262707 ---�WHL7E - CITY CLERK �K -�INANCE COUTICll ERV- MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. 2s2`7�'7 ` � C ncil Resolution � ' Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon the recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul , there is hereby Transferred the sum of $141 ,904.00 from the Contingent ResPrve Activity 09060 to Activity 09105 - Ex- isting Obiigations for the expected deficit in the Refuse Collection Fund. This resolution shall be effective December 31 , 1973. 09105 Existing Obligations 461 Contribution to Special Fund $141 ,904.�0 � . APPROVED / - S- 7 Roger A. AAattson Budget D r, /��� BY COUI�TCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ��Butler � Publ ic 4lorks Konopatzki In Favor , .L.�ixc� � Meredith �_ Against BY �X�41E3(Roedler Daniel J. D n ord - Dir tor (JFS) �eiesee� Mme.President B.CilE1�dQHUnt oE�+ � � 'g7� Form Approved by C' y At rney Adopted by Council: Date .,�— Certified Passed by CounciI Secretary By By Approv Mayor: Date � Approv by or S 'ssio Counc l dah gY By P�BUSHEO DEC 15 19�3 . , _. ... ��= . �. . _ .. � - _ { � . , :.:. , , ,,. , : �.. . ,�,.in . . . + . . ', ' ,. . . ''. � a, � • , , � . ,. , , �:- - : c�rr o� , i. � �� � � � . . . � . . 4�� � . � . .�� .. . . . . . . � ,>�. .. - - : . , ' � . . � . . * �- . . . , ., ' Y , i ;:: A, � ,����..��F - . ♦ ° / . . . . . • � . . �r' � . . . . . . . . •.� , . � � . _. . . . . . . . CtTY OF SAINT PAUl. '1 � Cap�ta) of Minnesota ' _ ` . ' ; � . � DEP�1RTt+0fEtd7 OF PUBLtC WORKS • � • 234 Cit�► HaA & Court House b5 i 02 � - Daniel J. Dunford, P.E. � ' , � . Director � . . Octobe r 26; 1973 : ' � Mr. Clemens J. Schleck Chief Accountant - � Qepartment of Finance Accounting Div. ' � Room i09 City Na11 BU I!.D I NG � � ' " Oea� Mr. Schleck: � � � 1� �espo�se ta your telephone call , the estimated ]oss . � . � in the Refuse Collection Fund in 1973 is as follows: Estimated Expenses $ 773,902.OJ . Estimated Revenue 602,412.00` � , � - Estimated Loss ' $ 170,490.00 � , *tToes not i ncl ude S,i cere ly� ;' $28,556 appropriated � � ,` _irt 1973 8udget 1 �.r�� ti�.`ZC�� • � . ,�'James F. Schwartz . " . / Accountanx ' 4 . .lFSldah - tc: Roger Anderson , Virginia Sanchez . I �c,u��. �6 Jr� t�.� o � . I / �s . L''SS lOUGt�G� �l� �� iy, y � .- _ .\ \ -. , . _ ; '\. ` . . �. �z _ . .�,�..._�._ _ _ _ . ------ --_-�--...�- ,: ._ ��_,-...,.w.�..___--__ ... =. '_ � 1�. .. . _._.... .. . . . . X � . �� ' . _ . �� � CITT p� .� � . ' . ' ;��,/�O�±:� . . L� , . . �.'� py, . .. . . . . . � , . � . . .i-� b .. .�..' . . _ . . . . � _ . .. . -. � .. � . . . . �ij .. AC . . . . . .. � ' . . . . . . . . �.• . � � . �.. � . . � � CITY OF SAfNT . PAUL � Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT O� PUBLIC 1�610RK5 . 234 City HaU & Cnurt House 55102 ; - �g < November 9, 1973 . . Ho�orable Frank D. Marzitel l i , _ _ City Administrator - Room 365 C i ty Ha l l _ , - � � � :. , BU I LO I NG : �_. :. ;;: .. . . , i'�� , _ pear Mr. Marzitelli: in reply to your �iett�r of Fiovember 7th regarding the estimated deficit t� the Re`use Collection Fund, 1 would iike ta repost t�e following. ESTIMATED EXPENSES Salaries - ` �493;602.00 Contractual Services 215,300.00 � � Commodities 3.000.0� . Fri�ge Benefits �_: 62.0_00.�� Total Estimated Expenditures $773.902.00 : ESTIMATED REVENUE _ - �60 43.12.Or ESTIMATED DEFiCIT .. . ,.- . $170,490.00 � . Provided for in 1973 Budget 28.586.00 �. 5141,904.00 Oeficit due to $.35 customers � 502.00 5476 customers x $.55 x 51 weeics s � � 53. ` - : . , ..� . ,� > . ,:.� • . �+�,�a,�� . Hono�able Frank D. Marzitelli Page -2- . . November 9, 1973 The Depa�tment requested a fee increase of $. 10 beginning September 17, - - 1973. but this was not possible because of the President's Phase I ! A � price and wage controls. Yours very truly, - _ � _ �,� : � • • Dan iel J. Dunford . � Director of Public Works JFS:ddr _ ��-- — cc: Robe�t Trudeau � Roger Mattson � � .!. F. Schwartz ' , ` , - J GITY OF SAINT PAIIL ������� OFFIG7: OF TIIE MAYO1� �s N����B �/�B LnwaF xcr D. CoxF:v �IAYOR December 5, 1973 To the Members of the City Council: Ordinance 15502 being Council File 262477 approved by me on November 27, 1973 provides for an additional appropriation to the Contingent Reserve - General in the amount of $426,904.00 and $35,000.00 for Development District Planning for a total of $461,904,00. This budget revision is being financed from the General Revenue Fund Balance, not Dedicated and becomes effective December 31, 1973, _ The attached Council Resolution also has an effective date of December 31, 1973. It is from this source of revenue that this resolution funding the anticipated operating deficit in the Refuse Collection Fund is to be financed. Respectfully submitted, � '�""'r7 Lawrence D, Cohen - Mayor aa