260524 WH17E CITV CLERK 1 ��V��
� t r - uncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That pursua.nt to Chapter 231 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code, as amended, pertaining to Sewer Service Cha.rges
and authorizing establishment of Service Availability Charges
(SAC) by Council Resolution, the Council of the City of Saint Paul
does hereby establish the amount and basis for such Service Avail-
ability Cha.rges to be levied and collected during the year 1973
and thereafter until modified by this Council and which cha.rges
sha.11 be imposed on each building or structure in the City for
which a building permit is required. The cha.rge for each building
shall be equa.l to the number of units of sewage volume which it
will discha.rge, multiplied by the sum of $275.00. A unit of sewage
volume sha.11 be 100,000 gallons per year and sha.11 be assigned as
a) One SAC unit for each dwelling unit contained in
structures intended or designed for not more than two
families .
b) 80% of one SAC unit for each apartment or each dwell-
ing unit and structures intended or designed for more
than two families.
c) 80% of one SAC unit for each mobile home. " -
d) 75% of one SAC unit equivalent for tha.t type of hous-
ing for each dwelling unit built by the Housing and
Redevelopment Authority or for each housing unit built
and subsidized under any Federal program for low and
moderate income housing.
e) All commercial, institutional, industrial and other
uses shall be assigned one SAC unit for each 100,000
gallons per year of sewage flow or part thereof which
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: ;
Hunt ' `
Konopatzki In Favor '
Meredith Against BY
Mme.President Butler
Form Approved y r y
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
gy By
' �����
2 •
the Department of Community Services and/or the
Metropolitan Sewer Service Board shall estima.te will
be discha.rged into the sewer system. The minimum
capacity charge for such commercial, institutiona.l,
industrial and other uses sha.11 be one SAC unit. To
the extent possible, all allocations and cha.rges for
commercial and institutiona.l building s will be based
on the standard number of units established for the
use or uses by the Metropolitan Sewer Service Board,
which allocations schedules shall be maintained on
file in the office of the City Clerk.
All determinations of SAC units for industrial users
and uses not set forth on the above-referenced allo-
cations shall be first ma.de and determined by the
Metropolitan Sewer Service Board and reviewed by the
Department of Community Services .
All determinations of SAC units for industrial users
sha.11 be subject to review and verification based on
actual flow discha.rge from the structure after one year
of op�ration to determine if the Ser�rice Availability
_�harge as.signment was accurate. Thi s revieva sha.11 be
''; .--�,-�y-�.t-�-_M�trvgo�ttan_ �-ew�r�,��rvfce B't�a�Y�`an�Y"th:e
Department of Community Services one year after the
date of the first discharge into the sewer system; and
following such review and determina.tion, an additiona.l
fee or refund sha.11 be made by the Metropolitan Sewer
Service Board;
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, Tha.t the above Service Availability Charges
sha.11 be paid to the City of Saint Paul as follows:
a) Issua,nce of Building Permits :
1. The Service Availability Charges sha.11 be pa.id
prior to the issuance of all building permits to
be issued for new construction from and after
the effective date of this resolution.
2 . The Service Availability Charges shall be paid
prior to the issuance of all building permits
issued from and after the effective date of this
resolution, for alterations and/or additions
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. �
to existing' structures, if the addition or
alteration will require additional Service
Availability Cha.rge units of reserve capacity.
Such units sha.11 be determined and charges
ma.de therefor in accordance with the Cha.rges
set forth above.
b) Issua.nce of Sewer Connection Permits:
A Service Availability Charge shall be pa.id to
the City at the time of issua.nce of all sewer connection
permits for connections to be made on and after the
effective date of this resolution, except in the
following cases:
1. The sewer connection permit is issued for a
building for which a Service Availability
Charge was ma.de at the time the building permit
was issued.
2 . The sewer connection permit was issued for a
building for which a building permit was issued
prior to January 1, 1973, and the building was
not served by an on-lot disposal system.
3 . The sewer connection permit was issued for a
building for which a building permit was issued
prior to Janua.ry 1, 1973, and is served by an
on-lot disposal system, then and in that event,
the cha.rge sha.11 be 50% of the required SAC
unit cha.rge if the connection permit is issued
during the calendar year 1973;
and be it
" ' Council Resol�tion
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
FURTHER RESOLVED, That all informational reports required by
the Department of Community Services sha.11 be completed by appli-
cants for permits . These reports sha.11 be reviewed by the Metro-
politan Sewer Service Board ax�.d if, upon reviewing the said reports,
the Board determines that a greater number of SAC units is assign-
able to the structure, the applicant sha.11 be required to pay this
additiona.l amount of cost to the Metropolitan Sewer Service Board;
and be it
FINALLY RESOLVEDs Tha.t any person applying for a building per-
mit sha.11 be entitled to receive SAC unit credits to be applied to
the cha.rges required by this resolution if a demolition permit had
been issued for the same site during the same calendar year in
� which the building pertnit is issued, or if said demolition permit
had been issued during the next preceding calendar year; provided,
however, that such credits shall not be given for any demolition _
permitns issued prior to Janua:ry 1, 1973. The SAC credit sha.11 be �
equal to the number of �AC units which the previous structure was �
discharging into the sewer system.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Hun t
Konopatzki [n Favor
Meredith � Against BY
Mme.President Butler
JAN 2 3 1973 Form Approved by City Att ey
Adopted by Council: Date
Cert' ' sed by C cil tary BY
Approv by Ma . Date — � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
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Page(s) .
Section I. POLICIES . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 3
FORMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - 12
Section IV. REPORTING FORMS . . . . . . . . . . 13 - 18
Section V. MODEL ORDINANCE . . . . . . . 19 - 20
POLICY II. (cont'd) ' : �
The rate for 1974 and subsequent years shall be subject to review and adjust-
ment according to changes in projections of the aurrent costs of reserve capacity,
the number af housing starts, or the number of cannections to the Metropolitan
Disposal System.
COMPUTATION OF UNITS. The number of units which are connected, or
for which a building permit is issued shall be computed as follows:
A, Single family houses , townhouses an�d duplex units shall each
comprise one unit;
B. Condominiums and apartments shall each comprise 80% of a unit;
C. Mobile homes shall each comprise 80% of a unit; .
D, Other buildings and structures shall be assigned one unit for
each 100,000 gallons of flow which it is estimated they will
discharge, and commercial and indu�strial building units shall
be assigned a minimum of one unit;
E. Public housing units and housing units subsidized under any
federal program for low-and-modera�te-income housing shall
be counted as 75% of the unit equivalent for that type of housing;, .
F. Units existing or for which building permits were issued prior to
January 1 , 1973, shall be counted as one-half the unit equivalent
for that type of housing, if connected to the Metropolitan Disposal
System prior to january 1 , 1974 , a�nd shall be counted at the full
rate thereafter,
The Board will review the assignment of units under items (A) , (B) , and (C)
and may find it necessary to make revisions ias new forms of housing are provided,
The Board will prescribe more detafled rules�
The computations for new building unit� shall include a deduction for demolition
of existing building units located wfthin the local government unit, Such ded�ctions
may be made on a month-to-month basis (ne�w building units less demolished building
units) and payment of charges shall be mad� on the net new building units.
Deductions for demolitions are allowed on a cumulative basis over the entire budget
year. If, at the close of the budget year, payment for new building exceeds
the net of new units less demolitions in that budget year, then a credit for such � .
overpayment shall be made against the charges due in the next year.
REPORTING AND PAYMENT. The Sewer Boaxd will prescribe reporting forms
which will be required to be filed for each mont'h with payment of charges due
for that month, on or before the lOth day of the following month. The charges
due for each month will be based upon units connected or started in that month
less the demolitions. The first report and payment wfll relate to January, 1973
and will be due on or before February 10. Mur�icipalities shall retain 1% of the
total Service Avaflability Charges to cover costs of administration.
USE OF AMOUNTS COLLECTED, Amounts 'collected to pay current costs of
reserve capacity will be transferred to the Me�ropolitan Council Sewer Bond Fund�
and used to pay debt service comprising such costs ,
In 1971 and 1972 , municipalities were 811ocated reserve capacity and
current costs of reserve capacity for treatment works and interceptors based on
an estimate of the additional annual sewage flow which would come from future
development in the municipality, taking into a�count sewer contracts, pipe
design, population projections , and municipal comprehensive plans, For 1973
and succeeding years ; the allocation of reserve capacity and of current costs
of reserve capacity for treatment works and interceptors among municfpalities
will be based on annual sewage flow to be dis�harged from new sewer connections
or new building construction commenced in the municipality during the year. In
1973 and succeeding years reserve capacity cY�arqes will be based on the amount
of reserve cagacity which will be used up by n�'ew connections , or which will
certainly have to be provided in the future for new buildings constructed during
the year. The amount of reserved capacity us�:d or which v+rill have to be provided
and the amount to be charged for it will be me�sured upon the issuance of sewer �
connection and building permits during the year. , � _
Each year capacity is reserved for, and current costs of reserve capacity
allocated to, municipalifiies as outlined above: (1) which are served by and dis-
charging sewage into the Metropolitan Dispos,�l System during the year; or (2) which
will be served by and able to discharge sewaqe into facilities for which the Metro-
politan Sewer Board has awarded a construction contract, Municipalfties not
discharging directly or indirectly into the Metropolitan DisPosal System will be
allocated reserve capacity and reserve capacity charges only from and after the
date the Board awards a construction contract for facilities which will provide
sewer service to the municipality.
Any municipality with territory outsid� a sewer service area will not be
allocated reserve capacity or reserve capacit� charges for building permits issued
for construction in the municipality outside a sewer service area. In cases where
a municipality is divided between two or mor� sewer service areas, the allocation
of reserve ca�acity and reserve capacity charrges based on building permits will
be applied only in the portion of the municfpajlity and the sewer service area that
is served by the Metropolitan Disposal Systetn, or which wfll be served by it
when facflitles for which a construction contract has been awarded are completed,
New building permits issued by a municipality with respect to any portion of its
territory in a sewer service area, which territory is presently not served directly
or indirectly by the Metropolitan Disposal Sy�stem, or where a project is not under
construction to provide service, will not be t'he basis for the allocation of reserve
ca pa city or re serve ca pa city charg e s,
The amount of reserve capacity and reserve capacity charges to be allocated
to a municipality for any year will be determined by the annual volume of sewage
which it is estimated each new building or sewer connection commenced during the
year will contribute to the Metropolitan Disposal System . For each estimated
100,000 gallons of annual sewage volume (a SAC unit) a reservation of capacity
and an allocation of reserve capacity charges is made. This represents the basic
unit for the allocation of reserve capacity and reserve capacity charges with respect
to all types of sewer connections and buildings , �For the next five years the amount
of reserve capacity charges allocated per SAC unit of annual sewage volume (SAC
unit charge) has been established as follows: $2�5 for 1973; $300 for 1974; $325 for
1975; $350 for 1976; and $375 for 1977, The amount of the allocation and charge
will be reviewed each year at the time of the adoption of the Metropolitan Sewer �
Board Operating Budget,
For I973 only, reserve capacity charges �llocated to a municipality with
respect to the connection of building units which existed prior to january 1 , 1973,
and were served by on-lot disposal systems, will be 50% of the amount charged ` �
per SAC unit for tha# type of building unit had it not existed prior ta January 1 , 1973.
� As indicated above, for the purpose of t'he allocation of reserve capacity
and reserve ca�acity charges, the computation of SAC units will be standardized
for certain types of bufldings, based upon the �stimated annusl sewage volnme for
each type, as follows:
A. Each municipality will be allocated and charged one SAC unit
for each single family dwelling, one SAC unit per townhouse or
duplex dwelling unit, 80% of a SAC unit for each apartmenfi unit
(the 80% value is based on the f�ct that historically apartments
discharge less wastewater to th� sewer system than a single
family dwelling and an analysis;inclicates that on the average an
apartment unit in the metrcpolitan area discharges an estimated
. 80% of the flow of a single fami�y dwelling) , and 80% of a SAC
unit for each mobile home unit (in large mobile home parks, the
charge would be based on the number of units to be included
in the park for which the buildir�g permit wa� taken out and would
be 80� of a SAC unit for each mobile home located in the mobile
home park) . .
B. Municipalities will be allocated reserve ca(�acity and reserve
capacity charges for all commercial, instftutional and industrial .
building permits and/or connection piermits on the basis of the
number of SAC units to be discharged by the facility each year.
The minimum capacity reserved for a commercial, institutional
and industrial permit will be one SAC unit. To the extent possible,
allocations for commercial and institutional buildings will be based
on the standard number of SAC units set forth and discussed in the
instructions accompanying the reporting forms, All determinations
of SAC units for industrial users will be subject to review and
verification based on actual flow discharged from the industry after
� one year of operation to determine i�f the SAC assignment was accurate.
The review will be made one year after the date of the first discharge
into the sewer system,
C. Each municipality's allocation of r�serve capacity and reserve
capacity charges for public housing will be made on the basis of
75% of the SAC unit for the respective housing type. The reduced
SAC unit assignment for public Mo�sfng is applicable to housing
units built by housing and redevelbpment authorities or housing
units subsidized under any federal, low and moderate income housing
program, and is based onthe fact that historically the average '
sewage flows from such housing units are less than the average
sewage flows from private single family, duplex, townhouse and
apartment units,
The following rules will be applied to determine the applicability of the
• SAC unit charges for building and connection p�rmits issued by each municipality
for which the current costs of reserve capacity are allocated:
A. Building Permit SAC Unit Charges:
1 . All building permits issued by a municipality in accordance
with its municipal ordinance on or after January 1 , 1973
shall be subject to the SA� unit charge,
2. All building permits issued by a municipality for alterations
and/or additions to existing buildings will be subject to
a SAC unit charge if the a�idition or alteration will require
additional SAC units of re�erve capacity, The SAC unit will
be determined in the same� manner used to determine the
SAC units for new buildings .
B. Sewer Connection Permit SAC Unit Charges:
1. All sewer connection permits issued by a municipality under
its municipal ordinances for connections to be made on or
after January 1 , 1.973 will be subject to a SAC unit charge '
except in the following Gases:
: II-6
' a. The sewer connection permit is issued for a building
for which a SAC unit charge was made at the time the
municipality issued the buflding permit,
b. The sewer connection perbnit was issued for a building
; for which a building permit was issued prior to january 1 ,
1973 and was nat served by an on-lot disposal system.
c. The sewer connection persnit was issued and the sewer
to which the connection was to have been made existed
prior to January 1 , 1973,
Each month the municipality will report the number of new SAC units for
which permfts are issued and the number of SAC t�nits for which demolition permits
are issued, and charges due for the month will be based on the net new SAC units
for which permits are issued, If the number of SAC units authorized to be demolished
in any month exceeds the number of new SAC units authorized to be constructed in
any month, no payment will be due for that month and the excess number of SAC
units authorized to be demolished will be cre�lited against new SAC unfts authorized
to be constructed in a subsequent month,
� The Board will furnish reporting forms that must be filed each month. The
Reserve Capacity Report will be due on the lOth day of the month following the
reporting period, The prescribed forms are included in the instruction booklet.
Each municipality will be required to make a report each month indicating the permit
activity in the municipality even though no permits may have been issued, The
first Reserve Capacity Monthly Report for January, 1973 will be due on or before
February 10, 1973. Each municipality will retain l% of the reserve capacity charges
reported to cover the cost of administration, E�ach report must be certified by an
offfcial of the municipality.
' '
I .
. :i
. � ,
. .
All local governments will be required to submifi each month a report on
building and/or connection permits issued by the m�nfcipality. The permits will
be the basis for determining the SAC units and the reserve capacity charges. This
report will be submitted each month beginr�ing in january, 1973 , and due on or
before the lOth day of the following month, The report will be required each month,
whether or not the municipality issued ,any building or connect-ior� permits, The
report will be submitted on the attached form (MSB�75) Reserve Capacity Charge
Monthly Report, The municipality should be identified on the top line and the month
for which the building and connection permits wer� issued shall be indicated in the
space provided, The reporting period will be from the ffrst day of the month througli
the last day of the month, The first report for Jan�uary, 1973 should be submitted
by February 10, 1973 and should include all building and connection permits issued
under the policies covered in this Manual,
building permits issued for single family dwellings and/or the number of sewer
connection permits issued for single family dwellings connecting to the local
sewer system which were previously served by an on-lot disposal system.
. IT}�M B.
APARTMENTS. Indicate the number of apartment dwelling units for
which building permits have been issued and th� number of apartment dwelling-
units for which sewer connection permits have been issued for connection to
the local sewer system which were previously served by an on-lot disposal
PUBLIC HOUSING, Report the number If building permits issued for public
housing units constructed by Housing and Red�evelopment Authority or for any
federal subsidized low and moderate income hc�using facilities. Sewer conn�ction
permit spaces are not provided on the form because it is assumed that all public
housing units are connected to the local sanit�ry sewer system.
MOBILE HOMES. Report the number of spaces for which building permits
have been issued for a mobile home park or for indit�idually located single building
slte s.
COMMERCIAL AND INS�.'ITUTIONAI..: Each �'commercia7 and institutional
buildfng or connection permit issued requires a separate reporting form. Form
MSB-75A must be completed by inc�icating the 6�c�pancy, tl�e addre�s o� the
facilities, the number of employees, the total square feet and the type of facility
or business. Included in this Manual are standard SAC unit determinations for most
cammon types of commercial and institutional buiYding and connection permits ,
The SAC units for each one of these facilities should be shown in fihe space entitled,
"Basis for Determination of SAC Units , The total number of SAC unfts reported for
Commercial and Institutional will be totaled and inserted in Item E of the Reserve
Capacity Monthly Repart, '
INDUSTRIAL. The assfgnment of SAC units for determining the building or
sewer connection charges will be based on the aompleted industrial reportinq form
MSB-75B. This form must be completed for anX industrial or commercial building �
type not listed in the standard SAC units for Item E, Commercial and Instifiutional
MSB-75A. For all industrial users, Form MSB-75B must be completed by the
Company, reviewed and approved by the Sewer Board prior to issuing the building
or sewer permit. The number of SAC units will �e determined by the estimated
wastewater flow to be discharged by the industrial user. This information is required
to meet the requlations of the Environmental Prmtection Agency and the Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency in order for the Sewer Board to maintain eligibility to
receive grants for construction of wastewater txeatment facilities. The Board
registers each industrial waste discharger in the metropolitan area and this form
will provide identification of, and the first step toward registration of, new
industrial users of the Metropolitan Disposal �ystem. On the bas3s of the completed
industrial sewer connection application, an esftimate of sewer discharge will be
made and the corresponding SAC units will be ssigned. The SAC unit assiqned
will be reviewed one year after the user comm�nces discharge to the sewer to
determine if the assignment was proper.
This form must be completed prior to the time that the sewer connection
application is made or the building permit is issued by the municipality. The
review of this completed form will be the jofn�t effort of the municipality, the
industiy and the Sewer Board. The completed application will be used for assign-
ing the SAC units and determining the reserve capacity charge.
III-9 , _
. , .
Item 9 on the industrial sewer connection application provides the method
for computing the SAC units and Item 10 provides the method for computing the SAC
unit charge which are reported in Item F of the Reserve Capacity Monthly Report.
DEMOLITION CREDIT, Each municipalit�y will be given credit for any
. demolition permits issued during the reporting month. The demolitions will be
reported on MSB-75C. The computation of credits for demolition permits will be
made on the same basis as used to compute SAC units, The demolitfon credits
are totaled and entered in Item G, Reserve Capacity Monthly Report,
ADMINISTRATNE FEE, Each municf palit� retains 1% of the net reserve
capacity charges to cover administration costs as indicated in the Reserve Gapacity
Monthly Re port.
Each report should be dated and certified by an official of the local govern-
ment unit. Certification may be made by City or Village Manager, Administrator,
Clerk, Treasurer, etc, _
III-10 �
. .
, .
Arenas 100 seats 1
, , . -
Automobile Service C:�er _... . _ T ;��er�.b�� _ 1
Barber Shop 1 _
Boarding House 5 beds 1
Bowling Alleys 3 alleys 1
Car Wash 30
Car Wash (self-service) I stall 3
Churches 250 seats. I
Cocktail Lounge 25 seats 1
General Office Building 2400 sq. ft�. floor space 1 .
Hospitals 1 bed 1
Laundromats 2 machines 3
Motels and Hotels (assume 2
persons/room) 2 rooms 1
Nursing Home 3 beds 1
Restaurant (drive-in) 9 parking spaces � 1
Restaurant (24 hr, service) 6 sea!ts 1
Restaurant (not 24 hr. service) 12 s�kats 1
Restaurant (with cocktail lounge) 9 seats 1
Retaii Stores 3Q00 sq. ft. floor space 1
Rooming Houses 7 beds 1
Schoo�s (Elementary) 20 �tudents 1
Schools (Secondary) 15 students 1
Service Station (gas pumping only) �
Service Station (with service cerrter) 'Z
Service Station (wfth service center
and car wash) 8
Swimming Pools 27 swimmers 1
Theater 75 seats 1
Theater (drive-in) 55 parking spaces 1
Warehouses 14 employees 1
� The SAC Unit for a facility not included in the abov�e list will be determined by
the Metropolitan Sewer Board. A request for SAC U'nit determination should be made
prfor to the issuance of the Building Permit.
• MSB - 75
2ionthly Report�
Municipality C,LE�/� �VCK �Li..S Remit to: Metropolitan Sewer Board .
� 350 Metro Square
Month of �N�GN.E ✓ - l97'3 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
, S�wer .
Item Type of Unit Building Con�ection
Permit P�rmit Unit Reserve Capacity
SAC Units SAC Units , Charge • Charges
A Single Family House �Q 6
Duplexes .e�l _
� � i
• Townhouses ._
Total z U _ �_._ � 275.00 ; •�'".S'oa. U<.,
. �_ _ _--=J � . .
� Total - __.� � 137.50 { �.Z S, �G
t - -- - -
B t Apart�ents � � t �
-=�='=''=-°-'°----, '
i;;_ � _ ,� �
Total � �__ ; 220.00 ; 3 7'SLd. 0 O
,. �
. '__ � --
. '___'„y-. .__' '
---- Total =_ -- � Q � 110.00 �
� --- - - - ,
C Yublic Housing
1. Single FamilY � �� � _ 3 206.25
__ V � 3 0 93 . 7.s-
=_ � -
2. Duplexes G =-_ __ � 206.25
. � � 3. Towuhouses � _ z 20b.25
D.. �
_ . .� _
, . 4. Anartaents �. �. D . f� � � ,.lES.Q!► '
i ' � •
D rlobiie Homes �r = E '� 220.00 f /l��. 4 O
� �_�____�;-__,�; �
'_° =_=-`=_=� U � 110.00 ;
�--------- • -__, _____-__-_�; �
��-�______===_= i
E Comaercial & Institutional �_-�-•=-_-__==__ 275.00 ; � � �— G,n
�--�-� ,-���_� _= _ ,z
(Per attached Form riSB - 75A) �_;=:°_-_=� y '
�_==�=_=_�_-_= � � 137.50 �
. . 3 . . . ti.= Z 5
� : F Industrial ��. � w�n„ e ;� 275.00 � 6 �'�.5; Ob
(Per attached Form MSB - 75B) ==___=°'= .� �� �
=====T= _ --� i 137.50 .
- --- -- �
Total - Reserv Capacity Charges $ .2'.3 D 5 8', ��
G Demolition Credit (per attached Form MSB - 75�) $ 6 2 2 S, O D -
sub-coca� ' � S /6 k 3 3 . 7.�—
H Administrative Fee (1% of sub-total) Subtract $_ /`, �l, �y�
I I�et Amount Due $ /6 � lo .S: 'S��
I certify that the abore is true and correct to the best of my knowledge
and represents the activities for the cioh[h indicaC , above.
, �},
Z /Q �7.3 Name �C_ .;, �/r/. .
��a Title� � ✓� �
� IV-13 �
. MSB - 75A
Occupant /7 U.0 i o� �/ /�u To �.��v�''.c.� � S. A. C. Units �
Address //o D /�l/�i�v ST.�i=i= T
No. of Employees /� Total Sq.Ft. �000 ` �.
Date Permit .
7.ype of Facility: � u 7`o 5,��vi�.E ��.fi��•� Issued . r
Basis for determination of SAC Units: /-�- 73
Co S�C'�E' t//G E BA 1/S
Occupant �DE 5 PL .9 ei= S. A. C. Units �
Add r e s s /,5-p O /�',Ji�} ��t/ ST.�E E T ..
No. of Emplo};ees _�8 Total Sq. Ft. �l�d0
Date Permit
Type af Facility � pEk Tf3�i .�du�t/G� ; Issued ,
Basis f or deterr.iinat�on of S�C Units: � '/8"��'
~f S S,E i9 T S
.� ��
Occupant /�J� T�o �O4 S. A. C. Units /
Address Z D O p /`�A iti S9.E'Ft-' T
No. of Employees � Total Sq. Ft. 9G�� .
. Date Permit
Type of Facility 5,�.�v/�t/_= $�T•9Tio�t/ Issued
Basis for determination. of SAC Units:_ _ _ /-/9 �73 �
�A s �u�f�/.f/G �.V.0 t� - ,
Occupant ___ S. A. C. Units
Address I
. . .
TYPe of Facility I �_ - � '
Date Permit •
Basis for determination of SAC Units: y _ Issued
. . Total S. A. C. Units �
Insert Number of Units in Item E Form MSB - 75
IV-14 '
. . .. , . . . . . . . t��lV IvY . . .
.. � � . . � . . . . . . . � . . � . . � � .
. . . . . .. ...
, .
Company name p.e.oF�ss i ati�+L ��y�-�ti� 1.vc.
� Location address 83� _F: .C�.NE D.�.
� �
�o.�..�� �r_. �-,eo v� �t-f�., �'�/��
_ �
Mailing address P. G. 8a� �/3 8 .
C�.0 �iv T a.r� �t/,E iv �✓,C.eJ,F Y U y.3�.S!
Company RepresentativE ,�.� ,�rs �, . �u>v.Ca�v.� _ _
Tlt�� /��'ES/�O.E N T
PhonE number ��o�) .�7�- �z ��
1 . P�tature of business ��.vT.�•qc r- ,�'.c E��2o.�.��ri.v�
2. Projected date for facilit,y start up /(/� v, i�7� "
3. Total facility area ,�D o 0 o sq. ft.
4. No. of emnloyees /,Z ' �
, 5. Operating hours per day iU :
6. Operating days per year 2.S'a
7. Water supply:
a. Municipal water supply �.s�oo 00o gal/year
b. 4te11 water supply — o — gal/year
c. Other (specify) — -- a — gal/year
d. Total water suppl y L? ,S-�o o � o o gal/year
r •
8. Waste discharge: .
a. Sanitary waste discharge � /oo 00o gal/year
: b. tficontami nated cool i ng water di scharge ; / o00 00 o gal/year
1.) . . . to sani tary sewer / ao o a o o gal/year
2.� . . . to storm sewer -- o -- gal/year
, .
, 1'IJU � IJD"1
c. Industrial� waste discharge /�o�oo o gal/year
d. Total discharge to sanitary sewer (8a+8b1+8c) ,z .5'00 �oo gal�/year
9. SAC Units: Total discharge (8d) _ �� � SAC Units
]0. SAC Charge:
' SAC Units (9) �Z s x Unit Charge `�z 7s �� _ �,��'�"pa SAC Charge
11 . Pretreatment: [Refer to Sections 5-5 and 5-6 of the Waste Control Rules and
Regul ations.] Does the Company pl an any i n-pl ant treatment of wastes? �s
If yes, describe /!/�u �2.9�i�E �
12. Samplinq & F1�w P�easuring: [Kefer to Section 5-9 of the t�laste Cortrol Rules and
R�gulations.� Indicate location of se�ler access point and descr�ibe floUrneter and
means o� sam�,l i ng /��.�Q� o,v ,o,e�P,�,e T ,B�r�v�,E� �a.�o.N�- 9L ST�EET
�[(Tff v�YoT'�N ._�/E//� 9L �.EvEL �E�O,C'OE.E +� SPA@C Fa�e p��eiov�� �.��ec,yE�T
O,f RL[ToMATiLo S�qR�pG�� , 5�6TCH •�IND D�Tf►��r- o �.���vs I�!//.c� "
.�� SGGBM � Tr.ErJ Bv �f�/f�/�C. /� /9�'� -
13. Discharge quality: .
� Present Absent - Constituent
(Check appropriat` box)
7� . . . . . . � . . . . , . . . . . Solids
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Organics •
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � Caustic5
, , , � „ �G , , , , , , , , , , Temperature (greater than 150°F)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cadmium �
. . . . . . . . . . . . Chromium
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Copper
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cyanid� .
2 . . . . . . . . Iron ;
. . . . . . X . . ., . � . . Lead I
. . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . Mercur�V
� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nickel
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zinc
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phenols
X , , , , , , , , , , , , , Grease and/or oil
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solvents
, , , , X , , , , , , , , , , Radioactive wastes
. NIJti - /�ti-G
14. Additional information, sketches or descriptions may be attached for the purpose_
of adequately describing the waste discharge.
,_i f��'i F:��,T I 0N
Thi s i s to certi�y that ^P,eoF,ESS i d ,vA� ���r�n�G- : IAv�. agrees to
comply with the rules anct �r�guaations :gov.ernira� �or�r�ecti�or� tfl and use �f th2
Metropolitan Disposal System.
Comnany (Signature of official ) _ �1�-�?�z� � � -L�'�-�e-
Date �.c-a �/ /r 7.3 Ti tl e __--___�,��s�a,�.vT
Transmi tted by Comrnuni ty �o rT� �-� �,eo v�
Si gnature y[� s�--4�-�� � �
Ti tl e ,�:��,�,�r�� C�v�..vC�.e �
Date �",Ed . z a /9 73 � .
• . Approved by Metropolitan Sewer Board
Signature ����..�-�-� �. � .
Title s��.4�� ,��v��,v��.-�
Date More�v 3 /�'73 .
IV-17 ' .
M5B - /SG
SAC Unit Demolition
e of Unit Units Credit Credit
in le Famil House �4 �
u lex � ' � �
ownhouse � -
Total ,Z O 275.00 �.�`DO. Oo
,' _
. _ „�.-�,��,�...�..�..
,�1�art�nent s —
.._....�_..� _ Total 220.00 -
Mobi�e f'�*�e Park 220.00 _
__�._ __------__-- - `
;Co.:,�ercial, Ir�stit�i�z�nal and IncIustrial �
Address T1�pe of Facility •
� _._.�..._._._ --- -----------,
//.S"O ��1'�.l�..�T �..._._..._ I)/�ir y STo�,�_..._...,,._--___�...- �
�T-- --
/�a o .��:_.._L!lL_,S T._..�...�._.�!�.A�N i�__v_E__--�___.�'!`?!� �° -
. K
. . �.rr�� �� .. . .
.�...��.� .� � . .
���r...�....��.�...�.� .
. . i. . . . , . . .
. . . . . . . . . � .
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � ��
Tota1 SAC Jnits .� 275.00 7.zS. oG
Tota1 Demolition Credzt $ � �Z�— 40
� (Enter Amoqnt in Item G MSB Form 75) - _—_
i �
IV-18 ,'
� .
. . . :j. � � . . � . � . � � � . . - . � . � � � . � . � • . . � .. . .
. . . , . . . . . . . ' . .. 4 .. . � . ..
�ti.� . .. �. . . . . . . . .� . . . . ..
, . . .. . . . . . �
. . . . - .. . . . . . .
� .. . . . . . . . � . . . . � . . . . . /, . . .
. -
'e.. . • . .. ... . . . � - / . � . � .. . .
. ' .. . � � � � . . . . . � . . . . . � - . . .
. . . . . . . . ..
BE IT ORDAINED by the (Vil3age)-- (Citp� '�ouncil of the �Village)
`(City) of , Minnesota, as follows: ,
2. Recitals. The bletropolitan Sewer Board has determined
to reserve unused capacity in the metro�polztan disposal system
each year cor��encing in 1973 for local gove�nment units in which
new buildings to be connected to the system and ne�a connections to
the system are ccn�menced �uring sucn'�year; and to a?locate the debt
service costs of such unused capacity for the year among such local
government units as provided in the 3t�ached Exhibit A. In order
for the (Vilyage) (City? to pay such casts allocated to it each
year, it will be necessary to establish sewer service availability
and connection charges for aIl buildings to be constructed or con-
nected to the metropoli�an disposal system on or after January 1, 1973.
2. EstabZishr,ient of Charqes, For the purpose of paying
eosts of reserve capacity allocated �to the (Village) (City) each
' ° year by the Metropolitan Sewer Board, ihere is hereby established
a`,charge for: .
�. (a� the availability of tre�tment works and interceptors
comprising the metropolitan disposal system; and
�(b) connections, direct and indirect, to the metropoZitan
" disposal system. _ �
The charge is imposed on each bui�ding� or structure in the (Village)
' (City) , and each connection to the metropolitan disposal system
directly or through the Village's syst��em, inside any Sewer Service
Area established by the Nletropolitan S�ewer Board, construction oi
� which is conur.enced on or after January.;, 1, 1973. The charge �shall
_ be payab2e upon the issuance of a buil�ding perr,iit or a connection
permit, as the case r.iay be, but no ch�rrge shall be due upon the
issuance of a connection permit if a eharge was paid upon issuance
of a building permit. _ .
The charge for each building or structure shall be equal
to the number of� units of sewage volume which it will discharge,
' _ •V-19• �
� .
- �. � . � . � . . . .� . � � . � ..r� . . � �� . � . . . . . . � . � . . _ . . . � . ..
... . � . . � � � . � . . . .. .. . - . . . . . . , . . . . . . " . . ..
multiplied by $275 for 1973, $300 for 1974, $325 for 1975, $350 for
� , - 1976 and $375 for 1977. A unit of sewage volume shall be 100,000
gallons per year and shall be assigned as follows:
; (a) .�i,agl� .f.am,i.ly..nhc�uses, townhouses and duplex units
� ' � ,..,:,�i�_eac� �comprise one wnit;
� (b) Co��,��.;.�artments shall each comprise
_ .�. ,
(c) Mobi�.e homes s�ail �e��c�i �omp�3se �fl� of � unit;
_ (d) 4ther buildings and stru�tures sha11 be assigned one
� unit for each 100,004 gallons of flow or part thereof
� which �t is estimated th�� will discharge;
te} Public housing units andlhousing units subsidized
under any federal prograxn' for low and moderate income
: - � housing shall be counted as 75g of the unit equivalent
for that type of housing;
� � (f) Units existzng or for which building permits were
issued prior to Jamaar�r 1, 1973, shall be counted as
one-half the unit equivalent Eor that type of housing, if
� connected to the rietropalitan 'Disposal System prior �
to January 1, 1974, and �shall be counted at the full
rate thereatter. .
� . 3. The Administration.� The •(Village) (City) (Manager)
�Clerk} shall prepare or revise building permit or sewage connection
permit application forms to provide ir�formation necessary for the
�_ computation of the number of units as�ignable to the building or
structure in question, and shall colle�t the applicable charge before
issuance of a permit. The (Manager} (Clerk) shall make such information
available to the Sewer Board upon requ�st. If upon filing a report
covering such permit with the Metropolitan Sewer Board, the Board
. determines that a greater number of un�ts is assignable to the build-
inq or structure in question, any additional amount of cos� allocat2d
• to the (Village} (City) as a result shall be paid by the person or
company to whom the permit was granted'.
_ " ; .
. i
" � �
_ , .
� , � . -
The Metropolitan Council and the Metropqlitan Sewer Board have
adopted a new method for allocation and collection of reserve capacity
charges. Through joint studies and hearings with the final adoption in
October of 1972, the Service Availability Charge becomes effective
January 1 , 1973.
This Manual is provided to assist each m_unicipality in the implementation
and reporting af the Service Availability Charge. Included in theManual are
policies as adopted by the Metropolitan Council and the Metropolitan Sewer
Board, comments and interpretation of the adopt�d policies, instrucfions,
reporting forms, examples and a model ordinanc�.
Printed copies of the reporting forms wi11 be sent to each municipality _
and be submitted monthly. They must be compl�ted and certified by an
official of each municipality.
� . If your municipality has any questions regarding the reserve capacity
charges, please call the Metropolitan Sewer Bo�rd at 222-8423, Extension 100.
� � •
Decemb�� 27, 1572
I o: f�1ayor Lawren�e D. Cohen and f�1_,. Phil Lee
F�: �'rank D. P•�arziteili s/��
�;�: Sewe� �ervice Cnarges and Establishment of 5ervice f�vailability Charges
This matter has been enacted by tn� f�ietropo?i'can Sewer Eoard and
has met with the approval o� the ��1etropoli::an �oun�il.
The artions taken by the f�letropolitan Sewer Board and the Pietropolii:an
�oun�il makes i'� necessary for us to amend Chapte� 231 of �he Saint Paul
LegislaL-ive Code as amended.
Thereiorc, i� is recomm�nded �nat you approve �he ati:ached Coun�il
;tesolu cion.
Th�s matter has been rev;cwed ��y �:he Committee o� Public Works ano
a Pub1�c Hearino on sarne will be held on Friday Decembc:: 29, 1972.
The Resol�_ition, a��er b: ing signed, s'riould be sent to Coun;-ilman
(�uby Hunt, Chairman of the Publi:, 'ulorl<s �ommittee fo_, presentation
�o the City Coun�il.
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
0 of Committee By Date
RES VED, That pursuant to Chapter 231 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code,
as amende pertaining to Sewer Service Charges and authorizing establishment of
Service Avai ability Charges (SAC) by Council Resolution, the Council of the City
of Saint Paul does hereby establish the amount and basis for such Service
Availability Ch rges to be levied and collected during the year 1973 and thereafter
until modified b� this Council and which charges shall be imposed on each building
or structure in th City for which a building permit is required. The charge for
each building shall e equal to the number of units of sewage volume which it will
discharge, multiplied y the sum of $275.00. A unit of sewage volume shall be
100,000 gallons per ye and shall be assigned as follows:
a) One SAC unit for ach dwelling unit contained in structures
intended or design d for not more than two families.
b) 80� of one SAC unit r each apartment or each dwelling unit
and structures intende or designed for more than two families.
c) 80� of one SAC unit for ea h mobile home.
d) 75� of one SAC unit equivalen for that type of housing for
each dwelling unit built by th Housing and Redevelopment Authority
or for each housing unit built d subsidized under any federal
program for low and moderate inco Fiousing.
e) All corrxnercial , institutional , indu tr�,al and other uses shall be
assigned one SAC unit for each 100,0 gallons per year of sewage
flow or part thereof which the Depart nt of Community Services
and/or the Metropolitan Sewer Service B�rd shall estimate will be
discharged into the sewer system. The m nimum capacity charge for
such commercial , institutionai , industria and other uses shall be
one SAC unit. To the extent possible, all _ llocations and charges
for corrnnercial and institutionat buildings 'll be based on the
standard number of units established for the `�ise or uses by the
Yeas Nays Requested by F�ep$rtment of:
Konopatzki In Favor �
Levine •�
Meredith Against BY �
Sprafka �,
Tedesco '`
Mme.President Butler
Form Approved Ci Att ey
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Maxor: Date Approved b a r mis ' o C cil
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date "
Out of Committee By Date
FURTHER RESOLVED, That all informational reports required by the
Department of Conmiunity Services shall be completed by applicants for
permits. These reports shall be reviewed by the Metropolitan Sewer Service
Board and if, upon reviewing the said reports, the Board determines that a
greater number of SAC units is assignable to the structure, the applicant
shall be required� to pay this additional amount of cost to the Metropolitan
Sewer Service Board.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Hunt Publ ic Works
Konopatzki In Favor
Meredith Against BY
Sprafka Daniel J. Dunford
Mme.President Butler
Form Appro d y Ci A ney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary B
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by ayor for Submission to Council
, • 5���,`D�?D Sr�`�'ICr '',�,r?`�IL�,6IL�TY` C�il,Yt�� (S?`,C) ti�IIl^S r��
� �'r��:IO�:: GO`�ii�j�:�CI:�L, PuBL�C , A1'VTD I:��rSiITUi�O1v�L FACTr�__��
+ . .
7.��"�E Or i'.'-�C�LI'i`Y PARA��iE1FR �r, _ .
S� � U�;T__S
H,�-��nas l.OQ seats 1
El�t'_c�mobil� Service Cen��r 2 s�rvice bays I
B:rb�r S��o;� 1
Boa-cting Nousa 5 beds 1 ..
r�:-�r�in� Aii�ys 3 alleys
� 1
C;�_.r ,�'�'a s.� 3 0
C,r �1�%us� (s�Z�-service) i s�all ^
C;_�_,rcn�s 250 seats � _
Coc Ltc311 LO�l:`:�� 25 seats 1
Gv�:��ral O��ice Buildi:?� 24C0 sq. f�. floor space 1
�7ospitals I bed _ I
Laundroma�s 2 machines 3
r.�`_c��Is anc� �-iotels (assume 2 . -
persons/room) Z roams Z_
1�:urs?ng Ho�,_e 3 Ia�ds' � -
R�st�?L!"3i« (drive-in} 9 par�ing spaces � :
F�staurant (24 nr, servicei_ 6 s�ats _ 1 _
Rest�urant (not 24 hr. s��.Tice) 12 s�ais _ 1
Res�au:ant (evith cocktail lo�ange� 9 seats I
R��a i.l S�ores - 3Q00 sq. ft. floor space 1 _
IZOOiT?1Tl.y NOUS?S . 7 �}@C�S �:
Schools (ElementarY} ZO sfudent:s I � .
:III-1 I , :
� . _ _ _
, - , .
. __ � . .
�'YPE C� FACILT�,• Pr-1�;,��,ILTER
ShC U�,;r�,�
Scroois (�ec�ndary) 15 stad�nts
5����ric� Staiio;� (��S p�;mping on1Y)
S°.rvice Scation {wicn s�rvic� cent�r)
Service S�a�iorL ;�,vi�� se��ice center . .
and car v�ash) _
_ &
Stivi?�mirc� P�o1s 27 sovf?t?:nars
T:�eaczr 75 s�ats
1 .
�i:°�'��T' �rr`'1V2-II'2� .
55 p�rking spaces I
Z�'rrurvi�ouses : - I4 �mplop��s �
T�� �=ar T�n�t �er � faci?ti� not inc'� � ;n r� �
�:�e i�.fetro�c,litan Se�v�r B ard. A req.zAst for SAC UnitLdet aill be determir�d by
;,rj.Cr t0 tlle ].SSUdP_C2 Oi tl':° eTZ].ri�t10IZ SI';G��;�� }J8 fidG'}E.'
. Building Pzcmit, .
. : . _
. IIi—I2�� :
„ffiA� •r`' �nzy an� d;a . �
�'r.. �,y,�r�t r
+ �� .�.r .�:
.� .N r
�+y{? ”
�. �
,� �
,�M1�it� `
( . `�, w
, ,.��
MOTIC�, , i'ti' ,
.µ .r� e, '�:t
PT 'aIli''' ,.
y � . '! I i
AA�I,��' ��''�
S�8� I o�
ts'o S , �
Leg s
maY re t�e
-City- �
DaLE gn ��r'D, rEs�� ,
(IAnt�lrr,Y 18,.'�9?3)
� ,. .
INHt7E — CITY CLERK� � � �� � � � � � � � --
��PiNK� �-� FINANCE � . � � ' � COULICll , .�� � .
CANq�.RY'— DEPARTMENT � � � �y ��� .�
� ; , ,
-. . Council Resolution �
i . . � .. :� r...,� : . � .. ..
' ,. . . '��e, y � � . . .. . .
/fj�' ,...� :/�.L ..�� � . . � . .. . .. . . .
, Presented By r� �� � -�^
� _
: ; ,
' Referred To Committee: Date
� ' Out of Committee By Date
i�BSBJ�S� 1�e t3�t='�o�o�.ft�ex�► S�er 5�a�,ea �ta'+d, tr�.t� t�t a�
�.�. of � ����a c.o�u � ��. �a a �
me�d of si1+��.3� re�es� c��,t�j�r e�ar�es �t� t�r �
Apo��a�r+ea, ehise+g�od a�€ p b�ei� i as ��e
�T � E�}� �a��
� i�S�tEAS� T� t�cil c�# �a of S�3aa�t P,a�t � sl,�x�
to c�l �ith �a par��tr�s � pa �� �r �e �z�'
polita� � Se�t �atrd aa� �a �etx+�Iitaa Go��aa��i�, �s
s�i�d e�r �ob�rec#�.s� t� t� ��rd aet�aa�d af ao��d
.�aRO�r 1, 197�3; �wr,�t�r�f� b�e � s��t#.�+e +� �d a�t�c
�3�OLYII! S"�at tb�t �1 �# t�t ��j► �E � ��.1 da�s ��+�e•
b� �rqn�st �t �� � t� �tar�.,E� se�ar �rr�. �
#�at �A�G , �at� t� �a�d �nsid�ac' de2a�-
fs� �bot �si a�a c� s�t � �til .�l I: 19T3; t�rt
t� Ct��o� Ssi�t Pao� �d cr�r m�ci�ltL#es � �f� cs�dit
F�r L1� d�li�ta�a � �t�ct�es f�ar t,� ��s�r �d p�'1,pp�,�
` ts ,�� i, I�73 �t � t�r St1G� �� �tfs� �er
� �r �r ��rr�d �r �3a� s���i�
,- F� �I.VE'� T4�tt� t� Ci A�t
�a poc�es� t�t � �e Gi#����� ti�e �� S�+�r
�es�.ea H� ,�t���xt � fs�r t.l� e�`
s+e�ti� L�e �fl's si� ��� � �'
pQ► +��s�d hereia.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas N ays
d�enepatzi�Y- In Favor
Meredith � Against BY
Tedesco 1973
• ,�AN 16 _
Form Approved by City Attorney , =:
Adopted by Council: Date �
` Cert' ' a sed b Coun '1 re r B ' '� " �', '�`
�� � Y �Slr,� �a Y �� Y �• • .- *�e �Raw_
�s � �/ �
, . , , ,
� , •
� , ;
. : gy �F .���! '�%/ - r'�'-� .v ' + i " . , .. .� '
. . . . . .7 '� . .. ,. �.§,
, �tpproved by May . Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Couticil �� '° � °
r,< �.�.
'�'r. _
By , $y ` ' �
a��� .��.�� �►�,
' x i � � ��
! t
f��.• ��
� �
t �, I i; i
� ��,
� �,
��-?�*, � I,
y :. ii 4Y� ��
� F �
,�'� �'�f�`�,':. .�.� _ .s�� .. ._ �.��f '��. .
BLUE - MAYOR �� Fll@ NO. �
Council Resolution �
� b o;
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
�� 4.
FURTHER RESOL�D� That all informationa.l reports required
by the Department o�Community Services shall be completed by
applicants for permit's� : These reports shall be reviewed by the
Metropolitan Sewer Serv��ce Board and if, upon reviewing the said
reports, the Board dete�nes that a greater number of SAC units
is assignable to the stru ure, the applicant sha.11 be required
to pay this additiona.l amou t of cost to the Metropolitan Sewer
Service Board; and be it_ �
FINALLY RESOLVED, Tha.t any erson applying for a building
permit shall be entitled to recei e SAC unit credits to be
applied to the cha.rges required by his resolution if a demolition
permit had been issued for the same ite during the same calendar
year in which the building permit is �,ssued. The SAC credit sha.11
be equa.l to the number of SAC units wh�,ch the previous structure
was discha.rging into the sewer system.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Konopatzki In Favor
Meredith Against BY
Mme.President Butler
Form Approved b Cit Atto ey
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �
By r
Approved by Ma�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
� - Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
FURTHER RESOLVED,�� ha.t all informa.tional reports required
by the Department of Co nity Services sha.11 be completed by ap-
plicants for permits. The e reports sha.11 be reviewed by the
Metropoli:tan Sewer Service ard and if, upon reviewing the said
reports, the Board determines that a greater number of SAC units
is assigna.ble to the structure, the applicant sha.11 be required to
pay this additiona.l amount of co t to the Metropolitan Sewer Service
, Board.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Hun t
Konopatzki In Favor
Meredith Against BY
Mme.President Butler
Form Approved by 'ty or '
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
� Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
gy By
Metropolitan Sewer Service Board, which allocations schedules
shall be maintained on file in the office of the City Clerk.
All determinations of SAC units for industrial users and uses
nat set farth on the above-referenced atlacations shall be
first made and determined by the t4etropolitan Sewer Service
Board and reviewed by the Department of Cammunity Services.
All determinations of SAC units for industrial users shall be
subject to review and verification based on actual flow discharge
from the structure after one year of operation to determine if
the Service Availability Charge assignment was accurate. This
review shall be made by the Metropolitan Sewer Service Board
and the Department of Community Services one year after the
date af the first discharge into the sewer system; and following
such review and determination, an additianal fee or refund shall
be made by the Metropolitan Sewer Service Board.
and be it
F�RTHER HESOLVED, That the above Service Availability Charges shall be
paid to the City of Saint Paul as follows:
a) Issuance of Buildin� Permits:
l . The Service Availability Charges shal ) be paid prior to the
issuance of all building permits to be issued for new
const�uction from and after January 1 , 1�73.
2. The Service Availability Charges shall be paid prior to
the issuance of all building permits issued from and after
January 1 , 1973, for alterations and/or additions to
existing structures, if the addition or alteration will
require additional Service Availability Charge units of
reserve capacity. Such units shall be determined and
charges made therefar in accordance with the Charges
set forth above.
t�) Issuance of Sewer Connection Permits :
A service availability Charge shall bc paid to the City
in all instances involving issuance of sewer connectian
permits issued from and after January 1 , 1973, for
properties being served by an on-lot disposal system.
Provided, however, that if the building permit for
the structure was issued prior to January 1 , 1973, and
the connection perrnit is issued in the year 1973, then
the charge shall be 50% of the required unit charge.
and be it