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WH17E +��� .ITV CLERK �h�AC.■ ��NINK a`F1�4NCE COU11C11� V `aVi/ BLJUERY- MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PATTL File � NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS� Section 18.022 of Minnesota Statutes 1965 authorizes municipalities, including the City of Saint Paul, when recommenda- tion therefor has been received by such City from the Cammissioner of Agriculture of the State of Minnesota, to appropriate money for the control of insect pests, plant diseases� bee diseases, and destructive or nuisance anima.ls; and WHEREAS� Such let�er dated September 26, 1973, addressed to the Honorable Lawrence D. Cohen, Mayor of Saint Paul, ha.s been received from Jon Wefald, Commissioner of the State Department of Agriculture, approving the City' s plan and program with respect to control of Dutch elm disease;fa�-�the yeia.r 1974; and WHEREAS� Section 18 .022 of Minnesota Statutes 1965 further provides tha.t in. order to defray_ the cost of the aforementioned " activities the City ma.y levy a special tax of not to exceed two mills in any year in excess of its Cha.r!ter millage limitation, but not in any event of more tha.n $.50 per capita� with an amendment which further provides tha.t if, because of the prevalence of Dutch elm disease, the C.i.ty �f _Saint Paul is una.ble to defray th� cost of control activities authorized by this section of Minnesota Statutes with the limits set by this subdivision� the limits set ""' in this subdivision are increased to 4 mills, but not in any ev�nt more than $i.00 per capita; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED� Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby determines tha.t within the aforesaid limitation a budget of $260,821.00 as recommended by the Ma.yor is hereby approved and adopted by the Council, in the amount of $274,632.00, including shrinka.ge in the amount of $5,385.00, and a reserve fund of $8,426.00, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� Tha.t the County Auditor is hereby requested to �pread such tax levy as a separate item in said City's tax rate� and COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt COtil[riLlrilt SC'rV1CeS Konopatzki In Favor - Levine Meredith Against g3' Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by ity tor ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By Approved by Maxor: Date Approv by a r S ssi o Council . By , By �WH17E ' - CITY CLERK 2�24�� PINK �FINANCE COl1T1C11 BLLERV- MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL � � File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2 . to report the same as a separate item in each tax settlement to the City of Saint Paul. APPROVED Frank D. i��'��±��itefli City F�•nir; trw� �Y APPROVED O �f�3 Roger A I�attson Budget p� By � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas BLitl�Y' Nays � Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith �_ Against BY S�a�c Roedler Tedesco Mme.President�iQ#K I�il't �4y 1 �{�� Form Approved by City ttor e Adopted by Council: Date Certifie sed by Co �e.►il tary BY By , Appr M or. Date Approved b Mayoi bmi s' to C ncil 9 By BY Qu�s� NOV 1 Q 1973 ; . .� ' � � _ !� '� c� p �� �I'//1 � O �.� �.�. f 1 1..�6 .7!'�ilk { i�!"��.i� . �� _` � �-���'�'•�<"����+�"� O� COIV;l1/�UNi�Y ���V�CES �jn 5�� C��iY ��Ai.t., SA9N�' PALiL, MINN�SOTA 55 i 02 r ��V i i (G i�} �9�-���i Se�L�rr;�Gr �7 Z97 i7 /� 3 , � � $1 � . '," � _�, G �2A �; � UM ' �0: ���ayor• Lav���^�nce D. Canen . :�c,��: 7��omas J. Ke13ey, Director, Deparf�rent of CorrYnunity Services S��J�;C'i': 1974 aUTCii ELM PRGGRAf�9 -------------------------------------------------- = �?�� ;�tisr�'ul1L`Ci subrr��t�•ing �'or yoar «;����aval �h� proposed Dutch e1m budge� for ;�%4, as c4�tai;�d �n a mero from Liayd Sur'r.t��oider, C��y Forester. � ,��vu a;so inclucied u lett�r fram Jon t�Jc��a�d, Carr��r�issioner of Agr�cuitu�e, �.;;;:���^�v�i rn� �he proposed. prac�rarn as requi r�d 1;y s�a'c� law. �;�.�«.:i�;?U ���:ase ��ind Council R�so1u#:ior�� apprcv�r,c� ti�� proposed budc;e�, si�ou;ci ,;":��i u�;'�"C� i-l1�h OUY' r�car�mer�dat�an c�Yfd i��C'i CI� i.G �u�liiil i, 1 t �0 ���? C'i�j/ COiii'iC i i �.�c�� -�;;��r ccnsi der���on. 7'.J.K. ,,,.�. ;�� �: . . .��. .::,'•��i:� a��\G� FECFEATIO.N/�NV{RONM£N7AL PROTEC7iOti/HC)uS11�G AND BUiL01�iG CO�� �.��=�';;�.:;:'��..��.�; GTY OF SAINT PAUL 2S'2��� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES 545 CITY HALL, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 5510� (612) 298-4431 Septe►*�ber f, 1973 �9E �•R (? RAR1 DUM � T0: Thomas Y.e11 ey, f�i rector, Cor.xnuni ty Servi ces Department � Robert Piram, Superintendent of Parks FR01�1: lloyd A. 6urkholder, �!sst. Superintendent of Parks City Forester SUaJECT: 197�t Dutch Elm Oisease Control Pro�ram Dutch elm disease is a hinhly fatal func�us disease that attacks ail of aur native elms and mast European and Asiatic elr� species. The func�us is spread by European and and native elm bark beeties and by root grafts (the arowin�r toctether of roots of ad,jacent trees). It can be cantrol7ed onl,y by preventir�c? infections of trees, ar� the fact must be stressed that w9thout control measures the �attern of disease is explasive in an upa,ard spiral -- more d,yinry elms, more heetles, more infections -- in a rapidly increasinr� ratio. St Paul cannot escape the disease, but the control nroc�rams are have to this date have kept us from sufferinct the rava�es that the disease has caused in o�her citles throu�haut the countr,y. St. Paul 's ►��tci� Elm Disease contral nrograr� as sucf�, is �esigned to hold elr� ioss- es from reaching e�idemic �roportions, and allow for a contro]led transfition of elms to a more diversi€ied planting of other species. 'fhe praoram must be flexible and affer alternatives to meet differing needs within the control area. 1�73 e]m disease losses as of F!uqust 31st 1,►ere 53G elm treess tf�is represents approx- imatel�� .5 of 1� of the total bot�levard, park anc? yard elms in the 55 s4uare mile contrnl area of St. Paul . Since advent of �Che di sease i n St. Paul i n 1961 , 2,129 e�m trees, or approximately i .6% of the total elm no�uiation has been last to �utch e'Im disease. Cities that have failed to initiate anc� carry out control prorrarns t�ave experienced losses of 70g to 90q of their elm �opulation over a 10-yea� per- iai of time. There are several research studies under���ay to c±eveiop safe, �racti cal methods for ttutcl� elm d�sease control . These include sex attractants, beetle oarasites, beetle i'ced�nc� st�mulants, anci deterrents, che�nasterilants, and safer insecticides. In ac�dit�ion, research scientists are studyiner, systemic fung�cic+es, and �enetic resis- �:ance of eims to Dutch e�m disease. Ear1y research re�orts indicate one such funq- icfcle, BEPfLATE, seems to have the ability to control Dutch elm disease. f;esParch is continuirn� in a�ays to increase the resnonsiveness of trees by evaluatin� n�r techniques of application and chan�es in chemical composition and formulation of Beniate. t•!e are optimistic that these studies wi]1 nrovide practical techniques that will be used sinaly or in a combination for a safe, intec�rated controi pro- qram. LIBRARIES/PARKS AND REGREATION/ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION/HOUSING AND BLIILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT �r,►�..w , ' ��. , . ��� September 6, 1973 September G, 1973 ) -2- T{�e Park Department i s conti nual ly kept i nformed b,y thP i 1i nnesota f�epartment of tlgri cul ture, the Uni versi�,y of r^i nnesota, and Professi onal l�rot�ori st Associ ati ons, of recommended approved disease control proceclurPS and researc� orograr�s. Encl . LA8/lko � . . • . , ������ DUTCF� ELM DISEASE - 7.9i4 �. S.,RV1��`l • --_____� P���T�-�;�� : ��c�i'�ECt act:ual c.r. p;�Lentia]. so��c�cc� �f �reedinK sitcs �f: el;;� ba.rlc beet�.cs and trc�s suspect�:d �f Dutch elm disease. 1.• P�ovide for. an earJ_v spririg and continuous s�.mmcr systernaCic . r=.:�Ly-wide s�irvEys f.or disc�ased elns, deac: a�d/or ciying elms, aj�d cut cIm wood on public ancl private properties. 2. Pr�t�ic-le for r.e-chc.c�<s ancl cor:ipliai�ce of condemnation notices issued to private uwneis. Collected samples fra,�� suspect trees ar� sent to the State Department of Agriculture laboratory ior testi:�g. �'�.44 sq�lar.e �ni.les -- foi�r 2-man crews. Lal.�o r: -�Tr<�e Tri.r�,rr�ers . . . . . . . . Tot�,:� 6� bi-weelcs 4 PF3i"ti Aic;e II' s . . . . . . . �� , $ 26, fits0.�� 36 t�i-w��.�cs 7, 2C�J.GG �Ec t_�1�_.i� r.:�ez�� - OPeratirl;� Cost : ���c=t�i.F� trt�.cKs . . . . . . —Tot-�l 45u c;a• s �' 2, l���J.v�") Over;;�::ar.' ; �;:::,1�;.LSLratiori, tYPiTl�� �uppl.ies , raaili.Tig, recotc?s, _` orcn�,, eclucational �nat�rials , etc. J.�il� �J!i.(��.1 2l)���� . • • • • • • • • • • • � • • • • • r • • • • • . • • . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • � �3, ��30.!iii I.I:. C rEN1IrAL COi�ITROL � . r i ���,c�s�� : '1'`:; ;:;i-ov�ide r.hernicat �.:-otect.ia�� a� r_calthy elrn trees i:: ar_c-as oi �.n�i.d��nce i.n sucl.i fashior� r��cessary to p:-event spr�ad o; r��e ci.i.sc�asc� 1>>� r.00t �,rafts . �'l�li:L'�;'Lc1�5 : �`-'�'`�;al.s• Vapam @ �j..i�� '�M $ � � r7��,:�. C(� � �-c�ic.ctivc spray s�lppl.��e�<> . .: �—t��:ti)5�?� �� KLtS L��i,�)lj 3�.i't. C�i L��ho r. : ���'e=� 1'rir�ur,�:rs . . . . . . . . Tota i. �2 ' � �_ (Tri>u�lcl5mati . . . . . . . . . . . . ��.�-�ti�c_c <<_s r, 37E�.C�:� �� � , i �„ �+ Paz-� Ai.<ie II' :3 ��:.-�ticc�<s . i , 23G. �� �� T �• • • • • • • • LZ i)1"S.'1��'�`:t�j � -�n � ,4!:f'.���.; �ui}�ntc::nL — O�E�r��ti ���� C��st : �-�1C.;.tlf�i�CkS 2 Roto-mist sp•rayers F''%`�•��� 1, 2��;'• `� •G'J Tot;ai. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 12, 3G2.001 . .. , . � � � 2�246� II:L. SANIT.ATION . - �Pur�o_se : fio prnvide for the prompt removal of diseased trees and the elimination of aIl possible beetle breeding r�aterials on public properties. Breeding sources of elm bark Ueetle are : 1. EZ;ns dead or dying from any cause whatsoever. 2. Dead and broken branches. 3. C�ut or fallen elra wood with tight bark. Labor: . �Or��n • • • • • • • • • . . . . .Total 26. 1 bi-weeks $ I4,36$.00 Remov.al and Trimmin : ree rimmer . . . . . . . . Total 26. 1 bi-weeks $ 11,692.OU 1 Groundsman - C.F. . . . 26, 1 bi weeks 11, 275.00 2 Dri�vers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 52. 2 bi-wee'Ks 1 Clam 0 erator . . . . . . . . 25, 264.�0 1 Park Apde II , . , . . � . � . „ 26. I bi-weeks 14,971.G� 13.05 " � 2,610.00 Park Sanitation: re�� rimmers . . . . . . . . Tc�tal 24 bi-weeks 10,92$.00 6 Groundsrnen . . . . . . . . , . ; f� 24 �� 1 Dri�ver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 8$8.00 �r 4 �� 1,936.00 �Stump Removals : � ��roun smc�an, , , , , , , . , , Total 2.5. 1 bi-weeks 1G, 753.C�� I Dri�ver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 26. 1 " 12,632.r,�; -E,�u.�i�rnent - 0 cr.atin�J Cost ; 1 rl� �up, eria truc ,-2 Tandcm dun p, 1 Prc.��ntice Loader, 1 Chipper, 1 Stump cutter, t Vac�uum truck, power saws, etc. iG, ���O.CG To�a.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 1�6, �17.U0 iV, A�DITIOIVAL EQJIPMENT !. AeLial truck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 22,UGC . �p L�ss trade . . . . . - 5 �)Cr, . , $ OG�.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . 17 I . � 2 P�_c�un trucks , 4 x 4 . . . . . r,� ; ,;, , ;�; �ess �rane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ,- ;. �'�Q . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 6'�i,�.00 3 Power saws 750.00 Nlisce I laizeous - saw chain, sturzp teeth, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,0i�0.00 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w, � . „ _�_ . , .. . � 2s2� . -��'� V. TREE PLANTING — ELM REPLACEMENT W7.'i��--�'``'�---:.`���..:.'°�^..�....����a:.? �Pur ose ; "lo replace elm trees removed under the Dutch e1.t�c u�:`:'�`:��z'�`�`'`°1�`��'`- program, and provide for the orderly transii:ion from a s�.r���: tree population which consists of 75% eIm trees to one of more diversified species. , Materials : �ees of mixed species, purchased ready to plant @ $16.OQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 12,OOG�.Ou 750 Wh.ips c3.;: �aix�d species for setting aut in nursery @ $ 2.6C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,950.00 Miscellaneous - planting stakes, tree wrap, wire, etc. 1, 500.00 Labor: �ee Trimmers Total 8 hi-weeks 3, 584.OU 4 Groundsmen " 13 " 5, 356.00 2 Dri�ers " 8 " 3,872.Uu 4 Park: Aicle I I ' s " 24 " 4,800.00 Equiprnent - Operating Cost: ��ump trucY s;—�ic c'T up trucks, 2 Tractors . . . . . . .,. ... 1, 200.OU Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 34, '162.00 S L M M A R Y Z. SG1RVE�i' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 53,030.GQ i i. CI-�EMIC,AL COl`;TROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'i 2, 362.G(� ��:II. SA.�UIT�►TION . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136, �17.GG IV. ADDIT]:ONAL EQUIPNIENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24, 35U.00 V. PLA�1IT]:NG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 262.�.�J TOTALCOST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2G0 �21.�� � FESER�tE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r , 425. ':. ;� SI�iRINF:AGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 385.G:j GRAND TOT�1L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � �74. 632.��� POPULATIOrd - CITY OF ST. PAUL . . . . . . . . 3;��,�6� CONTROL PRQGRAM COST - PER CAPITA . . � , � . � � g�6 -3- . � . � � 2s2 �j/] ��, „......,,,..�,.... ,,.,,-... -,�.a, -..r... �V�I \` :.+ i ja'.r L: t.J i i1C��j 1 i'+►+�.�� i !1 I '� ���,YT` � I�.. '';:� DE�ARTMEtJT OF AGr�{CULTURE ��-, r.; r ;r'v'� STATE OFFICE 6UIL�ING p p, . \ �art'` �nNO oF ou�►��rY R000s SAIN7 PAUL, MtNN. 5bS55 Se,�c�b�r 26, I973 ':.�.�� iYonara�le Lawzence D. Coh�n .;•: -or . -:i . Ci�.y o�: 5t.� Paul . Gc�ur�.�tou,e v�e L��i.�Y�J..y .il�y 5�i02 u,:,:�x ,�.,:a�ar Col1�n: ',;,. �.:.v«; rFVZGw�:d t:ne Du�ci� e�.xn ci�.scase canL•xol prograzn as submi�ted by �i« Ci.4Y o� S�. Paul for t'rie 1974 calendar ;�ear ar►d hereby �rar�t appr�val. ���= :�:�:� tha� St. Paul ha� cwrr�.ed on sounri pro�ra..«s of Dutch elr� disease �o:,�xai in pas� years which I�.ave 1c�pL- tree loases at very Iow leveis. iio;�e:�uily, futuxe losses c�n also be ra;.intain�d within reasonable lirc�its. �.� �c�u.st 'a� �-ecabniLC:d howev�r Li�aL �re rnay '�e or. t11e tl�reshhold of a ra�id -��c°�c<i:;e ir► t�e nu�aber a� cases xn the metroi,oliL-an area as caeli as ���.•r'::'•v;.4f3. Ui1C�'Y c'iYY inccease COiS�.U' �)n5B 3 .`.:E:L":.GC1S tilYE:ni. �O TGliT1iCa.k):a� . �.:C��i�'ivi J�v�l'1SI1S and rei13'1� ].xl �"C@�i��.j� 111G1"L::i$[,d COStS• �-��..., ���-1:��a�'47:1e:�t stands xeady to coar,exa�e wzi:n �.he City of St. tau'c ' ..�•i La4A� �•ray that we can be helpiul. ,. .. ,::3 �"L u i.j�y �../���'9 t/��.�r;' -; ,� � ._; '.i:s'-�.alu � �; ,,:;r,�.s:>io�ner . ., v„ :�Ci:A ,^�.;: .:�;�ert n. x��ram � ��A;�, o� i�arlcs , , ' �, i N30Y TN� �tfGH Q(3qL1 i'�� 1',iv� fNrdiV1'i'E Vr1�(ETY Oi= MlNNCSOTA FOODS , �________. _ �w,M.�"i��'Mr..�i�. . � . ' �`��A . , ?S� ' " ' ��.F_i�l.✓, .. . :` ;.'t..",:',--r�����r � ' ' � .�� Coaacii . � �.�,,',��;� �� � .�`�' f�7t� :_"9�'�� hY'1' � A'+ �ile N0. . �������� �������y���� . .�;e���e�; �;� _____ � t;��fcrrr�cf TO .._._ _ CG�iAIIttC'E: Date Uut o; C��;nmittee F:y___._._------ -�- _ _ ___==_--__+:.�=_---_- -- � _____ Dr,te _ ____. ��,i;i's";�:/',;,� ��:c��.'�on ��.022 0•�' i�i11"ti1C?SA�� S�;atu��es �9 � . . . . . �5 dut1�C1'i Zts �"u,i C i ri:�i-i:i E�s , i rc i wcii r�q �hc �;i��:y ar 5�in�L ��ul , when recc�r,�,,;enciution therefor 'r•,4s i�een recei v;d 'r;_�! s;.�ci�, Czty �'ram �t��� Car��missioncr of A��iculture o+' tn� Sta�e o� i��;�,nesc,;:a, to �,;�;,�ra;�c°��A�c rnr�ney �o•r -tt��e can��ol ofi i ns ect pes�s, p i ant di seases, �ee cSi seas es, urcl cae�S'�Y'Ur'G'IVG or Y'il.f'ISc1�iCL arizrnais; and ,,;'t:�l,t:/':S, sE.�r�-� �ett�•r clated 5�:;��Ern�,er ?_6, Z 973, addressed to tr�e 'r,�no�ai�i e i_:,�,;��r..•;,c� 0. Coi��^n, i•�<:iyor ar Sair��: Paul , ha� b�r;� r�ceived from �on l!�`ald, �:��;�:�r;•i~,si r�r,nr o�F �:he 5ts�z�t� De;��r�tn,ent of /',gri cul�ture, �pnrovi ng the City's �i��n .�;,:., ;:�ror,r�ir► �;iti•t r�spec� tc con�rc,i og Du�;c'r, e1m disease; and �,��;'�:^.c!'�,5, �r:c�Yi on 3�;,f.j22 of ir•i s°�����o'ta S'c;a��.ttes 1 a65 f ur�;her' prot�i d�s �i�«i; ��r, r�r~<;r:�r• •to �ie;ra,y �i�� cas�t; �i •ci-�� K,rc�rer�.en��o�c�.i ac�ivitics �ne Ci�y r,��,v 1��;-,y �'���s!:'I;:ti 'GeIY, �'Y'C fiCi� �;0 GXC�'f:C� '4;+,,d�'i {"fil I{.S. '{'{"i i:i;'�;/ f�?clY' lil f-.'XCC'_SS Oi �G� Gti��i.��i. � � � �_' li�il`li%:S�;1CrJllyl �U� Ylnl: 'fi1 dY'i'•/ L'Vf:!'1'u Gi r:i0�'�. 't',ii�1r �.J� (?t?)" Cc1;7��: , :!iif'i F��; c ;'�'G l�dfl'f t:�'1 � lii'Z�1C'Y' �7'!'OV iGE:S �:flc1'G i'i' j-�^C ' 1. � ,' . r , ul.i�(' 0� l,(l[� �ii^C�/iz,C'."fi(�C C�� It;:"�.:r�i , ,'::iArC'., 'I:i'iG C"i'C;�/ Of $ul Yli; i''c4(�1 'i S Ul'i�a�i�� 'i^� Ci�?iY'u� �i�tf? CGS i, Q i C��l��.:�'[�i , .'d', , i '`,i i )1^'f 7 G(.� 7 a S C '� ' . . , :r1S c�Ui �{ 751b�:/ �.i� � '��i311 Gi i!;,�I', �C��1;a �'Z,���.1'Ci5 ;:ii.ie �i:!? , .� �.:� ' � - � S Si.;l.:C�1V 1'i} 'l;i��; �7i�i'{i;� ";!?�: 'i(i'i �i"i7; SIiJ<i'iV'iS1Gif dY�� i�:C •,� � �� � i i., ,; 111�'i. '1'{Gi. 7Y1 di"{,j/ E'UEYf't�", iT1C)'t"(? 'i,ll�i°{ :,;i .'��i �7;'� C1.1�5'1'�c'�; 1"iC:�/, ��iC'i'�'., .. , , , _ , ti :,� •'' ���7, 1 �"{il4 �.;hi: �C)l.f("iC"t�i G'�� � �� i'��,/ �i� `,;:'�ii�t`, t�ui: '' � +•r L �.. �.'� { �1 i � � � � , � l ti� i:i`i OY't'Sc.t{�.� ��r�il'�:r,'(�`i.i Cli'i t. ' ldCiiin {' ' � , �� . � • c. .,i' � �i,f;�:i .0��' ��S t E��;� �. , , i '; ,��'('L;I)V i9,')''t's"OIPt'c� d'11Li <1u t ' ' �� � ;- , � ' r� � • � i !• C 171� � i.)4 i �1z., i t1Hi'iC i i � �i"i 1:tlC' c;i ,f"T<<i ',, `: .. .�,,i , �; �.; �;1C`l 'i�Ka�C 111 '1:�1C' a�liGGi'1"�; Gi ,`,�:iy;��;�-�i.+_i;,, Si`�c� cl 'fLSC'7'Vc �i'u,,ti �; � �'i, , _ i /.. � 4. �` � ,, .,,,-�, r, �L Jc:fa, � . ,� �'i.i� .��J � �� �i�ir���, l.��c �bur�i:�� �}�UCi {��.i,i " ' � n•,.�� �� ti„�� .. �/ r� 1:ti ii1.i l..!- ..1���� �S .� � �i,�ir � ' i'�� 1 L1N� K1J C4 S�tJ!(I^i.�(n� 1 �r1.111 i 1' ).•IC: lI J { .. • • •.� •.� , .. � . � J �.li/� 1 1A4;1� (�II . t.�7 -. ���� (. �.,1 , �.j�i ,iti , , ;;�,�'c.i'�E; '1'i:(:'1�� 'i�l �'uCfl uc�Y. SC:C�{C'�l;i'.ii� '(:�.i ' ' . . - i.i"�^ �'i'i:,/ O�i $«1 �ii: � �.t, i . ___._---�____�___._.____._______._------.-.----- ._ _ ___._.._____.__._.__.�________-------.____________.._.____, . _------------------------------- ------- -°---- -�----- —__—_----- - -------------- M.�__--__--------------- � � --------.... � - -i . �_�i5i L��i�7 . i ' ' " . i�i'1��5 �i L�P.(iilf'.:i`tf.(j �'� 'A�C�7iii�i:1(:I1Z Oi: � � � J �i � i� ii .� , -,; ., :�•:� _ _____ It1 Tavor ;; ._._________----� -�.----------------------- � ""'.',fi�1�!Il � , {; Ey�°i �i/�� ♦/� �' , � �. � , � A{;ainst I� � ' �:.:.._�=:_�.�;..1__r..--_____----------------------- . , .�::c�.ex ;; � t! . �;:;!:�t � �I . , , �', . .;'UCrn: [iUliE.•f �i ii � � `( I�'orm "pproved by 'ity��ht�1�. e�}, . , ;, cJ �,y Co�u�cil: Dc+te , .,� jJ �,... •-� ,' `;:,' C'�uncil Secretary � �Y ' -- - -------��_-,E`.�/ _�.���__�_._.___._�__. � � � �� ,. , . c. ;���.:,:.t.i: � � , ___ _.__G'<+Gf!� �� . . � ' f ! � � , �� � �; �y ��' 1� 1 � \� November 2, 1�73 �'dr� T,ou i�icltenna, Director Je�t. of �'roperty Taxa.tioz� �ioorn 1�2 y Ca.�ty �i�11 St, Paul, T2�n���*�ot�, Dear Sir: arr�nsmitted herewith 3s a copy of C.F, 1Vv. 2624�i0 lev-,�ing a tax for the Dutch elm disease program in the C3.ty of ut. Paul. Yours very trul.y� City Clerk �� .�ti:aci�.