260470 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK /.��C� �.V , CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ''� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO �. OUN L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF RESOLVED, by the Council of the Gity of Saint Paul, , pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 15006, that in respect of each item of severance pay provided to be paid by said ordinance, on account of any separation from employment � service of said Gity which occurred in 1968, 1g69, 1970, 1971, or 1972, save any such separation which may have occurred in any of said years by reason of death of any eligible employee, the same shall be and hereby is directed to be paid upon a deferred annual in�tallment payment plan, and that in each such case no scheduled annual installment of any such sever- ance pay on account of any such separation, save separation by death of any such eligible employee, shall exceed �600.00, and that such payment therefor shall be made on or after February 1, 1973, or as soon thereafter as it may be conveni- ent for the proper City officers to make such payment thereon, and that successive annual installments not in excess of the � � sum of �600.00 thereon shall become due and payable on or after the lOth day of February in each succeeding y�r to the extent and only to the extent that the same shall be necessary to effect the payment of the total severance pay amount, in each particular case, without interest. �� ;�;;r e�, c ,�..;_ s � ��..�.�; .- ., �;< . , _. � ,�,,,.:� ✓ 1. r•` r,ti �'i� `��'� JAN 1 Q 1973 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays But1e H� �.,. � JAN 12 �.9�i arl n Ka�p�gg� ` �:�w Approve 19� L �i e ���e � ereditFi � —In Favor Me it�prafl+� , 1 qo S a ar�� v edesc �de[i#,,ButIN: A gainat Mr. Pr sident, cCarty '�' / / � PUBL1gHED JAN 2 01973 � �� i DUrLJCAT�TO lRIN'RR . .. ,. CITY OF ST. AUL oounca '' � OFFICE OF THE C�TY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION-�GENERAL FORM e�esc�rr�nr COMMISSIONER eAT� k � . � AsSO�.YRfl, by th� �ou�teii ot tL�l Cit�r ot laiat latl, pnrwaat to tlte pro�i�ionr ef 4rdi�o� i�o. 1�445, tla�t ia rrrpaat �! �oh it� o! r�r►srsno� p+�q► praYi��d tv 1u� �tii b�r ueia ordlaa�at4+�R on ssaenat o! aa�r s�►�aratioa i� �rpio�sxt ��ts�►1�� of ua►1d �i tr �i� ��o+asrx'� ;i�t 1968, 1�69• 1�78� 1971 r ,:�,. a��i9?$, �ev. ,�► auo� •.��wti�� �e� w�► tia�►• ao+o�s�r.d :� ,.� any of raid r�►i►r� bar ra►��t o� desl�ll� ei a�qr iisill• a�pior�rM t►�te ratt� �ha�.l U� �i Iunr�iiar is d#r�lote+� to b�r ��rii �cpom a ... d�f�r��rd ��t1 i�tit�tll�fi pa�t ;g11�t, �d t�tt ia �salt a�e� oaa� so �►ednlsd ��ai i�ta�.i�t� oi a�qr rr�t�lu rrrrtr- as�� pay► os a�aoaa� ot s�y �roL �ip�uratio�, rat� �str�rti4n bgr d�+it�1t o� �u�r r�1t �lisitil� a�pio�rre�, t�utXl +�zc�d �Ot1.40�, ,, � �*�.,�.,.. . � t�st s�tar�► �trrt�t� ttl�+�r�io� eiu►�� Do �ie sa or �ttt�s �'��rw►r�r 1, 19�3, op s� raa�t t�eraa���r a� it ry 'b� eaarr�si- �a� !or tLa �rep�rz +�it)► o�tiu�r� t.o � I�aolt p�s�t t��rwrot�, �2 <.. �d �lu�t a�o�11s3re an�t�al iatt�tlrll�tt�t�r �t ia �rtr of �hi �. �::-; �e +�! �604.�0 tb�r�on �►11 �eo�tw►1 d�rs �ttd p�qrstil� os�► os sf tsr tl�rr lOth Aa)► o! �e'M�r��tt�► i�t sh saso�Mdi� �ts f�o ��.�� ths �z'��t� aa�i oalr �o the u�rt+�tt t t►�� �s t�tll 1� }1i,;,W a�e�s+�► �o s�f�tt tl�� p�►�rwe+a� oi a tQtal an►ftasar P�' s�Om�1�, 111► Mt+�t g�'tiQ't��it iNIN� t►i�►1�t �.1'ttrli�'�. JAi� l � 1973 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� � ' 19— Yeas Nays . ..�.,:��" ; � H�� �►N 1 a ��3 lson Korwp��3 � Appmverl 19� Le�r+�te-- �` L 'ne Me� 'r„.:Favo� M redit� g�a� , 0 �y� S afka Tedesco ; Te sco Mme. Presider�-ButieL AB��st! Mr. Presid t, McCarty � ' _l� , ii/�'/ �'� ' I .