D00955Whrte — CitY Clerk Pink — Finanee OeOt. Gnary — Dapt. GITY OF SAI1\�T PAITL OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER Na: 1�Oq 55 Date: �� -' u �'�°' ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the matter of that certain contract knowa as Activity No. 29221 for IRVINE AVENUE City Project No.95-P-8028 $ 95-5-8027 , Danner Inc. Gontractor, the speeified date of completion is October 15_ 1994 and the Contractor did not complete the contract by said date of completion because Northern States Power eas 2ria 212CtT1G COnflirts (jP.�AVPA 'F}1P nmiArt �t�Tt ,,.�+;i and it is ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, extends the time of completion to September 1, 1996 and it is FURTHER ORDERID, That the City of Saint Paul hereby does waive claim for liquidated damages on this project. • . �ate_ L�crc�l (_.lt'�c%.� Departmeot Head � � � d..� �'J/� Adminisirative Assistant to Mayor � � � M���o KF � PublicWorksConstruction o6-os-� GREEN SHEET `�'f�b. 3 4640 fAHTNCTPE0.4UNfPNOAIE �' 1 - 7E WRUUM ARfYIXiDIpEC70P � CRYCOliNC1L Daniel Haak Tel. No. 266-6084 � �c'^"�rrow+EV p cmc�ac MI�TBEd1COU1Ctl.AC,BiDABY�ATE) � BUD(�7qNEC7 � FWaYGT.SEtiVK:ESDi0. IAR�DWOfiI�S813T1aLi) ❑1 I.mYtu��.(�� TAL#OFSft��ATUHEPAG� 1 �«,P„LLw�,�w�FOr+s�,,,�, p _ po�,,�,,.�,�c«� �crpr, r�ouESr� � Ezte�d cmua�x completnon daroe from Octobrz 15,1995 to September 1,1996 Project IRVIlVE AVENUE, CITY PROJECI' NO. 95-P-8028 & 95-5-8027 JUN 10 1996 Contixtor Danner Inc. � 1rt aECONME�aiplas-�1ca�ae W«Ryact(Nl PERSONAISERYICE CONTRAiC'f31NJS7 ANSWER'iF� . auNwxi cawlSSON_cm_ sEnv�E couw�loN �. rlas mis versavFrm ever worked urMer a cono-au ror mis dev�em? CB COM4frtEE YES 1� A STqFf ^ 2 Has tlis Persar�rm ever been a aq ertplq�ee? — YES NO _ OB7P�C7 COUNCL _ 3. Doea tlus persarJfmm possesc a sk71 not rqRreYY Po� bY �9l anreM dA' ertiWM�ee? SUPPpqTSNHICHCOUNCLOB,iECiNE7 YES NO EtIp1Y�t1 id yW fIWI1�1t p1 �=11Mt i11d d1aCh to yfM11 ff1M[ INRUTMIQ Pf WBIEM. ISSUE. UPPORTUNRY (MhiO. WHAT. WMEN. WNEPE. MMVI: Due to Nortl�em Staxes Powa gas and electric conflicts, the contrxtor was unable to start the �noject until SeQtember 16, 1995 and thus did not complete ihe work by October 15,1995. ������� `,�LN Q 1995 �:�� �'` , �. � �, aa ADVANTAC#S IF APPqOVEO: ` a � 8me actension authorizes additional contract time requimd to complete the project. DISRDVANTAGES IF APPflOVED: �O" RECEIVED JUN 13 �gg� CrTY CLERl� DISADYMITAC#S iF NOT APPHO`dED: Cortrdctor's wak perfc�med a€ter Octaber 15,1995 will �t be authorized. ALAYW6ROFTNANSACfIONi -Q- COSTIBEVENUEBUOGETED(CIFICLEONE) E� NO N ���� N�p ACTIVITYNUYBEH C95-2T628-0754-29221 FINANCULL MIFONMA710N: (EXPWN) �./ �