260539 ��WHITE � CIY '°CLERK + ��� �� A��v��Y�RTMENT_ I � , GITY OF SAI1'O�T PALTL Council r' f File N 0. � � 1 O �iZ n`, Ordinance N�. �� r. Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 60.23(4) OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINING TO THE PROCEDURES FOR THE ESTABLISHI�IENT OF VEHICULAR PARKING PLACES. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. Tha.t Section 60.23(4) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended by deleting entirely all of 60.23(4) of the Saint Paul Legis�ative Code and substituting in lieu thereof the following: '�'60.23 (4) Procedures for the Establishment of Vehicular � Parking Places. "a. Al1 applications for vehicular parking place permits sha.11 be filed with the office of the City Clerk together with a permit fee to be computed on the _ basis of one dollar ($1.00) for each off-street parking spa.ce on said vehicular parking place up to thirty (30) spaces, and an additiona.l amount thereto of fifty cents ($0.50) for each space in addition to" the origina.l spaces. The application for said permit sha.11 set forth the name of the applicant, the loca- tion of the premises to be used, and the na.me� na.ture and location of the use, if any� to which the parking facility shall be accessory. The applicant sha.11 submit copies of a plan drawn to scale showing the arran,gement and design of the proposed vehicular parking place, the location and number of vehicles to be parked, the location of the proposed driveways, walls, curbs, fences, and other landscape features, COUNCILMEN * Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY _. � 4: ' -�_ "�.�� _} � � . 1 � ' f.;��,jt:�:� 2' ��3 J� including notations as to the proposed surfacing and provisions for drainage. The City Clerk shall thereupon refer the matter to the City Council. "b. Upon receipt of the application for vehicular park- ing places ha.ving thirty (30) or less off-street pa.rking spa.ces, the Council sha.11 vote on whether to process the application as an administrative permit, as set forth in paragraph c. below, or whether, because of unusual circumstances the public interest would be served, to process the application as a Council Special Use Permit, as set forth in paragraph d. below. All vehicular parking places ha.ving thirty-one (31) or more off-street pa.rking spaces shall be referred to the Board of Zoning for processing as Council Special Use Permits. "c. Administrative vehicular parking place permits shall be approved by the Traffic Engineer, the City Planning Coordina.tor, and the Head of the ` Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement within the Department of Community Services prior to the issuance of any building or work permit necessary for the construc- tion of the facility and structures required under Section 60.23(5) . (1) If, after review of the plans as provided in paragraph c. above, any one of the three officers is of the opinion that the vehicular parking place permit, because of its na.ture or unusua.l circumstances, involves Council policy determinations, said plans shall be transferred to the office of the City Clerk, and the applicant notified in writing by the City Clerk, whereupon the applicant ma.y pro- ceed in accordance with Section 60.23(d) as an application for a Council Special Use Permit. (2) If the applicant for the vehicular parking place permit is aggrieved by the decision or recom- mendation of the officers, after their review of the plans as provided in paragraph c. above, the applicant ma.y bring the matter on for de- cision to the Council in accordance with Section 60.23(d) as an applicant for a Council Special Use Permit. . !� , • -''�.;: ,-.+� - � , r ' ` IY l!V J�V 3. ��3�� "d. Council Special Use Permits shall be referred by the Council to the Board of Zoning for investigation, study and report concerning the advisability of the proposal. (1) Upon receipt of the report of the Board of Zoning the Council shall conduct a public hear- ing at least ten (10) days after written notice to the owners of the several descriptions of all property within two hundred (200) feet of the borders of the site proposed to be used for a vehicular pa.rking place. The Council in granting any permit ma.y attach reasonable con- ditions thereto with reference to requiring walls, fences, hedges or other features to facil- itate traffic safety and to protect adjacent property and ma.y limit the operation and use of said parking facility to the end tha.t the de- velopment will comport with the cha.racter of the district in which it is located and that nuisances are prevented. (2) Favorable action of the Council on the applica- tion sha.11 be recorded by the passage of a resolution which shall set forth any special limitations or conditions attached to tlie grant- ing of said permit and which shall record the Council's favorable action to be pur�uant to and contingent upon the faithful executi�in and com- pliance with all of the requirements and provi- sions set forth in the plans submitted with the application and in accordance with the provisions of all applicable ordina.nces. This permit ma.y be revoked by the Council at any time tha.t the aforementioned special limitations, conditions or requirements and provisions set forth in the plans, or provisions of all applicable ordina.nces are not complied with. (3) Upon receipt of a copy of the above-mentioned resolution authorizing the establishment of the ' special purpose off-street parking facility which is issued by the Council, appropriate officials in the Building Department and the Department of Public Works are thereupon authorized to issue the necessary building permits for work on private land and construction permits for work in the public street." �` � - - , r. ti�€.�J�� - 3. "d. Council Special Use Permits shall be referred by the Council to the Board of Zoning for investigation, study and report concerning the advisability of the proposal. (1) Upon receipt of the report of the Board of Zoning the Council shall conduct a public hear- ing at least ten (10) days after written notice to the owners of the several descriptions of all property" withi�.z two h�sndred (200) feet of the borders of the site proposed to be used for a vehicular parking place . The Council in granting any permit ma.y attach reasanable con- ditions �thereto with reference to requiring walls, fences, hedges or other features to facil- itate traffic safety and to protect adjacent . property and ma.y iimit the operation and use of said parking facility to the end that the de- velopment wi1l comport with the character of the district in �ahich it is Iocated and that nuisanc2s are prevented. (2) F?vorable action o� the Council on the applica- tion shall be recorded by the passage of a resolution which shal'1 set forth any special ' limitations or conditions attached to th:e grant- ing of said permit and which shall record the � Council' s favorable action to be pursuant to and contingent upon the faithful execution and com- pliance with �ll of the requirements and provi- sions set for�.h in the plans su'umi.:ted with the application and in accordar�ce with the provisions of a11 applicable ordinances. This permit may be revoked by the Council at a�iy time that the aforementioned specia� limitations, conditions or requirements an.d provisions set forth in the plans, or provisions of all app�.icable ordina.nces are not complied with. . ' (3) Upon receipt of a copy of the above-mentioned resolution authorizing the establishment of the � special purpose off-street parking facility which is issued by the Council, appropriate officials in the Building D�partment and the Department of Public Works are thereupon authorized to issue the necessary building permits for work or� private land �.nd construction p�rmits f�or work in the public street." , ..WHITE CITV CLERK.. . . . � .. . .... .� . ... � � � t � � � � 'kp[�7S . :�� r : ..�PtfdK ��y FINANCE . . . . :�� CO11I1C11 .� ��EY���. �:.� < �CANIRRV'—�D^ ARTt�EMI' � � a. � CITY OF SAINT.. PALIL (k �5�,sr?=►., u,s�W'� F`lle N�• r�t�v . � ` _ �y Ordin�cnce o�inance Na �'�.� . R . • Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date:' Uut of Committee By Date 4. � Section 2 . This ordina.nce sha:ll t�.ke effect and be in force thirty (3Q) t ; .. ... c�a;y�=.�:f�er-�its passage, approval and `publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas �tler Nays Requested by Department of: I�tQiTf- ' � Konopatzki In Favor Levine �.. . Mer� Roedler � Against BY Tedesco Mme.President BnHer- Hutlt ;:: , >� Adopted by Council: Date APR 1 2 �9� Form Approved by City Attorney r- M. ,. Certi ' ed hy Co i etary BY , .� _ a.•>...� ; - ,c w � .� � � � � � � �- r�° s:�.- _ ,.�< � 7� �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to,Gouncil , ;� � �� � Approve y M o . Date - ,,. - , . ., .,. _. ;� , ,� BY Bp� 'Y' .�'�.� � F�BUSHED APR 14 ��73 . . � � .�k,.�: ,�:�....�<,.�. _ ._ . . ,. ,_ _ _. , WH17E� - G'TY CLERK � � � *'�;�,,,,,��f . � -PINK � � ��Ng[J.CF.,� � - � . COL1DC11 �,f����,�� BLNERt-:MAYCRTMENT� GITY OF SAINT PAZT�L File NO. � . . � . . . . . . . /�/ i,!' � " � �i �C Ordinance N 0. �'' .` ��';�,,�.� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 60. 23(4) OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINING TO THE PROCEDURES FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF VEHICULAR PARKING PLACES. THE COJNCIL OF 'THE CITY 0�' SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Section 60.23(4) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended by deleting entirely all of 60.23(4) of the Saint Paul Leg�_slative Code and substituting in lieu thereof the following: "60.23 (4) Procedures for the Establishment of Vehicular - Parking Places . "a. All applications for vehicular parking place permits sha.11 be filed with the office of the City Clerk , together with a permit fee to be computed on the basis af one dollar ($1.00) for each off-street x£ parking space on said vehicular parking place up to � thirty (30) spaces, and an additiona.l amount thereto of fifty cents ($0.50) for each space in addition to the original spaces . The application for said permit sha.11 set forth tY�e name of the applicant, the loca- tion of the premi��es to be used, and the na.me, nature and location of the �.a.se, if any, to which the parking facility shall be accessory. The applicant shall submit copies of a plan drawn to scale showing the arrangement and design of the proposed vehicular parking place, the location and number of vehicles to be parked, the location of the proposed driveways, walls, curbs, fences, and other landscape features, COUNCILMEN � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Agalnst BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor. Date ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By ,.�,;,� -_: r:.--�:.�:, .,-. ... -.: �-. _.h _ : . ._ _�._ ..: . X r:.• . �..A ,�., a � ����u� 2 . including notations as to the proposed surfacing and provisions for drainage . The City Clerk shall thereupon refer the ma.tter to the City Council. "b. Upon receipt of the application for vehicular park- ing places having thirty (30) or less off-street parking spaces, the Council shall vote on whether to process the application as an administrative permit, as set forth in paragraph c. below, or whether, because of unusual circumstances the public interest would be served, to process the application as a Council Special Use Permit, as set forth in paragraph d. below. All vehicular parking places ha.ving thirty-one (31) or more off-street parking spaces sha.11 be referred to the Board of Zoning for processing as Council Special lise Permits. "c. Administr�.tive vehicular parking place permits shall be approved by the Traffic Engineer, the City Planning Canrdina.tor, and the Head of thr� �?;..vision of Housing and Bu�lding Code Enforcement wit.sii..���. �rhe Department of Community Services prior t� ;::r��: issuance of any building or work permit necessary for the construc- tion of the facility and structures required under Section 60.23(5) . (1) If, after review of the plazis as prc��ided in paragraph c. above, any one of the three officers is of the opinion that the vehicular parking place �erm�t, because of its nature or unusua.l circurastances, involves Council policy determi�a.tions, said plans sha.11 be transferred to the office of the City Clerk, and the app�icant notified in writing by the City Clerk, whereupon the applicant may pro- ceed in accordance with Section 60.23(d) as an application for a Council Special Use Permit. (2) If the applicant for the vehicular parking place permit is aggrieved by the decision or recom- mendation of the officers, after their review of the plans as provided in pa.ragraph c. above, the applicant may bring the ma.tter on for de- cision to the Council in accordance with Section 60.23(d) as an applicant for a Council Special Use Permit. � (. . � . . � � . . . .� ` .. . . . . . . �.r�'L7� t��i� �t�� 3. "d. Council Special Use Permits shall be referred by the Council to. the Board of Zoning for investigation, study and report concerning the advisability of the proposal . (1) Upon receipt of the report of the Board of Zoning the Council shall conduct a public hear- ing at least ten (10) days after written notice to the owners of the several descriptions of all property within two hundred (200) feet of the borders of the site proposed to be used for a vehicular parking place . The Council in granting any permit ma.y attach reasonable con- ditions thereto with reference to requiring wa11s, fences, hedges or other features to facil- itate traffic safety and to protect adjacent property and may limit the operation and use of : said parking facility to the end that the de- velopment will comport with the cha.racter of the district in which it is located and that • nuisances are prevented. (2) Favorable action of the Council on the applica- tion sha.11 be recorded by the pa.ssage of a resolution which shall set forth any special limitations or conditions attached to th'e grant- ing of said permit and which shall record the Council' s favorable action to be pursuant to and contingent up�n the faithful execution and com- pliance with all of the requirements and provi- sions set forth in the pla�ns submitted with the application ar�d in accordance with the provisions of all applicablP ordina.nces. This permit ma.y be revoked by the Council at any time tha.t the aforementioned special limitations, conditions or requirements and provisions set forth in the plans, or provisions of all applicable ordinances are not complied with. (3) Upon receipt of a copy of the above-mentioned resolution authorizing the establishment of the ' special purpose off-street parking facility which is issued by the Council, appropriate of�icials in the Building Department and the Department of Public Works are thereupon authorized to issue the necessary building permits for work on priv�te land and construction permits for work in the public street." � .. . .- ... ., ' ._ . � � �.. . . .. : . . � ..� _ �5.-.. . � i T� ��` CITY CLERK . ..� . ... .. - . �� � . . ':° . � ` a � F" P— FINP�iCE ' . .. r� �I �� T �T.' ��TT .:C ..:ZC.°SI �—� � ':� C..PA.".TMEt:T:. . .�GI lY C�Y' SA1JV � -���t.4 L t� e .. A-�. � , � .. ' . � �. J i..i/E �d —MAY.:.R � . . . _ � .. � � . . L 11.','. 1'Y -,_..�._.�.�__._.. � _a... : .. J . . ". � . . . . �� � , 4 � ' ����l���i'��� Ordinan�e �' � , � �� . -- 3-: PzEaer�ted B� ` . . s. � ' : � - , . _ :, Referred To Committee: Date : _ Dut o; Committee By . Date � _ _ 4. , _ _ Section 2 . ` , w . This ordina.nce ' shall take effect and be in force thirty` .(3Q} '' _ _ � day� �ft�r -'its ``passage,' approval and publication. t -- .. _ .. _ : , ._._ . , ,_� . � : _ ,_ . - ' . _ : `. -� . : - '° . , ,� : _, - . _. , y�.` _ . . . . . . . � . . . . ., . . ., . . � , . . .�. .. .. , ., .� . . .: .. �. � . � . . �. . � . :.. . . . � . .. . `. .. '.. ���. . , .� ,'. . � .. .. . . .. . . � � � . . '� . . ..: -., _ . .'.,` }vi .. . . ����-. � � � . �-��. ��� . .� , �... �: - ��. . . . . ..,. . `. ..:.� . .. �:.' - ..'. i. . .. . - , . .. . ,_p ��,.. . ... � _ - � .... _ . . Y . � -� ��' �� . . . . .. .. . , � - � . �. . ... . . . .,. �r y .. . . ' _ . . � . ... � - COUI�1CiLMEN Requested hy Department of: � Yeas Nays ,`..:: Hunt � `- Konopatzki. In Favor - ; _ � - . Le��ine . < ' 14.eredith ` Against BY _____-�: � � Sprafka �: Tedesco . ;, , Mme.President Butler . � .- ` " Form Appraved by City`Attorne;� � Adopted by Councii: Date , , { .`Certified Passed by Councii Secretary BY ` . ___ __ _ $y - . : ,._ �,ApY-ore3 by d".ayor; Date , APProved by Mayor fo:Sub:ai�si�a tc �:�t��- � .. _ . , ; . , . _�- �y ' : . ., By' � --. � _ : . _ - y � . . , _ �. _ , , _ . . ,k . . REPORT OF THE NEW ZONIC�G ORDI��ANCE SUB-COF�'�tITTEE ON ORDIPJAt�CES 259317 (RESTAURAi�TS) APJD ORDIfJANCE 260046 (PARKI�IG LOTS) The City Council has referred to the Planning Board two ord�nances amending the Zoning Code. (Copies attached.) RESTAURANTS The purpase of Ordinance 259317 is to require Council public hearings for all fast food and drive-in restaurants. At the present time, the exist- ing code requires "drive-in root beer stands, or any other drive-in business place" to have a public hearing. However, there are no definitions in the code of these uses to serve as a guide for the City to distinguish sit down restaurants from drive-in and fast food restaurants. Consequently, many hamburger, .chicken, taco, fish, etc. , fast food restaurants are not con- sidered a "drive-in business" and do not havs� public hearings unless their parking lots are over 30 cars in size. Tt�e Sub-committee beiieves tnat the probiem of fast food and drive-in restaurants is caused, in large part, by the existing zoning districting and regulations. There is much co�nercially zon�ed land which should be zoned residentially. The existing code has only one corr�nercial district; it fails to distinguish bet�,�een different types of co►7anercial districts. We believe that, at least until the new code is adopted, fast food and drive- in restaurants should be examined at public hearings. 4Je concur with soeci- fying and defininq them. Ho4rever, we recorxnend that the definitions and regulations of the new zoning code ado�ted by the Board in September be substituted for Ordinance 259317. The substituted ordinance vrill : (1 ) re- quire public hearings for a11 fast food and drive-in restaurants; (2) prohibit �2 _ fast food and drive-in restaurants from spot zones; (3) prohibit access onto local residential streets; (4) keep driveways from corners and residential property; {5) restrict access from residential alleys; and (6) define fast food, drive-in, and sit dawn restaurants. The recor�nended ordinance to be substituted for the ordinance referred to the Board is attached with new language underlined. PAE�KI;dG LOTS . . The purpose of Ordinance 260046 is to require pubiic hearings for all parking lot applications between 10 and 30 cars in size. At the present time, parking lots between 6 and 30 cars in size are approved administrative- ly without�a public hearing by the Planning �irector, Traffic Engineer, and City Architect. (Should one- of the aforementioned officers find a parking ?ot ��!hich has �►nt!su�l c�����tmst�nces" nr involves 'Gouncil policy he can re- quire a pubiic hearing. ) Al1 par�ing lots 31 c«rs and over in siz� must ha��•� public hearings. The amendment would return the City to the procedures used prior to 1965. The Sub-cor,unittee again believes that much of the contention arising from parking lots is causec� by the existing zoning district9ng and regulations. The zoning map is not up-to-date. There is no special parking district nor is enough atte�tion given to the uses adjoining parking lots. The Sub-comr�ittee believes that, at least until the new code is adopted, ° there are circumstances in which examination of parking permits at a public hearing can s2rve a useful p�rpose. When land is rezoned for a specific use but another use is proposed, or when conditions of design have been attached to a rezoning, or when the zoning d�strict is improper, the Council may want to �'ollov� a permit through to a publi� hearinc�. However, we do not believe �� that all parking lots require a public i�earing as the amendment would require. � : _ __ _ .... � _ e ...:,,:�� hiany parking lot applications are routine. Processing applications through a public hearing takes at least 8 weeks; processing administra- tive applications takes 3 weeks. The Sub-commit�ee recommcnds that all parking lot applications be filed with the City Clerk and sent to City Council . The Council can then decide if it wants to have the application processed administratively or hold a public hearing. If the application is to be processed administrative- ly the Council will sen� the appiication to the Zoning Board for processing under the present prccedures. If the application is to be processed by a public hearing, the Council will send the application to the Zaning Board for processing under the present procedures used for parking lots of 31 car.s and over. We also recomr�end that a fee for all parking lot applications be charged apF� ���n�s. At this tame, no fe�s are chargea for adminis.trative parking lots yet the City soends time reviewing them. '� The recommended ordinance to be substituted for the ordinance referred to the Board is attached with new language underlined. T `'� SUB-00�1��ITTEE RECOt�IMENDED OrZDIPJANCE TO BE SUBSTITUTED FOR ORDIi�lANCE 260046 (PARKItVG LOTS) � "60.23 (4) Procedures for the Estabiishcr�nt of Vehicular Parking Rlaces a. All applications for vehicular parking ,�lace permits shall be filed with the office of the City C7erk together ��ith a permit fee ta be com�uted on the basis of one dollar (�1 .001 far each off-street park- ing space on said vehicular parking place up to thirty (30) spaces, and an additional amount thereto of fifty cents ($.50) for each space in addition to the original spaces. The application for said permit shall set forth the name of the applicant, the location of the prem- ises to be used, and the name, nature and iocation of the use, if any, ta,whi ch the -parlci ng .�aci 1 i�y -shal} be�accessory. :TFi� apRl i cant shall submit copies of a plan drawn to scale showing the arrangement and design of the proposed vehicular parking place, the location and number of vehicles to be parked, the location of the proposed drive- ways, walls, curbs, fences anci other landscape features, including notations as to the proposed surfacing and provisions for drainage. 7he City Clerk shall thereupon refer the matter to the City Council . b. U�on receipt of the a�plication for vehicular parkinq places havinq thirty (30) or less off-street parkinq spaces, the Council shall vote on ti,►hether to process the application as an administrative permit, as set forth in paraqraph c. below, or �ah�ther, because of unusual cir- cumstances th2 public interest ��ould be served, to process the appli- cation as a Council Special Use Permit, as set forth in paraqraph d. below. All vehicular par;cing places having thirty-one (31 ) or more off-street parking spaces shall be referred to the Qoard of Zoning `� for processinq as Council Special Use Permits. c. Administrative vehicular parkinq place permits shatl be approved by the Traffic Engineer, Planning Director and the City Architect prior to the issuance of any building or work permit necessary for the con- struction of the facility and structures required under sub-paragraph (5) (Design Standards) of 60.23. (lj If, af�er r�view �f the plans as provided in para�graph (c) above, any one of the three officers is of the opinion that t�e vehicular parking place permit, because of its nature or unusual circum- stances, involves Council policy determinations, said plans shall be transferred to the office of the City Clerk, and the applicant notified in writing by the City Cierk, whereupon the applicant ��_� ..;�ce2� ;r� ac�oti,�',:�c€ �ri th Sect��n 60.23, "� as ar� ap�i i- cation fc„� a Council Special Use Permit. � (2) If the applicant for the vehicular parkinq place permit is aggrieved by the decision or reco►mnendation of the officers, after their review of the plans as provided in paragraph c) above, the applicant may bring the rratter on for decision to the Council in accerdance with Section 6Q.23 �, as an appli- cant for a Council Special Use Permit. (d) Council Special Use Permits shall be referred by the Council to the Board of Zoning for investigation, study and report concerning the advisability of the proposa1 . (1 ) Upon receipt of the report of the Board of Zoning the Council shail conduct a publ�c hearing at least ten (10) days after written notice to the owners of the several descriptions of ail property within tN�o hundred (200) feet of the borders of the 8 _ _ __ _ ___ � . '. ...:.._ .....:..... ....__.._..... _.,.._:..�, _... _. .. _.:.,��.a site propased to be used for a vehicular parking place. The Council in granting any permit may attach reasonable con- ditions thereto vrith reference to requiring walls, fences, hedges or other features to facilitate traffic safety and to protect adjacent property and may limit the operation and use of said parking faci7ity to the end that the development wili cornport with t.he character of t�� d�istrict �i.c� which it is located and that nuisances are prevented. {2) Favorable action of the Cauncil on the application shall be re- corded by tne passage of a resolution which shall set forth any special limitations or conditions attached to the granting of said permit and which sha11 record the Council 's favorable action to be pursuant to the con��ingertt uoon the -f�it�ful �xecution and compliance tivith all of the requiremer.•`'s and p�ovisions set forth in the plans submitted with the application and in accordance with fihe �rovisions of all applicable ordi�ances. This permit may be revoked by the Council at any time that the aforementioned requirements are not complied with. (3) Upon rece�pt of a copy of the above mentioned resolution authorizing the establishment of the special pLrpose off-street parking facility which is issued by the Council , appropriate officials in th� Quild- ing Qepartment and the Department of Pubiic 4larks are thereupon authorized to issue the necessary building permits for work on private land and construction permits for v�lork in the public street." 9 A � A . 3��� � . � a __ W �z P4 � Q C7 � C.7 U 6 � � � �} � � � � Fai O' p � 9 � c7 WU A N � , H x H x '�+ � +� rzi � ¢� H c°� H cH.� a � � w � � � � .c x a a U � � c� � � � � W U �W � P� iY. A 4 C7A H � H U � W � W � U a � a � w � a 6,..� o v U 3 -w� Hd t-Hi H wA � Hz � U p � 6 �T x C7 A tn rn � M O — �rl O � N � r-i �r1 F=+ � r-1 � f """�� L�i . u�i q `(�� � � a9 � z ' � `�, ✓ a Q,' � H •O O F-� '� O C7 j r-] i H U H � q � � W G� # � i � � H � H � _ •H � U �q R � + � � ap� � rl 6 W � H 6 � . .__.�.._._,..., � � � � U � � � O U � � . O N � F� ► � a :� � N.. �s. :� ::a q v:' :+ ✓ C= : V; ;-] rJ; O if.. H CJ C Vl - F-i :=.1 V� O C:.1 ,-] E+ �, � t� '✓ G L� . .z: U G� G: ! P-.' W ,., f-� Q W ~ ! ::7 Cn �.= GL C D L•l H � O CJ ►-+ `7. O !� E-+ < z o �" a a F-a+ 1 .: f-+ a c :a �a � U% H H �' S % C: 1-! i, U t!l N � . :: V 7' H O H :'= H � E-i � U C ,-� a c ►-� .-: a c� � . c-. c: v� c: c� . C :a w ra 7- :. w F� F+ Fi �N-'. � . k�l H �' � i�l Q � � r U W t± � � a , � � -�, � � - - u z - G �..� . � N U � CJ :� �y �' O ,... C. O O � U S-i �-7 :1: - C+ U � Q �'-��' - � . �� �'i H . � . . � . . . . . . � . . _. r�i .. , r . . . . . . . � . . . - - _ . . FJ W �r.' ' . U � �� . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . �' � . . � . . - .. . . - ' . . r�r1 . ' _ �r;yi . . . . � . . � ' - . � . . . ►+ ./ . . . . . . .. !� . � - y't ' . � . . .. . . � . .. N . . - - � . . � . � . . - . . .. �-. � ' ' Q ' � Cf . . ' . � . . . , ' . � �I . � � . � � ' . � W � . � - . . . . . . Vi � � . ' . . � ' . . . � � � - . V � . • . . . . ' . ' � � . ' ' . . . . . . . � � . � • . ' � � . � - � . � O.N T � � '"'� . � �W G�.T • �-► C..) . �� � C _ � v � � � ::7 � F' ,r,� � u 1 ..; � V �. U G-� � 7 a t`" ; p . ti O CJ H O . CJ }.i ►; 1 ;-. �—I N t!: L'. r-'I _ C .V � � � U . N � • . 2-+ O t� U �ri � � J U C� U � �; r. - � � � . •-� •a -:� u -a s-� C 5a C � � r O � . U � U � � :n u o ' , o u o ,. , :-� �, � � . �-. a. � w . _� � _ � T F E�?.E� . . . . . iF�LfEiF - . . G f����� . . _ . � �.< CITY O�+` SAINT PA�UL OFFICE OF THE CITY COIII�TCIL CITY HALL AND QOTJRT HOUf�FL VICTOR J. TEDESCO SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �5IO2 MICHAEL H. SIRIAN CounciIman P I3 O N E a z 2 i �2 a-4 4'3 1 • I.egislative Aide Plarch 27, 1973 Attached are the analyses of Council File 260539 (Vehicular Parking Places Ordinance) and Council File 260540 (Fast Food & Drive-in Restaurant Ordinance) puxsuant to City Council request that its members be provided same. Both ordinances are scheciuled for a Public Hearing before the City Council at 10:00 A.r'I. on April 5, 1973. ������� Victor J. Tedesco, Councilman VJT/ms cc: R. Hunt, Council President R. Butler W. Konapatzki L. Levine D. Meredith P. Roedler H. Ma.rshall, City Clerk � Press ..� .. . . _ rY CITY OF SAIf�T PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYC)� CITY PLANIdING DEPARTMENT VINCENT M. COUGHLIN PLANNING COORDINA�fOR March 14, 1973 Madam President and Members of the Council Room 719 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Madam and Council Members : On February 23, 1973, the City Planning Board held a public hearing on two ordinances amending the Zoning Code. Ordinance 260540 regulates drive-in and fast food restaurants and Ordinance 2E0539 changes the procedures for approving parking lots. The Notice of Public Hearing was published in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger on February 3, 10, and 17, 1973. Copies of the _ Printer's Affidavit of Publication are attached. The two Ordinances had been considered previously by the Planning Board at its meeting on December 15, 1972. At that meeting the Board discussed and adopted a subcommittee report which described the purposes of the Ordinances and recommended their approval. A copy of the report, marked Report ��1, and the minutes of the meeting are attached. At the conclusion of the public hearing on the two Ordinances on February 23, after hearing all who wished to testify, the Board considered a subcommittee report which proposed findings on the Ordinances and which recommended that the provision, as published in the public notice, for access to residential streets, Section -60.05, f. , (2) , be amended. The report, marked Report ��2, giving the Board's findings and recommended amended provision is attached. After considering the public hearing testimony and report,, the Board ad�pted the subcommittee report. Motions were made and seconded to approve Ordinances 260540 and 260539. Both motions passed unanimously. The minutes of the public hearing at this date have not been approved by the Board; upon ap�roval of the minutes by the Board they wi11 be sent to the Council so that the record may be complete on these two Ordinances. Very truly yours, Z� �",� . ��`� �_._.� Vincent M. Coughlin Planning Coordinator VMC:RR:mb Attachments 421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55� G^ {612) 2��-415? , _. . t,0:' .�:. .. . � ... . ....,. _.. ,... «e.... • . . t=" . .r ., _ ��, a _ . • �. . � . ..�'1,���.�s :+ro. JsaVira�+m�'.�,.y.. - 3 •'::.�` �� .�._i�� t ...._.� .._i!� 1':'i.... t6..�t,� �` . ' ' ' y .. _ .. r ... . ... .,. ...�.t�r++�s�._..+�� ..�: . . . . �, � . , ,. .. .'�: i�;�. ' . . � _ .. ♦. - .' . .- . ._ . . .. .. . �. '.' _ . .. -� ... .., "�-=�-+w"^w � . �.1 ; �,1 . s �-. . .. � . .C�tc�+a6 4�;'bt7 C.wt - _ , . � . _ � . . _ �.�.. � � � . :- . � ... . . .-� . -- _y - . . : � ,: �' �R� - : o � � � � .� � c � � . + - - - . �. .� .. ... .� - .-. :. ;.Y_ . , .. _ .... . . . L . .'.... � ; � ., ...� COIfNClL FILE NO- �����4i1 '� = ". .. ' ^ -�- .. �.�,�,.� �c�'��++�,..� _ : + FaESEl�I'iE� BY ORDfNANCE NO ;3! , ,,,; -- _- ------- ;� _ r it1 _ .. . .. . r ' . . �' . . _ Y�1..�� . ... M ordinc�nce ameuding Chapter 60.23, � _ - � Paragraph (4) of the Saint P�ul Legislative � ' � , Codc entitled, "Administrative Procedures 4 � . _ � for tl�e, �:stabliglame�t. of Vehicu,lar .Parking �x; • - - _ ;- `° ' Places." `-��, _ �;± • , _ k�i . T�E COITI�CIL OF TtIE CT_T'Y OF SAINT Pr1UL DOF.S ORDAIN: : ;,� _ _ = Section 1. That Section 60.2j, Paragrapii (4) of tYte Saint `{G , Peul Leeisluti�•c C'ode, as nmende�i Uy Ordinance No. 129�5, approve3 i{ - �[t►v 1�, 1y65� is herFb�• Lurther amended by striking and deletin� " fhe snme in its entirety� and subst;f;uting iu lieu and in place t�j i}icre�f ti�c folloti.iri�: f� E; . ' "(h) Administrative YroceRlures for the Establishment ` ' - of Vetiiculaz• Farkine PlacPS. �� a�: _k , a. Vehicular Parkine Places }xaving a storage � _ cai�ttcit;� of iess thaii ten (10) motor vehicles: `-�� " Pla�is slil)W1[l� tne layout and design of vehicular '•;; . - ' parkin�j places wit}i a capacity oi' less than ten 7:, . (10) �uutol• vehicles 5ha11 be approved by the . ��; ' Ti-ufJ'ice Encineer and the Planning Director prior H.# = to Clie i�suanee af �zny bu�lding or work permits ? - necessar� for tt2e construction of the facilities �`; � and sti-uctui•es rec�uired uii�er sub-paragraph (51 . � (Desigti Str�cidarQs of ttris section). {;� - >t; �:. Vel�icuJ ar parkin� places ha��ing a storage ��• car-.city- o: teu (1�) ar more motor vehic3es: :�o =;: persou, firm or corporation shall establish, maintain, altcr or o�erate a ��ehicular parking €� .' � ' place ha��iliQ a cap<�city of ten (10) or more motor ', , ; ve[iicles withuut first obtaining a Special tise r�; �" ' � 'Permit t}iei-ef'or f'rom the �ity Counci�. The ,��. = f - procedure for t:ie issuance of this Special Use ' - � " � Permit shall Ue as follo��s: f�l , �-, trr{ ._ . ' = 1. The applicationfor said permit sYiall set .�� _ i4 • f ., forth the name of the applicant, the location oY i� • tLe premises to be used, and the name, nature and `I� • Y � ,y ; �' locatioti of the use, if siiy, to which the parkin� f " � - facility shall be accessory. The applicant stiall �� . •� - � submit copies of a plan d_rawn to scale sliowina :i�.=�- �• - - _, tl�e arrangement and design of the proposed � • ,�i , _ vel�iculsr parkin� place, tlie locatiou and number � , � . • oftehicles to bc parked, the location of the ' � proposed driveways, �.ails, curbs, fences and �� _,� • - . - - other landscape features, including notations as .1f `- � , :- : to tl�e proposed surfacing; and provisions for drainage. :,i� � ' .Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the CounciL— �,. , - Butler :;f� - � Carlson � Tn Favor .�� -. , � . 7�evine _ � � _. Meredith ft Sprafka Against -'.��. Tedesco ',t _ � - Mr. President (bScCarty) . i • Attest: AAgroved: - � ;. _ � ;�; , City Clerk Mayor ' ' �i 4 e 4° �� �orm approvea Corporation Cuunsel By .''� � `� � / ., : _ •;�� ' f � • , � . , . . . , � .., - .a : :, _ ...n�,-_,,. . ._.: . - - :. ,:-,. ' ' .. „ � _ . . � ....s r...c:i .. . ._ . . . ,. � . _ . ._ .. .. . : _ _._.. _� . . ,_ - _,: , .. , ,: _ � �.__ � _. _ , �_ . . ..- �:. _ .�,,,, . . .. . _ . .........�....r..�_ _._... ___ ._ �...� ^..v._.e_..�..__...._ - - -"�If- ■�;. . . � . � � . . � � .. . �i a'' � . � . . _ � . .. . � � � � �� � .. . � � �l/l�Z•�� .. � .� � .� � - . , . . � . � P��e `�. w� : � - Said A(l�)IlC<1Ci02] itT1CI I�lan shali be filed with t}�� czf2'i�•r �:f the City Clerh t�R�ttter H�itfi a permit : fcc tn I�� cnm��i�trcl on t,�c basis vf Orie Dollar (�1.01�) f��r �ach �chiculnr �,arkin� space as the same � is d�fin�!1 in ��U.`�> ( 1 ) (1j li�rcul' to he pro�:ided � � � � �on �ai��f ��ai•kins l�,t ii�� to tliirt�}� (i0) spaces, � � � � and a►i am��iutt a�I;lit.i<,iial nc�refn of Fifty Cents � (�.•���} f�ui' rlcli 4i�ac_•c in a�ldi t i��n to ttte original s}�a���. 7�i�r C i_ i�� Clcrk �,<hall tiicrrn��or� refer the �ii�1t t�cr ln li;�<� (3orar�l ul' I�z�iiri-� fc;x- it:���eS�Ligation, � � � �tizd�• anci rcp<:rt to the �'i_ty Council concernin; tt�� ad�,.icat�il it}- ��J.' ?iir ��rnpr�sal. . ^. t ��nle rrc�i��( ol' ihc rFp��rt �f the Aoard oP Znnin_� th� ('c�uu= il sl�all c�onciuci, a piibiic hcarin� ` at lca,t t�is (l�l) da}�s aftcr written ttotice to the ���,-n�r� r,f t.h� sr��rral d{�scri��tions of' all property t:i tl�iu (�.a hunrl�'rd !','iii�) fcet of thc borders ��f' the _ �itc� E�r�,E�u���l t�� h� used lur a vehictilar pari:in� �iL:tr �. The f uuncil in grantin� �r►�• permit may' attach - r�a�orial�l� cor.�li t ions thereto c;ith reference to re���iiri:c?n �al�s, i'enc�•�, h�d_�es or other features �� �.[` �c3('1 � 2t.:�•• I �i-tFlf. `�il�I�f\' an.l � tn �'�^ntPCt � �. a�i.j1� ec:t piruj�rrt�• �nd ma�• limii :he operatior_ artd t��c �,r 5�i�i p�erkin�_* iac•ilit�• t�, tl , c�nd t}�at f.he de��elu{�n;�nt �:ill c••�r.�j,url �.ith the �,haraeter of the cti�lrict in �:l�i� h it i� loc�te�l and tliat nuisances ar� r�re� �:�c c�i. • �; >. Ia��ur:zble actioci ul Liie Cotuici?_ on thA application shall he rec!ir�lc�i h)' tlir pas�a�e of a resolution which �± sliall s�t fortli uu-,- s��f�!�.al limit�tions or eon�3itions �ttart�ed tu t7ie �T.ant i►i�r ��f said permit anc3 �:hich � :;t�all recor�l �1►e Cotiuci.l's fas•orr�ble a�iion to be ! piirsu�tit tu an�: cuntin�rr•iit, upon the faithful execution � and compliznce �+itii all of' tl�e requirements and _ l,ru�•isi�,ns ��t fc�r�}i in the plans suhqitted �aith � � ttic a�,E,lica�:ion aci�i in accordaiicr witt� the procisions -- , ��f 171 al;plic:al,1� orclinanee�. Ttzis Permit mav be revoked by [iie �'uunc•il at any time that the afore— uientiotied i•eyuirements are net cumplied �ti�itti. ' ` ,�; � . + �, � 0 ��.. •� , '= .: �.': . . . . .: ,w�e..6,..,r:.:+M. ..�r-«�+�r.�r�y.-�.ro��:�.�-'�r ....�+-�w.:��z..�r_ _" ^�r� " . . . . <_ � ` • . ' � � ."4i • , . ,. . ....1 e�C�.s CL.i � . . . .. . . - � ..� � � � - - - o � � I ��� W� � � � 2��c�4� _ ,:� _ -, �. COUNCIL FlLE NO � , a ' s' t Fn�:G,tiEtJ 8Y ORDINANCE NO "' � - ___.__ � . ` -_-----_-=--..____---_ -- _ _ _- - - PaEe 3. _� �'� 1 } Jj _ -- - 4, i�poii recri��Y, of a copy uf the above mentioned - - rP�oltttioti aut.tioriii�i�* t.lie cstal�lislimeiit of ttie � special �»xri�;�sc o1'r'-strcet parkirtrt facilitV wliich , � is tssu�d h}- tlie ('o�ui��il, �1��l�ropriate ofiicials : � iii thc 13�iilclin�� Dc��artm�rit; �nci ttie Dcpartnent of � , . ` PuLlic li��rl:ti flre tlicrcul�c,u authnri.zed to issue - tli� nF�c,�r�r}- tn�i ldin�� ��ermi ts T'or �,r�rk on pricate �• . Iai�d �,url i���ilsiructir?ii F��rntits for worl. in the j�uhlic� slrcet. " ,..� " . _ 4. . S�cti on ::. �L;�� ti�i s ur�i iilacic�• �hall take ef feet and be ,; :rt tr�reE� �liirt�� �i-��� ni icr i cs ��a55a_c, <,l,,�a�o��al ancl puUlicatieiti. �. � � 1i ��i h �:", . �T. . t' 4� F Y � . . �� •�: ��— •� - . ;'y . •.; y;; _ ^l� , •} - ��' 'f� . t� ., , . :.1� ._ � . � �.i��... . . �. i . _ ,. !t - . . ;� � . ' �; �;; _ - t� . �`— _ _ Yeas Councilmen Ir'wye ;assed by the CounciL �`. . � - Butler i; . Carlson in Favor t' '' ` • I.evine hleredith /�gwinst # - Sprzfka '' _ :. Tedasco s�'.-- ' . : • Mr. President (bicCarty) Approved• , � Attest: � Ci:y C2erk lt3ayor 'f ` �`u-•,?�_� ;.. _ ' Form a��roved Corporation Cour.sel By_. '�a j 3 - . . . ' . . ' . - . " ' . .. ' . ' . � � � � " ' . ,. „ -'1 . . � •: � . '... � � ' ' � .. . ..._.. �. ,. . - - . ' . ,c� ..., ,y� .y .. . .. . . ,.. .. � � _. .. . . .. .. � ._ . . , ........,. . �� �''_ ,. ''� � Har-y E. Mars6a11 AI63ri 8. Qison .•`' - City Clerk and c'�, „�`. ', � Council Recorder �Corn.mision.er of Registr¢tion '����� - � �. ,- - � ;��;;t �rr � - OPPI � E OF THE C (TY CLERK CI7�Y OF SAIll1`�` PAIJ� �" BUREAU OF RECORD � - 38s City Hall St.°aul,lblinnesota 55102 November 3, 197? Planning Boaxd 10I0 -Commerce Bldg. Gentler�e.z: � • The Cit;y Council today gave First Reac�ing to the att2.cnEd ordinance., C.F. �600�+6; amending the Zor�ing Code �erta��r_ing to administ_�:ti;�e pr�ced�:ses fcr the establis�,.e..t of v�r,icular parking places, and zhe ordinance was referred �o the Planning . Boarc for recorsmendation. Very truly yours, v � � ati,•�-w�� -� / / / City C1 rk � II'il , . , �, �- , — -: � ;r, , i'� !?� i � �t + k . � � k L � �--` --- . ._ � ��. . � . � � ..; _ ,� . . . 1��.' . E�� � [!+g-�... . .. . . S,rB# i. i �i.:�°i-... .1 i.i 5.. ';�;t,-a t.: . ��:r..t i=A,;l. iviiT:: -�ta .. .� �� ; r�- .._ -��. ,. •' � ( (_.�+..t_,.:_-..t. _<_. �-- �.�.:.! .�..� f' . . . .. _ . �C�? � � E P o 2�C' � CONTE �iTS i. REPORT OF THE NEW ZONIi��G ORDINAFdCE SUB—COP�►'�IIT i EE ON ORDINAP�CE 259317 (�ESTAURAi�TS) , A�tD ORDIi�A�1Cf 2fi0��6 (PARKIf�G LOTS). 2. SUB—COP-ti'�SITTEE P.EGQt�9�1EPSDEp OP,DItdAt�CE TO BE SUSSTITUTED F02 ORDI►�At�CE 2593�7 �RESTA�R"�'iTS). 3. SUB—COt�'L'�1ITiEE REC0�1�v1EIJDED Ot2DI(VAf,CE TO BE SUBSTITUTED FOR ORDir�At�CE 2EG04u. (�ARKIi1� LOTS). 4. COJi�tCILhiP,(V TEDESCO'S PRt�POSE� ORDIrt�ti�CE 25�9�17 (RE�rkU4:4NTS). 5. COUNCIL'�1A"� TEDESCO'S PROPOSED ORDIPJANCE 260046 (PARKi?JG LOTS�. + � , � � , . r � 4. March 15, i9?3 I�. K�unc�� F'.t�:���.c;. � City A�tc�:�y Room b�7, C3.�C� �;11. , St. Pe•al, �:Sr.����ota� � �- D�a+� Sirs On Jar.•:.s�y �Y, i9��, ��.��� r,���� �-.a �.�r-w-� to c.r. ro. ������, . a12 OTa'..$z:.^.�:�^ G'.`�^._.,.»•�,�.�r t,� F�C•...�.,...., .,� �MHMM��n ,,..�.e ,� ''� -�,-.,� ....��..s Pc. �=_��...3 F..��...r„ 2c� , ..i.,r+, � 8:1."'� �fy'J C•�'• IiOs L�.3V�-.�� C.."2 C�:�.^.��.^.� i"':•...1���.?",'3 �'..'"'.�G�l�if! C»� � • �',�^`` �'v^$ I'".'"`'..,.....»a., r*..� _�.e T...,«,... ♦ .._ j.*... y�r, ,..--,..� $►� �� trd N v \....�.+.,,�..�a.....�..d• .L.:.e♦ Cr�..�_�u....�v� Iww� bs..a� f i.l�'4 ii�,. . �. Pi«....�j n n �` �-� t*....� y'..... .........-.:� .,h 1' . . . W�y .�.+ i�v♦ w44v..r.....�...�tr�.J 'v�• , �� �4� Vv`w�V�i /r�rViV.it'1�'t � F"��+1!.�'.�l f.: T'C-� � ^ �1 'RMM ^�hM+�. . .v, Ca +.-.� �„d 7 �/I S� �.i... ��.�'..al.+».v �+.......a. ' ��r �.J+n ,w� o tiw.�•� .��e.,.�..ru�.«�i'� [� ^� .A 0. �y• VY�'r.� {,� 4.'��b/+.V Z\.4.�r.r.�wu.�w4T:V pr jJ.��JV�ei C+ �...� Oi\r���y,r.��vJ' .�. * -^�. �-'°�.�3 c^�� : a'.:b�'�':� t0 C 4�`�S G:.'..�:��. 1i'o;' ���f �.:......``, ., ,.r'�: ��.�3 F.�-..�.�; �:: �� o«��..���� c�3 �v'!� c �-µ"�e �:�:�^„ r�� A�r41 5 2g7 c:.� �w�� r:�~•��� j.w /r� 2�p�� q y� /� � � y�. �+..w.J rrv� ��.rv..b.iL �l� � Vi6S i+Nw�x+�v«/ �i• wrtiV��i/a�Mar�^i�i ��I� �w�b� Lww»�l♦�a� �`�✓{i�V�y�rrL L/� L14�i i'�Ki��ii� �i�tii• Wa-11.d yau c?�� pre�w� Per �� Ci�y Cl�::;'a C:�c� � 2;��3 e;; o$ Pa:g�.ic Ec::*�3n; in c�:.���4fc� ��'�.Lh �°�� t:;a c:°�L�.r�:.:`�r �:3� r�:��; to thic o�."x�� i� c•,:^��.M2Eny ti:.a f Q� �2�c�43ca c� 2:.::v� �;�, 1973. Fo� ye�:w ra���r�a, I t� c�+4wv+�1a..�T�.,� �'�� c�?�",� r�ra�C c� �;.:.� Plr.:�a� E��~� cn t::2o �;:��a. P1ca�� re4,,w.°a t�:B r r;;�; t� t?t3 C��y CI�:::'a C3.�Sr'ica to �� �;:� � F� c� �::� c�::.�,�..:c��, Yo�:,.*'a vG�,; t:.�;l, � � . �� V�V� VL:�".ia► . . � . . � � .. A��t�� Att�^ . . _ CITY OF SA1NT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT VINCENT M. COUGHLIN PLANNING COORDIN.ATOR March 14, 1973 Madam President and Members of the Council Raom 719 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Madam and Council Members : On February 23, 1973, the City Planning Board held a public hearing on two ordinances amending the Zoning Code. Ordinance 260540 regulates drive-in and fast food restaurants and Ordinance 260539 changes the procedures for approving parking lots. The Notice of Public Hearing was published in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger on February 3, 10, and 17, 1973. Copies of the Printer's Affidavit of Publication are attached. The two Ordinances had been considered previously by the Planning Board at its meeting on December 15, 1972. At that meeting the Board discussed and adopted a subcommittee report which described the purposes of the Ordinances and reconanended their approval. A copy of the report, marked Report �kl, and the minutes of the meeting are attached. � At the conclusion of the public hearing on the two Ordinances on February 23, after hearing all who wished to testify, the Board considered a subco�¢nittee report which proposed findings on the Ordinances and which recorna7ended that the provision, as published in the public notice, for access to residential streets, Sectian 60.05, f. , (2) , be amended. The repart, marked Report �k2, giving the Board 's findings and recommended amended provision is attached. After ccnsic�ering the public hearing testimony and report,, the Board adopted the subco�nittee report. Motions were made and seconded to approve Ordinances 260540 and 260539. Both motions passed unanimously. The miautes of the public hearing at th�s date have not been approved by the Board; upon approval of the minutes by the Board they will be sent to the Ccuncil so that the record may be complete on these two Ordinances. Ve�ry truly yours, �� . . ?,.,� � --� >>'7 . ��a._.._._..,'�� Vincent M. Coughlin Planning Coordinator VMC:RR:mb Attachments 421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55� 0? (612) ?�5-41`j 1 ,.�..�_ . _ ._ : . m . _ , . - -- - - - — _ _ .., w-- _ _ _ _ ., - �.�.._.y..� .�...�.. _ :�_. . , ..., .. , . . . . . �«i -.... ..: . . . . . . __ . . . . . . . �.�... � .. . . � . . . � � . .. . .. . .. ..., . . . � .. . . ,. . . . ,_,.._�-.. . -. �.v�++ ��. or rur�csc xEw�errc • � PRINTER'S AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION � ' The C:ty Flanair.;T 3oard of Saiat STATE OF 1�II?�TNESOTA, P2u1 has ini:iate�l pruceec:inqs relative S9. � to th� acnu:ding of Section 60.23 (4) of COLlNTY OF RAI�ISEY, � � the Saint iauel LegislaYive Code, per- taining to the procesures tor the estab- Bamuel E.Lewis,Jr.,being dul�sworn,on oath.says he fs a�td during aI1 th.e times herein atated 1lshment of vehicuiar parking piaces as touows: has been the business rr�a,nager oj the neaosp¢per known as Tha Saint Pau1 Legal Ledner a�ad sECTTOrr 1 1za.s 1u11 knowledge of the Jacts herein atated as jollows: (1) Sadd news�aper is printsd in the That Secfion 60.23(4)of the saant Paul English language {n newspaper fo�•mat and in coltcmn and sheet jarm equivaient in printed space Legistative Code is amended by delet- t0 fLt IeCL3t 900 3q2GdTe iftChe3; (�) S¢id neiospc�Per is a daily and is distributed daily excegt 3unday, in�entireiy at1 of so:3 (4) of the Satnt �Qnday and fiolidays; (3) Said �iewspaPer has �S�Jo of its news columns devoted to news of Paut Legisl�tive Co�e ana substituting Zoca1 interest to the community u hich it �►ur�orts to serve and does not wholly duplicate any ia tieu thereof the following: Ot3LEt publicataon and is not made uP enttirely of patents, plate matter and advertisements; 60.23 (4) Precedures for the Estab- ��� ,,qa� y�ewspaper is circulated in and near th.e municipatit� which it �OUrports to serve, has pi�msnt of venicular parlcing dt Ieast•500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, has an average of at Ieast 75% ""a. wu applications for vehicuiar oJ its totai circaclat4on currentlg� T�zid or no ntiore than three months in arrears and has entry as arking ptace permits �hall be second-class matter in its locul post-office; (5) Said newspaPer pzcrparts to serve the City o/ fiied wirn the ot�ice ot rne City ,gt. Pau1 in tlae Count o Rc�mse� c�nd it h¢s �ts known o zce o zssice in the Cit� o St. Paul in . Clerk together wich a permit fee 2✓ r ✓ � f � f to be computed on the basis of said county, establzshed and opeyt d�crint� 4ts re�2iiar business laours for tlae gatherinq of news, one donar (gi.out for eacn off- 'sale of advertisemen.*s ¢nd sale of saabscript{ons and maintained by the managzn� oj'ficer of said street parking space on said ve- h3cutar parking place up to ne2vspaper or perso�as %n its entploy and subject to lcas d4rection and control dacrin� ccld such reg- tl:irty (30� soaces, ar.a an aaai- ulccr b�csiness hours and at wlaiclr, said �iewspaper is printed; (6) Said newspaper F.les a copy of tionsl aenour.t thereto of fifty each issue inaynediateiy wtith tlae State Histo�•ical Society; (7) Said newspaper iz¢s compZied with eenLs ($0.50) for each space in ad- dttion to the ori�inal sPaces. Tne al1 the fcrregoing conditiotiis/or at le�st tuo years precedisl� the day or dates oj g?cblication men- app�ication for said permit shail tioned beZow; (8) Said newsPccper has Jiled 1oit3c the Secreta�•y oJ State of 1�linnesota prior to set iorth the nan:e of cne apoli- J�r1x�ary 1, T966 aycd each Jan2�a.ry 1 thercaJter an ajjidavit in the for�n grescr%be�l by the Secretary tonbe tu e�and the r.an e rnature of State ¢nd signed b the mana in o zcer o said news a er and sacoz•n to be ore a notar :chlic y � 9 ff� 1 P P f yp �nd locar.;on of tne us�, if any, stati�ig that the neivspaPer is a legal newspaper. to which the �arking facitity NOt' CE' O� Public Hea_ z — y f r'n� shall be access�ry. x�,e applicant ge jzarther states on oatii tfeat tlae printed sha13 submit coo:es o� a plar. ..•••.....•.•.....•................... .•.• drawn to scate showin� ttie ar- Parkin Places rangement ana aESi�n of the • •••••••�••• -• • hereto attached as a pa--t hereoJ was c�<t from t3ee colzcm�as oj said pzoposed vehicular parking place, t1�e locacion ana number of ver.i- �LelvsnaTer ��ad was printed and pzcblished therein in the English. da�agaaage, o�ace each aceek, for cIes to be par:;ed, the location three ( c�turdav ot cne propcse3 driveways, walls. `�.�. successive weeks; that it was fi�•st so picblishecl on ............�........, the cur�bs, fences, ana otner land- ..�1^a .• day o� ...Februar;....., ZJ7.�. a�:d was thereaJter ri�ited and publisTned on sca e features, including no*.a- ••• ' tions as to th� proposed su�a�;,,g Saturda �17th ebruary 73- ana pro�isior.s -or droinag2. Tiie every .... ........5..... to and inclxding t)ze . . ... da?/ oj .... ... .s....., i9. , City Clerk s!;ail ther�u�c�a refer the matter to t*�e �ity Council. an�l that the Jollowing is a pri�ited copy of the lotver case alp7aabet from El to Z, both {rcl:rsive, "b. Upon receipt of rhe application and is hereby acknowledged a:� 'ocing the size as:d kind o/ type used in tlie composi*.io�a and for vehiau?ar par:cing glaces hav- pttblication of said notice, to 1vit: ing thirty (301 or less off-sL-eet Pgr��� Spar�,, t}Ze Caun.^il shall abcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz vote on wheiher to procsss the application as an adminlstrative • � r::•:.�:t. as , � - ,tn ,,. paragrapn .����J'_ta�l �• �+�'/L�-� !.ru.. c. below, �r uhezhPr hacaus= oF SAM L E�EWIS, JR. uausuzl circvni;tances tne �ubIic laterest �aoz�:3 i,e served to proc- ' e�s the apr;lication as a Counci! Specfal Use Permit, as set forth ]n paragraph d. below. All vehic- F ana i3!)kqr�moreeoff str�t`nirty- - �g'ubscribed and sworn to beJore me this .l��.h. day of .,-,ebru � � 1973 -ing spaces shail be referredrto •••• the Board of Zonin for � ing as Councit Special Use Fer- - � mi ts. "c.Administrative vehicular C. M. LEZ'VIS parkin� place permits snali be approved Notar Public, Ramse Count b the �affic Engineer, the CitY (Noturial seal) - y y y, M'L'n�L. Pl�anning CoordinaIOr, ar.d the My Conir.tiission ExPires�ouember�5,±976. Head of the Divisior. of F�ousing " and Bui:ding Code E7io:cement � within the Department of Cum- muaity Services prior to the issu- arxce of ar.y bui]ding or work "�� .;' _ _ ___ __ _ _ Fsex�mit necessary for ,he con- ` � - � �" - "'tcaction of the iacility and struc- tures reyuired ur,der Section 6023 (5). � ' (1) If, after review cf fhe o!ans ' ' as �rovided in paragraph c. ' - � . above, any one oi the three ° � officers is of the oaPnion th;it - � ' the vehicular par;;ing place � , permit, because of iYS nature ' � o^ unusuai circumstan^.es, in- volves Cuti;ncil poiicy deter- - minations, said plans shall be � ' transferred to ±he ofrice of � � the City Cier!z, and �he appli- eant notified in wriYing by the ` ' . City Clerk, whereupon tae applicant may proceed in ac- • - - cordance c��ith SecYion 6023 � (d) as an application ior a ° � Council Spec�al Use Permit. 3 - (2? If the applicant far the vehic- ,` �1a2' parking piace permit is � � � � aggrieved by the decision or recommenc:r.�tion ��f the offi- • � cers, after ihezr review of the plans a_s o:uvidr_d in para- ' graph c. ai�ove, tize a�plicant may brinQ tiie m,�i:cr on for decision to Yhe ��our,ci; ii� ac- � � � - � � � cordance wi:n Se�,;,,r ti023 � (d) as e:n aE:plicant !or a ' � Council S,>ecial Use Permit. . . "d. Council Speciat Use Permifs shall - be referred bv the �ouncil +o the Board of 'Lor.in� ior ircesii- ga!3on, studp and *eport con�e;n_ - : � � � 3ng the adci,,;bility o# ti�e pro- .nosal. . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City Planning Board of Saint Paul ha� initiat�d proceedings relative to the amending of Section 60.23 (4) of the Ssint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to the procedures for the establishment of vehicular parking placea. �he City Council of the City of Saint Paul will consider the Third Reading of t�e Amending Ordinance on April 5, 1973, at which time a public hearing will be held at 1�:00 A.M. in the City Council Chambers on the tl�ird floor at the City Hall-County Courtho�se. At said time and place the City Council will hear all objections and recom4nendations relative to said amendment. I�rch 23, 1973. HARRY E. MARSHALL� City Q.erk. (I�rch 24, 1973 j `'�' � -1 aj�� � � 3/�� 1:�; "/ cnG � e 3rd ,���=-�--i--- Adop�ed � Yeas � Nays KONOi'ATZKI LEVINE �.�}..%`:i t�VJ '`? MER�y,DITH SP:ftAF'KA s,,�' --- TEDESCO N�ne PRESID:�VT ( �. � :_ �. ,. _ .. _ m . . _ .. - - - -_ __ _ . .. � __ _ _ . ._._ .._.. .. _ � �.. � .,...._.__ . _ , . -..�� -,. _ ��,....• _ r w ., . , . . . 1-, .. , , . .. ._. -.. . . . .. .. - . N(;+ ��_ OF PUItLSC �iEARI�IG - • PRINTER'$ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Thr C:ty P1an�inT 3oard of Saint STATE OF 111I1VNESOTA, Pzul }ias iniYtate�f �:aceedings relative S8. - to th� amending of Section so.23 (4) of COLTNTY OF RAI�ISEY, � the Saint i'..�1 LeSislative Code, per- saintng io tne procedures for the estab- $Q,rypuej E.L8'tOiS,Jr.,being dul�sworn,on oath s¢ys he�s a�td during an the times herein stated lishment of vehicuiar parking places as fouows: hat been tDie bustness rr�anaqer of the newspaper known as The Saint Paul Legal Le�ner a�id SECTIOx 1 �s Iu11 knowiedge o} the jacts heretin stnted as fo2iows: (1) Said newspaper is printad in the �at sectton soz3 t4)of the Salnt Paul English language in newspaper format and {n coltcmn and sheet form equivalent in printed space L.egistative coae is amenaea by aetet- to at Ieust 900 square inclaes; (�) Said neiuspa�oer is¢daily and is distributed daily except Bunday, ing entirelv al1 of nt�.:3 (4) of tt�e Saint �onday and Fiolidays; (3) Said newspc�Per has �5�Jo of its news columns devoted to news oj P'au) LegisYative co�e and substituting tocal interest to the community which it purports to serve and does not t.oholly duplicate any in lieu thereof the following: OtItBT publication and is not made uP entirely of patents, plate matter and advertisements; sU.z3 (4) Preceaures for the Estab- ��;� ,ga3d newspaper is circulated in and azear the mzcnicipatat� which at purPorts to serve, has pi�eent of venicular Parking dt ieast�500 copies regularly delivered to pa�ing subscribers, has an average of at least 75%a ""a. All applications for ve�icular oj its total crirczclation eurrentlg� p�zid or no miore th¢n three yrLOnths tin arrears and has entry ¢s rking ptace permits st�all be second-class matter in its local post-oJJ`ice; (5) S¢id newspaper purports to serve the City o/ fiptaed wifh the office of tne City ,gt. Pau1 in the Catcrzt o R�cntse� and it has its known o ice o sssue in the Cit, o St. Paul %n Clerk togeLher with a permit fee y 1 J � t '�/ f to be computea on the basfs of satid eounty, established and ope�� durinc� its re�ular Susiness hours jor the gathering oj news, one dollar �gi.o�i for eacn off- 'sale of advertisemen±s and sale of saabscript%o�ts and maintained by the managin� oJjicer of said street parking space on said ve- htcular parking ptace up to �tewspaper or persorts in its P1riplog� and subject to laas direction and control dtcring ald such reg- tY::rty t3o) spaces, ar.a an addi- ular bttsiness hours and at wlaich said �aewspnper is printed; (6) Said ne2vspaper Fles ¢ copy oJ tional a�nour.t tnereto of fifty each issue inarnediateiy with t3ae State Historical Society; (7) Sdid ne2uspaper has com.�iied with cents ($0.50) ior each space in ad- dttion to the ori�inal spaces. The all the f�»-egoing conditao>is for at ica,st tuo years preceditig the c�a;i/ or dates of paiblication men- apglicaticn for said permit sna11 tioned beiow; (8) Said newsPaper htts Jiled loitl� the Secretary oJ State of 111innesota prior to set iortn the naR;e of che apcli- ��ty2cary 1, 1J6&a?cd each Jant�a.ry 1 thereczfter an aJjidavit in the for�n Prescribe�l by the Secretary cant, the iocdtion of the Fremises - to be used, ana ihe r.ame, nature oj State and signed by the manttgi>ag ofjicer oJ said newspaper and szcorn to before a raotary p:chlic anc� jocation of the use, if any, stati�ig that the newspaper tis a tegal newspaper. Lo which the parking facility NOti.CE' Of Public HE&2'1Ylg— shall be acces<6ry. The applicant He fzirther states on oatlr. that tlie �rinted shall submit cop;es of a plar �����������������������������������'������� drawn to scale showing the dr- Parkin Plaees rangemenr ana desi�n o� the •••�••••�•••• •• • hereto attached as a pa-•t hereoJ was cz<t Jrom tlee coEvcrosas oJ said proposed venicutar parking place, �te1�S a er a��d avas prin.ted a�td ptebiished therein in the Engiish la�ag2iage, o�tce each week, for the locaxion and number of veri- p T cles to be pari.ed, the location three C`�'tUrda of the propose� driveways, walis. ••��•�• successive weelcs; tliat it was first so p¢iblished on ... �......., the curbs, fences, ana other land- •.�T'a day of ...�'ebruar�,,,,,, IJ7.�. tt�ad was thereaJter ri�ited a�td publislced on stape featixres, including n�•a� •••'''''S aturcla ,17 t h �E'b2't�a='V 7�. tions as to tn�proposed sn�a�i.z ,5,.,,, to and incli�c�ing the .. ... da?/ o/ ..............�;....., 19..., and pro�isior.s _or dro:aag2. Tne ev�ry .... ....... City Clerk s*a1 •heraupaa refer the matter to t�e city Councii. ¢nd ticat the Jollowing is a pri�ited copy oj the lotver case alplaabet jrom �1 to Z, both ir�cZusive, "tr. Upon receipt of rhe application and is laereby acknowledged a.s t�cing the size assd kind of type used in tAe compositioa: and #or vehicu?ar �arking places hav- ptiblication of Sa4d notfce, to 1cit: ing thirty (30� or less off-street abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz par3cing spaccs, the Council shall vote on whether to proc��-s the applicat:on as an administrative • � r-•:•.:t. as �� ,tn :,, paragrapn • ��� �• �/1r-.. �,�l1 c. below, �r �vhethPr, hecaus< oF SAM�,L E�EWIS, JR.. unususl circunistances tne pubiic 2aterest c;o,•:3 i,e seived �o proc- . ess the �ppiication as a �ounci! � �� � Special Use Permit, as set forth 2n paragraph d. below. All �Ph;�- 17th Febru �. 73 ular parking places havir,g thirty- - _,,,,,,, , ...� 19... one (3!) or more off-street oarK- Subscribed and sworn to bejore me this ........ dCLy O/ -ing spaces shail be referred to � the Board of Zoning far process- ing as Council Speciai Use Per- � mits. �e. Administrative rehicular C. M. I'ET�VIS parking . place permits =ha11 be aPproved Notary Public, Rancsey County, Min9z. by the �ratric Engineer, ihe Cits (Noturiat 3eai) � Contir�tiission Ex ires Nouember�,5 *976. Planning CoordinaYOr, ar.d the �✓ p �' Head of the Divisior. of Housir.g � and Bui:ding Code �nfo:cement within the Department of Cam- muaity Services prior to the issu- a.;* ur ce of any building or work ,� _ __ __ _ � p�tmit necessarp for .he con- ' -' - " - ���z�acY:on of the iacilitv and struc- � . � - � tures reyuired under 8ection 60.23 1 (5). � . I {1) IP, after review cf the p!ans ` ' I as �irovided in paragraph c. � i ' above, any one of the three ° officers is of the opinion that - � i the vehicular parking place - . permit, because of it; nature ' � or unusua: circumstanaes, in- ' volves Council poiicy deter- � minations, said �laus shall be � . ' ` . transfezred to the o8ice oP the City CIers, and fhe appli- cant notified in writ:ng by the ` ' • City Clerk, whereupon tne applicant r:iap proceed in ac- • ' - � cordance u-ith Sec2ion 60?3 (d) as an application for a Coancil Special Use Permit. - (2) If the applicant for the vehic- plar parking place permit is , aggzieved by the decision or recommenc:atiun of the ofFi- • cers, after ihe!.r review of the plans as o:uvide3 ia para- graph c. aiiove, tne applicant may brine ti�e tna;ter on for decisian t.� the Cour:i2 in ac- � � � � � cordance k>i„i 5t�t;,,r. ti0.23 (d) as r;n aF.pLicant for a Council S,>ecial I3se Permit. - � • "d. Council Special Use Permits shali - - be referred bv the i.uuncil to the Board of Lor,ir.h fcc ins-�s'i- ga!ion, stud;r anci report conce;n- ing the advis.�bzliLy oif ii�e pro- .nasal. . . ', . (EL6L�LT-Ot-E�Enjqa3)� �;r: � •inEa �uieg ;o V pisog 8utuue[d Ai4J 'uecu:c?eu� `�ZOOQ "J S�L�tf71';uacupuauus P�BS pl ant2�i�= suoil�Puacuuso�aa pus suotl�afqo tiE ZEac( li?M pSEUg BaFuustd a�li a�e(d pue auicl P�xeoH pue aaasaS eySeQeM IZ6 a��.80 P 8�{�e�a '�;t�.au� uc �o?,CeP PsEZlaW1 pE�6 le '£L6i e.xensqa3 3 ,Slt� aLI.Y. pax8 SeLi Fseog �acciueTd � •uoc;a�ctqnd pue ieno.xda 1c;�ucsaq g3� ia33E s.Sep (0£) �l�?�l pue ;�aga a�{el IIEus a�ueuipso s?ci3. Z 130IS.��S „•;aaris�Aqnd aLi7 LIS)[10M SO; �iuuad uocl�na;suo�pue pue( a1E�4ad uo xsom aoj s:iwsad Bu�pLtn4 �iESSa�au aql anssi , p� paz?ioulne uodna�aul ase � s�{so� ��IqT'd 3� Tuacu;zedaQ � a� pue �uaculledaQ �ucp.cttfi at[3 pt�t o a�e[.xdo�d I _d� •11�uro� �ay Sq pansst st q�ccjm �acIFJ83 �atxasd laans _�o asod�s a�� $uTZUOq1C� luawc(s?i4 1 .�auoc 3 u e w-a noq e uoi;noo�do� $;o;dca�al uod.1 l£) ail3� dmo� �otc •q,tm pa?t a.xe sa�uecnpio areis�rctde ([� ;p saot�acs� suoiscnr d puE ut ti�1o3 1as s3uauta.t?nbai io suo[t?nuo� •suot�e�?ui?i [e?�ads pauoi;uacu -aao;E aLil lEti1 awt7 riae lE [�� -uno� ac[l �4 Pa'tonai ac!.cecu aicuiad sccty �a�:ieucpso al: -s�ctdde j�e ;o suois�no.zd a�l i;3?b a�uepio��e uc p�e uocl -e�tid�e aq1 t[i?a� Pal;•cuqtis suetd ac{l u? ul�O3 �a' suots -tnoid pue s�*:auia.x:nbai a:�i ;o Lie t[l?M a�ue?T aW°�uodn uo�ln�axa Tnjc[1=ef ul ;u2Sucluo� nu at�l lusn s l? p; IIGI'i�- ESOAEj auno� aui P.zo�ai i[e4ti 4 u i� pIIE �1�:)d pt2S 'O ��T: aql �� Pau��;:e suocl?Pu�� �o suo[Ze�twil [et�ads :,ue u.i°3 ;as �rei�s u�iL�nc un�;.n-JS�.�E jo a9esse<S =';1 1 •� uo IS� nEKs uoile�c;dds aul �ione,� (�1 -ur•.o��iit so uor�E aiq' •pa:uaaaid a.xe sa�uss[nu 3°j-Il PuE I�a;e�o� $i 36 A�?u;� u[ �����soduco� ;o ia�osaeqo eqt u3. iT?M�uauzdo(anap a�l 'a°ul Pcca aci; o} .Cl?ZtJB; �ucxie�l eces ;o asn pue uocipiado ac(b 1?�Ft Secu pus ,Sli3dosd lua�e[pe ;�aload ol Pue Sia;es �?�ie�� a�eltic�s� o; sainlpaF iav,;� io ' sa�Pa�I 's3�ua; 's�,em �.:racnb _as o; a�ua.zaiaa q=*n. ola:[aAi suor�tpuo� a�qeuos��a.t Ti�e1 -le .(euz �iiuS2d .�t:r �utluei2 u[ ii�uno�aq:i 'a�aid�uc�(i o1 Sejn�tgan e so; pasn aq pasodo.�d a�:s aul 3� �zap.coq atil 30 1aa; (nOZ) naxpunq o:st: ucqiFn� ,C;iadoici ;i� 3� suoil -iii.t�san reianas �q1?n s_>�rM.� aul o; a�z;ou ua3li.iM sa:�Q sAep (Oi) ual lsea( is �c;raeaq oci4nd e i�r�puoo�reqs►cauno;� ai(� 8ucuoZ 3o Pieog a�l *o ,r�das avi :o iata�ai uodn (T?