260455 � I . .. . � . . . : - " 2fi0�5 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,,,�. � �E O. Re�olution App�oving A�sessment and Fixing Time af $earing Thereon File No. 17450 ` .. 1 , � , In the matter of the asse� � ` I ' � ' M �R � . . . i . 't.:._ . � Construction af a public storm sewer in JE'FFERSON AVENUE from Saratoga St. to Griggs St. ; and in the alley in SYLVAN PARK ADD. BLK. 10 from Jefferaon , Ave. to 230 feet south, ; all to be known a,s the JBFFERSON AVBNUE - Brimhail , St. to Griggs St. , S-0990A, and for the cdnstructioA of a public atorm sewer , in SARATOGA STREET fran Palace Ave. to Fairmount Ave. ; 3n PASCAL STREBT from Randolph Ave. to Palace Ave. and from Jefferson to St. Clair Ave. ; in,:<ALBERT STREET fraa 185 feet south of Randolph Ave. to Berkeley Ave. ; in HAMI.INS AVENUE from Randolph Ave. to Jefferson Ave. ; in STANFORD AVENUB from Saratoga ' St. to Warwick St. ; in JULIET AVENUE from Hamline Ave. to 160 feet west; in PALACE AVENUE from Warwick St. to Albert St. ; in RANDOLPH AVENUB from Saratoga St. to Pascal St. and from Albert St. to 220 feet east; in the following , alleys: in JEFFERSON PARK ADD. Blk. 8 from Albert St. to 120 feet east; in LANES MANOR BLK. 2 from Albert St. to 100 feet west, Blk. 3 from Albert St. to 100 feet west, Blk. 5 from Albert St. to 150 feet east, Blk. 6 from Albert under St. to 110 feet west and Blk. 8 from Albert St. to 105 feet east; in CHESTER ; PARK ADD. BLK. 1 from Hamline Ave. to 100 feet east, and Blk. 2 from Hamline Interr. Ave. to 110 feet east; in SUNNYSIDE PLAT 2 Bl,k. 1 from Juliet Ave. to 166 feet north to 90 feet west; and Blk. 2 from Juliet Ave. to 166 feet south, �n� and in an EASEMENT to be obtained in the NE� of the SW'� of Sec. 10, Township , 28, Range 23 from 185 feet south of Randolph Ave. 240 feet to the southwest; T all to be known as the JEFFERSON-SARATOGA 'RELIEF SYSTEM, S-0990B, __ __ --- _- - _ _._ , the above improvemen�having been submitte�d ta the Council,'and t� Council having conaidered same and found the said assessment satiafactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVE�D FURTHER, That a public hearing be ha.d an said aasessment on the fourteenth day of February, 1973 , , at th� hour of 10 o'cicek A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Gommissioner of Finance give natice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of'the particular � owner to whom the notice is directed. CdUNCILMEN Yeas HUNT Na3'� KONOPATZK� Adopted by the Council .IA N Q �,�_ :f�F' , MEREDITH ro� JAN 1 1973 � SPRAFKA `\� TEDESCO /� BUTLER �In Favor Mayor Fo� R.Z zn� ��8 s�� —�Againat 197� PUBLlSHED JAN 2 0