261817 WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK ' - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council �.����,� CA� ARY - DEPARTMENT ��.�E - MAYOR File NO. Council es lut ' w Presented By Leonard W. Levine Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �REAS� The Board of Wat� Comnissioners by it� resolut3.on No. 2398, dated July 26� 1973, has suthori.zed the acquisition of reserved rights in fee-oKned Board right-of w�y for the 30-inch Iaw Service Water Conduit� NO�W� THEREFORE� BE l� RESOI,YED� That the Covncil of the City of Saint Papzl concurs in the act3on taken by the Board, and that p�e�nt of $300.00 be made pay�able to James M. Hurley and He1en M. Hurley� husband aud wife� owners� �ho have quit c].aimed the3r interest in the Board�s rig�t-of-way. 9u.ch moni.es to be paid from Water �nd 80000-000-000. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Butler Nays � � Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY �c i�a Tedesco Mme.President B�[ IiIl1Y1't AU G 2 1973 pp y y y Form A Cit ttorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary '� By By Approved Mayor: Date 1973 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBLISHED A��i 4 19�3 " �: � � CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ ��� OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �'�.�1 J�' Z6� ��7� COMMISSIONER DATE �CCJVLYC� �s, ii�e Hoard ot t�a�e O�sis�ta��ca► rae�yntion �usb�r 2�09, d+��sd 29 !"�v�ot7� 49'�'�, +Aa�1�3�d �r s�w��an� a� oawd�■�atl�a�a �s�lap aassssa�r !�o a�qsi,r� rsa�►�d r3.�i�s i�a t�ra a��wrd Ho�ord s�i-+�[-� t'c�a� � �►�ir► Le�► S�a�ria� Ws1� �d�#�,� � 1�tiA8;� �t t1�al l�na�ae� �. �3f�d w. �Dli�ay► �#,� �ur�a�a�rd r3��b fi�s a�s ot' Pai�a�l !� tor s ��1w�t sm� a! �,�0.00 tor d�sr�N reod.wd a�ad Mid a� La+ria� aa�a�►lwrd �s �ttw�f a� � A� rrl�. itio►'�i+r�► �► 4ait Cla�a � io i�lu �asds a�a►�d � ir�ta City Ati�ca�, !c� tl� toLlawi�g� "� +�a�is�in� l�e�st or �s�atae� +ror a'La� �s� itit ih� xaf�r xa�ks ri�'-qr�,1'' i� #� A� �' T� �s (�}�, J.W. 1�uq� �Fap�'d+�n i�lw��, in �hi Co�qm;�I ot B+rwT�, �� � ��o►i�a" �fQ�T� T�'t�8 B� T? R&90L�� b�► �w floarel: �►i� taa� t�t pnrpoase atora�+id,d �aud �ri�h t�r ��rl oE' 4�us Ci� t��l: 1�r p�p�r o��li�rs �►t #� Hwrd al�aXl b�► and hsrtb� a� �tD�rissd +�ad d�reN�t�ed �o tYo� 3tihe Watear Opezs� �rd �10G#�E!!'�0 io �s or�s►a at ��1�, J�► l�. �r1q rrd H�� M. �upr�q� ��nsb�md and xS.t��, !�s t�al o� ot �3�•C1D ,a� oaoepLirfi� ..ttl�..a�►� tor sa�ta d.ur�•s. - / APPROV Asst. City orney ���` Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays Mrr+�dlth '�LG�+D29' '�'Y,�' 26 19bx�3 Pt'�s1d�� Leti� — — In favor � Opposed � �' ASST. SECY. � 1M