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File No l7�
In the matter of the assesament of I��i�s, �M6 �/ +�1�N� !� tMMtsl�t�rt� • �r1l�t
stari Mwttt i� A�M� tl���"! !'s� Coaaoari �t. t� �t+� ��.� !a� A� � tye�ws @rrsar�+i '
s�. s�r �ett. �c.; i,. �Ar�'�MOlr�r ��nrr�t �s.. r�tts� s�. �r 1�. �t.f � �a�a�r � '
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l�waosi it.� i,� �Ai � �'�s �rMrt �t. h 11wsNu it.� ir N�A � is� A
l�rr �t. �e C�ts it,; in 11� i'!�' ts�w �stMrsf� �t. � �r�tbi �ta�uq► ft«; 1� �
�! �'i' t�ta N+�M �t. t� P.�tl�araie it.; ia� � �'!�R! !e� twtr��� it. E�r
C1�am� Aw.i i� � � t� 11l�it�t �t. � t+rlr#,� �t.; alrir tsrsl�rct �►1�1e
rir� �+a�st � �ii t�t! ts� t�t� tt. t� �rwat /►we.; f� �!' A!� l�r�
Ca�osMi it. t�r► #�L� i�.� #a � f!�!! t� � �t. t�r �i� �t.; �u �1� i� ��
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under Preliminary Order ��n3 ,appmved �� 1a, ;'!'1i ,
Intermediary Order ��� , ,approve� 11��, il7i ,
Fina.l Order Z4f�00 ' �
,approved � �• Z!� . �
A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said aasess-
ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory,
be it therefore
RESOLVE,D, That tlie said assessment be and thQ sa.me is hereby in all respects ratified, and the
same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Gourt of the County of Ramsey for canfirmation.
BE IT FURTHER R�OLVFU, That the said assessmen� be and it is hereby determined ta be
payable �n -� equal installmenta.
` �� � �
GOUNCILMEN .,,',.-,�
Yeas Nays `J
n,,t;er 1 Adopted by the Council ���� � �
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Fo� �,� Zn� laea $� Against PUBUSHED N�� ,� �' 197�
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October 17, 1973
Mr. Robert Trudeau
Finance & Management Services nept.
Dear Sir:
The City Cou�ci]. l�id over two weeke to Octaber 31 a resolution
ratifying agsessrnent for the Concord Terrace Storm Secver Pro�ect.
Very truly yours ,
C1ty Clerk
c.c. - Public Worlcs Dept.
October 31, 1973
Mr. Robert Trudeau
Finance and Management Serviceg Dept.
Dear Sir:
The (:ity Council today laid over one week to November 7 a
resolution ratifyin$ assessment £or the Concord Terrace
Sewer Proiect under P.O. 247793, ap�roved March 19, 197�.
Very truly your.s,
City Clerk
c.c. - Valuation EnRineer
- Public Works Dept.