262480 WHI7E .>- GTY CLERK 2624�� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ^ ARY - QEPARTMENT �E - MAYOR File NO. `' uncil Resolution l� ' . Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS� Chapter 705 of Laws of Minnesota for 1965 provides for the conversion of Special School District No. 2 to Independent School District No. 625; and WHEREAS� The Saint Paul Teachers' Retirement Fund Association ha.s established its budget for 1974 in the sum of $4,950,547.00; and WHEREAS� Said Statute requires the Council of the City of Saint Paul to certify a tax levy for the support of the Saint Paul Teachers' Retirement Fund Association; and WHEREAS� Said Saint Pau1 Teachers' Retirement Fund t�ssociation certifies that funds have been received from the State Auditor, pursuant to Chapter 32, La.ws of Minnesota for 1967, Extra Session, as amended by Cha.pter 485, Section 38 Subdivision 3, La.ws of Minnesota for 1969, in the amount of �3,308, 757.00; and WHEREAS� There i� in the trust account the sum of $15�056.58 received from the Detention Authority for its sha.re of the pension costs of the Teachers of School District No. 625� teaching at the Detention Authority facilities in the School District; and WHEREAS� The School District has received funds from the Federal Government as its cost of pensions for teachers working under Federal Programs in the amount of $109,969.51; and WHEREAS� There is available the sum of $50,000.00 in the Fund Ba.lance of the trust account for the Saint Paul Teachers' Retirement Fund, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, tha.t it hereby approves the budget as submitted b� the Saint Paul Teachers' COUNCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt City Administrator Konopatzki [n Favor Levine Meredith Against By Frank D Marzitelli Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by it Attorn y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approv y r ubmission to Council By BY WHITE /L CITY CLERK COIlIIClI 262480 PINK - FINANCE �T Q�yARY -9EPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PA V L � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2 . Retirement Fund Association for the year 1974 in the amount of $4,950,547 .00 from which $3,308,757 .00, $15,056.58, $109,969.51, and $50,000.00 are hereby deducted, leaving a balance of $1,466, 763.91, and there is hereby levied a tax in the amount of $1,466,763.91, together with an additiona.l one percent estimated tax shrinka.ge in the amount of $14,668.00, or a total tax levy in the sum of $1,481,431.91; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, Tha.t in accordance with La.ws of Minnesota, this levy is certified with the understanding that portions there- of wi 11 be f ina.nced by rebate s f rom the State of Minne s ota f rom other taxes imposed by law as a replacement of sums which would otherwise be levied against real and persona.l property; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, Tha.t the County Auditor is hereby requested to spread such tax levy as a separate item in its tax rate and to report the same as a separate item in each tax settlement to the City of Saint Paul; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED! Tha.t the Fina.nce Department - Accounting Division of the City of Saint Paul is hereby directed to credit all tax settlements and cha.rge all payments to said Association in the Trust Fund established for the Teachers' Retirement Fund Association Levy; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council hereby directs the City C1erk to forthwith certify this tax levy resolution to the County Auditor of Ramsey County and a copy of the same to Independent School District No. 625 and to �]�„�S,a,i,� Paul Teachex���ement /� i � Fund Association. rrKUVtU Roger l� Mettso� Frank D. hlarzitelli Cit Budget ' CQUNCILMEN B Yeas Butler Nays � Ci dministrator Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith `J Against By Frank D. Marzitelli �c 8oedler �•.. _ Mme.President � j�t Adopted by Council: Date NOd s �9'� Form Approved City Attor y Certifi Pa sed by Council S ary BY By Appr by Ma Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counl�iL__ gy By : PususHEn NOV 17 1973 ti� 2� ?Vover,�ber �, 1973 ��t. Paul Teach�rs' Retirement Fund Associatian �4�°. Lyle T. I{'armer, Secretaxy-Trea.�urer `>'7� G:a.basha �t. , Room 303 :>t. �'aul, hiinnesota Dear Sir: Transmitted herew3.th :�or yqur int.'ormation i.s a certified cc�py of �'.r. T�'o. 2.6?����,t?, ��pr�vi,n� t�xe 19?4 �3ud�;et af the �t. Faul Ter�eh�.rs' ::eti.rernent F"�.ind �.�soci�.tion anc� c�rtiiy�ing a tax levy �`Qr 1.�7Z�. Yours very truly�, CS.ty Clerk �� �ttach. �� � lvovcr.ibe-r 9x 1���; Inde�aen�.ent ;3chc�Ul ll�strict No. 62g �30 �;o.1"raorr�e �;t. �"C. _'�i.lt�.y i'�.T1TlE:8o'�a l z G�Xl�a.+�ril E.'Tl 2 `.i'r�.nsm3.tted herewi�h for your �.tzformmtion a.� a certified copy oi C.�+'. Nc�. 262�+80, appro�rin� the 2974 Budget of the ut. I'aul �'e�cher�' =tetirement �'�and ,��ssc�c�.ation anc� certifying rz taac levy for� 1,����� Yc�urs very truly, City �lerk �� �'�ttach. ��b '1� P1'csveMber �, 1.973 ;�Tr. Lc�u ^�2c��;.enna, Direc�or T�e�t. c�f rroperty Tax�tion =;�.orn l�?, City HaYl �t. Pau1, M�nnesotr� Dear Sir: Trangmitted her�w3.th for yotxr informa.tion �.s a cer.ti�'ied cca��y of C.�'. T^1c�. �?�2�+�0, aPProving the 1n7� �ud�et af t�ae ��. �'au1. T�achers' rzeti.rement l'+�and Assoc:iation and cer.ti�'yin� a tax levy for '�7tF. Yotzrs very truZ�ra Ci.ty Clerk .j� Attach.