261946 � WHI7E — CITV CLERK PINK —�FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALIL Council (��C CMd�ARY — DEPARTMENT `' BLUE — MAYOR File NO. •» �" . unci Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That an extra in the amount of $1 ,275.00 be allowed under Contract L-7579 between the City of Saint Paul and Robert 0. Westlund, General Contractor, said contract for Site Work at the Groveland Playground Play Area, and said addition to cover the cost of increasing the sandbox area and the drainfield system ($350.00), and the cost of extending the existing fencing, adding three posts at the top of the slide, and filling with concrete behind retaining wall adjacent to sidewalk to prevent erosion ($925.00), as more fully set forth in the contractor's letters of I�lay 10, 1973 and July 25, 1973, copies of which have been filed with the Department of Finance and hlanagement Services. Charge to 93771-460-010. Job. #72-34. i�� APPROVED AS TO FUP�DING: Direc or, Finance and flanagement Services �J COUIVCILMEN Yeas Butler Nays Requested by Department of: � Communit Services Konopatzki In Favor Levine ( 1 ��� Meredith v Against � ROed1eZ' Tedesco . Mme.President�c � Adopted by Council: Date �l(f.o.`�����_ Fo pprove C' y ey � Certifi ed by Cou '1 ary By Approve y Ma r: Date — • � -A.pgroved by May r r Submission to Counc ��.r�.N�� By � f v/ PUBI�Stt�t� AU G 2 5 1973 _ � � . 2��.��s � Robert O. Westlund GENERAL CONTRACTOR 1781 N. Hamline Avenue • St. Paul� Minnesota 55113 Phone 645-6230 July 13, 1973 City of St.Paul Bureau of Public Buildi.ngs 51+5 City Hall . St.Paul, Minnesota Re: Johnson Parkway Attna: John Wirka Gentlemen: fteference to the letter of April 25� 1973 we Westlund Construct made an approximation of fill needed at the site which was though to be around 890 yards. By doing the job it took 1230 yards to bring grades to the desired elevation. THe cost of $2.50 per yard brings us the total of �Q7�,,QQ_ If there are any questions please feel free to call us� may we remain.� Yours truly, . T NS ' i '' -- obe 0. We st und o.� � ' a 2 �l� � �� �Co cv�Yr�1 � �' �� — ��7C' l0'l5, pO � 2�00.�� ,u;t�ws(� a��,. - �r�i�P ���ri�Q – Q�.�o�t p•6`� � P `�