262730 �WHITE - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 �����0 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARY - REPARTMENT � � BLUE -dAAVOR File NO. � ou cil Resolution � . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Northwestern Bell Telephone Company District Engineer 223 Plato Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55107 EST. B-0725 RESOLVED, That the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company be given permission to install and thereafter maintain approximately 110 lineal feet of plastic conduit as follows: Along Palace Avenue 25 feet from the North property line between Fairview Avenue and Howell Avenue as per attached and approved application and plans. Northwestern Bell Telephone Company shall pay the cost of publication incident hereto. (1�7 a:��t.c� o�K, � COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas �1e1 Nays � �ww.� In Favor L�e J Meredith Against BY � Roedler Tedesco g�t Mme.President � 0 E C 1 2 1973 Form Approved by it Att r ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified P y Council creta� BY � By � Appro y Mayor• Date G Approved ayo i ubmission to Council By BY PUBLISHED ��C � 5 197� ,' • � � �iORTNtrCS7Ef;r1 CELL �ELEPitOt�E CoMP/1t�Y ���/ �O - Oate Nov. 15, 1973 . _ - �6c� -� E5T. B-0725 Officc Englncer Oepartncnt of Public ilorks ' . City af St. �aui 234 Ci¢y Hall and Court Nouse � St. Pau 1 , t•t i nnesot� 55102 Dear Si�: Application is hereby made for permission to ����/construct and thereafter maintain) : under�round conduit along Palaee Avenue 25' south of the north propertv line starting at west curb of Fairvie�a �n3 �oinp westerlv_ for a distance of 110 feet in aecordance with t�e sk�tch �ttached hereto; a;ork to star �a�fter 3-74 and to be completed on or before 6-74 j . The applicant, in carrying on any and ali of the work refe . _ o t.n this _ _ _ applieaticn, shall strictiy conform to the terms of such applicati.on as approved together ��ith any special provisions which are made a part thereof. The applicant specifically agrees to be bound the�eby. The applicant shaii �Iso eon�ly a�ith the regulations of- ail other governmental agencies for the protection of Lhe public. The �•�ork shall be accomplished in full compliance with al1 applicable p�rtions or the City of St. Paul .Specifieations far Street �nd Sewer Co�struction. _ � ppplication submitted by: -NORTH�•lES7ERN BEi:L TElEPHO�iE COMFAt�Y o � � � � _ r � . ���,° �, � i973 . .• -� �G�'�� G;1 �`� ` Oistrict PlanC Engineer ���A���a���i�t' C�� - ��gL�C 'y'�/�R1�S (Address)223 Plato t3oulevard St. Paul , Minnesota SS107 BY Resolution , Council Fi1e a Adopted , 19�` Approved � : , 19 DlSTRIQUTIOl� � COMMENTS: 15 Copics � � 12 Copics lo Publ ic t�lorks _ (Public Works wlll rcturn 3 copics to hIWE3 - 1n stampeci� sclf-addressed envclopc cneloseci. Datc Rcccivcd at N�rth�restcrn Bcll Tcicptionc Ccmpany: , 19 • . � �A I�1l I EW AVE. S. ..•,. � � �'•. T 8YT0 - - - j-�°'v,Sr 10 �IT�-- ' —CURB I �30 � _ v % �, ; � ' / � � ~ � P• • � i / i p v I i �°' ■ ' �. . , �► m� n �t��,�o j i " o� 15t 15� 1�5t � 15t `ti. —� r;-: � � . , TELEPHOf�E C0. BLDG. % � �i � t , � —KEY• 20 ; i • i � ? � 25 � ` 2c — ;— EX�STtNCi DUCT � = , � � � EXtSTING AIANHO{.E � � ; �J � m € l p � i —?— pROPOSEO �20�4n PC �O� ; � , , � �UCT �NC�SED IN CON•: ' � . ��� I CRETE 24 BELOM S UR.i: ' _ FACE• ; t --�--- �ATER VAI.VE I � y i — • -- ■ATER � � i � 1 t i � ;r' g Q '' � � i _ _ W . /f - - ' > =G -- fiA S « � n � � % ,. d —S — SEIMER � � ' � 1 I' ' � oo � � i ' ' ' � g i F�RE HYDRAM I, '�! ` � � � r ; � ` . " _ -� � '/, j � . < � � � S � f � i � i � 1 = ' � � � , 24 ' � � � �` � i � I . , _ � i � , n � � 1. . � � .. � � - . .i r — — — . i � � � � � � NORTHUJESTERN BELL T E1.FPH0(�E CQ. L _ _ _ ,.; APPL1 CAT IOIV FOR PER�IISS I ON TO � P'�' ` PLA CE C OfVDU 1 T ON C I T Y OF ST. - PAU1. PROPEF:TY. ALL RESTORAL �iL< BE DRIIVY DONE To SPECQ� ST. PAUL — ENERSON � ' EST. B-0725 PRTS 1 �y F.F. ROSEM'HAL�ENGR. 221-5297 � NO SCALE