260531 WHI7E - CITV CLERK �, +,���� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council V CANARY - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PRBLIMII�ARY ORDSR File lfo. 17656 In the �tter of corietructiag a pe�blic stor�a scwer i� 3HBRBIIR1iE A1B1Qi1� froed Asbury Street tc Albert Strs�t; i� CI�.ARLES A1/�1�U8 fro� Smelling Avenue to Albert Street; in $DM[�iD AV�� fraa Asbury Street tm Albert Street; is� THOKAS A� fro� Asbury 5tre�t to Pascal Street; in LAFOND AVffi�tJS fro� Asbury Street to Simpson 3treet; in BLAIR AVSI�[T� fron Asbury Street to Simpson 3treet; i�► �1A� B�N AV� frrna 3nelling Awenu� to Pasaal 3trest; in PA�CAL 3YRR�T fros� Van Buren Av�nue to Minnehaha Aven�e; in SII�IPSO� STR�BT fror� t�an Buren Aveaue to Minnehaha Avettu�; in ASBURY AVE1�fJ� from Van �ure� Avenu� to Mian�haha Avenne; and all to be knawa ae the 8D1�lt1�TD-SNSLLIAi6 RBLIB! S�� 3Y3TBFi, (S-1477). The said order haniiag been approved by Administrative prder IQumber D-263 approved Rowembsr 6, 1972. � Th� Ceuacil of the City af 3aint Paul haviag received the report of the Mayor a�on the above imArovement, and havitig considered said report, heraby resolves: 1. That the aaid report snd the sa�e is herebq approved with no alternatives, an�d that tht estisdated cost thereof is $!�6�,000.00. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improve�eat on the 21st day of Fabruary, 1973, at 10:�0 o'clock a.m. , in the Couacil Chamber� of the Cit� Hall aad Court I3ouse Building in the City of Saint paul. 3. That noti�e o! aaid public hearing be given to the pessons and in the ma�ner pro�ided by the Charter, stating the ti.xe and place of hearing, the na�ure of the imprav�a�nt �ad th� total cost thereof as estimated. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Hun t Konopatzki [n Favor �_-- Mer�ed�it�h+ V Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler �p� 2 31973 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certif' � ed by c' retary BY By q Appro by Date J �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBLISHED JAIV 2? 197�