262708 . WHITE - CITY CLERK � CANAIYV�,DEP R MENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL F le ci1N0 2s���8 �BLUE ' -- MAYOR ` . ' rdinc�nce Ordinance N 0. ( �`���'° , . Presented By ; Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION, ST. PAUL, MINNESOT-A, TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, AND MAIN- TAIN A PARKING STRUCTURE WNICH ENCROACHES IN PORTIONS OF THE CITY RIGHTS- OF-WAY OF EAST CENTRAL AVENUE FROM VACATED WEST CENTRAL PARK TO EAST CENTRAL PARK, COLUMBUS AVENUE FROM VACATED WEST CENTRAL PARK TO EAST CENTRAL PARK, AND EAST CENTRAL PARK FROM EAST CENTRAL AVENUE TO COLUMBUS AVENUE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SUBMITTED BY THE STATE AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. THE COUNCIL OF TNE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That permission and au,thority are hereby granted to the State of Mlnnesota, Department of Administration, St. Paul , Minnesota, to construct, operate, and maintain a parking structure which encroaches in portions of the City rights-of- way of East Central Avenue from vacated West Central Park to East Central Park, Columbus Avenue from vacated Wes� Central Park to East Central Park, and in East Central Park from East Centra�l Avenue to Columbus Avenue, in accordance with plans and specifications submitted by the State and approved by the City of St. Paul . The various, and particular types of the parking structure encroachments are de- tailed and located as follows,, based upon new street right-of-way lir�es resulting from street vacations described in Resolution, C.F. No. 262040 approved August 31 , 1973: a. Two automotive exhaust ventilation systems�located below grade under east bound East Central Avenue, outletting in the median center island of East Cent�al Avenue. The outlets are centered approximately 3�+•5 feet northerly of the southerly right-of-way line of East Central Avenue, at approximately 33•5 feet and 214 feet westerly of the northerly extension of the westerly right-of-way line of East Central Park. b. A stairwell integral with the parking structure, centered approximately five (5) feet southerly of the southerly right-of-way line of East �m COUfVCILMEIV Yeas Bu t 1 er Nays Requested by Department of: �x�x Publ ic Works Konopatzki In Favor Levine ' Meredith Against BY �pmef�a Roedter Daniel J. D rd, irect r (DOL) Tedesco Mme.President �1�ce4x Hunt Form Approved by ity torney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ; By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve r for Sub ' sion to Council By BY � :. � �� � . �����8 c2� Central Avenue and 196 feet westerly of the no�therly extension of the westeriy right-of-way line of East Central Park. c. Five (5) b-inch automatic fi�e private supply wate� mains and o�e (1) 3-inch domestic private supply water main in the south half of East Central Avenue between East Central Park and vaca- ted West Cent�al Park. d. An underground pedestrian tunnel crossing East Central Park, app�oximately 16 feet deep and 15 feet wide, the centerline of which is located 222 feet southerly of the southerly right-of- way line of East Cent�al Avenue. e. Underground counterfort �etaining walis and footings extending up to a maximum of: five (5) feei into East Central Park right- of-way, one (1) foot-8 inches into Columbus Avenue right-of-way and 10 feet-10 inches lnto East Central Avenue �ight-of-way. f. Eight (8) inch diameter V.C.P. underground footing drain tile located within the limits of the footing encroachments as de- tailed and described in paragraph e above. Section 2 That the Department of Public Works is he�eby authorized to issue a permit to the State of Minnesota, Department of Administ�ation, far the construction, operation, and matntenance of said parking structure upon and subject to the following terms and conditions: a. That said permittee shall construct said pa�king structure enti�ely at its own e�cpense, and those portions of said items to be construc- ted within City dedicated right-of-way shall be constructed under the lnspection and to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works, in accordance with City approved plans and specifications on file in the Department of Public Works and identlfied as Public Works Projects No. E-1137 and S-1480; b. That said permittee shall pay the costs of administration, engineeri�g and tnspec�tiqn iacurred by the Department of Public Works because of this undertaking; said costs are estimated as a sum of $9,350.00 and shall be accounted for under Department of Public Works Projects No. E-1137 and S-1480; c. That sald permittee shall pay the cost of publication of this ordinance and ali �esolutions passed in relation to said ordinance; d. That said permittee shall pay all costs incurred by the Department of Public Wo�ks Llghting 6ureau for relocating, removing or replacing any City street lighting installation necessitated by the construction of said parking structure. Pe�mittee shali be biiled for time, mate�ials and equipment costs incurred therefor and accounted for under Depart- ment of Public Wo�ks Pro,ject No. 5-14$0; 2���"�8 . � ' � . (3) e. That said permlttee shall notify the Traffic Bureau of the Depart- ment of Public Works when the construction, operation, and mainte- nance of said parking structure shall make necessary the closing of Central Avenue, Robe�t Street, East Central Park, or Columbus Avenue or part(s) thereof; all expense incurred by the Traffic Bureau tn furnishing, installing and removing barricades, signs, temporary signals and other traffic control devices shall be paid by the per- mittee and accounted for under the Department of Public Works Project No. E-1137; f. That said permittee, after inception of said construction, shall prosecute the same continuously, with diligence, and fully complete any work in said City dedlcated right-of-way according to said pians and specifications on file in the Depa�tment of Public Works to the satlsfaction of the Depa�tment of Public Works by no late� than November 15, 197�+; g. That said permittee shall make no changes within dedicated City �ight- of-way from satd plans on file in the Department of Public Works with- out the w�itten permission of the Department of Public Works; h, That said permittee shall properly protect all excavations made in the streets, sidewalks and boulevards, both day and night, so as to avoid all damage or inJury to persons or property, shall properly fill and compact said streets, sidewalks, and boulevards to avoid settling, and shall restore said streets, sidewalks and boulevards to the satisfac- tion of the Department of Public Works; i. That said permittee shall notify the Construction Engineer of the De- pa�tment of Public Works five (5) days before construction begins and notify the same said Engineer when construction has been completed to allow for a final inspection; j. That said permittee shall coordtnate all work invoiving extsttng utility installations, public or private, with the affected utility company or agency; k. That said pe�mittee shall coordinate the construction of the aforemen- tioned parking structure with its const�uction of the public sanitary sewer in Central Avenue from vacated West Central Pa�k to Robert Street and the public storm sewer in East Central Park from Central Avenue to Columbus Avenue. Al1 engineering, inspection and administrative costs incurred by the Department of Public Works by reason of permittee's private construction of these public sewers shall be paid by the per- mittee and shall be accounted for under Department of Public Works Project No. S-1480; 1 . That said permittee shall , during the term of this permit, �estore and repair all property whether public or p�ivate, damaged or which may be damaged due to the construction, operation, and maintenance or presence of the said parking structure provided for herein; . . _ ���Q'�8 , . (4) m. That said pe�mittee shall not proceed wtth construction unless and until said permittee shall have fuily complied with the provisions regarding insu�ance and ind annificatlon contained in the City of Saint Paul , Department of Public Works Specifications for St�eet and Sewer Constructlon, dated April l , 1959, Section numbered 1 .44 as amended, appiicable to cont�actors. Fo� the purpose of this or- dinance, the aforesaid Section of said Sepcifications numbe� 1 .44, as amended, shall be read as though the w�ord "pe�mittee" was sub- stituted for the word "contractor," wherever the same appears in the aforesaid Section 1 .44, as amended, of the Specifications for Street and Sewe� Construction in the City of Saint Paul , which Sectlon is hereby incorporated herein by reference as fully and as completely as if set forth herei� verbatim. Proof of compliance with provisTons of aforesatd Section shall be in such form as the C1ty Attorney may di�ect, and the documents required by the afore- said Section 1 .44 shall , afte� submissio� to and app�oval by the City Attorney, be filed in the office of the City's Director of Finance and Management Services; n. That said pe�mittee shall notify the City Forester of the Department of Community Services before removing any tree in said City dedicated �;ght-of-way and shall furthe� notify said City Fo�ester before plant- ing any new tree. All trees which a�e to be removed and repiaced shall be so removed and replaced in acco�dance with aboricultural pians pre- pared by the State of Minnesota and approved by the City's Department of Co�nunity Services; o. That said permittee shall notify the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul before construction begtns and shall abide by all agreements entered into wlth the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul ; p. That said permittee shall furnish the Department of Public Works all documents of record that are a part of the Contract or incidental to its execution including, but not limited to, addendums or changes of work that are approved by the Department of Public Works and "as built" plans and tracings; q. That said permittee shall remove said encroachments in a manner satis- factory to the Department of Pubiic Works whenever, in the opinion of the City Council , the public necessities orthe:public inte�est requires such removal ; r. That said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fully indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City of Safnt Paul , its agents, office�s and employees from any and all damages, claims, losses, judgments, suits or expenses arising out of or occasioned by the construction, operation, maintenance, presence or �emoval of sald parking structure and by the pe�mission and authorlty granted herein; s. That said permittee shall submit the necessary insu�ance documents to the Office Engineer of the Department of Public Works; WH17E — CITY CLERK 1 ►.y PINK — FINANCE � TT CO1111C11 2��,A/� , Ca4N�i2Y — DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAl.1L Y ' ��� BLUE ~ M'AYOR File NO. t . , . rdin�nce Ordinance N 0. ���b Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (5) t. That said permittee shall , within thirty (30) days from and after the passage of this ordinance, file its written acceptance thereof, specifically agreeing to all the provisions, terms and conditions herein, with the City Clerk. Section 3 That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. jm Yeas B00 e�ILME Na s Requested by Department of: Y �i�x s' Publ ic Works Konopatzki In Favor Levine �� � Against By Daniel J. D n d, D rector DOL Tedesco Mme.President ��b�I�toc Hunt ,., OEC 2 1g73 Form Approved by 'ty A rney n Adopted by Council: Date 6 � �, Cer ' ied a�ed by C�xrrcil � tary �y� , ,� BY i - � ,..���c� .'' � By � _� Approv y : .<;Datp �� Approved y • or Submis ' to Council By By QUBLISNF�� . . ��- ^ ,N�; . W�ITE R'. � CLE'�✓. ' � ' • �F9�f17fr" - J(:I._ ��'- . � � � , � cnr�nri,� '� i<rr.�r r��r � ���� �� �'� ►7L�I l�tlr�l� F''AU. F le ci1NO. j—'1��,s�,`�)�4 F�L U t .. 1 1 . �t.�, .}.c�� . . �� � � � � � .' , c � � �m '� �e G '6 s^�� � � �<.w!...'�a�r . ��t,�S j.i t:o'��V� 1 �� _ . . . . �„���8 . _,. � .. . Preseatc�± 1;,,, � itt.�terced To ._________—__.___.____— — Committee: Date Ciut �f Com«:it�.'e J3J'-------________�---- Date ' t ������r.��.` r '� .�. . ` :��� �:�:�a�.?:..-:��n o� �.h� �tate�. a� ��.i.nnesota, . t..�_.r:� €� . �..��. � . • ':°r�.�� F t; ���xeir��.��:�:� cies���."kk.;ed, b� �ns� ._...•:�?:��• .. . . �°.�� . .-a..� tii=.��.. :�:�-af_i�ueti. �.�: �atx�Iic t��wy�: . � "'"a r"F �..� ��.. f��' t.'�T1�T�.� �:�a�T�Iltle r....r. -_ .. .;. ..e.4'�...t 4., s � . � � . , � � � , °_ :��ter��r • �ei��nsi.o�� cR� the �- �� ,.,.� � , �=�y° � �,: � €�f v�.c°�.��ec� �d. G�r�'i:.��tl J = - � ��� . a�. ;✓. ��.���r�:�gs e;�:iesa�i�� t�f a ' �� ` �; � . �. � i � , �,' ,.'`�- °� ..v. . .�..:�� T v...,.,w ,. �;:�r:rs��r.��- af �;1� ����.il�i � \ �� � 4j..P _. ,_ ..L.:�.a1Y4 ���'~�.��.� ��.L�4�� {.rS f.�• �+��G�r.'�.d. . � i:�� t- 'c°. �` '';� ,� ��F .. '.__ _a •c:rc r,-�•�-���e����e��:�r� 13 f�:. cs� � � , , \..' � . € ��. , .',:v��> .�� �� . ��� t�� �f.��theas���-�� ;� ,7 . 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I � ��. _�. . ;. .:�•?�r �-t-�>���.i��n �-�' the noz���-�����erly i � i :,�.}�{�,,�.. ����:. a �.:�. : _ . ,*;- �; ;���:� � iE:.� seva.�x e��sem�n� c�:n�re� ���x . . 4 .��� .�;j_� �� v�.�.��f:�d ��e�t Gzr�it��l , �.... ._,., :�u �•�w;$ r ����iing ���i:.�.,��n ���*_n���I 1��renue cYi1+.„ ♦ _ �-.. .�:�ia..� f=?e'k.:�i��.'>...�.�f` . . . , .... .. .' . _ _ . � CCuivC:ILB'�I;N Requested by Department of: Yeas , � Nay; l:t:_ Koi,ona'zki _�__—_,._ In Favor Let�i r�e I Nie::�d;th _____�_� Against �y - C_:�`;":;� I:C1a';.��.'''�> T�ucsco Mme.Presid�.,t:��r��'i: '.t; ' Form Approved by City Attorney Adepted by Council: Date --------- --- ,�. ;�; � Certified i'ass.�d by Council Secceta:�- B5�— — - j� �i . _. ' �Y ------------__._- -- -------- ---- Approved h� •.i:.t c:: ll �1c _____�_-- Approved by I14ayor for Suk�mi�slon-to.,Council ..,-, __- ---- ', ,i,� iI`� ... .. :<;� - •.. � F �f , . ,.• - n F3Y — B ,. _ , c . .,. . � _------.�.---------_...—_... _._-------- y— -�- / ` ., _ � �< . . . --- � � � ¢ � �, 2��`�.,���� _ �� .. , � � � 2 . i � �, .; �,_(� 1'Yli;? �Q..i._L(.��t"ti?�l�j CC7?1(�"L l lOi?�t: 41i1::� r'E?J�YZJit�lOil.a : � >��� r ..J? �:. �-- J - ri[1c1.` !� 'I�'? SU'il��C'.L t(� ;11� i.i'� l. . ,_ r�:��:, vaca io�� t!�.�:.:�1`..-'.> c'.i'ii_i C�C)�"1�Yl�i:.l:.�:2:� O�i� `J�'�C•±3.0?�? 2Gg (�� i;�l�;' �i��'_f'-51.�1�::LVE� (.�'.C)E.i�?� dS 3:i1�:1!i�t�. ' � . `�'. � T.�''1=_ ..:=�i=1�=10i�1".:i: u�.��r°? �O �C��'L7' <�iJil'_J.�F?t� .�.i��i%:1�- ' -' �_ �i�'.la.'•i r.'.`_- :�:"l Oi 'C11C-'_ ��.1Jli C :>1.''�r`:7::1� :3 �0:,;�;'-��� J ``,, ^ . ;:.i1� ct:C�"�=15 fJ�-i ?-1�7 V�3�c1"`_<'C� 'C?C?Z'''t"'__ `t�i:i. _,i'_fl - :n�-. 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A' M'��f.�$... �-� "�� . �I .x 7 ✓� rY -- C. Ek:t�A���:TME:NT File 1\O. _JE: - MAYOR. . 4�,PQ���"� ' .P,� �i'�=:1� r/`6�!���� �' ' . �� ��,2i� 8 Presented F3Y --- --- �---� -- - Referred To _.__ ___-- ------ Coalmittee: Date Out of Committet� �3y _ _ Date � E3� .,_...::;-�h. �. -.3:,�>��.. T'� .�sE?,XI'3� '�;Y��: x.�".5��3'�G� �.�-L' , � °'- :' au�.� �^;ri:, �£ YGCCt°�Z3.�E:£� �`.;.;..�:����s .,� F c:., ;,..' . _ r �:s �..�''�� w. . .&`?�t ,�. ...,°..�r t:�'<� '�?'r.'�C31'��.Ql'2. 'j �`._'.�� ..`�."' .t^'�: � � . .`��s L°�:j:�' Cr'i.'�� �2C' e : ' ��?:.';dS�f.�` ._'i:ax . ,.. �,,,'"•�2 C+�=`: tt�.Nzl� GG21::�.��:1F3:]f..'t� f°;;"`. �.T's;� :' "_'.j z . . �:,_y hL"�"1� o:..''_:� ::�i.TiI�,C:'.3 t$ �T:QT' .:��`! .....1.,..4 . .....�. �.,_.w . .. ; ���i.4:e_.. {.6�J� Viw:+,lal�.+:r)L.�J f �� i � ,;.`;t _ ::v�.i�S.s ( :.�d �`'6a�'�n:.°�i�..w� tJR 4;".' ��.t�.�� . F ' �::\.w:s:;j ?.. z >z;,� , y . _-' �:�.;�.r>. .'� �'�: �Y'CC?i`t3.:7.�^� C)tlt Lid� �..�:�� ..- .Lr.�.M�d ...�. ���uinb��::JN 5 ��� tp�� s �9��'���`�` �� � ��,(, l (j�'"-+�14�`�'� � �� � �� �, � � u ..��.� , � '�' r ��� COIII�ICILhtEN Requested by Department of: Yeas °' �;� Nay=', _ . b: ;.:j� Konopatzki In Favor Levine 1�1ere;li±h ��� Again5t �Y ��.p",;�i:�L �(dy'`i.�>:;°i' 'ledesco Mme.FicSidetit �3Z-�4 � ''��' Form Approved by City Attorney ; . Adopted hy Council: Date �i�.r�-l�Z�---- , , i Certitfifc� 1?r,>;ed by Co r_•il S�r�.:t ary� ,'i' 1�„`;? �y , r r' t � �: n 2i-. % , � .:� �„�.� � , .. , = --- —_ - ;, gY __ - --- �: _= _ -.,,.. `` Approvcd by Mayor {or Submissiv� to Council 4'Y � ... Approvcd t:,y i�'la� r: I).�lc --�ut7_�• �--�#���----- -- - . ;_..., , � . .�� ,� ^�-�_ �,�, , _ . _..,,.._ . .. BY ----- ------ ------- --------------_—. _ — -- � . � . �26,�� . , .�8 � CITY OF SAII�T PAUl. OFF�CC OF Ti�E CITY f�L`ti1lNISTP.AT4�: � FRANK D. MARZITELLI November 27, 1973 TO: Mayor Lawrence D. Cohe FR: Frank D. Marzitelli �= Central Avenue, E. Central Park and Columbus Avenue I have rc:��iewed the abave re�erenced ordinance and am in agreeraent with sarne. Your approval and submission , to the Ci�:1 Council for acti�n is recommended. FDM/ca Attach. � � , City Haal, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02 -:�.:..._...r- __._.. _..._,..._,._. _. _. _ ._... _ - - . '-' . . . . � � .. � ' . �,��� ��rr o� � s A yi ' O ~ �� 1 a �� AO •.• CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cepital of Minnesote DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 Ci#�► Ha8 � Court Hous� 65102 DANIEL J. DUNFORD, P.E. Director November 16, 1973 The Honorable Law�ence D. Cohen Mayor of the City of Saint Paul Room 347, City Hall BUILDING Re: CENTRAL AVE. , E. CENTRAI PARK, AND COLUMBUS AVE. - State Parking Structure, Capitol Complex, City Projects No. E-1137 and S-1480. Dear Mayor Cohen: Transmitted herewith for your �eview and approval for submission to the City Counctl is a proposed ordinance granting permission to the State of Minnesota, Department of Administration to const�uct, operate and main- tain underground enc�oacFxnents upon the referenced street rights-of-way in connection wtth its parking ramp const�uction east of the Centennial Building. The encroactxne�ts (the type and location of which are detailed in Section 1 of the ordinance) w11 ) exist within the street t-ights-of-way remaining upon culmination of the City Council 's street vacation adopted by Resolution, Councll File No. 262040 approved August 31 , 1973 (copy attached) . This proposed o�dinance has been approved as to form by Mr. Jerome J. Segal , Assistant City Attorney. By }etter dated November 8, 1973, (copy attached) the State Commissioner of Administration indicated his written preliminary acceptance of the terms of the proposed ordinance. Yours ve�y truly, LZ� . Daniei J. nford Director of Public Works WAH/DOL/jm Tt-ansmittals cc: Walter A. Hurtley ,, �u�� . T �y.. '"��,t�' ����� � -�� �4 ��2��8 � � ef.c, ;u�+r:� ►�`i �J;-��,�� ,-�'t' �r ts` .:. av, h p 7,� � . � ; �� ��,�.,.�`'�-�: STI�'I'E C�F° MINhIESOTA DEPAF27M1cNT OF ADMINISTRATION SAlNT PAUL OP�ICQ OM TNB w p� /\ r � � � � COMMISSIONER , �.c o�' s � �1. b� tw �f� November 8, 1973 NOV 161973 Mr. Danie7 ,7. Dun�ord Dci'r. Of PUBLIC �NORKS Director o��= ��'ublic Vsorks OFFiCE ENGINEER 234 City Hall & Court House St. Paul, Mz.r�nesota 55IO2 Subject: Centennial Parking Ramp Capitol Camplex Dear Mr. Dunford: We have reviewed and find acceptable the proposed ordinance covering the encroachment of the Centenr.ial Parking Ramp structu.re onto public right of way. Once again we wish to thank the City of 5t. Paul for th�ir cooperation in expediting the construction of th�s �roj�ct �nd especi.ally your department personnel wlia h�ve bFeri most he�pf.ul in working out both technical and legal details. Yours very truly, . 1��.��,������----- Richard L. �rubacher Commissioner RLB/LDN/lh cc: Paul .c'. Cummings, 5AE R. B. V�cellio, Asst. Comm. � - v��,�� . , - � �,x Z�a4 � STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION SAINT PAUL O�PIC6 Op TXt COMMISSIONER Jane�ar�r 8, 1974 Mr. l�arry �. Marshall City Clerk and Cour�cil Secretary City of St. Pa�l 386 City Hall St. Pa�ul, Minnesota 55102 Subject: Centennial Parking Ra�p Capitol eomplex Dear Mr. Marshall: We are in reccipt of a c�py of 4rdinance No. 15528, CounEil File �io. 262748 granting permission to the �tate to construct, operate and maintain a parking structure on th� City of St. Paul' s rights-of-way of E. Central Avenue, C�luc�bus Avenue and East G�ntral Pa►rk. The Ordinance as publish�d is acceptable to the State s�d the State further agrees to all its provi�ions, ter�s and conditions. We are pr0cessing th� bill for publicatian costs and pou sho�ld bc in re�eipt of a check within two weeks. Very truiy yours, „� �....._. ` --� �-��'V� �C.-�.:����t,�-- �L Richard L. Brubacher Co�nmi s s ioner �� RLB/LDN/lh cc: R. B. Vecellio, Asst. C�mrrnnissioner Paul F. Cutt�ings, SAE: 2 �►j�',�� Januazy 2, 19'j� hir. Richard L. Brubacher, Corami.s�ianer i�epartment nf Administration State of Minne�ota St�te Office Building St. Paul, M9.nneeota 55�.55 Dear Sir: W� enclose a copy of 4r�i. No. 15528, G.F. No. 262708, granting permieeion to the State aP Minneeota to constreict, operate and maint��.n a psrkin� structure on the City's rights-of-w�y of E. Central Ave., Columbu� A�ve., and E. Centr�l Park, as more flilly described therein, and also a bill in the eum of $75.90 to cover the cost oP publ.ication oP the orditiance. We call your speaial attention to Section 2, Paragraph t, whiah requires the f311ng of an acceptance oP the terms og this ardinance i,n this office, Room 386, City He.11, within 30 days a�'ter paesage of the ordinance. Youre very truly, City Glerk �� Enc�. �.. : l�t , � �Z. t ' =�" 2nd �''Z„� � :., E 3r�t ��,� f I . � ` A��d 't j 2� � Yea,s , �� RTaY� Btff'L�3 �or�Q����� 262'7�8 ��� �.��, � �� � TEDESCO I� P£tESIDEI�iT (FNNT) STATE OF MWNESOTA - DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55155 � " �� • ', Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk and Council Secretary City of St. Paul 386 City Hall _ St. Paul, Minnesota 55102