261968 WHITE - CITY CLERK COl1ClCI1 /�� `.�►.',.:�,7� ��cN< ,�`-�EPAR MENT GITY F SAINT PAIIL hi��t�_' ��`,J BLU� - MA�OR File NO. `+ � l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon and pursuant to the pertinent appeal, under the Zoning Code, by Skyline Towers Company, owner of the subject real estate, situate in the City of Saint Paul and more particularly described as follows : COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine � Meredith Against By Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form A roved by City Attor Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By Approved by MaXor: Date Ap r ed by Ma or for Submission to C unc'1 ��� /'� �v • � By � ! � � . . . � � . � . i � ���' � . � � � '� . . . . . .. � . . . � ��� , � , . 2 . � . . . � . � Pnr��� 1 - Lots 22, 13 and 14, Bloc� 3, and Lots i and 2, Bloe!c S, includiag ths[ gart of �djoiniug Doaahut StrPet, form�rly Bohn Avenu2 vacated, lyf.ng i�eat of the exteasioa ��toss s�id Street of the East iines of said Blocics 3 and 5, an� Esst of a curvZd Tine coacsve to the West having a radius oi C;5.5 feet, the c�ntar of said circular cnrve beirtg lflcaced 33 feet distanc� East of the SouthTaast corner of said I,ot I2, Block 3� as messured along tne South line of said Lot 12, a.d 32.75 feet South frcm the S�anth �.iae af said Lat 12, subject to tha rights of tha City of St. Paul in that part of Lot i2: in said Blac'� 3, and in Lats l and 2 in said Blac�C 5 contained withiA th� ciren ar curve passing through the Sout�zsaest corn�er oi said Lot 12, Blocic 3 aud having a�radius - of 46.5 feet, the ceater of said circular curve being located 33 feet distance East of tha South�est cerner oE said Lot i2, Block 3, as measured along the S�uth Fiae af said Lot �12 and 32.7b feet South of said Sonth liae of Lot 12, also subject tc the rights af the City af St. Paui in the lYorth lfl feet of Lot 2, 31ock 5, Midway Industrial Divis iea lying West e= said circulat curve, and Lot A, Bloc!c 5, and Lot 5 to 10 iaclusive, Blflc3c 5, including that part of the North 1/2 oF adjoiniag Bigeiaw Street, vacat�d, l,yirtg betae�n tha ext�nsions across �aid strert of the West iine flf said Lot 5 and �he East �ine of said Lot �O, .�ll fn ,(id-.�ay Industria2 Divisfon, aecarding to the Plat thereo� on file artd af record in the office oE t:�e Register at I}eeds in aad for said County and State, aad �3ZC'.!� � � -- ... _ T!�at part of thz Sou�h 1/2 of yacated Bigziox� Av�nue accruing to Biock 8, �iid*aay Industr�a�. I3ivisiezi, 3Ji�g Easterly or" ti�e East line oF Syadicate Stre2t and Wzsterly of the Weat Iiae �i Gri��s Stre�t, accordia� to the recorded piat thereof, all lying aithiu th� foilo+aing describpo lia�s: Peri�ete: of Parc�28 A and 3 B2gia:�i.r.� at ttse inCers2ction of the West Iine of Grigga Street and the South Iine of Big�lo-,� 5trest (aaw Bigel� �ivtnu�), thence lYorth 0 d�grees, 12 minutes, 20 secoads East tass�ed bearing) along tn� West lin� of Griggs Street a distaaze of 557.60 f�et to th� Northeast ccrnzr af Lot 14 ia said Black 3; th�nce i�lest a3ong the North line af Lots 14, 13 anct �'? o� said Blocsc 3 a distanc� of 374.9 f�et ta thz I�flrth�est corner of Lo� 12 0£ said 51oc�s 3; thQnce South 0 degrees, 11 minutes 20 secaads West along the WesC line of said Lot I2, a distance of I39.25 i�et to the Souths�eat corn�r of said Lot 12; thenc� �'33C �i�a� the S�zith l.iae �f Lot 12 of �aid B?oek 3 a di�taac� �f b5 fe�t t� t�-« iatzr- sec�ion *ait� a circu:ar curvc tha cEnter iina having a radius of 45.5 f�et the center of said circuiar curve being located 33 feet distant East of the Southr�est coraer of said Lot I2 as �.easured aioag the South liae of said Lot lZ and 32.75 feet South o£ said South lin� oF Lot 12; thenca Southerly along tha circuiar curvs for an arc distance of 33.59 £e�t to chP ltioXth Zi n� of Lot 1 of said Block 5; thEnce West along the Mozth liZe o� Lats i a�d 2 �f said �3ock 5, a distanc�e of 104.2b feet to th� Northwest corn�r oE Lo� 2 af s3id �?oc� �; thoace Sout�n 0 degrees, 11 minutes, 20 seconds West, a distance of ib5.75 feet a3on� t;,-: W�st line of �aid Lot 2 to thz Southv�st coraer of said Lot 2; thEac� Flest a:s�ng thz ,io;*_h lin� o� Lot A in said Blocic 5, a distance of I99,53 fe�et to th� Eas t Iir�e �L S�adicate Str�et; th�nca South 0 degrees, OS minut�s, �0 s�coads Wast along thz East liae of Sy+�dicace Str�et, a distar�c� of 222,5 fe.�t to tze 5ontn lia� of �ig�lcra Strzet {no�, 5?oei.a�.+ nvenue); thence East alona thg South liae or �ig2�.ow Straet �no-a BiS��o•,r �,yAnue) a dia��:.^e of 599.8I feet to t�e point flf b�gianing, subject tfl th� rights oE th� City or" 5�. P^ai i� t.�at part ot I.ot 12 in aaid �3ock 3 and Lots l and 2 of said 31�c'.s 5, Iytng =ai�iil t^,� circular curve h�rein abo��e dsscrib.�d, � � . -. . � : . 1 , .. � � WHITE -1�ITY CLERK 1 PIyK ,-INANCE . COU11C11 (� CANA�.r- DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL ,t �J BLUE - MAY`OR File 1\O. ����'�.(� T� �� . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3 that the provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are determired and varied as and to the extent necessary therefor to relax parking requirements so as to accommodate a 311-car parking lot; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That Skyline Towers Company be and hereby is granted a permit to remodel their parking lot to a 311-car parking lot on property located on the north side of St. Anthony Avenue between Griggs and Syndicate, more particularly described above; all in accordance with plans dated Received May 14, 1973; � subject to the condition that said applicant-permittee, and its successors and assigns, shall make due compliance with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ,$,� Nays � Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President � �t Adopted by Council: Date AU G 2 4 1973 Form Approved by City Attorney Certif' d sed by retary BY By Approv by M or: Date aU Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � By By Pt16L1SHE� SE� � 19�3 -. ` D ���.���� � BOARD OF ZONING CITY OF SAINT, PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT VINCENT M. COUGHLIN PLANNING COORDINATOR June 6, 1973 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the appeal of Skyline Towers Company to relax parking requirements and a permit to remodel their parking lot to a 311-car parking lot, on property located on the north side of St. Anthony Avenue between Griggs and Syndicate, and further described by the legal description on file. This matter was heard at the May 17, 1973, Board of Zoning public hearing at which time the staff report on file was read. The staff said its observations of the existing,parking lot confirmed the appellant's study which showed a maximum lot usage of under 50%. The staff recommended that if the variance request is granted, the applicant should be required in two years time to submit parking demand and occupancy data which will enable ti�e City to again review the parking needs for the apartment so that, should parking demand increase because of a change in either the owner's or federal government's policy, additional parking spaces can be required. The appellant's attorney disagreed with the two year expiration date and suggested a six year period. He said the apartment is 80% occupied, 18.3% of the residents are less than 16 years of age, and the rental turnover is about 45% yearly. The Board discussed with the attorney the amount of parking lot usage and the proposed expiration time for the variance. Subsequently, the Board heard a motion to reco�nend denial. The motion was seconded and carried by a vote of 3 to 2. Revised plans dated received May 14, 1973, meet design standards. Very truly yours, • �� � �i,�'��� � �"' /m�s �, PETER J. MAIETTA � � Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:PLR:mb Zoning File �4�� 421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Encl: Responses from Traffic Engineer, Sewer Design Division, Police and Fire Departments, and the State Highway Dept. �612) 2 9 8-4151 .�----� � .,�-, �� . , ,�. . ���.� . �� .. Traffic Engineer Sewer Design Division - Fire Department � May 14, 1973 i � s �v1�� �3��� Skvline Tower � � � , s Company � 7477 North side of St. Anthony Avenue between Griggs and Syndicate Relax Parking Requirements /�� � `� _ / � �� � �- � �/ -����� � ��� � We found more parking occurring t�han the applicant indicated at a comparable � for example; at about 8:30 PM on May 16, 1g73 there were 165 cars parkPd in the lot, :this compares with the applicants figure of 92 at 9:00 PM on Marc'r� 21 . It appears as though the demand may be almost double than indicated by the applicant. In addition, present occupaney of the building must be considered, for example if the significant number of the units are unoccupied this would result in � • less parking than would be occurring if they were fully occupied. If the number of parking spaces �s reduced from the present total we propose no changes in the � � driveway location. - ._Also if the number of spaces is reduced and demand for parking in the future increase the applicant should be required to add spaces as - deemed necessary. RHR/cd 5-17-73 � • ,. -. ' ���� �. �� , 2rsffic Engineer 6ewer Desi±:n Division Fire Department �'�eY 1�, 1973 Skylin�� To�ers Company 7'�17 North side of St. Anth�ay .?veaue betwe��n Gri�gs and Syndicate Relax ParkinQ Requirementa I I �� , i�f,/� �r�� � �h� 1 C���-f-� .��� ��� ��� D.�r, �1/= . c�r _ .��.- ,�.�.�,, � r P,^ l' �� �� ��, i' {i� �� ` '•�' � I'. S/ / I�� _ ' t � . ���� � .,.. �_...r ' '?.��.}�s� waiz� Y',:�,�. :.:i.__::,..:*a:. . . . r �� L��E PA RT M E N T R. H. ROWAN _ � � f;� `� � (�� �C �jil CHIEF OF POLICE u � �� � � �0 F P 0 L I C E M AY 3 1973 ,,,S�,�r, �.�� C ITY 0 F ST. PAU L c���r �u�E��r��y� �uARU � ���' Saint Pa���, ��,;�n�:���., 101 E 10TH STREET ,�'tAV .�� 1�•�3 ST PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 ' (61 2)-291-11 1 1 St. Paul Board of Zoning RF: Our C�rres File �730119 1010 Co^merce Buildin; St. Faul, '•linnesota 55101 Ger.±lemen: In matters to be considered b�.� the Boarc? �f �onin^ a± a pu�l.ic he�rin� to be held on 't'rlur�;jav, *ia�� s, 19?�, �* ?:!?� P.`�1. , in Room :�56 Citv Ha11, T ���ould like �o mab:e th^ �ollo�:�inQ co.�.merts . File 745��3 - �n-�licant - 'P-e ner�^it r� in�t� ll. a- z7-ca.r narkir.? l�t in conn- Vir2i1 ��erfler: ec*ior �ai_th s�me a*�artment huildinRs on lt'ilso*► ea5t v of ��anUv};e nresnnts no serious traffi_c nroh]er�s as r,re��iot�slv comment�d on. Fi e #7477 - Anrl.i.cart - The an�lican* wishin� .*.o r�lax the parki^R re�uire- � Skv]i.ne To�,•ers� m�nr5 at th�s s�re �'oes r�t indicate what thev wish to accemrlish, ac t��e entire riece of nronert� as sho�ti•n on the nla*. attach�d to the annlication is rresentiv tised as a *�arking lot. tio comment can he made ►��i±hoi�t adc!i*innal informati�n. File �747C> - Anrlicar:t - This annli:a*ion to re-znnn from "C" residential to Urio ; ^il �o. � heavv in��,strial �+�o>>ld have ro obiections from a rraffic ��a e�J�oint rro���din� that the fOI lOt�'lrig items RTF' COil�lrlered lTl the ?2'�'l+'-'?� Of t�1(' arnlicatio�?. S?-�ict�� 3CC1�P..Ttt� �13Ve �ccurred on �h�nard Road �n the mo��emenr of semi-tr��r.ks in*o �n:a e��r of }�eav� industrial nrnperf�• Iec�red ad;a�ent to Shenard uoa-?. RPCer;tiv the Traffic En�*�ne�r's �ffice has atreTnte�? to affect gTP�tPT s��etv an:i better con±r�i of these tr���k mo��em�nts bv esta'�lishi:�n left-t�iT-n h3ns fnr �•ehicle� exi*�.nJ t'�� t�nl� farm �ahich is adjacent to t�:e anplicant'� nron°rtv. There is no obiection to the tTse of thi� property for commez•cial nroPerty, '�ut a*�v traffic exitin� onto Shepard Road would be reauired to make a right-hand turn and travel i.n a westerlv direction. Even with re-zoning, James Street would not be a desirahle rou±e to the �aest due to several railr�ad crossings and a r.ather steen grade f�r westbound vehicles. .Access to the north is restricted bv the location of a railroad and the bluff. 7f the applicant is willinp to accept these street restrictions, that is, that all movements which exit the nroperty will turn right and head :n a westerly direc±ion along Shenard Road, this office has no other ob- jections. File #i5J0 - Applicant - 'The �pplication to re-zone from Class "A" residential Joe Potter Estate, by Gregory L. Beebe, Adm. : to commercial has insufficient information attached to in- telligently comment on. From a traffic vie►�rpoint this particular section of Larp- - 1 - D.J. BLAKELY J-S. GRIFFIN R,F. LABATHE W.W• MCCUTCHEON DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE DEPUTV CHIEF OF POLICE DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE PATROL DIVI�ION SERVICE DIVISION INVESTIGATIVE DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION - . �� .� , . � C�TY .�F SAIhT PAUL ,�� � . , �llREAU QF FI RE � "��' � Steve Conroy Public Sai'ety Eui�ding EdMard Heinen Fi�e Chief :O1 E. Tenth Street Ass't. Fire Ch3eS Ma.y 22, 1973 Pau1 L. Rosetter Zoning Section 1010 CouIInerce Building St. Pau1, Minnesota Dear Mr. Rosetter: This is to confirm your letter of Ma.y 1�+, 1973, regarding the North side of St. Anthor�y Avenue between Griggs and Synd.icate for Sl�yline Towers Compar�y to relax parking requirements. We, of the St. Paul Fire Department, have no objection at this time. Sincere�y, 7 _�� -�i�-� ��'� Steve Conroy Fire Chief SC:et �fl{ �a ��� '�� �� ��'� ((� "!� � ;, `` ���i �,± �. �:._ ,_/ ,'�.__.� _� � 1�:: . ... �� i.�! .! - ,•r � :r_;���+ ci� t � ;.__ � .::s u �a:Lt E'�..:1, :�ii��ne�c�ta ��/ ( �''�' ,...� �j . . . . ,' ' `�a1� T L ..,�'_ � _ ���,� _ . . ���. STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS CONSTRUCTION DISTRICT 9 34g5 HadleJ Ave. No,, Box 2050 North St, Pau1, N`,innesota 55109 April 21�, 1973 Nx. Peter J, Ma.ietta Secretary, Board of Zonir.� 421 Y;abasha - 3rd Floor ��. Paul, Minnesota �5102 Ir. reply ref er to: 319 :;.P. 6z82 (94=392) 906 Ramsey County Griggs to Syndicate Your File No. 7477 L'ear N:r. 2faietta: Thank you for gour notice of April 20, 1q73 of a hearir_o to be held on r�ay 3, 1973 on the appeal cf Skyline Towers Co. to relax parkir!g req_uire�ents in Block 5� NI1C�k•ay Industrial Park north of S+.,. Anthony Avenue. The State of htinr�esota, Departnent of Hiohways, has no objec�ion �o said appeal. All ino ess as:d e;ress to said property has to be via Griggs or Syndicate Ave. Ivo access wiil be per.�it�ed +,o St. Anthony Ave. :,ir_cerel;�, W � i 4�i11iam C. Merritt ; �'istrict Engineer � i � � i � � � M � f� �1 j (� tl rC� ,� t : 1�:= .I� i� �� t��' i� rj�� � 'u �`._ t' ii_ , �, � t ..� •,i• • � , .. ... . .. f .. �b���� i!L..LF.2!�l e 31�:'{� i���L1�+c.% � � ,.�,air,: :'i:_;. .:�li -,:sotc� � ( �`: { P� 2 a = .w �i.P��'�� .,yi�`�� 1. ` �i � da�bP�� � i� � IE � �' � � . PRODERTY MANAGEMENT DIVISION MAR 121973 1550 EAST 78TH $TREET MINNEAPOLIS,MINN.55443 CiTY PLANNIiVG i30ARD_ P.O.BOX 1611 $al� PAtI�.Minnesota MINNEAPOLIS,MINN.55440 PHONE:(614)861-4571 March 1, 1973 The Honorable Ma.yor and Members of the City Council c/o City Clerk Room 386, City Hall and Courthouse St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Gentlemen: Pursuant to Section 64.03i of the St. Paul Legislative Code, applicant Skyline Towers Company makes application for a variance of the zoning code designated herein. A. The name of the applicant is Skyline Towers Company, 1550 East 78th Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55423. B. The applicants telephone number is 861-7261. C. The legal description of the property involved is: Parcel A - Lots Twelve (12) , Thirteen (13) , and Fourteen (14) , Block Three (3) , and Lots One (1) and Ztao (2) , Block Five (5) , including that part of adjoining Donohue Street, formerly Bohn Avenue vacated, lying West of the extension across said Street of the East lines of said Blocks Three (3) and Five (5) , and East of a curved line concave to the West having a radius of forty-six and five tenths (46.5) feet, the center of said circular curve being located thirty-three (33) feet distance East of the Southwest corner of said Lot Twelve (12) , Block Three (3) , as measured along the South line of said Lot �taelve (12) , and thirty-two and seventy-six hundredths (32.76) feet South from the South line of said Lot naelve (12) , subject to the rights of the City of St. Paul in that part of Lot �taelve (12) in said Block Three (3) , and in Lots One (1) and 1�ao (2) in said Block Five (5) contained within the circular curve passing through the Southwest corner of said Lot �aelve (12) , Block Three (3) and having a radius of forty-six and five tenths (46.5) feet, the center of said circular curve being located thirty-three (33) feet distance East of the Southwest corner of said Lot Ztaelve (12) , Block Three (3) , as measured along the South line of said Lot T�elve (12) and thirty-two and seventy-six hundredths (32.76) feet South of said South line of Lot ltaelve (12) , also subject to the rights of the City of St. Paul i rth Ten �������'�-�� ���,,.� -= ,'�.r+' � '': a , `.� � �.. ' - � • 2 March l, 1973 r�,� ' +�'`���,t�`� � (10) feet of Lot T�ao (2) , Block Five (5) , Midway Industrial Division lying West of said circular curve, and Lot A, Block Five (5) , and Lots Five (5) to Ten (10) inclusive, Block Five (5) , including that part of the North Half (N�) of adjoining Bigelow Street, vacated, lying between the extensions across said street of the West line of said Lot Five (5) and the East line of said Lot Ten (10) , all in Midway Industrial Division, according to the Plat thereof on file and �f record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County and State, and Parcel B - That part of the South Half (S� of Vacated Bigelow Avenue accruing to Block Eight (8) , Midway Industrial Division, lying Easterly of the East line of Syndicate Street and Westerly of the West line of Griggs Street, according to the recorded plat thereof, All lying within the following described lines: Perimeter of Parcels A and B - Beginning at the intersection of the West line of Griggs Street and the south line of Bigelow Street (now Bigelow Avenue) , thence North Oo12'20". East (assumed bearing) along the West line of Griggs Street a distance of 557.50 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 14 in said Block 3; thence West along the North line of Lots 14, 13 and 12 of said Block 3 a distance of 374.9 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 12 of said Block 3; thence South 0�11'20" West along the West line of said Lot 12 a distance of 139.25 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 12; thence East along the South line of Lot 12 of said Block 3 a distance of 66 feet to the intersection with a circular curve the center line having a radius of 46.5 feet the center of said circular curve being located 33 feet distant East of the Southwest corner of said Lot 12 as measured along the South line of said Lot 12 and 32.76 feet South of said South line of Lot 12; thence Southerly along the circular curve for an arc distance of 33.59 feet to the North line of Lot 1 of said Block 5; thence West along the North line of Lots 1 and 2 of said Block 5 a distance of 104.26 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 2 of said Block 5; thence South 0°11'20" West a distance of 165.75 feet along the West line of said Lot 2 to the Southwest corner of said Lot 2; thence West along the North line of Lot A in said Block 5 a distance of 199.63 feet to the East line of Syndicate Street; thence South 0°08'S0" West along the East line of Syndicate Street a distance of 222.5 feet to the South line of Bigelow Street (now Bigelow Avenue) ; thence East along the South line of Bigelow Street (now Bigelow Avenue) a distance of 598.81 feet to the point of beginning, subject to the rights of the City of St. Paul in that part of Lot 12 in said Block 3 and Lots 1 and 2 of said Block 5 lying within the circular curve herein above described. D. The street location of the property is north of the north service road of Interstate 94 between Griggs and Syndicate Street. E. The property is currently used as a 506 unit high-rise, middle-lo come apartment building under Section 236 e Federal Housing Ac property also provides parking spaces for th 50 units. Approximatel `35% f the building is occupied by elderly res ts. F. The purpose of this application is to request a variance from the following provisions of the St. Paul Legislative Code: 1. Applicant requests variance from the provisions of Section 64.03T to permi.t the construction of expanded playground and park areas on the park- ing lot at an estimated cost of $40,000. The variance would permi e deletion of 199 parking spaces, but would provide t �-e�� d �.. . ��� ���� s..-----''""'� ��� . :� _ '..' 3 Ma.rch 1 1973 , ; ' ������ � � 1.�� building a more pleasing atmosphere in which to live. Additionally, it would give the children who now live in the building a place to play actively on the grounds of the building. Sincerely, SHELTE EVELOPMENT CORPORATION a . chael R. Caro irector of Property Management MRC:le � � ,', zoN�r�� F�L� � .._ _ ._.._ _ . ��(1 �SG�' S-ly - 73 . �. ' , City of Saint Paui, Minnesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) ������? • �..�� TO THE �NORABLE MAYOR AND CITY OOUN�CIL yo the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION � No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks aad capacity: � PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) ( dicate type) Capacity of parking lot : 3 i�Q �S'�,���� To be used in connection with: � � MISCELI�ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Bef reshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tatioa, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location : /�d, Sro[� aT `�7. l`/�f�O1t d�h `�yM�/�4Te � C�r;� q S Legal Description : Lot S' � � ylock Additioa � r' I� Applicant's Name :�'/�I��e� DVm � C n . h, � of/ s f�l: �.�/f�,3 Home or Office Address: ��3'd �'. 78��j�. �P/ . �� Phone Number : $�y/- �b 7/ POR/BY TI� APPLICANT, s--�� �-2� P!��. .� �l� w, ` Signature (date) ��"1. - C � ���tawf �s 't Address : � � � Phone No.: When completed: file three copies af this application form and three s of tbe preliminarq lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, ftoom 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. � � i� �� �j � � �� 2. South side of Main St. between First and Seco ._ ^ MAY 16 1973 .—_ _. ._. _ _____ � -- - ` ` �tt�', t�A �`�'.� s K 'V �::r �+ t.._�� �� 1 Vl� � P�r `'��n�S�ta �L.,.: . ��' „ .. �� ;? y f �f�' `-'�-�f M �� s . � : ..� � �f"_,�4': '.�w ���.+���.vv�. • •. BO��tD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION May 3, 1973 ' Plat Map �k22 Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 � � passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. � 7477 1, APPLICANT'S NAME . Skyline Towers Company 6928 2, CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal � PermiC ❑ Other 6927 610 3. PURPOSE . Relax Parking Requirements �� �?,y����� A £ 'lJ 4, LOCATION . North side of St. Anthony Avenue between Griggs and Syndicate 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : See File 6, PRESENT ZONINGe Heavy Industrial 7 . PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: .03 Paragraph: 8� STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: April 27, 1973 By: PLR A. HISTORY: An appeal to relax density standards and a permit for a parking lot were granted in 1970. B. PROPOSAL: The appellant proposes to develop a portion of the parking lot as a recreation area and as a play area for children. C. VARIANCE: The appellant requests a reduction of the 506 stall lot previously permitted to 311 stalls. This is 195 stalls short and a variance of 38.54%. D. AREA ZONING: University Avenue frontage is zoned Commercial. The rest of the area north of I-94 is zoned Heavy Industrial. E. SITE CONDITIONS : The site is developed with a high rise apartment building � on its southern end. The rest of the site is a parking lot except for a sod border around the building and around the parking lot. F. AREA CONDITIONS : The i�orth frontage road of I-94 runs une way west-bound adjacent to the south of this site. East, across the street is a large r�iedical clinic. North and west are mixed industrial uses. This development ^nd a smaller apartment at St. Anthony and Lexington are the only residential uses in the area bounded by I-94, Lexington, University and Snelling. 9. BOARD �iCTION: To RQCOmmend ; � Approval � Denial Council Letter Dated: Yeas Nays June 6, 1973 Moved by . McPartlin X Maietta Benshoof X Date of Seconded by: Maietta X McPartlin Hearing: X Prifrel June 14, 1973 Secretary's remarks: Cochrane X . Counci Action: � Date: � BOARD F ZONING• REPORT AI�TD ACTI0�1 May 3, 1973 ������ 0 • Plat Map �k22 �'� . Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. 7511 1, APPLICANT'S NAME , Skyline Towers Company 74�� 6928 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other 6927 3. PURPOSE , Remodel e�isting parking lot to a 311-car lot 598 4. LOCATION . North side of St. Anthony Avenue between Griggs and Syndicate 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : See File 6. PRESENT ZONING: Heavy Industrial 7 . PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: •23 Paragraph: 4b 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: June 12, 1973 By: PLR A. HISTORY: An appeal to relax density standards and a permit for a parking lot were granted in 1970. B. AREA ZONING: University Avenue frontage is zoned Commercial. T�e rest of the area north of I-94 is zoned Heavy Industria-1. � C. DESIGN STANDARDS: Revised plans dated received May 14, 1973 meet design standards . D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has frontages of 557.50 ft. along Griggs St. , 599.11 ft. along St. Anthony Avenue and 222.50ft. along Syndicate St. for an area of about 338,141 sq. ft. E� REFERRALS: The Fire Department, Sewer Design office and Traffic Engineer approved the plan. F. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is developed with a high rise apartment building on its southern end. The rest of the site is a parking lot except for a sod border around the building and around the parking lot. G. AREA CONDITIONS: The north frontage road of I-94 runs one way west-bound adjacent to the south of this site. East, across the street is a large medical clinic. North and west are mixed industrial uses. This development and a smaller apartment at St. Anthony and Lexington are the only residential uses in the area bounded by I-94, Lexington, University and Snelling. 9. EOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval � Denial Council Letter Dated: Yeas Nays Moved by . McPartlin X Maietta June 6, 1973 Benshoof X Date of Seconded by: Maietta X McPartlin . Hearing: X Prifrel June 14, 1973 Secretary's remarks : Cachrane X Council Action: Date: ' , � ° — _ — , . — ,, _ _ _ _ . __ _ __.._ . � _� � . . . . - . . ,'..._.._..- _._. 4 . . � y . .. � . . . . . ., �'y V �.+�. y. .�/l<,. C. . � � � .�� �+„ � � . � : . . � . . . . . ':. 1 ��� . � �� y _ I � . � .........� __-\ � � �:...0:.,.. �. ... (4. _�� .. v . .. . .... � ; � EPT � i ' � � 1 � r � � . ...k ' � _ � � i � � .�. , - v � f �-' P J I o :.... �.:�. I � i � :.:�. _ _ _ _ _ _ �i � o Fosr a , _ _ ,:. _. � . _ �. � 1 � o� _ - -L_=- - ._:.....'-�:.:. ' .:.. . � ,, _—r-1—=�- -�- — � .... - � :, . ..�;�:.: - . I ! � I I .�:.;: o Q� � � � . I i I I ..� � i .;=i` - _ - _ - F- --.,� i �j - � a A � � � , � � ° � � ! i . _��.. . . . . .. ..._. _ . �.. . - t.-�: .. . . . ... ... ._:.. , _ ! .�• , � V• � 0 p , � � T Z � +n! � � � � � � � - - - -. - - . - -�-�9-�4-- - — — — — : :— —. -- -- —. ._ _ ...� ._.. ,.�. .._ - � I . _ _ _ --�� �.� ��' � �'� - ,� � � : _- ----��... j�..� � . - �.. � � _ � "`� � -. . � � : _- ; .t,; �� , �: 4,7 r„� � `` � .?' � I!';'.t �'� G � I (� G ,`" ' _"` �� •:3 � �' .•_� '� � . � •i .` _1> � . ' � `:rJ :3 �� ��� � .�; lw�,Q j ��r'� G L , G �"� f; ` •,, .�-',J:'�, '`•"� � �`i o ,: G r3 ' 6:`; �;' �'> � ��,'� c, ; � t q y� d - C� C� _ - A � :� •� ' t � � •:� ' �3 �..•,, � `,� �c:�'^,`�� ,,,{ � " A �_� ; _ , . � . . t•'� .. . . �J1 � ,`� '� tl 1 . i f � � . bj� .. l:7) ^� 'T . (:.,I C�:� I � t I C14I���L� ` _ . �� ~� ..,, �� " _^ �-- "� ,,,_ '� �, ,� :� .z = ,�� � :� A��� ��� � �... .,,..._ �,.--,�-- m------- �- - LEGEND _---- __.__ _ �;�.,_� �______, _ �avoe �svir�r�d�d 'lf1'�d 1lVi�: 1Nd�dA �l ldtalSfloNl �r� � Hlk�ON �OOZ =„1 : ��t1�S �di�a3wwo� � v . t� £L6I £ eY�i 31da ��iwv� 3���l�n�t Q�� LL�iL �ON 311� A�fWd.� OM1 � : � A�Il�tt� 3 N0 O s�uama�inba.z �utxaed xejag 3SOd2�f1d Jllb3d0bd 1�3t`8nS � AadoNf�08 l�lalSfo JNINOZ -- — , + � � ����� ��� y � ' �f�:NU`T'F.S 0:� 2;€E PUBL�C HE.�RIhiG �I�ORE 1"EiE &}ARD OF Z�NTI�G �N THIIRSI?RY, MAY 1'1, 1973, ,AT 2:00 P,Mo PF.�SENT': �i�me, Cachr�ne; A��ssrsa M�ietta, Baas'noof, McPartlin and Prifrel of t.he Boa�cj; Mr�, Rnsetter and T4rs� Barrisult of the staff, SKYI,TA�E TO�7ERS GQMPAAIY �7477�: An �p2eal to re�ax the parking requi.reraents on pro�erty 1.oc�ted on the IIO!:�Yt s�.de c�f S�„ [�r_�h��ay between �yndicate and �riggs, Mra Rose�tea- rr��d the s�aff �epo�� xoa thi� m�ts�eca He said an app�.ication £or a revzseci pErmit u�aa m�de Mondsy. May �4.th4 �le said the plan caas ar�prcov�d by the Traffic �ngineer_ a�?d the Fire Aepar�ment, �and said I�e wouLci be requesti.ng �'evised p�.a??s showi.ng ene adciition ef a fexcce around �he cu1-cie-sac� He s�#�d they wou].d �eca�naienci, if t;�e veriance we�e graR�ed, that an expi�atissn date, say �wo yea�s, be g��ced on it� St�ven 1?utz?ck; regresenL-.f�g Shelter �o�po�aCirs4� $nd Sttyline �'owerss said thet Mr;,o S�tl.er ��f �he Ct�r�=_aci.I came tc� �h�tn snd �siced Chem if titey would enter f.ntio a project lzke tYna*, �Ie sazd they would be add�.ng green are�, a baak�tbali area for t�eemsgexs, a �s3�ce fc�r the e x der_Iy to wa�.k during the ws��s mv�?�hs r etc� He said they ncsw h3v� SO�o occ�pancy�. �ie s�id t�e �hmught the �wcs year expir�tfon dete was unrealist�.c �s they wer4 �alarning mn sp�nding $40,000 csn this �nd rhought six years would be ffiLig�? �es�istic o H� $y s�s �a�� �hat the fence was al�ready on tY�e ptan a P°r..�'� Msiei�ta ask�d hQv� many ct�iicirE�a ther.e w��g �n the apartments �n� was to�.d that 1.fl9, ox 1803/� we�e �a:�dEr Ib year_s caf �.ge� He s�aid �hat even �€ 25 c�£ the 1Q9 w�re teenag�rs? th#.� wcuZe� add c�ra irz � caug�e csf yearso Mr� Rutz�.ck �aid tt�ai: 4ld�LH is a�eut �5�o t��:a3a�*er in a years and tha� would prob8b�y bri�:g yoiF�ger chi�.dre�.o He su�,d c.�i�:� �h� �rrani: ���lc�ng 1�Y, is us�aal�.y f�112, bu� �h� Ia��es� �art �� the b�ci� �ar�i�.g ��at is har�ly used �t a1i� t�i o M��ar��.i.+_� n:ove� t[:ey �ec�,�����.d deni.�l ;�4c�use he i:hc�ug�►t a.t: w�s L•o� �;reat a �elnxation� H� said tEi¢ r_ew C�rdsnance h�s a :�-'s.1'� C� 1 ���k�.ng rat?t�, and tfiey don s t 2ve�� iii,b e 1 �o a,, an� caant ta Zsrtaer i t� e�r��z moxe a ;� � a�ia��t�a �ec�a�ed 4��e �no��:f�n s��ting �t��t tar thG���hl' �he raqu�s� was exc2saiveo �ur�.ng x_he v4�e, �s�o [ianshcwf Jo�e:rl asains�: th� �otiot�z a�o�ing �hat l;e bel�.eved tEaexe �.aa� ����t}- caf Z��,�?�ang ��ac� �fd ��Z�y cauid i�se a p?ay aae�, �ir.so Cc�s:hraxae voted ��ait�sL t!ae r�t?�:n fc�: t��e sarte Fr�tls�n,. The cuot�ior� £a� d�r=_a? was cv:rried by � v�teof3tr� �� S�:bmiYi-e� b;r: �3�,���s�ed by° P�ui a,,�, �as����� i��s� �a�alyn Cochxan� . " , ������ ` t��_�c��r���.> �,� �_��:.: .�u���.�:.r� t��R�.tr�c ����r.F' ���. BoArcn c�r za:�Ft�c E�?d '.i�iLj�3'c:.'JtjY, Mt:Y 3, 1�%3, E1T 2°0('1 P,NM„ P?tLS�.ivT. T�i�:�, �;�.���.:~�t:��y �Iess�s P4�zett.a �eushoof and t•�ic't'a•ret.in c,f +'.: Board� , ..e , i�i�� E�.�cxrs�i�: �,i�-.. Rase4ter auc� Mrs� T3a�-riault; �f th� S�.af�„ SF�}�:+_'�'�EZ_�:�a�tr�I.OY��Tc;v'� C(3r�FD�.r",i10N �'7477`r. : An a�peal. t� �elax par:ci_ng r�q=,�irements on .r.,rc�nc�-t,,_.`s'_�c:�?�.<�� or: !:�e�ri�rth si_de of St, Anthon�� between G:'iggs and �;7nd�i_cu�_� 1�Y':> 'C�OiPt-�Gi' S8:!�_' ��i8 i:: tC2�TE' 'vIr'iSi2 E t T11liC[i parkirQ gOltta [JLl 1P.. �:�1�S L,i;���.ZYY� �.Ot ar.ti inc}� ar� p�o��ss_n�� to �ut �� p1�;�g;raand ,�nd sodc�Ed a:e�s ii. �l�ce ot some a£ ��he exisr.iu� n�i�;�.,�`; s�acr�s. !i� s�ic� he advised the applicar_t thcy :-roulcl hav� ��r� c.�t��e �uc:; fo:r a special ��.�e per�uit because t�hey wo�;I.d 'be chanF.*,zng �i�e gark:.ng lr,�i�; �_anS:; si_zce i�e� woL?d 1?,ke Lr, ��Ece car� nf bo�h oF tF:ezr at ehe sam� i;ic��ey th�.y w�u�d 1:?.ke r�:;: n��ai:ter �ai+3 over, ��_'Ti pE'�'1F1�:� Y�:1�:7.'w:S'::Slt.=.t>� P��l�am L�•`_�'.'`^_'�;�.CS., :1�e�tC'C� t�18�: t12�V �ti'011r.:� l.�Y{.0 ��t S2C' a'9 fence as a i:�tfie� s;� +�E;�_t r,ac��.c3n'i be �s cn�ch p�desc'rian in;nr�e�enc:e wi�i�t t-,ucl;� cta;;��n; i-:��.? �ia:�z�� a-r_e�- li�::. b�ns€�co� L:-�-�z�vGd �a 'c.���; ;�;�z�- �h-z p��cen`age of. �ccu�ancy ��` t�h� a;��F�c.,.a�:t:; �ca s.. � �3'. i3EIl:i:ICt7S� i?1C`.'EC3 :=l''.F':,; ±:?JV L�li.:: ii!t^s1'_'C�f' C`!Qi �C� tW� tJ@erS; LT_ t%l3:i S�':.`OTlC�E'Ej by i��, r�cPa=��z�..� �!;r. .. :,�c�'.�:�-,_ii.r, 5<:,'_{:) c:it�y �E?ov!I.d f*�ave the i�ercc.-�i:ag�� of a:iLLi3'tr.+::l?.c)' £3�. f:i2c `_c£_�":: ..._;:'L?_;:);.� Ci?_. ���CL"`�2 ��A�E?C? :iF;e3;I�Sl". �i,e sC7�z.Glr1 _ ::c:i:;r2h L•h;�t a�xv �:iea}?�>:�s �c� +_i,��• �,a�ici_��.�; :aa��i,3 s��;_�.l u<< det�?_rien�:a�. �����.:? �:ia�-s�ei`.o�2 th�ufht� :?� S�";(7Ui.ii �:i:: <!e?'.t�,2Ci,; }.'"'.!? :.:Ct?'?_Grt .....�":ti�,E'Ci >j� 8 V�I�E'. C�i 3 L�'� i . Sub�li.t��ec� by< Q,r.�:-ove� }�� : �'au"� T; t;c,s� ;_i-��,- i��x•::�.. +„<<�.:ol.;n� i10-.i:�:��r�}c _ - -� � � .����� . � • ��:�,� �.��.��; ��,7.� �� ���► � - -��-_. �::��► : STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY3 CONSTRUCTION D18TRICT g 34$5 Hadley Ave. No., B 2050 North St. Paul, Minnesot 55109 dune 5, 1973 Mr. ftobert W. Trudeau Department of Finance Room 113 City Hall St. Paul, r�innesota 55102 In reply refer to: 319 s.P, 62g2 (9�.392) Ramsey County � Gri�gs to Syndicate Your File No. 1333 � Dear Mr. Trudeau: � Thank you for your notice of June l, lqj3 of a hearing to be held on � June 11�., 1973 on the application of Sl�,yline Towers to relax parking � requirements on the north side of the highway right of way between 1 Griggs and Syndieate. � The State of Minnesota, Department of Highways, has no objection to � said application. � Attached is a print of our right of way map showing in red access control between Griggs and Syndicate. Ingress and egress to the subject propert� must be to either Griggs or Syndicate and not to St. Anthony Ave, Sincerely, C� �'� �� �� � ����� � WilLiam C. �Ierritt .� +. District �,�ineer � � Att c • �' � a h. i� � � ��� � � ,� � n �� O �.,.R,..� r,. .-: :,.,�:-a.»,�....:.ye.-..w:...<.-,a:.,...s�.aou��•w.,uv�.,..r;�.. ...:.�,,.«.,�„�,s.. �...:.,.;:xs_ .,,,"...�.�.....:,.. •u;..,:, a::.•.�. . . ... .. .. . � r �s (l � . ���.:r�efarx���sr*, .. . . ,, . ,... .�- .. -.ti�a�.w,. . .. . ,��,. _ . ♦ �f (f�y (,� ,_,. ... . . .... ' _���.�"�.,�i+✓ - .. �'1..7�rs �..... ..,..k.. _ t. . . r. , �--�J�': ���;�� -� _ _ — r _ _�-1..� � Q� ��2?'l.a ' : ��-�.q�i�/�'@{/ '}^ w�, 4� ..,. � � . .. . .. � - , � . . V . ��" ' J 2°OO� . � ��:a .•.. , , ' , � _7'd�3:'� ' . , � =.�� � • � � ` .�•`A.� ? m- � � .., . .. ,,o - r• - - . �' , . ,�,7�-:1:,s s�..r-4O . . ._,. .-'-� . . . g '�! f r7�• �� '_ � � . . '�. . . �, . . ..�..�� .. .._ . _ ...�. . . . 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PAUL ``=��'�� ��"? � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES 4�``'� ���� ASSESSMENT DIVISION 113 QTY HALL 5T.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 June 1, 1973 File X1333, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Counci2 Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m: on June 14, 1973 on the application of Skyline Towers Company to relax the parking requirements on the property described on the attached sheet. The property is located on the North side of Highway 94 between Grig�s and Syndicate Avenues. For further information, contact the Planning Board, k2I Wabasha Street or telephone 298-4151. To comply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance is charged with informing you of this public hearing. If you have any questions, it is recommended that you attend this public hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your viewa, both pro and con, known to the City Council. ROSERT W. TRUDEAtT Director �' „t.'• ,A •., � " • - 2 - . "",�,��� ��. `�'� ,�:, . File X1333 parcel A - Lots 12, 13 and 14, Block 3, and Lots 1 and 2, Block 5, including that part of adjoining Donohue Street, formerly Bohn Avenue vacated, lying West of the extension acroas said Street of the East lines of said Blocks 3 and 5, and East of a curved line concave to the West having a radius of �E6.5 feet, the center of said circular curve being located 33 feet distance Fast of the SouthWest corner of said Lot 12, Block 3, as weasured along the South line of said Lot 12, and 32.76 feet South from the South line of aaid Lot 12, subject to the rights of the City of St. Paul in that part of Lot 12 in said Block 3, and in Lots 1 and 2 in said Block 5 contained within the circular curve passing through the Southwest corner of said Lot 12, Block 3 and having a radiva of 46.5 feet, the center of said circular curve being located 33 feet distance East of the Southwest corner of said Lot 12, Block 3, as measured along the South line of aaid T,ot 12 and 32.76 feet South of said South line of Lot 12, also subject to the rights of the City of St. Paul in the North 10 feet of Lot 2, Block S, Midway Industrial Division lying Weat of said circular curve, and Lot A, Block 5, and Lot 5 to 10 inclusive, Block 5, including that part of the North 1/2 of adjoining Bigelow Street, vacated, lying bettireen the extensiona across said street of the West line of said Lot 5 and �he East line of said Lot 10, all in Midway Industrial Division, according to the Plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County and State, and Parcel B - That part of the South 1/2 of Vacated Bigelow Avenue accruing to Block 8, Midway Industrial Division, lying Easterly of the East line of Syndicate Street and Westerly of the Weat line of Griggs Street, accordin� to the recorded plat thereof, all lying Within the following described lines; Perimeter of Parcels A and B Beginning at the intersection of the West line of Griggs Stree[ and the South line of Bigelow Street (now Bigelm,i Avenue), theace North 0 degrees, 12 minutes, 20 seconds East (assumed bearing) along the West line of Griggs Street a distance of 557.60 feet to the NorCheast corner of Lot 14 in said Block 3; th�nce West along the North line of Lots 14, 13 and 12 of said Block 3 a distance of 374.9 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 12 of said Block 3; thence South 0 degrees, 11 minutes 20 seconds West along the West line of said Lot 12, a distance of 139.25 feet to the South�est corner of said Lot 12; thence East along the South line of Lot 12 of said Block 3 a distance of 66 feet to the inter- secti.on With a circular curve the center line having a radius of 46.5 feet the center of said circular curve being located 33 feet distant East of the Southwest corner of said Lot 12 as measured along the South line of said Lot 12 and 32.76 feet South of said South line of Lot 12; thence Southerly along the circular curve for an arc distance of 33.59 feet to the North li ne of Lot 1 of said Block 5; thence West along the North line of Lots 1 and 2 of said Block 5, a distance of 104.26 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 2 of said Block 5; thence South 0 degreea, 11 minutes, 20 seconds West, a distance of 165.75 feet along the Weat line of said Lot 2 to the Southveat corner of said Lot 2; thence West along the North line of Lot A in said Block 5, a distaace of 199.63 feet to the East line of Syndicate Street; thence South 0 degrees, 08 minutee, 50 seconda Wegt along the East line of Syndicate Street, a distance of 222.5 feet to the South line of Bigelaw Street (now Bigelow Avenue); thence East along the South line of Bigelow Street (now Bigelaw Avenue) a distance of 598.81 feet to the point of beginni�g, subject to the rights of the City of St. Paul in that part of Lot 12 in said Block 3 and Lots 1 and 2 of said Block S, lying Within the circular curve herein above described. . ,� �/�,�..`'�-�_�'�`.J , r,.,� - _ - ++iY.�ii�f �;i �� € �ti-� - ''.- I � � � N�� I'' �: C+ I�'I ' I � , . � '� �+ � ,� �, ;:_. ��� c €t` r¢#e; � , 't�: t c � : ,pQ �'gp°+ � I� • / .> 4 :.�` . - . . � �O` . .. �s�. i'� . . . . . . . . .. . .. . , � � .:- -'. � w � `�� _ � ° . City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � I �� APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE I�ONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereby made to remodel or reconstruct an existing �cross one out) install and operate a new � FILLING STATION No, of islands and pumps : No, of tanks and capacity: � PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private uSe) (public use) (other) ,�[ ( }�dicate type) Capacity of parking lot : c�� o �S'I a��/.�' •� � � � � To be used in connection with: j -, : � '11�tISCELi,ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) � Capacity of p�:rking area: :� ' " � *Loc�tion ' /uo. �boC� a�? �l.' �ir�/�4x d��f �y kQr�u.T� 1� ���� q .� r} r / V Legal Descriptian : Lot S:� �� Block Addition = C- T z r-e Appd���ant's Name / J , ��h.�l �e.�(' �i�n�< �e�'� � � � Home or Office Address: ��1I'(� LC. `?���f. ���(s� ��'�� �'���J Phone Number : {���` �,'a 7/ ���/BY TAE APPLICANT, / S `�/ rl-- � � �r/ O�► �! ' ` Si ature �dat� � � � �� "� ( � ( � � � � / ���A/f p� 'f" - Address : � � Phone No.: , � When completed: file three copies of this application form and three pri1�'�s of the preliminarq lay-out p1�3�s of the proposed facility aith the City Clerk;, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11156 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. - , ., - �'" ' :� ✓.�.. � . .. .. . , _ . �,�, ? , -.� .. . . . � .. . - ,, .•;_ '- _ F ' ;; • ;. - A,,. - - _�+ �.. . � r -.. . _ _ . . . � ., C� . . . . .. � ` . �., . .. ;.— --- — ... .__ . . _ _ . i) „ . . . .� . . . _._.. ... _.. ......_ . . .. _._., — j� V -_ _.. _ .. y � � � � . . . . . � . � . . --.. - '. . . 9. Y .!�. ` .. ��J �' � ���` ' I ' �, ,,��� � ��. , i4 Id� ( ' "� � � .,� e o. - � _ (..�.,..�.� �/ _ � : ' � i � EPT � � _ � � � � � i � - � � � � � _ : ;�-� v � P I � I �.:�. 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