a decinion r�hich aha.11 D� �int�l. ui%h respect Lhereto.
a. Eo�ua1. F.?�loy:��at Qnnortunity. Ihirinv 'che perfozz^.�nce of thia Contruct,
the Con�ructor ���-eea �a fol�lo��s:
a. The Contraci;or uiJ_l nat da.scr3.minate agai.nst any employee or applicant
for employ:a�nt because of race, color, reli.�ioi1, sex, or nationrl oi•i�in.
The Contractor N11.1. t,cke affirmative :iction to et�siu�e� th�it appl�.can�s az•c
' employecl, and th:�t eL�,pla���ea ar� tr��teci durin� ei�;o.Loyc:�nt, a•it;ho�at re�;�•a
to thcir race, color, �•eli�;ion, se.:, or nat�:onal ori;in: Such ac�ion
shA.tl includ�, but not b� 1j,aitccl to, tLe x'0�.�.0�1�21;: ct:�ploy��:�n�,
up„r�31ng, Ze:�o�c<..o�, or t.��_nai'er; recniit::ent oy recruit���r.t �.d�cr��.si��;;
1c�yoPP or ter.ain�tir�n; ratea oY pzy or other �o���� oF cora�cils�:�fo�.; rnd
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eelection Por trainin�, including apprenticeship. The Cantractor ��rees
to post in conapicuou� places, nvailab;.e to e�ploy�es and �pplica.nts for
employ.M�nt, notices to be providcd by the Loc� Public Agency settin3
fox�th the provisions oP this no�di�crinination c?�use. -
b. The Contractor will, in all solicitations or advertiae�er.ts for em��loyees
� ' placed by or on behelf of the Co�tractor, state that �ll qu�i].ified
� applicants will receive considerc�tion Por enploy�ent �rithout re�axd
to raee, color� reli�ion, sex, or national. origin. �
. -
c. The Con�:rf.ctor crill c�use the fore�oing provisions to be inserted in all
subeontructs Yor �iy �ork covered by this Contract so that such pro��isiens
will b� binding upon e�ch subcontr�ctor, provided that the f'ore��iug
provi�ions sha].1 no� apply �o contracts or subcontr�cts for st�.ndssd �
. co�merciFSl supplies or raw ��.terie.ls.
� . 9,. Diacrisai.nation B�c�.use o� Cert�in Labor t�iatter�. I�o person eraployed on
the work cov�red by this CoLtr�.ct sh�l bz C�)ECu�I•�ed or in any way discriraina.ted
against becauae he h�.s �iled r�:�y co�plt�int or instituted or caused to be insi,ituted �
any proceedin; or hRS testifzed or is about to testiPy in any proceedin� und2r or
relatiug to the labor atanc�e.xds izpplicable hereunder to his er,�,loyer.
• 10. Co�ntir�nce rJith Loc�.l. Laws. 2he Contractor shall c�:�ply with all
applicable l�us, orcin��:cc-s, �ud code� oi the S�ate an;d local. �ovei�v,ents, an�
s}�all coz�i� no trespass on �..-�_y public or private pro�ertv in perPorr�in� any �''
the vc�rk emhra��d t�v th i g Cnnt.ra�t� •
� 1].. Sub�ontractin�. Io'one oP the services covered by th�a Contxact shr..l.l
� 'bs subccntr�cted rrithou� the prior written consent of the Loc�l Public A�ency.
The Contractor sh�l1 be as fully �•esponsible to the LccAl Puolic A3ency Po: the
acts e�nd o:niasios�s oP hi.s Aubcoatr�ctors, t,�.d oP person� eith�r directly ox
indir•�ctly ec,-�glayed by �.her�, �.s he is Por �he ac��s and or.�issians of persona _
direct.ly enploy�d b� hirn. �''ne Contracto: shA].� insert in each subcon�.l•�tct
epproprit�te provisioas re�uir�.ng coaipli�ce wi't� the lsbor s�andards provisions
� o� thic Contrsct.
12. A�si�zbbiJ.it�. lne Contractor shall not �.ssiuu ��y interest in this
Contract, �.nd sh�.1.1 not tra.ns�er a�ay in�erest in the san° (Yh�ther by assi�.z:r�ent
� or nov�:ti�n) tritaou� the prior written a�prev�;1 0� tr,e Loca1 Public �igency:
� Prov�ded, ho..*aver, tnnt claims for �oney due or to b�co�° du� the Contr��ter
Sro:� the LocE]. Public A�ency t:nder this Contract may be aESi�ed to a bank,
trust co�p��y, oi• other financiel ins�itution, or to a Trustec in Aankrupt.cy,
xithout such �.pproval. tlottce o� er.y such �3si�ment or tr:n�fer sh411 be
1°�rniahed pro:�ptly to the i,oc�l Public l�,ency. ,
�.3. Interest of MeMb�i•s of Lccrl Pi�blic A?enc�. Ir'o menb�r oP the �over:�in�
bod�� oP the Loca1 Public E,�;r.ncy, �.n� na o�her oificer, ernployee, or �ent oP the
Locc►1 Public F�;ency �ri�o exe�-cise� �ny functioils or respensi.bilities in coaaect�o:�
, aith the c�.x•rying ov.t o� L��e Pro�ect to rrhic'�� thia Contract pertains, sh��.l hsve
o,ny pereonsJ. interest, dircct or indirect, in tric Coutxact. .
1�+., Inte:��st of Gt�ez• Loeal Publi.c Of:°icitil.a. ido r�::mber 'of th� �ovex�nin3
b�dy o� the locc_titf zii �•hich t}�e Yro,ject r"L�a is situ�ted, und no other pu'�lic
oi'Piciel o� ruch locality, �:;zo exarciser� eir�y �unctions or resp�nsibilitie� in �.
the revielr or tip�7•ovc11 of Lhe c�ri•yin� out af tk�� Pro��ct to �a:�ich this CoZtr�.ct
pertain�, sh�11 h;��•e �y pe�•BOiial iii�ei-es�, diz•ect or inilixect, in tt7is Cont:act.
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HUD-621 B _ 4 _ • .
15. Interest of Ccrtain Federt�.l Of�ici�.la. IZo member oP or Delegatc to
the Con�r,reae of tLc +�`nited SLatcn, cuid no Re:sid�nt Co;mnicnion�:r, ah�.l.l bc
admitted Lo nuy �harc or purt of thiu Contruct or to any benefit t� uriee her�:from.
16. Intereet oP Co�tr4.ctor. � T"ne Contrt�ctor covenantB that he presently
h�.s no intereet �.nd nh�.].1 r�o'c acquire �,ny interest, direct or indirec�;, in the •
above-deecribed Pro�ject A;ea or ony p�rceJ.a th�rein or n.�y ot�er interest �.hich
xotil.d coni'lict in �ny �u.-uler or de�,ree wi�h the perforutsnce o° his aervices '
}ser�under. The Con�r�,ctor further coven�n�s thut in the per�arm.t�.*�ce oP thie
Contr�.ct no peraon h�vin3 �nny such in�ere�t Eha,ll be e�ployed.
17. Fincl�r..�;a Con�identi.c,].. All ot the reporta, inPo��tion, duta, etc.,
prepared or asae�wbled by t�e Contrlctor under �his Contx-act �•re con�identiFil �
and the Contr�ctor a;rees that tl�cy ah�xll not be n�zde av�.ilable to e�y
in�ividuel or o��3E,ni�ation �rit}zout the prior trri�ten �pprovul of the Loca.t
Pub�ic A;ency. ' • �
, . ,
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?21527-P (Rev. 2-69) . , HUD-Wonh., D.C. .
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. ������b
2HIS AGRLb'I�1ENT, entered into this day of , 1973
by aa�d betw•�en �
SAINT �'AUL, h1TNNESJTI�, Hereinafter referred to as
the "l�uttiority",
CITY OF SAINT PAUL, N:INNESOTA, acting by and through
its Division of Fiousinl� and Buildin� Code Enforcement.
k�ereiEiaft•er referred to as the "Contractor". �
WHEREAS, the Authoritp has undertaken the execution and rehabilitation of
prit�ate d�.*ellin�g units ir� the Neighborhood Development Program Areas, �aith the
fin��cia1 aid an1 assistance o€ the United States of America, under Title I of
the Housing Act af LR49, as amended; and
WriLREA3, Cnz huthorir.y is involved in other renewal activities including
Mi.nn. R-37 and Aiir,n. �-2; and
WHE2F�AS, t.�e Autharity is proceeding with certain activities under the above
s�ecified progr�ms includi_ng the inspectian of dwelling units located within the
pro�ject areas; �nd
[,IHEREAS, tt�e Auth�rity �esires to engage the Contractor to render certain
techr.i�al advi.ce, assistance and services in connection with the undertakings of
thc A�thara.ty;
NOW, THE�EFU��, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows:
1. S�ape of Services. The Contractor shall perform all necessary services
uL�der this contra�t in connection with and r�specting the Neighborhood Decelopmerit
Prog�an Are�s identified as the S4mmit-University Area, Minn. A-1-1, West MidwayT
South St. Anthony Park Area, Minn. A-1-2, T.homas-Dale Area, Minn. A-1-3, West
Seventh Street Axes, Minn. A-1-7, and other renewsl activity, including Minn. E-2
and T1inn. R-37; and shall do, perfor►zi and carry out all necessary code inspections
&nd cc�de verifications as requested by the Authority using i.nspectors employed hy
the b�vision Of HOLtS7.�l� ,and Building �ode Enforcemenk, in *he fJIZOL�iLF�� manner:
'�'li� �u�ho�;.t}r �i►a3.1 re�uest in��ectians in wxiting. '�hc wrir.�en requests
are to be in the office of �ize �uilding Departmer�t no later than the second
. �. �-- _
._ _
. . �
� . _ :,
; x ti _ � � ������'
working day prior to ,tlle inspection date. The inspections, to be made simultaneously,
� are to cover the Electrical, i�lumbing, £suilding and Mini:mum Housing Codes. The Auth-
ority will schedule and arran�e appointments with the property owner for all inspec-
tions. These inspections shall be made under the supervision of Authority Rehabili-
tation personnel. Al1 znspection reports shall be type�written and mailed to the
Authority within five working days from the date of the inspection. A11 perr�it in-
spections shall be made by the Contractor using the same inspectors cahenevEr possible.
2, Time of Perfortnance, The services of the Contractor are to commence an May
1, 1973, and shall be undertaken and completed in such sequence as to assure the
expeditious completion of the Contractor's services in light of the purposes of this
agr�ement, but in any event, all services required hereunder shall be compleL-ed on
or before June 30, 1974. Any delay in performance caused by failure of the Authority
to 3ct on any matters reqairing decision hereunder shall not be charged against the
Contractor, and the time allowed the Contractor for performance under this Agreement
shall be extended in accordance with such delay..
3. Compensation. �he Authority will pay to the Contractor on the basi.s of an
hourly rate salary £or a Field Inspector at the rate of F,ight Dollars and T�•renty
Eight Cents ($8.28} per hour; a Senior Inspector at the rate of Eight Dollars and
Sir,ty Three Cents ($8.63) per hour; and a Clerk-Typist II at the rate of Three
Dollars and I�'ifty-five Cents ($3.55) per hour. The Authority shall reimburse those
employees of the Contractor set forth above at the rate established by the Contrac�or
far travel performed by privately owned automobiles in the performance of their duties
under the Contract; the records of the Contractor shall be open to inspection by the
Authority f�r purposes of verifying said costs,
In n� event shall the total disbursements under this contract by the Authority
be less than One Hundred Twenty T.housand Dollars ($120,000.00) if the Contra�tor ag-
rees that one full inspection team sfiall be supplied to perform full time under
this contract.
Payments made for fringes and overhead shall be included in the total contract
price and in no event shall these payments, together with a11 other disbursements
made under thfs contract exceed One Hundred Eighty Four Thousand, Seven Hundred
Dollars ($184,700.00) for actual work performed, which sum shall constitute full
and complete compensation for the Contractor's services hereunder. If there is an
in�rease in the hourly rate salary for a Field Inspector, Senior Inspector, and
Yage "Two
: . .
� ,+i . ���4��
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Cl�rk-Typist II, then the hourly rate salary and the upset £igure shall be adjusted
accordingly. The ContractoY shal� be paid by the Authority within thirty (30) days
after receipt of a requisition specifying work per.£armed.
4. Terms and Canditions. Except as otherwise expressly provided, this
Agreement is subject to and h�reby incarporates by reference the provisions attached
hereto as Part II - Terms and Conditions (Form H-621b).
IN ts'ITNESS WHEREOF, the. Authority and the Contractor have executed this
Agreement as of the day and year first above written.
Approved as to foi-m: CITY OF SAINr PAUL, MINt1ESOTA
Assistant City Attorney Its City Clerk
Its Actir►g Head, Departnieut of
r,:- _ ._ �, �. �