261985 WHITE - CITY CLERK 1 �l,��4 �� PINK - FINANCE COlIIICll �y � BLUERY- MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. Co ncil esoluti Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses for permits to conduct Bingo games, applied for by the following organizations at the addresses stated� for the days, dates and hours indicated on each application, be and the same are hereby granted. St. Jude Circle 156 W. 9th Street 1�9 �'ds, Appn. M 9556 Renewal JeWish War Veterans Post 162 4�9 Wabasha Street 52 Pds. 't 9573 `� St. Paul Joint Committee Scholarship Fund� C.O.F. 156 w. 9th Street 52 Pds. " 95?!t " St. Paul Joint Committee Youth Activities, C.O.F. 1058 University Avenue 51 Pds. " 9592 '� Holy Name Society, Blessed Sacrament Church 1801 I,aCrosse 1 Pd. " 9741 " C$U�VCILMEN Yeas u ler Na s Requested by Department of: Y �r4- Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith p Agalnst BY x9pc�lttt �ic�edler Tedesco Mme.President�$e�ar I$irit Adopted by Council: Date AUG 2 6 1973 Form Approved by City Attorney Certif' ed by Counc' ec t ry BY By Approve by Ma Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gY By Pus�ts��� P � 1973