262473 WHI7E - CITV CLERK C01111C11 �6/�/4 �+ � l PINK .I• FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL a L_CANARY - DEPARTMENT �_ BLUE - MAYOR � Fll@ NO. r . � Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. I`t� � � i � Presented By � �v . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250 (commonly referred to as the "Civil Service Rules" ) , as amended, in Section 35(E) (entitled "Sick Leave" ) in Subparagraph 2 thereof to provide for the preservatior� and use of sick leave accumulated by police officers and firefighters who are injured in the course and scope of their employment . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No . 3250 (commonly referred to as the "Civil Service Rules" ) , as amended, is hereby further amended in Section 35(E) (entitled "Sick Leave�� ) in Subparagraph 2 thereof by adding at the end thereof the following : "Notwithstanding provisions of this ordinance to the contrary, any police offiCer or firefighter who sustains a personal injury arising� out of and in the course of his employment , and is en;titled to benefits pursuant to Section 12. 10 of 'the City Charter, sha11 be entitled to preserve sick leave accumulated hereunder and use such sick leave when the period of disability, because of such injury, lasts a period of time greater th an that .period of time for which charter benefits are payable . " Section 2. This ordinance shall �ake effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage , approval and publication. � .,�"" . ` � � �s"n,�,0� � "`/ '1 COUNCILMEN , o Yeas Na s Requested by De rtment o : � g{� Butler �7 . Konopatzki / In Favor Levine Meredith C� Against BY ' �e Rcedler Tedesco Mme.President �`€� Hunt NOV � 1 1973 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certif' d P ed by Co '1 ary BY����'���� By Appr by May . Date V Approv by Mayo or Submi o c' By � BY PdBIISHED DEC O , , , c t-. ��a y r.� �,� - �,. ��, �_������������ ��, ��a�� z„F�„�t. ;:lti�r ��ci�tk� �:.,,r.��.�e��e� =��. .a. �tfl�. a..��r�jT t.:;)1W2�l� Sny #£!zR �?.!t!"��i��e"�r C►� Z�'!+�# �'}�'g�' C��.,:A��4��� . . �.i�S ,�7rt��C��ktl� �•��. �" .�'°!�. ��12+��1 3 3Jadti! �'r:�"�r'. � •�;.t��,: `��t �abtirrr�:..ca>�nt���a�sri �r�i�ra►�c� �cr�►��r�rq�a� rE��ri�t +�wit� �e� +��t��►et�t te► tha �iv�� :��ra��+�«� st�tar�R �t��eh ��s�+m�� ,� ��a -�;�*�vic� . aa t*.a �r�a��rv�t����e ��f , a�.;� 2.���r� �„�r�+�#�.t� �c:��t� fir�a �tns� ¢�11c� ��+�r�����t. 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'�'�sr� t:r�ly �►+au�r�, r�?�cx ;,:. akait��r :��i,r��L� i�. �s�fk C C: t'v�iIE'�1'+Ga[" '��a�F�eG�kc :-`ra�l� �'„�.'.r�,it��li ' '<i�ott ;::��irt.1� ;�rx�r �,�e.r�.'��tl ,/l r . l .r, x:„ : . . ... . � � : ,i � � � � . � � . ,t '9��' ' � '� . l�s� \^ �� -� (��•�S , ' �nd f I�/ ,3 ,.-=� � 3rd �1 I��-; = Adapted ��� � — �. �i � s Yeas _:� Nays _ BtJTI,ER KONOPATZKI ������ LE VINE ` � MEREDITH , ROEDLER U TEDESCO PRESIDENT (HIJNT) .... ��-: � .-. CIVIL SERVICE OFFICE 285 CITY HALL , ST. PAUL, MINN. 55102 78 Mr. Harry Marshall City Clerk 386 City Hall