261822 WHITE - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE � j(((.�qqq y ('�j� BLUERY - MAYORTMENT~ GITY OF SAINT PALTL F1eci1N0. �`�!°��`_ - � �: Council Resolution Presented By � � ` ���.�. Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committ�e By Date WHEREAS, the Council has adopted Ordinance No . 15350, creating an Advisory Planning Commission, and by amendment thereto wi�l i�crease the membership of �said Commission from fifteen voting members to twenty—one voting members, appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent af the Cour�cil ; and WH��tEAS, the Board of Zoning establis�hed by th� Saint Paul Legislative Code shall be a subcommittee of the Pianning Commission as established by said Ordiri.ance ; and WHEREAS, the City Council recogniz�s the' ur��nt need for the i-�mediate establishment of such a subcomm.ittee to allow approval of zoning and planning matters curren�ly pending; and c�. ��,�.�, �u,�,,,o WHEREAS, the Council further recognizes that �rmanent appoin.tments to such a subcommittee�should not .be forthcoming until such time as the complete 21�ember Commissiors* has been duly appointed in accordance with law, now, therefore , be it RESOLVED� �hat the Council of_ theCity of 3aint -i��a,ul hereby requests �he Advisory Planning Commissior� �a -�ppei�t a temporary Board of Zoning as a su�committee of �l°re -�lannin� Gommis�sion�t�ntil suc.h time �as amendments to Council File No. 261676, expanding tYie - � � membership of �he Commission, become effective and appointments to said positions are ratified and approved by this Council . � j o�'U . COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Butler Nays xM]ID�C Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith u Against BY � � Tedesco Mme.President� F�� Au� 2 1973 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date • Cert' ied Passe � uncil Secretary BY �-.�����--c'° � ■ ��� By Approve Mayor: ate G , � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By PUt3LISHEO AU G 4 1973