260540 � 'YHITEl•- CITY CLE� 1 � �INK � ^-��'FINANCE � COI111C11 4`�ERW DEP+OAG�TMENT �� GITY ..OF �SAINT PAITL File NO. � ������,� �� «� y ♦ ,, � �! r - � Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. ✓ � _ _ -. Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTERS 60 AND 63 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINING TO ZONING RESTRICTIONS OF FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS AND DRIVE- IN RESTAURANTS. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Tha.t Section 60.05 f. of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended by deleting entirely all of Section 60.05 f. and substi- tuting in lieu thereof the following: "60.05 - Commercial Districts. f. Tha.t no permit sha.11 be granted for any filling station� auto sales lot, retail ice store, fast food restaurant, drive�in restaurant� or any other drive-in business _ place in a commercial or light industrial district in � any case, e�ept-upan a public hearing before the � Council at least ten days after written notice to the-�" owners of the several descriptions of all property within two hundred (200) feet of the borders of th� � site proposed to be used for a filling station, auto sales lot, retail ice store, fast food restaurant, drive-in restaurant, or any other drive-in business. Any filling station for which a permit ha.s been granted by the Council must be completed within six months from the date of such permit; if not so completed� the permit sha.11 be null and void; provided, however, that when practical difficulties prevent completion within said period and for good cause shown, the Council ma.y extend a filling station permit, whether expired or not, without additiona,l notice for one or more six-month periods. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ' By Approved by Mayor: Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � � �, � � �� a ��� r � � ' � � ' .. �_ r '� . , 2 '�3�1-�� . "Fast Food Restaurants and Drive-In Restaurants are subject to the following conditions: (1) The site sha.11 be limited to a lot ha.ving Commercial, Light Industrial or Heavy Industrial zoned property within three hundred (300) feet of the site. (2) Points of vehicular ingress and egress sha.11 not be onto a street which is used prima.rily for access to abutting residential property. (3) Points of vehicular ingress and egress sha.11 be located at least sixty (60) feet from the intersection of any two (2) streets and at least sixty (60) feet from any abutting resi- dentially zoned property. (4) When the site abuts an alley which also serves residentially zoned land, no access from the site to the alley sha.11 be permitted." Section 2 . That Cha.pter 63 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by adding thereto the following sections: "63.25. Restaurant, Fast Food. A business establishment whose principal business is the selling of food to the customer in a ready to consume state, in individual serv- ings, on or in disposable containers, for consumption on or off the premises . A restaurant serving more tha.n 20% of its food on or in disposable containers is a fast food restaurant. "63.26. Restaurant, Drive-In. A business establishment whose principa.l business is the selling of food, frozen desserts, or beverages to the customer in a ready to consume state, in individua.l servings, and where the cus- tomer consumes these foods, frozen desserts, or beverages in an automobile parked upon the premises. "63.27 . Restaurant. A business establishment whose principa.l business is the selling of food to the customer � in a ready to consume state, in individua.l servings, on or in non-disposable dishes, and where the customer con- sumes these foods while seated at tables or counters located within a building." !'YHI7�t�CITV CLERK 1 1rIN'K - FINANCE COUTIClI ` � BLUERY�AYpRTMENT � GITY OF SAINT � PALTL File NO. ������ i . .� � �` ' Ordin�cnce ordinance N�. � ✓ ✓ r .i ' Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3. Section 3. This ordina.nce shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEN � Yeas Butler Nays Requested by Department of: _b3unt.. Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith _� Against BY �mc Roedler Tedesco Mme.President �Bnder Htirit ppR 121973 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certif' a ed by C ci e tary BY By ' Approve y Ma r: te APR Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY A pUBLISHED APR t-,NN�TE •- G!TY CLEFK 1 . � . . � . � �� •�IiJK - FINANGE � GAhAR'( -- OEPGFtTMENT G I j`� o T � A T 1►T�f �� + T7Tj COQ21C11 S'+ �/` BLUE J MAVOR � 1' L11 Jr 1 L].ll 1 File N0._. �������� l. �. �/ U��Z�L��ZCL� Ordinance N O. - Presented By ��"` �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTERS 60 A.ND 63 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINING TO ZONING RESTRLCTIONS OF FAST FOQD RESTAURANTS _4ND DRIVE- IN RESTAURANTS. THE COUI�CIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Seetion 1. . That Section 60. 05 f. of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended by deleting entirely all of Section 60.05 f. and substi- tutir_g in lieu thereof �he following: `=60.05 - Commercia� Districts. f. Tha.t no permit s�tia.11 be granted for any filling statior�, auto sales lot, retail ice stor�, fast food restaurant, drive-in restaurant, or any other drive-in business place in a commercial or light �ndustrial district in - any c�se, e-�c�:�t up�n a publzc hearLng befcre the Gounci.l �t 1Past ten elays aft�r �ari�ten �otice to t�.e at��r:ers of th2 several �escriptzcns of all property within two hundred (200) feet of the borders of the site proposed to be used for a filling station, auto sales lot, retail ice store, fast food restaurant, drive-in restaura�t, or any other drive-in business . Any filling station £or which a permit has been granted by the Council must be completed within six mon�hs from the date of such permit; if not so corapleted, the permit sha.11 be nuZl and void; provided, however, that when p-ractical difficuities pre�Tent completion �aithin said period an� for good cause shown, the Council �nay extend a filling station permit, whether expired or not, without additior_al notice for one or more six-rnonth periods . COU:VCIL12E1V � � Yeas 12VS Requested by Department of: Hur,t Konepatzki In Favor Le�•ir.e \Ieredith Against BY Spraf�:a Tedesco &tme.Pre�ident Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b}� Council: Date — Certified Passed b}� Cour cii Secretary By��..—�Q..LZLL�� Bv AFproved bp 3layor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii 3y g�,, � g . . � � . , � � . . .. . . . . .. . . . �� - � . � � . . .. . .. . � .. . . .j . . . . . . ., , . . t. � � . . . . . . .. � . . . ��..'.� . . . . � .. . . � .. . - . � -�� . _ a�r 'V�t�� _ 2 . "Fast Food Restaurants and Drive-In Restaurants are subject to the following conditions : (1) The site shall be Iimited to a lot having Commercial, Light Iridustrial or Heavy- Indus-- trial zoned property within three hundred (300) feet of the site. (2) Points of vehicular ing-ress and egress shall not be onto a street l.o.cated in a residen�- tia].Ty zoned districte ` (3) Points of vehicular ingress and egress shall be located at least sixty (60) feet from the interse�t�.on of any two (2) streets and at least sixty (60) feet from any abutting �esi- dentially zoned property. (4) When the site abuts an alley w?zich also serves residentially zoned land, no accESS fron the site to the a1l�y shall be permitted. " Section 2 : That Chapter 63 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by adding thQreto the following secti.ons : 63.25. Restaurant, Fast Food. A business establishment whose �rincipal business is the selling of fcod to the customer in a ready to consume state, in individual serv- ings, on or in disposable containers, for consumption on or off the premises . A restaurant serving more th�,.n 2Q% of its food on or in disposable contair�ers is a fast food restaurant. "63.26. Restaurant, Drive-In. A business establish.ment whose principal busirless is the selling of food, frozen desserts, or beverages to the customer in a ready to consuzr�e state, �_n �ndivi.dval servings, and wnere the cus- tomer consumes these foods, frozer. desserts, cr beverages in an automobile parked upon the premises . "63.27, Restaurant. A busiriess establishment whose principal business is the sellin� of food to the customer in a ready to consume state, in ir�dividua.l servings, on or in non-disposable dishes, and where the customer con- sumes these faods while seated at tables or counters I.ocated within a building, " .... �,� : : °�, Harry E. Marshall Albert B. Olson City Clerk and ���T'' �RA CounciZ Recorder Cam�nisioner of Reyiatration �� r ` % � P` Y � ; ,�..,.�y:� � �� � OPFICE OF THE ClTX CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL �UREAU OF RECORDS S86 City Hall S�Paa;eZ,Minnesota. 65102 January 24, 1973 Planning Board 1010 Commerce Bldg. St. Paul 3�:.t]:eraen: � The City Cour�cil today gave First Reading to the attached ordinance amending Section 60.23 (�) of � the Legislative Code, pertaining to the procedures for the establishment of the vehicular �arking places, Council File 260539, �d the ordina.nce - was referred to the Plannin� Board for recommenda- tion. Very truly yours� � i � City Cl k � Ad�ng ' � � � � � � � ,. • � � L:�J �ti� � , i912 a,��, ���.��.? �.�� �t����, �� + �O _ ._ _ _ e ,,. ; .:- � ,�. " . � ...� ` _.., � . .:. : � . � . .��. . .. . ..� ..�e ,....�_ k_. , . �.a;..a y _��.�� . • -�•�-��YHITE �— CITV CIERK � . . . . � � �� fpINK — FINAVCE . r�. . L � ^}..� .... CO11flC11 � � � ~ CANARt — OEPARTMENT � GI i.� O1'' SAIN� 1 AUL File NO. ����L�� BLUE —MAYOR � _ . . . . • . � � .. ��������e Ordinance N 0. � . . : Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3. _ : , , Section 3. - This ordinance sha�l take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its gassaQe, approva.l ar�d publication. ,--� :�� . Yeas COUNCILR'IE1V Requested by Departrnent of: Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Fav�r Levine iVleredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco 141me.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney � � Adopted by Council: Date _. Certified Pnssed by Cauncil Secretary BY By _ _ Approved by 1Tayor: Date Approved hy Mayor for Su�missicn to Council BY By . ! __ - 1 T �,� - "'�._ �. . ,F,,,V iJ�] �i �r V�V 2 . "Fast Food Restaurants and Drive-In Restaurants are subject to the following conditions : ' (1) The site sha.11 be limited to a lot having Commercial, Light Industrial or Heavy Indus- trial zoned property within three hundred `',,.(300) feet of the site. ""��, (2) Pb:�nts of vehicular ingress and egress sha.11 no��., be onto a street located in a residen- tial��� zoned district. ,, (3) Points�"-;of vehicular ingress and egress shall be loca�ed at least sixty (60) feet from the intersect��on of any two (2) streets and at least sixt� (60) feet from any abutting resi- dentially zr�ned property. (4) When the site''�,:abuts an alley which also serves residentially �;oned land, no access from the site to the all�� sha.11 be permitted." Sectid�,i 2 . A, ,. Tha.t Chapter 63 of the Saint Pa'i�l Legislative Code is hereby amended by adding thereto the followi�g sections: �<,,, 63 .25. Restaurant, Fast Food. A':business establishment "whose principa.l business is the se�.�.ing of food to the customer in a ready to consume state'� in individua.l serv- ings, on or in disposable containers, �4�for consumption on or off the premises . A restaurant ser'�ng more tha.n 20% of its food on or in disposable contain �s is a fast food restaurant. �� <, "63.26. Restaurant, Drive-In. A business *e' tablishment whose principal business is the selling of ��od, frozen desserts, or beverages to the customer in a r�.dy to consume state, in individua.l servings, and whei� the cus- tomer consumes these foods, frozen desserts, or ``i�everages in an automobile parked upon the premises. �� "63.27 . Restaurant. A business establishment whose�*'�: principal business is the selling of food to the cust�mer in a ready to consume state, in individua.l servings, oi�.� or in non-disposable dishes, and where the customer con=�>>;� sumes these foods while seated at tables or counters -�.. - located within a building." � . . ���� �- . � CITY OF 5� i �dT �AU � OF�IC� OF TWE CITY ATT03Z�lE�' April 11, 1973 KENN'�TN J. FiT�PATRiCK To th� Honorable Nlembers of th� Co�u.ncil of the City of Saint Paul FACTS Ori. Aprii 5, 1973 the City Council gave third reading to Council File No. 260540, pertaining to th� regu- lation of fast food and drive-in restaurants. The ordinance amends certain pravisions of the zoning vode of the City. The pertinent provision relates to zonin in com�nercial clist�icts and �.mends Section 60.05 (i� of the zoning code by subjecting fast food and drive-in restau.rants to the following condition; "(a) Points of v�hicular ingress and egress sha11 not be onto a street �vhich is used primarily for access to abutting res�d��t�a� property." In. reviewing th�s provision at tnird readin;, the Colincil requested legaZ opinion on its power to restrict the use of streets and alleys s�.rrounding a commercial piece of property. The qu.estion presents the following ISSUr MAY THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, IN I`URTHERANCE OF ITS GENERAL POLS�E P�ydERS. PROHIBIT ACCESS OF IiAST FQOD AND DRTVE--IN RESTAU�Ai�iTS `TO STREETS USED PRIMA.RILY ' F0� ACCESS TO �43iTTTING RESIDENTTAL PROPERTY. City i-iai{, Saint Paul, M�nn�so�a �5�to2 �12 223-5�Z1 � � OPINION 1. Mun�cipal Police Power to Re�ulate the Use of Streets. Basic to munieipa�police power is�e. uTty to keep the public streets open and to protect their norma.l use. The control of streets and street traffic has been judicially stated to be a primary function of local government. Retallack -v- Police Court of Colorado S rin s, 351 . . n controllir�g t e streets an pu ic ways, the municipal�ty acts as trustee for the public and as such should not allow any� thing to be done that wi11 interfere with the condition of the streets or their free use by a11. Accordingly, a municipality has the power through its legisZative body to prohibit the use of streets by persons far any purposes detrimental to the public good or that may conflict or interfere with the rights of others in the enjoyment of streets or public ways. Ta�rlor -v- Roberts, 94 So. 874. Although frequently stated that ownership of the streets is in the public, it is genezally held that the abutting landowner owns the fee title to the public way in front of his property to the centerline, subject to a public easement. Koore� -v- Dam ier-Baird Nlortuary, 207 Minna 367; 291 N.W. 61 . oc evar -v- i ert, inn, 274, 141 N.W.2d 24. However, w et er t e interest of the munici- pality is in fee or easement it is clearly hel� in trust for the public use both for the purpose of public travel and as a means of access to and egress from abutting property. Council of Baltimore -v- United States, 147 F2d 7�6; In re Grand iver Dam ut ority, . . Under these principles, the City of Saint Paul ma.y exercise supervision and control of the streets and public ways and may enact ordinances affecting �their use. Se� Saint Pau1 � City Cha.rter, Sections 1.03 and 6.03. 1. 2. Ri hts of Abuttin Owners. An owner of land abutting a pu ic way as an equa rig t with the public �o use of the street. In addition, he obtains certain special rights f lowing from his possession of property contiguou� thereto, including the right to encroach temporarily and th� right , ta have the street rema.in �nobstructed and used by �he public for public purposes so as not to interfere with his ingress and egress. McQuillin, Law of Municipal Corporations, Vo1. 10, Sec. 30.54. -2-- M � � � A critical right of an abutting owner is his right of access. This includes not the mere right of going from home to business but also the right to have the premises accessible to patrons, clients, customers and general visitors with a reasonable degree of ease and convenience. Adar�.s Ho�ldin �Cor�. -v- _S�i�t���z, 1,$�0 N.Y.S.2d 233; Lencl -'—v- Seat-t1-e,r �$$���dT926; Therefore, a city ma.y not eprive property holders of the right of access nor may that right be unreasonably impaired. Panebianco -v- Ornaha, 37 N.W.Zd 731; Bulen -v- Mood , 6 . . . I an una.�u.thorized ma.teria interference occurs, the abutter may sue for damages or enjoin the obstruction.. Rase -v- State of California, 123 P. 2d 505. Hathativay -v- ioux ity, . . 8. While the abu�tirig owner has the c�ear right to use the street as a means of ingress and egress, that right is subject to reasonable use of the street necessary for the public good and convenience. Thus, a city may construct and maintain a barrier to safeguard the traveling public or otherwise restrict access by traff ic regulation. San Antonio -v- Easle , 368 S.W. 2d 683. Benson Hotel or oration -v- it of Minnea olis, 1$7 . . . n t e exercise o� its po ice powers, a city may limit or regulate access so long as such regulations do no t destroy the property right. Stevenson -v- Cit of Downe , 23 Cal. Rptr. 127; Dept. of �u ic or s �-v- urra , 342 P.2d 485. 3. The-Pro osed Reov.lation. Applying the principles outline a ove to t e proposed amendment we conclude its validity must rest on a balancing of the public interest involved and the rights of the abutting landowner. Analysis of the cases shows that as the public interest increases, the rights of the landowner dim.inish. What will be deemed a reason.able regulation will depen.d on the local situation and requested usage. In Minnesota, as in most other jurisdictions, the rights af the abutting landowner must be held subservient to the dominant rights o€ the public for all street purposes. , Bennett --v-_�Beat , 156 NIinn. 293, 194 N.W. 627. Aiso, �xancTer ao�- Cit of Otaatonna, 222 Minn. 312, .ti . . The prop�sed amendment must be ccnsidered in light of the Alexander Ca. case, supra. In that case, an Owatanna -3- . . . zoning �ordinan.ce permitted C-2 cor�u-nercial district drive-in b�a.sinesses but required application for a permit to operate the drive-in and to cut curbs and place driveways over public sidewalks. Plaintiffs applied for curb cuts and driveways for use in connection with their automobile supply store. Testi- - � mony was received by the City Council in opposition to the application and evidence received that the proposed driveway would consti�ute a serious traffic hazard. After hearing the testimony, the Council took action denying the application for. permit. The Court upheld the action of the City Council and dismissed _ Plaintiffs' claim for damages based on the City' s _ refusal to permit Plaintiffs to build a driveway and rnal�e curb cuts. In so rul.ino, the Court faund that the municipality' s broad latitude in exercising its police powers permitted the denial: Assuming in the opinion that the City Co�uncil' s denial o€ the application would be tanta.mount to denying the company to operate its business at the location, the Co-urt stated it would sti11 be obliged to hold that the Council' s refusal in this instance was a legitima.te and 1ega1 exercis� of the police power inasmuch as the regulation imposed had a substantial relation to the object sought to be accomplished which, iz�. this case, was indicated to be the safety of the public. The �City Council "through the exercise of judgment and discretion concluded that the proposed driveway� over the public sidetiaalk�, as an instrumentality of Plaintiffs' business, wouid constitute a dangerous traffic hazard". Applying the rational.e of the Alexander Co. decision to the proposed amendment to Section 60.05 (f) of the Saint Paul zoning code, it is our opinion that the con- dition excluding access onto streets used prima.rily for access to abutting resi.dential property could be sub- stantiated as a legitima.te exerci5e of the palice pocaer afforded the City of Saint Paul if the City Council, upon hearing, finds such access dangerous, hazardous or con- trary to the gubli.c safety and welfare. For exanpl�e, the Council might find that allowing access in suc�t�t areas would endanger the children of residents. This �aould b� � analagous ta the right of the City to place 1oti���r speed restrictions in similar areas. Tn the absence of such findings, supported by �easonab2e and credible evid�nce, the Council' s ac.tion� in aciop�ing ^4M ,, . . -• this amendment could be attacked as arbitrary and capricious. We, therefore, recon�mend that findings of fact be made setting forth the �easons for the decision of �he Council prior to the final adoption of this amendment to the ordinance. Respectfully submitted, � ���.��� KENNETH J. FIT�PATRICK City Attorney r---•�� � �� R. SCOTT DAVIES Deputy City Atto_r�e; � .0 o � w a� '�on q ,� .�u � o ° 7� � ai ,�..+ ,-�i +� � w o ,� a � � � � �c � �s o ,a o �+ a� cu o a� � �+ � ,� � � �z a� cs b �+ .� +� ,-� ca co m a� � o v, � cd- .� � •r-I cd tn 7� 1.� D,•rl .0 m � T-� Q'i C/� cd rl rl O U1 �ri W '-i cd U ct3 �' �t-� � �' 4�+ 0) W H cd i+ O m a� f+ � � v� d CI cd � .n O O t� � � O •e� � M Q) O LL i�+ U Ul r-I UJ Ul N ciS Q� N CR �r! [--I - 1� C� tn` }.7 �''+ � r� N Y7 1� � 'LJ '� ri !A U] � O � C7 b0 � � [+' GO "d O .� S-� 1-� N N O �rl 1.� N W "✓+ G1 • '� � `tS � 'Ci rl � r-1 � +� � GO c3 3-� v i-t tfI 3-i +� �--I U QJ 'C H rl N � L. .t�' �ri rl In 'J N � ia 4-r N N -r-1 .C� rl U .-r'. Cl H .'� C.'' +� H 1.� Rf � U1 "d •� J-� k+ � tA U N c3 1.� 1-i � O O ri O �r-I �+ ..0 � 4-I �.25 N W � O ti-1 •rl 1.� N N � v 3 cd cn .� a� D, o +-� a� o 00 �+ a� .c u a o •�+ ,a � .-i a� u +.� �n cd .c o .� a a .� 3 � G +� � � w �+ ,-i oa � eo � v� a� u �+ v, �n u +� 3 � u a� s� w a� � e� � • u v, s� cd a� .�..► a� o � ,.., �..+ b a v � >, a, w a a� � x � v � a� +� a. � � � � m .�.� a� G a� � � a� a. 0 o a.� D q +� .c �+ v, �+ d � o� o �, c� � � a� � cn � � 04 �+ ,� cd � o r+ a� ao o �+ o � a� �+ � a� .a o �-t a� c� � d a a v� ,� o N u� � a� �o � a c.rr, .nw �a � �s N �s s� � �a a . . . . . r—I N M �t Ul I � � �, m � a.i u � �n v� m O I +� c�i H t�n � � D � � � H z Z � O O '�U � 'd R' �rl <C t-1 H W +� O W cd rY. 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SyE-i �ii.'lY. ;',S7? �'i-.1 w'�'�.�.:'.T4,Q 'r..�"D J .�?,,. �c:.T.�:�x��l.�t' s a�zc' !�w���� "s �a�t.r. �.t� t��,�T; uid ,�c;G �ie��, th�z s��m�p�c;rN r.i�he. �her� �� Cc'f?�_i�.C'� t�::: r? :.:va�e�dc�!�s I�nrl�E°da :��; wo�.�1d b� a p�c3nci i.cle.� f:� h��a a �em�pherr� tiJ}:1?'t:t.'.s3r r• ���tz�;x:�=�- >.s �� t:s�_��f?c;J �sr.::�t�iis�m��x�:..., ��rs� �.N�.I±r�;:t:� ��i�d ��ls� c:�n�=;��.t ��xxe sl�ot.xld be l.�ri: �c� the iraffia D�p�r�m�zut•o ��° i;� �cst,. -� �S�cpr�, ti.:i��.E�,:;r tiar -•�s. _r�ir� G@�x�L�az:� sa��� �t� a�, .<� r�:::�nanY�s�°��da�:�a��., ii�,w �:ak� :Pe>1�.3� _3, a��:�x� i� sa�s '�fro�-�i i.�� i.�:���.,e�c��ia�� a� a�?�;� f2 � sr.z���•�ts a���3 �c� x.east� s.i.xt�r (60j fe�t iron� ��; :a��.3�:t�in�:; YUs�d:::?€:i�al3:t zecz�c gx�e+�erty�'' �l��� z� zas�-��so� ?�I�a�� e4uld c;�;.�tc�r� k,����. r�a�.�}°�4::���:�L; e?�e _{�_ic� ,�h�r� ��a�.c s.:oaai� h��a� ak-c �ap;�r�:u��i�t b��I�i.�� ��,��.3.�:.: �i�ai; i;:� r�c►se �.o it c�r :auy'.�� r�s�.d�nt-i:;l. �.R3a�. u:�s wit,€�irs bC fe�� ur n�a,-b� :�U _f��t:, �EiR�• w�i� �e caea�d su�es€: i:f:a�: t3ie5 sa� ':,irxless �axe �is�,�at f��o� p�iJ�cy �::�s�c:� �.s �.b�.s�r��.1�a 4���:3 ger.mi�.�#.�n o� �.Ea=� 4�mex.� ki�s be�:� gra�.ted�" 5o�zer.f.�n�s �t�e��;� ;s � re�x. �or� 1ca�:.a��o�a a�a1 it is i� �k�.e I�:_��e�S.i: o� �it� cof��.�rs�za t:;i c.� �a�rL �r_.0 r�f �h.�; �U�c�¢ iii.�;� c�ass plac�s �,��: 3 �t3:�Y�C�r f��ce cr�fzld b� ���ati. �:�:rc�5s �,�:��� ��a t}exni.ssir��z �af t:�� �ca�le sv3�.o w�,�ulc� oe oflend�d cx��a ined� �lr� ',�'.o-azr�y ���.ed �r'��;�:�er �E�Er�- e,T::re �tl�' LI2C�?17��'3A3 3 �r�s��� caliQ �n.gh� a�dr�ss �hemr���ve� s.:�j ���.s ��=�i�r;�c�t be.�c�a-4 ?.t wgs vc���d ok� `�he �irsrt ��s�a;e�w° ��<,=» �tota�:�L: 4I� .Ic�k:rase�t, ,��:tcs�zey a�.c� C:���nsti? �ar Ch� �ifnn�soxa Re:;�:��z�ai-�t �s�e�c�_atio�z.: �e �aid �e c-7cs°.xld Zi�e �-:s� ccampl.i.me�.� �:he st�ff� `�e� �aa��re ����� ��crsi• c���r��ivt� :��c� oai�il� we ars nat ��r.e� w�.�h �.�7�ir f£s�.�I �rnd�ix�� w� c�r��in?.=. 1?.:�w� taa� �lI e�e .:fl�p�ration. �r.:�u� i;hem and �xo�i.�ces o� wh�t. �hey w�r�: �ai�;-a�, �.�=�gs s+�c�h a� t�a�r.. it�te ¢irs�: �vi�.�:�:���. �����. s�� have i.s th�� ali v� a s:.idd�:n s=a:�t�erad:s �ia��� i�r�.o<v;: ss�mething S:i��t. �s �c►rf�e ��aa� anc1��i�ir�g e�.s�, c?i�t?1? .lkL�z'f!� u$"C:L'I�t"f$.> �'�tcl� i.=CD?'1'?24�i3r2.{S�3 18 U� 5i?�T:� C=�12Cf?1�� �O ?fl0$� t31 YSSo `�'h;: �'�.�-v� n°t�x�E- is �:�a� sc?c�a c�3� � ��:zi��_kc: h���F*,zg, W?zile we ��e! i.L- in +�i.�tE-r����c=�.is� s�e a�; �*=ug-. � ��4. �:z� cot��k•�reed �hat �:h�� yta�;� re�ncsve frr�m bo�3i.es srac� as �°hi:4 ,����-� ��rs;:� ��.sexs� 4:hin�� int�a�.�f.;;��c:�.�t bas�eci aapoti £�wts �xxc� �i.s�r �� € �c;��rs:i?. ��L��1 wkac_�e :-�ac�,� p���le i�a�r� Yhti �x�?e�Lise �� Tiaf.�i� ���;i��e��a �i�al�sz ���p���,-nze.z�., �'?��P�i�ee, �[� �i2� ,:�.�s�: t�� ��e-.�, �Q�.� ��x�: 3.n��o ��e ;aQ i:n� u� � ��b.h i.z.�:: �Lar k�a� �i:e ���:_�o:a�.is� ::hbz� s_.� i*iY.�o�.gAece,. Ac�.rl 3��t_ i��� Ci�v ��.�n;�ii. ,�r�*si� s��.'t�_ €�z�:a�.4 �.�� c�t���.sic�� bas�.� ���t�n r�n�o�i atxd �:°.ne �aGts ��::fe�:c�: �:�-e��n. Pr�?�ss�ay3k� �`t�c:ir� is nn�:'-�i�g �=�r;�g t�i�tz �ea��ic nEazire�;s f.:� ��►a�• ��� zz�ij<:,E�;:.�� �-:d �;� 4:tii iloz_�,.. 13:�t �asl: �E �i..� ��a�1.e .�.i�:hi�. the �.nd�?�f:�v� s7t�t:s1� �.t',�i� �=a� !.'.i'ti?;t:.. �:�:�CP_ ;f:�3�)_i: f�l�Wlu�fi c3:kt� 23�.3Gf.' �:�'Lc'.i� O�'f l:rl� �i.a�3� �(.'firJrF: �o;s.r (;�._::n_i���e� �� p��a� iJ�i:Y {�t��ic:ci.?, ��ad say chis is =.a�a� u*� ��� �o�.�� t:cs ea„ ��.�: a��� .;�,i�,.: 5��: s;���_� �:�� �a� ,30� �:ha�.zs�xzr� do��_�rs t;� � x�::�a:���-ar_� E�T<t� 61e l2Qp� c., ,:� &.iTr1!- E4c' �i?i)3`.t; f'�":tr: y°-;3"�." at�7�.)Y`'a'}'•7��. �;�'1��; !_& L`�'L' CvT:3�� t.ilt'ti' £C'•��. %TiC� i�l�..�.�i8 ��1�' .:�� ;��i `a ��:E� .ia.��. l:i_,�t; 1'�i.i CaOY:EI�- i���lz4 _�nri %:Y'ia_' �i:oi�'�.:.•l.t. i•.w}1.�C'1 �;�'Vk.: �L :;3ii.�,'�li: L).^- �; r�.4.�t�,.: r. _. ::. �: �i�, �ti:1i7?v'�'l �v?_��? Ls"tE'i.'.'' =o;;CT_"a4!�tz_L- �.L:ti[�l.GS �5 t;.d �.C�.^..i3�;?_Ct;1 4:� _r?:�F:: .:<li'�+;. �.;ti�1Ti'•-� a.'.:v ='L1L' �'�t:C`..1'f).E.: v1�A.<I.%L'c`s� Y•tc= ?3c���aC-' �l.G d�ljt;�i�Cl,::.Ct. LC1 t.�'}E` ;.Cjz:F3 i:�1:71,: W(v �-s`EC"all_C? ::l.�Z 's�.u�J<�`^��)t3�" <<:Ol?:�"?U„ .�_f: �i:+3C�'3 ?pCT �7I'fl��.�'^.lS ?i'lt� f�'1";4? t:iY4f3[1.QY.a��.1SFi1 !_23 �i'?�c. .ti:#.��.il`:1�:"�"t+7t3C� 9:,'�3.u^'� v'Ji C3Y�� t:c.+'�tti1Z� ;i�Q�.l�.. �.�:i�l'��-'. i.$ <"s �.F`t,:����."�. �.:LSXiCC�li2 3�:r0'�2�,: s"i'0.L C�'i'it?:� i�['�'.'s`.i°� #;'=)-3�". '�'�J��:° 3�i: :,°�L�.�33� '-:3j? `r'�.1E;�3i1? i.�"i2.� 8?�'�2.�33CLC�� '.i.�tE.' CL+'�3� c�t,` L t�:t. c,., .. c' "`€=5;. il"2 a �[:.;�. �:f o?.c�{:ila:?.�:� ;E:4'��:.�5 '!3 �2Ut 'LT�E i:el@ �1.Z:�,kIC'.fi�C��.l.S Ct:ti 1 S.�'�}.��GC.i:t �>:t:�.'�i;�3y"�.��.7:: 3 E:'�:l{��.��i, !.'e?i: ).a �'e;)cs�,�}r' •:t 4��±1£;34:1_f3?L S)� S�;l24�17 Cii3 ��fd �32'1'1C t,..x; �.�'_::_ �._�:a�..x:..,.: .: �;_;.?�'�r'e'S �'i°� �':�SQ: .���?;i.:Y'a9I:i_i.t'' ;r�i,' �t23� �t?'a. C�Fii1dL'. ��J OII � :�. z�:�i���k.i�� �a+ce�€�� b�`�t�,�s �:�� wh�e �s a r.�;sie3�;�n��iai s���:��� �� is very 3i.��icei�.�: -n;.�;- ��i_�,�w.s �:o r�;s�s.�lc- �:his� P.erh�gs ��c��c �,f any at.�er ccrm�v::r�i��l �ao�in� cn� i.�:: �tg��: �a� ff: � pr�a�smLa�s��Iy r�.sid��tiat s�r��te Z'�.at mig�ht �,� s�ss�e�:&i;.�� a�n�-.� wq:s3.d �x��.�: ��ur ".�rdf�5.c: E��i.+a��?^� ica det.��►�:!�e tra a rAc�.��aL €�::^Es.. 'I.�ZC. ����. �:� r�TM,gr�ss a3���1 k,,ress� as t.c bei.��; Ca0 +'_•'ect away fra� k�lt� �a;��r?c:�.c.,��. �aap��r�5 aa �:IaE fr��.erse�Y�io�. is re�liy � gc�s�.x�� ior the 'Tr..:�f�ic �;�+�i,rt�r��r.. �'o deci��.. W� ta�rve a�r e:ccLZ3.En� Traf�ic: Ft�gi�t�c:ri�zg J��arr.nzes�.t, iz� �hc; �i.t:y' o� Saf.n,1- �atx1 and as an �r�c�as�:ry we ts�cicsld r�ethc�-r h,���L ����.rc� '���.ce a E.�r'�. t3�.: i� Q�jec�iv�l� .�€�� s:.;;- arbX�rar:�ly� �orb ca�a'�. �?rs f.to ���!. ��ve �.e:�f;��.�ox-hoc=�3s �-�a�, axr� �rr3bab�.� ��r4° 4�x�d�r-p�Qp�a�.a�,�d ss far as :Ea��-�4ad� ar.� I.WL�4{F.YY44�, i�. �c�a�.erd �cr ai.l�,�a, ure I�ez�e e:�i��:i��ag 1�wa abo�t bx.�:��.k��tg ::hn�=�� ;�� ap�re��s th�� �:-o3i a�e ��a1Zti• �;:ser�ing �'.�ES �his .;�rdiuence yo+:s�- ide�s 2��tneY �.�a�_ �has� �f �h� Traf�ic Et�gfsbe*;rs, T'&cese a�� c�:;c��x.�L� m�e�s 4tzat� l:hey r.�o��d cransio�ez beft�re ��kz.�� a�y recc�mzuer.!datio€�s as €ar �s s..��� r%g�x� ta o�:s� a�}.eys az� 1aca�ic�ns �s far as ��s���reaod Ls cc�::�rned� L�� �xs ;v in�rs �-Ii�� i� 2��g�enir�g in t�� iuc3�asrt�� �s �a� �s ��e �3ri�r��i�sao W�: �x� ag:e�� �1ie�r ��� �re�#:� c�t�€oie��, ic.�a}� �'h� �ast-fasd �s s very� m�d�x�z�} higt3 �n�3�si�,�u�a�c�9 ;��fl or �fDO t�.o��s�id daltar s�r��c���R� 8�d �es�s�1�� r:�xr.a o�c �a v�r� �►ra:���s3.���� �;�sis�, `�L�t�� �s a� ��ccs�sf.st.�rr.t:;� i-t. ��at°i�xg '��! ��.s�.�virar�� set-r��rc�; musr� #:han �t3°l af itg factd aFa oz- ��� dis�a.�s�`��:: C:O'f'tC�CFIt'Y'S �5 a ��st��ar;d res�zxur�r..�t.,r� �:� �fl°t� bas�.culi,� �.���c��� +�r ��q �rot� r;�Liy a�f�i�g f'Q� �cmte it���tpr�ta�i�:� by� a ��x�`? Ia� i.r�s�:�x�c� is F?c�f�r���d �1a��='s, w�iez�� tlt�:zy hr�ve �rer�t s�bs��.ax�s:L:�Y ta�ce-a�x� ���s,.;��;:��, ��L� ovLZ 2d�o.; B��:. yo=a co�s�� h�r�l� caLl H�ard tv'a�"s � �s�t:•��crc:ci, �.�;s�r•a;��Y :�� we; �=�r�er��a�d f���--€orsd�„ �"i3� a��a�r s�i�;:�a:�e<cxr,a, S.� t�� �Eta��,;� w'r►i:h�z �:h� �.�d.istr}� r�f. �his �n r�ud o� �!ttn� �i��sz.�au�.=� �"s.s£��:�- �,� js ��carn�.r.z� a�akc� ac�+e�ge��l a�d ::3a� r��ssu��� ���d �e ���=fi>�z� !t�:��� ��,s��n.s�rwb�.� ;r�aa�t��n�r�s�. Ge���ra1. Mi.Ils €s c�r�rrs.re� o�a cs�ne �.�a�; will ��,7r_ �.�.1.�, ��; A�s���a'���, �� �f�+ ��� stx���bLe fa� a;�i.caai frsv;� aft+er +se fi�e�.sh ��:s�;i.�°,�� �rt�f.s "ts �a�� �`.;x� �::��*v <�xc� �i.�� cas�-�z.��� �cl wi��� �.� gcsf.ng �n l�ap�seze, �:� f.s �:.r�� �_a� ,:s-x h��� 3.�r� �� ��r��n�r�c�es $ca in. ��.�s dcs �a��. r�cog;�ize Ch� chaxtge s�i.��z.T� �kbe ��a.r��str�,. 1'�t�&a:aly ��ae 2(3 0 �s �;;c� l�ca �tcc� xzn�. c�s�.�s�.si.�en� s�it�ta s,�,:��n.c:�:p�ei. b��.�ss.?�e�d, �o;. r_s qs�st�.cia:abl.e c,��i�#:�ier. cna crr i� �zr��••disposable d£shes fs �:tr� cr.���:;�x:s.�* ��,� r��: re��.t��° r�t� c�n, ar�d :3ift�r�;�#���t.e �s �ar �s �a f�s�- �rae�c3 =�;: a 3:E��:.��.g� r.���.��s�°��?�°., �-:�r� �x�* �r;� p�;��l� �zho �av�l.v1 zt��:ch ara�t��r. reL�r r��: �t4ie �z-€�ies�f.au�t., c�b� ,j��r�;iu� �'I..c�a��.:�� .���r•c3s, s,3ch �±s ��u:�s �nd �E��s� �f G�.e �;+�e�r�c��.� rai��ic��a�: � F�!'�:�3.Y� 1aN��i.n�. '�i�e�L �~�r s�tr�rai +�:rain�i.Lm�r.' �.n i�_`�r.�*�E�p�ai.f_s whcs, :Fte: c:�: bc��; kr�;;o i'i�si�, r�6.i: i�� ��� %34:e!� #:k�e �iuo�;i�n.at.:_;�m ax.�L' o� rasK�:x� *a�i.�:t,: S`'.'sL9;d�-f.; i?;i r's� 'ii:tF,..�°.���.,4�:?$'tt`_' t�'�'":�.c��Tl„ �T:1. �@��L�� ?��?,rd3 x'�TcQSi=^ F3i.a'".,�;1�}Oit2A�C`1 �3ci�.'t�:.�ta ?�T? iTi 1'::�, F.T:'a'i':•t3F.lf�(?� zy'Y3R3 �a'$'i? YYl?1i� S":��Li�j' 3G:... t4I'�T i"92� ��,`t?�:'�.G:,R bna� .jF]u�: �'f'��:i.�t.r' �'_i2i: ���'. Nvc�r.Y.!_t:.� °(�'ii i+�f_i'.�Ld 3.t�!'siC �F;, a:�'ztd8� �'�l?,T'45 �)�'�"#�'�.vY��.2td,; 3.:� �+'t13.;t z���s: �+:?itsj t:4" 'fz-.`�i:�t? �=! �}�S�i.?�I.t° ilc?%7K'�.Ldr'jr z3?'R� �C3'".A. f?�l'lt:r%?IC� �:.' �';:`s�.ci,,^.d.2.'1)F: •3:.i.t� �,��s�.��.::?f.�; s.�.;�c:'j z,�t �� r�r:°dbsa�c�.ce �ria�t zc is r����onr�'c�e £�� �a '���.��fr�.c� �F:��z.i.Vr.e,=_Y �:n •_I1�ci_c�� �.a�c;_� :��� �.csr;x".�:ai foz` ssa�h .�c� a�rex'a��.a�t3:. d.�f;a ���.. �t�.��;� :��ai.�. 'Fa�.s i;c��a�-zi z�r. .°:e�>>r1r<3I nxrz!t.�n;:� aa�d �r.:.�Iic i�eArin�s on �he �ea�v�?rrgt�r, v7c�,� ����.�.�� .°Tr.:,_���r�ct, �c►.� t.h•� �i.�:y u; Sai_t-�c:: Pa�1.; Y�r�r or�.�x�izsiien D?Gi�'{.'G .'l;��t.:?%?.Yt"•?d I3L'.:`:L.�e.t= :�' Tr7�3L?t2 �:iAi: }9`.'.�lL:i: T.d�3S �3�"{.'a(.".'E� 1'1 �r.ci�r, �:O �'ts'i�lt? �:.tiQIl �"la?tkI GJ�'1,��3i: :-'C:;t'x' iT'�'t'Y.T;st.e�e_.�, r.l{.'?'s: �rl 1:kt'�..`�3 xTl�:t'.i`f'i. ,t`.4_. ,It;�, ::�' , e2.C.'=. Ciia.-'.`: :�?.G_ '�'�„y' "��i 1.:r1.iC1. 1�3'- .t{c 1t1::,'r? S:'tic:f"'c�'� 'i:ll(i�� : 1''�L'- j�:3•:��:i's.' :•:;1�fa �;i?S i�l�; '.iC,1i: v.�7�f,?�J�' L9.'.`.�:i}Lt: �[Q'_3 �3+:<<3Y'C� ,::�� -iEj if� !`.'f:FM j3k1�f3��.0 t;�':3 L'}_F?�;,:i; 4t?<= j t};,c;� �L�;� _ -�f�ii'�^'. 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T���� �L��eu�tfn� I�e�ark.�8�a� �r th� Tra£�ia:. 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C��3.f.".��'�£�Z8 L'r3���tJ�:: bC? ��°R$r'FY.L'tj e ;:�'3 _•} '���ra�'.-°� ;��5 €.rk' 1'E4 �f:� �iF .�;* +,��.tb °`�t3� �r'.'?Y.:.?�w: �:�t35e� TfE33k"� �iFOi.S�t'3 �����w.44 Y�i�Y�..&Y r' �L� '�+�� �Scl... ' . +���; �� .r ,��.-a-�:. �.� . �{k ,-_ t' . . �='s.. N�9' � �:.d I k S f� G �: 9 .. . .. y,� � - .. � i� t • y xa:i1�i. . -(tt3'1?t�'� ;� `:t �1t.� `k.�]��,f_�+e 5':'Llt.x�2.�.'. i"%5 .aY��_. ., .. ."ct 3,.,� a.7'� f,d7. �[ _ � . 1� '�g � ' "� t�u".:' E ..r C .� 6J� 7 .1t1 Y ,� 3'`:f C�dac�4La � A�?C �;�'-s ?i �sy� � 1L� = . ). r 1? il� �.l Ut: r ��,�. ��Yi ��,r_. � st" .'�i i.2�,i l��k'+ ;.Ek.*, y E)}'Z�e'� ��1�4_a? :3 . �,.1.-.:., . �LFS �. '-,: '.f...�b.s..k-s�i� r��� ��. . L_,:��.�'. ;_;.:: � , nT�3S�"s� �,:i�;" f'.:�Z G°_?ejt ldLll"�'t a'7..�Y1� �C319- �< ¢' .z� .R ,< < i .�1 _,s � �;�;i'r , t t" ,, �.a.:F '��i +' ,�!'t.�k°L� r f,i:wR?i:C:4��'� �:(:�.c'. 5=k�l.tl� i."�i Sis�.'3� i�Ci::�� . �) r .yo �� . � ` J . L�.�4 Y :"�� ta ..�� y s . < r.�t:. � :s��: :�r �t �._,uia ..v.53 �'rS '.Y�: tb h,`'.�3'�t���� ;!:i t u ,.. �-T�.�- , , ,n�t.; .. „ St.,.°, ._ , , �x z t'Fe:> �. �- ,�i f�,;. i . �iro ?riai.c�.ta asned 4�rt�et��� ti�?� �Srop�rry w�s 8ppraised astd by wham? �4r� Bel�c�s said th�re was a preximiaazp estfr�ate giv�a by the Remsey Cauaty �,au,d C�s�ri.Qne�ts Office� riro Mai���ta aoked what he bas�d his va�ue on. 2,r,: B�a.l:zs said the p��s�nt �oaing af �he 1Qatd, Mr� Ma�e�ta ��xd �his ti��a� xoned ror aparearen�se Oa 10 acreap xoned '�C'�� you earn. geti zc�ug�.1y abaut k0 units, g�ossibly not that if yau cauae e:p ��i�h the p�oper paxb:ia� faci�itieso That would be 40a cmits vn 10 acr�s� Based on s �asad cos�t afi thousand dollars a uu�..it, ��ich is a vesy f�ir va3uer �hat r�orsld be �aG��OflO, fiost devei�pers �•r�YI te�.l. yas that� in the City af Saint Paul a thousa�d dcs'��ars gs�r �ait is r�ae ruxe o� i:h�uubx if the facili�iesA the se�c�rer= tihe utilities �x� irt and aisa the stre�tsa He.e i.s i bar� pi.ec� o£ property� He aaid Ix� cJ�u:�d 13.k� �o ��a�ss th� Bosrd that thia apgraisa� is excessiveo �.rA Cuxran said h� h�d o�e othez questiaaF abou.t the smaunti o� opea space �haC c�e iaould be accguir3.r.g in cs��arisott to th� other eigh� par�e�s, hoz•i s�ach actual acreage ia igvo�.'ved �.0 tt�e uther �igh� parcels, �i�e o�es Lhat �rere sclz�clL=�er? in tt�Q C n r�Bv �YZ� ;iel�.ez� 8a3.d ht did t�o� haiJe �ha�: f3�:re �iff�hand, �Ie saic� perhap� M�m P�.x�� caou�.d Yiti�e i�� �4r� Pixaxu said he did noi: have ��, �ithero Mr,. Curra�. sai�i th� pc►int he �ras ��yisg �o a�.ri�� at is, we a�re gettiAg tz�rel�e ��c�es c�� ope� s�a.ce �t�'� tsf �he ei�ht a�h�r parcels, I�tybe c�e are �etting t�cJentym�our, Th� gaal is to get the �ost ogea sgace fo� �iie moaeY, is that not co�ect? I�ir, Cvugh�ia sai; tE�at aad tine Irscatioa Ase a�tsemely i�orta��, He said you want to go coh��re sa�e objee�ive �a�ysi� h�s b��n +made and yau say this is ��here ►he e�o�t c�itic�l n�ed in the Citp of Sai�tt Paul ea3r��� and then o£ cou�s� i� sacue cases it is going ta requir� mcr� money aad ice s� cases iesso B�et cizi� hao �o be the �irs� cri�eriae �fr, B�nshoox �saic3 Iie r�eni: alc�ng Grit� Mr, i�aa.etci:�'s evalua�it�� �e said L•ha� �uria�g the tiu�� �ha� tlxe I�nn�son proper�y was lbeing discuESed b,* the PiarRaing Board a�.d ��:� �a�ir�g 1�ca�d, �he �uggestio�. c�as �d� th�t 18� a�res �e Uou�ht as a�en iand be�a��re i� da�s bcsrdex� on the Battc�e �reetc Paxlc, It �ras decided i:na� tI?e cast �£ fcsur tcs fclvr h�.nzdxed thousaud dol�.ars Lv b�p tha� i8'� Acres c��as aut Q�' zI��.� c�ey��d, that eh�y couZd not �ut �hat ty�e o� money in�m opea r�pace �a�c3� t��c� n�G: ¢h�� a�e ta�.king ei�h� ta zzi�ae hundred �ho�and dol3ats �Ol' t:@L! $L°a.23 e :�irm McPart�,3n ssi.d he c�ou�d 1.f.kQ ta moue �ha� c�Te accepL• the fi�st r�c��.cia�ion i� ehi� r�gor�, tha� a cc�sr�h�isive �tudy b� can.ducte@ by �he St�, P���. ��r"K� ��t� �ec�fau 11�g�a��m��at ica COIljLti3C��Ot1�. t3�.b`Yl ��3� Ci�y P1x�i�� staff N2� � . rc� :<L-��•va:�:z�::ti i:is�� *:S�ywur3.i. �r�.�1r.���i.e:� �:a�.�;lt r��z��� ro r_Fz� a�:�t�isi.ttot�. �nd 4e�uS.Ei:3F1t@e3i. ;:ri `��:,��a a:zc� �r�u����,io�; ��azz.la�-��s �ai��ii_� �:�e �:.�,�, He re�d i:�l�? Y�:�S?� G3� b.;:c ��?�'.�'a.f)::r. �F�Ci {;�t:'.33 1`3D'�7f?L3 �:�Iz?>' xi� �S�i. �'�'i� S���:{: �'i� ���CC'. 9f3C�1 �.i 2`�:�i3�':: l"'rz.'.� ii�.y<�??.t:'4' ,.`�:i=Ci� '.i.'i.. i:i'_°.si.i:i� �aT�13:�i"}6.. '��t.i_. cJ?f.�:: ita],' ;5(}t!'3'�?. C:�J �'.t ��t";:::4�5 :'�'1'9Y�� 5?if32:.1.:�11. 1 i.T .�.L'c`ttl l,i ��t� i�c�'�r�::���� �nra r�<.Fv h� €�t����t��: ;�v sh�a�r? h�s�c� o��ry��.c7�s z.v �ri�:l�i.r the Cir.� :.z�sit.r.s; �as�i: ;c� �_��r:�-s: s:.h� s����x•a3. cav�r•���t plar�, ►�i�', �:.i.t�%�s s:zi��i �Z::> :�o�x3� � �az� i:c+ c:L.�x•�f� � pai��., '�h.r� s�t:ond ����€a� �.n �.��:rc tya, s��a��; �•� ��:� t:c� deter��z�.�L t:��= :`L-'I8Y Lfl�zshi� �aet_w�cn i:�� R�+s��� Cc�mty Pign .�� �.i� ��e���.2;> _.� ��.:a �i.��� �f Ss�.�tr_ Pa�:t�„ �it �ae �acs�si.d r:�€. �c� �utsid� o£ th� f:t�:,'y"' �.LTIe L$�� �r, �:Pa��1�.r� s��.� z:��is mr>b:�.r�t� s�c►��d b� d�re�tea3 ��re ���r��c� t.�a�: �ar�C Ne�rser�, sf�e�: ��c;i.s s�s2�•Y 4:� s,�i�:�a:�x� ��� �-��:;�, r� s�lc3 b� alt rigF�t: �.� xlne Bc�ar� c��sa:�•.�d � �a�dfi:i.��t�'�. s�yae�yr � �,��.��. cc��,.��i^��� �.� c�xs r4�� w�r�3.� ��ex�t�+ pLaai, �.. �ci7:3g�'�� �y.g.ra. ��� ��SC������. ��z�,� �.�-eing ca� �re ss�p�<�s�ci �.o �ie i� �o� u�a wic.�� �l��r����.'i7�$ �ss.�i d i% 11a4}343£E c:;f2t,'%;� Ei�.��2`r.k'ti236f'�?+�:s i.4 �Oli� �+:if' �:i2�.� i'�S. ��EL'I x��iaE.�s y:i� tih�� ��:�•�s��:d q=��;st:=c�r�<, �:�e�c�n S_s? wti�� is �:i�:: Ger,=�a�:�'s �S�s�uz�� ��.�� r����d s_:> i:3;� ��s��4�.s�.s.ic�zz t�,� o�s�� spacr.; cai���� �la� C���� fl� S�o �aul•� ��`ais i.� �c��.:�b ���a �<��.� ��s �e �Z�r.;r�.�.d r��� �araY., �f�a �:cP;ar�2�.� �:�i<i. �.� ����=_'t �ut�rs�� :��d ;���snd�c�- �i�: �otiun y�:�, he �aa�d �.rc:°�.4z c�c:: '�.��:�;z�:�,�i '> �°�x �It�� itxa:����� �#3'xi, 'G'°"�'4;Y3YF3;3v s��fJ�.��'C� �;.8:4: ����l}Y1„ �i�r; F'a�l��-�a�: �,a�l �it; s� ��u3,y �Z�:���� ��►��� €rosa f:�e �s�Y ��z���% �}ptr� Sg��e �a�°es�?xa�� �€� cjia�r.��a �.�.�.e �:.cr ��a� ��cm t���.�� �� �t� �i���:�eer. �1�i.s .��ss '�eN€� c��cicXc�d i�y r�� Ra�s�,;� ��,�nx-� 3�am�F o:� �r�r�drs�cs���� r��d str��f �� t�� as;�.��x�re�,. Is �hi.� �ffi�i; ri� r,i2L j)�3,:2� a��-< �'��;f� s�:i_� �:� I�:�� hc���:�a i�a �Fwve ac* r�spa�f:+sr�i��� t�cs �;.� ci�s=,� z�=iLh r3�o Ed�rc��das ��d �:h�; ��::�r� �na ��� �'�w��.s �E��y�:� �a�? �ogetl�e� a�d s<.� i:� sc3�iae��f.�:�g �puLd �ot b� ���au±���°e� r��z�� °t�� s�a� �xh�t ��Wy sr� x�slLw a��:��� rc�a:• �.e�� fs t�,e�:� �.�se srs �.�±�€� t�.+�� c::,��b. ���>�,?�a�� �ii �:�G�e ?.hi�egs, �md ���e baek �ra.�h scme�h�.�g ��h �uor� 'vtiE�.�, i:l.1S.�t�i��T i'. i3t�:: i3"'sL� i3�:i's.'2�.�:A."t�Pl:- �Y�2��� L-J��'t? Jt.a.S�'. �:f39 ?tl:��'A�' f�,�£'.�'+f 2 Ci'°�.R �� C�J2 �.L}. <:�X3f? �?4"�.:`<f X P�t� �fii't e73.�.�F ��.!. G�'St 3E:i.�492i& 5�=:. 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'L:%-�i:;.'- 3rIIi3?'.., ��,:����a .�.c:t: :� �:t���__ �=;oi.��;t�.��,-E �.�,�rc�.r�� .�:i�z�� G �c��s#�y _. ..�::?::�:��.:'�=::; :n�j°+3Y't��_.t=.i�.c.:�- C;='7c^�i�.'!"�II3LZ. _.�5�3.. ,� x }; ;� ,. .. is .r .�y"'-`�'�"�ww�.��t'+ .. •--yaP-+.L_.,p^ aC -�q�, - �4'i� f . :�s�. . �-� r.s.� swae�43 t�..:�.r�'�t" _ .i��Y y....� ,. .��eY�� �a ,..f�- �a�R�i 'S . s a.r� "���^"'� � .. ;-y - • , . . �c- . t w �►,. �. �".! C � T_k .� �< ,_ ,� . ..irhl+��.tri r_..�_-_��.�-���.���._�.--------- .. . . Z - a e t 'r� __ -;� _ t`.� �.. f.✓'., y e +.N� �`p�..t r c�a cc� � .�.{ - ��� ; _ � . �.,,"r y � , . ORDI � � 1�L�' C � 2593�'7x � - � ��� � _ ,"�� � COUNCIL FILE NO - �;:, 9�'� i: .. ..- _ .. ;�,;+f s� PRESENTED BY '"" � �''' ORDiNANCE NO . "� �. :c� �`,:- i� _ . �i .• Aa ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the �, _ Saint Paul Legislative Code and Defining �_.'�� ,.• � y Drive-In Restaurant as usad in Section 60.05 ,�-;:' ' .' �._ _ . •- .:� A (f) thereof. 'i^` •.i _ _! � -�� " t��� THE COUPICIL OF TSE CITY OF SAINT P�1UL DOES ORDA2N; - '"� I . � '�� , .'- Section 1. That Section 60.05 (f) of the Saint Paul Legis- _ �� lative Code pertaining to Commercial Aistricts be deleted therefrom �R• and the following inserted in lieu thereof: ` �4 _ ,: + . ;'� _ "60.05--00.'9YMERCIAL DISTRtCTS. ,r- "f. That no pernit shall be granted for any fiiling :� _ �:'` station, auto sales lot, retail ice store, < - !�� drive-in root-beer stand or any o+ther drive-in �-'`�� �;.- - � restaurant•place in a cor�mercial or light - - �. i�� industrial district in an case eace t u on i•�,! y • P P �:-, ;, { a hearing before the Conncil ten days after ``� .. �i ; written netice� to all property owners adjoininq ,;- : ;-� ' opposite and those on both sides of the street � h- , � , and at�e�ta b or d e r i n g t h e s i t e o€ t h e p r o p a s e d � - ;�� filling station, auto sales lot, retail icc� _ _ s t o r e, d r i�e-i n r o ot-b��r s tan d or any o t her - _ , drive-i� restaussnt :glace, within a distaace of �_ • _ ' two is�xrt�zz�d (':u�j •feet ra�asurea a2ong tlie Centar - � "� of the stseet or streets. Any filling station � fc_ which a percit has been granted by the Co�*�cil -. �� - must be ca�ploted within six raont*�s fr�m the effeetive ��_ � ' ` date of such per�it and, if net so completed, the � �; �permit s}�.all be null and void; providad. however, _- '� that when practical difficulties prevent coapletion 'i within said period and for good cause shown, the �'- i _- . , i� Council may extend a filling station pernit, whether �•- {!. expired or not, without additional notice for one or � � -_ !- more six-month periods. �;-'_�,_:: : �. .. ;� � '. . ti 'Drive-in restaurant is defined as a business es- °-i� tablishnent where food or bev�rages are sold to a � • " � custoaer in a ready-to-consuiae state and where the �.- ;.�� 3 �� - ~ •}+ custo�er is permitfied to consume theae foods or '= � � � _ 1i� . beverages in an autorsobile parked on the p�emises or #. " i� a t o t her out door facilities provided for use of the .E,: ; • ; ?' customer for the purpose of consuaption." `�' �" � - �i Section 2. Z'his ordinance shall take effQCt and be in force 30 ' ' � ._, �� days from and after its passaye, appraval and publication. ,,�-_ , - , �t �{` _. :t�� - - s � ; '.�. �}", " 'y Yeas Councilmen I�'aya Paseed b�the Counci! - � .�j Butler L -� ,~ _ ; _ Carison . : :` '� �# F. Levine —In Favor -. • - .;x;-f` Meredith __ � � , ;° Sp�a A 88inst • ' . K;° ' � �� ' Tede.9co _ . s_- ' .Y lq :_ Mn President (�cCar!y) �FPraved• - ' Attest: _ i lj • ,�11 __ - . � - . °- � _-. _ .. .ti: =.j � City Clerk aya . _ _ - l - -,� � " F� �� Fozm sg�roved Corporution�ounael By . - ; �� �� ; . �:.� : , � , s. -.(aK., � � � a._ ... , �F��-/ _ • � ' � � � , . ��'� _� . � . - � � _ +... '"..�. _ :. - ...•_` .... . . � . . _ , . ,. . ._ . . . � " . . .. . . .1. . . �:� s.. ... . . ..: . . � � ...b._ . ._. . . . . .. � .. > . � .. � . � ° �,+' ' _Harry E. MarshaU A16ert 6. Olsoe . `- -- "_ "City Clerk and ' �"' „� Coutuid ReCOrder C isioner of Registration ,``' �} •' -.,. - ��%, !� � �:' � _ .:� :::.:�:;• ,�:� OFFICE OF THE ClTY CLERK • - � o�e� � CIT�' OF SAINT PAUL � BUREAU OF RECORDS ��'�,�� S86 City Hall St.Paul,lklinnesota 55102 -Juty 21, 1972 Mr. NoZai2d Heiden Director of City Planning . G�oma�erce Bldg. " Dear Sir: ' The CitY Gbuncil referred to the Plannir�g Board for r;:�ou�nd�,;,iun bue aie��cr�ed °arciznaace, Cauric�,l File No. �59317r which was introduced at 1t�sdav's tbttnc�l meeting, amending Chapter 60 of t;�e Legisla�tive � Code an3 defining "Drive-In Restaurant" as used in Sectian 60.05 (f) thereof. Ye='Y tru1.Y Yours, ; i a� � Y City cle r A% �i� � � � � � � � � JUl. 2 S 19�2 � C��P�c�.�� o�,�.� � �o SUB-001�'4MITTEE RECOi�1MENDED Or�DIiVANCE TO BE SiIBSTITUTED - FOR ORDI�aANCE 259317 (RESTAURANTS) "60.05 - Commercial Districts. f. That no permit shall be granted for any fiiling station, auto sales lot, retail ice store, fast food restaurant, drive-in restaurant, or any other drive-in business place in a commercial or light industrial district in any case, except up�n a ubli.c heari>ng b�fore the CounciY at least t�n days after i�ritten notice to the owners of the several descr�ptions of al_1 property within two hundred (200) feet of the borders of the site pro- posed to be usect for a filling station, auto sales lot, retail ice store` fast food restaurant drive-in restaurant, or any other drive-in business. Any filling station for 4�hich a permit has heen granted by =the Eounci 1 mus� be comnl eted wi thi n six �tonths 'FY'�i; v�:� ���� ;,` ;,;;�h per�mit; if no' so c�mplet�d, the permit shali be null and void. � �: Restaurants, fast food and drive-in are sub'ect to the follou�inq con ditions: �_The site shall be limited to a lot havin4 Corrsnercial , Liqht In siustrisl zonina 4,�thin three hun�lred (300) zeet of the site. �2) Points of vehicular in4ress and eQress shall not be onto a local residential street. __�3) Points of vehicular inqress and e4ress shall be located at least sixtv (60) feet from the intersection of anv two (2) streets and at least sixt 60 feet from an abuttin residentiali zoned �ropertY. (4) ti�Jhen the site abuts an alley arhich also serves resi,dential�ly zoned 1and, no access from the s�te to the alley shai7 b2 per- mitted. ��� , ,' s "63 ZONING CODE - DEFINITIO��S AND TER�'NS USED 63.25 Restaurant, fast food: a business establishment whose principal business is the selling of food to the customer in a ready to consume state, in individual servings, on or in disposable containers, for consumption on , or off the premises. 63.2b Restaurant, drive-in: a business establishment whose pr9ncipal business is the selling of food, frozen desserts, or beverages to the customer in a ready to consun�e state, in individual servings, and where the customer consumes these foods, frozen desserts, or beverages in an automobi'le parked upon th2 premises. 63.27 Restaurant: a business establishment v�hose principal business is the sellina of food to the cus�'oraer in `a readv to consume state, in individual servin�s, on or in r�on-dfsposable dish�s, an ' where the customer consumes these foods while seated at tables or counters located within a buildin4. A restaurant serving more tfian 20;v of its food on or in disposable con- tainers is a Tast food restaurant." 6 ;.` . , � . � t � � i 4 January 2�, i973 s , Pl.anning Boa.rcl 1010 Cor..0�rc� �ld�, SL. Paul :� G���?e�.�r:: �. The City Cou:.cil today gave I'$rst Read�� tc tli� _ ; attach�d ord�,.�.�ce aTM�n:�inr C�:.�t:rs 6U �.:d £3 of the Legisl�u�ve �01�� ��rta�~�in� �0 2an.'ir.a re�tric- �k ' tio�t� o� fa�t foad res'��ur�r:'�s �d drive.,ir. rest�urarats� Cot*.nci3 F�le 26a5�*Q, and the ordl���nce wr:� referre� to the Pl��o Bo€�rd far recot��z��w�ivn. � Very tru1;� your�, City Clerk AO/x� � � { • _� . ' ST.PAI7�+B.",�`r:'�:'t.'-;I � � ,/JI � , � Y'1�.� lli4Ll.� ��� �Ow/�/� � �t}^�� :I i 1 \ 'A . � �s^�., _ . • � ��:`:.v1�.�i ��w ) ..�. .,� v� . � . .,r� �� i Y.��� `�� il^^\r'1I"`� ��j� Q�{ �1� ' Cs;o�p �I 4�yi'Vf Iii � � � � � �=����������s���s �� l� , " Public hearin;s are seheduled April 5.before the St:.Pau? Crty Council on' two ordinances regu- lating fast-food restau- , rants, drive-ins and park- ' � ing lots. Councilman Victor Te- � desco, who pxoposed the l, new laws, said they are j necessary to keep the eat- I ing plac�s and quick-stop i __ g r o c e r y st�res from I "croppin� up a?1 over the '! city." ' O�� OnDL'11.'�N�� de- '; fines �fast-fovd p�aces and � drive-ins and sets linlita- !� tions on their location and vehicle «ccess to them. The ordinances j>rovide ': that sttch an eatii�g place 'i can be iocaied ou a site '. only if it is�vithin 3�0 feet ; of oL'��=�land zcned heavy �� or lic;'�'; ;•;,T..,..-?a.ow::^ni- merc'.::L Tc:;Jc�o s�,::d tii�s i wott,d piev,,�,t spot z�ning I for th�eatin^p!aces. �EN`I`i���I�TC�'S and exits � would �e prohibitin5 on i streets�vhich arE pri�nari- ' lv residential or��vithin 64 ��� feet of a str�et intersec- � Lion or drive�vay of a resi- � dr„�nce, I � � Und�r prescnt city la���, ', the��on1.y control over tl�e 1 pla,r..es is zoxriz��and,park- i in�lot�ermi±s. I The parking loi: ordi- I nance tl��lt;ns up �roce- dures for oUtaining the re- �,, quired pea�mits. �'resent � law says a pub:ic Y���aring I is required only on lots 'i �hich �vill � ]la�,�e moxe '� tllan 30 s}G'._s, Tec�esca ! said n2ore t�,;�r ::CJ;.�arl�- ing lcts «:��_ I����.s �ii�;:3J '� stalis 1:.:•�e L�ei? put in �, since �,!'::� 4vi�.1� ac'�ni�7is� �� trati�-c� ���:°,:its issue�l l�,y ' - ���siU�i:�.._�`Y e'� .:it'l�n?i�. � � :;l: �Il`' ^ �t.. � '1` � � PCij::_ " , } , IYl�"�^ t0 L! . , �� � � � fnr ✓ s�'u. >> _ �; _ I , : • �_� � -,oulc? t,l�_. , _ � � � � , �ii . :_._ he::_in?�=-'�s � � ��%:i�"1 ".�." �f�:?i; �.�.t ..a :i' . .V1'vu!�s t,,,:1.^,C^_v'�3Pj'. . . _ . . _�_ : .,. . _ _ _ _ , � <. ,� . . _ . . �,.. - ;w , .: . . . . f � . ... . y... a .. ' �4, ....�. . :y . 1T4'ii�:£ F.•� PUBLIC HEAtiING I , ` — i P2ZINTER'3 AFFIDr1VIT OF PUBLICATION Ttte City Pianning Board cf Saint f = PazI has �i i:aste3 proceed�ngs r�.ative g�jAT� CiF i�fIYNESOTA, �a tha srianues�� �t Chap?er 60 and 6::� 83. eu the S:in.t ?�nl Legislat:.c Cooe� -COLJNTY OF RAl�'ISEY, ,peziai�ir.g!c= :Lcr.ir.g res±rictions of fast� s� rest:�u�:�nts ar.a dnve-in rescau- 3amuel E.Lewis,Jr.,being duly swarn,on oath says he is and durtng all th.e tSmes herein stated a�ars as fouk�s: has been the business manccger oT tlae news�aper known as The ,Saint Patc1 Lega1 Ledyer aud s�:CZ'sox i 7� full knouiedge oJ the Jacts here?n stuted as fellows: ("1) Said newsPaper 4s grinteu� in the ' �hat sect;o�St�.Oa f.of the Saint Pau?I English Ian,qzaa e tin ne2aspa�er format and in column and sheet form equivalent in printec� space $.�gi:slaiive Ca3c3e is ar.iended by delet- �x�� Qn�rrt:f azi ci secc?on oc.os f. and� to at lersst 900 square inches; f 2) Sa.id newspaper is¢daily and is distributed daily except Sunday, ;�ubsui�ting �n Leu thereoi the follow-� jgpy�day and Holdda�s; (3) 8aid �iewspaper hns 25�yo oJ its news columns devoted to news oj 'a'';�' ?ocai interest to the oomm�anity which %t �►urnorts to serve and does not wholly dupi�tcate any i `60.Oi—Comir.erciai Districts. i. That no permic shaii be granted other �zabi8cation and is �tot macle up entiredy of patents, �late matter and advertisements; i for an� a1im� stacion, auio sales (l�) Sa� newspaper is circula.tec� in a�ad near the mun4cipaiity which it Purports to serve, tuas , �ot. re:ai� ice store, fast food at Ieast 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscrdbers, h,as an average of at least 75% restanrant, dnve-in restaurant, � or an,Y other cir.ive-in business Of its tot¢l circulatian czcrrentdy paid or no more than tlsree months iza arre¢rs and luns entry as , piace in a commerciai or 1i��t� seeond-class niatter in its tocal post-o�ice; (51 Sa�d newspaper pzcrports tv serue the City of indus*_rial d�strict in any case,! ,gt. Pa2cl in {he Cu�cnt� o/ Ramsey and it has its known oJ,�ice oJ issz�e in tlae City of St. I'aul in excep2 :�}wn a oublic heari�ig be-, ' fore the Cou^cil at least ten days' SCL2d cozenty, established and open during its regz<lar b�rsiness hours jor the gat)Lering o/ news, : after w-ritien notice to the owners 5416 of advertiseme�tts ¢nc£ sale of s:ebscriptions and maintained by the managing o�icer of said of tne <evera� aescrinciors oi ai1 newsn�i er or erso�ts i�� its em,ploy and subfect to his direction ard control durin� all szach reg- propert_r- w•i.hin ?wo hundred P p tzoo� feet of iae boraers of tne ular bz�siness hours and c�t luhicfr, saicl newspn�er is Printed; (6) Said 7ieiaspaper fCtes a copy of site pro�osea to �e used tor a each issue ivirnediateiy icrith the State Historical Society; (7) Said nelvspa�er has cvm�l:ed�oith filling station, auto sales lot, re- tail i..e store,iast food re�taurant., al1 tite foreyoing co>tdificns for at least two years precediitg the day or dates of pubiicatio�a �nen- arive-ir restaursn±, or any o;i;er tioned below; (�) Said ra�v.vs�a�er Iztts filed ivit]a the Secretary of State oj blinnesot¢ �rior to drive-ia bussr;ess. Any :illino.�ca- �anuary 1,1966 and eacT� Janzcary 1 tJLereafter an afjidavit in t)ze form presc.rtiUed Ly the Secretary 2ic�n f�,r uhicil a pe:mit ha; been I �xantea �y ±r_e counci� tr�.�st be; of State and signed by the nta�i.agi�z,g ofjicer oj sagd n�vspnper an�l sluo>�n to hejore tc xatarJ piib tc comoiec.ea wexnin six mer.tt�s irom� stat"eng that the neuJs�aper is a ZegaE szewspaper. the dat�of such Fermit; if not so� 'vot ice Of PL7b�.1C Hearinf7 compleced. the Permit =ha:i be ••..••.................P.• .. t�ull and coic; oroviaed. ho�ve��=r,i He /Terther StCites olt oCLth thtit tlte printed'............. t1�at ticnera pracc�cat au:icu:ties; R E S t&U7'BTlt S.,_ )iereto attaqhed as a part hereoj was cut frorn tlne colicnans oj said prevent cori7��e2�on wi'!:in said; •••••••• �enoa and for gooa cau�e sho�vn.' newc a er and ivas printed and p2cbYished thcrein in the English language, once eaclt week, for t2�e C;uaci r:ay eYter.d a fiii:.^.�, � p Saturd�v atation nerr�it, whe*,h?r exp:rect '�r12'en ,(3J sztccessive zveeks; t3�at it ivas �i�'st so ptcbtished o�t ....................... the or not. w�ihout additional notice. •• • • --i for one or more six-menth I 3T'� day of "ebruar�r ...,..,., Is71. �7•,a •�+as thereaJter �ir�ted artd publzshedjon `�Fastds�F�ad �estaurants ana` � ���'a�'�2V to and inclitdiaeg tleF li:t`?... day oj ...,t':ebruar.y...� �9.�� Drive-Fre ?Tes�aurants �re subjecti evr_ry ......... ... ..... L::Lhe f:.:lo�:�i.>?o corditier.�: !1; Z`he site st�2ii be limite� �o a� ¢'�� that the foIiouinc� is a pri�cted copy of the louer case alphabet, from A to Z, both anc us�ve, 1ot ?saving Cor.:merciai. Li�;�t ¢nd is 7aereby ucknoivledged as being the si�e af:d kin�l of type :ased in the composition and Snd�s2r;a; or Hea�•y?r.,iu:,�ia:� picbiicatio�t of said noticc, to wit: zoned oroper:y �sithan :.::ee� � iiur.dred i�uo� feet oi tk:� -�it�., abcdefghijkimnopqrstiiv�vxyz !3) PoiR#s af vahicu:a* ut�ress! ' an�i e�ress shall not he onto � ' �trec� �u,:a�eu iu e re5:uet,- � �. Z ' Lia't� zone;: riistrict. --���i�� � gANI EL E. I.i 55'IS, JA. (e) Pofaats oi �.el:icular ingress e�:cs� cf;all ue iocated at I�as* si�ctv 1601 feet irom t,he intersec*..icn of any i�,o . t2� s<_:eets ar.� at :_r_> �ist�• 17t�1 Februarv 73 teet from anv ,��:*-ing � �e61�ez,�tan•> zonea r.o-�:r:. Subscribed and sworn to bejore me this ........ day oj ...... ...:.., 19. � __ ,.-. ... � {4) iNhe!z the ste aot:!.� ?^ stie o � �vhis!i also serves residential (� ` ��,.,\ � � � ly zone3 lan�i. nu arie:-s °*oni! �_� a - � the s:te ta ;he alie•; snail be� , vI. LEWIS t permitted. SECT:ON 2 Notary PuLlic, RamseJ Coi�nty, alinn. T h a t C h a p t e r s s o i t h e s a i n t P a u l (Notarial $eaT) M y C m m�i is sion Ex�ires 1�o�;ember�L5,1976. r Legislative Code is hereby ameniied by �a�3ing thereto the *ollewing �ec�ions: R "63.25.Restaarant, Fast Fooci. A busi- aess e at+4s�mE�z wh.^,se crinc pal busires� i:, � � r �in� ,f 1o�c t� thc, _ oustom r r,. a� , consi:ire .�te. _ . _ ,._ _. _� � i+� inu.ti id.:ai se.�i.-.g�. on or n <:.is-� ,7osab'e cor.Y ne:s, fr; consa cption on or off ?fie presais._;. A re�tauran*. i 1 servin$ mc�re [r.an 2u^c of lrs fooc . . � � � , � � Ln or in di-oosab;e containers is a � � fast fooc r�iaurant. � "63.2u Re�t.-aurart. Dricc In. A tusi-i , ress estabiiahr+ent whose principal� business �s eh ,iir.� oi iooe. rrozen� i � dasserts, cr beverages to t2;e cus- � somer in a reacy to consume state, in Eindividuat s�rvines. ar.d w�ere the O , - � customer consur.ies `hese �ooas, f:oz- ' � en desserts, or beve.�gec ir. an auto- . mobile par+:ed uonn 2rte prerlises. . ` "6327. ResF�Li*an?. A biisiness estab- " � 3�shmen! �rhase prmc;aa'_ bu;iness i. . - - � fhe seJling ci food to he c t; c F r :n� � a ready tu corasume st�te i,•: Zdt r d-I ual.servinFS, oa or i� �<n '� able , . , � d:shes, at..i ur.ere the cu,tnr•<r. ::on- I sum^s ±hese. Sooc� wl�ile se;•.ted at, � tabies or ��unters located within a � buildi.-�g." - � � SECTiON 3 . I �'his orc'inance halt i�te effcc+ and �3+� in force 'e+r� tc '30) r3ay� cc 1ts� � 6�assagc a,ip:a�ti ai and uua�c.t on � ��he Ct� � PI ir n�nT Boa �- i s (i rd! � � � . '�. �tlic 23ra d�c af ti `r»arv lyT� a. 9:�0 - . • tl.ti thN m�rner i thP Cit.' Y 17ninK - . � . �� '�soard O�t�ce, ^1 �tab�sna Strtrt, and ' '.a! said time� and piaice 1h�• Ptnnningi � �- � ��3oard witi he�r adi objections and rec- ' �aa.:.�nen3a.iurs .elatitie to ,�,:d ar.terd- � �:uent. (, JA'�f?�:S G. DQOL?'sY. . Ctaairman. � Ci�y }.anninn i3oard � f 1/, oi �ain! !'a�il. . , �i���'4(Febnsary 3-10-17,1973) � Harry E. Marshall Albert B. Olson City Cle�rk and ���T'' �.�s Council Recorder Commisioner of Reqistratzon .���—�, .� � �a� ; ,y� - ° n0 OFFI'CE OF THE CIT1G CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL RF� BUREAU OF RECORDS C � js S86 Cxty Hall � St.Paul,Minnesota 5510°L CO ���1�� � � .Rpa�qTfe f�j3 N �U ... 1Karch 1.5, 1973 �NS�� Mr. Kenn h Fitzpatrick City A o�ney Room� 7, �City Ae1.l �t. sul, Minnesota Dear Sir: On .Tanusz�y 24, 1973, First Reatding aaa given to C.F, l�o. 2b0539, . an ordinance c2ia,nging the procedures �'or �pproving parking lots, e,nd also C.F. No. 2605lW, an ord3nsnee regiil.ating dxive-in and faat �ood restaurants. The ordinances Kere then referred to the Planning Boaxd for recommendation. - At the Council meeting o� March 15, 1973, the Planning Hoard submitted a r�port reccm�ending approval. of t�e ordinances, sub�ect to certain amendments. T2ve City Cauucil xill consider Third. Reading of the ordiaanaes and hold a public hesring on April 5, 1973 and they request thet you redra4tt the ordina�nees in accordance with the tmdeacbnenta recammdended,by the Plat�ning Board. � Wot�ld yrni also px�pare for t� City Clerk'e Of'�i.ae a Aotiee of Public Hearing in connection Wi.th the t�►o orciinanee� and returx to this office in sufficient ti�ne for publicatfon on March 24, 1973. �`or yo�ar reference, I am stteching the camplete re�wrt of the Planning Boe,rd on this matter. Please retnrn thia re�port to the City Clerk's Offiee to be aadre s part oP the �rclinactees. Y s �r�/ truly', f �, City Qe l� A80:�aw Atte�ch. O � I�O�CS`�Ol.P.id11f;IC�.��F _"` .�..w�,;,,�: �e ;�: � �, �y i.: �d ' ;. t�o�i" b: � . � .� �,�;:� �" Paul � tyhpre� � Wlll� ..'k�: ,� $t�Z11Q�.: ���Ij iVf� � .... � : CYBL�Q D�1 ' . �� . �ls: � . , . .t,$�N"Cl�'84,'1�97Si) �. � .. , � NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City Planning Board of Saint Paul has initiated proceedings relative to the amending of Chapter.� 60 and 63 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Zoning restrictions of fast food restaurant� and drive-in restaurants. The City Council of the City of Sai.n t Paul will consider the Third Reading of the Amending Ordinance on April 5, 1973, at which time a public hearing will be held at 10•00 A. M. in the City Council Chambers on the third floor at the City Hall-County Courthouse. At said time and place the City Council will he�r all objections and recamnaendations relative to �aid a�nendment. Dated Maxch 23� 1973. AARRY E. MARSHALL, City Clerk. (I�rch 2�, 1973) � . , , . �: CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY KENNETH ). FITZPATRICK March 23, 1973 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk 386 City Hall Attention: Mr. Albert B. Olson Gentleraen: Enclosed herein are (2) Notices of Public Hearings per your request of letter dat�d Msrch 15, 1973. Please fill in the tinte when such hearing will be held. Per your request the final form of Ordinance 260540 is b�ing typed and will be forwarded to yonr office forthwit�i. Ordinance 260539 remains as is in its present form. Very truly yours, ��'W_ •¢+ � • PIERRE N. REGNIER Assistant City Attorney PNR:bf encls. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota ss�o2 612 223-5121 January 2�, 1�73 rla.nnin�; 1'�c�arc:u �.Q�.n ('.�S'iIIT1�Y'C� .i.i1.:'1�• �i"t;. ���U� CrE,'11ti�_t'Yt9C'Il: The Ci-ty i;ouncil toda� �;ave T'irs� Reading to the Attach�d oi•dinttnce amendin� Cliapters 60 anr, �3 of the T,egislat�ve Cocle, pertttinin� to zanin� restric- t3.ons of fast foo�l restaurants anc3 drive•�in. restmurants� Cauncil File 260}�+�, and the ordi�zance was r.eferr�d to th� Plannin� �oard .for rea�mmendation. �Jer,y truly yours, City Clerk Ao/n� �'� 5s �973 l�Ir. ��enneth FitzpAtrick City Attorney �3uildin� I?et�ac S3r: Th� City- Cousieil tc�c3.a;r �ave Third Readin,� ta an ordix�enc�� Caunci7. I,�ia.e DIo. 26�5�0� re�u].r�t3.n� i'ast 1'nod ra�t�a,urants t�.nd driv�-3.n r�staw°Ants. Councilwaman �ti�r req,uasts a l�ga]. opi7a�an on wheth�r the C�uncil cmr, r�strict th�: u�e of �tree'ts azxd �lleys surxout�d�,,n� a. ccunms�cial. piece of property� and she reques�ed �his ap�.nic�n pr3ar �o �int�l. Adoption of the ord:tt�nce �cheduled for April 12�th. Very trul,y yours� q.ty Cl�rk AO�n�