262467 � WH17E - CITV CLERK ������ �:�.�fC wr ¢'INANCE COUI1C11 BLUERY - MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � File NO. � ou cil Resolution Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Northern States Power Company has applied to the City of Saint Paul, by petition dated October 12, 1973, for an increase in its electric rates in connection with the operation in the City of Saint Paul and pursuant to the provisions of the franchise, Ordinance No. 15319, approved February 7, 1973; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 7 of the franchise ordinance, it is the responsibility of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul to select a Hearing Examiner who is acceptable and agreeable to the Northern States Power Company; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, 'I'hat the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby select and name Leonaxd E. Lindquist as its recommenda- tion for Hearing Examiner, and upon the filing of a written acceptance by the Northern States Power Company, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with said T.�+nn9.rd F� Lindquist to accomplish the foregoing appoint- ment; and be it FU�tTHER RESOLVED, That the first meeting of the above named Hearing Examiner with the interested parties be set on such a date as the Hear- ing Examiner and the interested parties are available to review the pro- cedure for the hearing in connection with the petition filed herein. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ��EY' Nays Harrt— Konopatzki � In Favor Levine Meredith � Against By s�cc Rcedler Tedesco Mme.President �t�r �p� � "'� P µ �QV 1 �g� Form Appr4, �e�'by City At rney Adopted by Council: Date „o-f: / r' � Certif' d sed by Co S ry � � BY �`� By Approv by Ma OV 19 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY p�U� NOY 10 1973� •'��A� ' ' /I ��.� �' . ��/�V w�� � . \ .' 1�� . . . , , . _ ; �� e}TY OF SA1NT PAUL . . O��iCE O� THE CITY ATTORNEY � � R. SCOTT DAVtES � . tictober .25, 1973 . _ Covncil.mazx .Victor J. Tedesco � . 701 Court House Saint Paul, Mim�.esota - � Re: Request for an Opini.on Pertaining to Conflict of Interest of Rate Hearina Expert Dear Councilman Tedesco: This office is in receipt of your letter dated . - _ October 24, 1973, in which you inquire as to whether or not you ma.y be involved in a conflict - ; of in�erest regarding the proposed appointment of - a Rate Hearing Exami.ner in the ma.tter af Northern States Power Company' s rate increase request when : the facts show that you have been a past business: assaciate of the person who has been proposed as Rate Hearing Exami.ner. The letter indicates that � � you w�re a minor stockholder in a company whiGh this same person who is being proposed' as a possit�T� Rate Hearing Exami.ner was also a member. � Section 17".04 of the. St: Paul City Charter provides, '� - . zn p�� as foll.ows: . ' "Any city:.of�icer or employee who has a - direct vr indirect fina.n�ia2 interest �� (1) any contrac� with the citg not " prohibited by the foregoing provision or any law or (2) any other matter with the city, sha11 make known that interest and shall refrain from voting ugon or other- �vise participating ii1 his capacity as a • City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 b12 298'S121 .� . �i,1 `� f" _ \.� • � ������ Councilman Victor J. Tedesco Page T�vo Clctober 25, 1973 city officer or employee in the ma.king or performance of such contract or in � � taking official action on such .ma.tter." : The sa.me section o£ the Charter provides tha.t a violation of this pro�rision requires a forfeiture of office. From the facts which you ha.ve presented to this offic�, there is no evi.dence that you would have_ either a direct or indirect financial, interest in the appointment of this person to the position of Rate Hearing Examiner. If there was a direct or indirect means by which this appointntent would financially benefit you, then you would have to refrain from voting on th� ma.tter. The mere fact tha.t you have been a stockholder in a corporation in which th:is person was also either a stockholder or an officer would not be a sufficient basis to require you to refrain from voting in the matter. If you ha.ve any further questions with regard to tY�is � matter, please feel free to contact this office at any time. Yours truly, _ : � , PIERRE N. REGNIER � � � Deputy City Attorney : - . , , PNR:�r : . . .. . � • BIOGP�npF-tr�_L D�T�� � � • �'��. ���' � LEO?��P.D �. LIi.��uIST, 38 Par}� Lane, T1;inneapoli,s, Piinr_esota 55��'_�. Born at Broo'�sid-�, Pdinnesota, Septemb�r 5, 1912 . After father' s death in my 13th year, w�rked way through Z�1est fiigh, Minneapolis, an�i University of i�tinnesota; employed as construC�Gl0:2 worker, plasterer. tender, carpenter' s apprentice, night watchl-:�an, clerk, farm han3, pa�er currier, laborer in lumber mi11s, cred?� work with G°o. �:. Horme l Co. � While employed in building trades, joined Construction Workers , Union of t:innea�olis and took an active part in the proceeclings of the Union. Attended University of Minnesota iro:n 1933-1939, graduat�.ng ��ith degrees of S.S.L. and L.L.B. , member o� i�iinnesota La��r Review Board, specialized in laber relations �,�ork, ana assisted in drafting Minnesota Labor P.eiatians Act and its P�ocedural P�ules. In Ias� year at Universzty wor}:ed in office o�� Hormel & Co. , making a stud�r of application of �7agner Act and t^7age and Hour Bill �to Fiorm�l plan�. Married Elsie Kelley--three sons age� 26, ,24, and 20. Elsie, �arir_g her years at th� University, was a leading �.ctress on the Campus. Elsie and Le���d g-radua�ed from the U�iverszty together in 19�9. � 1939-194G R�vie:J attorn�y for Nationa? Labor Relations Board, _ :,;ashington, D.C. - � 1940-19�� �.��ral practice of I�w in .•iinneapolis and Special Labor , ���� 'iliator under riinneso�� L�or Relations Act an� �-;�?ic member oi Fact �'ir_d-n� Comrnissic�ns appoi.�.��d ;�_y ��'TSrnor. Justice of Pe:ce, Brooklyn C�nter; Viliag� =._�orney, Brooklyn Cenzer; C:�air;nan, Earle Brown Sc:��oo? Baard. � 1942 .._:orney, Office of Pxice yc�inistration. _ 1942�1946 �^�t�d States Navy, overseas. During this same period, s.Isae served E�zth the Fed Cross in Great Britain anu ��o pe. • 1946-1949 G°n°ral practice of law c•�it'n firm of Larson, Loevinger & Lindquist; menber r7ational Panel of Arbitrators; sp�cia� � labor conciliator ror St��e La�ar Conciliation Serv?ce an3 U. S. Concilia�ior_ Ser�T�ce; Labor Arbitratar; ins�ructor at i�niversi�y ol ��Iinn�sota Busin�ss Scho�1, Industrial Relations Center; Chairman - Fact-finding Co:r�issions appointed l�y Governor. . " I,eor�arc? E. Lindqu_�_ � � Bi;.��raphical D�ta - ?�ga 2 . �� . . ��� 1949-195� Member c- �a?lroad and Warehouse Co�::.�ission of the Sta�e � � of Min^e����. f�ppointed b�- zorn.�-_ Gov°rr.or Yo�andahl in 1J-tJ 4riF.,�. �?ected in I950. As Chc_r:�an, canducc�d investi- gation c_ rac.eteer inTlu�n�e on ';':•:in City StreeLCar Compan�T ' operatic•�� . 1952 to Resumed :=a�tice o� law in the fir:a o� Larson, Loevin5er, present Linc3c�.is�, Fre�m:.�n & Fraser, no� Li�dquist & Vennum. Serves as lab or arbitrator on cases thrcag�zout the country for Federal :.e.�.iation and Cor.czliatic� Service, State Concilia- tion Ser�-ice, and American Arbit-rG�ion Association. [riember of natia_al panel of arbitraLars, r e3eral rlediation and Coneilia�ion Service since I9�7. ] L°cturer at University of Nlinn�sota La:a School on Tabor arbitration and conciliation. Chairmaz, ?-Iir.resota Regio:�al Co�m�;.tee on Admission to Practice i�efcre the Interstate Cc-::n°�ce Comm?ssion. Public _ Member, i�iage and Ho�r Com�ittea-_ t� Determine l�ini�um ti�age Applicab?e for Certain Industries in Puerto Rico. Elected to SLate Legislature in 1954 from North Ha?f, Rural Ne?:,^.epin. Reelected in 195'0. E�7hile member of Legislat�:re, fougnt for re���orti��:��e�t, constitutional revision, part� d�signaticn, elir:i�a�ion of personal� pro- perty t?.,1:, ar_d fair housing. � _ bie_-�ber o= Her.nepin County Bar Assoc�ation, iJiinneso�a Bar Associat?on� and A?�,erican Ear Association, National Acudemy . ^- Arbi�rato_s, American fir�i�rat=c� Associatior,. Formerly Ts�.�=3�. C�?�1�T.^�?_'? OT i�u-i1,,7 C;7cc=��d�lE �ur_d drives, inclu�ing �=-cer x�n�, �,ed Cross, Ca-.-�;nity Fu.nd, Boy Scouts, and v_��e C:��i�:;�an oi P�iarch oi ��mses. rormzrly Chairman o� ��sing S�abco:nr�iitzee on �?gi�g, Cc:��unitv Healtn & t°7elfare �:.::�cil; S�ate C:nairman o� �n� �il�?'leSOLa Branch, United :r�or?d Feceralisis; I�Iember o� Gove�=nor' s Citizens Council cr. lging; 2�ie:.�ber of r�Iayor' s Co�-nission on Human Relations - � , an3 Chair^an o; Subcommit�ee on Fair Housing; M°mbsr of t3. S. Co;�ission on Civil Rights, �Iinnesota: Advisorv _ Cor.�ittee; Cnairntan of Fair Emplc��ent Practice Commission o� Tiinne��olis; ?�?euLral r�i�m.ber of Systera Board of Adjus�ment in A irli�� cases €or National MediaLion Board; Neutra.l . _ itiiearber o� L�ational Railt�ay �iediation Boarcl. _ Chairman, �:vin Cities Ad��isory Council, American -Arb 'itra'��o-� �=�,sso�iation; P�;e;:.�er o= Board of Directors of the ��:.srican Arbitration Assoc���ion. � _ Formerl�: r4ember and Presi.dent o= :�,innesota Higher Educatio�? Coordinating Com�ission; Chairman, Co:r,mittee �n ?,rbicration, rlinnesota State Bar Associ,ation; Me.:;ber, C�vernor' s Sp�cial Adviso�v Council on Public ' ( . Em�loyme�t Relations; Membe-r, Cit?z�ns Committee for Nursing i� Izinnesota; P•Iem.ber of A�visory Council to Employm�r_� Security D°partm�nt, State ai Minnesota. "La.� Off=�`_" in hearing it::�ol��ii::, �c-_�plai_nt �y , Departr;:cr.` of Hu�nan Ric��its �or the C�_'-�y of St.. Paul �e de fac�o school seg�ragation.