02-299L Presented Green S6eet #20052 RESOLUTION '� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the Department ofPublic Works has determined that a competency-based job classificarion system is required to better meet workforce succession plam�ing needs, and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works and the Office of Human Resources have conducted a collaborative process that has developed a new competency-based job classification system for Referred To Council File # O - q9 Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution approving, in accordance with Civil Service 2 Rule 8.A.6, a pilot project called, Saint Paul Public Works Competency 3 Modeling Project, and the accompanying letter of intent with Saint Paul Manua1 and 4 Maintenance Supervisory Association (MMSA) which govern the administration of this pilot 5 project. 10 the Manual and Maintenance Supervisors Job Family and a corresponding administrative procedure, and 11 WHEREAS, this new system and procedure was designed to provide more fle�bility in duty 12 assignments based on employee demonstrated competencies rather than on narrowly defined class 13 specifications, and 14 WHEREAS, this new system and procedure was designed to provide employees with cleazly defined 15 cazeer ladders, and professional development opportunities and 16 WHEREAS, this new system and procedure was designed to better support the vision and mission 17 of the Department of Public Works, and 18 WHEREAS,CivilServiceRule8.A.6,pernutstheHumanResourcesDirectortoconductpilotand/or 19 research projects designed to enhance recruitment, selection, employee career development programs, and 20 referral and/or appointment processes for filling City positions, and 21 WHEItEAS, the City of Saint Paul Office of Human Resources and Saint Paul Manual and 22 Maintenance Supervisors Association, representing the employees in the job classifications affected by the 23 Public Works Competency Modeling Project, haue met and conferred regarding the modification of oa�.q9 24 certain Civil Service Rules in the administration of this pilot project, now therefore, be it ZS RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached 26 Letter of Intent goveming the administration of the Public Works Competency Modeling 27 Project, and be it 28 FIJRT'HER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves 29 the attached Public Works Competency Modeling Project, and be it 30 FURTI�R RESOLVED, that the effective date of said pilot project shall be the first pay period 31 following passage and approval ofthis resolution, and be it 32 FCTRTHER RESOLVED, that said pilot project shall expire three years following the passage and 33 approval of this resolution unless action is taken otherwise prior to the expiration date, and be it 34 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Office ofHuman Resources and the Department ofPublic Works 35 shall submit to the City Council andthe Mayor afinal report being submittedthrae months prior to expiration. Adopted by Council: � . - � i_—a '� � i a _ nEranza�2ro�cx�couxcu.:, nnav avrrinnrEn ��� �� � GREEN SHEET Human Resources 3/27/OZ MAg 2 f 2�;�2 0 �'� . � CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: V IT + A I wre 7ohn ShoCkley (266-6482) i nFZexrn�trr me _` � a c�zcou�ca ASSIGf1ED 2QlYATR7Ri7EY CRYC1ERiC 4 MUSf BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATL� ��� xoUTINC FII�.�t.cw.seRVn� FINnNCCUL.�2WnC�1+G ORDER 3MAYOR(ORASSf.) _3 TOTAL # OF S[GNATURE PAGFS_1 (QdP ALL iACATIONS FOR SIGNATUAL� ncnox �uESrsn: Approval of a pilot project titled "Competency Modeling Project" and accompanying letter of intent. R&CA�ATIONS: Apprwe (A) aRejat (R) r�.soxar, s�av[cs coxr�acrsvrosr.wswE[e rt� i+oi.wwarc QuESnoxs: 1. HuthiaPasodfumevawakedwdcamntrac[fathisdepartmmt7 _PLANNINGCObA�IISSION Yn No CffiC01�4.SCITEE 2 HaslhiaPaswlfumevabeenadtym�ployee4 CSYII.S£RVSCECOMI.ASSSION Yea Nu — s. n��c�va+�.�;umc�.tNr�ermr��q�n�or«z Yes No 4. Istluspenodfvma Wgekdaendal Yes No Eap6in f� Ya amwm eo kpuate sheet and attsc� to [teeR ehheet INCfIATING PROBLEM issuE, orroxrvxcTr ryw wn.e, wnm, wn�.Y, wey�: In July of 1999, the Department of Public Works established a Succession and Workforce Planning Team. As there will be a number of anticipated personnel retirements over the neact few years, the Team proposed the development oF a competency-based job classification system for the Public Works Manuai and Maintenance Supervisors positions. A Manual and Maintenance Competency Working Group and Steering Team were convened. These two groups developed the attached Competency Modeling Project for the job family and the Competency Matrix. This is a pilot project, in accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6., which is also attached, hauing a duration of three years. nuvarrrncES iF nrrxovEn: The pilot project will enable Public Works to use the developed competencies as the basis for future sele,ction (both hiring and promotions), training, education, and development, recruitment, and performance management. This system also establishes an administrative structure that allows Public Works to determine employee competency and maintain ongoing lists of employees eligibie for promotion, resulting in future vacancies to be filled more quickly. DISADVANfAGES IF APPROVED: NOIIC. nisanvnrrracES � xor arrxovEn:. The goals and objectives of Public Works regazding succession and workforce planning will not be met, specifically, time lines for filling future vacancies will not be reduced. rorni, aMOUxz oF zRnxsncriox: There are no additional salary costs associated with this project. - COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: Yes � � � � � �� � � FUNDING SOURCE: E v ,, �� `"" ACTIVITY NUMBER: MAR 2 Fnvaivc�, nvFO�razzox: �Yri.Anv� � ��-�-�����r° �arcn center G:�Shared�FII2-Competencies�PilotProjects�Public.Works\EW.�A�i�tA;n.Pilot�GREENSHT.WPD a �s�- ,� � F., ..:,� � � OFFICE OF IIUMAN RESOURCES p a.�-qy � KatherineLMegarry, InterimDirector " CTTY OF SAIN'f PAUL RandyKelly, Mayor 400 Ciry HailAnnez 25 WestFourth Street SaintPau;Minnesom 55102-1637 Mr. Daniel Palumbo, President Saint Paul Manual and Maiutenance Supervisors Association P. O. Box 17275 Saint Paul, MN 55117 Dear Mr. Palumbo: Telephone: TODl1'IY.' Ja6Gne: FacsimiZe: 1`Option: Y 3" Option: 651-26665Q0 651-266-6501 651-2 66 65 02 651-291-6414 651-292-6415 651-292-7656 In our conversarion of Mazch 20, 2002, the Ciry indicated a desire to establish a competency-based pilot project for Manual and Maintenance positions within the Saint Paul Department of Public Works. Our understauding of how the pilot project will be implemented is laid out as follows: 1. Pilot Project Established. In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, governing the implementation of Human Resources pilot projects, the Ciry of Saint Paul (City) and the Saint Paul Manual and Maintenance Supervisors Associarion (MMSA) hereby state that ihey have met and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached documents titled "Competency Modeling Project Manual Maintenance Supervisors" dated January 31, 2002 and the "Manual Maintenance Supervisors 7ob Family Competency Mairix" dated January 23, 2002. The City and MMSA agree that the pilot project shall apply to those employees of the Deparhnent of Public Works who hold positions allocated to the following tifles and aze represented by MMSA: Bridge Maiutenance Supervisor I and II, Dispatcher, PW Supervisor I, II, and III, Sewer Supervisor I, II, and III, Traffic Maintenance Supervisor I, and II, and Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor I and II. The Public Works Field Supervisor ritle will continue as a Manual and Maintenance-represented title, but is not included in tlus pilot project at this time. 2. Pilot Project Duration. The duration of the pilot project will be three years, with a review to be conducted by the City and MMSA at the end of two years. 3. Examination Contents. Modify Civil Service Rule 6.B to allow qualifying exam; e.g., pass/fail for promotion candidates. This rule, as modified, shall be used only for exam;nations used to determine eligible candidates for promorional vacancies in positions allocated to the Bridge Maintenance Supervisor I and II, Dispatcher, PW Supervisor I, II, and III, Sewer Supervisor I, II, and III, Traffic Maintenance Supervisor I, and II, and Velucle Mecl�wic Supervisor I and II classes in the Department of Public Works. 4. Eligible Lists. Modify Civil Service Rule 7 to allow for promotion eligible lists, established for Public Works vacancies in the classes idenufied above, to remain in effect for the duraAon of the pilot project. oa a-qy Letter to Dan Palumbo Page 2 Mazch 25, 2002 5. GrievancelAppeal Procedures. Ensure that an appeal process is in place for employees to use when nuessary. It is further agreed thaY grievances arising from terms and conditions of employment in the City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rules and Salary Plan and Rate of Compensation shall continue to be processed through the procedure outliued in the current collective bazgainiug agreement between the City and Manual Maintenance Supervisors. Any grievances arising &om alleged violations of the procedures established in said pdot project shall be subject to the appeal process set forth in Civil Service Rule 26: Grievance Procedure. While both parties aclmowledge that the City retains its inherent managerial rights to evaluate and select staff, when concerns regarding the substantive detern�n�ations of the Competency Review Panel occur, the parties agree to conduct an administrative review between the Human Resources Director and the Bazgaining Unit Representative, wluch shall occur prior to an appeal being made to the Civil Service Commission. 6. Changes to the Competency Matrix. It is anticipated that changes to the competency matrix will be required from time to time. At the end of the pilot period, the intention is to replace the current job specifications for each ofthe aforementioned job series with the "Manual Maintenance Supervisors Job Family Competency Matrix." According to Civil Service Rule 3, a riventy�ay notice will be sent to the affected Bazgainiug Unit when changes to the matrix aze contemplated just as Bazgainu�g Unit representatives aze now notified of changes to the job specs. Non-Precedent Setting. Tlris pilot project sets no precedent for the establishment of future pilot projects or for the continuation of this project after the three-year end date. � � � ��.p���.�� thy Meg ry, Interim Daniel Palumbo, Business Representative Human Resources Director Saint Paul Manual and Maintenance � Z S� ( OZ Supervisors Association � Dated: 3 /as� � An Aftirmative Action Equal Opportunity ADA Employer Sec08 Civil Service Rules back to Table of Contents/Indez City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Civil Service Rules 8. Filling Vacancies O�.-�� 8.A.1. Whenever a vacancy in a Classified position occurs, unless the vacancy is to be filled by reduction, transfer, reinstatement after layoff or reinstatement after voluntary reduction, the appointing officer shall make a requisition for certification on the form prescribed by the Human Resources Director. The vacancy shall be Filled whenever possible in the following order: 1. By reduction 2. By transfer 3. By reinstatement after layoff 4. By reinstatement after voluntary reduction 5. By promorion 6. By reinstatement after resignation and by original entrance Appointing officers have the authority to appoint and employ, in accordance with the titles and grades in these Rules, the number of persons authorized by the City Budget in effect and apprwed by the Budget Director. In the absence of an eligible list for a position requested, the Office of Human Resources may certify from higher classes to vacancies occurring in lower classes, or from the eligible list of the nearest equal or higher graded appropriate list, where the examination reasonably measures the ability of the eligible to perform the duries in the class to which certification is made. Certification from a related list as described in this paragraph shall be made only from an original entrance eligible list. Appointing officers haue the authority to appoint and to employ an employee to more than one title concurrently. However, appointment to each title must be made in accordance with all applicable Civil Service Rules. Such mulriple appointments may be made only in situations where it is reasonable to expect the employee to be assigned for at least one day per calendar year in each title. Such multiple appointments must be approved by the Human Resources Director. 8.A.2. Employees whose posirions have been reclassified in accordance with Section 25.0 of these Rules shall have preference in certificarion to their positions from the promotional list irrespective of their standing on the list. The Director may authorize an appointing authority to promote an incumbent without further competitive examination to a classified position which has been reallocated to a different classification because of changes in job duties and responsibilities, which are not the Page 1 of 5 Sec08 Civil Service Rules Page 2 of 5 O �.. �°l,� result of planned management action. This authorization may occur only if the incumbent has performed the critical duties of the higher posirion for one year or more, meets the minimum qualifications, has promotion rights, and has demonstrated satisfactory performance in their position. S.A.3. Vacant positions shall be filied from a promotion eligible list or from a list of promotion eligibles on an open list in the following manner. The Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing officer a list of eligibles which sha11 include the top 3 eligibies, plus the top 3 eligibles from the appointing division plus ties. If the top 3 certified eligibles are from the appointing division, no further names shall be certified. If the top 3 certified eligibles are not from the appointing division, then the certification shall be expanded to include the required number of eligibles from the appointing division. The term 'division' used in this paragraph sha11 mean'department' in all cases where a department is not divided into divisions. For the purpose of this paragraph's provisions, the following are considered to be divisions of the Mayor's Office; Human and Civil Rights; Office of Human Resources. For the purpose of this provision, Legislative Operating shall be considered a sepazate department; Fire Equipment Services shall be considered a division of the Fire and Safety Services Deparhnent, the Department of Public Works shall be considered as one division, the Department of Piann'rng and Economic Development shall be considered as one division, and the Department of Finance and Management shall be considered as one division. S.A.4. Section 8.A.3 shall not apply to titles represented by the Professional Employees bargaining unit or the Professional Supervisory Employees bargaining unit. 8.A.5. When two or more titles are combined into a new title, the Director may authorize the appointing authority to appoint affected employees to the new tide without further competirive testing as long as they have been certified to one of the ritles being combined, and they meet the minimum qualifications for the new tifle. Seniority will be determined in accordance with Secrion 22 Layoff. 8.A.6. The Human Resources Director may conduct pilot and/or research projects designed to enhance recruitment, selection, experimental leaming placements, pre-entry training programs, employee career development programs, inclusive of apprenticeship, and on-the job training programs, referral and/or appointment processes for the filling of City positions. The Human Resources Director, prior to taking any employment action in the above referenced pilot and/or research projects, shall obtain the approval of the Mayor and if approved, obtain the consent of the Council. Norice to the affected bargaining units shall be given and at such time, the bargaining units have the right to discuss their Sec08 Civil Service Rules Page 3 of 5 o�. -bqq issues as well as present recommendations for changes in the project. Notice to the City Council will be given for review and subsequent approval/denial of the project. Written documentation shall be provided by the Human Resources Director for review prior to approval. Documentation shall include the following: a. Assurance that the proposal does not supplant �isting certified employees. b. Identification of Civil Service Rules affected by the proposal, if any. c. Participants in programs wiil be certified, having a probationary period, involved in sUuctured training and will be provided an out placement referral service. d. CIassifications created through the proposal will be assigned to the appropriate bargaining unit as per our present policy and procedures. e. It is recognized that any affect on terms and conditions of employment are subject to negotiations. £ Pilot employment proj ects will be in accordance with State and Federal laws and/or regulations and the Saint Paul City Charter. g. Reference to the City Policy Objectives sought to be served by the pilot and/or research project. Appropriate Civil Service Rules, if approved by the Mayor and City Council can be suspended for the purposes of these projects. Their suspension is limited for the time period as specified for the project. A project will not exceed a 3-yeaz time span. An evaluation report is to be submitted to the Mayor and Council within 3-months of the end ofthe project. 8.B.1. Vacant positions shall be filled from an original entrance list in the following manner: S.B.l.a. Vacancy Filled From An Original Entrance List Single vacancy from a requisition shall be filled as follows: FOR LISTS HAVING TWENTY (20) OR FEWER ELIGIBLES The Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles from the list, plus ties. In addition, the Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appoinring authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles, plus ries, in each protected-class group. The appoinring authority may appoint any eligible so certified. FOR LISTS HAVING MORE THAN TWENTY (20) ELIGIBLES Sec08 Civil Service Rules Page 4 of 5 p�.a-9.� When underutilizarion or underrepresentation, as defined in Section 8.B1.b., does not e7rist in any protected class, the Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles on the list, plus ties. In addition, the Office of Human Resources shall certify the three (3) highest scoring eligibles on the list, plus ties, from each and every protected class who are among either the top thirty-three percent (33%) or the highest scoring twenty (20) eligibles on the list, whichever wiil produce the greater number of protected-class eligibles. The appointing authority may appoint any eligible so certified. When a specific job title is vndemtilized or when underrepresentarion exists in the Saint Paul Board of Educarion civil service work force or City of Saint Paul's department/division work force, certification will be as follows: The Office of Human Resources sha11 certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles on the list, plus ries. In addition, the Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles, plus ties, of each and every protected class who are among the top forty-five percent (45%) of the highest scoring eligibles on the overall list. The appointing authority may appoint any eligible so certified. 8.B.l.b. Definitions Number of etigibles on a list: For purposes of determining the number of eligibles on a list, this number shall be determined at the time a new Iist is established and shall include only those new persons who took and passed the most recent examination and are placed on that list. Underrepresentation: A condition that eacists at any given time when the percentage of each protected-class group within the overall work force for the Saint Paul Board of Education and the departments/divisions of the City of Saint Paul ue below the City's goals for each protected-class group as contained in the City's adopted Open Opportunity Program Action Plan/�rmative Acfion Plan (OOPAP/AAP). Underutilization: A condition that exists at any given time when the number of protected-class members employed in the job categories is fewer than the number of qualified protected-class members that would be reasonably expected to be employed by the auailability in the relevant labor market areas, based upon census data and information as contained in the City's adopted Open Opportunity Program Action Plan/�rmative Action Program (OOPAP/AAP). Disabled: For the purpose of these Rules, shall be defined using the federal govemment's definition of a disabled person based upon the definition contained in the Americans With Disabiliries Act (ADA). 8.B.l.c. Multiple Vacancies From a Single Requisition Multiple vacancies from a single requisition shall be filled as follows: Sec08 Civil Service Rules Page 5 of 5 � o�-}qg The Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the number of eligibles on the list necessary to fill the number of vacancies, plus two additional scorers, plus ties, in accordance with 8.B1.a. In addition, this same number shall be certified from each protected-class group. The appointing authority may appoint any eligible so certified. S.B.l.d. Open Opportunity Program Action Plan/Aftirmative Action Plan The City of Saint Paul sha11 adopt an Open Opportunity Program Action Plan/�rmative Action Program (OOPAP/AAP). Each City Department and Office is required to comply with all provisions and sections of the OOPAP/AAP. 8.C. The appoinring officer may rej ect the eligibles if fewer than three entrants are listed. However, if fewer than three are certified from a promotion list for a ritle represented by the Professional Supervisory Employee Bargaining Unit, and if an appointment is made, the appointing officer must appoint one of the eligibles. See further information on this rule: Interviewing: Obl�ation to Interview Certified Candidates back to ton o a-�°� City of Saint Paul Public Works Competency Modeling Project Manual Maintenance Supervisors Defining Competencies/Competency-Based Systems Competencies are the Irnowledge, skills, abilities, characteristics, attributes, and behaviors associated with successful performance on the job. Some e�mples are problem solving, analytical thinking, and leadership. Competency-based ciassification systems allow organizarions to move beyond the old "box" on the organizational chart which was a strict set of duties defining a job. Competencies promote more flexibility and keep up with constant change in the variety of work. They also allow the otganization to develop other human resource systems, e.g., employee development, recruitment and selection, and performance management. In 7uly 1999, the Public Works Succession and Worl�'orce Planning Team proposed that the Department focus their attention on a number of high-priority tasks, which would position the Department for the future. A driving reason for action is the anticipated retirement of several engineers and technicians in the ne�ct few years and Manual Maintenance Supervisors over the nea�t eight to ten yeus in lazger numbers. One of several goals the Planning Team established, given the anticipated retirements, was to develop a competency-based system. In this case, a competency system woutd show employees what future job success would requ've and what development and training should be undertaken to meet the future requirements. Work began with the Civil Engineering and Technician positions, and has continued with the Manual Maintenance Supervisors. A Manual Maintenance Steering Team and a Working Group were established. Their chazge was to devetop competencies and an implementation plan for the Manual Maintenance Supervisors class series. The Working Group recommended competencies for all titles within the Manual Maintenance job series found in Public Works, which were then validated by individuals currentiy holding those titles and the respective Division Managers. The Steering Team recommends the fotlowing imptementation strategies: ■ Use competencies as the basis for future training, education, and development, recruitment and selection, and performance management within Public Works. ■ Continue to use the shazed competencies for Manuat Maintenance positions that were adopted by Public Works Adminisuarion in 2000, namely: EducarionaURegistrarion Requirements; Technical Expertise; Project & Program Management; Communicarions; Teamwork, Management, and Leadership; and Customer Service. ■ Estabiish an administrative structure to determine competency, which is outlined in the next section ofthis document. Page i of 6 o�.-��q ti Envisioning the Future The Working Group focused its efforts upon defining what success for Manual Maintenance Supervisors would look like now and in the future. Iiow do we go about defining what would constitute competency, and how do we ensure that Public Works employees will be successful in the foreseeable future? There is an understanding that Manual Maintenance positions could well become more difficult to fill in the future due to an increasingly competitive job market. How we recruit for positions in the future, how quickly we can hire individuals, and how competitive our salaries and other benefits are will have a huge influence upon our future success. The Steering Team made the following assumptions as part of their work: The cument Manual Maintenance titles will be maintained: Bridge Maintenance Supervisor I and II; Dispatcher and Public Works Supervisor I, II, and III; Public Works Field Supervisor (However, this particular title is not included in the Competency Matrix at this time.); Sewer Supervisor I, II, and III; Traffic Maintenance Supervisor I and II; and Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor I and II. ■ That all individuals currently holding these permanent titles meet the competency levels defined in the " Saint Paul Manual Maintenance Supervisors Job Family Competency Matrix" dated January 23, 2002. Using Competency-Based Systems How will competencies be demonstrated? Who will do the competency evaluations? How often will they be done? What organizational structure is necessary to effectively administer the competency system that has been developed? What other systems should be linked to the competencies developed? The Steering Team addresses these questions in their recommendations found in this section of their report. Administrative Structure ■ Establish a three-member Competency Review Board (CRB) within the Deparunent of Public Works. Composition of the three-member panel is recommended to be comprised of at least one Manual Maintenance Supervisors who hold a higher title than that being reviewed, with the remaining members being either Manual Maintenance Supervisors or Project Engineers who have field/construction eaperience. Supervisors from different Divisions may serve on the Board when they have technical knowledge conceming the position being filled. ■ Use the Operating Guidelines developed and currentty being used to administer Engineer and Technician Boazds dated December 20, 2000. Page 2 of 6 o ��t9 ■ Convene the CRB periodically and regulazly, e.g., quarterly or more frequently if necessary. ✓ The convener of the Board shall be the Personnel Liaison for the Department. The Personnel Liaison will configure the board with Manuat Maintenance Supervisors at the appropriate level or Project Engineers with field/construction eaperience who will be asked to serve as board members. The approval of the Competency Review Board Members shall be at the discretion of the Public Works Director. ✓ The Personnel Liaison will keep a record of the Competency Review Boazd's competency detemvnations, maintaining a wrrent list of intemal promotional candidates for future position vacancies. ✓ Employees will be responsible for producing evidence that they have the education, certificates, and registrations required. ✓ Competency Certification, once achieved, remains current until the Competency Matri�c is revised and new requirements are added. ✓ Have the Competency Review Boazd use a four-point, 75% pass/fail rating scale similaz to that proposed for the Civil Engineering series. ✓ The two reasons for convening the panel are: - Manual Maintenance Supervisor position(s) becomes availabie within the Department, or - Employees may make a request for certification review when they believe they have attained the required competency. ■ Provide a feedback process for employees regazding the Competency Review Board's deternvnations, e.g., what specifically should an employee work on to achieve competency. The Personnel Liaison should provide this feedback to employees on behalf of the Boazd members. ■ Ensure that an appeal process is in place for employees to use when necessary. It is further agreed that grievances arising from terms and condi6ons of employment in the City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rules and Salary Plan and Rate of Compensation shall continue to be processed through the procedure outlined in the current collective bargaining ageement between the City and Manual Maintenance Supervisors. Any grievances arising from alleged violations of the procedwes established in said pilot project shall be subject to the appeal process set forth in Civil Service Rule 26: Grievance Procedure. While both parties acknowiedge that the City retains its inherent managerial rights to evatuate and select staff, when concems reguding the substantive deternvnarions of the Competency Review Panel occur, the parties agree to conduct an administrative review between the Human Resources Director and the Bargaining Unit Representative, which shall occur prior to an appeal being made to the Civil Service Commission. Page 3 of 6 oa--�°t9 � Hiring/Promotions and Testing The Steering Team speculates that selection of future Manual Maintenance Supervisors a+ill most often occur as a promotion from within, but may on occasion involve hiring from outside the City. Promoting from within shall be done based upon the Competency Review Board's pass/fail recommendations using the selected testing methodology. ■ Use the 7anuary 23, 2002 "lvianual Maintenance Supervisors Job Family Competency Matrix" developed by the Working Group to hire and promote Manual Maintenance Supervisors in Public Works. ■ Involve the Division Manger in determining the testing methodology for intemal candidates, assisting the Public Work's Personnel Liaison in devising an appropriate selection process. Promotion, using the competency matrix, is not automatic. Promotion remains a management decision in that a position must be vacant and a decision fo fill that position must be made by management. Hiring from the outside. If no candidates are available internally, hiring at any level of the Manual Maintenance Supervisory series should be done using the minimum quals and competencies established for the appropriate supervisory level. The Competency Review Boazd would conduct the competency review. Other specific recommendations regarding the use of the Competency Matrix are as follows: ■ Replace the current Job Specs with the "Manual Maintenance Supervisors Job Family Competency Matrix dated January 23, 2002." ■ Use an evaluation/rating system to screen supervisory candidates and establish a list of promotional candidates, similar to that developed for Engineering and Technician titles. ■ Establish pass/fail testing for promorionai positions, following the current Civil Service Rule on the subject. Page 4 of 6 aa-�`1 t Training, Education, and Development Employee Responsibilities: The role of individuals and employees is one of personal responsibility to maintain their own competence and marketability. Employees should demonstrate comgetency to perform their current job and look for ways to prepare for the future. Employees will be expected to exercise personal responsibility for their own training, educatio� and development, in essence, attaining and maintaining their competence. Employer Responsibilities: Public Works, as the employer, has a responsibility and a commitment to assist empioyees to attain and maintain their competence, since competent employees benefit both the organization as a whole and the individual employees within the organization. In addition to maintaining competency for one's current position, Public Works should provide employees with career development options, e.g., rotation, cross-training, educatioq and development opportunities. Again, the belief is that this benefits both individuals and the organization. Ensure that training and development is offered, either internally or externally, in the core competency azeas identiSed in the "Manual Maintenance Supervisors Job Family Competency Matrix dated 7anuary 23, 2002." ✓ Department- or Division-specific training should be supported by Public Works, e.g., MnDOT certification training. ✓ Request that the City provide generic training, e.g., communications or program/project management. Provide adequate funding and allow time for uaining, education, and development opportunities necessary to maintain employee competencies. ✓ The Department should pay for training, education, and development opportunities specific to current job assignment, e.g., licensing fees, certification fees. ✓ Continue to use City tuirion reimbwsement where applicable. Find ways to develop employees, thus increasing their individuai competency and value to the organization. Performance Management The competitive environment we work in demands that attention be focused on managing job performance. This means performance management is more than simply Elling out an annual performance evaluation. Performance management is instead focused on the management responsibilities of planning, observing, evaluating, developing measurements, and job performance Page 5 of 6 oa.-�.�°1 indicators. The development of core competencies is a critical component to improve �, effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity within Public Works. As Public Works strives to implement its Succession and Worl�'orce Plan, it will be important to provide consistency for performance management throughout the Department. Because the competencies are being adapted step by step for each job class series, the Steering Team suggests that competencies defined by the Worldng Group form the basis of the Manual Maintenance Supervisors Performance Management system, which should be implemented once the competencies aze finally adopted. ■ Incorporate competencies into "Annual Employee Performance Evaluations" used within Public Works. ✓ Use the core competencies identified in the "Manual Maintenance Supervisors Job Family Competency Matrix dated January 23, 2002" to revamp the cunent Performance Evaluations. ✓ Each Manual Maintenance Supervisor within Public Works should have an annual competency development planning discussion as part of their performance evaluation. This discussion would inciude areas to attain/maintain competency for current position, and/or a discussion of how to attain future competency. When holding these annual discussions with employees, use competency evaluation data from the Competency Review Board if that is available. ✓ Educate Managers and Manual Maintenance Supervisors on how to incorporate competencies into the annual performance reviews. Dated: January 31, 2002 Revised: March 20, 2002 G:VSharedlHR-Cpupetrncies�PiloLAojxls�Public. Waks�P W.ManMain.Pilot�.malel.davmmL32302.wpd Page 6 of 6 Saint Paul Public Works Manual Maintenance Supervisors Job Family Competencv Matrix (January 23, 2002) Each competency builds upon the other as the class series progresses.) , ` ` . Technic�l Con��etenci�e,'s - � : � � - . >_ n._.'. , t '�.' . `: _ '' ' � - ". ...'C.' . _ . '_. . ... . . . - '... ... , _�Y�l S��e�.3 i.tl`�r - � � ., i �:�,.,... �.. , — ._:, -a.:w J . .' . ', � �• -. f " . ' . :: ' � " ' _.. . . . . -'. . -..- . . � . �ob £lassi�cattibn Techn�cal;�pett'ise Ind�istry Practice , ;- T-echmcal Expert�se °Risk i�auagement Te��uical_Elcpertise Technology Biidge Maintenance Supeivisoi I Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of procedures, Demonstrates an abiliry to identify basic risks and liabiliry implicadons Demonstrates an understanding of the operaflon of [he various techniques and equipment used in bridge construcrion maintenanee associated with the work and take appropriate acuon to minimize those rools and equipment used in bridge maintenance activities and Must possess a valid MN Class D Dmer's �d repair and demonstrates an understanding of the common laws risks; demonstrates an ability ro refer common legal issues to higher keeps cu�rent on advancements; demonstra[es computer skills in License and have certificaflon as a Level I and regulations affecdng bridge maintenance and repair; level supervisory authoriry; demonstrates an understanding of operating a keyboazd and mouse and basic computer skills Bridge Safety Inspecflon Assistant as demonstrates the abiliry to apply this understanding in idenUfying established safety pracrices and equipment caze procedures and necessary to produce requireA reports and work related forms. defined by MnDot Technical Certificadon and resolving [he common problems associated with the work. demonstrates an ability to instruct others in such pracGces and p� procedures. Bridge Maintenance Supervisor II Demonstrates an understanding of the £ull range of procedures, Demonstrates an ability to identify the full range of dsks and liability Demonsvates an understanding of the operation of the various techniques and equipment used in bridge construction, maintenance implications associated with the work and take appropriate acfion to tools and equipment used in bridge maintenance acrivities and Must possess a valid MN Class D Driver's and repair and demonstrates an understanding of the full range of minimize those risks; demonstrates a� ability to confer with the City keeps cunent on advancements; demonsvates computer sMlls in License and certification as a Level II laws and regulations affecting bridge maintenance and repair; Ahomey's Office in addressing legal issues; demonstrates an operating a keyboazd and mouse; demonstrates the ability ro use Bridge Safety Inspector and Level II demonstrates the ability to apply this understanding in identifying understanding of established safety practices and equipment care common computer softwaze such as spreadsheets, word Bridge Construaion Inspector as defineA �d resolving the full range of problems associated with the work. procedures and demonstrates an ability to inswct others in such processing„ database management, and In[ernet search tools. by MnDOT Technical Certification practices and procedures. Program. Dispatcher Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of State and City Demonstrates an ability to identify the full range of dsks and liability Demonstrates an understanding of and ability to operate various L,aws, ordinances, rules, regulations and Public Works Deparhnent implica6ons associated with the work and take appropriate acfion to tools and equipment used in street maintenance acGvifies; Must possess a valid MN Class B Driver's operating procedures goveming street maintenance, construction, minimize those risks; demonstrates an ability to confer with the City demonstrates computer sldlis in operating a keyboazd and License (CDL). cleaning, and sewer construction; with paztiwlar emphasis given to Attorney's Office in addressing legal and liability issues including mouse; demonstrates the ability to use common computer demonstrating an understanding of snow plowing including snow [hose associated with accidents involving Public Works Street softwaze such as spreadsheets, word processing, database emergencies, street sweeping. patching, and overlays operafing Maintenance Division equipment. management, and Intemet seazch rools. procedures; demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding in identifying and resolving the full range of problems associated with the work; demonstrates an understanding of the duties and responsibilities of the various job clusifications and [erms and condifions of employment set forth in the labor agreements for the unions representing employees in posiUons in thosejob classes. O � . � Page 1 of 4 � . _. - � r , _ ,._ .. �, . _ _ ,. . _ �� _ - �, . �ob;Ctassfficahon , ` , . Techuical Expetfise ,IndUStrqPracticc �eeh�ucal EgperUse R�si� �anagementi � - Techmcai E%�erhse;$.Teehnology, PW Supervisor I Demonstrates an understanding of the common Srate and City Demonstrates an ability to identify basic risks and liability implications Demonstrates an understanding of the operation of the various Iaws, ordinances, rules, regulations and Public Works Department associated with the work and take appropriate action to minimize those tools and equipment used in street maintenance activities and Mus[ possess a valid MN Class D Driver's operating procedures goveming street maintenance, conswction, risks; demonstrates an abiliry to refer basic ]egal issues ro higher level keeps cutrent on advancements in same; demonstrates computer License. cleaning, snow removal and basic sewer constmetion; demonstrates supervisory auffiority; demonstrates an undersianding of established skills in operating a keyboard and mouse and basic computer a common understar�ding of City oF Szint Pau] streets, alleys, safety practices and equipment care procedures and demonstrates an skills related to producing required reports and work related bridges, and sewer system; demonstraTes an ability to apply this ability to inst`uct o[hers in such practices and procedures. forms. understanding in identifying and resolving the notmal problems associated with the work. PW Supervisor II Demonstrates an undersianding of the full range of State and City Demonstrates an ability to idenrify common risks and liabiliry Demonstrates an understanding of the operaflon of various tools Laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and Public Works Department implications associated with the work and take appropriate action to and equipment used in street maintenance activities and keeps Must possess a valid MN Class D Driver's opernting procedures goveming sa�eet maintenance, constmeaon, minimize those risks; demonstrates an abiliry to refer common legal cumnt on advancemenu in same; demonstrates computer skills License. cleaning, snow removal and basic sewer constcucflon; demonstrates issues to higher level supervisory authority; demonstrates an in operafing a keyboazd and mouse; demonstrates the ability ro a good understanding of City of Saint Pau1 streets, alleys, bridges, understanding of established safery prnctices and equipment caze use common computer software such as spreadsheets, word and sewer system; demonstrates an ability to apply this procedures and demonstrates an abiliry to instrua others in such processing„ database management, and Intemet search tools. understanding in identifying and resolving the full range of practices and procedures. problems associated with the work PW Supervisor III Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of State and City Demonstrates an abiliry to identify the full range of risks and liability Demonstrates an understanding of the operation of vazious tools Laws, ordinances, rules, regulafions and Public Works Department implications associated with the work and take appropriate acrion to and equipment used in street maintenance activities and keeps Must possess a valid MN Class D Driver's operafing procedures goveming street maintenance, construction, minimize those risks; demonstrates an ability to confer with the City cunent on advancements in same; demonstrates computer skills License. cleaning, snow removal and basic sewer construc6on; demonstrates Attomey's Office in addressing the full range of legal and liability in operaflng a keyboard and mouse; demonstrates the ability to an expert understanding of City of Saint Paul streets, alleys, issues; demonstrates an understanding of established safety practices use common computer software such as spreadsheets, word bridges, and sewer system; demonstrates an ability to apply this and equipment care procedures and demonshates an ability to instruct processing„ database management, and Intemet search tools. understanding in identifying and resolving the more complex others in such practices and procedures. problems associa[ed with the work. Sewer Supervisor I Demonstrates an understanding of the common Federal, State, and Demonsaates an ability to identify basic risks and liability implications Demonstrates an understanding of azid skill in the safe operaGon City Laws, ordinances, rules, regulafions, guidelines, and Public associated with the work and take appropriate ac6on [o minimize those of the various tools and equipment used in sewer maintenance Must possess a Class S-D certificate Works Department operaring procedures goveming sewer risks; demonstrates an ability to refer basic legal issues to higher level aetiviUes and keeps wrrent on advancements in same; issued by MN Pollution Conuol Agency collection system operation, maintenance, and conswcGOn; supervisory authoriiy; demonstrates an understanding of established demonstrates wmputer skills in operating a keyboard and mouse upon hire and a Class S-C prior to end of demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding in identifying safety practices and equipment caze procedures and demonstrates an and basic computer skills rela[ed ro producing required reports probationary period. Must possess a valid �d resolving the noimal problems associated with the work. ability to insWct others in such pracGces and procedures. and work related forms. MN Class B Commercial Drivers License (CDL). Sewer Supervisor II Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of Federal, State, Demonstrates an abiliry to identify the full range of risks and liability Demonstrates an understanding of the operation of the various and City L.aws, ordinances, rules, regulafions, guidelines, and implica6ons associated wi[h the work and take appropda[e acfion to tools and equipment used in sewer maintenance activides and Public Works Department operafing procedures governing sewer minimize those risks; demonstrates an ability to refer common legal keeps current on advancements in same; demonstrates computer Must possess a Class S-B Wastewater collection system operation, maintenance, and construcfion; issues to higher level supervisory authority; demonshates an skills in opera6ng a keyboazd and mouse; demonstrates the Treatment Facility Opentor CeRificate demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding in identifying understanding of established safety pracfices and equipmen[ care abiliry to use common computer software such as spreadsheets, issued by the MN Pollution Control and resolving the full range of problems associated with [he work. procedures and demonstrates an ability to instruct others in such word processing„ database management, and Intemet seazch Agency and a valid MN Class D Driver's practices and procedures. tools. License. a W � � Page 2 of 4 , , __ _:. _ , �o6-Cla"ssif'ication ..': , Technieal'Expertise:.Indpstry P,racNce -. Techiucal �xpertuse: Itask 1Vlanagement:, Y.. x: ;, Technical Expertise: Technology Sewer Supervisor III Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of Federal, State, Demonstrates an ability ro identify the full range of risks and liability Demonstrates an understanding of the operation of various tools and City l.aws, ordinances, rules, regulations, guidelines, and implicatlons acsociated with the work and take appropriate action to and equipment used in sewer maintenance ac6vities and keeps Must possess a Class S-A Wastewater �blic Works Department operating procedures goveming sewer minimize those risks; demonstrates an ability to confer with the City cuirent on advancemenu in sarne; demonstrates computer skills Treatment Facility Operator Certificate collection system, operation, maintenance, and consauction; Attomey's Office in addressing the full range of legal and liability in operating a keyboazd and mouse; demonstrates the ability to issued by the MN Pollution Convol demonstrates an ability to apply this undersianding in iden6fying issues; demonstrates an understanding of established safety prncflces use common computer software such as spreadsheets, word Agency and a valid MN Class D Driver's and resolving the more complex problems associated with the work. and equipment care procedures and demonstrates an abiliry to instruct processing„ database management, and Intemet search tools. License. others in such practices and procedures. Traftic Maintenance Supervisor I Demonstrates an understanding of the fiill range of Federal, State Demonstrates an ability to identify the full range of risks and liability Demonstrates an understanding of the operation of the various and Ciry Iaws, ordinances, rules, reaulations and Public Works implications associated wi[h Uie work and take appropria[e action to rools, machines, and equipment used in the installaflon, Must possess a valid MN Class B Department operaring procedures goveming traffic signs and traffic minimize those risks; demonstrates an ability to refer coaunon legal maintenance and repair of traffic si�s and keeps current on Commercial Driver's License (CDL). �ntrol; demo�strates a good understanding of the locarion of City issues to higher leve] supervisory authority; demonstrates an advancements in same; demonstrates computer sldlls in of Saint Paul streets and alleys; demonstrates au abiliry to apply this understanding of established safety practices and equipment care operating a keyboazd and mouse and basic computer skills undersranding in idenfifying and resolving the full range of procedures and demonstrates an ability ro instruct others in such related to producing required repotts and work related foans. problems associated with the work. practices and procedures. Traffic Maintenance Supecvisor II Demonstrates an understanding of Ihe full range of Federal, State, Demonstrates an ability to identify the full range of risks and liability Demonstrates an understanding of the operation of the various and CiTy Iaws, ordinances, rules, regulations and PubGc Works implications associated with the work and take appropriate action to tools, machines, and equipment used in the installafion, Must possess a valid MN Class B Department opera6ng procedures governing uaffic sigis and traffic minimize those risks; demonstrates an abiliry to confer with the City maintenance and repair of traffic signs, street markings, parking Commercial Driver's License. control; demonstrates a good understanding of the location of City At[orney's Office regazding legal and liability issues; demonstcates an meters, and pain6ng operafions and keeps cutrent on of Saint Paul streets, alleys, and roads requiring sveet signs and undersianding of established safety practices and equipment caze advancements in same; demonstrates computer skills in markings; demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding in procedures and demonstrates an ability to instruct others in such operating a keyboazd and mouse; demonstrates the ability to use idenafying and resolving the full range of problems associated with practices and procedures. common computer sofrwue such as spreadsheets, word the work. pmcessing„ database management, and Internet search [ools. Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor I Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of procedures and Demonstrates an abili[y to idenfify the full range of risks and liability Demonstrates an understanding of the operation of and skill in techniques used in servicing, repairing and maintaining vehicles in implications associated with the work and take appropriate acaon to the use of the various tools, machines, and equipment used in the Must possess a valid MN Class B the municipal fleet; demons7ates an ability to apply this minimize those risks; demonsVa[es the ability to refer [he fuR range of repair, overhaul, and maintenance of vehicles in the municipal Commercial Ddver's License (CDL) and understanding in idenfifying and resolving the full range of risks and liabilities to higher level supervisory authority; demonstrates fleet and keeps current on advancements in same; demonstrates MnDOT Commercial Vehicle Inspection problems associated with the work. an understanding of established safety pracrices and equipment care computer skills in operating a keyboard and mouse and basic Certificate as defined by the MnDOT procedures and demonsaates an ability to instruct others in such computer skiRs related ro producing required reports and work Technical Certification Program. practices and procedures. related foans. Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor II Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of procedures and Demonstrates an ability to idenfify the full range of risks and liability Demonsvates an unders[anding of the full range of cuttent tech�iques used in servicing, repaidng and maintaining municipal implications associated with the work and take appropriate acGOn to technology used in servicing repairing, and maintaining a Must possess a Commercial Driver's vehicles; demonsaates an understanding of the Public Works minimize those risks; demonstrates an ability to confer with the City variety of heavy motorized equipment, uveks, and automobiles; License (CDL). operafional use of the full range of vehicles assigned to the Attorney's Office regazding legal and liability issues; demonsuates an demonstrates an understanding of the full range of operational municipal fleet; demonstrates a� ability to apply this understanding understanding of established safety pracflces and equipment caze uses for such vehicles and keeps current on advancements in in identifying and resolving the more complex problems associated procedures and demonstrates an ability to instruct others in such same; demonstrates computer skills in opera6ng a keyboard azid wi[h the work. practices and procedures. mouse; demonstrates the ability to use common computer sofiwaze such as spreadsheets, word processing, database management, and Internet seazch tools. Page 3 of 4 � � � ' ..<'�- _, = y .. : . ,. ;� _ _. ,�, ., .��: ,� .�. - re- z -v7'r ' �w � ' _ � $ltBT� ' �ISPaYcher, P�'[' SuPerc��r� Sewer Superviser I, ;" Br[dge 1VFaan#enaiic�Supe�isar T, I'u'bke L���ks Bi�dge Sn��ei�.visnL�, �W �uuper�sor�I� Se�veE : ��ic�Vla�ntenanceS,i�per�sor-�,Ve7�cle� 5npgrvasorT�a�erSuperv�sQ���eiallcte r �uperv�sflrIII,l�ra�f'�e � �'.OEl1jl@�@�Cl�S : 1�Iec�tant��uperv�sor�I ,, Mecl►awtc Su eiv7so��Ir = ' atntenance Sa sor IC � - �� A, _. ; �-. �¢xRi Project and Program Demonstrates an ability to prioritize own work, the work of others, Demonsuates an abiliry to prioritize own work, the work of others, a�d Demonstrates an ability to prioritize own work, the work of Management, Prioritiztion, and meet project and program deadlines; demonstrates an ability to meet project and program deadlines; demonstrates an ability to assist in others, and meet project and program deadlines; demonstrates an assist in the pla�ning coordinarion, and monitoring of projects and the planning, coordination, and monitoring of projects and programs ability to plan, coocdinate, and moniror projects and programs Planning and �nances programs in assigned area of responsibility; demonstrates an ability in assig�ed azea of responsibility; demonstrates an abiliry to and develop factors For measuring project and program success fo make sure that project and program funds aze used effecfively appropriately monitor the daily distribuNon of project and program in assigned area of responsibility; demonstrates an ability to and efficiendy. funds. appropriately monitor the overall distribution of project and program funds. Communications Demonstrates an ability to e£fectively listen, speak, write, and Demonstrates an abiliry to effectively listen, speak, write, and interact Demonslrates an ability to effectively listen, speak, write, and interact tactfully in a work group or with the publia tactffilly in a work group or with the public; demonstrates a verbal and interact tactfully in a work group or with the public; written ability to appropriately respond to information requests fmm demonstrates a verbal and written ability to appmpriately ciGzens and the media; respond to information requests from citizens and the media; demonstrates an ability to effectively respond to a variety of complaints demonsmtes an ability to effecavely respond to a variery of in verbat and written form; demonstrates an ability to produce effecfive complaints in verbal and written form; demonstra[es an ability to written reports, memoranda and letters. produce effective written reports, memoranda and let[ers; demonstrates skill in publicly presen6ng informatlon to commurury gnups, including e7ected officiats. Teamwork, Management, and Demonstrates effecfive leadership of an assigied work group by Demonstrates effective leadership of subordinate supervisors and Demonstrates effective leadership of subordinate supervisors by Leadership acuvely supporting the mission and vision of the division and/or assigned work groups by acGvely supporting the mission and vision of actively supporting the mission and vision of the division and/or departrnent and positively influencing the work environment the divisio� and/or department and positively influencing the work department and positively influencing the work environment through regulazly following work rules, being on time for work, not environment through regulazly following work rules, being on time for through regularly following work rules, being on Ume for work, leaving eady, and not abusing sick leave; demonstrates work, not leaving early, and not abusing sick ]eave; demonstrates not leaving early, arid not abusing sick leave; demonsirates consideration for others, tactfulness, support of the decisions of consideration for others, tactfulness, support of [he decisions of higher consideration for others, [actfulness, support of the decisions of higher level supervisors, suppon of subordinates, az�d impartial level supervisors, support of subordinates, and impartial application of the engineers and management, support of subordinates, and application of work assignments and work mles; demonstrates an work assignments and work rules; demonstrates an ability to Irain impartial application of work assignments and work rules; ability ro uain employees in proper and safe work methods, coach employees in proper and safe work methods, coach employees and demonsmtes an ability to train employees in proper and safe employees and manage their performance; exhibits creativity manage their performance; e�ibits creativity in solving complex work work methods, coach employees and manage their performance; solving everyday work problems. problems. e�chibits creativity in anticipating and solving the most complex work problems. Customer Serviee Demonstrates a commiUnent to customer service; demonstrates an Demonstrates a commitment to wstomer service; demons[rates an Demonstrates a commitment to ws[omer service; demonshates understanding of the services provided and the service siandazds; understanding of the services provided and suggests improvements in an understanding of the services provided and sets the service demonstra[es a willingness and ability to assist the wstomers by the service standazds; demonstrates a willing�ess and ability to assist standards; demonsaates a willingness and ability to assist the answering their quesflons or making a referral; demonstrates an the customers by answering their questions or making a referral; wstomers by answering their ques6ons or making a refemal; ability to assist in identifying the needs of the customers. demonstrates an abiliry to assist in identifying the needs of the demonstrates an ability to identify the needs of the cus[omers; customers; demonstrates an ability to appropriately respond ro demonstra[es an ability to appropriately respond to the most wstomer complainu. complex and difficult customer complaints. G:\Shazed�I IIt-Competencies�Pilot.Projecu�Public. Works�PW.ManMain.Pilot�IvSan.Main.Competency.Mahix.12302.wpd Q � � Page 4 of 4 L Presented Green S6eet #20052 RESOLUTION '� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the Department ofPublic Works has determined that a competency-based job classificarion system is required to better meet workforce succession plam�ing needs, and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works and the Office of Human Resources have conducted a collaborative process that has developed a new competency-based job classification system for Referred To Council File # O - q9 Committee Date 1 An Administrative Resolution approving, in accordance with Civil Service 2 Rule 8.A.6, a pilot project called, Saint Paul Public Works Competency 3 Modeling Project, and the accompanying letter of intent with Saint Paul Manua1 and 4 Maintenance Supervisory Association (MMSA) which govern the administration of this pilot 5 project. 10 the Manual and Maintenance Supervisors Job Family and a corresponding administrative procedure, and 11 WHEREAS, this new system and procedure was designed to provide more fle�bility in duty 12 assignments based on employee demonstrated competencies rather than on narrowly defined class 13 specifications, and 14 WHEREAS, this new system and procedure was designed to provide employees with cleazly defined 15 cazeer ladders, and professional development opportunities and 16 WHEREAS, this new system and procedure was designed to better support the vision and mission 17 of the Department of Public Works, and 18 WHEREAS,CivilServiceRule8.A.6,pernutstheHumanResourcesDirectortoconductpilotand/or 19 research projects designed to enhance recruitment, selection, employee career development programs, and 20 referral and/or appointment processes for filling City positions, and 21 WHEItEAS, the City of Saint Paul Office of Human Resources and Saint Paul Manual and 22 Maintenance Supervisors Association, representing the employees in the job classifications affected by the 23 Public Works Competency Modeling Project, haue met and conferred regarding the modification of oa�.q9 24 certain Civil Service Rules in the administration of this pilot project, now therefore, be it ZS RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached 26 Letter of Intent goveming the administration of the Public Works Competency Modeling 27 Project, and be it 28 FIJRT'HER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves 29 the attached Public Works Competency Modeling Project, and be it 30 FURTI�R RESOLVED, that the effective date of said pilot project shall be the first pay period 31 following passage and approval ofthis resolution, and be it 32 FCTRTHER RESOLVED, that said pilot project shall expire three years following the passage and 33 approval of this resolution unless action is taken otherwise prior to the expiration date, and be it 34 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Office ofHuman Resources and the Department ofPublic Works 35 shall submit to the City Council andthe Mayor afinal report being submittedthrae months prior to expiration. Adopted by Council: � . - � i_—a '� � i a _ nEranza�2ro�cx�couxcu.:, nnav avrrinnrEn ��� �� � GREEN SHEET Human Resources 3/27/OZ MAg 2 f 2�;�2 0 �'� . � CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: V IT + A I wre 7ohn ShoCkley (266-6482) i nFZexrn�trr me _` � a c�zcou�ca ASSIGf1ED 2QlYATR7Ri7EY CRYC1ERiC 4 MUSf BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATL� ��� xoUTINC FII�.�t.cw.seRVn� FINnNCCUL.�2WnC�1+G ORDER 3MAYOR(ORASSf.) _3 TOTAL # OF S[GNATURE PAGFS_1 (QdP ALL iACATIONS FOR SIGNATUAL� ncnox �uESrsn: Approval of a pilot project titled "Competency Modeling Project" and accompanying letter of intent. R&CA�ATIONS: Apprwe (A) aRejat (R) r�.soxar, s�av[cs coxr�acrsvrosr.wswE[e rt� i+oi.wwarc QuESnoxs: 1. HuthiaPasodfumevawakedwdcamntrac[fathisdepartmmt7 _PLANNINGCObA�IISSION Yn No CffiC01�4.SCITEE 2 HaslhiaPaswlfumevabeenadtym�ployee4 CSYII.S£RVSCECOMI.ASSSION Yea Nu — s. n��c�va+�.�;umc�.tNr�ermr��q�n�or«z Yes No 4. Istluspenodfvma Wgekdaendal Yes No Eap6in f� Ya amwm eo kpuate sheet and attsc� to [teeR ehheet INCfIATING PROBLEM issuE, orroxrvxcTr ryw wn.e, wnm, wn�.Y, wey�: In July of 1999, the Department of Public Works established a Succession and Workforce Planning Team. As there will be a number of anticipated personnel retirements over the neact few years, the Team proposed the development oF a competency-based job classification system for the Public Works Manuai and Maintenance Supervisors positions. A Manual and Maintenance Competency Working Group and Steering Team were convened. These two groups developed the attached Competency Modeling Project for the job family and the Competency Matrix. This is a pilot project, in accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6., which is also attached, hauing a duration of three years. nuvarrrncES iF nrrxovEn: The pilot project will enable Public Works to use the developed competencies as the basis for future sele,ction (both hiring and promotions), training, education, and development, recruitment, and performance management. This system also establishes an administrative structure that allows Public Works to determine employee competency and maintain ongoing lists of employees eligibie for promotion, resulting in future vacancies to be filled more quickly. DISADVANfAGES IF APPROVED: NOIIC. nisanvnrrracES � xor arrxovEn:. The goals and objectives of Public Works regazding succession and workforce planning will not be met, specifically, time lines for filling future vacancies will not be reduced. rorni, aMOUxz oF zRnxsncriox: There are no additional salary costs associated with this project. - COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: Yes � � � � � �� � � FUNDING SOURCE: E v ,, �� `"" ACTIVITY NUMBER: MAR 2 Fnvaivc�, nvFO�razzox: �Yri.Anv� � ��-�-�����r° �arcn center G:�Shared�FII2-Competencies�PilotProjects�Public.Works\EW.�A�i�tA;n.Pilot�GREENSHT.WPD a �s�- ,� � F., ..:,� � � OFFICE OF IIUMAN RESOURCES p a.�-qy � KatherineLMegarry, InterimDirector " CTTY OF SAIN'f PAUL RandyKelly, Mayor 400 Ciry HailAnnez 25 WestFourth Street SaintPau;Minnesom 55102-1637 Mr. Daniel Palumbo, President Saint Paul Manual and Maiutenance Supervisors Association P. O. Box 17275 Saint Paul, MN 55117 Dear Mr. Palumbo: Telephone: TODl1'IY.' Ja6Gne: FacsimiZe: 1`Option: Y 3" Option: 651-26665Q0 651-266-6501 651-2 66 65 02 651-291-6414 651-292-6415 651-292-7656 In our conversarion of Mazch 20, 2002, the Ciry indicated a desire to establish a competency-based pilot project for Manual and Maintenance positions within the Saint Paul Department of Public Works. Our understauding of how the pilot project will be implemented is laid out as follows: 1. Pilot Project Established. In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, governing the implementation of Human Resources pilot projects, the Ciry of Saint Paul (City) and the Saint Paul Manual and Maintenance Supervisors Associarion (MMSA) hereby state that ihey have met and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached documents titled "Competency Modeling Project Manual Maintenance Supervisors" dated January 31, 2002 and the "Manual Maintenance Supervisors 7ob Family Competency Mairix" dated January 23, 2002. The City and MMSA agree that the pilot project shall apply to those employees of the Deparhnent of Public Works who hold positions allocated to the following tifles and aze represented by MMSA: Bridge Maiutenance Supervisor I and II, Dispatcher, PW Supervisor I, II, and III, Sewer Supervisor I, II, and III, Traffic Maintenance Supervisor I, and II, and Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor I and II. The Public Works Field Supervisor ritle will continue as a Manual and Maintenance-represented title, but is not included in tlus pilot project at this time. 2. Pilot Project Duration. The duration of the pilot project will be three years, with a review to be conducted by the City and MMSA at the end of two years. 3. Examination Contents. Modify Civil Service Rule 6.B to allow qualifying exam; e.g., pass/fail for promotion candidates. This rule, as modified, shall be used only for exam;nations used to determine eligible candidates for promorional vacancies in positions allocated to the Bridge Maintenance Supervisor I and II, Dispatcher, PW Supervisor I, II, and III, Sewer Supervisor I, II, and III, Traffic Maintenance Supervisor I, and II, and Velucle Mecl�wic Supervisor I and II classes in the Department of Public Works. 4. Eligible Lists. Modify Civil Service Rule 7 to allow for promotion eligible lists, established for Public Works vacancies in the classes idenufied above, to remain in effect for the duraAon of the pilot project. oa a-qy Letter to Dan Palumbo Page 2 Mazch 25, 2002 5. GrievancelAppeal Procedures. Ensure that an appeal process is in place for employees to use when nuessary. It is further agreed thaY grievances arising from terms and conditions of employment in the City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rules and Salary Plan and Rate of Compensation shall continue to be processed through the procedure outliued in the current collective bazgainiug agreement between the City and Manual Maintenance Supervisors. Any grievances arising &om alleged violations of the procedures established in said pdot project shall be subject to the appeal process set forth in Civil Service Rule 26: Grievance Procedure. While both parties aclmowledge that the City retains its inherent managerial rights to evaluate and select staff, when concerns regarding the substantive detern�n�ations of the Competency Review Panel occur, the parties agree to conduct an administrative review between the Human Resources Director and the Bazgaining Unit Representative, wluch shall occur prior to an appeal being made to the Civil Service Commission. 6. Changes to the Competency Matrix. It is anticipated that changes to the competency matrix will be required from time to time. At the end of the pilot period, the intention is to replace the current job specifications for each ofthe aforementioned job series with the "Manual Maintenance Supervisors Job Family Competency Matrix." According to Civil Service Rule 3, a riventy�ay notice will be sent to the affected Bazgainiug Unit when changes to the matrix aze contemplated just as Bazgainu�g Unit representatives aze now notified of changes to the job specs. Non-Precedent Setting. Tlris pilot project sets no precedent for the establishment of future pilot projects or for the continuation of this project after the three-year end date. � � � ��.p���.�� thy Meg ry, Interim Daniel Palumbo, Business Representative Human Resources Director Saint Paul Manual and Maintenance � Z S� ( OZ Supervisors Association � Dated: 3 /as� � An Aftirmative Action Equal Opportunity ADA Employer Sec08 Civil Service Rules back to Table of Contents/Indez City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Civil Service Rules 8. Filling Vacancies O�.-�� 8.A.1. Whenever a vacancy in a Classified position occurs, unless the vacancy is to be filled by reduction, transfer, reinstatement after layoff or reinstatement after voluntary reduction, the appointing officer shall make a requisition for certification on the form prescribed by the Human Resources Director. The vacancy shall be Filled whenever possible in the following order: 1. By reduction 2. By transfer 3. By reinstatement after layoff 4. By reinstatement after voluntary reduction 5. By promorion 6. By reinstatement after resignation and by original entrance Appointing officers have the authority to appoint and employ, in accordance with the titles and grades in these Rules, the number of persons authorized by the City Budget in effect and apprwed by the Budget Director. In the absence of an eligible list for a position requested, the Office of Human Resources may certify from higher classes to vacancies occurring in lower classes, or from the eligible list of the nearest equal or higher graded appropriate list, where the examination reasonably measures the ability of the eligible to perform the duries in the class to which certification is made. Certification from a related list as described in this paragraph shall be made only from an original entrance eligible list. Appointing officers haue the authority to appoint and to employ an employee to more than one title concurrently. However, appointment to each title must be made in accordance with all applicable Civil Service Rules. Such mulriple appointments may be made only in situations where it is reasonable to expect the employee to be assigned for at least one day per calendar year in each title. Such multiple appointments must be approved by the Human Resources Director. 8.A.2. Employees whose posirions have been reclassified in accordance with Section 25.0 of these Rules shall have preference in certificarion to their positions from the promotional list irrespective of their standing on the list. The Director may authorize an appointing authority to promote an incumbent without further competitive examination to a classified position which has been reallocated to a different classification because of changes in job duties and responsibilities, which are not the Page 1 of 5 Sec08 Civil Service Rules Page 2 of 5 O �.. �°l,� result of planned management action. This authorization may occur only if the incumbent has performed the critical duties of the higher posirion for one year or more, meets the minimum qualifications, has promotion rights, and has demonstrated satisfactory performance in their position. S.A.3. Vacant positions shall be filied from a promotion eligible list or from a list of promotion eligibles on an open list in the following manner. The Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing officer a list of eligibles which sha11 include the top 3 eligibies, plus the top 3 eligibles from the appointing division plus ties. If the top 3 certified eligibles are from the appointing division, no further names shall be certified. If the top 3 certified eligibles are not from the appointing division, then the certification shall be expanded to include the required number of eligibles from the appointing division. The term 'division' used in this paragraph sha11 mean'department' in all cases where a department is not divided into divisions. For the purpose of this paragraph's provisions, the following are considered to be divisions of the Mayor's Office; Human and Civil Rights; Office of Human Resources. For the purpose of this provision, Legislative Operating shall be considered a sepazate department; Fire Equipment Services shall be considered a division of the Fire and Safety Services Deparhnent, the Department of Public Works shall be considered as one division, the Department of Piann'rng and Economic Development shall be considered as one division, and the Department of Finance and Management shall be considered as one division. S.A.4. Section 8.A.3 shall not apply to titles represented by the Professional Employees bargaining unit or the Professional Supervisory Employees bargaining unit. 8.A.5. When two or more titles are combined into a new title, the Director may authorize the appointing authority to appoint affected employees to the new tide without further competirive testing as long as they have been certified to one of the ritles being combined, and they meet the minimum qualifications for the new tifle. Seniority will be determined in accordance with Secrion 22 Layoff. 8.A.6. The Human Resources Director may conduct pilot and/or research projects designed to enhance recruitment, selection, experimental leaming placements, pre-entry training programs, employee career development programs, inclusive of apprenticeship, and on-the job training programs, referral and/or appointment processes for the filling of City positions. The Human Resources Director, prior to taking any employment action in the above referenced pilot and/or research projects, shall obtain the approval of the Mayor and if approved, obtain the consent of the Council. Norice to the affected bargaining units shall be given and at such time, the bargaining units have the right to discuss their Sec08 Civil Service Rules Page 3 of 5 o�. -bqq issues as well as present recommendations for changes in the project. Notice to the City Council will be given for review and subsequent approval/denial of the project. Written documentation shall be provided by the Human Resources Director for review prior to approval. Documentation shall include the following: a. Assurance that the proposal does not supplant �isting certified employees. b. Identification of Civil Service Rules affected by the proposal, if any. c. Participants in programs wiil be certified, having a probationary period, involved in sUuctured training and will be provided an out placement referral service. d. CIassifications created through the proposal will be assigned to the appropriate bargaining unit as per our present policy and procedures. e. It is recognized that any affect on terms and conditions of employment are subject to negotiations. £ Pilot employment proj ects will be in accordance with State and Federal laws and/or regulations and the Saint Paul City Charter. g. Reference to the City Policy Objectives sought to be served by the pilot and/or research project. Appropriate Civil Service Rules, if approved by the Mayor and City Council can be suspended for the purposes of these projects. Their suspension is limited for the time period as specified for the project. A project will not exceed a 3-yeaz time span. An evaluation report is to be submitted to the Mayor and Council within 3-months of the end ofthe project. 8.B.1. Vacant positions shall be filled from an original entrance list in the following manner: S.B.l.a. Vacancy Filled From An Original Entrance List Single vacancy from a requisition shall be filled as follows: FOR LISTS HAVING TWENTY (20) OR FEWER ELIGIBLES The Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles from the list, plus ties. In addition, the Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appoinring authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles, plus ries, in each protected-class group. The appoinring authority may appoint any eligible so certified. FOR LISTS HAVING MORE THAN TWENTY (20) ELIGIBLES Sec08 Civil Service Rules Page 4 of 5 p�.a-9.� When underutilizarion or underrepresentation, as defined in Section 8.B1.b., does not e7rist in any protected class, the Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles on the list, plus ties. In addition, the Office of Human Resources shall certify the three (3) highest scoring eligibles on the list, plus ties, from each and every protected class who are among either the top thirty-three percent (33%) or the highest scoring twenty (20) eligibles on the list, whichever wiil produce the greater number of protected-class eligibles. The appointing authority may appoint any eligible so certified. When a specific job title is vndemtilized or when underrepresentarion exists in the Saint Paul Board of Educarion civil service work force or City of Saint Paul's department/division work force, certification will be as follows: The Office of Human Resources sha11 certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles on the list, plus ries. In addition, the Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the three (3) highest scoring eligibles, plus ties, of each and every protected class who are among the top forty-five percent (45%) of the highest scoring eligibles on the overall list. The appointing authority may appoint any eligible so certified. 8.B.l.b. Definitions Number of etigibles on a list: For purposes of determining the number of eligibles on a list, this number shall be determined at the time a new Iist is established and shall include only those new persons who took and passed the most recent examination and are placed on that list. Underrepresentation: A condition that eacists at any given time when the percentage of each protected-class group within the overall work force for the Saint Paul Board of Education and the departments/divisions of the City of Saint Paul ue below the City's goals for each protected-class group as contained in the City's adopted Open Opportunity Program Action Plan/�rmative Acfion Plan (OOPAP/AAP). Underutilization: A condition that exists at any given time when the number of protected-class members employed in the job categories is fewer than the number of qualified protected-class members that would be reasonably expected to be employed by the auailability in the relevant labor market areas, based upon census data and information as contained in the City's adopted Open Opportunity Program Action Plan/�rmative Action Program (OOPAP/AAP). Disabled: For the purpose of these Rules, shall be defined using the federal govemment's definition of a disabled person based upon the definition contained in the Americans With Disabiliries Act (ADA). 8.B.l.c. Multiple Vacancies From a Single Requisition Multiple vacancies from a single requisition shall be filled as follows: Sec08 Civil Service Rules Page 5 of 5 � o�-}qg The Office of Human Resources shall certify to the appointing authority the number of eligibles on the list necessary to fill the number of vacancies, plus two additional scorers, plus ties, in accordance with 8.B1.a. In addition, this same number shall be certified from each protected-class group. The appointing authority may appoint any eligible so certified. S.B.l.d. Open Opportunity Program Action Plan/Aftirmative Action Plan The City of Saint Paul sha11 adopt an Open Opportunity Program Action Plan/�rmative Action Program (OOPAP/AAP). Each City Department and Office is required to comply with all provisions and sections of the OOPAP/AAP. 8.C. The appoinring officer may rej ect the eligibles if fewer than three entrants are listed. However, if fewer than three are certified from a promotion list for a ritle represented by the Professional Supervisory Employee Bargaining Unit, and if an appointment is made, the appointing officer must appoint one of the eligibles. See further information on this rule: Interviewing: Obl�ation to Interview Certified Candidates back to ton o a-�°� City of Saint Paul Public Works Competency Modeling Project Manual Maintenance Supervisors Defining Competencies/Competency-Based Systems Competencies are the Irnowledge, skills, abilities, characteristics, attributes, and behaviors associated with successful performance on the job. Some e�mples are problem solving, analytical thinking, and leadership. Competency-based ciassification systems allow organizarions to move beyond the old "box" on the organizational chart which was a strict set of duties defining a job. Competencies promote more flexibility and keep up with constant change in the variety of work. They also allow the otganization to develop other human resource systems, e.g., employee development, recruitment and selection, and performance management. In 7uly 1999, the Public Works Succession and Worl�'orce Planning Team proposed that the Department focus their attention on a number of high-priority tasks, which would position the Department for the future. A driving reason for action is the anticipated retirement of several engineers and technicians in the ne�ct few years and Manual Maintenance Supervisors over the nea�t eight to ten yeus in lazger numbers. One of several goals the Planning Team established, given the anticipated retirements, was to develop a competency-based system. In this case, a competency system woutd show employees what future job success would requ've and what development and training should be undertaken to meet the future requirements. Work began with the Civil Engineering and Technician positions, and has continued with the Manual Maintenance Supervisors. A Manual Maintenance Steering Team and a Working Group were established. Their chazge was to devetop competencies and an implementation plan for the Manual Maintenance Supervisors class series. The Working Group recommended competencies for all titles within the Manual Maintenance job series found in Public Works, which were then validated by individuals currentiy holding those titles and the respective Division Managers. The Steering Team recommends the fotlowing imptementation strategies: ■ Use competencies as the basis for future training, education, and development, recruitment and selection, and performance management within Public Works. ■ Continue to use the shazed competencies for Manuat Maintenance positions that were adopted by Public Works Adminisuarion in 2000, namely: EducarionaURegistrarion Requirements; Technical Expertise; Project & Program Management; Communicarions; Teamwork, Management, and Leadership; and Customer Service. ■ Estabiish an administrative structure to determine competency, which is outlined in the next section ofthis document. Page i of 6 o�.-��q ti Envisioning the Future The Working Group focused its efforts upon defining what success for Manual Maintenance Supervisors would look like now and in the future. Iiow do we go about defining what would constitute competency, and how do we ensure that Public Works employees will be successful in the foreseeable future? There is an understanding that Manual Maintenance positions could well become more difficult to fill in the future due to an increasingly competitive job market. How we recruit for positions in the future, how quickly we can hire individuals, and how competitive our salaries and other benefits are will have a huge influence upon our future success. The Steering Team made the following assumptions as part of their work: The cument Manual Maintenance titles will be maintained: Bridge Maintenance Supervisor I and II; Dispatcher and Public Works Supervisor I, II, and III; Public Works Field Supervisor (However, this particular title is not included in the Competency Matrix at this time.); Sewer Supervisor I, II, and III; Traffic Maintenance Supervisor I and II; and Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor I and II. ■ That all individuals currently holding these permanent titles meet the competency levels defined in the " Saint Paul Manual Maintenance Supervisors Job Family Competency Matrix" dated January 23, 2002. Using Competency-Based Systems How will competencies be demonstrated? Who will do the competency evaluations? How often will they be done? What organizational structure is necessary to effectively administer the competency system that has been developed? What other systems should be linked to the competencies developed? The Steering Team addresses these questions in their recommendations found in this section of their report. Administrative Structure ■ Establish a three-member Competency Review Board (CRB) within the Deparunent of Public Works. Composition of the three-member panel is recommended to be comprised of at least one Manual Maintenance Supervisors who hold a higher title than that being reviewed, with the remaining members being either Manual Maintenance Supervisors or Project Engineers who have field/construction eaperience. Supervisors from different Divisions may serve on the Board when they have technical knowledge conceming the position being filled. ■ Use the Operating Guidelines developed and currentty being used to administer Engineer and Technician Boazds dated December 20, 2000. Page 2 of 6 o ��t9 ■ Convene the CRB periodically and regulazly, e.g., quarterly or more frequently if necessary. ✓ The convener of the Board shall be the Personnel Liaison for the Department. The Personnel Liaison will configure the board with Manuat Maintenance Supervisors at the appropriate level or Project Engineers with field/construction eaperience who will be asked to serve as board members. The approval of the Competency Review Board Members shall be at the discretion of the Public Works Director. ✓ The Personnel Liaison will keep a record of the Competency Review Boazd's competency detemvnations, maintaining a wrrent list of intemal promotional candidates for future position vacancies. ✓ Employees will be responsible for producing evidence that they have the education, certificates, and registrations required. ✓ Competency Certification, once achieved, remains current until the Competency Matri�c is revised and new requirements are added. ✓ Have the Competency Review Boazd use a four-point, 75% pass/fail rating scale similaz to that proposed for the Civil Engineering series. ✓ The two reasons for convening the panel are: - Manual Maintenance Supervisor position(s) becomes availabie within the Department, or - Employees may make a request for certification review when they believe they have attained the required competency. ■ Provide a feedback process for employees regazding the Competency Review Board's deternvnations, e.g., what specifically should an employee work on to achieve competency. The Personnel Liaison should provide this feedback to employees on behalf of the Boazd members. ■ Ensure that an appeal process is in place for employees to use when necessary. It is further agreed that grievances arising from terms and condi6ons of employment in the City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rules and Salary Plan and Rate of Compensation shall continue to be processed through the procedure outlined in the current collective bargaining ageement between the City and Manual Maintenance Supervisors. Any grievances arising from alleged violations of the procedwes established in said pilot project shall be subject to the appeal process set forth in Civil Service Rule 26: Grievance Procedure. While both parties acknowiedge that the City retains its inherent managerial rights to evatuate and select staff, when concems reguding the substantive deternvnarions of the Competency Review Panel occur, the parties agree to conduct an administrative review between the Human Resources Director and the Bargaining Unit Representative, which shall occur prior to an appeal being made to the Civil Service Commission. Page 3 of 6 oa--�°t9 � Hiring/Promotions and Testing The Steering Team speculates that selection of future Manual Maintenance Supervisors a+ill most often occur as a promotion from within, but may on occasion involve hiring from outside the City. Promoting from within shall be done based upon the Competency Review Board's pass/fail recommendations using the selected testing methodology. ■ Use the 7anuary 23, 2002 "lvianual Maintenance Supervisors Job Family Competency Matrix" developed by the Working Group to hire and promote Manual Maintenance Supervisors in Public Works. ■ Involve the Division Manger in determining the testing methodology for intemal candidates, assisting the Public Work's Personnel Liaison in devising an appropriate selection process. Promotion, using the competency matrix, is not automatic. Promotion remains a management decision in that a position must be vacant and a decision fo fill that position must be made by management. Hiring from the outside. If no candidates are available internally, hiring at any level of the Manual Maintenance Supervisory series should be done using the minimum quals and competencies established for the appropriate supervisory level. The Competency Review Boazd would conduct the competency review. Other specific recommendations regarding the use of the Competency Matrix are as follows: ■ Replace the current Job Specs with the "Manual Maintenance Supervisors Job Family Competency Matrix dated January 23, 2002." ■ Use an evaluation/rating system to screen supervisory candidates and establish a list of promotional candidates, similar to that developed for Engineering and Technician titles. ■ Establish pass/fail testing for promorionai positions, following the current Civil Service Rule on the subject. Page 4 of 6 aa-�`1 t Training, Education, and Development Employee Responsibilities: The role of individuals and employees is one of personal responsibility to maintain their own competence and marketability. Employees should demonstrate comgetency to perform their current job and look for ways to prepare for the future. Employees will be expected to exercise personal responsibility for their own training, educatio� and development, in essence, attaining and maintaining their competence. Employer Responsibilities: Public Works, as the employer, has a responsibility and a commitment to assist empioyees to attain and maintain their competence, since competent employees benefit both the organization as a whole and the individual employees within the organization. In addition to maintaining competency for one's current position, Public Works should provide employees with career development options, e.g., rotation, cross-training, educatioq and development opportunities. Again, the belief is that this benefits both individuals and the organization. Ensure that training and development is offered, either internally or externally, in the core competency azeas identiSed in the "Manual Maintenance Supervisors Job Family Competency Matrix dated 7anuary 23, 2002." ✓ Department- or Division-specific training should be supported by Public Works, e.g., MnDOT certification training. ✓ Request that the City provide generic training, e.g., communications or program/project management. Provide adequate funding and allow time for uaining, education, and development opportunities necessary to maintain employee competencies. ✓ The Department should pay for training, education, and development opportunities specific to current job assignment, e.g., licensing fees, certification fees. ✓ Continue to use City tuirion reimbwsement where applicable. Find ways to develop employees, thus increasing their individuai competency and value to the organization. Performance Management The competitive environment we work in demands that attention be focused on managing job performance. This means performance management is more than simply Elling out an annual performance evaluation. Performance management is instead focused on the management responsibilities of planning, observing, evaluating, developing measurements, and job performance Page 5 of 6 oa.-�.�°1 indicators. The development of core competencies is a critical component to improve �, effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity within Public Works. As Public Works strives to implement its Succession and Worl�'orce Plan, it will be important to provide consistency for performance management throughout the Department. Because the competencies are being adapted step by step for each job class series, the Steering Team suggests that competencies defined by the Worldng Group form the basis of the Manual Maintenance Supervisors Performance Management system, which should be implemented once the competencies aze finally adopted. ■ Incorporate competencies into "Annual Employee Performance Evaluations" used within Public Works. ✓ Use the core competencies identified in the "Manual Maintenance Supervisors Job Family Competency Matrix dated January 23, 2002" to revamp the cunent Performance Evaluations. ✓ Each Manual Maintenance Supervisor within Public Works should have an annual competency development planning discussion as part of their performance evaluation. This discussion would inciude areas to attain/maintain competency for current position, and/or a discussion of how to attain future competency. When holding these annual discussions with employees, use competency evaluation data from the Competency Review Board if that is available. ✓ Educate Managers and Manual Maintenance Supervisors on how to incorporate competencies into the annual performance reviews. Dated: January 31, 2002 Revised: March 20, 2002 G:VSharedlHR-Cpupetrncies�PiloLAojxls�Public. Waks�P W.ManMain.Pilot�.malel.davmmL32302.wpd Page 6 of 6 Saint Paul Public Works Manual Maintenance Supervisors Job Family Competencv Matrix (January 23, 2002) Each competency builds upon the other as the class series progresses.) , ` ` . Technic�l Con��etenci�e,'s - � : � � - . >_ n._.'. , t '�.' . `: _ '' ' � - ". ...'C.' . _ . '_. . ... . . . - '... ... , _�Y�l S��e�.3 i.tl`�r - � � ., i �:�,.,... �.. , — ._:, -a.:w J . .' . ', � �• -. f " . ' . :: ' � " ' _.. . . . . -'. . -..- . . � . �ob £lassi�cattibn Techn�cal;�pett'ise Ind�istry Practice , ;- T-echmcal Expert�se °Risk i�auagement Te��uical_Elcpertise Technology Biidge Maintenance Supeivisoi I Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of procedures, Demonstrates an abiliry to identify basic risks and liabiliry implicadons Demonstrates an understanding of the operaflon of [he various techniques and equipment used in bridge construcrion maintenanee associated with the work and take appropriate acuon to minimize those rools and equipment used in bridge maintenance activities and Must possess a valid MN Class D Dmer's �d repair and demonstrates an understanding of the common laws risks; demonstrates an ability ro refer common legal issues to higher keeps cu�rent on advancements; demonstra[es computer skills in License and have certificaflon as a Level I and regulations affecdng bridge maintenance and repair; level supervisory authoriry; demonstrates an understanding of operating a keyboazd and mouse and basic computer skills Bridge Safety Inspecflon Assistant as demonstrates the abiliry to apply this understanding in idenUfying established safety pracrices and equipment caze procedures and necessary to produce requireA reports and work related forms. defined by MnDot Technical Certificadon and resolving [he common problems associated with the work. demonstrates an ability to instruct others in such pracGces and p� procedures. Bridge Maintenance Supervisor II Demonstrates an understanding of the £ull range of procedures, Demonstrates an ability to identify the full range of dsks and liability Demonsvates an understanding of the operation of the various techniques and equipment used in bridge construction, maintenance implications associated with the work and take appropriate acfion to tools and equipment used in bridge maintenance acrivities and Must possess a valid MN Class D Driver's and repair and demonstrates an understanding of the full range of minimize those risks; demonstrates a� ability to confer with the City keeps cunent on advancements; demonsvates computer sMlls in License and certification as a Level II laws and regulations affecting bridge maintenance and repair; Ahomey's Office in addressing legal issues; demonstrates an operating a keyboazd and mouse; demonstrates the ability ro use Bridge Safety Inspector and Level II demonstrates the ability to apply this understanding in identifying understanding of established safety practices and equipment care common computer softwaze such as spreadsheets, word Bridge Construaion Inspector as defineA �d resolving the full range of problems associated with the work. procedures and demonstrates an ability to inswct others in such processing„ database management, and In[ernet search tools. by MnDOT Technical Certification practices and procedures. Program. Dispatcher Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of State and City Demonstrates an ability to identify the full range of dsks and liability Demonstrates an understanding of and ability to operate various L,aws, ordinances, rules, regulations and Public Works Deparhnent implica6ons associated with the work and take appropriate acfion to tools and equipment used in street maintenance acGvifies; Must possess a valid MN Class B Driver's operating procedures goveming street maintenance, construction, minimize those risks; demonstrates an ability to confer with the City demonstrates computer sldlis in operating a keyboazd and License (CDL). cleaning, and sewer construction; with paztiwlar emphasis given to Attorney's Office in addressing legal and liability issues including mouse; demonstrates the ability to use common computer demonstrating an understanding of snow plowing including snow [hose associated with accidents involving Public Works Street softwaze such as spreadsheets, word processing, database emergencies, street sweeping. patching, and overlays operafing Maintenance Division equipment. management, and Intemet seazch rools. procedures; demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding in identifying and resolving the full range of problems associated with the work; demonstrates an understanding of the duties and responsibilities of the various job clusifications and [erms and condifions of employment set forth in the labor agreements for the unions representing employees in posiUons in thosejob classes. O � . � Page 1 of 4 � . _. - � r , _ ,._ .. �, . _ _ ,. . _ �� _ - �, . �ob;Ctassfficahon , ` , . Techuical Expetfise ,IndUStrqPracticc �eeh�ucal EgperUse R�si� �anagementi � - Techmcai E%�erhse;$.Teehnology, PW Supervisor I Demonstrates an understanding of the common Srate and City Demonstrates an ability to identify basic risks and liability implications Demonstrates an understanding of the operation of the various Iaws, ordinances, rules, regulations and Public Works Department associated with the work and take appropriate action to minimize those tools and equipment used in street maintenance activities and Mus[ possess a valid MN Class D Driver's operating procedures goveming street maintenance, conswction, risks; demonstrates an abiliry to refer basic ]egal issues ro higher level keeps cutrent on advancements in same; demonstrates computer License. cleaning, snow removal and basic sewer constmetion; demonstrates supervisory auffiority; demonstrates an undersianding of established skills in operating a keyboard and mouse and basic computer a common understar�ding of City oF Szint Pau] streets, alleys, safety practices and equipment care procedures and demonstrates an skills related to producing required reports and work related bridges, and sewer system; demonstraTes an ability to apply this ability to inst`uct o[hers in such practices and procedures. forms. understanding in identifying and resolving the notmal problems associated with the work. PW Supervisor II Demonstrates an undersianding of the full range of State and City Demonstrates an ability to idenrify common risks and liabiliry Demonstrates an understanding of the operaflon of various tools Laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and Public Works Department implications associated with the work and take appropriate action to and equipment used in street maintenance activities and keeps Must possess a valid MN Class D Driver's opernting procedures goveming sa�eet maintenance, constmeaon, minimize those risks; demonstrates an abiliry to refer common legal cumnt on advancemenu in same; demonstrates computer skills License. cleaning, snow removal and basic sewer constcucflon; demonstrates issues to higher level supervisory authority; demonstrates an in operafing a keyboazd and mouse; demonstrates the ability ro a good understanding of City of Saint Pau1 streets, alleys, bridges, understanding of established safery prnctices and equipment caze use common computer software such as spreadsheets, word and sewer system; demonstrates an ability to apply this procedures and demonstrates an abiliry to instrua others in such processing„ database management, and Intemet search tools. understanding in identifying and resolving the full range of practices and procedures. problems associated with the work PW Supervisor III Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of State and City Demonstrates an abiliry to identify the full range of risks and liability Demonstrates an understanding of the operation of vazious tools Laws, ordinances, rules, regulafions and Public Works Department implications associated with the work and take appropriate acrion to and equipment used in street maintenance activities and keeps Must possess a valid MN Class D Driver's operafing procedures goveming street maintenance, construction, minimize those risks; demonstrates an ability to confer with the City cunent on advancements in same; demonstrates computer skills License. cleaning, snow removal and basic sewer construc6on; demonstrates Attomey's Office in addressing the full range of legal and liability in operaflng a keyboard and mouse; demonstrates the ability to an expert understanding of City of Saint Paul streets, alleys, issues; demonstrates an understanding of established safety practices use common computer software such as spreadsheets, word bridges, and sewer system; demonstrates an ability to apply this and equipment care procedures and demonshates an ability to instruct processing„ database management, and Intemet search tools. understanding in identifying and resolving the more complex others in such practices and procedures. problems associa[ed with the work. Sewer Supervisor I Demonstrates an understanding of the common Federal, State, and Demonsaates an ability to identify basic risks and liability implications Demonstrates an understanding of azid skill in the safe operaGon City Laws, ordinances, rules, regulafions, guidelines, and Public associated with the work and take appropriate ac6on [o minimize those of the various tools and equipment used in sewer maintenance Must possess a Class S-D certificate Works Department operaring procedures goveming sewer risks; demonstrates an ability to refer basic legal issues to higher level aetiviUes and keeps wrrent on advancements in same; issued by MN Pollution Conuol Agency collection system operation, maintenance, and conswcGOn; supervisory authoriiy; demonstrates an understanding of established demonstrates wmputer skills in operating a keyboard and mouse upon hire and a Class S-C prior to end of demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding in identifying safety practices and equipment caze procedures and demonstrates an and basic computer skills rela[ed ro producing required reports probationary period. Must possess a valid �d resolving the noimal problems associated with the work. ability to insWct others in such pracGces and procedures. and work related forms. MN Class B Commercial Drivers License (CDL). Sewer Supervisor II Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of Federal, State, Demonstrates an abiliry to identify the full range of risks and liability Demonstrates an understanding of the operation of the various and City L.aws, ordinances, rules, regulafions, guidelines, and implica6ons associated wi[h the work and take appropda[e acfion to tools and equipment used in sewer maintenance activides and Public Works Department operafing procedures governing sewer minimize those risks; demonstrates an ability to refer common legal keeps current on advancements in same; demonstrates computer Must possess a Class S-B Wastewater collection system operation, maintenance, and construcfion; issues to higher level supervisory authority; demonshates an skills in opera6ng a keyboazd and mouse; demonstrates the Treatment Facility Opentor CeRificate demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding in identifying understanding of established safety pracfices and equipmen[ care abiliry to use common computer software such as spreadsheets, issued by the MN Pollution Control and resolving the full range of problems associated with [he work. procedures and demonstrates an ability to instruct others in such word processing„ database management, and Intemet seazch Agency and a valid MN Class D Driver's practices and procedures. tools. License. a W � � Page 2 of 4 , , __ _:. _ , �o6-Cla"ssif'ication ..': , Technieal'Expertise:.Indpstry P,racNce -. Techiucal �xpertuse: Itask 1Vlanagement:, Y.. x: ;, Technical Expertise: Technology Sewer Supervisor III Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of Federal, State, Demonstrates an ability ro identify the full range of risks and liability Demonstrates an understanding of the operation of various tools and City l.aws, ordinances, rules, regulations, guidelines, and implicatlons acsociated with the work and take appropriate action to and equipment used in sewer maintenance ac6vities and keeps Must possess a Class S-A Wastewater �blic Works Department operating procedures goveming sewer minimize those risks; demonstrates an ability to confer with the City cuirent on advancemenu in sarne; demonstrates computer skills Treatment Facility Operator Certificate collection system, operation, maintenance, and consauction; Attomey's Office in addressing the full range of legal and liability in operating a keyboazd and mouse; demonstrates the ability to issued by the MN Pollution Convol demonstrates an ability to apply this undersianding in iden6fying issues; demonstrates an understanding of established safety prncflces use common computer software such as spreadsheets, word Agency and a valid MN Class D Driver's and resolving the more complex problems associated with the work. and equipment care procedures and demonstrates an abiliry to instruct processing„ database management, and Intemet search tools. License. others in such practices and procedures. Traftic Maintenance Supervisor I Demonstrates an understanding of the fiill range of Federal, State Demonstrates an ability to identify the full range of risks and liability Demonstrates an understanding of the operation of the various and Ciry Iaws, ordinances, rules, reaulations and Public Works implications associated wi[h Uie work and take appropria[e action to rools, machines, and equipment used in the installaflon, Must possess a valid MN Class B Department operaring procedures goveming traffic signs and traffic minimize those risks; demonstrates an ability to refer coaunon legal maintenance and repair of traffic si�s and keeps current on Commercial Driver's License (CDL). �ntrol; demo�strates a good understanding of the locarion of City issues to higher leve] supervisory authority; demonstrates an advancements in same; demonstrates computer sldlls in of Saint Paul streets and alleys; demonstrates au abiliry to apply this understanding of established safety practices and equipment care operating a keyboazd and mouse and basic computer skills undersranding in idenfifying and resolving the full range of procedures and demonstrates an ability ro instruct others in such related to producing required repotts and work related foans. problems associated with the work. practices and procedures. Traffic Maintenance Supecvisor II Demonstrates an understanding of Ihe full range of Federal, State, Demonstrates an ability to identify the full range of risks and liability Demonstrates an understanding of the operation of the various and CiTy Iaws, ordinances, rules, regulations and PubGc Works implications associated with the work and take appropriate action to tools, machines, and equipment used in the installafion, Must possess a valid MN Class B Department opera6ng procedures governing uaffic sigis and traffic minimize those risks; demonstrates an abiliry to confer with the City maintenance and repair of traffic signs, street markings, parking Commercial Driver's License. control; demonstrates a good understanding of the location of City At[orney's Office regazding legal and liability issues; demonstcates an meters, and pain6ng operafions and keeps cutrent on of Saint Paul streets, alleys, and roads requiring sveet signs and undersianding of established safety practices and equipment caze advancements in same; demonstrates computer skills in markings; demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding in procedures and demonstrates an ability to instruct others in such operating a keyboazd and mouse; demonstrates the ability to use idenafying and resolving the full range of problems associated with practices and procedures. common computer sofrwue such as spreadsheets, word the work. pmcessing„ database management, and Internet search [ools. Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor I Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of procedures and Demonstrates an abili[y to idenfify the full range of risks and liability Demonstrates an understanding of the operation of and skill in techniques used in servicing, repairing and maintaining vehicles in implications associated with the work and take appropriate acaon to the use of the various tools, machines, and equipment used in the Must possess a valid MN Class B the municipal fleet; demons7ates an ability to apply this minimize those risks; demonsVa[es the ability to refer [he fuR range of repair, overhaul, and maintenance of vehicles in the municipal Commercial Ddver's License (CDL) and understanding in idenfifying and resolving the full range of risks and liabilities to higher level supervisory authority; demonstrates fleet and keeps current on advancements in same; demonstrates MnDOT Commercial Vehicle Inspection problems associated with the work. an understanding of established safety pracrices and equipment care computer skills in operating a keyboard and mouse and basic Certificate as defined by the MnDOT procedures and demonsaates an ability to instruct others in such computer skiRs related ro producing required reports and work Technical Certification Program. practices and procedures. related foans. Vehicle Mechanic Supervisor II Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of procedures and Demonstrates an ability to idenfify the full range of risks and liability Demonsvates an unders[anding of the full range of cuttent tech�iques used in servicing, repaidng and maintaining municipal implications associated with the work and take appropriate acGOn to technology used in servicing repairing, and maintaining a Must possess a Commercial Driver's vehicles; demonsaates an understanding of the Public Works minimize those risks; demonstrates an ability to confer with the City variety of heavy motorized equipment, uveks, and automobiles; License (CDL). operafional use of the full range of vehicles assigned to the Attorney's Office regazding legal and liability issues; demonsuates an demonstrates an understanding of the full range of operational municipal fleet; demonstrates a� ability to apply this understanding understanding of established safety pracflces and equipment caze uses for such vehicles and keeps current on advancements in in identifying and resolving the more complex problems associated procedures and demonstrates an ability to instruct others in such same; demonstrates computer skills in opera6ng a keyboard azid wi[h the work. practices and procedures. mouse; demonstrates the ability to use common computer sofiwaze such as spreadsheets, word processing, database management, and Internet seazch tools. Page 3 of 4 � � � ' ..<'�- _, = y .. : . ,. ;� _ _. ,�, ., .��: ,� .�. - re- z -v7'r ' �w � ' _ � $ltBT� ' �ISPaYcher, P�'[' SuPerc��r� Sewer Superviser I, ;" Br[dge 1VFaan#enaiic�Supe�isar T, I'u'bke L���ks Bi�dge Sn��ei�.visnL�, �W �uuper�sor�I� Se�veE : ��ic�Vla�ntenanceS,i�per�sor-�,Ve7�cle� 5npgrvasorT�a�erSuperv�sQ���eiallcte r �uperv�sflrIII,l�ra�f'�e � �'.OEl1jl@�@�Cl�S : 1�Iec�tant��uperv�sor�I ,, Mecl►awtc Su eiv7so��Ir = ' atntenance Sa sor IC � - �� A, _. ; �-. �¢xRi Project and Program Demonstrates an ability to prioritize own work, the work of others, Demonsuates an abiliry to prioritize own work, the work of others, a�d Demonstrates an ability to prioritize own work, the work of Management, Prioritiztion, and meet project and program deadlines; demonstrates an ability to meet project and program deadlines; demonstrates an ability to assist in others, and meet project and program deadlines; demonstrates an assist in the pla�ning coordinarion, and monitoring of projects and the planning, coordination, and monitoring of projects and programs ability to plan, coocdinate, and moniror projects and programs Planning and �nances programs in assigned area of responsibility; demonstrates an ability in assig�ed azea of responsibility; demonstrates an abiliry to and develop factors For measuring project and program success fo make sure that project and program funds aze used effecfively appropriately monitor the daily distribuNon of project and program in assigned area of responsibility; demonstrates an ability to and efficiendy. funds. appropriately monitor the overall distribution of project and program funds. Communications Demonstrates an ability to e£fectively listen, speak, write, and Demonstrates an abiliry to effectively listen, speak, write, and interact Demonslrates an ability to effectively listen, speak, write, and interact tactfully in a work group or with the publia tactffilly in a work group or with the public; demonstrates a verbal and interact tactfully in a work group or with the public; written ability to appropriately respond to information requests fmm demonstrates a verbal and written ability to appmpriately ciGzens and the media; respond to information requests from citizens and the media; demonstrates an ability to effectively respond to a variety of complaints demonsmtes an ability to effecavely respond to a variery of in verbat and written form; demonstrates an ability to produce effecfive complaints in verbal and written form; demonstra[es an ability to written reports, memoranda and letters. produce effective written reports, memoranda and let[ers; demonstrates skill in publicly presen6ng informatlon to commurury gnups, including e7ected officiats. Teamwork, Management, and Demonstrates effecfive leadership of an assigied work group by Demonstrates effective leadership of subordinate supervisors and Demonstrates effective leadership of subordinate supervisors by Leadership acuvely supporting the mission and vision of the division and/or assigned work groups by acGvely supporting the mission and vision of actively supporting the mission and vision of the division and/or departrnent and positively influencing the work environment the divisio� and/or department and positively influencing the work department and positively influencing the work environment through regulazly following work rules, being on time for work, not environment through regulazly following work rules, being on time for through regularly following work rules, being on Ume for work, leaving eady, and not abusing sick leave; demonstrates work, not leaving early, and not abusing sick ]eave; demonstrates not leaving early, arid not abusing sick leave; demonsirates consideration for others, tactfulness, support of the decisions of consideration for others, tactfulness, support of [he decisions of higher consideration for others, [actfulness, support of the decisions of higher level supervisors, suppon of subordinates, az�d impartial level supervisors, support of subordinates, and impartial application of the engineers and management, support of subordinates, and application of work assignments and work mles; demonstrates an work assignments and work rules; demonstrates an ability to Irain impartial application of work assignments and work rules; ability ro uain employees in proper and safe work methods, coach employees in proper and safe work methods, coach employees and demonsmtes an ability to train employees in proper and safe employees and manage their performance; exhibits creativity manage their performance; e�ibits creativity in solving complex work work methods, coach employees and manage their performance; solving everyday work problems. problems. e�chibits creativity in anticipating and solving the most complex work problems. Customer Serviee Demonstrates a commiUnent to customer service; demonstrates an Demonstrates a commitment to wstomer service; demons[rates an Demonstrates a commitment to ws[omer service; demonshates understanding of the services provided and the service siandazds; understanding of the services provided and suggests improvements in an understanding of the services provided and sets the service demonstra[es a willingness and ability to assist the wstomers by the service standazds; demonstrates a willing�ess and ability to assist standards; demonsaates a willingness and ability to assist the answering their quesflons or making a referral; demonstrates an the customers by answering their questions or making a referral; wstomers by answering their ques6ons or making a refemal; ability to assist in identifying the needs of the customers. demonstrates an abiliry to assist in identifying the needs of the demonstrates an ability to identify the needs of the cus[omers; customers; demonstrates an ability to appropriately respond ro demonstra[es an ability to appropriately respond to the most wstomer complainu. complex and difficult customer complaints. G:\Shazed�I IIt-Competencies�Pilot.Projecu�Public. Works�PW.ManMain.Pilot�IvSan.Main.Competency.Mahix.12302.wpd Q � � Page 4 of 4