D00952City of Saint Paul Office of the Mayor C� r1 L_J ADMINI5TRATIVE ORDEIZ BUDGET REVISION Na: `�aSZ Date: � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Secfion 10A7.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of ffie Department of Executive Administration to amend the 1996 budget, the D'uector of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: DEPAR'I'MENT & DIVI5ION: Ezecutive Administration FUND/ACTIVITY 00100 MAYOR'S ADMINISTRATION GL-001-00100-114 GL-001-00100-0857 CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 393,505 (3,000) 390,505 3,500 3,000 6,500 00100 ALL OTHER SPENDING , ^ r.� � �epared by: Ac ity Manager Date . ��- °�,� � j�� j�� Requested by Department Director Date 952,333 0 952,333 ���-�- "" �� c��`f�� App ved y: Mayor/Budget Director Date ��� oEP /OPFICHCOUNCIL ° �'� ^ r, ° t � GREEN SHEE N°_ 3�634 �� ! I n J /' f_ � DEPAPTMENT DIflECTORNmAIlDA�E � CRY CAUNCIL INRIAUDA7E NwI 'rNrl xureF wx � c�n nnoaNer �cm cLEHK UST BE OPl GOUNG0. A6ENOA BY pp�� m BUDGEr DIRE4TO O FlN. fi MGT. SERVICES DIR. OROEp � �pYOR (�fl ASSISTAHn � TOTAL # OF SI(3NATURE PAGES (CUP AL� LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) "�,w" ���,�,.r,v� a-�c�.�.t. �Se.��C-�' retJ�s ra�...�/�iy�sf-e.-r.�� y s�royv. c`3� (J ( -ou� f+ � L - ��' - D 85 `T RECAMMENDATIONS:nppnwe(A)orRejec[(H) pERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: _ PUWNING CAMlAISSION _ CNII.SERVICE COMNISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked untler a cOnVact for this tlepartment? � _ CB cbMMrtTEe YES �NO _ STM'F _ 2. Has this parso�rm ever bee� a city employee? YES NO _ DISSRIC7 COUR7 _ 3. DoeS Mis person/firm posses5 a skill not nortnall � y possessed by any current cBy employee. SUPPORTSWHICNCOUNpLOBJECTWET YES NO Explain alt yas answers on separate sheat aed attnch to green shcet IN�TIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR7UNIN (Who. Whet, Whan. Where, Why): frraer�'c y pu�"G�ast v�- o�c.e eorryQu�"h, cv�s rJ.ec.es s«�� �v h�n a.bt a�-� �itc �'a.t;/ca� p,a�d klas r�ofi tv�z j`h /'�,paii^ii��. 5�11. � rtot haul .�-cEn a�blt �/�.e ori» d.c��ies wiJzhau-��� Af � C �� � f �f y Fn CVV,f,.s COming. �"c.�iaK. !� "`'� 11 ADVANTAGES IFAPPpOVED: �d w�:E/ G.� �''a�s'��''r��f � eo��.r e� s� a . RECEIVE� JuN 12 1996 CITY CLER� DISADVANTAGES If APPROVED: � rle. we � ficyo�� a Sur�o Lu S N o�/ S ari�s �,�o h�'rih� a.,t a t6.�c.�- l��.f �-�.� bud�Cf��. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPFOYED: ��� waG6 �af �X �`t'a.r�sfc�r��c� �tcd t�e u�r�Y.� .@.� �a-�c � �� ��'" �"�°`��,- OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S ��` �� COS7/REVENUE BUDGEiED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO � � � GL - OU)-DO/00- FUNDING SOUNCE v`"� •Q�� r - ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FiNANCIAI INFORMATION' (EXPLAIN) /�1 �' L U�