260547 WHI7E • - CITV CLERK � � �y PINFl - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council �b��4 � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE = MAYOR F�le �O. � . Council Resolution Presented By LICEIJSE COMI�TTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That '�On Sale Liquor" Licenses, a,pplied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted, th�t the bonds filed by each licensee are hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to issue szid licenses. • Sun Ra.y Lounge, Inc. 221�5 Hudson Road Resta.urant Appn. l�890 Renewal ' Bud George 537 Greenwood Street Rest�.urant '� 1�895 '� Robert E. Jensen, Al1en D� Doriott �: Herman S. l�eyers 581�-6 Rice Street Restaurant " �958 �� John J. & Amadel A. Anzevino 760 Payne A unue Restaurant �' S026 �� Geno's Cafe, Inc. 668-670 Payne Avenue Restaurant �� 5039 '� Gera.ld, Inc. 1�27 S. Wabasha. Street Restaurant « 5059 " Gannon's, Inc. 2728 W. Seventh Street Restaurant '� 5062 '� O�Gaxz Bar a.nd Grill� Inc. 161� N. Snelling Avenue Restaurant '� 5112 �� H.I.O.A., Inc. 161 St. Anthony Avenue Hotel " 5135 " Mancini Bar, Inc. 531 W. Seventh Street Restaurant " 5195 " DeGidio, Inc. 1�25 W. Seventh Street Restaurant " 527l� " Ehard F. & Linda N1. Nelson 1080 Payne Avenue Restaurant " 52g7 " �12) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY , WHI7E � - CITY CLERK t � x PINK - FINANCE , TT C.OLIIIClI �b�54 l • BLUERY� MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PA 11 L File NO. � . Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMf�'LTTT� a Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ON SALE LI�UOR - Page 2 Clara Jackson, Ernest A. Jackson & William K. Conter 37�-6 St. Pe�er Street Resta�ur�nt Appn. 5299 Renewal Gopher Lounge, Inc. 351-3 University Avenue Restaurant " 5315 �� J. B., Inc. 77 E. Ninth �treet Restaurarrt " 5318 " � E � D, Inc. 117�. W. Seventh Street Restaurarrt " 5337 '� Herbert L. Howe 202 Concord Street Restzurant �� 531�1� " The Brass Rzil of St. P�.ul, Inc. 225 W. Seventh Street Restaurant " �31�7 " Highland Inn, Inc. 1870 Old Hudson Ro�d Hotel '� 535� �� June F. Saliterman 981 University Avenue Rest�urant '� 5358 '� Host, Inc. 1171�-6 Arcade Street Restzurant " 5365 '� Robert C. Koehnen, Inc. 859 Randolph Avenue Restaurant �� 5368 " Dalko, Inc. 616 Como Avenue Restaurant " s371 �� Russell A. Boudin 1192 N. Dale Street Restaurant '� 5372 " a and J, Inc. 9l�7-9 W. Seventh Street Restaurant " �371� " Hotel Commodore, Inc. 7s-79 N. Western Avenue Hotel " 5383 E� The Harp, Inc. 175 N. Western Avenue Restaurant '� 5387 '� (16) g. & B. Wong Corp. 1910 Suburba.n Avenue Rest�urznt " 5397- " COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Gouncil . By BY t �6��4 i WHITE . - CITY CLERK COIITICII PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL � � CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE `-- MAYOR File NO. � . Council Resolution Presented By �CENSE COMNIITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ON SALE LIi�UOR - P�ge 3 J. J. White, Inc. 719 N. Da,le Street Rest�ura.nt Appn. 5392 Renewal ' Ben A. Rosemark 136 E. Fifth StreEt Restaurant " 5395 �� Bowl-ftite, Inc. 15l�8 University Avenue Rest�.ur�nt " 5�05 " Andrew Kapp�s, Inc. 2�1 E. Seventh Street Restaurant " 51�12 �� Rowe, Inc. 995 W. Seventh Street Restaurant " 5l�15 `� Bernard W. Mathews ?31 Randolph Avenue Restxura.nt '° Sl�25 " Lawrence A. Goodman ll W. Tenth Street Restaurant �� 5435 " Joseph J. Perkovich 299 Maria Avenue Restzurant '� 51t56 " Joseph E. Perkovich 1201 Jackson Street Restaurant �� 5�.59 '" The New Viaduct Inn, Inc« 1056 E� Seventh Street Restzurant �t 51�60 " Da,hl's 620 Club, Inc. 620 W. Seventh Street Restaurant 'F 5468 �' llavid W. Cha.se 1975 University Avenue Restzurant " 51�71 " Town 3c Country Club, Inc. 2279 Tia.rshall Avenue Club " 51�75 " William J. C�rdinal, Jr. 1567 University Averiue Restaurant �� ��86 " Jay Jay, Inc. 21�9 W. Seventh Street Resta.urant '� 5488 " Marvin Flaherty 1179-81 E. Seventh Street Restaurant " 5l�92 '� (17) The Minnesota Club 317 N. Wa.shington Street Club 14 51�99 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WH17ff . - CITV CLERK � (`t�� � � PINK - FINANCE COI111C11 ��,f��� ` • BLUERY,- MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. � . Council Resolution Presented By �CENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ON SALE LI�UOR - Page I� Chickett's, Inc. 1�67-69 St. Peter Street Restaurant Appn. 5501 Renewzl Turf Club, Inc, 1601 University Avenue R�staurant " 5511 " Albert �'. Baisi 1�57 '�1�.bash�. Street Resta�urant " 5515 " Swez, Inc. 1900 �tillw�ter Avenue Restaurant '� 5517 " Harold Lang 379 University Avenue Restaurant " 5520 " Eddleston Enterprises, Inc. 2251 University Avenue Restaurant '� 551�2 " Midw�y Enterprises, Inc. 1553-57 University Avenue Restaurant " 551�.l.t '� Mika�te, Inc. I�75 Wabasha Street Restaurant " 55�7 " Howard J. NlcNamara 721 Jackson Street Restaur�nt " 5551� �� Ted's Recreation, Inc. 108l� W. L�rpenteur Avenue Restaurant « 5556 " McLean's, Inc. 1096 urand Avenue Restaurant " 5558 " Ronc� Corp. 879 Rice Street Resta.ur�nt " 5560 '� St. Paul Athletic Club 31�0 Cedax Street Club �� 5562 '� Peter J�y, Inc. 1�80 S. Snelling Averiue Restaurant " 5569 '� The Janet Corporation 11�1J�-18 White 13ea.r Avenue Restaurant " 5576 " The University Club of St. Pa.ul, Inc. 1�20 Summit Avenue Club " 5581� " (16) COUIVCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By • BY WH17E . — CITY CLERK � 5�,�'�����'�1� PINK — FINANCE COlII1C11 �'� �� s � ' BLUERY�--MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. �"� r . Council Resolution Presented By �ICENSE CONII�TTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ON SALE LI`�UOR - Page 5 Arthur F. Blair 520-2 I�Iississippi Street Restaurant Appn. 5590 Renewa.l Sonny's Bzr, Inc. 883 Payne Avenue Restaurant �� 5605 " Dick's Trend Bar, Inc. 1537 University Avenue Restzur�nt '� 5608 '� I�Iiller Coaches, Inc. 289 Como Averiue R.estaurant �� 5615 '� Slinger's Bax & Cafe, Inc. 193� University Avenue Restaurant " 5619 " Marcella T. Frejlach 893-9 Payne Avenue Rest�.urant '� 5621 " George M. Dorle 1�60-6 N. Lexington Avenue Restzurant " 5637 " Milt's Clay Pipe T�vern, Inc. 153J� E. Minnehah� Avenue Restaurant " 564i " Walter J. Kubitschek 111�1-3 Rice Street Restaur�.nt '� 561�4 " Lenahan's, Inc. 601-3 N. Western Avenue Restaurant " 56L�9 f� George 0. Kohls 738 Thomas Avenue Restaurant " 5652 �� Little Dipper Bar, Inc. 1045 Hudson Road Restaurant '� 5656 �� Beau-Kel-Stock, Inc. �.69 N, Snelling Avenue Restaurant '� 5659 " Trio Lounge, Inc, 866 University Avenue Restaurant �� ,566i� �' ueorge R. Cook, Inc. �60 St. Peter Street Restaurant �� 5667 '� Prom C�tering Co., Inc. 1170 University Avenue Restaurant " 5669 �� (16) COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against By Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council i gy By WHITE - — CITV CLERK � e �� PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council �3'�, ,�� � � CANARV — DEPARTMENT � BLUE ��- MAVOR File NO. � . Council Resolution Presented By LICEIJSE COI�'�IITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ON SALE LI�,UOR - Page 6 George �: Charlotte D. llamian 501-3 University Avenue Restaurant Appn. 5671 Renewal The Depot Bar, Inc. 2�.1 E. Kellogg Blvd. Restaurant " 5673 " SPH Hotel Co. 11 E. Kellogg �lvd. Hotel r' S696 " Mangini, Inc. 13�5 E. Rose Avenue Restaurant " 5700 " Lamb's Supper Club, Inc. 927 E. Seventh Street Restaurant '� 5701 " Libbie Sabes ?� Arline Viner 201-5 E. Fourth Street Restaura.nt " 5705 " Ace Service, Inc. 1066 �. Seventh Street Rest�urant " 5709 " Armand i�. Del Monte 1199 Rice Street Restaurant '� �712 '� Sam Leifma.n INACTIV� " 5715 " i�linnehaha Tavern, Inc. 1781� E� ,Minnehaha Avenue Restaurant " 5716 " I�layville, Inc. 1355 University Avenue Restaurant " 5721 " Paul Arend Tavern, Inc. 917-19 Randolph Avenue Restaurant " 5725 '� Edward P. Serwa, Inc. 1082 Arcade Street Restaurant " 5728 " Wa.11a.ce Bar, Inc. 67l� Dodd Road Restaurant " 5731 " St. Paul Lo�ge No. 59 B.P.O.E. 72 Concord Street Club 't ,�738 " uary L., Inc. R� Elwood E. 'I'urner (16) 160 W. La.rpenteur Avenue Restaurant '� 57�+ " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: ' Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By + By _ WH17� • - CITY CLERK 1 r �, PINK - FINANCE � COU11C11 • �LUERY�- MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PA�ITL File NO. �� v�� � Council Resolution Presented By LICE�dSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ON SALE LI�dUOR - Page 7 E. D. M., Inc. l�99 Wab�.sha Street Restaurant Appn. 571�7 Renewal Mohawk Bar, Inc. 1�29 S. Robert Street Restaurant " 575� " Mrs. Elsie C. Johnsen 1347 Burns _Avenue Restaurant " 5754 " vlaser-I�cDonough, Inc. 317-19 St. Peter Street Restaurant " 5759 " I�Ioren Koury '�c Anthony J. Koury, Sr. 1180 E� Seventh Street Restaurant '� 5761 " 339 Wabasha �treet (A Corp.) 339 %�labasha Street Hotel " 5761� r� The Patio, Inc. 1l�20 �1. Seventh Street Restaurant " 5768 " Vitali, Incorporated 755 J�.ckson Street Restaurant " 5783 " The �rown Berby Lounee, Iric. 567 Stryker Avenue Restaurant �' S791 " Albert 0. Unise 380 Jackson Street Resta.urant " 5798 " Loucas P1. Arvanitis 1��l�-�8 St. Peter Street Restaurant " 5802 �� E :4� E, Inc. 859 Thomas Avenue Restaurant " 5805 " 803 Development Co. 363 st. Peter Street Hotel " 5807 " Jimbee Corporation 326 Urove Street Restaurant '� 5810 '� Joseph R. idemo 728 Armstron� Avenue kestaurant " 5811 '� Hafner, Inc. 1560 �'+hite Bear Avenue Restaurant " 581l� tr (16) COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . By BY WHIT-E� - CITY CLERK 3j/.�� ��^^'' PINK - FINANCE COUTICll /U��� l � CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY � OF SAINT PAIIL i�.r v Z BLUE •- MAVOR File NO. � . Council Resolution Presented By LICEN5E COI�IY9ITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date OP1 SALE LI�dU�R - Pa�e 8 Lendway's Bar, Inc. 609 University Avenue Restaurant Appn. 5817 Renewal Charles Dennis, Inc. 605 Front Avenue Restaurant " 5823 " Richard B. '� Steve Schweitz 956 Payne Avenue Rest�urant " s826 '� Gallivan's Restaurant, Inc. 351� ��Jabasha �treet Restaurant " 5828 " St. Paul Aerie #33 F.O.E. 733 Qierce �3utler Rte. Club '� 5832 " Tin Cups, Inc. 1220 Rice Street Restaurant " 5835 " Damico, Inc. 573 w. Seventh Street Restaurant " 5839 �� Angus Hotel Corp. 165-71 N. Western Avenue N.estaurant " 581�1 " Dizzy�s, Inc. 256-8 W. Seventh Street Rest�urant �� 5850 '� E. J. Kasprzyk, Inc. 428 S. bdabasha Street Restaurant " 5852 '� Gene Nardini Liquor, Inc. 828 E. Seventh Street Restaurant t� 5857 `� McC�.nn Bros. Chatterbox, Inc. 393 Selby Avenue Restaurant '� 5859 " Larry Brenn�.n's Liquor, Inc. 13 Leech Street Restaurant " 5865 '� Ace Box Bar, Inc. 2162 Universit�T Avenue Restaurant " 5868 " Petit, Inc. 1373 �. lvlagnolia Avenue Restaurant " 5871 " Cher �Zac, Inc. �870 Payne Avenue Restaurant " 587� " (16) COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . By BY WHI'C�E• — CITY CLERK A a PINK — FINANCE COUIICll �� ��ij / � � BLUERI— MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. �� Z / Council Resolution Presented By LICEiJSE COMNIITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ON S.ALE LI�UOR - Page 9 Glyn Triviski, Jr. 2209-21 Ford Pkwy. Restaurant Appn. 5875 Renewal Heine, Inc. I�88-�92 St. Peter Street Restaurant " 5878 " Awada, Inc. 120 S. Wabasha Street Restaurant °f 5881 " Hello Dolly, Inc. 7-9 �nT. Seventh Street Restaurant " 5882 " ' IViinnehaha Bowling Center, Inc. 955 Seminary Avenue Restaurant " 5886 �� Stanley J. Fiorito, Sr. 1�00 Sibley Street Restaurant F' 589� " ' Phalen Park Liquors, Inc. 1199 Payne Avenue Restaurant '� 5893 '� Entertainment Enterprises, Inc. 1183 University Avenue Restaurant " 5896 " Nfunzen's Bar, Inc. 2si6 �w. Seventh Street Restaurant " 5901 " Luigi's Bar of St. �'aul, Inc. �8 E. Fourth Street Restaurant " 5903 '� Walmont, Inc. 2051 Ford Parkw�.y Resta.urant " 5905 u The Manor, Inc. 2550 "�T. Seventh Street Restaurant '� 5908 " Ei�enman Enterprises, Inc. 519 W. Seventh �treet Restaurant �� 5911 " Boland�s Liquor & Foods, Inc. b85 la.. Third 5treet Restaurant 1Q 5913 '� Robert L. Ross 992 Arcade 5treet Restaurant " 5916 " (15) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butier Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma�or: Date ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . . , By BY WHI7yE� - CITV CLERK t � j^�Q`1 � PPNK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAl1 L COUT1C11 �U�jjj�� � CANARY - DEPARTMENT ���y � � BLUE )- MAYOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By LICENS�, CONIMIT�EE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ON SaI,E LIG1U0:�. - Page 10 Albert's of St. Paul, lnc. 380 Cedar Street Restaur�nt Appn. 5919 Renewal Criterion Restaurants, Inc. 739 University Avenue Restaurant '� 5921 '� David A. & Ernest F. Yarusso 635-7 Payne Avenue Restaurant '� 5924 " i'tathias J. Weiss 1091 Rice Street Rest�.urant " 5927 `� Vogel�s Lounge, Inc. 1112-1� Arcade Street Restaurant " 5944 '� Plaza Liquors, Inc. 21�31 W. Seventh Street Restaurant " s821 " Lucky Lanes, Inc. � 2155 Ford Parkway Restaurant " 591�9 " Knight Kap, Inc. 1318 W. Larpenteur Avenue Restaurant " 5954 '� Saloons, Incorporated 880 E. Seventh Street Resta:urant '� 5956 �� Esquire Bar, lnc. 821-23 University Avenue Restaurant `� 5957 '� Stephen and Victor's Ba.r� Inc. 1905 Stillwater Avenue Restaurant: " 5960 " The Arlington Cafe, Inc. 721 Payne Avenue Restaurant t° 5991 " Cusick's, Inc. 816` Pa�ne Avenue Restaurant " 599�. " Silver Coaches, Inc. 1638 Rice �treet Restaur_an� �� 5996 " Jerr�l, Inc. 173 W. Sixth Street Restaurant �� 5999 `� (16) ,Alden Len� Inc. 2210 Hudson Roa.d Restaurant '� 6001 " COUI�CILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki Iri Favor Levine Meredi th A gai tls t By Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . By By WHI'CE� - CITY CLERK 1 �^��� � ,PPNK• - FINANCE COUTICll v��� �Z • BLUERYt- MAVORTMENT GITY OF� SAINT PAUL Fll@ NO. Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ON SALE LI�UOR - Page 11 Landreville, Inc. 1�35-37 St. Peter Street Restaurant Appn. 6002 Renewal Fred D. Primoli 955-59 Arcade Street Restaurant '� 6006 '� Arcade Bar, Inc. 932-�. Arcade Street Restaurant " 6009 `� Thomas L. & Guy Rice 96 N. Dale Street Restaurant '� 6012 " Robert Jack, Inc. 1961� University Avenue Restaur�.nt '� 6015 " St. Paul Seventh Street Co.� Inc. 221 E. Seventh Street Restaur�.nt '� 6018 " Gentile's, Inc. 1�97-9 Payne Avenue Restaurant '� 6021 '� Paul J. Triviski. 756 Jackson �treet Restaurant " 602l� '� Grace-Jackson, Inc. 1t1J� Jackson street Restaurant `t 6030 '� Perdue's� Inc. 572 N. Dale Street Restaurant '� 6031 '� Parkside Lounge, Inc. 1181 Clarence Street Restaurant " 6031� '� Whoopee, Inc. 678 Selby Avenue Restaurant F� 603? `� NlcTeague�s Bar, Inc. 1l�15 University Avenue Restaurant " 601�1 " Bourbon Bar �C C�.fe Corporation 691 N. Dale �treet Restaurant '� 60�1� " 501 Enterprises, Inc. 501 Blair Avenue Restaurant '� 601�9 " (16) The Castaw�ys, Inc. I�17 University Avenue Restaurant " 6053 '� COUNCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . gy BY WHI Es — CITY CLERK � f+IN — FINANCE COUIICll 2���4� � CA[JARY — DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE — MAVOR File NO. � - ` Council Resolution Presented By �CE:�JSE COMNaTTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ON SALE LI�lUOR - Page 12 Belisle� Inc. 91�9 E. Seventh Street Restaurant Appn. 6057 Renewal Larry Dee's Bar, Inc. 315 W. Seventh Street Rest�.urant '� 6060 '� Como Recreation, Inc. 1013 Front Street Restaurant '� 6103 " R. J. Iviitch, Inc. 1305 T�i. Seventh street Restaurant 't 6061� '� COUI�ICILMEI�T Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler �pN 2 5 1973 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certifi ed by Cou ry BY B Appr v d by Maxo : Date 9 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . By �a«�� FE8 31973