02-306Council File # °a'3° 6 Presented by RESOLUTION CITY QF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet #( � 0 3 Q t�.` � Referred To _ Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, the Honorable William Mahoney served with distincrion as Mayor of Saint Paul from 1932-1934; and, 2 WIIEREAS, William Mahoney dedicated his life to the cause of working people and organized labor in this city 3 and state as Editor of the Union Advocate Newspaper, President of the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly, and 4 an active member of Printing Pressman Loca129; and, WI-IEREAS, nuxnerous citizens desire to recognize and memorialize William Mahoney's contributions to this community; and, WI-IEREAS, the St. Pau1 Labor Centre and offices of the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly are located at 411 Main Street; now, 9 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, thatMain Street, between Old Sixth Street and Tenth Street, is hereby co-named 10 William Mahoney Street, and the appropriate street signage will be placed by the Department of Public Warks at 11 each corner from Old Sia�th Street along Main Street to Tenth Street. Requested by Departrnent of. Adopted by Council: Date Q��o_ a-� �� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Mayor. , Date � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councfl � A1 _ 7/�� DEPARTMENT/OFFICElCOUNCIL - DATEINrtWTm �� -r �r cr�covrrcn, ap�s,zooa GREEN SHEET No 110394 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE In8lauuate MMWIDge Councilmember Dan Bostrom 6-8660 os..x,�,rcwecrae a'rwir,c� MUS7 BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA7� A551GN NYM9FRFOR ❑tllVAiiOR1EY C11YClERR ROUi1NG ORDBt Rux4nl.sFnv�[FSqR F1WlCULL9ERVIKCTc ❑ WYOR1��11M) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTm Co-n amino Main Street between Old Sixth and Tenth Streeu, William Mahoney Sueet RECOMMENDATION ApPfOVE (A) Of REJECI (R) VERSONAL SERVICE CONTRARS MUSTANSWERTNE FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: 1. Has this persorJfrm ever wwked under a contract fa this tlepartmeM7 PLANNINGCOMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMI7TEE 2. Has ihis personRrm ever 6een a city empbyee7 CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION VES NO 3. Does this peisoNfirm possess a skill not normalyPOS�� bY anY curteM city emPbY�? VES NO 4. Is this perso�rtn a fargMed vendoR VES NO EyWin all yes answers on separate sheM aM attach to preen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPoRTUNITY (Who, WhaR When, Where, Why) . ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Dl�j/�NTAGES IF APPROVED DISA�VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOT/LL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION f COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER FINANGAL INFORMATION (IXPWN) , , , • ' , , " „ ' , '� „ , � , ' � i , � � ' i �, �� ROII��'INC4 ORDER; �� � � � � � � BeFow'aze'coaecYroutingsforthe'sismost�frequenttypes,of�1�;••� , � �� � � GdN112ACTS (sssumes authorized titidget exists) ' COFJNCII; RE50LUTION (amend budgets/8cce�6 ganYs) „' b OiitsideAgency � � � � � I llepadmentD¢eetos "� �, � � � � � "2_,DepaztmentD"uector 2 OffceofFinancial5ervicesDirector � 3�. Qity �ttome9 � � � � � 3. C�Ly �AttortiLyi, � � � � ' � � 4. "Mayor/Assistant (for conkacts ov� $25,OOOj , 4 May�/�Assistant � " 5. FInmanRights (fo;,contracts over $50,000) 5 Cily Gouncil '. ' 6. 0ffice of Financial Services - Accoimting 6. Offxce ofFinancial Services - Acxoimtmg ', „ ADMINISTRATIVEORDII2S(BudgetRevision)' COUNGIF;RESOLUTIOI3(aIlotLersandOrdm�ces}';', 2. Department orDepartmentAcco � � Director 1. Achvitylvlanager untant L' Director � � � � � 2 i � � � � � � ' 3.OfficeofFinancialServicesDirector 3.Ivfayorltlssistaat " , 4. Ci1y Clerk ' 4. Cily Co�cT 5. Office of Financial Services - Accounting , ' � 1.'Depa[trti�tDiiectbr � � � � � ,,, ; , 1 Deg'aifinentIhrector ' , �. ' � ' , 2. Citp A4komey ' 2. City Attomey „," , ., 3.OfficeofFinancialServ'icesDirector ' 3.TvfayorfAxvstant; ,' q_' Cit}r�Cleik ' 4. City Clerk . . � TOTAL NUMBER �OF'SIGNATEJRE P.AGE�S � � � � � , . , ` . , � � � � � ��" � � ACTIONREQUESTED , ,' i ` ' , , Describe wliat fhe projecUrequest seeks to accomplish m erther chronological',order or'order af mq�ortance wtuchevais ' mostapprop"riatefoiflieissne. DonotwritecompletesenYences' Bz��n.each,���myourlist'wt6i,a'iv�b � �-,,, „ „ RECOMMENDATION5 Complete if the issue in question hss been Pr��, �� �Y 'b�J' P�kc or tmyate. ', „ PERSONAL SIIZVICE CONTRACTS`. ' Tlus, �nfonnation will be used to dete�mine the city's liability for workeis'campensauon claims, ta�ces snd proper ciinl , , secvice Lirmg mles. , , „ INITIATIL�7G PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[7NETY ' lain the situakion or conditions that created a need for ur �"ect or F.�cP � � , 3'o Pml re4uesk , � - ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Indicate whethec this is, simply au annual budget procedure required by law%harter or wlietber there';are ecifio w' in „ SP � ,, � � which the City of Saint Paul and ifs,citizens �vill benefit from tHis�pro�ect/acti�. �� . ` � � � � DTSADVANfiAGES�APPItO�VID � � „ � � � ' � � � � ��WhaYne �veeffects�orma�or'c' "to�existin �or ast � � �1his o , , . , ' � �frt�s assed S� J �B� S P Pr�ID?Sbt Pr JectrreiNe� �Produce A � (e. �� lays � � � �, � g., traffic' de , noise; tax increases or assessments)? To whom? When?For fiow Iong`r � DISADV , ' ' ANfAGES IF NQT APPROYED �hetwill be negahve,consequences if the p[omised achomis not approved� Inability to 3eliver se�tce� Cont��e ' , highhaffiq'noise„aar3eutrate7 �Lossofzevewie? � � � � � ' � high " '' � � - �FINAI�CIAti II�QPACT � � � � � � � � � � " ' or' e info:mati Alth�ghyonmusttatl th , onywprovideliereto4heissueyouareadd�.cvngingenuatyou�F'answ� „ uestrons ' , �,, � � . ,,, q � is i gp cqst� ax`I � tcao : How , t ingt0 .,RTho is m to � , ' . �ch , � Ba 8 P , � � � � � �� , „ � , � " „ ��� , � � � �"�� ��� �.� i� �,��� i � 0 y � ���� � �,� � � ��� � �" G� � d� � � � �, .... ,. ,ii�.. , . . . , I, ., i , „ h i ry i . ,.,. , i ..��A.V� � , , �.I,'. oa-3�� RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF RENAMING MAIN STREET AFTER WILLIAM MAHONEY W�ER�.4� t�e �Fonorab�e tti i��ia�r l�Fa�ro�ey ser�ec� w'x�r �istiriet�o�r � 1bfa�or of Saint Paul from 1932-1934; and WHEREAS William Mahoney dedicated his life to the cause of working people and organized labor in this city and state as Editor of the Union Advocate Ne�vspager, Fresident of �tre Se. Par� 'Frac3es anc� I.abor Asserri}�Fy ane� arr active member of Printing Pressman Local 29; and WHEREAS numerous citizens desire to recognize and memorialize William Mahoney's contributions to this community; and W�Y�R�.4S �e S�. Pau� F.abo� �e��re ari� o�€iees of �e S�. Pau� '�'rades ar�� Labor Assembly are located at 411 Main Street; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Main Sixeet in the City of Saint Paul, l�etween old SiYth Street and Tenth Street, is hereby co-named and given the additionaT name of �ViTTiam 1VfaTioney Street and that the appropriate street signage will be place by the Departinern of Public Works at each corner from Old Sixth Street along Main Street to Tenth Street. Presented to the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly delegation on February 13, 2002 Opeiutc#12:In . w � 3� WHAT DO THESE TWO� PEC)PLE � HaVE �1�1 C'O_MMON? � s s n tl £ L � THEY'VE BO , BEEN LOST FOR A LONG TfME.... William Mahoney, Mayor of StPaul, greeu a visitor to the city, Amelia Earharc in 1933. Who was William Mahoney� +� MAYOR �'r-,—t- � VERYBODY KNOWS that, famed aviator Amelia Earhart vanished while flying in the South Pacific in the 1930's:While we may not know where she disappeared, or how,her name is a househoid word. But St.Paul MayorWilliam Mahoney, the-outsranding figare in over 100 years of St.Paul �abor, is virtually forgotten.lf he isremem- bered at all, it is as the city's chief executive during the gangster era of the 1930's. Yet during his two years . Yi?TE,F6R ` WM. MAHCFNEY Mahoney brochure from �932 StPaul mayoral campaign - as mayor he fought powerful vested interesu in the city, taking on utility rate increases,defending public employees and demanding jobs for the thousands of victims of the Great Depression. Going to City Hall presented an enormous challenge.The pre- vious adminisuation had "made St Paul a haven and playground for all types of crooks and gangsters," he said later. As ma/or, Mahoney moved quickly to clean up the criminal element He reorganized the welfare programs for the destitute and brought millions of dollars of federal relief monies into the city. He attempted to force a 25% reducaon in electric rates,which drew the combined opposition of big business interesu and the newspapers. But while Mahoney's two year term as Mayor was only a small part of some fifty years of activity in the labor movement, his repuution has Iargely been shaped by the hostile reporcing and editorializing he faced in office as StPaul's only real labor mayor. FQR IvIAYOR P[fIMARY ELFR:I'ION MA@CH 15th 11 Governmentin St. Pau! for, St. Paul Citizens" Pown md 6u f�encLieee tha[ are fair to the peo �e, meremre ¢m ma vxmc nws wi .u�,m� ma�.as soa ew�a o� a.r. �HE UNIONADVOCATE an� the St.Paul Trades and Labor ' Assembly have resolved that the time is long overdue for William Mahoney to receive the recognition he deserves as an out- standing participant in the history of tHis city and the Minnesau labor movement -t� FOUNDER,PRESIDENT,EDfTORs�_ - Mahoney stands out as the single most important and infloential individual in the long history of organized Iabor in St.Paul.lt was Mahoney, more than anybody else;who conceived of,organized and fought for the formazion of the Minnesota Farmer'Labor Party,which indetibly sumped Minnesota and national politics. As president of the St.Paul Trades and Labor Assembly and as editor of the UnionAdvocate from 1920 until his election as Mayor in J932,Mahoney was recognized as a leading national spokesman for independent political action by labor and farmers. � PRESSMAN �- Mahoney was a skilled printing pressman who traveled nationally in zhe early parc of this century giving demonstrations on the new technique of co{or.printing. He was a prom+nenc member o4 tocal 29 of the Printing Pressmen's International Union, representing his locai in theTrades and Labor Assembly until the ear�y 1950's. i� CANDIDATE � . Mahoney was a frequent contesunt for public offrce, running as a Socialist candidate for Congress in 1914 and.as organized labor's candidate for Mayor in 1920.From I9I8 to 1922 Mahoney chaired the Working People's Non-Partisan League, a federation of various vade unions.in 1922,it merged with the farm-based Minnesota Non-Partisan League to form the Farmer Labor party. In a speech before a 1923 party conference, he described the goals of the new organization,which had just elected two candi- dates to the U:S.Senate from Minnesota."The Farmer-Labor Party has iu roou in the economic interesu of the producing classes,the farmer and the worker, both manual and mental," Mahoney said."It has come into existence to meet the demands of these elements for protective legislation and is the political agent of these economic cluses:' -4� PROPHET � As the Bible says,"A prophet is not without honor,�savs in his own country and his own land:'Altho.ug� a�few specialists who have - studied the history.of this unique and long lasting rciovement are aware of Mahoney's significant and special role, he has not existed at all in the o�cial history of this city except as an ephemeral figure associated with the specucular antics of Depression-era gangsters vKho sought refuge in St.Paul. ,_ �_ � A newspaper columnist wrote ironically a few years ago that although other St.Paul mayors had streets named after them,there was no Mahoney Street. ��-1= HIS LEGACYIIVES ON � � � _ True, there is no Mahoney StreetBut the Union Advocate . enters itr105th year of continuous publication in February and the Trades and Labor Assembly continues to represent tens of thou- sands of working people in St.Paui,as it has done since 1882.The movement William Mahoney helped to build is still here and isn't going to go away.That's the main thing.But why shouldn'tWilliam Mahoney have street named after him? Mahoney is clearly the central figure in nearly 150 years of St.Paul Iabor.There are hun- dreds of streets in St.Paul and not one of them is named after a participant in the city's labor movement. -t� A PROPOSAL � � HE ST. PAULTR4DE5 AND LABOR ASSEMBLY has.proposed that the street on which the St Paut Labor Center is located be renamed for William Mahoney in 20Q2.Let's put otir labor history on the map! �:�� 6a.-a�� William Mahoney Legac� Gam,paign Endorsers List NIr. Nick Caruso NIr. Louie Greengard � I Ionorable George Latimer � Mr. 1im McCartney Mr. Tom O'Connell Mr. Richard Radman � IVIr. John Remington NIr. Jerry Richgels � Honorable James Scheibel Mr. George Tedeschi Mx. John Thoemke Ms. Mary Wingerd Minnesota ArL-CIO , opeiuc�#lzt<