02-272��������� Presented By Re£erred To Green Sheet # �p�a S �j RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and ap�roves the reappointment and appoinUnent, made by the Mayor, of the followuig mdividuals to serve on the Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission. 1 z 3 4 s 6 � a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 REAPPOINTMENT Hollice Allen This reappointment will serve a three-yeaz term that will expire December 2, 2004. APPOINTMENT Margaret Mildred Schmidt This appointment will serve a three-year term that will expire December 2, 2004. 20 Adopted by Council: Date �.�_�}, ,'�_��� — Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: •... By: Requested by Department of: By: Form Approve by City Attorney By: / Council File # 0.1`+ '�� '�„ oa-a�a- DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL OATEINRIATEO Mayor's Office 3-2�-oz GREEN SHEET No 202256 COMACT PFRSON & PHONE mlUalmab InNaWbe Rurt Schultz-266-8512 3 oE...�runECrart arvcou+n MUS7 BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA'fE) ASSIGN March 27, 2002 � ��� Z❑rnrwnort�r ❑onc�ac eamNc � nw¢vuaexwcesoac wyxcu�mnnaccra � IYYOrt1oRl�4LS'ttA1R) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCA S FOR SIGNATUR� CTION REQUESTm Approval of the appointment and reappointment, made by the Mayor, of the folZowing individuals to serve on the Saint Paul Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission: Appointment: Margaret Mildred Schmidt shall serve a three year term expiring December 2, 2004. Reappointment: Hollice Allen shall serve a three year term expiring December 2, 2004. REC MMENDATION ApproVe (A) or Rejed (R) VERSONALSERVICE CONiRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWIN6 QUES7ION5: 1. HasthisperwnlfirmeverxrorkedunderaconVectfurthisdepartmeM? PL4NNING CAMMISSION VES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever heen a dty empbyre? , CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION � . vES NO 3. Does tliis persoMfirm possess a sldll not nwinallypossessed by any curteM city empbyee? YES NO 4. Is Mis P�n/firm a taroeted vendoY7 YES NO Fiylain all yes ansv.ers on separote sheM an0 attach to preen sheet INITIA7WGPROBlEM 1SSUE, OPPOR7UN17Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL Ah70UNT OF TRANSACTIDN S CGST�REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNITY NUIdBER FINPNCIALINFORMATION (IXPWNj G � -1'13-- CTl`I' OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor 390 Ciry Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Telephorte:651-266-8510 Facsimi[e: 651-266-8513 To: From: Date: � Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Kurt Schultz Assistant to the Mayor March 27, 2002 Saint Paul Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of Margaret Mildred Schmidt to the Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission. Mayor Kelly has also recommended the reappointment of Hollice Allen to the Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission. This appointment and reappointment will serve three year terms that will expire December 2, 20Q4. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals as well as the applications for the new appointment. Please remember that certa;n information on the applications is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-8512 if you have any question regarding the reappointments and appointments. Attachments a Tina Bazibeau, Police Civilian Internal Affairs Commission Staff Person � i i I i I I i I OCz-ca'p00: 1 L 3; E`' i f' �; tr;?eN SER�;:c i.FF1�E r�,Fas� �xuxtv ro: ucu.r,E aor�vsox crr�x s�nvic� o�cE 1S WLST S�,LLpGG pI,V�, 5.4L1T PAUL, Ri[NNEStYfA S3tOz Phonc 651-26b9690 FAX; G51-2658689 n�: .___ �� � /� xome aadres�: Jm�_�lL��, rr� � Street• Cky: � �Pl.nO � Tale�hone Nuraber(s); q Uududo Aree Codos) !J]UJ� � 4 �O�.Q�.. i•�p�, b� a Planame IKitrlct Councll: . Clfy Cdlnca W+trd: Prnferrad hIaliing Addrees: ����� p���� W'�al is yuur oecupa:L�u? Plnce nEEmpl,�ymeni: Comm(ttee(e) Ap�Net{ Far. . Whrt si.yils craln[a; �r p,sp¢Cienee do you (l • �Lc �SF o683 F.ijl�l2 o�-a� a. � : r' � 1 ,� for wetc0 you soek The infarmattou laciuded in thf: apptieafion i� constdercd privata data accosdinE to the MFunaota Government U�u Fracticas Act As a rosult, tbi� InformaHon b aot reteased tu the �enerry publlc I � , xe i wa z_cAZ ze-sz-aew MpR-29-02 12:18 RM P.02 �l�.� 7I� i Perso 1 References Namc c��M Aaare.s Tcicp �oncs �s� _ � a� �i74 � b� �- a�� �r � Plea� laclude A�ea CoCa hon rcork oiher Name Addr ss ��, � Ca��.�. y-}�l� Tclrp ones Sp�`_~_�5��`..���f _...._�� � ...9�- .cY� ���-� Plta� fntlude Area Codes home u•ock arh<< Name _ 1v\�-.-.1.T��S\)�\'1V..1 (''� __. .. _ Addr ss — ---����� �� �. �J� Tclep onts t� (' �pC�" ��� I'Ip�s Intlude.lroaCoOes homc u�ork othcr R2ilS� for your interest in this particular committee "� � ��,\\ � ��� � . k . �R� �-._�_���a�.�S- . \ _ f. � 1' c � �� � \ Itave vou had previous eontact with the commitree for which you are mnking ap�lic�tion^ If so, when, and under what circumstances'? In an u[tempt to ensure [hut committee representation reflects the makeup of our com�nunity, ptras eheck the box applicuble co you. 7his inForma[ion is strictly voluntary. White (Caucasian) � Hispanic � Black (African•American) Asi�n or Pacific Istander � AmericAU Indian or Alasknn Eskimo � Mele Femsle �— Dute of birth 3—( 6` y Q Disa�led: � Yes �o � If sp cial accommodations are needed, plea�e specify �(V (� _ ftowldid you hear obouc this opening? page 2 of 2 � ,I ��������� Presented By Re£erred To Green Sheet # �p�a S �j RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and ap�roves the reappointment and appoinUnent, made by the Mayor, of the followuig mdividuals to serve on the Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission. 1 z 3 4 s 6 � a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 REAPPOINTMENT Hollice Allen This reappointment will serve a three-yeaz term that will expire December 2, 2004. APPOINTMENT Margaret Mildred Schmidt This appointment will serve a three-year term that will expire December 2, 2004. 20 Adopted by Council: Date �.�_�}, ,'�_��� — Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: •... By: Requested by Department of: By: Form Approve by City Attorney By: / Council File # 0.1`+ '�� '�„ oa-a�a- DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL OATEINRIATEO Mayor's Office 3-2�-oz GREEN SHEET No 202256 COMACT PFRSON & PHONE mlUalmab InNaWbe Rurt Schultz-266-8512 3 oE...�runECrart arvcou+n MUS7 BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA'fE) ASSIGN March 27, 2002 � ��� Z❑rnrwnort�r ❑onc�ac eamNc � nw¢vuaexwcesoac wyxcu�mnnaccra � IYYOrt1oRl�4LS'ttA1R) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCA S FOR SIGNATUR� CTION REQUESTm Approval of the appointment and reappointment, made by the Mayor, of the folZowing individuals to serve on the Saint Paul Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission: Appointment: Margaret Mildred Schmidt shall serve a three year term expiring December 2, 2004. Reappointment: Hollice Allen shall serve a three year term expiring December 2, 2004. REC MMENDATION ApproVe (A) or Rejed (R) VERSONALSERVICE CONiRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWIN6 QUES7ION5: 1. HasthisperwnlfirmeverxrorkedunderaconVectfurthisdepartmeM? PL4NNING CAMMISSION VES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoNfirm ever heen a dty empbyre? , CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION � . vES NO 3. Does tliis persoMfirm possess a sldll not nwinallypossessed by any curteM city empbyee? YES NO 4. Is Mis P�n/firm a taroeted vendoY7 YES NO Fiylain all yes ansv.ers on separote sheM an0 attach to preen sheet INITIA7WGPROBlEM 1SSUE, OPPOR7UN17Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL Ah70UNT OF TRANSACTIDN S CGST�REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNITY NUIdBER FINPNCIALINFORMATION (IXPWNj G � -1'13-- CTl`I' OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor 390 Ciry Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Telephorte:651-266-8510 Facsimi[e: 651-266-8513 To: From: Date: � Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Kurt Schultz Assistant to the Mayor March 27, 2002 Saint Paul Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of Margaret Mildred Schmidt to the Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission. Mayor Kelly has also recommended the reappointment of Hollice Allen to the Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission. This appointment and reappointment will serve three year terms that will expire December 2, 20Q4. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals as well as the applications for the new appointment. Please remember that certa;n information on the applications is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-8512 if you have any question regarding the reappointments and appointments. Attachments a Tina Bazibeau, Police Civilian Internal Affairs Commission Staff Person � i i I i I I i I OCz-ca'p00: 1 L 3; E`' i f' �; tr;?eN SER�;:c i.FF1�E r�,Fas� �xuxtv ro: ucu.r,E aor�vsox crr�x s�nvic� o�cE 1S WLST S�,LLpGG pI,V�, 5.4L1T PAUL, Ri[NNEStYfA S3tOz Phonc 651-26b9690 FAX; G51-2658689 n�: .___ �� � /� xome aadres�: Jm�_�lL��, rr� � Street• Cky: � �Pl.nO � Tale�hone Nuraber(s); q Uududo Aree Codos) !J]UJ� � 4 �O�.Q�.. i•�p�, b� a Planame IKitrlct Councll: . Clfy Cdlnca W+trd: Prnferrad hIaliing Addrees: ����� p���� W'�al is yuur oecupa:L�u? Plnce nEEmpl,�ymeni: Comm(ttee(e) Ap�Net{ Far. . Whrt si.yils craln[a; �r p,sp¢Cienee do you (l • �Lc �SF o683 F.ijl�l2 o�-a� a. � : r' � 1 ,� for wetc0 you soek The infarmattou laciuded in thf: apptieafion i� constdercd privata data accosdinE to the MFunaota Government U�u Fracticas Act As a rosult, tbi� InformaHon b aot reteased tu the �enerry publlc I � , xe i wa z_cAZ ze-sz-aew MpR-29-02 12:18 RM P.02 �l�.� 7I� i Perso 1 References Namc c��M Aaare.s Tcicp �oncs �s� _ � a� �i74 � b� �- a�� �r � Plea� laclude A�ea CoCa hon rcork oiher Name Addr ss ��, � Ca��.�. y-}�l� Tclrp ones Sp�`_~_�5��`..���f _...._�� � ...9�- .cY� ���-� Plta� fntlude Area Codes home u•ock arh<< Name _ 1v\�-.-.1.T��S\)�\'1V..1 (''� __. .. _ Addr ss — ---����� �� �. �J� Tclep onts t� (' �pC�" ��� I'Ip�s Intlude.lroaCoOes homc u�ork othcr R2ilS� for your interest in this particular committee "� � ��,\\ � ��� � . k . �R� �-._�_���a�.�S- . \ _ f. � 1' c � �� � \ Itave vou had previous eontact with the commitree for which you are mnking ap�lic�tion^ If so, when, and under what circumstances'? In an u[tempt to ensure [hut committee representation reflects the makeup of our com�nunity, ptras eheck the box applicuble co you. 7his inForma[ion is strictly voluntary. White (Caucasian) � Hispanic � Black (African•American) Asi�n or Pacific Istander � AmericAU Indian or Alasknn Eskimo � Mele Femsle �— Dute of birth 3—( 6` y Q Disa�led: � Yes �o � If sp cial accommodations are needed, plea�e specify �(V (� _ ftowldid you hear obouc this opening? page 2 of 2 � ,I