262442 WH17E - CITY CLERK ��('�� a^ � PINK t- FINANCE J /1�/ C�ANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL COUI1C11 �� �� BLUE -MAVOR File NO. 0 rdin�nce Ordinance N 0. �-7�' sJ Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordi.nance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the dutie s and re sponsibilitie s and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended� be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the minimum qualifications in the specifications for Ski Instructor II, which read as follows: "Must be �egistered with the Central Ski Instructors Association as an associate instructor, or three season�s experience as a ski instructor. " ; and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "Three seasonsi experience as a ski instructor and must be registered with the Central Ski Instructors Association as an associate instructor. " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Butler Nays Requested by Department of: �i�t Konopatzki In Favor - Levine �� Meredith�_ Q Against BY ' � Tedesco Mme.President �[ Hllrit Adopted by Council: Date N Du 1 4 1973 Form �oved by ' y Attorney �� r � Certi fie s e d by Cou ' Secretary BY By , Approv by M . or: Date t9 Approve y Ma r r Submission ouncil .�- By - -_" BY PUBUSHED NOV 17 1973 �. � ' ,� . 2�4� The De artm�,nt of Communit Sexvicel�s has asked ue to chatin e the P Y �ng speeifica,tions for ki Instructor II to be ce tain that the instr�tctors are certi.fied with the �entral Ski Instructor��A�sociation. The Central Sl�i Instructors� ABSOCi�tidn ie the only certifying associatiQn for Ski Instructors lin this area. This �.sso�iation would recognize and certi.fy anyone wholmoves into the area who'iis xn good standing with an associatioa in another part of the couatry. � `� � � � � , I -------------------�------- �i � , ; ; Do not detach this m�moranidum frotn the ordinance so that this informaltion wili be av�ilable to the City CounciL I � I � � � � 1� • ����C r�$j `l I� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRAN4C D. MARZITELLI October 12, 1973 To: Hon. Lawrence D. Cohen Mayor, City of St. Paul 347 City Hall � m/�,' From: Frank D. Marzitelli %���/ � City Administrator 365 City Hall Subject: Amendment to Ordinance 7607, revising the minimum qualifications for Ski Instructor II We respectfully request that the attached ordinance be submitted to the City Council. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02 O ��y ti� Oetober 3Q, Z�73 P�ir. Jc,hn H�ic��z�, I�irector �iv�.l ;>ervic:� ';u.reau ���c�m 265, C;it;,- ?I�LI :��.. ,��ul, 't:inzie�c�t�. 1:7�ar ��.r: The City t;ouncil ta�.ay �;ave First Readin� tc� ��ao or'd:irl�t':c�s� as listeu '�elow. Third Fte�.clin�; for �h�s�: arrl�.z�ar�c°es w3.1_]. be r;ovemde.r 7, lt?'73. C.F. No. 2d2�ta+l: qrci�r�a.ttee amencli,n� Ord. No. 7Fi�7 b�► strikita� aut the miniruum qualificatians for F�.r� Capta,in � end inaerting new minimum qual.i�icetions. C.F. l�o. 2621�2 s Ordinance amendi�g prd. No. ''�O7 b�y striking out the rninitm�us qu�li.fications �.tt the Specifi- cat3ans far �ki Inetruet�r IT t�nd in�erting new minimusn qua]�.ificati.ons. . Yours very truly, City Clerk �� ..__ ____._ .��....,.�_�... � ` �__. .1 6 � . ls� � U 3c 2nd (t � -� 3rd I I �� Adopted � ��_ Yeas - Nays ; ; BUTLER KONOPATZKI LEVIlVE ���Z �L�� " � MEREDITH � � � � , �: TEDESCO » PRESIDENT (HUN'r) � i' i �