261966 WHI7sE r C13Y CLERK � � pINK �—�FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAZTL F le ci1NO 2�1���� CANARY —DEPARTMENT BLUE —M.?YOR ` din�znce Ordinance N�. ��?' / R Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That �the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Sain t Paul Legislative Code, pe�taining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of �ertain prop- erties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following des- cribed property from "A" Residence District to Commereial District, to-wit: �..:_ ��, Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 4, Rice . � „�. St. Villas; situate on property located on the west side of Marion Street between Larpenteur and Idaho in the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. } COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays . xid�att�c Butler Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith d Against By � Rcedler Tedesco Mme.President�i� $unt Adopted by Council: Date SEP 1 �� �9�3 Form Approved by City Attorn Certif' ed by Co il etary BY•�^ By . Approve Ma Date Approv by Ma r for Submis ' to Council By p�BU�r� SEP 15 1973 . C� r . '4BO�ARD OF ZONING . • '������ CITY�OF SAI NT PAUL � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT VINCENT M. COUGHLIN PLANNING COORDINATOR June 5, 1973 � b��� 73 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Ha11 Dear Sir: This is written in response to the petition of the Joe Potter Estate, by Gregory L. Beebe, Administrator, to rezone fram "A" Residential to Com�ercial property located on the west side of Marion between LaXpenteur and Idaho, and further described as follows: Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 4, Rice Street Villas. The Board of Zoning heard this matter at its May 3, 1973, public hearing at which time the staff said the main objection to th� petition is that it represents a scatteration of commercial development., Also, it may lead to more comanercial zoning next to it which may detract from the commercial developments at the intersection of Rice and Larpenteur.. Further, it was noted that this site adjoins residential uses. The petition's sponsor explained that the proposed �ise was a 7-Eleven food store. As the Board discussed this, one member said he thought this was spot zoning. Another member thought there was enough commercial property in the area and saw no hardship. Another member thought there was a nice house and garage on the premises now and thought it should remain residential. A motion was made to recoc�nend denial of the petition. The motion was seconded and passed by a vote of 4 to 0. Very truly yours, Q��. rna.�;e.�- �,,�, PETER J. MAIETTA - Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:mb � Zoning File 7500 � � 421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612) 298-4151 , : ,�O�.:ZD OI' ZONING R�PORT AND ACTION , May 3, 1973 • . ' . , Plat` Map ��31 ' ' Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 passed August 22, 1922, 'as amended to January 27, 1971. 7500 I 1, APPLIGANT'S NAME a Joe Potter Estate, by Gregory L. Beebe, Adm. 2, CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal � PermiC � Other ���;�' � �°�� 3. PURPOSE . Rezone from "A" Residence to CotrIInercial 4, LOCATION . West side of Marion between Larpenteur and Idaho 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 4, Rice Street Villas 6, PRESENT ZONINGo "A" Residence 7 . PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: .06 Paragraph: 8� STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: April 27, 1973 By: PLR A. SUFFICIENCY: In a letter dated April 17, 1973, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services declared the petition sufficient with the owners of 12 or 85% of the 14 eligible parcels having signed the petition. B. HISTORY: There is no zoning history for this site. C. PROPOSED USE: The petition declares the proposed use to be a 7-Eleven food store. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of about 100 feet along Marion Street and 124.6 feet along Larpenteur Avenue for an area of 12,460 sq. ft. E. AREA ZONING: "C" Residential zoning exists on both sides of Marion Street south of the subject site. Approximately half of this block and the next two blocks east of it are zoned "C" Residential with the remainder being "A" Residential. F. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan called for Larpenteur to be an arterial street with low density residential use south of it. G. SITE CONDITIONS: The northern lot of the site is occupied by a small bungalow in fair condition. The rest of the site appears to be used as yard area for *_t�.is dwelling. There are a number of trees on the site which slopes downward to the south and west. H. AREA CONDITIONS: Fairly new apartments exist along both sides of Marion Street south of the subject site. Directly across Marion are two single family homes. Across Larpenteur is a church and apartments. Much of the property west of the site is low, swampy and is vacant or in agricultural use. 9. BOAlZD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval � Denial Council Letter Dated: Yeas Nays . Ploved by . Maietta X Maietta June 5, 1973 X Benshoof Date of Seconded by: Benshoof X McPartlin Hearing: X Cochrane June 7, 1973 Secretary's remarks : Council Action: � Date: . � . . . . Ailit�IITES C�� ZN� Pi3i�;�I� FIEAP��NG E��i?�2L Tii� BOAR� OF LONIH� ��.,� �' �►i�t Z"E�UR���,Y, i!`�Y 3, �.973, AT 2:00 P,Me G t�� a��E�vT: l+:n��o Cs���?s.ane; �ftzssz-ae iYi�ietta, Benst�oof and McFartlin ot the Board; � Tire E�3.cx�son, i�ra Rosetter �nd tirs. B�rriault of the 5taff., ,7{3� :��:tTt,R �S'1'AT�� (750t?�: A petita.�xt �o rezone froin "A" �?esiden�e to Commercial pr.o;�e�ty �.�cai:ed �z tiie 4��st si.cie of Marion beCcaeen Larpen�eu� and Idat�o, ifro RQS�tL�� �c�7d t�_� ��aLi �epo,:�: and s��ted tha� ehe Crnnprehgz�s�ve Pi.�n called for cc��snerc;.a1 us4 aion� Rice StreeL• a�t I,arpenteur, cahich is a�au� r�sao blocks eo t�e east:. He sa:�d �.h«t in �avor of the gropos3l, L�rpenteu� is 4n artex'ial �ou�� u;itia F �ixc3e ����.t ot way �nd is becomireg :nore heavily �r�v��3 ed o 'I'here are ptans tc� �.���wc�� La�pente�r Ave�ue in o�her places; hewever, therc3 �are no pia�?s t� c�3,der_ z� a4 t.hzs particu�aY pairzt. He said t�at �he �r��:.n objec�ian is Ctz�i� Lh��L i.s a con�i�zuous trend toward scatt�ring camr�ercial deve�apments, ti� s�id the ex_iseirc� Zo�.z.ng ar�in�nc� wen.t alotxg c�airh the concen� of. sL•rap zoning a�cl s�ri� cas�crncr�ial c�eve�.opa►ent because commarcial ases were placed al�e�� L-he b�s ro���:es a� str�et cex routes. Recently, Pl�n�ers �ia�rQ thought tha�: Cv�n:uL�c��i :zses :;haield b� deve?aped in�o nades or pockets a'w c4��rcial actzv;.Ly Ta�,�.c�z c�sn b� seYvi.ced by bus roures rath.er than havitzg Eeccss an�y b;� au�odno�i?e, 1�rco�:t�e� considerz�Cion is tilat if thi.s piece is r�zar_ed, the�e �s a vac�nt p�rceZ ;�c?st across the ���.ey, and it would b� easy for t?ie c4r�nerc�2�, eistrici: tc� grow �.estti�r��d, Fie saicl such a d�vesopr��nt rsi�ht �end i:fl r3raia �w�?y ir�;r tt�?.n c�t�c.erci.�� actzvi�:y �n Ra.ce St�eei:, The stuff reel� �'nat a cc�?cea�ra?�ec1 sh,nrsra�.n€; �e�.te:� mi��t �.i� i:he future be agp�ups�aate in tha� iowe;� ar�a �1Qn�, ��gpeni�u;� �us�: r•r4st �f i:f^.� sc�bjLCti gi�e. 73tx�_ �nis still. does not mv�?n x�I��,;: t':� a��� shc�u�.c� t;e ?�ezr��cd i.n � piece-mea� rnanner, nor that this parr�.c�s5�:� s:i�.e is �*st����:ra.�te +c�r �z •�o�.raercial u�eo It �aas n�ted thst it� 3d]Jti1� aL°&2.C�E.IiL'?u�. ^C?1L11r c^.�"ttj i.'s5G�5e 'Krs< ��i7C�F'�i'a2 sz,icJ ti2at sh�-. L:3�c:gh� t�� 3r�a ca the west, b�c��se xt a s �.ow, should }�z sie�jJe3o��2d tr,c►�c �.ntense3y zhaa the p�es�n� c.eml�rehe�:sf_��e pZ�n ca1�.s far, but she d�.cia'L �i�iak �i n.a:1 to gc� ccar�ne��c�_��., but couici be dev�.�laped =•rith ciu3_t�pie f�c.?i�y u::ic;�.:in.g;�a I�fr< L�ick l:,xczs,_}. 7'e�:-�._e�a�:��?� t:'rs� pL�:.j_i.3_on, scate� ti:�t E�he r��;n.��_:3� tti�ef;�.d l�e �p�x ci .�L317-C.'17�i;�.:ver_ S�:vi.f y c"ii7 i.Tt'�;T: �"?.�? titr�„SL?�(} �7C? SA4z22111�' Z} �.�J"yE'c'tr' SFc'15�:: .�:t.'Ltl �tl�? ��ver�-�IeVer. *:tla:ilza Tir o 1�IcPat���.n sai.d i!� i..��r�t��L- {��ii s t�,�o�:1�t i3e s�nt zonir.g and saic3 E�n �:.ci��c? 'f lce to s�e t�re c���si�i�n c;f ��� use o?: 7_4.� �ene�'�i are� be �efe�xed -'cc� �he �':.annz.rzg 13o�rd _�or �Lx�iY ���cr.i o�� 2�Ir, ':ti�a.;.e�:`c-.r: t'r.s���t�� ���e:�e z-:er� enc�c?�h ec�mm��ercia�. �re�s availa€:ie i.z� t:he ��eas °S�'�2C�F,3l.s1� W3 i��2 cz.�3 l;fl: �.�.0 fi��7L�LtL2$ C�CS:�_I!� 4Ti pa2C� .��i'C.'E.''Le ��?_ .^-�c]7_ti f:i'ilt�lkE' t+13:+ 't1.0 �ic`3a"G'S�l�7 ilf?irc'� ty'k�f3 "%:�l-^�.-fC? �.S i:3 k2�'C�C� ,i:at' �'Cfl3.S C.ClL�iCiC'YC7.`db �F'.?%*'�'�.C2�:�A'.?T1t o He t[�ct�:�o�c r:av,�d th�y �ec�r�t����c; den?G::� ai �:��e Y�eZOnia��, �t ca:�s ��ccsnsled by Mk o T��r.sE�oof sr�� ��lZe �;c��::i�n. r.��<�:_.�� �3i2c'3b?;±?:t(J:1S�)�o St�hzls.tY�ec� by: t�gp�:avcd by�: Pa�1 L., Rosette�: 3�irs, Carolyn �aczr�nP . , City Clerk . . ' � � . . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ����?�* ASSESSMENT DIVISION ' �•'� 113 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 May 18, 1973 File X1306, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. on June 7, 1973 on the petition of Joe potter by Gregory L. Beebe, Administrator for the estate of Joe Potter, to rezone from an "A" Residence District to a "Commercial" District, the property described as follows: Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 4, Rice Street Villas. The property is located on the South side of Larpenteur Avenue between Galtier and Marian Streets. For further information, contact the Planning Board, 421 Wabasha Street or telephone 298-4151. To comply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance is charged with informing you of this public hearing. If you have any questions, it is recommended that you attend this public hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your views, both pro and con, known to the City Council. ROBERT W. TRUDEAU Director ' , '`� '�',��,7c1 �'e�'� ..��' ��,�,t.,t.�.,�.� . ; .� � QO ,� , lr� �,` � `�% �.� m ��� � �' ,��,�..����' ��'��� o,� � _ �_���`� � � G 6 �o���'s�'v s��� ������ 860 Metro Square Bldg.,7th&Robert,St.Paul.Mian.66101 Area 612,222-8423 June 5, 1973 Mr. Robert W. Trudeau, Director r ���3 City of Saint Paul � b Department of Finance and Management Services Assessment Division 113 City Hall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Trudeau: This letter is in reply to your notice of public hearing on the petition of Joe Potter by Gregory L. Beebe, Administrator for the estate of Joe Potter, to rezone from an "A" Residence District to a "Commercial" District. It is our understanding that the area to be rezoned, Lot 1 , 2, and 3,Block 4, Rice Street Villas, is just south of Larpenteur Avenue and lies ad,jacent to Marian Street. It is our understanding that this rezoning is to enable Mr. Beebe to construct a small retail store on this property. From the des- cription of the store we estimate the projected flow to be equivalent of two (2) SAC units. Since this area is shown to be zoned residential on the Comprehensive Sewer Plan for the City of Saint Paul , we must object to this rezoning until the Comprehensive Sewer Plan has been amended and just reasons have been presented to necessitate this proposed change in previous zoning. Sincerely, METROPOLITAN SEWER BOARD � ��.c `-�`'�� Lonnie E. Dye � cR�� Chief Engineer LED:DSB:baf An Agency of the Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities Area :Anoka County• Carver County • Dakota County • Hennepin County � Ramsey County • Scott County •Washington County .. ' ` • . ,� w '. ,���R���� � June 5, 1973 Mr. Harry E. Mershall City Clerk Room 3�b City Hall Desr Sir: _ � This is written in respon;;e to the petition of the Joe Potter Estate, b�� Greoor; L. Beehe, A�ministrator� to re2one from "A" Residential to Commercial property located on the r:est side of Marion betkeen Larpenteur and Ic'aho, anc further describecl as follow�: Lots 1, 2 snd 3, Block 4, Rice Street Villas. The Board of Zoning heard tt�is matter at its May 3, 1973, public hearing at which time the staff said the main objectiun to the petitioa is that it represents a scatteration o: cocaaercial development. Also, it may leed to more commercial zoning next to .it wnich may detract from the commercial developments at the iatersection of Rice and Larpenteur. Further, it was noted that this site aCjoina resf�lential use�. The petition's sponsor explained that the propo�ec use caas a 7-Eleven food s tore. As the Board dfscussec this, one nemoer saic� he thought this �:as spot zoning. Anat:;er mem~er thoubht there �,2s enougti co�mercial property in the ares anc saw no har�ship. Another nemcer thousht there cca� a nice house anu+ garage on the premises noF: and thou�hc it should remain resi�ential. A motion was msde to re�o�end denial of the petition. The aotion was seconded and pasaed by a vote of 4 to 0. . Ver� trul, �ours, PETEB J. MAIEITA . Secretary, Board of Zoning • PJM:mb ' Zoning File 7500 � . �OA:tD OF ZONING REPOP.T AND AC�ION . May 3, 1973 � � Plat Map 4k31. A'cting under Legislative Code- Chapter 60 thru 64 passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. 7500 I 1, t�PPLIGANT'S NAME . Joe Potter Estate, by Gregory L. Beebe, Adm. 2, CLASSIFICATION . X❑ Amendment � Appeal � PermiC � Other 3. PL'�RPOSE . Rezone from "A" Residence to Co�ercial 4. LOCATION . West side of Marion between Larpenteur and Idaho 5, LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 4, Rice Street Villas 6. PRESENT ZOIVING: "A" Residence i . PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: .06 Paragraph: 8, STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: April 27, 1973 By: PLR A. SUFFICIENCY: In a letter dated April 17, 1973, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services declared the petition sufficient with the owners of 12 or 85% of the 14 eligible parcels having signed the petition. B. HISTORY: There is no zoning history for this site. C. PROPOSED USE: The petition declares the proposed use to be a 7-Eleven food store. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of about 100 feet along Marion Street and 124.6 feet along Larpenteur Avenue for an area of 12,460 sq. ft. E. AREA ZONING: "C" Residential zoning exists on both sides of Marion Street south of t�e subject site. Approximately half of this block and the next two blocks east of it are zoned "C" Residential with the remainder being "A" Residential. F. C0�IPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan called for Larpenteur to be an arterial street with low density residential use south of it. G. SITE C0��IDITIONS: The northern lot of the site is occupied by a small bungalow in fair condition. The rest of the site appears to be used as yard area for this dwelling. There are a number of trees on the site which slopes downward to the south and west. H. AREA CONDITIONS: Fairly new apartments exist along both sides of Marion Street south of the subject site. Directly across Marion are two single family homes. Across Larpenteur is a church and apartments. Much of the property west of the site is low, swampy and is vacant or in agricultural use. 9. BOARD ACTION: To Reco��end � Approval � Denial Council Letter Dated: Yeas �'ays 1973 , Moved by . Maietta X Maietta June S, • X Benshoof Date of Seconded by: Benshoof X McPartlin Hearing: X Cochrane June 7, 1973 Secretary's remarks: Council Action: � Date- . . ' . . . '���.� '� ;� ��;�,�,�, '�.: i�: :� .,. "'��,} f� ,. . � City Clerk + � � �" ��� ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL `° ��` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ASSESSMENT DIVISION 113 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 June 29, 1973 File X1306, Page REHEARING 1�TICE The City Couacil has reconsidered their action in regards to the rezoning petition of Joe Potter by Gregory L. Beebe, Administrator for the Estate of Joe Potter, to rezone from an "A" Residence DisCrict to a "Commercial" District the property described as follows; Lors 1, 2 aad 3, Block 4, Rice Street Villas. The property is located on the South side of Larpenteur Avenue betweea Galtie= and Marian Streets. As a result of the reconsideration, the City Council has directed that a public hearing be held and scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on .Iul� 12,�1973 in the Council Chambers of the CiCy Hall and Court House. For further information, contaet the Planning Board, k21 Wabasha. Street, or telephone 298-4151. To comply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance ia charged with informing you of this public hearing:` If you have any questions, it ie recoaa�ended that you attend this public heariag to afford you the opportunity to make your viewe, boCh pro and con� known to Che City Council. ROBERT W. TRUDEAU DirecEor " • , �,� �?,�; ' , �:..�..._.. a_:� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI August 14, 1973 T0: The Honorable Members of the Saint Paul City Council r FR: Frank D. Marzitelli �. ; �; As Acting Mayor, I have reviewed the recommendation of the Board of Zoning atrlfind that the comprehensive plan for the area to be re- zoned suggests low-density residential housing. As a result of that consideration and the consideration of the Board of Zoning, we sub- mit this ordinance for your consideration without recommendation. FDM/ca Attach. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02 O � r � � � _��� . � `. •, t►tay 2, 1973 �°"� �— I-L� „ _ `�-a-�;�o-v,,a,... � ��. �../. , . ,�� PBJ.'ITI ON L We the uadersigned, reaidents in the neighborhood of Marion and I,arpentaur Avenues, St. P�onl, hereby lend our support to the Conve�l�ent Food Store propoeed at 1679 Marfon. ,-r � . . , i._�.� - �'�,Q,��� � � � �7 � � , � �//�� ����� �,,� -, , ��I.�� " �.�4.� ,� r � ���� -� a� ' � t� ti _� ��,�����D �� , �, ��� ��;�:�--- `�-J� � �Z-�. -�.;�_C\. �' �� C � /'� �,,- ; � ��� � �,���=���� ���=%� � `� �� �� /'�-�rCf/u�� P � / �� � ' ...�(,A..c.t��_.._.. � o� � , G y��,��,� _ �. �. ��C `�-� Ci�'i-�� �--��-��t C�('� �) � � �, � �. ,��� . - _��l�, ��",�C�''c.-�(; / N `�"�i�� fi , . r: �' �Ce���!'L � � c, >z ; (���. � � � � / ' � , � 7 -� �. f � �� �J C�/ •� ��C-t,f �'`"�,�:>..i%J,r� . � � - � �� �'� -��� � - J // . /�t . J 1 ^ �./ _,J.. ;� �J' C�-' �Y�^ �-'--G ' .U`�% f ' ' G /L �� lL.��' �-....... ,'�c.�J•- , L�:.���QL��'.<� �' �� �' �'� �� ����� /t��u c.c. 'b-J���r�-�c_.,,-... '�� � ���- t�-nJ � .� ��`� '�7r� ' � M� 2. 1973 . �;, . • PIIPITIO�t We the undersigned, reaidents in the naighborhood of Marion and I,arpenteur bvenues, St. Paul, hereby lend our gupport to th� Conve��ent Food Store proposed at 167q Marion. C�� � � �. . . . � � d �-��� ��' �� . J �� r �� � � � . -�'��� �'���� � ����.�- _ � CQ�,� ���-� - ����'1 � ��`� . � � � . � , � 1 � r . ' . ��� D��� � � ��-��---- �1 ^�Qr�..h.�c�c � � `'�lCx.�� CL�--E-� ,1 � �7 . � V � -� -� �����..� )V�.� / �/ � �l " • �_'. .; . �� -'��f'�'1(,��i / L�L.���.L` n �_ ;.-,-�� . � � J �, ��� _ � � � ,�� . F � �s �--� �- � �� t. __. 1 �� � � G��..��'���.�,..�„�',�� �� ' ,� �.��_ � ��Q���� �� . 7��,�� � ��/, - ,�C t.t., ��,-ra.�-,. �� � � r �� . � %1,�1�-'�� `✓�� • , �Y 2. 1973 , �;� � . • PI�T ITI02d We the undersigned, residents in the neighborhood of Marion azrd Larpent eur �venues, St. Paul, hereby lend our i�upport to the Con.ve��ent �'ood Store proposed at 1679 Marfon. � � 4 1� i � ��'v/^'` 1 V .. � � ) � ��- ��� Z� Z , �� � ��'����- ° ���� � u�� . -��� ,�.���� � - ��u� � Q�� �;�v.`�.o'_ ; ` - ;,' �', v����. /l _ �% , � � �� ' L,.�.u/� ��� �'�`� � —�- � .---_.._ �, ��.�.��c � `=�Y�C�.4�:�.�e.� ;t � � �� �. '����<��� U �;f Gt�-�c:� .� ..� �� • /.. ------� / � !/ .� r���,�:t' 1 ��z�.,c�` � �� .. ,. _..� � � - � ( J ' ,�T � � �� �� . ,�s ��-e-� . � � � �i 9 � � -''� � r/ __ ���.. ��.��,���..�.�--�� �, �� �� ,�� . ; � ��` ��� ����� � �� � t./ , � �., � ��� ���-� __ _ _ _. _ _ _ __ .w� ___��_._ _._ ____ _ __ .�� i. ' _ l�+Y 2. 1973 . �;.. PETITION We the undersigned, reaidents in the neighborhood of Marion and I,arpent eur .dvenues, St. P�.1, hereby lend our eupport to the Conve�l�ent Food Store proposed at 1679 Marfon. C�-� � . ` . � � ��� 2'�.`��' . J C�, � � ' � � � r� ��� � ��� ������ �� ? � �V�� � Qa.� ����- v , : � , ,� ��� � �� , � _� � _.__ �-,�;� D��� � -� ���- � ��,� c��.� �-���c � , � _ `�� �� � � ������ �� � . �.,.... _--`, �� � . .f ���(:(.;' � ��t '1„C-'c� �_ ._J1 ' � /� � r �� ' `/ � 1/ �� � 6f�r� �� �� �� ��� � 1 � _.� � r _ C�;�„����,.-'�T.�� � .� �� �(,c.�-��-�--� � � f�� .:.��'��� ��y, �� � ��. � J � � � .��� ���� ti , ' < � � 2. 1973 . �;- PET ITI Ott We the undersigned, residents in the neighborhood of A�arion and Larpenteur Avenues, St. Pan]., hereby lend our Qupport to ths Conve��ent Food Store proposed at 167q Marion. . � f ���- ����'' . � �� ��r ����Y� . J ` � . '��� �.�-��� �' - ��w� - � CQ� ��.��-.�- 4 - , . � ��� �[�� ///_ � / � �A � �"'-�:�-- ���u� �- � � _. ,� `�Y�6J��a�c..� �.�u_c�c,�_.� � �� � ���� ,� U �� -�c� -..���7 �' �It • � �, �� � j� ' . `r :��f.�'1(:( ;� � G�t,.�[�4 � /�� � C� � �� �� . , � �.�, �- . l -- � ��,,�'��-�' _� � � -� ��_ �--._. /�G � � �� .;,�,�'�v�`� �"� ,�.��, � C� _ G���� -�?1�-'.� v � , , May 2, 1973 . f:. PEtP ITION We the undersigned, residents ia the neighborhood oP l�farion and Larpenteur Avenues, St. Paul. hereby lend our support to the Conve��ent Food Store propoeed at 1679 Marfon. C� . ` � ` oL:��v� � l�� �a�j - � ��'�/�a'.',�,�.— ° C 1 �r . U � � . �� ����� . � ��� � CQ�,� ��� ; ���� � - -= � �. � � , . ��� ��� � � ��� �.���c . � � �� ���� , � � . `��, ; � 2 C��, -t<:�: '... � �r ���,c r�� ��t��`� " �t C�_ -.� . J , �� , � � ,�`� . , � � �-� � �� l � ��,��� --� ► � ��� ��.1��.._ _ ��� � . � .:�,.�`�,��'�.' �� � � �� � � C � �,�, �J9'Z�-�- ���� . , , � 2. 1973 . �:_ . PETITION We the undersigned, reaidents in the neighborhood of Marion and I,arpent e�ur Avenues, St. Paail, hereby land our �upport to the Conve�3�ent Food Store propoeed at 1679 Marion. C..�-� '. . , � � �1 � ���- �'�Cu�'� � C�.�..� " ��'� � J - � � � . -��� ,�.���� . ��.� �. Q�'� �-��-� � � ; ���� - '� . a� '� `� _� : , , .� �-��— D7�,c,� � -�� �-°���- ----_ �Q�.,.h,.�.��c . � ,� �Y��.r�c�ti.�.� , � �� � "��� =�«� �����: �� • �,._____.__, � , . .'+ �:(lf��r:(,,. J L�z���� _j �- .� � J �� - C� � �� . � � � �--� . � . � , . -� � ,/ -_ �� � �`�;�����'..�--�'''-�' � � �� ,�� � � � �'� -:.��'�''�� �r � - ,�u.c.� � � � . � � �� � .:��� r � , . , . . �* 2. 1973 . �' PBPITI ON We the undersigned, residents in the neighborhood of Marion and I,arpent eur Avexiues, St. Paail., hereby lend our �upport to the Conve�9�ent Food Store propoaed et 1679 Marion. � -� � . . . //�'/�� � �/sv 4 7 ' ���v�v�-/��-" ����� � ��� / • J C�r A (� /'��/' � ' �y~ ' -� ,������ � �� ��� �,�. C��� -�-�-��-��- v � � . �� ��� � � � � , � �,�:�— �>�1'�'� `��' - -� � _. ,� � ���.� ��Q.�.�c -� � -��- .� ,��� � - f`, 'Ct�- ���-Y G��/���'�� �� r,....._-.._._._� � i/ �'CE� :, ��� ,���.;� 1 ��t.���` � r l_ _� ' - J . � - (� � �:� ��t . ��'� , �� �,� ��-�-� �, . � . � � _� , � � �_ ��_�___.� ��...���' _ , -� �� ,�� „ � ��� ��� �:r �''c� � �" �� �' �/ � � � ��� ����� ���;'� ' k' '� _�,` � � . ••,,,,ta . �,. Jut�s 12 y 1973 Zonirig Boaxd Graee Building 7th & Wabaeha. St�. 8t. Paul Gentlemen: The City Counci2 tcaday reconsidered their actian of Jutxe 7, 1973 t� deny the petition af the Joe Potter Eet�te� to rezone property , orz the west side of Marion between La�penteur and Idaho e�nd a new d�.te� of hearing hae been �chedul�d for Jw1y 12, 1g73. \ Very truly youra' City Clerk �Ip�z�g !�.���..q�')� � �'��L9 June 12, lc)73 � Mr. . Robert Trudeau Di..rector� Dept. of F'inance & Management Servlce� 113 City Hall Dear Sir: The City Ccauncil today recc�n�idered their actiox� to de�y the petition of Joe Potter Estate to rezone property on the west side of Marion be�ween Larp�nteur and Idaho� also de�r.rib�d as Lots 1� 2 and 3� l�lock �+� Rice Stre�t Villas, File X1306� ax1� a new hearing c�ate waa echedulea. f�r .Tuly 12� 1q73. Please aend new noti�es to property own�rs adv�,sing thezn of tlzis public hear3ng. � Yery truly yours, City Qerk AO/n� r� �'r,�`;'�;�-wr �r �';t1,� .�4� 1 y /� °9 �.J) 1 Ju�� 7, �973 Zoning Bo�xd Gr�ce Blc�. ►St r �6LLl�.� Mj.Y'121• . G@Tl'�l.e]'�Il: At toda�r's City Council meeting, � petition of the Joe Pott�r Estate to r�zone trcun "A" Re��.dentia�. to Conm�ercial praperty on the w�st �ict�e o#" Maricm between Larpenteur and Id�3w, e�I.ao knrnvn aa Lota 1, 2 and 3, 81ock �+, �tice Street Ville�s, wae 8enied. Yc>ura 'r►r.ry trttly, City Clerk A�o:�mnr �'!a=I'�y p� �f ti`l�'�� V June 15, 1973 Members of the City Council: The City Council wi11 hold a re-hearing on Julq 12, 1973 on the petition of the Joe Potter Estate to rezone property on the west side of Marioa between Larpenteur and Idaho. The Council also agreed that the area should be viewed prior to the public hearing. Attached for your information is a copq of the file on this matter. Very truly yours, City Clerk ABO:ml : ..�. .� � , ..r. . .. r ►...�.r� r '�► . r w v�. r..., ti � 1�1 1 a� 1 � / �riW'--i�Y1' • . . ,ev...__� � — � O __ � � < ; A�O� ~ � , � ; < ������ _o_� ;_>— � ���.:� � � < i , � > z5 36 � J� C 1�.1 � < !O~ - � ,r ' i � �— —��--� � - � o ��� � _--._r 2�L ��_ —�;/y�� , c.�, ,- -�'- -� �� C �> �� ��� ---- - � 3 �' *� " -�--' �----- t p-- 4--`�= ' � a1 � ���t ' ! �"±�f � i + � � � ��____�__1 � -- -- , _- - �� � � � � , �-� � � , —a—� .�, ` �����r—— f� � � '---� z �------�J � _ _ : � � �� ` A � � : � c �.._.._; _� � , , ' P� � ; ,,----� ,--�,—�-- � �;,--'---� � � � � ----�� ---r � � �' � � ���,.�� ,d �-�����._ � I �u� � d e - -__ �' - � � - - �-.: , �.�-_ _--__ � '-'�k�y�' ° ��i�iV�'� �-� _.. ;� � � -_ .�, � ."i � � � u — '�� � �.l �w � � � °_ <. I �� � _ ��_� / c �( ` `� ---�-: _-. � 1 � . , ��� � ,,_, - a J \ —.�._.: � —�_ � �, �-�-°�=—' •-— —_—� ; Y . ,��� ! 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O � 41� � p ('r�N"o'�':��•�L` 1 �V�,Y 1..� ��`��y � - .� _ _�� _ _ y • _.�__ 6. . . '..�� �----- - -i l ����,�_. _,_ !�� _ i 1 i -�-� � �'�. � �� i � � � � J � .� � -� r-�,_- V � � ....i 1� __ _ _ � --1� `� � � �� � � -� � ' '� '� ' � < ---� �� -�- - -- - � �� --, \ ' r �F c4 ' � � � < ---; > �� -{ � - � -- - ���- 1 ��' �- > i < ,� � -�--, �--- -- �� - _ _� � ' 1 _` c �� ( � _� `�~ < ; .� � <, � � � � < � �� ,.,` \� r 2� �'�� > � , < ! C > � ,7�,�'''� V C ! � � L � � � �' �l,i 4 � > ,�, < -�, � � 7 � • � � � � � �> .� , � L�� _' � < � > � < ��� �� .�.. t � �,,. �.. < > � ;� < L��� � �� < > L Q < > � . > � < �r > < W� : � a � i � , � � ' � �� -�- � -- C7 � --�- > � < �� � ; � < J� --.— --- � �-- ; , �.�-�--, < Qi , > � 1 , � _ ,.�...,.,: �` � t�E����'e�'� A�!� � .� o � � -�- � � ---�__' � — ----�-�-- A� E� ����� APPLICA�IT Joe Potter Estate, bv GreQorv L. LEGEND — — ZONING �ISTRICT BOUNDARY - Beebe, Administrator � � SU�JECT PROPERTY PURr�SE Rezone from "A" Residence to O OSVE FAMILY Co�ercial _ _ _ � TWO f=ARAlLY �il:E.; N0. �500 --- �-�. j��� � R�1ULTsPLE FAMILY ;E?AT � r�tav 3, lg;� � _ _ }`�. `j � _ • • n C 0�I IN4 E RC{A L .-T -. . +�;-L Y , T, �'��.£�: i�= 20�1� .��` �p�'�.�� : � s�s� INOUSTRIAL � .« ,. j � � ��, I i I � , � , ��� � . ti 'y.� ' �'�:�:,�r. ;^ �`., y I CIT�Y OF SAINT AUL, MINNESOTA � �� �� ` I `� I , a� . .- . � � I �I ��I I� � • • ` ` � PETITIbN TO AMEND CHAP1�EIiS 60 thru 64 OF T�IE LEGI�SLATI (7�JN�NG) C�DL � � -:�`� 4 1�-.G� r � , . .� - � � . � � .r:� I � .�i� , - Thel signer; suould appr�aise n�mself of� Ithe us�es e�itted uh'der th� new :�d�sx - fic4tion before sig�ing thi� petitioA.i For fu�th r infdrmation about the �� rezoning o�P prope�ty, cal� the Board of Zlning; Office at �3-�151. , i �(�lease type or print) � � I i � ' ' , � � Date; � I � , � I �L� //�,l ;: , ,. I �TO THE HO�PORABLE��MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL � I I i � � �c/o trie City Cle�k,I Rooa� 386 City Hall � � , � City of Saint Pai 1, M��t3esota I I I� � I � I � � li� i �Pu�sua'nt to Section� 64.06 pf the Legialativq Cod�, v� ,i the u der�igned I Qwn8rs a� ' � two-thirds of th� several,descriRtion� of x�eal e�at� aituat�d within �100 �ee$ of � t�He �eal estate af�ected, hereby acquies�e; and wi, the owne s o� �096 or more o� ; � the fron�a�e to pe ir classified, petition your Honorable od�i a rezo�e t�e f llovy- - fng d�scribed prbpe�ty: (legal d��criptiqn a�nd a�tre�t �dd�esa)� �• I , ' I� � Lot� 1, 2,1 �,nd 3.� Bloc�k� !t, Rice Stree� Villas � ' � � � � � 1679 ,�Maribn � � I � � I � '� ''� ' ' � ' I I frdm g /P , , District to District, forlth� I purpose of installing, constructing and/or p�pera�i�n� �t!e following� � �I ( � 4describe brief�y the �ropbaed facil�.ty) �, i I I ( I I � � � � � I I � Coavenisnt Food Stere I ' , � � ' �I ' , , � I I � '' CORD OWNER S NATUIiE LO'1� BI.dC� � DIT�ON I �� uJ�e�Pot�ererty� C� � ',� . ` ' � Rice �treet � �� � � I I� �� c,a �. FR� c N � � �� � ���� y�"�� � R�c� � �� r I II I � �� � , I � � � I~ ' .I � � � � I � I � i I ' �T" � . �6 u �.�► i �-� � � ,� � �e� z �� f a � ' � � � � � � � i � � i � i I , �i � � ( �' ' , R�c S re� Villae I ✓ e d �I Bi�ans 2 2 I � � � , � I ' � � ' , N � I � � ' ' , � � ,� ' I i � � �i � � � � � i I i � � � i f P II� _ � � � �' ; � � � �� � � I , �_�_ ( ` � � I � I � � � ' � � � , — � i--�;— _�--. ---; _�. _ _ ._._ I ,� I + ' ' � ii ' � ' _` ' . �I � �� ' I , ,,� ; � �.. � �; ' ; :,ti ,�,,� ; i ----__.� :' ` � i ---;�- I �. _ � __ �! � � ,'h?(`4 _.i� ...�_ "� I I ( ' € I ' �� fi � .� � � ��`. . �f M�Innesota � ss� � i �, � � II I �I � �: , ��f Rams�y (� � � ' ( i I� ,�I ( � I i � _ , _� /1�'S � bei g fir�t �lu]ix �swo �, 'deposes Iat�d states Ithat ,�e I I I � �5 ;,._ , n,e� on who circularted bhe w� hin petition co�si�tiyng of � � � ges; I that' tr.<: p�rties described al�ove a�j� the owt�era respec ively a` he lots �c�d imh►ediately following c�ach�namq; tiHat t�his petition�wa�1 signed by eac� of s�ILd �� qwner� in the presenr:� �� this �ffiantl, and tbat the signatures above���re tlhe tru ; � , � cbrr�ect signatura�.�; .z�- e�ch ain�t all of the parties� N ;;:� � .,L � I � I � � I �•>scrib d and swor.. -:..� ll�fore ne: ' � I � i � � I � ( I I �'�ay of ..�� -✓ ( � � .��M�,..,� R C. �unst �----t —, � i 1 � I Addre$s; 7Y$0 S lv� I,a}� $d. Mpls ���-t,sL. �i'��'"'"I � Telepho r�e No. 781 F-314�1) I ��3� � i I •y Public, R,amsey County, Minn. ( � I i �mmission �x�pires ' � I' Approved ,a tp f�rm � 4/65 I I � � � Officei of h� C prpo�atioa G�ounsel ' � ., � i 1/5/65 ` ' Notary Pi . �I i i r 1 M J 1 f � � � I I I ' I Mlnn. ( � � ( I ' MY Comrt-, i r,�;;,: ;,„,ch{7, 1977 ( I I 1 � ' � � I ApR 18 1973 �� � I� ZQNyN' � � �t Y� HIANNING �ARD � � � I � � ���� ' �irit Paaui, mnesota � � ( , � � � I � � ' � , ' i � p I i ' - � , _ , i � � • �` � , , 2����� � �(�' v . :� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � • ��" � `�� PETITION TO AMEND CHAP'F.ERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE `���j� Y � • 4/ Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- , fication before signing this petition. For further information about the � ' „ rezoning of property, call the Board of Zonin�Office at 223-4151. (Please type or print) Date: /L,!///�•7� TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street address) L�t 1, ?� a;�d 3. �i ock 1�, rti;;e Str�e; `v il7..as 167 3 I�:ari oci from g � District to �O-uc..�L� `-�-`c"` District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Convenient Food St ore RECORD OWNER S GNATURE IAT BLOCK ADDITION � Subject Property; l 1 � � :�iCe �:T,xeet u'OZ i'Ot'tZT' �� t' s� 'S �F��c,� �. ,�R► c N � ��tia�� y�h 7 ��c� Sr�t�Fr� L ��4/L, . ���SCN � � �t i� i� ,.y��?i�7 �t Qi S?+�8�� �T C . a us�� a `� ; ✓ ' r o - v �� a9 a ��e ..� s ��� .� �. i�. � Q.. � � 3 �� fl �► � r �� i � State of Minnesota � ss County of Ramsey ( ��. �,�/�5� being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of � pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so descr' ed. Subscribed and sworn to b�¢fore me / 'this ��ay of ��!e-�'e:�,...,C�y . ` R C. �nst Address; �180 Silver Lake xd. Mpla ��L `° Telephone No. 781-�1w1 S�t'32 - Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires Approved as to form 1/4/65 f . ,, .,, , Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 �,;o;;,: �,� . „ , _'v. i.^inn. My Ccr;�.r.,.�..,�..;n Lxpiics (:..,ch 7, 1977, - ���``�`� � u ��� � �����C7 �'�d.E � "�r��� APR 1 ��9�� , C ' rANNi ' ��.,.,..,.�' . _ _ ::,�-- � t �-.�..�-� ,� _� 4 _ , �� � - ` � � � �- I . _< AB o� _ _ ' • � ` � __- '_ -J� � � < > F I 36 ' � 36 o � — L ,� • ---� 2 q — — ` I 0 � --- --�11- 29 � � ` � � .. I ..__ . .� Q-- � A9 i ' O I � � ` � Q � G 23 ' � � . ��.. �_ � O O � � . � < „ � O � > � o � � _. o f o I �9 I � � �w:;. � � � —t��E�� L _ .! : �. �w „ < --- � �1 � � ' �,; 4.: \ < _o_ � � _ � �� < .� - � o t�.;'C.J Y,..-�' �� _.�t�s --- :. Fi.� �: '.,r � __ �Y —— f � �j ��!7► � o` �~ - � - �J �I.� �.1 V�� _ ` � �_ � � �, � �; � f � ° ` J I _ _ � O ' _���, � o t� � � �' o 0 a�e� � t� OG � �� � o �,� �r.. � �. --- � F,� ��� �� � I o ��-� w �, � ��� -- _ o� � ; L -o- W � � , �� �� � �` �` _ ' � � = -° � ' - -� -�s- -- .. �� (� 23 ' M � F` �� �.� � .:;o �: M1 ——— , `,�. '� "� �C.� ^ IG t`' f:'; c S V � --9 � � � ,�t:� � ,� � u � (� V �� ' _ �� � .� � ��. —HC�fT— --� AVE �- _ � 0 j— —8— — ---- _ > < � . U.�: `('�J � � � _> �'� ---- � --�- �,.J = 4 � < � � � \� _3 E_ _24_ _ > < - ��� - v > < ' > � __.� r-� __ �� > � < � � < 2� > < f � < � V < � < � > << - < ' � < � > � � > < J � > � W < > � > < � � J � Q s > � h- < > ..., .� < L� > < � < > � -J < > aC . � � C] > < uJ � < � > < � > < d� '_<�" O- I _ --�- > < O > � J - �- > > < �' > < Q� . �- � t�EBR�► AVE .a o � � --�- < < � < < � A�EA f�AP APPI.ICANT Joe Potter Estate, bv Gre�orv L. LEGEND � — ZONIPIG DISTRICT BOUNDARY Beebe, Administrator �� SUBJECT PROPERTY PURPOSE Rezone from "A" Residenc� tQ O ONE FAMILY Commercial ¢ TWO FAMILY FILE N0. �500 _ _-_- � � � MULTIPLE FAMILY DATE May 3, 1973 � • � n COMMERCIAL SCaLE = i"= 200� • NORTH � �� fNOUSTRIAL .� � � � ._ _. _ _._.___ � � � � �� \/ \ /11 /� 1� \•T �. � �. �.r = �.w���'�.�� a�. � ls� _ _ g,�o�-�' � �nd � 31 � 3 a ^1��- aaopt,�a °I!/� --� Yeas Nays BUTLER,, < RONOgATZKI ,����'�� : ,� ;' LE VINE P�;REDITH / ROEDLER �\ U iEDEaCC� PRESID�NT (HL�3'1} Q t_�--�-7 1°"�°='--_-----#+s' � �7 . ' , � ' ' ' , ' � r �4.'�__ aG P �m`-"^,. �_-�__-� . . �'�� e�+ , �, �4�,,,•.+,,.-- u.S.r O S iA � , ao �°� . �uti-r�3� ��%�� � � '� '' � ..'". � a ` O • -�. w ~� O MIN�� PB.908639 � i� ✓�.,,�v� � + � . � O� ��� � �g�'IN C�$� 350 Metro Square Bldg., �th &Ronert, St. Paul, Minn. 55101 Mr. Robert W. Trudeau, Di rector City of St. Paul Department of Finance and Management Services Assessment Division � -' 113 Ci ty Hal l . ', • . St. Paul , Minnesota 55102