262743 � � � R�( ,
� � � 2�43
Resolution Approving Assessment By—
and Figing Time of Heaxing Thereon �
In the matter of the asaessment of benefits, cost and expenses for construction and recon-
struction of sidewalks and work incidental thereto: Contract 72-M-0545, Levy No. 7,
District No. 3, ,
r .�. �.C+��t Aw., Dotb sid�a �rN Sarl fit. to-�'���rrs �t. .
� ��:d.f:� . .r � �!li►a,�ii�.s a�wtb aii� fr� �t1�aGi�� �Cg #o tt�p��ia l.soe �
�.� . ' ; • . h� x .. ' � � ��.
M ` s .:i.� :, .:� �i�'�..
f� - r c }���+���KNI, t�'��"`�t.:� _ .,�. ���:.�'�l��1 +� .S�'� ��Z'��� ��.t t � ' c ��! ,;i-..
�' . y'.. +fi :�{
x � � �. �����'F�t a :�4A �t'!�!� ;�v. .'"' ��'
: � �° �s� ���`t�q ai. to 11. a.ka Aae.
2 . u atii on tlts �a�t sid� of Edgerton Ste fro� Ilevada Aw. to Park�ray Dr.
l.0. #259195 - E. Royt Av�., both sides fra� Edgertoa St. to Paqne Ave.
F.O. �258397 - Idaho Ave., north side froa Edgerton St. to the �+eat property line
of Lot 10, Block 2, Edgerton 1�l�aAOr.
,:�.;�,1►.�0.:..�S.8S,93�;�..�ih�t�e .�.A� Ave._,. ea�.t, a�,de,���_r�,w Cottag� Ave. to. Shervood::Ave.
F.O. �259603 - BaMthorne Ava., north aide fra� Sarl St, to the west approainately
:;. ,.- ;:.:. ,��_� . :;�. 1�20. feetu_.. ,_., _ , <: .. .:, :
,_�. , ,:.,. _ _ . ...
. . _ . .
1�.0. �259603 - Forest �t., v�st sid• from Jenka Ave. South approxi�ately ��1� feet.
_�, ,..��'.Q�...#?,�.9600 - :I.+��s.,oq. 3�., aouth ,aide frt�..,�v�r rSt. _to ynradlcy St. extended
_ , . .:., ... . ...:, ,._. .
abattfng Lot 7, alock 11, FairvieW Addition ONLY. ��
._. � . f . _.
, ,. ,:
� ..,�- - �. .. . � i , .,i.� - -
. .. .-.-r: .._....�.i :^, . ..:.. ,..,..r. . � >.. .. . . �,.--... ,. ..,�, . . . . ..� ., ' . '
�.. �.,4:. : ?5�4,31$:�-;�:��t.:,: bo�h s�de�- ft�a�. 8��1 S,k. tla. CYps+��t�. S,�t.,; �
F.O. �259195 - B. Hoyt Ave., both sides from Bdgerton St. to Payne Avea
�; F�.D� #239i37 �: Pa�s� Or.�::;ao�rtbe��t=iiele �°:�ram Edgerton St. to Nebr�aka Ave.
and on the eaat side of Edgerton St. froo Iievada Ave. to Parkway Dr.
, .. ,., _: _ . .; .
'l�.0. '#25l603`.-.Aih�Chc�ret�`��ve.;'nost�"��BZ`fras`Ea'r� 9t.� to the`�wesC 'ap�pYOxi�ately
��` . , : ; . k.�4 _fee�.. _. ;� ,� ;f;�, , . , ._. , .. __ _
day of Tanuar�,, 1974 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Ghamber of
the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance
give natice of said meetinge, as required by the Chaxter, ata.ting in said notice the time and place of
heaxing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount asaesaed againat the lot or lots of the particular
owner to whom the notice ia directed. •
Yeas �,�t;�, Nays D E C 1 2 19�
�v^rC�C;,�tSk� `
Adopted by the Gouncil
�,,;F , .� ;;, 1 Z 1973
, e _
In Favor
�aga���t �� ��C 1 � 1973
Form R-2 EM ]0-68 • -
. � . �62'743
Report of Completi�on of Ass�essment �
In the matter of the asaessment of ir+�wtit�. QNR �re� �'q��a�ts t+�e s�b�ti"r�� •M s'��'
�tn�etis.� o� •tN+rsita aft w�tt i��l���al tA�srt�: Q�at�t�ct Yt•IMb�4S, i� �+. 7,
li�tslst !a. !,
� � �r'iM �M�.� �► il�r� �!� �=1 =t• t� 4'�lM� �t•
�.d. �li3�+1 • li�p�l� 4w.� �ta si� �'�► 1Elwtia =t. to IY/rsli� Lne
l.0. �lR1! + i. l3�t,t1� =t.. wdctA sid� ls�an t+aanat St. R� �rl it. awi ra tfu
, � s�rit� tiM � �. ii,�cth Bt. fsas C�ss it. ts =srl $t.
F'.0. �2�lis'f - lat�r��D'�s'� lw�N►�ast sid: lsaw 8d�ertoa 8t. to ltabrsska Aw.
�nd on the �tat sid� o! Edprto� St. irn�a Nwada Awe. to Pask�sy Dar.
t.0. t2S919S - �. Hoyt Aw.. both tides tto� ���st� at. to Pa� Ave.
�.0. 1258347 - Zdaha Av�.. e�orth aid� fraw zd�rto�a St. to e,be wse �►�op�st� lin�
ou l�f+in�nr.
,- ,.�.@. �3`��il�Zl�rt!l�eant_A�.k ���aRi� �l4��R 8�+��i►ve. te .,�t+�r��rNt �. ., �
t.0. �2�96�3 - ltawtbor�e Aw.� aosth ride fso� B�esl St. to d+� ��t approsir�sC�t�►
_ �Zt1 ft�t. . . . � , , - �
� � l.0.^ #Z9'6C� • �osl�t St.. peat . aid� t'si�� J�s Aw. South s�roa�i..e.iy i39 i.�c.
.,:�!'.O.-.>t?5l44b � l�es:�it.; �e�1t_l�+�+er !�t!w�r�a�"+� 8t.� .to �ir�d�s�r�t: -�nelyn�d�d .
abuttia� Lot �. Alock lI. ?'eirvl,� Addition t)IR.Y.
�i" 8 tf '
1�.0. 3s9 �3 • tlara�a Aw. .:�ba�i► st�+rs i's�ora Esrl: �t: es ��ra� .8t. . .
• �.0. +�?S91AS • R• �oyrt:kv�.,� b�stb �►Li� �so�:�!d���. S.t. to !a� Avt. , _ , , .
l.0. f2S9137 - 1'�rk�e�y Dx.. aoettl�e�at si$� �so� ZdqrCo� �t. to �rbraake Ave.
aad � tM e+��t sid� o! IEdg�r�o� St. tro� ltsvrda I►w. to Pa�ic�r�r�► D�r.
l.0. i2SfiO3- �* 1ls�har� hw., north :�de iro� Ba:l �St. to Ch�e w�!� +�Psoxi�st�ly
� - , , . 120. l�sC. ,
:t. . . . _ . . —
�u��z�i ctuas . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. ... . . .. .. .. .. . $ -�-5--
Publications . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. . $
Collectioncosts . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. ... . .. .... . . . . . $
Court coats for confirma.tion . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. . . .. .. . � --�-�-
Finance Accounting Costs :� 50
TOTAL EXPENDI;TURES . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . $ 14,6 2 9 2
Charge to . A1U50-G65.. . . .. ... . . . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . . . $
. . . .. . . .. . . 1Son,Assesaahle.... .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . . $
NetAsaesament . .. .... .. ... . .. . . . . .. .... .. . . .. ... $
Said Commissioner further reporta that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, tawit: the aum of $ >> ,�99-��' upon ea.ch and every lot, part or parcel af land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,part or paxcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said asseasment h,as been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the aignature of the said Cammigsioner, and made a part hereof, is the said asaessment as
completed by him, and which ia herewith submitted to the Council for auch action thereon as may be
con�idered proper.
��d December 11, 1973 Director of Finance.Department
Fo� x^z zn� iaes and Management Services