D00950' Origio:d--City Clerk C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L Copy—F,inance Department , Copy—Department OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AnNmviszRn� onn� � ADMINr$`TRATIVE �RDER, � No.: t�fl�5b Date: � V i �" `f CJ WHEREAS, the Mayor has established a policy regarding documenting all vehicle accidents that occur in City-owned vehicles; and, WF�REAS, the purpose of the policy is to provide additional informafion as to the cause of a vehicle accident; and, WHEREAS, corrective action can be taken to prevent future similar accidents based on accident documentation; and, WHEREAS, injury to citizens and/or damage to their property may be reduced; and WHEREAS, the City will be able to determine the total cost of vehicle accidents, which includes property damage, injury costs, and tort claim expenses; and, WHEREAS, the City will be better abie to identify and control vehicle repair costs within City departments; and, WHEREAS, the goal of the City of Saint Paul is to reduce property damage to its vehicles and potential resultant injuries to employees; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mayor Norm Coleman, declaze the policy regarding documentaflon of vehicle accidents to be in the public interest by providing a safer work place for all City employees. APPROVED AS TO FORM L �a/3? stant City Attorney . f // �e A-�'�'�. Department D'uactor � "` � <`���""°] Adminis[ra[ive Assistant [o Mayor - � -iw�n �n DEPAqTMENT/OfFICFJCOUNpL DATE INITIATED �' � 3.13 51 Finance Risk & Em 1 Ben M t Div 5 9 96 GREEN `SHEET -- - CqNTACCPEFlSONBPHONE �DEPARTMEMD1RECiOR OGItYCAUNCIL MRIAVDATE Ro er Schwa e er 266 88 1 '��N OCfTYAT(ORNEY �GRYCLEHK UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� ��� � BUOGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SEflNCES DIR. ORDEH � MqYOR (OR ASSISTAIYi) � ��t���a N A TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES one (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNATUR� ACTION flEQUE5TE�: - Initiate Administrative Order for reporting and documenting accidents with City of Saint Paul vehicles. RECOMMENDAT16q5; qpquue (A) a Reject (fi) pERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE fOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING WMMISSION � CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this perSONfirm ever Worked under a coMrac[ for this tlapartmeM? � _ C�B cOMMtiiEE _ YES "NO _ S7AFP _ 2. Has this person/f�irm ever been a ciry smployee? YES NO _ DISTFiICT COUFT _ 3. C10e5 MIiS (ICf50t1(flrtll p0538SS 8 Sklll not 00(111211 � y possessed by any curtent city employee. SUPPORis Wti1CH COUNqlO&1ECTiVE? YES NO Explain ell yes enswers on seperece aheet antl attech to green sAeec INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPOFTUNITY (Who. What, Whan. Where. WhY): Need for a camprehensive, citywide policy on reporting and documenting accidents involving City vehicles in order to prevent future similar accidents, determine driver responsibility, and gather pertinent information for self-funding/insurance determinations. ADVANTAGES IF APPflOVED: . olicy will provide additional information as to the cause of a vehicle accident, control vehicle repair costs, and prevent future similar accidents. RECEIVE� JUfd 12 1996 DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Supervisors may perceive they are expected to conduct the vehicle accident investigation without an adequate time allowance in their work day, resulting in some resistance to the policy. DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED' Lack of knowledge for vehicle repair costs by fleet manager. No action taken to provide training that corrects unsafe driving practices by employees. Lack of adequate information to determine if self-funding or insurance is the proper financial mechanism to protect the City's fleet. OTALAMOUNT OPTRANSACTION S COST/qEVENUE BUUGETED(CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIHG SOUpCE N�A AC71VI7Y NUMBER NJA t FINANCIAL INPORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ry I R I ii uu ` SUPERViSOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION REPORT ^;��0/�� .i.tJ "{ Fhis report must be compfeted by the immediete sapervisor of the emplayee involved Fn art aecident; tF�e imestigatiort shoutd fake pface fhe same day as the accident. Insvuctions are an the reverse side of . •-- tf�is form. - TF�z supervisor_must su6mit ihis report with the driver's Vehicie Accident Report and Ehe . Minnesata Motoc Vehic[e Accideni Report ta tfie division ci�anager for retinew. NAME Of DRlVER (please p�nt1 DEPARTMENT/DIVISION VEHICLE LICENSE NUMBER DATE OF ACCIDENT TIME OF ACCIDENT (a.m.ip.m.) LOCA710N OP ACCIDENT WAS A CITY POUCY OR PROCEOURE V(OLATED? Scircfe one) YES NO WERE THERE ANY WITNESSES TO ACCIDENT? (circle one) YES NO IF YES, DID THE WITNESS(S} COMPLETE A WRITTEN STATEMENT? (circie one) YES NO If YES, please attaeh WERE POLICE CALLED TO SCENE OF ACCIDENT? (circle one) YES NO WERE PHOTOS TAKEN? (circle one} YES NO If YES, please attach DESCRIPTION OF ACCIDENT RECOMMENDATIONS NAME OF SUPERVISOR ( lease riM) SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISOR DATE NAME OF DIVISION MANAGER (Please print) SIGNATURE OF OIVISION MANAGER DATE �a� INSTRUCTIONS � The supervisor of the driver involved in a vehicie accident must comp►ete an investigation of the � accident. The Supervisor Vehicle Accident Investigation Report is designed to allow the supervisor to answer investigative questions, such as why, how, when, etc. Simple and direct sentences are needed. Enough information shouid be provided under each category to enable the person analyzing the report to make recommendations for preventing future similar accidents. The supervisor shouid visit the scene of the accident, whenever possible, to conduct the investigation. This allows the supervisor the best visual account ot the accident scene. The supervisor should interview the affected employee and any witnesses to the accident, as reported on the driver's Vehicle Accident Report. The supervisor s ou s e � n rocess; the drawing below can be used to develop the sketch. Whenever possible, photographs of the scene should be taken to pictorially portray what was present around and at the accident site. A Polaroid camera is an etfective too! for this purpose. When the Supervisor Vehicle Accident Investigation Report is complete and signed, it should be sent to the division manager or department designee with copies of the driver's Vehicle Accident Report and Minnesota Motor Vehicie Accident Report for review and concurrence. The supervisor must forward the original Minnesota Motor Vehicle Accident Report to the Minnesota• Department of Public Safety. The division manager or department designee wiil review all reports and forward them to the Risk and Employee Benefit Management Division. Supervisors can contact the Safety/ADA CoordinaTor at 266-8891 or department safety officer with any questions about how to conduct the investigation. �.J CITV VEHICLE � � ° I OTHER VEHICLE(5) � INDICA7E NOR�TH DIRECLION IN THIS CIRCLE E%AMPIE: N r� L� REBM - 5/1 /96 F: W sersilmurphylwpfilestsavelacc-inves ��� Policy and Procedure for Reporting and Dacumenting Accidents with City of Saint Paul Vehic{es • City of Saint Paul Vehicle Accident Report Packet: This packet is required to be in every vehicle owned by the City. The packet contains a City of Saint Paul Vehicle Accident Report Form, a Minnesota Motor Vehicle Accident Report, a Supervisor Vehicie Accident Investigation Report, and procedures and a flow chart for reporting a�d documenting vehicle accidents. The packet is available from the Risk a�d Employee Benefit Management Division, and is distributed to departments on request. The City of Saint Paul Vehicle Accident Report must be completed in its entirety for everv accident that involves property or vehic{e damage or personal injury. Ifi there is a death or injury, or if total property damage is in excess of 51,000, the driver must also complete a Minnesota Motor Vehicle Accident fteport. AII damages to property, such as dents and scrapes, damage to City property and/or other City vehicles, must be reported to your supervisor. Accidents invoiving injuries or damage to property or vehicles in excess of 5300, must be immediately reported to the police. Procedures for Employees/Supervisors: When an accident occurs with a City vehicle, the driver should complete the required accident reports and immediately notify his/her supervisor. The supervisor must complete the Supervisor Vehicle Accident Investigation Report, and submit it, and the employee's report(s) to ihe Division Manager or department designee. Division Manager Respa�sihilities: The Division Manager or designee will review al{ reports to ensure they are complete and accurate, and will then forward them to the Risk and Employee Benefit Management Division. The Division Manager wi11 aiso schedule periodic Accident Review Board Meetings. Accident Review Board: Each department that has six or more vehicles has access to an Accident Review Board. Each Accident Review Board shali meet periodically to review recent accidents, and determine what action should be taken to prevent future accidents--all vehicle accidents must be reviewed. The City's Safety/ADA Coordinator will attend the Accident Review Board meetings. Recognition of hazards and recommended corrective action will • be communicated at these meetings. Fleet Manager Responsibilities: On a quarterly basis, the Fleet Manager for City garage facilities will submit a report to the Safety/ADA Coordinator. This report w+ll i�dicate which vehicfes were involved in accidents and what the totai cost of repairs were. The Fleet Manager will keep a record of all repair expenses for City vehicles involved in acc+dents. Risk and Employee Benefit Management Division Responsibilities: The Safety/ADA Coordinator will receive a copy of the City of Saint Paul Vehicie Accident Report, the Minnesota Motor Vehicle Accident Report, and the Supervisor's Vehicie Accident Investigation Report. The Safety/ADA Coordinator will review them to make sure they are complete. If the forms are incomplete, the Safety/ADA Coordinator will return them to the employee's supervisor. The incomplete form is piaced in an "active pending file" until the completed forms are returned. The completed forms should be returned to the Safety/ADA Coordinator within ten working days. Once the Safety/ADA Coordinator receives the completed forms, s(he will contact the supervisor to discuss follow- up activities. The Safety(ADA Coordinator wifl enter all information from the initial reports and the follow-up investigation into the vehicle accident database. The SafetylADA Coordinator wiVl attend all Accident Review Board meetings and document the outcome of the meetings in the database. The Safety/ADA Coordinator will coilect information on tort claims costs, workers' compensation costs and vehicle repair costs related to vehicle accidents, and enter this into the database. The Safety/ADA Coordinator will send copies of alf documents pertaining to motor vehicle accidents to the Fleet Manager upon receipt. Once all related accident intormation is entered in the database, including repair costs, tort claim information, and workers' compensation loss information, the "total direct cost" of vehicle accidents will be available. The Safety/ADA Coordinator will run reports and share information with departments concerning individuals who have ore than one accident in a 12-month period, and types of accidents that occur most frequently. These reports will help determine the best methods of loss control and possi6le changes to po(icy, procedure, or work practices. These reports will be distributed twice a year. flisk and Employee Benefit Management Division (5/1/961 f:\users\Imurphy\wpfileslsave\accident �� Procedure for Reporting Vehicie Accidents Departmentrepresentative I completes VechiGe Accide�t Communication Center notifies r _� PolicelFire Emergency nofifies Report & traosmits it to � employee s department I Communica&on Center driver's superviwr I ^ No repoR is needed / WAS � VEHICLE INVOLVED IN N ACCIDENT? any tlamage to any vehide or any property? Supervisor completes Supenrisor Vehicle AccidenUnvesti9ation Report Driver reports acdtlent to Police'rfdamage to vehiGe over $300 Dnver transmits Veh�cle accideM to Police Driver no6fies supernsor ffi �letes VehiGe Accitlent Re[ Supervisor forxards MN Motor Vefiicie Accident RepoR to MN Department of Pubiic Safety Supervisor transmits wpies of all reports to division manager Is driver Drivertransmits MN Motor VehiUe ACCident Report to supervisor Was there No6fy st 1 property or vehiGe damage over 51.000? Driver mmpletes MN Motor Vehicle Accident Report Division manager reviews, comments, concurs & Wrxards al! reports to ihe Risk 8 Employee Benefrt Mgmt Division Safery/ADA Coordinator reYews reports $ enters iniormation into database Orvision manager retains Copies ' li Division manager schedules an of all reports in department file I , Accident Review Board mee6ng SafetylADA Coordirtatw atterWs Accident Review Board meetlng; REBM - 5/7196 f.\users�murphyUl�accflow, p2 SafetyCoordinatorseridscopies � Safety/AOACOardinaNrcoifects � of aA �eports !o Fleef Manager l daia ort worlcers' compe�sation, I tort claim costs, & �ehide repair msts Safety�ADA Coordinator prepares Safery/ADA Coordinator enters accideM summaries & Vansmits infortnation into datahase infortnation to departments I twice a Y�r �� • u