262441 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - F��INANCE CO1111C11 I )��j(J� CANARY - L�EPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAZTL File NO. � ° � � ��• BLU,G .+�Ivt�YOR� • . � Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. ��✓ �� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum c{ualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City," approved February 13 , 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13 , 1935 , as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by strik- ing out the minimum c{ualifications in the specifications for Fire Captain; which read as follows : "Eighth-grade education and five year' s experience in the position and holding the title of Fire Fighter or Fire Engineer in the St. Paul Fire Department." and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "Five yearst experience in the position and holding the title of Fire Fighter , Fire Engineer or Fire _ Equipment Operator in the St. Paul Fire Department and completion of the first unit of the Teacher Training curriculum as administered by St. Paul Technical and Vocational Institute, or an equivalent course of study approved by the Civil Service Office, after taking the examination for Fire Captain. The second unit of this Teacher Training course to be COUIVCILMEIV Yeas Nays ' Requested by Department of: �` Butler Konopatzki In Favor Levine ` Meredith A gains t BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President ��&Cr HUrit orm Approve C' r y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to ou cil By BY � - � i ���� � � ' ` . A In the past it ha�s l�een customary that pers ns appointed to the position of Fire Capta.in attend cou�ses at the St. Pstzl Tec ical-Vacation Instit�te for the � purpose of obtaining sorme teacher�' traiaing so at they will be in a better position to train their mlen. 5ince seme of the �new Captains are now as ing that they be reimbursed for the time spent in suc}h training, both the depa tment and the Civil Se rvice Commission feel tha.t th�s training should be obta ned prior to qua.lifying for the Fire Captain�s exam�.nation. Tkis is commar� practice in other areas of City employment and is �nalogous to educational irequirementa for promotion. This ordinance, thea, s�ts forth this requiren�en of completion of the first two uaits of the teacher� trainin� curriculuin pr or to eligibility for the examination for Fire Ca tain. '� ----------------- ---- Do not �etach this memorandum f. .m the ordinancel so that this informatian w II be available to the City Councit. i , � P N'KE — FINANCE RK ' � CITY OF sAINT PAITL Council .� Ir � CANARY — DEPARTMENT File NO. B L Uja, ••— ARA Y O R. . � � �`�r � E . � • y. � !� O/ in�nce Ordinance N 0. ��✓�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 . completed after appointment as Fire Captain." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval , and publication, COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ��c Butler Konopatzki In Favor LeviB4e�e�iHT'— V � Roedler Against BY Tedesco Mme.President �i�p�r HUrit Adopted by Council: Date `�AN 4 �974 Form Approvea by City Attorney Certified Pas ed by C 1 �ary ' BY gy �l��l Approv�d May j Date ? � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUBLISHED JAN 12 1974 WHI7E - CITY CL (���� PINK -k'INANC TT CO1111C11 J �� CANARY �DEPARTM��7 �, GITY OF SAINT PAVL Flle NO. /V BLUE . -M%AYC,ji . � • � ~ • • �' Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. ��, _ Presented By � _ Re red To '� �''�"�' �C� Committee: Date Out of ommittee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: , "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the inimum quali.fications for the various classes of positions 'n the Classified Service of the City, " approved Februa 13, 1 g35, as amended. THE COUNCIL THE CITY OF 5AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That rdinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the ame is hereby further amended by striking out the mini.mum qualifications in e specifications for Fire Captain; �hich �read a.s follows: "Eighth-grade education and five years perience in the position and holding the title of Fire Fighter o Fire Engineer in the St. Paul Fire Department. " and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "Five yearsi experience in the position and holding the itle of Fire Fighter, Fire Engineer or Fire Equipment Operato i.n the St.Paul Fire Department and completion of the first two units the Teacher T raining curriculum as administered by St. Pa Technical and Vocational Institute, or an equivalent cours of study approved by the Civil Service Office. " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its pass��e, approval, and publication. COU(VCILMEN Yeas Bu.tler Nays Requested by Department of: � Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY �a Roedler Tedesco Mme.President �C I$irit Form Atpp ved by 'ty Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �� . Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY 4 By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved Mayo ubmiss' to C cil By BY ^ � ` • ' . �� '�.,'�� • . �,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI October 15, 1973 To: Hon. Lawrence D. Cohen Mayor, City of St. Paul 347 City Hall / From: Frank D. Marzitelli j/F City Administrator � 365 City Hall Subject: Amendment to Ordinance 7607, revisi.ng the minimum qualifications for Fire Captain We respectfully request that the attached ordinance be submitted to the City Council. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02 O ' ' 4 + ee�eeae •�s�essaeme !����� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICP OF THE CITY COIINCIL aZTY $ALL AND OOIIRT HOIIt4E VIGTOR J. TEDESCO SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 MICHAEL H. SIRIAN Councilman P H O N E g i 2 � �a s-6 g o s Legislative Aide December 7, 1973 The Honorable President and Members of the St. Paul City Council c/o City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Council President and Members: RE: C.F. 262441--minimum specifications for Fire Captain Please be informed the following motion was adopted by the Management and Personnel Committee at its November 29, 1973 meeting: The Co�ittee recommends to the City Council the subject ordinance be laid over indefinitely. Yours truly, �i� - r��� Victor J. T sco, Chairman Ma.nagement and Personnel Committee ����2z 1.. ��— v �� . . � � 3�� , � � . c `� z 6 ��� _ r ` �neg89 / •BB�!lf�BBB 9li��B CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL dITY HALL AND QOIIRT HOUSffi �ILYN LANTRY VICTOR J. TEDESCO SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 Councilman P H O N I� s i 2 � 2 s s-s a o s Legislative Aide Ma.rch 19, 1974 MEMORANDUM T0: City Clerk c/o A1 Olson FROM: Victor J. Tedesco, Chairma.n Management & Personnel Committee SUBJECT: Ma.tters referred to Committee-- Fire Captain Examination Tn your recent Memorandum of March 12 under referrals to the Management and Personnel Committee, the matter of the Fire Captain examination was still on your list. Please be advised that this examination was discussed at a recent Management and Personnel Committee meeti.ng and subsequent to this discussion Ordinance No. 15537, Council File No. 262441, was passed by the City Council January 4, 1974. Therefore, would you please remove this item from the list. �,�.,�>2 - �Z� ti Oc�c�ber 3Qa 1973 MY. John Hmider, �irector Civil ���rv3ce: ?>ur.Pa.0 R�o:n 26�, City I�aI3. ;at. �'�rz1, 'dinne�c�t� 1?ear S ir: The City Council today �ave �'irst Reading to two ordin�.nces, aa listed below, Thirc� !�eading f�x thes� ordina�nces will be November 7, 1973. C.F. No. 2621+�+1: Qrdinance araendi,nr� Ord. No. '75fl7 by stri�in� out the minimum �ua].i�ications Yor �'ire Captain and insert3.n� new m3.nirmz� qualifications. C.F. No. 262442; Or.dinance amend3ng Ord. No. 7607 by str�.k3.r�g out the minimum qual3fications in the Specifi- c�tions for Ski Inatructor IT �nd ins�rtln� new minimum qualifieations. Yours v�ry truly� City Clerk �� /�,. Nov�mber �, 1�73 Councilman Victor Tedesco Chairman Mana�e�nt and Peraannel Ccmmittee Dear Councilman Tede�co: The City Council �oday con8ide�e3 f3.na1 adoption af �n ordinance CF 262�+�+1 em�nding Ordinance 7607 3y striking out and in�ez�ting new ininimwn que�ific�tione in the Speci�ications for Fire Captain and the oa��dinan�e was refexred to the Management snd Personnel Comon:itt�e for conaiderat3on and recc�mnend,ation. Very tx�.y y�aurs g Cit,y C:1erk ABQ:cim Uecember 11, 1y73 Mr. Victor Teclescp, Chairman M�na��ment arzd �ersonnel. Committee �ioom 7fl1, City I3�11 �t. Paul, Miiarlesota Dear ;�ir: �'he City Council referred back to the Ivi�,nagement and Personnel Coznmittee Counci.l File No. �62��+1 r��arding minimun� specifications .far Fire Captain in arder that a committee meeting could be called and an opportunity could be gi.ven to the Fire Chief' to a�pear� Yours very truly� City Clexk l�0:3mw ., � �� �a-��-� �� � �� // � '� °+- 1 � . , .l`Z.n.-c., ��.�.�� :�-�� 6 . �-- � ,��� � � �� � , � �� ,;� .- ��� , �� � �' __ �..��.... ��---�---.�_ _____- ---�-- � �� ,� , , � �4�� q y � ; lst �-, ` �� .3...�_____ � 2xid 1 , . —�» � 3rd .-���T_ �` Adopted l��`'lt� �t_:t.r ��. �; � Yeas Nays ; ' BUT'LER � - ' KONOPATZKI � _ � � ' i LEVINE i ,�; I � I'l ( Z l� �_C"� 1 � � � � f I C'� ROEDLER `�' ; r � �� TEDESCO � � � i PFtESIDENT (HtIN'P) i l � � � � � 1