262752 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAZIL Councii BirUERV��MAYORTMENT File �O. � 2 2'���� .. , ^ Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul did on October 16, 1973, approve the establishment, by the Mayor, of a Health Clinics Task Force; and, WHEREAS, the purpose of the Task Force is to make recommendations to the City Council and Ramsey County Board concerning the disbursement of funds now held in contingency reserve, to six St. Paul n�ighborhood clinics for the maintenance of their operations in the calendar year 1974; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council does hereby ratify and confirm the following eleven persons as the members of the Health Clinics Task Force: Anthony A. Danna - Ramsey County Commissioner Delores Knaak - Ramsey County Commissioner Ruby M. Hunt - Saint Paul City Council - Leonard Levine - Saint Paul City Council Roger Starn - St. Luke' s Hospital , Dr. Joseph Norquist - Ramsey County Medical Society Gerald McCarthy - St. John' s Hospital Earl Lilljenberg - Riverview Hospital Dave Gitch - St. Paul-Ramsey Fiospital Kenneth Taylor - United Way Lawrence D. Cohen - Mayor Patrick Roedler - Sain� Paul City Council COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas � Nays Konopatzki � In Favor Levine J Meredith Against BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President�1[ Ii17211'. DEC i 3 19�_ Form prove C' rney Adopted by Council: Date c . Certified Pa y Council retar BY By � � �.�.� Appr by Maxor: ate -� :� Approved y for Subm' ion to C ncil . By Y �UBLISHED pEC 2 2 1973 )��. � GITY OF SAINT �ALTL ����� - C)FI'ICE OF TI3E rI 1YOI� �-'� sae�vaas •�B�@ib�BSB ��eee�se LAWBE.ITOE D. COHEN �AYO$ Novemher 2 9� 19 7 3 To Council. president Rubv M. Hunt and I�Iembers of the �itv Council Cit�� af Saint Daul Sa�_nt �°aul , Ma_nnesota Dear President Hunt and Council Members : I have an�ointed the 1.1 neonle listed be1.o�� to serve on a Health Clinics Task Foree� in accordanee with thP motion adonted bv the Citv Council on October 16 , 1973 anproving the establishment of a task force. The nurnose af the task force is to make recommendat�..ons to the Citv Counci.l and County Roard concernin� the disbursement of funds , now hel.d in contingenc_y reserve � to 6 Saint Paul neighborhood health clinics for ma�_ntenance of their onerations in 1974. My annointees have been contacted and have agreed to serve on the task force if confirmed bv the Council. It is extremelv imnortant that the task _force begin its delibe�atiens immediatel��. I urge your nramnt con.firmation of mv apnointments. _A_�rointees l. Com.missioner ,Anthonv A. Danna Ramsey Count�� Commissioner 2 . Commissioner nelores Knaak Ramsev County Com�nissioner 3. Council president ??uhy M. Hunt Saint paul Cit�� Council 4. Councilman Leonarc� Levine Saint Paul Citv Council. 5 . Roc�er Starn St. Luke ' s Hosnital. 6 . Dr. Josenh Nor.c�uist �amsev Countv ?�?eclical Societ�� 7 . C�erald McCarthy St . John' � Hosni.tal 8. Earl Lill�enber� Rzverva_ew Hosnital 9. Dave ^-,itch 5t. paul-Rarnsev �-?ospital 10 . Kenneth Tav.lor Tlnited ��lav ` 11 . Mavor Lac*rence D. Cohen incerelv ... LAWR.�.NCE D. COHEN Mavor I�DC/lm cc: Countv Commissioners �2 � . `�" �`� 2 „ GITY OF SAIl�'T PALTL ��°�� r'r� - or��icF oF T�ir�: ��YOx o.,^e�sa��.. C aea�9tdsa390 a�u�.�n sv LAWRF.NCF.. D. COHF.N ��Y�x December 13 , 1973 PRESIDENT RUBY M. HUNT AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL City of Saint Paul Ladies and Gentlemen: It is my understanding that Councilman Patrick Roedler wishes to serve on the Health Clinics Task Force , which I appointed recently pursuant to Council Resolution. I will be pleased to appoint Councilman Roedler to the Task Force . Because the Task Force is a joint City/County project , I will inform the County Board of the additional appointment of Councilman Roedler and discuss with Board members the possibil - - ity of appointing an additional representative of the body. Sincerely, Ati�?ZE� CE D. EN Mayor LDC/lm z2