261832 WH17E �- CITY CLERK COIICICII •^' PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL R�/' EYLUERY- MAYpRTMENT File NO. ` =Cgw , . Council �Resoluti Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE ` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same hereby �ranted. Fellowship Club� Hazelden Foundation� 680 Stewart Rooming-Boarding Hse.App.6678Renew Class M-Food Estab. Alfred G. Rooke 1414 White Bear Carpet Dlr. App.8169 Renewal Volkfest Assn. of Aiinn.� Inc. 301 Summit B-Cateringl �� 8306 �� Irene C. Stritzke 695 Dayton Rooming & Boarding House� �'M" Food Estb. 8350 " Trans City Investments 806-40 Hazel Swimming Pool App.8464 " Lindsay School 310 Pleasant �� �� 8558 �� Hall� Anderson & Nordehn� Inc. 354 St. Peter . Cigarette �� 8914 �� Hillcrest Development 176 E. 19th St. Pkg. Lot 150 C " 8915 �� United Binding Co. 198 E. 9th St. « 25 C " 8916 �� St. Paul Lodge �70 Loom 1795 E. 7th Rest. C-1 �� 8918 �� �� � '� �� V.M. Loc. 1 M �' 8919 �� Jerry E. Trusten 1416 Grand Beauty Shop �� gg21 �� John Bryant 728 White Bear Barber �� 8922 �� S. Berglund Lumber Co. 1171 N. Snelling Hardware �� 8927 �� Danelia Savino 1561 Sherburne Rest. C-2 " 8928 �� n n ri n n Cigarette Bertha Belisle 545 N. Snelling �� �� 8930 �� Garland F. Hunter 631 W. Central Barber �� 8932 �� Allison G. Darst 2190 Nortonia Beauty Shop �� 8933 �� Bessie Balsimo 1110 Forest Groc. A-2 F.F. " 8934 �� n ►i COUIVCILMEN Con't. Yeas Bu'tler Nays Requested by Department of: —�eerrt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against By � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President�B�ef Ht]rit Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHI7E �- CITY CLERK -)A,����� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council titi� r,,,�.J CANARY - DEPARTMENT tlLUE - MAYOR File NO• Council esoluti Presented By LICENSE COMINITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAGE 2 - Con't. Bessie Balsimo 1110 Forest Cig. App.8934 Renewal Deborah Thompson 1278 Selby Groc. A-2 F.F. " 8935 �� �� �� Off-Sale Malt �r n n « �� CigaTette �� �� �� John J. Hoisser 240 S. Snelling Confecft. B �� 8938 �� n n Cigarette �� �� �� Clifton A. Gustafson 408 S. Snelling Hardware �� 8941 �� �� " Bicycle Dlr. �� 8944 �� Richard E. Meyer's 2290 Como Hardware �� 8947 �� Robert B. Hogoboom 440-42 Selby Gaa Sta. 3P. �� 8948 �� n �� Cigarette �+ �� �� �� " Cig.V.M. Oper. 2 M. n �� n �� " V.M. Loc.1M �� 8949 �� rr �� 1 Add. M. n �t ii George Bradshaw 530 Stinson Gas Sta. 2P �� 8950 �� Gopher Lodge #�105 I.B.P.O.E. of World� 559 Carroll Rest. C-2 �� 8951 �� i� r� Ci�arette �� �� �� Harland M. Knowlton 44 S. Snelling Rest. C-2 �� 8952 �� n n Cigarette �� �� �► William F. Taylor 812 Berry Pri. Gas Pump �� 8955 �� Robert C. Baumgardner 1080 Forest Rest. C-1 �► 8956 �� �� �► On-Sale Malt n n n � COUIVCILMEIV Yeas �tlep Nays Requested by Department of: •-ria„�r Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith �edler Against By "'�z Tedesco Mme.President� �t Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By WHI7E _,— CITY CLERK COUI1C31 /�����jn �.�� PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL CANARV — DEPARTMENT � ryti>A `�.! �BLUE — MAYOR File NO. Council Resolutio Presented By LICEPtSE COMNiITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date pAGE 3 - Con't. Robert C. Baumgardner 1080 Forest Off-Sale Malt App. 8956 Renewal tr n CigaTette n rt n Constance V. Seeger 1649 DeSota Beauty Shop �� 8957 �� Mfilliam G. Olson 388 Earl Beauty Shop �� 8958 �� Gustafson Oil Co. 499 Rentucky Bulk Oil Stge. �� 8959 �� Cyril J. Woodward 925 W. 7th Barber �� 8961 �� Custom Display� Inc. 242 E. 8th St. Pkg. Lot 25 C." 8984 �� Hi-Lo Service Stations� Inc. 399 S. Wabasha Gas Sta. 4 P. " 8986 " Sr�anson Drug Co.� Inc. 816 E. 7th Confect. �� 8987 �� �� n Cig2u`ette �� ef u Nicholas R. Scherer 915 St. Clair Bakery r�gr� r� gggg r� Gene Lowe 1984 Stillwater Barber �� 8991 �� Salad Ready Prnducts� Inc. 330 E. 6th Foods� MDPW " 90U7 " Clark Oil & Refining Corp. 201 N. Snelling Gas Sta. 4 P. �� 9009 �' �r �� Cigarette �' �� �' Clara Mastell 844 E. 7th Rest. C-2 �' 9012 �� " �' Cigarette �� �' �� Brool�an� Inc. 1364 W. 7th Rest. C-1 �� 9013 �� Willis Spoerner 1370 E. ?th Barber �� 9015 �' Loren Jones & Eugene Rauchwarter� 145 N. Snelling Sa.una �� 9016 �� Muntean—Hecla�an� Inc. 916 Rice St. Orig. Cont. �� 9018 �� Louca's Arvanitis 444� St. Peter Rooming House « 9021 �� Richard L. Schrorer 619 S. Snellin Gen. Re . Gar �� 9023 �� COUNCILMEN Yeas �utler Na s Requested by Department of: Y -�r� Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Roedler.: Against By �g Tedesco Mme.President�er Ht�rit Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK (1 [�([[��� PINK - FINANCE . TT t CANqRV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAL} L COU11C11 ����-d,� B�LUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Res lutio Presented By I Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAGE 4 - Con't. Fast Side Hardware� Inc. 890 Payne Ldy/D.C. Plt. App.9024 Renewal Frank Carbone 6�0 E. 7th St. Reat. C-2 '� � 9025 �� " " Cigarette �► �� �� Walgreen Drug Co. 1530 University Rest. C-2 �' 9026 �� " " Confect. �� �� �� �� " � Florist/Nursery+� �� �� " " Hardtrare �� �� �� n �� Cigarette �� �� �� �� �� Off-Sale Malt �� �� �� n u Emil G. Kurtz 1565 Sherburne Barber ►� 9039 �� A4ercury Aviation� Muncipal Airport� St. Lawrence St. Cigarette �� 9041 �� ?th St. Clair Liquor Store� Inc.! 665 W. ?th Orig. Cont. D " 9049 �� �� �� Off-Sale Malt �� �� �� r� n n n �► Cigarette St. Paul Postal Employees Coop. Cafeteria� 180 E. Kellogg� Orig. Cont.D �' 9050 �� n " Cigarette �� �► �� Paul Faraci 41 W. 4th St. Barber �� 9055 �� St. Paul Postal Emp. Coop. Cafeteria 180 E. Kellogg Rest. C-2 �� 9053 �� LeNore A. LeDoux 740 N. Snelling Sauna �� 9054 �� � Garrick Ramp� Inc. 384-6-90 St. Peter Cigarette �� 9056 �� Carol's� Inc. 540 N. Prior V.M. Loc.1M �� 9059 �� COULVCILMEN Yeas �t1eT Nays Requested by Department of: -�r� Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY �.. Roedler Tedesco Mme.President�-Bnt� �t Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E ,- CITY CLERK (� (((��� PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL� Council -J����� DLUE - MAYOR File NO. �y, Council Resoluti n Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE �, Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAGE 5 - Con't. C• G. Rein Co. 2040 Hudson Rd. Swimming Pool App. 9080 Renewal Byrnn 0. Teska 52 S. Prior Barber �� 9081 �� Attucks Brooks Post 606 A.L. 976 Concordia Orig. Cont. �� 9082 �� Red Owl Stores� Inc. 1345 E. kiagnolia Groc. A-2 �� 9085 �� Butcher �� �+ �� �� �► BakeY'y nBn n rr n " " Hardware �� �� �� �� �� Florist/Nursery�� �� �� �� " Off—Sale Malt �� �� �� n n Cigarette �� �� �� Snyder Drug Stores� Inc. 3?5 Wabasha Rest. C-2 �� 9086 �� r' " Confect. �r n n " " Hardware �� �� �� �� �' Florist/Nursery�� �� �� �� n Cigarette �� �� ►� White Bear Serv. Co. 1444 E. Minnehaha Bicycle Dlr. �� 908? �� tr �r Gas Sta. 6 P. �� ►i n �� " Liq. Fuel Dlr. �� �� �� " " Hardware �� �� �� ►� n Groc. A-1 �� �� �� �� " Florist/Nursery�� �� �� �r " Firearms n �� �r i► n Cigarette �� r� �r COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Butler Nays �r� Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY �k� Roedler Tedesco Mme.President-Sx�k�� Hurit Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �MHITE ; CITY CLERK 1 ('��� �(�('� PINK - FINANCE COU11C11 �� � aL.UERY- MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � � '� •rV Council Resolution Presented By LI E Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAGE 6 - Con't. Ca,nteen Corp. c/o Centennial Bldg. Cafeteria� Centennial Office Rest. C-2 App.9088 Renewal B1dg.�State Capitol App. �� c/o Ford Motor Co. 966 So. Miss. Blvd. Rest. C-2 App.9091 Renewal Desnick Bros.� Lexington Drug Inc. 1098 University Radio T.V. Tube �� 9095 �' Testing Device Concord Drug Corp. 176 Concord " " 9097 " Lois Anne Dillon 295 S. Howell Beauty Shop �' 9099 rr Jacob Fucha 54S N. Snelling Barber �� 9100 �� Mary W. Fletcher 1025 Selby Croc. A-2 Butcher �t 9105 �' �� �� Off-Sale I�4alt �� �� �� �� �� Ci�arette �� �� �� Dr. Harry E. Chiles 1000 N. Dale Veterinary Hosp. �� 9106 �� Superamerica Stations� Inc. 1625 Rice St. Gas Sta. 8P. « 910? �� n n Grocery A-1 n n �� �� �� Hardware �� '� " n �� Liq. Fuel DlY'. n n ei �► �� Off-Sale kia.lt �� �� �' �� �� Bi.cyle Dlr. �� �� �� �� �� Firearms �� �' �' ir �� Cigarette �� �� �� Midway Auto Parts� Inc. 218 N. Pascal 1►t.V. Salvage Dlr. 9108 �� Philip R. Hillman 3�? Duke Rooming House App.9109 �� John Stuart 400 W. 7th Gas ta 4 . �� 9111 r� COUNCILMEN Yeas �'t►lgY' Nays Requested by Department of: idsm�t Konopatzki In Favor ` Levine � Meredith Against BY x�€��x Roedler Tedesco Mme.President �� HUrit Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHI7E �- CITY CLERK CO1111C11 �•y����� PINK, - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CAN`ARY - DEPARTMENT �LUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolutio Presented By LICFNSE COMMITTEE Referr�d To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAGE 7 - Con't. N. S. P. Co. 825 Rice Cigarette App.9120 Renewal Arthur A. Boelter 1569 Sherburnel Barber " 9123 �� Agnes W. Charland 1614 Stanford Beauty Shop �� 9125 �� W. C. Stanton I,umber Co. 845 Earl St. Hardtivare �� 9127 �� David Wederath 16 E. 4th Rest. C-2 " 9129 �� �� " Cigarette �� '� �� Fanr�y Farmer Candy Shops 339 Robert St. Confect. B �� 9132 �� Louis J. Theisen 1?0 E. Kellogg Orig. Cont. D " 9133 �� Louis J. Theisen 170 E. Kellogg Cigarette " 9134 �� Eleanor L. Gavin 311 Walnut Beauty Shop �� 9141 �� Century Hardware & Paint� Inc. 198? Still�vater Hardware �� 9143 �� Dri-Kleenette� Inc. 454 S. Snelling Ldy./D.C.Plt. �� 9144 �� Archie F. Martin ?48-48�/2 Grand Rest. C-2 " 9145 �� " " Cigarette �� �� �� Snyder Bros. Drug� Inc. 2155-7 Hudson Rd. Confect. �� 9146 �� �� '� Hardware �� �� �� �� �� Off-Sale Malt �� �� �� �' �' Cigarette �� �� �� Greg 0. Laughlin 6?5 Randolph Gas Station 3P.�� 9147 �� Victoria A. Fricke 1686 Leone Beauty Shop �� 9148 �� International Institute� Inc. 1694 Como Rest. C-2 �� 9149 �� Superamerica Stations� Inc. 1440 Marshall Gas Sta.6P. �� 9159 �� �� �� Groce A-1 �� �� �� COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: �n't. Yeas Butler Nays � Konopatzki In Favor Levine � Meredith Against BY x��C �a�x" Tedesco Mme.President� �t Adopted by Council: Date AU G 3 1973 Form Approved by City Attorney Certifie s ed by Cou ' Se BY By Appro d by Ma o . Date A(�G � 97 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY P118USNt� AU G I 1 1973