02-270Council File # 02, — �t0
Green Sheet # bO�la9
Referred To
Resolution directing Council Research to develop a plan for
gathering poliey input on chronic problem properties in Saint Paul
1' WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council has accepted the March 2002 Council Research Report, Chronic
2 Problem Properties in Saint Paul: Case Study Lessons, and understands the broad policy issues presented by
3 these properties; and
4 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council recognizes the importance of input and perspectives on chronic
5 problem properties from City staff, outside agencies, community organizarions and cirizens in addressing the
6 many issues of chronic problem properties in Saint Paul; and
7 WHEREAS, there needs to be a coordinated effort in soliciring input and perspecrives on chronic problem
8 properties; now therefore be it
9 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council directs Council Research to return to the City Council on April
10 10, 2002 with a plan for gathering input and further information from City deparhnents, outside agencies,
11 community organizations and citizens; and be it
12 RESOLVED, that Council Research consult with the Mayor's Office in the development of this plan; and be it
13 finally
14 RESOLVED, that Council Research present these findings and recommendafions from the meerings, forums
15 and/or presentarions outlined in the plan by May 22, 2002 to the Council.
Requested by Department of:
Adopted by Council: Date M�j �T �-a_
Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary
Form Approved by City Attomey
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Council File # 02, — �t0
Green Sheet # bO�la9
Referred To
Resolution directing Council Research to develop a plan for
gathering poliey input on chronic problem properties in Saint Paul
1' WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council has accepted the March 2002 Council Research Report, Chronic
2 Problem Properties in Saint Paul: Case Study Lessons, and understands the broad policy issues presented by
3 these properties; and
4 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council recognizes the importance of input and perspectives on chronic
5 problem properties from City staff, outside agencies, community organizarions and cirizens in addressing the
6 many issues of chronic problem properties in Saint Paul; and
7 WHEREAS, there needs to be a coordinated effort in soliciring input and perspecrives on chronic problem
8 properties; now therefore be it
9 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council directs Council Research to return to the City Council on April
10 10, 2002 with a plan for gathering input and further information from City deparhnents, outside agencies,
11 community organizations and citizens; and be it
12 RESOLVED, that Council Research consult with the Mayor's Office in the development of this plan; and be it
13 finally
14 RESOLVED, that Council Research present these findings and recommendafions from the meerings, forums
15 and/or presentarions outlined in the plan by May 22, 2002 to the Council.
Requested by Department of:
Adopted by Council: Date M�j �T �-a_
Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary
Form Approved by City Attomey
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council