260460 WHI7E - CITY CLERK 1 ���i��o PINK -pFINANCE � COUI1C11 V BLUERY =�MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. . � Council Resol tion Presented By �ice��se Coi:a�.::c.�;r;e � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � - P,L�OLVt�.I3: 1I�.���; lieensc� ;:�FaF.�2iec3 i'of �;- �;:�e {'O�.ZO.:�lll;• f,eruo�as at 'Lhc: �aciclreuse:� �tatec� be �nd f;i�.e szr:ie �re ,lcre��y ;;ranLcc�. � - . _f Geralu L. '�uci ne.�;oen l�'�`�, �. Io�°.r� C�:r-�et i)ea�.e� �'�,�T�.3��7yienec,*al i•':ilc�reu h:. :;f.�ye� 3�J �?. larua�c�cl u:�u.e::3rc?.Hse. '� 3��C�" rlilliZi:1 i�oc�TriTE l:?�G ��!;-.7c :<�rc�t�are �' 2555�, s� �� r�ire�.x•t..0 �, �� o� �� �� �icycle I�e�ler °1 '� " �'e�r�• I4a�.eef 37�,:� Je;c�k:�on N�L. i�otel 1'1 roo:;�s °� �'aGl3." i�iich�el 'i,. �oc�lc�.:.�i,:i 2CG� I�ord �:'P.��:��r. ':3ea1��y a��o�� '� �'r635°� ���idti;ay 2,�i9, Inc. 15�na Concorc�i� ;tes�C. C—� 'B 4Ei�9" +� �� Ci�arette B1 ," °f I�eva u�o�.cu 1�2�3 i�caoi�ia ��otei 3� rooz�is 9° 47(�310 ,'.11 sta�;e �alva�.;e I21C• IJJr'��F�G eTc9,CiibOI3 �ne� Iuc� U1r.Gen. '� �'t737" utai�le�� Foss ?1GI P'orcl 1'l,;t.y. �eauty �il�o�7 '� 4771" �o'uert I�;orr:�an 77�J u. ar.7it�a i�arber " 47�9" I>eitli �IcCart3T 158() Ford �'i,t�y. G�s Sta. �Ji' 1ipp.4433t1 �t �� C'zetA.I2e�.G�r. �, �� n �� " Ciz arette '� " " Jeannine �:. I:o�iout 1�5? :�Iielc�o�� �reauty St�o� '" �F362" Y:o�;er �i. Carlson 1��0 T'd. Uale :irearris '' �?875" �, �; �=�arc����are " �-37G" COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: . Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against By Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . By B3! WHI7E — CITY CLERK 1 C PINK — FINANCE � COUT1C11 �6u4V CANARY — DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAiTL �� � BLUE �MAYOR File NO. . � Council Resolution Presented By Licct�se Co�,��ii��.ee Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Con�u. i'a;e 2 I'uei Oil Service Co. Iiic. <�� .':'tt�cter �ic�.I���el�l�. �;�a;;�.4£3?�Re�ze�=ra1 ii �� J Yel?.• II il 97 Ii �� ;rLl�.l': Ci'11. N�".�E,'• li Oi I'i 1"s �' �''$�1����.0 �I�l.n.c.r 1'Z.li-:i?? li fi i=aul uc.�TZaiclt 11�2 �elt�;T :�e�t,�.t�r ;iao�? l��1�.��10�; �r �� '��?Y'}l�l' o� r t? i�rec�� i:�rold �. �.�ill�rd �trir_:>ie 1�?€:7^G �;o��eorc�i� Fdq.i'ucl 331r. " �'�9I21° o, � � it ti i� �t 'iTC..:. ':elsor Gil Co. In.c. lu� ;I. S�>car;�orc �:>�a�.i. t>il ui;�;e. �' ��J��'� or 1e �,ic,.�+tzel l3�.r. �` �` ,' �r ri 7. �i7e�'. ,� t� �; cl«�:iCN �it 1�;'.?G'il �.`:;�•'�u i�. s:7$'1`�y*� J�.i7 1'.3sE1SVl.�.lc �ZtErll;�_; 5:: �' tl. ,•;,�9 ��J.,. ° �s �� i 1TCii. ot st te _-., T ,: . n, -. . - .'" n (' �?' 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Ci���rei,-�e �� �;, ., r� �.�_ io,.�. . _,*:, � �_�.�1 � 1:'�e ��rc�y�ov �r,�'� �e±t��r .��ooi; �'ec.c�?e� �' 83���°; �tOT'CiOT2 ,:�I':10 ��' �:r. �g�'i —':-:��"i1RH�;;C �i ts c�-n�Jtv COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Kono In Favor ine Meredith � Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler �N 9 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P sed by Council Secretary BY By Appro y for Submiss on to C c' Approve May r: ate � gy By P�BL{SHEDL .JAN 2 O �973