262686 WH17E - CITY CLERK COl1I1C11 26268b PINK� - F1�ANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL � CAN RY - D PARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. �� �°� �° ��' °� B�U ncil Resolution , .� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�REAS, T'he City Valuation Engineer, acting pursuant to Adaninistrative Order ldo. D-833 dated September 5, 1973, �$ reeo�anended that the City purchase: West one-half of Lot 1�+, a�cl all of Lot 15, arxi the � Ea.st one-half of Lot 14, except the East 6 feet thereof, Block 7, Hazel Park Plat B, for the sum of Thirty-three Thou�and Five Hundred. and no�100 Dollars ($33,5�•�), and the sellers would retain the right to move the existi.ng c�wellir�g and appurte- nant �tructures f`roan the lots at their a�m cost and expenses; and WF�REAS, Purchase Agreement setting forth the terms and conditions between the City and the sellers of the above real estate, Daniel Primoli and Taco Factoxy, Inc., has been prepared and recomuoner�ed for approval by the City Valu�ation Engineer; naw, therefore� be it RESOLVID� That the Council oP the City of Saint Paul does hereby concur in the recom�nendation of the City Yaluation En�ineer, and. the proper City officers are hereby authorized and. directed to purchase the real property and make pe,yment to the awnerg thereof in accordance with the Purchase Agre�ment and the proper . - City officers axe authorized to e�cecute said Purchase A�ree�rtent on behalf of the City, a copy of which Purchase Agreement is attached hereto, and be it Ftk�TI�R RESOLVED, That the swn of $33,500.00 to be paid by the City of 3aint Paul for the purehase of the hereinbefore deseribed la�cls be paid Prcxn PIR Fuad Code 60000-745-000, to be reimburaed froan Caunty Aid �nd.s. COUIVCILMEN Yeas �� Nays � Requested by Department of: Konopatzki In Favor F� Levine �t I Me��� � Against BY �/ DIEtECTOR Tedesco Mme.President� �t ��V 3 � �s� Form Approved b it tto n y Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s by ou '1 Secretary BY By Approv by Ma or: Date 19� Approved for Submission to Council By BY PUBLISNED C 0 8 19�3 , , �'�r�w����k�,v�J J. WILLIAM DONOVAN ?�_5317 Voluation En9inee� ROY E. BREDAHL, �.. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U l e,,.�� vai„a��o� E�9��.e. BUREAU OF VALUATIONS zee c�y H.0 S�int Pwl, Mineuet� 66102 To: Phil Lee From: J. Wm. Donovan Date: November 16, 1973 Subject: WHITE BEAR AVE. BRIDGE IMPROVEMEIVT Acquisition of Property at 1780-82 Mechanic Avenue The cited property is required as a part of the subject improvement order. I ha.ve negotiated the purchase and submit heree�urrith for your approval and submission to the City Council a resolution authorizix� the purchase and execution of a purchase agreement, a capy of which is attached for information- al purposes. JWD:REB:dm Atta.ch. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . 2�26�6 CfTY C� � SAfNT f'��UL aFFICE QF T�fE C,TY f�DMlN($TRATQR FRANE: D. MA�ZlTELLI ''I November 21, 1973 i TO: Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen FR: Frank D. Marzitelli ��r � x�: White Bear Avenue Bridge Improvement Acquisition of Property at 1780-82 Mechanic Avenue I have reviewed the above referenced resolution �n�.� ar;i in agreement with same. Your apprcval and submission to the City Council for action is recommended. FDM/ca ' Attac:�. � / ' City H�!I, Saint P��al, Mir�resota 55�02 J. WILLIAM DONOVAN ����� ' Volucfioe+ Enqlnser ��531'7 ROYE. BREDAHL, �.. CiTY OF SAINT PAUI Ass'� Voluor�o� Enyinaer BUREAU OF VALUATI�NS zea c��► H.0 s.ief r.a�� Mine..et. 66�02 November 13, 1973 , To the Honorable Ma.yor, Council President and Members of the City Council Ladies and Gentlemen; The Mayor of the City of St. Paul by his order, Administrative Order D-833, dated September 5, 1973, and Final Order C.F. 262357, adopted by the City Council November 7, 1973, authorized and directs the Bureau of Valuations, Depa�rtment of Finance and Ma.na�ement Services, to proceed with the action necessary to acquire the properties necessary for street and bridge right-of-way purposes in connection with the improvement of White Bea.r Avenue, from Case Avenue to 140 feet North of Jessamine Avenue. Pursuant to such authorization and direction, I, in my capacity as City Valua,tion Engineer, have secured an agreement with Daniel Primoli and�or Taco Factory, Inc. , owners and sellers of the property at 1780-82 Mechauic Avenue, for purchase of their land for compensation in the amount of $33,500.00, subject to the retention of the building on said land and in accordance with the terms as more f�a.7.ly con- tained in the Purchase Agreement attached hereto, which in �y opinion is a fair and reasonable price. Therefore, it is �qy recommendation to the City Council that it authorize the purchase of this property in lieu of condemnation at the said price of $33,5�•00 as negotiated with the owners. The property herein recommended to be acquired is more particularly described in the resolution submitted herewi�h for your consideration and action. Respe t ly sub 'tted ��� .__._... J'. William o ov D n a.n Valuation Engineer JWD:CK:dm Enc. cc: Robert W. Trudeau . . , , � . . � � �'�2��6 PURCFiASE AGREEMEiVT THSS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this day of , 1973, by and bei;ween the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, he�einafter referred to as "City" and Daniei. Pri.moli and. Taco Factoxy, Inc., hereinaftex referred to s.s "Sellers"; WITi�'F;SSETH, WHER�AS, City is desirous of purchasing the �lest onE-h�.lf (WZ) of Lot Fourteen (1�+), and all of Lot Fifteen (15), an� the East one-half (E;) of Lot r'ourteen (:1.4�, except the �ast 6 feet thereof in Block Seven (7), Hazel Park Plat B, for the sum of Thixty-three Thousand Five Hundred and no/100 Dol7.ars ($�3,5�o.GO) ; and � WI�R�:'�:, Sellers �.gree to the above purchase and wish to retain possession of the pr�perty and desir� to move the dwelling located on the abave real property; now, thcrefore I� IS AGRx.^ED by and between City and Sellers as follows: 1. The City agrees to purchase the West one-h�lf (W2) of Lot Fourteen (1��), and. all o�' Lat. Fifteen (15), and the East one-hali' (E?) o� Lot Fouxteer. �:L4j, excent t2�e East 6 �feet thereof in Bl.ock Seven (7), Hazel Park Plat B, for the mutually a;reed u�an consi.deratior� of the suxn of Thirty-three Thousand Five Hun�red and no�100 Dollars ($33,5�p•�)• 2. Th� above cons:deratiorz shall be paid to the S�llers �y �the City upon de"livery to the City og maxketabl� title and wa,rranty de�d conveying fee simple absolute �title to tye above-�escribed real estate free and clear of all er.c�n- brances, prc�vic�ed, ho�rever; that the City shall retain the sum of One Thousand �.nd no/100 D�llars ($1,000.00) until all the remaining ter�s and conditions of this agreement have been completed and the dwelling removed from the real estate by the Sellers. 3. Sellers shall p�.y real es�a.te ta�:es and assessments due and payable in the calen�.ar year 19?3. Ci.ty a�rees to pay a.l.� real es�a;,e tra.xes and assessmAr.ts which shal�. �ccorae due and paytzi�le ir� the ye�.r 3.9%�. 0 , � x 4. Sellers sha.11 remain in possession of the la.nd and building and shall rer�ove the Y�ouse at their own expense. Sellers sha.11 complete the removal of the house and deliver possession of the land to the City on or before Ma.y 1�����s 1974�. The Sellers agree to remove the house according to the specifications of the C.ity of Saint Pau1 which are attached to and made a part of this agreement. 5. In the event the Se7lers do not deliver possession of the premises on or before P�ay 1, 197�+, in conpliance with Faragraph �+ above, Sellers shall pay to t�e City a monthly rental of the s�a.m of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00). 6. It is agreed by and between the pa.rties hereto that if the SeZlers do no�; comply with the conditions set out in Paragraph 4 pertaining to the wrecking and remnval of the dwelling and delivery of possession• by N'�.y l, 1974, the City s?-ia.11 be entitled to ret�.ir. the sum of One Thousand and no�100 Dollars ($1,000.00) �.nd the City *�rould be authorized to en�:er upon the premises and wreck and remove the d:�r�l3in� at the City's expense. rdotice of such action to be taken by the City sh�.11 be given in writing �to the Sellers at least thirty (30) days prior to �the City's entera.ng upon the lana and wrecking the building. 'l. 'rhe Sellers shall, during the term of their occupancy of such real rrope�ty, maintain insurance protection covering the premises and prot�cting the sar�e a�ainst a11. losses, aamages or clai.ms whatso�ver and shall provide the City �rii;h � cer'tificate of insurance prior to the transfer of title as contemplated in Para�ragh 2 her�af. In addition to the above insurance coverage and during t��e -Lerrr� of occupancy by the Sellers contemplated herein, Sellers shall ma,intain, at their awn expense, public liability insurance protecting themselves and the Cit�r o�` Saint Pa.ul as joint, iasureds f`rom claims for damages and bodily injury, �_rzcluding accide:�tal death, as well as from claims for property damage which may �.rise while the Sellers shall. rema.in a.n possession of the property in the following Minimum amounts: Bodily inj�ary insur�nce, includin� death, in an amount of not less than $50,OOO.UO for a11 dama,�es arising out of. badil;► zn�ury �o ar deatl� of �ne person and sub ject to �he same limit for. each person, z� a total �,mount of not less than �150,OGO.00 on account �f any one accident. _2_ • , - " � . . �. IN WTTNESS WF�REOF, �he Sellers and P�rchaser ha.ve caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and yeax first above written. CO FACTORY TNC. ��2E'�6 In the Presence of: � � BY 2ts Its STATE OF b1Ii�1:V�ESOTA ) ) Ss. COUl`�TY OF RAP�SEY ) On this �y oF � iq73, before me, a Notary �zblic within and for said County, personall.y appeared - and s to me persona.11y Yno*r.*n, who being each by me du]y �rorn, did sa.y that they are respeci;i�ely the and the of TACO FACTORY, INC. , one of the corpoxal;ions named in the fcregoing instrument, and that the seal affi.xed to said instr•ament is the corporate seal of said corpora-tion, and that said ir�- s�rumen�; wassigned a,n3 sealed in behalf of said c�rporation by authority of its Board. of Directors, and said �nd acknowledged said instrument to be the flree act and deed of said corpor�,tion. Notary Public, Ra.mseST Coun�y, Minn. My commission expires -3- • . 0 ' .�. � In t;he Presence of: DANI�L PRIMQLI STAT� OI' IFSIT�SOTA ) ) ss. C�Ui':1.'Y ��' RAMSEY � On th�s day of , 1973, before me, a Notar•,/ Publ.ic ��rithin and for s�id County, personally appeared DANIEL PRI2�IOLI, to me persor�ally kiloi�rn to be the person desc�ibed in, and who executed the �ar.c��a�ir_U instrumant, ar.d acknos�rledged that he executed. the same as his , free �.ct and deed. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minri. ?V�ti Crn�„?i�SS1.02? f'X'�17?'8S In tlx� Yresence of: CTTY 0� SAINT PAL'L sy M�ayor Director, Departr�en� of Finance and I�.n�.�ement Services City Clerk � ..,S.i�\,�: � . . � ~;`�s:. -.=•'G J,�.. ._..._.._._. .. _ .... . _l�_ 0 e . , . . . t _.: . ��,..�..r: . : . i i � • • • • � � . . .. _..,... , . .{ STATE OF M:CNNESOTA ) ) SS. � CO a iY OF R�MSEY ) da of , 1973, before me, On this Y a Notary Public within and for said County, persoru�,lly appeared La.wrence D. Cohen, Robext Y�. Trudeau and Harry E. Marsha.11, to me personally known, who, being each by me duly s�:orn, did say that they s.re respectively the Mayor, the D<rector of the Degartment of Finance ana Management Services, and the Ci.ty Clerk o� the City o:F Sai.nt Pa,ul, M�nnesota, named in the fore�oing i�ns�rument, and tY�at the seal affixed to said i.nstrument is the sea2 of the City o� Saint PauJ., �nd that said instrument w�zs signed ax�d sealed in beha.lf of said City of Sa.ir�t Paul by auth�rity granted pursuant to formal resolu�cion o� the Council of the City of Saint Pa.ul, Council File No. �, passed and approved the _ das• oi , 1973, and the said Mayor, Director of Finance and I��anagement Services, and City Clerk acknowl.edged �ai�. i.r_str.�.m+Pnt Y,r, be t�P act and deeci of said City of S�int Pau]. pursua.nt to said resoiuti.on. Nota.ry Public, Ramsey County, Niinn. My corr�ission expires _�_ " ��;,,T .� A .+ � .� �'t�� -,> •, �� e Y .� :� � l . �" a. �,i r . `� ? � . � . . ,°}*, ; {_,i r s..:'� ;e `t. �� ��. � � s , �s t������ �� � �Y . T k ,t + lck . r i��: ,.. .:d ., '.: . . . , . . � � " � � rr�� � ,�, � _ ':�" �� . t' � . . -'�� � •:. � ��" . � �, ��:i� . .. , _ S �� ' . � '4:�ty .. • . " ' • ',- ' • . � �. ' . 'C�. 4 . .. , - . :. , , � �\ � .. t, ,,M�i / �j ,T , � tc ' a ���., � ( •c�` �� h � , F �^_ � :xrF•" � . �� . . . � ' . � . . � .. z. ���.� - Y' . , , , , � . , . .i . . . . .. . . . , ; ' �..�: . t . t ..�"` �� � ��+� i'• -_ 3 ' f ` SPECIFICATION' FOR DWELLING � - , �!!f� REMOVAL, FILLING' AND SITEWORK `,. �` ' � X- 4�:�' � ' �"°�; `,= , �'iQ�' : -aY �..�. „ ; ,�,�{� ° �9��l�'i'.:��itJi,; MINNESOTA _ � '. ' . .�x: _. , � . , , ., . .:�� . . . .. ., . .. � ' � � � . . . �:, 'i ,.� ... ::��p: ..� . , :• , � . � .. , ..,� � } . � .� � .. , r ,: . . .. . , � ,� .� � . 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' ; PARKS AND RECREATION AND PUBLIC $UILDINGS '•. � ` . `_� � � 2 � "` VICTOR J. �EDESCO, ' COMMISSIONER � ' ` '� � � �;�:�: . . ` ROHERT L. AMES, CITY ARCHTTECT; ; <f � . . � . y ► .: rr ` �'_ � t,a 445 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE ` ' ` '• SAINT PAUL, MIlJNESOTA , . . . ' - , , ;{ ; .,� ._ , .. . ,�� . , ;, , - � . _ "�"`#�8z='fi8 - • � _�� + ° �nz 1E��R?��''R���fl t t , � � # ���� , , , ,. � . : . , . , _:� �. � 31' �'� r a � t, y �� � . . � .y� t� }.y !'S . �,+ '�'` ° '� r. � . �,'a�` i � ., �. .. : � . � �, . . � �. .. .� , .. . , . . . ,.. .. . . � � � . . ;` . . . . i. t w y� �� .+ ; . y. . . •. , �` t .� � .k t {,. �-1�y,fK ;: { � . . . , �. � ... � �� . � � 'ry ; 1�. �,� . '� � ' . `>, 1 ; r �,t f4 �t� . `. r , '� .. ..:� .. �. fy �f= Zti 'S k t- r � i .1 r �� t . ..: '... 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'�' F� i �.a.' 4.1 * .� �.�� �:,.. �{V�., y ?i • " .1.. �. t; ��� ` - ti . ixy..' . A „ u. y . � . �. . �� b f-�,i �g.. 1 1 � .�.e . � S � �l�Nl'I� �S. r . � � ♦ .� t..�� • . . . 1, .r(..,, ' � ... ; :�. � �� � � �� � h �, , .. .. ' , r•: _+,. 'l i*.} Y . ..� . . .. .." . .. � � . � . {� ' � '1,�� . . . ..r .� .. ,' .� .� � .� . . � � . . • ,� ... . .. �i.-.�..JY.! J�"`�...�►.r4y�M....�+r.. :.�►� � � . �� � „ � �°� �, ��. . . y � 1 f` . , t � �: ,� t ,;:' � , { ��a x�r � � � • , . . . . �r,�: �,i, . . . "n F r s�;+'� Ftr;. 1 � g � , ".; � „ ,a�. �i!�'' {� 5, r . ��x r� E SECTION 1 .' ��- 't� "� '� �,;' ,��': •t �,� �`� �,r F � t . �� � ��;:r � ` � ". x !� '� 5 . '�� Y ° SPECTAL CONDITIONS : , . '`' � � `�� .� ` *"• , . . ; , . . ., ,. � ..;� . � ��� . � �, � � , ,r. . , ..• �. , �.;. i �.:*�. .r�: �':��'C'0lrfP�E�'ION , , . . , � � , , � . The Purchaser shall commence the removal work within �ive (5) � working days after notification ' �n wrz�.ing by t.he Ci�.y Archite�t to proceed. After removal �the:.Purchaser sha1Z �complete" the filling r ' � ` ; ,.- and sitework within thirty (30) � calendar days o� receipt o� su�h .�., , �' , , ;.. ..: notice. . . . � - , �.. . . ,,,� , , ,<. , � „ . . ��..�,...,._.. _.6ALVAGEA BLE� ITEMS . . ,, ; . , ,_.5.,, , , . Tne City of S�. Pau1 cannot - ' •� ' guarantee t.he .exist�nCe af any , � � '' "" � � salvageaUle items far the Purchaaer. :: . F � , 1�.�.3-.;,.w PE RFORMA NC���I3E FOS��� rr, ' In addition to the pur�hase laid amount, the Purchaser shall be � - required to simultaneously deposi�. wii:h the City of Saint Pau2 � ' a work per£ormanr.e sum o� $14Q0.00. - - This deposit shaTZ be re- - �.ained by the City until t.he' satisfactpry completion of the ` filling and sitework des�ribed in Sectio� 3 is accomplished, at ` which time the entire performance sum shall be refunded to the : Purchaser, The City a£ :Saint Paul reserves the right to ��rform "` � � ` ` ` this fill.ing and sitework should � such work �not be completed within the time 'limit specified in Sectidn �. 1. In the event the City _ does perform this work due to the Eailure of completion on the part of the Purchaser the sum of $300.00 sha11 be forfeited to � ` � ' �.he City of 'Saint Paul. . . . ' , 1.4 � �; APPROVAL AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE' �.�. . , �, .,__,,.� , „ � • Upon �ompletion of the removal, ,; filling and sitework, the Purchaser shall notify the City Architect in writing that the s�.te is ready for fina2 inspection. ` µ�����t��� . . , _ .. - . , t Should the purchaser not camm�nce the removal ��ork hor' securely , "- board-up the vac�nt structure within ..the specified five (5) day ,, �� � period after reeeiving a written noti.ce to proceed: the City of � �° St.�_Paul` may order �.he vacant structurc to be bc�a�ded-u P• T�e � � cost of such work if ordered shall be assessed against. the '�4 $�.000. 00 per.formance sum. , . •, ��, _ Job #70-70 � ' ' � � '��` . . a �} '� 4� '. ! � .. . ��W�� . .. . . '� . � . .. * � t t��. . .. ��.•: � . . . . .,. . . . � � . ' '� . � . � � . � . .:,�n + ��° r � a� , , j , . y , ``� r��'� .� i � . b .�' � M ' � 41 r y !� n ���'t ���` � i:��" r ,w..��� � i ��i i '�.>.S� '` - . . � ..,:1 . . , t ,�� � �, ti �; � � F r '„M � :� :� ' , . ,... � :•'{,,�� � ' ..'�' A�`}7.j � �. .,'aL�t���r::i}!x"F. r .. � 1-', - . � � ... . . x�����`�4�+;� . � _ . — . �� �.� � "�- . M ,�;. ;;, , '' "�;, ":,x. � F�'J 4 ,,��,, �'�; '�?r:..y a ,,�y ,�'" � , i� ;, ,,, • �.� � � � . . ; . , . , , � ; ,: , . . H , - � , •a. , �. , .�: . ,., �� �>� �. . a ��'�: ' Mh y .f� }. � t � �oc i� � �����7Y i ����.��4���•� y� � y �F A� kC� �y rw � � �y :. .r 3. "� � � "1 Yr.1 ?. �vB"y�.,. fi d f+ �� via ! � � ,���c,. � ',� � , y �� � �` "� �ir� �,'y s h�'M� � � ,� y, �I�,� k t J •�fi# � f:. 'T� • qy�ti���,M� � r + ..�y �ys _i � �.�. v'� ^".�-� ��y. �.M'� 4b' � �'?!'"'} i..Y' �i�f9� �a ��,�� R� .� C '�2 +.��� � � # . { �;�,�b"� �•� ' �R yt�"� �- `- 4�, � �� �+t s�'� tir�,+� r a , �;:� �?� _� . � "k�.F '� t`' . Y� . `4 'i} F .:. ..: � R . . ( � '�{�,� ��' �{f ��. `ik Y�" ,'� ¢' ' E ^y F*F •YY T � r �. •� v� d',�.� . �,` �n. !s#n'�! _;i<�, :+, G � el�`. ' ,� r. �,�� #`. 1r'�'' �;� s :,y 'f� '}' f'`�`' +C � ` +;� a� t� , , ,"���, r ,�� ��, ,� �� _ � ��i� ��^ [,�i v ,f ; , .�� �. 4' ,r � � �� "w` �,� �. �� ; +��:� y� b` "�' �' .P''i�' . e�. �.��, . ¢t.����rt+}� t, r f.�tY � �,.s a#:. .��� m x � g ,,, � ,�.� 3 Q�,�y ` �a y., � � °'r ���ia� �. .�fl'r, � .: ". :. . o t � � .��'� ia . � ;_� �t. p t * ,r +�K.. 1� tik y�i; �: �ffi�ea�',� �'����' r� �p � a r ,�t� � �r� �'��'�"� �" L �.T.. � c:`�'. `�r�F:,�;. '�� � ti.��. g'y �,a;ar. � '��f°'k��'s �."�a'5��4.t}I� b4��+'a�'r ���`�,�`�,-,..��E�t.x�dr�`�,��11���. �,��i '� .i.' ..�,y. ; � 1 �� .;� .�yM x.�-� V ,:l�' ♦� .j3' � ,m o.a � ..., � �. k. ^� ;k -..±t: "� t 4�� �.;r a�, x - �; �.:ik�`S `:�' •�j;',.s -�,• i. � . n . . ' � . � . r . ' � ,h' . � ♦ � � � �• � '� , ` 'a � ii1 , r . ;;,y'� "` � � ; ;' i, - _ . , . , i ' . . . . , �"�� r �� y � � �' - � � � . � k� Ve;'1''.1 `i �� ;.l)rl � y . .� i . � .' 1 5..;• y •�. '�.rK. A �r.�..M� ! ?�.* u* k `i � a tti, .� � ;° f ..�. � ��� �8 j•���� ' ' - ' � �� .. �� . .. . '.��u y �...,.�,L�.,�.: .,2„�(M� v y ' d � •�. � .';i c��� � � 71 �'� � � 'r_ _ ,� :. �2 w. �y .� ,. a1, I n�1 S�I n � . � 4 a r; I�j' . . � �� � � .� � ` µ w r., ' �� � ��� f'��{ :�t� � ` � � ,' � �-t � �" ,.. ,, � ',. . � ..�'1.. `! r ,x.�.� �.' � :.,�i iP�^! �f :; '# .. . , . ., . . # fa,'. � t , ) � .. _ •�L . � 3 4`,yi �T . . . ..} � .. ... . . i ' . � •. .. � t •i� _f .:� � � J . . . . .. � . . .•�' � ' '� . � . . . , .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . �� .^. � � � ' „ �. �� ' ....; ,. . 7, . . . i. - . � 'n'. ' . .. - .. . 1,, ..'i - . � . .. . . . .. � � 'Y _ - SECTION 2 ti ti ,d . d 4� { ' . �. . � . , _ � . � � D��l� LLING REMOVAL . . : ;; � , , . ; : 2.1 : REMOVAL OF STRUC':'Ul?^ . ,, . ; . . —..... ----*- _ . -, - , , The Purchaser as soon as he receivea the notice to proceed with � the �n•ork, �hall ent^r upon .the premises and do any and all � things 'nece�sary to prL t�c� the premi�es -from damage by persons who are unauthori:ed to car�y ,on the rernov�l work. The struc- � ture shall be mov�d in a ro er and a P � pproved manner. ` � Moving operations shall be carried on by able, skilled cra�ts- men, using equip:n�n�. hhich provides adequate safet.y in trans- porting �the structure�s. The Purchaser shall pay all �fees and obtain all permits requir.ed 'for his operations. The Purchaser shall obtain the approval from the St. P�ul CztY Architect for the ].c�at.�.on of the new sit.�s ,where the struc- . ture i� to be reiocated, if within the St. paul City limit.s, before any moving operations are started. T�e location of the dwelling on the new lot sh�ll �omply with thQ St. Paul City Building Code regulations. 2.2 I�THOD OF CAR�_.'xNG ON THE i�]ORK ; Th� Purchaser ;�ha11 rc►nove foundation wa11s to an elevat.ion of . not less than (3) three feet below t.he 1eve1 0� tt�e abutting . grour.d lir?. The Purchaser shall remove all basement columns, partitions, and partition walls to the level of the basement floor. The Purchaser shall remove all piping, conduit, heating �acilities, tar�cs, furniturc, rubbish, combustibl� materiais, ' ete. from �.he basement evcavations. The Purchaser shall break _ , up the basement and garage floor slabs into pieces not over o^e (1) square yard in ar.ea and leave in pl.acs. � � - The Purcha�er shall remove �rom the premises all slabs, clothea '^� M 7::' � \ _:''` . . . pales, steps, walks, miscellaneous concrete, trash, junk and f ,z a: ' debris�. The Purchaser must not use this area to dispose of : + �:��4,� -any trash or debris. � :?' ; ,r • Z•� PUBLIC UTILITIES • x` � ,' ,:�,� ��•r."'r�. ` _ . ' -a ,, � . ; , - ; „ '. . .� ,?'` �r "- �,� ,� a �w �:� The ` Purchaser shall take r care� o� a1]. public utilities encountered �� � dur�ng the progress of th� �:ork. H� shal.l � ��nd r�roper notices, � .;, �; h.; "m�ke the necessary arrangemc:nt� and pi-c,vid� aIl servzces rc- '° � ' 's quired to take care of �, gas mains, w�ter pip�s, sewcr pipes, � ` Y ��,1 ' � � ` �: electxical wirea te�.e�hone and telegraph condui,t and cables, .;� ' .:�`*�';,;' t �w ';',.. fire lu �, lan��post�, sign posts and �ny other it � ��: P 9 em of this; � � ` .� � , � �,;� . character,, a�3u;;linq �11 responsibili.ty and paying aIl costs fos !:�� �'' Y� i��• . � � ' � Jo��y�:►70 �.� . � � � , ,{� �4; ��;.. . , � , �« ,,,� > � , r�,t . ;,� ' ,,, _2- } ,� , . .` �-�,���,si'� .,,. �F ,., , . . . � . - . .. .. . _ . . -r �—�.....�.'�....r..n� i.�.,....,�.�.�....�� . . .. , .. .. � . �""�T . i,�, i°?k..`� 't .; � , .� . . . . ,, yc 2 � • '.. . .., . � �� .. � . . ,� -. ,� .- . p� t :. ��` . w � M . `t t� 14�J j S .�` � � �P2I 4 � '� ; R y�,��11u.�q�1°+�� dn. . � � '..�r r �n���! a�'"�� �'�� �� yt�Y },r �Fg�.1'1K � ��� !°ex�,�, i. f r• �R� pP�4� !{I : ,��;�t » � � �*� . � '� r ':� � x�:, �' ..� 1r 4 *y� � � �d r ,y �,, ,� "� � �.� .t��o � V ..:,e .� py f�} �,y �� ax� 'wP. t� ,�,i '^6 ?�,�' t'3j`��.�, . vY 4 `�-f � c'� . � . �-s y �'.�'' �$ i�"�'� #�. 'F.'��9 'a.��.. F�;�i l,�q �f!�' ���t � .F:��� e�2'€F P . Zjb*� i, .�� �, "�.4 �'� �"' . � �'�h � y�, � ��' z 11 Pe�.. � .��� 3�,�n,��� � � ��i #+ ��. �' M',� a�� ��� �.' . '� ��`� �4 »' t .� .,f1' �4 �n�.�'f, + .,i�fi '�� �;pf � *�M ;'�� �.�';�y� Y �, b��" :6 ���!�� � tS�� ���"��� � �w.�* '°'k a� ;'d' � k��' Yt- ,�:4 ; �.+4,���y w ,� � i!` �' ' �. �3 � ��' �i �` . �${ Jt' � 0 SS YF �:'¢i y^ �.1F9rt�.6�, M W/y� �t w � Y �v y� D�l g �w,''�r b `�.y( y - y {y' * }'y � �.� b"1�G��+�i ��' w . "! t . . ..` M . , W �s x ,A �?' �''� >�.'L S�F� ,�, ,��� �F tl�� � ��d� � A � - A�# . �,'t � ,•, r1,w: � '�' .? hT � � � '�'� .`yw t�' e � � _� �`�� �•a:� � .� ��� .�� ,��*' � ' � . �� ''`� ��,� ,?�!°' � t' � � . � � �y.p '`.f� ��;��; „�t� � � ,�'d' �'K.;� �+ ,� ' �"� ; ��..�.. f'� �',;. s ,� y z� z � > .�.`� � a " , e ��:�.+c r r ' `� �.��+ti'` +` < ;��' � : .�...�':...,l�.:+.�..-...�.'�u..rJC:1a:•..��, � �� .. ._.:,r.. ` . . e`"�'�*s Y .���C.,.` i.:x.! � - - ..�tn..._:,au�► 44..t�y...�'.}.:.�3�a�[:ini�'.r� SL..�+e.:auti.:.�....�.14� - .. . . . ..� . ' . � � .. ... . . . � - � .. � . , . . � . • ,�. . ?� . � ! i ,+ ' • .. v . . � .. � . , � � ` . ... . . '�� *•. .� �+� ':h�' y.�r � fi� s Z �' , . •�I. *. f . ,�.yt � t � 1 � . ���. � 1 ' . ' ' � . , • � ' . . .. . .. ... .. �� �f. i. •d. { ' �1 � 1, �.'L . � . . . . �. �� � , . � � ��:�M1� i��r� `f . . � � . � .. . .. . � 1�1 . . ,J . �� ��'' � f i• . . . ' . . ' • � �!,�Y�' • �t ^ . ' �f� � .. . . ' . . � j �. �. „ .� i� ; �r,; . ,�t i. .ti.a�te,►i..�ii.:.fi�'a .4.� i� • '.. � �.. . �_ . . , . . � � �� '�. • a , �.. ...�.�.�. �.. .:.� - � ...r.� . . . , � . . . .._. . .. ... , ' - � . . � ... . , �..-,' . . . _ .. .r�_ _ . ...� — v�...�_ ..1L r .. . , . .y. ., ,.. �f' . � 1 -f,'Y x� ��' .. � � . � ' . ^ . . ... � .� . .. . ; .� t}F��Y�. . t x... �' ., . . . . :.: i..�. . - . . . .,�4f � . . . _ .. . . . . . � . _ . . . . . . . . . � .,. , . ,. .. . ..�. r , Y `'.! . ' i�Y .e' ' �. i; . �. � . � , _ . - .� . . F:'1 r 1 : � . � . . . . . . . . � � . . . . . . � .. � . �,1 5 . ... -�. � �._ . .. . .. . � �� �� � ..1�. r . .. .. �. . � - . . : , . . . � .. � . - t . � . ' � . . . ' . . � . . � . .. . . . ,. . , . . , . . , . . . . �" � . �. . . . . , t . . � � . , .-. �� ', .'.,. . . . ., . .� . ��, ' i� .,,. ' . .. � .. . . . ,... . . .. .. . : . ��� � .. . . .. � . . � . ' . � - . . . . ' . �� F . . � . . � � ..' ��.. i..'-'a , . . . . . . .. . � , . ' .. t . G• .. . � . � .-. � : . . ._ .�.. . ' ,�r_ ,�. �:.° . . . . � ' . . .> . � .. which the City of St. P.aui may be liable. The �urchaser shall , consult all public and servfce company records to inform himselP �" of ti.he locations of all u�.ilities. , Lvcations o� water other pi�es shall be clearZy marked so. that they can be located �� , , . „< at any . �uture time. � AlI sewers shall be lu ed, caulked and sP�1ed with conr.rete at the�property 1ine. Tne blllcJCli nn �� sewers �1Z�1�. be c3one in _ accordance with the re uirements of the St, Pau? Sewer De artment. 2,.4 PROTECTION OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PRnFERTy In the work operations involved in the moving ot the building, the Purchasex shall use every precaution to protect the public from personal �harm and protect all private and pubZic propert , � frqm damage. The� Purchaser shall erect suif.ab�.e barriers to y ,. ' prevent people from getting into the danger zone and to prevent them fxom falling into holes :or depressions. : -,a�{--.,..,_.�2aD�s�l�'�k7�-£�EFs�T ; No work shall start and no permit shall be issued for the x`emoval of any building or structure in the �i�y until satis- factory evidence is Eurniahed by a certificat.e from the Health Ufficer that a licensed pest control 'company has exterminated c all nuisance pests from the structure and premises. 4��, - 6..1.;.'�� ;� . . . . . . , . . . � .. � . . . . . . � . � '� . , ... I . . . - . . ..i.�� i 1 .i . � .. . ., . . . . . ri �p 'ht#t� r . �. . . . . . .. . � . `r �?, � , . . . . '�-:��t`�� r a�Z�^:� pe-. +{;.' ' , , .. � . _ .� . .. .. , . . . J� . ,<ySry,.�'��i"� . . �. . . .. . 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T h e P u rc haser s ha l l erect sui��ble barriers to prevent people from fal].inq into holes or de�ressi.ons. 3.3 , CLEAN UP _......�.. � .��.�......-.. � ' � Upon the completion of the �work required under this specifxcation ;.a the Purchaser sha11 remove a11 tools, equipment, scafEolding, debris and other materials' £rbm the premises. The entire � °� premises shall be left in a clean conciztion fi.o the satisfaction ;;.�' of the Ci.ty Azchitect. ` +� .,- ,� . .�, }��,. ' ENA OF SPECTFICATION ��, ¢ , ��, { . �4tf�'t 5� � . . . . 1 � � � � �"�. .. § r� �CS� �70�7� r , , �t;, • � "` � � � � �t�,��' � � + �� k � �'. �_ , . � • • �; w� ,i�N . . - � . � . . �<.r. -�:a �' o, � -•¢ ,.a: , , i . 5 c tF�' ,�,�,�i`�t: r . ;,', . . . . r�.��,� r �,1k5 e f' � d �+'°� x ��{; � � . . i �f a � fi. .Yfi��i i. � ��P; �.• � � � � ' � �� r '�� S �. } 1�. �k .q�4 }�fi + � '� '. � ' ` � �� r 1 A -� . . ..w.. ' `' �'y��Y,.� s f�*'�1,4 : �4 � ±� 3 � n� P�. �!.. . x � . YY r�;� � �. ¢ T`' p v f� i. 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