260548 WH17E - ITY CLERK 54� PINK -�INANCE TT COl111C11 � � BLUERY- MAYORTMENT- GITY OF SAINT PAVL File NO. ' ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED� Tha.t the Council hereby concurs in and approves the appointment by the Ma.yor of Reverend Kneely Williams to the Human Rights Commission to serve out the remaining term of Raymond J. McMahon, which expires October 9, 1974. _,_ . _ ,. ,.: . . . , .. _. ......_._._.._ � _. _.�. ._ _ . .��. �. ...;;. _ �. .��. _,. . _ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith J Against By Sprafka Tedesco �p N 2 51973 Mme.President Butler Form Approved b Ci tt e Adopted by Council: Date _ _ � Certif' sed by Cou ' S •y By By Appr by Ma . r• Date A �'' 9 Approv b sion to Coun '1 By BY PuBUSr�� FEB 31973 � `_'����4$ �\TY��F �' t � ,l .\�1 ' �_�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF GRANT-IN-AID PROGRAMS 918 City Hall 612-223-5586 Lawrence D.Cohen William Q.Patton Mayor Coordinator George R.McMahon Assistant Coordinator Janua.ry 17, 19 7 3 To the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul: I herewith transmit for your consideration a proposed resolution confirming my appointment to the Huma.n Rights Commission of Reverend Kneely Williams to serve out the remaining term of Raymond J. McMahon which expires October 9 . 1974. This appointment is submitted because the seat held by Mr. McMa.hon ha.s become vacant due to his failing to attend three meetings of the Human Rights Commission during the calendar year pursuant to Chapter 74 of the Legislative Code. Res ectfully submitted, LAWRENCE D. COHEN Mayor . �,� �"1'�r�-' � .;; ,'.. �� � % 22