261849 RETURN COPY TO THE VALUATION BUREAU WHI7E - CITY CLERK � f� PINK - FINANCE COl1IIC11 R,.� BLLERV-ICIAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAZTL File NO. �y�'f��' ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED� that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby accept the grant of sewer easement running to the City from the College of St. Thoma.s, said grant of . easement confirming the existence of the present public sewer located on the premises of the College of St. Thoma.s . and originally constructed with the acquiescence of the college� and the City Attorney is authorized to place said grant of easement on record in the off ice of the Registrar of Titles. . C�UIVCILMEN � Yeas R„}�er Nays � Requested by Department of: K�on patzki In Favor �— Meredith Against BY x�c Roedler Tedesco Mme.President � HUrit Adopted by Council: Date �1U�7 9 1973 Form Approved by 'ty Attorney Certi ' s d by Cou ry BY By Approve by Ma Date Approved Ma or Su issio o Council gy BY PUBLl�ED AU G 18 1973 .. t . � . . . . � . � .. . . , .. . . .. ��,� � - � �. . . .. . . . � . . . . . � `1�'�'+�� � . - . � � . . . � . � . � � .� � . . . 1 f�� . . . GR�`tT QF E:�SEti1i ENT E�IEREAS, The College of St. T�.omas, a corpar�tion, herei.n= � �.iFer rererred to as the "Grantor", is the 'oti�mer in �ez simple of ���e Sautheast one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter (SE4 of NLi'y} of SECtion five (S} , Township twenty-eight (28) North, Ran;e twenty-three (23) West of the Fourth Principal Meridian, accordi�rtg �o tY�e Unitzd S�ates Government Survey thereof, situa.te in the City o�` S�;�t Pau�1, County of Ramsey; Stat4 oi Mir�.�esota; a�nd �dEiEREAS, The City of Saint Paul, a municipa.l corporation of tLza State of Minnesota, hereina.fte-r rAferred to as "G�antee", �.as co;:s�ructed and is presently maintaininb a public sewer over a po-r�?on oi L'��e abflve-described tract of' land; and TJ'rIEREAS, Th2 Grantor and Grant�e mutually desire to d��ica�e �r� easem�nt for public se��er purposes as desc-r�bed below, subject Lo the right of Grantor to ma.intairi i-ts existing buildings an3 fayilities over the said pu.blic sewer; NOW, THEREFORE, THIS INDENTURE, Made this � �' day of ,�► , 1973, between the .Grantor and Grantee as follows : Th�t tha Gr�??tc�r esnes �hevPb�T gxar.� anc's �e��cata ��T�� ��n ��i� Grantee, its successors arzd assigns a ��rmanent eas2ment for sewer p�.�=poses on, over and acros s t�.e f ollo�eing tract o� land beino in ti1` County or Ramsey, S�ate of i�Iinnesota, descri�ed as Fo�lotias: �1 perma.nent eas eme�t thir ty �30) f ee t ir_ �•,idth on, over ar� �cross th� Soui.'r.eas, one-c�uarter of tr�e �ortheast one-quzrter (SE4 of i�E4) of Sect�on five (5) , Tocti-nshi� t���r!ty-e�;ht (2�) No-rt'�, Ran�e L�aenty-three (23) �Jest or the �io�irth Principai �leridian, according to the Uni4ed SLa�es GOVPrT1iTt�nt Survey tnereof, the centerline thereof �`;NIS t?�c� ;S EXt"�1PT FRO'tl SZATE DFEb �A.� �.�i,��t�< <r�ii•IPJ. STAT. SEC. 2�7.22(��,,, , beind a s.Lra.igxzt lir�e e:�tendino trom the East Iine to th� tlest� Iine of said Southeast one-quarter of the North- - �asc one-quarter (SE4 of \jE4) of Section five (S) , a�d ��ing five hundred thirteen (513) feet distant northerly of and parallel with the South line of said Southeast Gne-quarter of the Northeast one�quarter (SE4 of NE4) of : SectiQrz. f ive {5) . lhe Grzntor reserves to itself, its successors and asszgns� the right to construct new bLildings and facilities and to main- t3z n ��.nd repair its exzstix�.g buildings and facilities Iocated on �he seiaer easement dedicated herein, provided that p�oper care and protection shall be prov3.ded to insure that no damage or zn- ju�-y will be caused to the existing public sewer. �N WITNESS WHEREOF, The Grantor has caused this Grant of Easement to be executed on its behalf as oi the day and year first 4�ov� tiaritten. ' In the Presence of: COLLEGE OF ST. THOMAS �---� , , By . r �� ��,�� f �� ,f� rr�..t'� .-�'� � . �,,.� �/ 2 . Y J. WIL`LIAM DONOVAN Q9$_5317 Valuation Enpinser -�1 ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A 1 N T PA U l '�����`�� �►s:'� val�ar�o� En9�oee� BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 2k Cily H�N Sai�t /wl. Mi��ae1� 56101 MEMO To: �j-1. Lee Fro�m: J. William Donovan Date: Ju13� 3�, 1973 Subject: Sewer Easement - College of St. Thoma.s Enclosed herewith is a resolution approving acceptance of a deed to the City Prom the Colle�e of St. Thome.s for a public sewer which was constructed in 1909. Appaxently, an easement wr�s not acquired then and the College of St. Thoma.s is willing to deed said lands at no cost to the City; therefore, I recommend the Mayor sign the resolution for submission to the City Council. � �.���_.._- U� � JWD:CK:dm Enc. r . . � . . . . � . . .. . . . . � . . � � . . . . � . . .. . . . � . ... . . . � . . . . . �� . _ . . � . " . . . � . . . � . � � � v�� . ' ��� STATE 0�' MI1V'�tESOTA ss. COUi�;Tj� QF KA;.`�ISEY �n this �1 �"> day of `�,.�.-�, , 1973, before me, a Not�ry Public within and for ;Sai�.�ersona ly appeared ,-��-r--•-�.�,..�...��-�-�L � , and , ` � r r __ ,c, � , t� ne �owr��e t e p rsor��descr�. e in, and �,� • o exec t� t e foregoing instrument, and acknowledged tha.t they executed the same as their free act and deed. Notary Public, R msey County, Mirsn. My commission expires //- jp - �� r ,�... . .�.,.� ,....,.,..._,..,,.,�. Tl-�9S �;�SiR:;iy1�,Ni y>r��S _:s�:t:::.� 3Y , • Ciiy of St. P:u{ � � fJFFtC� OF C1TY ATi'ORNcY 647 City HaU 1 SAiNT �AU�., MlNNESOTA FORM u PROV�D: \� �� , F,sst. ; 'i.y� t,� rn�y `� . � 4� . . . � . � � . ' 3 . - _.. .... ,_, ,,..�,. ,. _._._ �,._._.� _ � ,.<w.... �„�..�-. . � � ... � �� � � ,.��ES � � � ; _•� . ,. '�. 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