02-291coun�� Fue # oa-aq /7 i� , j' �� Presented by 1 Refe;red To MINNESOTA Green Sheet # (�O D Committee Aate Resolution to accept a gi,ft from Capitol City Partnership for the 2002Inter-City Leadership V'rsit 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul benefits from learning about the experiences and innovations in other ciries; and 2 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul benefits from networldng with city officials, business officials, and community 3 organizafions in other cifies to learn from their successes and mistakes in the development and growth of their cities; 4 and 5 WHEREAS, the 2002 Inter-City Leadershig Visit, being held from Apri121-23, 2002 in Denver, Colorado, will be 6 addressing cultural, economic, transportafion and workforce development within Denver and surrounding 7 communities; and 8 WHEREAS, the above-menrioned development initiarives aze issues facing the City of Saint Paul; and 9 WIIEREAS, the Capitol City Partnership recognizes the importance of our City leaders to learn firsthand about 10 innovative practices and bring back laiowledge for the benefit of the Saint Paul community; now therefore be it 11 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepts a gift from the Capitol City Partnership to pay for registration 12 fees that include airline tickets and accommodafions for three Saint Paul City Councilmembers to attend this Tnter- 13 City Leadership Visit being hosted by the City of Denver. Requested by Department of: � Fotxu Appcoved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date �� � a Adopfion Certified by Council Secretary oa "aq � ctry co,��� Apri1,3 2002 �c�ca - 8coa3 4/03/2002 �nn�ee �ac ROU7uMr OROER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET �..�,�.�� � r?,�.+� �p No `-�-: ' ❑ �.,� ❑ �.� �. ❑ wuxcu.anacssow. ❑ nu,a�mnu�eero ❑ WYORI�AWifMR� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution accepting a gift from the Capitol City Partuership to pay for regisiration fees that include airline tickets and accommodations for three Saint Paul City Councilmembers to attend the Inter-City Leadership Visit being hosted by the City of Denver. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION TOTAL AMOUM OF TRANSACTION , FUNDIN650URCE FlNANCIPL WFORMATON (IXPWN) Hes ihie Perea�rm ederwaked under a contrec[ torfhis departmeM'7 YES NO Flas this Pe�saJfirm ever been a cdY emPloYee7 YES NO Does this pe�soNfi�m pocsesc a sldll nd normallyposeessed by anY curteM dry' emPbyee? YES � b Mia peraonlfirm e tar0�ed ventloYl VES NO MST/REVENUE BUOfiETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTIVITYNUMBER YEE NO coun�� Fue # oa-aq /7 i� , j' �� Presented by 1 Refe;red To MINNESOTA Green Sheet # (�O D Committee Aate Resolution to accept a gi,ft from Capitol City Partnership for the 2002Inter-City Leadership V'rsit 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul benefits from learning about the experiences and innovations in other ciries; and 2 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul benefits from networldng with city officials, business officials, and community 3 organizafions in other cifies to learn from their successes and mistakes in the development and growth of their cities; 4 and 5 WHEREAS, the 2002 Inter-City Leadershig Visit, being held from Apri121-23, 2002 in Denver, Colorado, will be 6 addressing cultural, economic, transportafion and workforce development within Denver and surrounding 7 communities; and 8 WHEREAS, the above-menrioned development initiarives aze issues facing the City of Saint Paul; and 9 WIIEREAS, the Capitol City Partnership recognizes the importance of our City leaders to learn firsthand about 10 innovative practices and bring back laiowledge for the benefit of the Saint Paul community; now therefore be it 11 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepts a gift from the Capitol City Partnership to pay for registration 12 fees that include airline tickets and accommodafions for three Saint Paul City Councilmembers to attend this Tnter- 13 City Leadership Visit being hosted by the City of Denver. Requested by Department of: � Fotxu Appcoved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date �� � a Adopfion Certified by Council Secretary oa "aq � ctry co,��� Apri1,3 2002 �c�ca - 8coa3 4/03/2002 �nn�ee �ac ROU7uMr OROER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET �..�,�.�� � r?,�.+� �p No `-�-: ' ❑ �.,� ❑ �.� �. ❑ wuxcu.anacssow. ❑ nu,a�mnu�eero ❑ WYORI�AWifMR� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution accepting a gift from the Capitol City Partuership to pay for regisiration fees that include airline tickets and accommodations for three Saint Paul City Councilmembers to attend the Inter-City Leadership Visit being hosted by the City of Denver. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION TOTAL AMOUM OF TRANSACTION , FUNDIN650URCE FlNANCIPL WFORMATON (IXPWN) Hes ihie Perea�rm ederwaked under a contrec[ torfhis departmeM'7 YES NO Flas this Pe�saJfirm ever been a cdY emPloYee7 YES NO Does this pe�soNfi�m pocsesc a sldll nd normallyposeessed by anY curteM dry' emPbyee? YES � b Mia peraonlfirm e tar0�ed ventloYl VES NO MST/REVENUE BUOfiETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTIVITYNUMBER YEE NO