262755 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE (jITY OF SAINT PAUL Council 262'755 CANARY �-.pEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. C ncil Resolution J Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul , upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Saint Paul Long- Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget for the City of Saint Paul for 1973, as heretofore adopted by this Council and as amended, is hereby further amended in the following particulars: 1) That a project be created entitled, "Front Recreation Center Acqui.sition" with an allocation of $29,975.00 to be transferred from the Unallocated Administrative Reserve Account, For a net change in the budget of zero. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: D r ctor, F nance,an Management Services � APPROVED 2-/a- � Roger A. Mattson Budget r or By COUNCILMEN Yeas Bi1t1E:Y' Nays Requested by Department of: � Canmunity Services Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY �'r"�`L' � Ro�dler Tedesco Mme.President �itiml7C HL7!'it Form Approved by City A o ey Adopted by Council: Date DE C 14 197'3 Certif' s ed by Cou ' Se y BY By Appro by Ma . Da � 'C i 1973 Approv by M or Sub ' ' n t ncil By BY ��2��5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES THOMAS J. KELLEY DIRECTOR December 10, 1973 MEMORANDUM T0: Phil Lee FROM: Thomas J. Ke11ey SUBJECT: CIB Fund Transfers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attached please find copy of Council Resolutions approving transfer of funds from the 1973 Unallocated Administrative Reserve Account in the amounts of $23,080 for the Prosperity Recreation Center Acquisition and $29,975 for the Front Recreation Center Acquisition. I have also attached a letter from Greg Blees, Executive Secretary of the Capital Improvement Budget Committee, to Mayor Cohen which details CIB's approval of this project and have included the original request asking for approval to transfer these funds. I am requesting that you submit these to the City Council for their con- sideration at your earliest convenience. If you need additional infarmation please contact Mr. Piram in the Parks office. T.J.K. :ctn 545 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-4431 �� " .ir', � ,� _� F�� J/'11 1`I 1 � .,- �.r , � CiTY O AUL 1 ' , � � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ; Long-Range Capital i-mprovement ' CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT R..,, Budget Committee`� ViNCENT M. COUGHLIN 'aI', � : ` PLANNING COORDINATOR ; , ; . , December 6, 1913 � � ;i ; . ; , _ �,, ; Lawrence D. Cohen, Mayor _ City of Saint Paul • . ; . , .r,. . ; 347 Ci ty Nal 1 � Saint Paul, Minnesota :55102 , , . Dear Mayor Cohen: `� , ' The Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Comnittee at its December 4, 1973 � meeting was presented with one request to transfer monies for the �. . �` Fire bepartment and two requests to transfer monies for Parks and Recreation of the Department of Community Services. _.. All requests had the previous approval of the City Administratow and the Budget Director. The CIB Comnittee voted unanimously to: k _ ` "Recommend to the Mayor. and City Council that $133.96 be , transferred from the 1971 CIB praject account, Hose Qrying Tawers Stations 9, 19 and 22, to. a new Fire Station a Rehabilitation account and that the Hose Drying 7owers Stations 9, 19, and 22 account be :closed out by transferring the remaining balance of $12,672.65 to the 1971 Unallocated Administrative Reserve Account." �` "Recommend to the Mayor and City Council that $29,975.00 be transferred from the 1973 Unallocated Administrative Reserve Account to a new project account, Front Recreation � � , Center Acquisition. ° * "Recommend to the Mayor and City Council that $23,080.00 '� be transferred from the 1973 Unallocated Administrative Reserve Account to a new project account, Prosperity Recreatian: Center Acquisition." .1 � ` �� r 421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55 i 02 (612) 298-4151 ������ � , . , , ' . , �ZW y � . a � k � � t; � • , , � � � ;�� _ , ; ' The necessary Council Resolutions are being prepared and shouid arrive for your consideration within a couple of days. , , . , � - Sincerely,' . �: ` Gregory N. B1ees - Executive Secretary . cc:, Mrs. Ruby Hunt . . � 6NB:msh . , . . . � : , � ; , , , _ , . . .,� . . .. � � � . � j� � •.� � �. � : . � . �� .. . .. . � . � �� . . 2����5 CI�Y OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES 545 CITY HALL, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 5510� (612) 298-4431 November 23, 1973 �4 � h90RANDUM T0: Frank D. Marzitelli Roger Mattson Vince Coughlin Otto Hummer FROM: Thomas J. Kelley SUBJECT: C.I.6. Fund Transfer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The division of Parks and Recreation has two pro�ects which are in need of additional funding. They are: ��.,., Front Recreation Center Acquisition - $29,975.00 � Prosperity Recreation Center Acquisition - $23,080.00 The buik of this request for additional funding represents the estimated cost of relocatian benefits (Front - $26,]25.00 and Prosperity - $21 ,725.00) for w��ch the City is responsible according to the Uniform Relocation Law which went into effect in July of this year. 6Je have reviewed all of our funded C.I.B, projects and are u�able to recorxnend taking funds from any of these projects. As a result, we are requesting �hat there monies be transfered from the Unallocated Administrative Reserve Accflunt of ti-�e C.Y.B. 41e have proceeded as far as we can and unless additional fu�ds are provided, these projects will have to be terminated. It is our feeling that the City should proceed with these projects and �hat the additional funding should core f rom the Reserve Account for the following reasons: 1 . The City, through its original C.I.B. Appropriation and subsequent r��e�inqs which were he]d with owners of the properties i�vo]ved and the citizens in the �wo communities, has made a strong commitment to proceed with these projects. 2. That these additional expenditures are rightfully part of the acquisition costs and do not represent any change in �hese projects which previousiy were approved by the Administration, C.I.B. Committee and City Council . 3. The Unallocated Administrative Reserve Account was set up speci�ica;'y to cover shortages in various projec�s which w�re �r� danger of termination duE ta unforeseen circumstance beyond the control of the department which initiated t�e request for funds. LfBRARIES/PARKS AND RECREATION/ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION/HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT ^�� �2�,���5 ��o - �. i�. �i�r�x�t�3�i , �. Mat�so�, V. �����1��, 0. H�r��� P�g� 2 �������� p����� �'��d ���y �� ��ir���a� �i1������� �����r���° vr�t� �h� �s��r���c�d �xp�r��it�a�� bre«�kd��a� ��r br��� ��� ����t �n� P��sp��i��+ p������s. I� �ddit'��n�l #�f���t��� is r���d�d, p����� ������� M�. P���� it� �h� P�a�ks o�f�c�. T.�.K. :lw _ ___ ____ ------ _ __ _____ __--_r ______ __ ___ .. , .a. � 2G,���� � ����� ���������� �������� o�����a� a�����t��� ���,�o�.�o � ��€��.a� ���$� ��o� E�t�ur�b�r�d to D�t� 2����.QO ��w A�ai��b3� �3�,5a0.�f} Estima��d C�xt A�q�i��3o� ���3�3��.0� . /\G■N�I�Y�\//` M�i�l�n���� 6.�� PM�d4'NV ,���p�l���V �a�4��'���L �����7�3.�� �I ��os���i�,� P��������d �����si�� €���g���3 A�����t�c�� ��2p�,p����n.�/y�,,N. 6w!4.(+���°'Cprt�A 6D V ' ��I.VKY VMA �rilY{I11�VG/ �� {rV ���r�ir W 6rV%.11�41 �€3�l �V�7����� ��� y{�L�1�.�9� �S�1�t���d C�35� A�qtaf s��i�� �7�g�55.��3 Re7t�cat�o� ���t��'�ts �� ,725,Q� , • �9#�t���.�0 5���°t��� ��3,���.0� _ .� _ ___ __. _ _ , . # _ ____.:- -_.__ _