262681 97i - �2�
, � s�s�s
Resolution Approving Assessment By—
and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon �
In the matter of the asseasment of benefits, cost and expenses for constructfon and recon-
struction of sidewalks and work incidental thereto: Contract 7�-M-0543, Levy No. 6,
District No. 1,
..�_.._ ____-_. ,. _ .. _ __._._ .... _ _ . _ �..R.,- .
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t l.0�l�160 • ?a�lOr A�rs.. �orth si�s ttaw 1a�fiis� ��ra t�► �1�qc+t-.il,� pt w da wr�
�i�a �t ls�lo! Aw. lx+�t�tbs�t tt. i� tl�t�.�tlt-�t��t�1�r � n�t.
�.Q. �2yd�4i • 11rny �w., �ttti sit� i�� AY�t _�C. � �tl�Ai t�. .ti�t-e>fway.
�•�• fZS�s • piiCal St.� Mfit S�� f!'� �IIt� w�• �� � lrt�
1►.�. �ZSllbt� • Co�o Aw., aoath side fro� Sn�llin� Aw. ,to iliasoau St.
1�.0. �258965 - Dosinll Aw., north aide fro� Uythe St. to Chel�aford St.
F.O. #259152 - Maryland Ave., south side abutting Lots 7 throngh 10 of xitchie's Sub.
property known as 646, 650 and 656 W. Marpland Ave.
F.O. #259227 - l�srrington St., we�t aide fraa Burgeas St. to Froat Aw. and on the
_ _. , �eaat aid� of Farrington St. fro� Stinson Ave. to Front Ave.
- 'T�ylar�' �C�e:�; it��tCii `side °!'�+[f�i'fl�iilYne l�vlt. ,:tt�'A2b�rt-st:;�tM o�n tfie�north
. side of Ta�lor Ave. fra� Alb�rt St. to the east appr�i�ately 300 f�et.
_ . .; -
� .. .
�� ��:` Sa96S` -�1t��'i�il_��►�r:;"ite3��t. side�f+f�i'.11yth�'st.'ta`Cht3trslord St, ._,. '
F,q. #Y59160 - ��o Av�4, south side fro� Snelling Ave to Niaatoa St.
. . : . _ . . ..
F.0'. ����Z7 -'`lh�r��e�oet St. ; �MSStt �fd�`froi Eurgtss �t. to l�oeC Ave. Mt�el �n�'`C�e
, , ,, . ._ . east sie�e o� F�rri,�$ton $t. .fro� Stf�on Ave, to �'roat Ave.
and found tne saia assessment satisiactory, tnereiore, ae it
RESOLVED, That the said asaessment be and the same ia hereby in all respects approved.
ftES4LVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had an said assessment on the 26th
day of December. 1973 , at the hour of 10 o'cicek A. M., in the Council Chamber of
the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance
give natice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of
hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount asaeased against the lot or lota of the paxticular
� owner to whom the notice is directed.
Yeas �;.;, ,;� Nays NOV 3 0
-��!�- Adopted by the Gouncil
� ,�;�� :
'�'"' � OE 31973
..:;; �� : ove
t-s�, �
In Favor
� ayor
Against P!!BLlSHED ��C O 8 1973
Form R-2 2M 10.88
. . . 2s2s81
Report of Completion of Ass�essment �
In the matter of the assessment of ►*��it�� s4st a�l �r�c�eaa�s� tas ��stsvreti!e� •ud 1cr4aM
�tr�tia` o! aiN�Urs �s1 wark tasi:i�at�l 1d�sfta: Cart�aat 7�-11-OS�3, irRrry �. i.
Dl�t�ttet �o. �, ,
__,_„_— _.
��i0 • ?iylo�r Aw.. �th •i� trw �a�liw �w e� A1Nt� �t� aM N � Msq� '
si� at t��i�s �w. isa� ♦11�st it. t� lfa� Mtltl�-.aw��r�' �0 �t+
T.O. 1ZSiKi • Al�q Aw.. eerth sl�r !'ss� I►�nas !t. t� �r��=��.� �;�r+���. �
Z.O. ��Sti'!�S • laaaal ft., w�e sids lta� � ��rs. a CeM ��. . ' '
. . ��0• �i7�� �' �l.l�1R ���� �ii �i�li � ����� i�i �����.�f . -a.� '.� , ..
t.0. /25�l6S - Do�tl tw.. north aid� �s+o� �iyth� St. to Chslmstard Sk.
l.0. f2S91Sx - l�tsry►land Av�s., souti+ sil�t �tiuttim; Lst� 7 thsoa�s 10 0! litt�i�'i �ub.
property k�w►n as 6�i6, 6S0 aad 6S6 W. Maryl�nd Ave.
Z.O. #�S92Z7 - lassia�toa ft.. wit sid� traw �rrpa� �t. to �roAt A�w. a+�d oa th�
taat eide of �'arria�ton St. frqm Stiaaoa Ava. ta Fsout Av�e.
, ,. .,.. .. .�....,. ,
i � ?.:a.:�.,»_� �: . > . r . _ � - ,..a�, - .._ '_ . _ _ � -- : . _ __--. .
. . . , ,. -,-,s
, � . �
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Y._r I�l•11: 8$Z . ' _
,�:- .._...,.__ ,., ...-.; . :, - . _ >, .,..:<.
, • Ior Ai�i:, �saath si+����`�i�i�u� �w. to l��isr�'"�i.'"irad aa-��i aor�
sid� o! T�ylo: Aw. fram Alb�r� St. to th� e�st apprcncien+ftety 340 f+t�t.
,,. �.�.�4����'.�_.. ..�SMl��"�1R.� 1tDtC�1 i��!'''�•�� �t._��„�,� ��'f .�� ec ,, .,n,
, �.. .s _
_ _._
�►.Q. f2S916Q - Coaw Ave.r� �awth side lro� Satllia; Av�t Eo Wi:utoa $t.
_ 1�:0. '��59"t'2f` • Mat�ta*ieaea'�e., �r�est •id� �r� l�s�as �t. to lssnt A��. a�d oa tl�a
. _ ��s� s�ea t�#;�±r�'l..A�t� St,. l�+,�w.$�#A� l►ve. to t�tt Atr�� ,
Total construction coata . .. . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. ... $ ?�,�'�� �R
Engineering and..Inspectian. . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. . $ 1,-6b9--
�a�goeo�innc.Valuati.oa.and.Assessmen.t .Servicea . $ 208
Postalcards . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . . .. ... . . .. . . .. ... $ � LO--
Publications . . . . . .. . . . . ... . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . ... . ... $ S1
Collectioncosta . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .... .. .. . ... .. . $ 10�
Court costs for confirmation . .. .... . . . . .. .. . ... .. . � 5—
Finance Accounting Costs 51 0
TOTAL EXPENDZTURES . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . $ 12�526
Charge to .Q4Q5Q-4��. . .. . . . . .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . . $ 2,037
. . . .. . . .. . .�4�-�►88��4�b��. .... .... .. . . .. .. . . . . $ 633
NetAssessment . .. .. . . .. ... . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . $
Said Commisaioner further reporta that he has asaessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, tawit: the aum of $ 9.855.41 upon each and every lot, part or parcel af land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,part or paxcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the sa3d asaeasment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the aignature of the said Cammisaioner, and made a part hereof, is the said aesessment as
corrkpleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action �ereon as may be
considered proper.
November 27, 1973 � ��
��� i ector �� o� �nanc�. Departmen�
Fo� R.Y 2M 10.88 and Management Services