02-277Council File # o a- a� � ������` `�� � � �� �,� � � � � Presented By Refened To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, the Saint Paui Division of Parks and Recreation holds a license to se113.2 beer and wine at the Rice & Arlington Sports Dome; and WI�EREAS, Laws ofMinnesota 1997, Chapter 129, Section 10 allows the Division of Pazks and Recreation to authorize the use of the Division's license by persons holding a permit to conduct an event and sell or serve 3.2 beer and/or wine to persons attending the event, subject to the consent of the City Council; and WHEREAS, Brunette Boxing has been given permission to promote a boxing event at the Rice & Arlington Sports Dome on Saturday, April 13, 2002, and wishes to use the Division's license to se113.2 beer to persons attending the event; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Brunette Boxing Group may use the Division of Parks and Recreation's license to se113.2 beer at the scheduled boxing event on April 13, 2002 at the Rice & Arlington Sports Dome, subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # � �3 a `� ia Sales shall occur only between 11:00 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. Prudent care shall be taken to insure that sales are made only to persons who are 21 years of age or older. Prudent caze will be taken to insure that no sales are made to individuals who are or appeaz to be intoxicated. That Brunette Boxing shall at all times comply with all state and local statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations relating to the sale of 3.2 beer. 1 bl- 39� 2 5. That Brunette Boxing shall provide liquor liability insurance in the amount of Six 3 Hundred Thousand Dollars ($600,000), for the date of the event. A certificate of 4 insurance naming the City of Saint Paul as an additional insured shall be provided 5 to the Division of Pazks and Recreation no later than Aprill 0, 2002. 6 7 --- s� ,�°° c : E { r � a ;. ,y .�'�0>�°ae�ni°i�. Adopted by Council Adoption Approved by Date 4 �_. _ A J �QO1 ���'{ i ��' Foxm Approved by City DEPARThIEMT/OFFCHCOUNCIL DATEINI77ATED / " GREEN SHEET �C� NO. 113267 Parks and Recreation o j o�.-a�� CONTACT PEFi50N ANO PHONE IN(Il/LLIDATE INITAt/DATE Vic Wittgenstein 26s-64�9 59GN 4+DFPARiMFNTDIRECfOR �' dttCOUNdL MIMBER qq(TIryG ��CITY ATfORNEY � qTY CLEF2K MU5f BE ON COUNCILAGFNDABY mATE) �� ❑ flNANCIA� SQiNCES OIR. � ANANCIAL SERV/ACCTG Ma�ch 20, 2002 � MAYOP WflA595TANT1 � _ TOTAI.#OFSIGNATUtEPAGE3 CIIPALLIACAiIONSFOR5IGNATWEI ACTION REQUEST�; Signatures of Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, City Attorney, Mayor or Assistant Mayor and City Council. RECOMMENDATIONS: Apprwe(AlorHqeR(fl) pBtSONAL56MCECONTIACTSMUSTANSWBtiNEFOLLOWIN6QUFST10N5: PLANNING COMMISSION — i. H» cHe pemaNfi�m ever worked wtler a co�rtract for ihis EeOertnent? d8 COMMITTEE YES NO CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this perso�rm ev¢r been a ciry employee? X Siaff YES No � 3. Doea this peow✓firm pose�a a skill not normally pmsesveE by any mrtmt qty emWoYee7 — VES NO — 4. la Mu penoNfirm e taroaad ve�dorl � YES NO FzWdn dl yes emwe�a on aeperca aheet a�M attech m qreen aheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY M/ho,Whn, When, Where, 4My1: Brunette Boxing wishes to use the Division of Parks and Recreation's 3.2 beer and wine licenses at Rice & Arlington Sports Dome, where a boxing event has been scheduled for Saturday, April 13, 2002. ADVANTAGES IP APPflOVm: Better quality event for the public to attend. DISADV{WTAGES IF APPqOVED: 431A OISADVANTAGES IF N0T APPPOVED �esser quality event. '� �� ` � TOTALAMOUNTOFTPANSACTION $ 6000 lestimatedi COSTlqEVET1UEBUDGEimICIflCLEONq YES NO fl7NDINGSOURCE 326 ncmnrrnume� 23133 -- flNANCilLL INFORMATION: IIXPWN) If this request is not approved, the event may not occur. The Dome stands to gain nearly 53000 from rental of its facility, and an additional 53000 (estimated) from the sale of concessions during the event. _y Council File # o a- a� � ������` `�� � � �� �,� � � � � Presented By Refened To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, the Saint Paui Division of Parks and Recreation holds a license to se113.2 beer and wine at the Rice & Arlington Sports Dome; and WI�EREAS, Laws ofMinnesota 1997, Chapter 129, Section 10 allows the Division of Pazks and Recreation to authorize the use of the Division's license by persons holding a permit to conduct an event and sell or serve 3.2 beer and/or wine to persons attending the event, subject to the consent of the City Council; and WHEREAS, Brunette Boxing has been given permission to promote a boxing event at the Rice & Arlington Sports Dome on Saturday, April 13, 2002, and wishes to use the Division's license to se113.2 beer to persons attending the event; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Brunette Boxing Group may use the Division of Parks and Recreation's license to se113.2 beer at the scheduled boxing event on April 13, 2002 at the Rice & Arlington Sports Dome, subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # � �3 a `� ia Sales shall occur only between 11:00 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. Prudent care shall be taken to insure that sales are made only to persons who are 21 years of age or older. Prudent caze will be taken to insure that no sales are made to individuals who are or appeaz to be intoxicated. That Brunette Boxing shall at all times comply with all state and local statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations relating to the sale of 3.2 beer. 1 bl- 39� 2 5. That Brunette Boxing shall provide liquor liability insurance in the amount of Six 3 Hundred Thousand Dollars ($600,000), for the date of the event. A certificate of 4 insurance naming the City of Saint Paul as an additional insured shall be provided 5 to the Division of Pazks and Recreation no later than Aprill 0, 2002. 6 7 --- s� ,�°° c : E { r � a ;. ,y .�'�0>�°ae�ni°i�. Adopted by Council Adoption Approved by Date 4 �_. _ A J �QO1 ���'{ i ��' Foxm Approved by City DEPARThIEMT/OFFCHCOUNCIL DATEINI77ATED / " GREEN SHEET �C� NO. 113267 Parks and Recreation o j o�.-a�� CONTACT PEFi50N ANO PHONE IN(Il/LLIDATE INITAt/DATE Vic Wittgenstein 26s-64�9 59GN 4+DFPARiMFNTDIRECfOR �' dttCOUNdL MIMBER qq(TIryG ��CITY ATfORNEY � qTY CLEF2K MU5f BE ON COUNCILAGFNDABY mATE) �� ❑ flNANCIA� SQiNCES OIR. � ANANCIAL SERV/ACCTG Ma�ch 20, 2002 � MAYOP WflA595TANT1 � _ TOTAI.#OFSIGNATUtEPAGE3 CIIPALLIACAiIONSFOR5IGNATWEI ACTION REQUEST�; Signatures of Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, City Attorney, Mayor or Assistant Mayor and City Council. RECOMMENDATIONS: Apprwe(AlorHqeR(fl) pBtSONAL56MCECONTIACTSMUSTANSWBtiNEFOLLOWIN6QUFST10N5: PLANNING COMMISSION — i. H» cHe pemaNfi�m ever worked wtler a co�rtract for ihis EeOertnent? d8 COMMITTEE YES NO CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this perso�rm ev¢r been a ciry employee? X Siaff YES No � 3. Doea this peow✓firm pose�a a skill not normally pmsesveE by any mrtmt qty emWoYee7 — VES NO — 4. la Mu penoNfirm e taroaad ve�dorl � YES NO FzWdn dl yes emwe�a on aeperca aheet a�M attech m qreen aheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY M/ho,Whn, When, Where, 4My1: Brunette Boxing wishes to use the Division of Parks and Recreation's 3.2 beer and wine licenses at Rice & Arlington Sports Dome, where a boxing event has been scheduled for Saturday, April 13, 2002. ADVANTAGES IP APPflOVm: Better quality event for the public to attend. DISADV{WTAGES IF APPqOVED: 431A OISADVANTAGES IF N0T APPPOVED �esser quality event. '� �� ` � TOTALAMOUNTOFTPANSACTION $ 6000 lestimatedi COSTlqEVET1UEBUDGEimICIflCLEONq YES NO fl7NDINGSOURCE 326 ncmnrrnume� 23133 -- flNANCilLL INFORMATION: IIXPWN) If this request is not approved, the event may not occur. The Dome stands to gain nearly 53000 from rental of its facility, and an additional 53000 (estimated) from the sale of concessions during the event. _y