261809 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK� - FINANCE � CO1111C1I CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � ��� ` Co ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Northwestern Bell Telephone Company East District Engineer 3020 Hudson Road, Room 210 St. Paul, MN 55119 J.O. 31215 Resolved, that the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company be given permission to install and thereafter maintain approximately 83 lineal feet of buried cable along Germain Street, 12 feet from the east property line between Margaret Street and the alley north of Margaret Street and then 92 feet east in the alley as per attached and approved application and plans. Northwestern Bell Telephone Company shall pay the cost of publication incident hereto. 1A.10� G�� COUIVCILMEN Yeas Butler Nays Requested by Department of: K��on�opatzki �_ In Favor Levine Meredith J Against By ` fa�ad�ac� Tedesco Mme.President �¢ $i1ri� Form Approved by C' y Attorney Adopted by Council: Date AUG 2 t973 � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approve y Mayo : Date 973 Approv by r sion t ouncil gy By PUBLIgHED a�� 4 1973 ', , s s �l i� ����� ,. BEECH STREET t— LLI i� � ~ �;) �. � i� — 3p�--�f� 3� � � i�� ' ( c:, �:` ;1� � _�._ � ---- ------- : �. __ CITY TG GFtAC�E �"" �LLfY ` � PAVC kLL[Y � ~ � �' i ___�' _.���_._..._�F�'0{'c.�T e� L' ° �`- � -�3 2 t-- �--I.___—_—. �+{ �� _ m � � �:� �-, :_ �— �., CJ __ f.r. � _ . - � � I e�.� � � _l '- LiJ '— � 1J t�.f � ��1 ? � >. c� � y � � r-fi-- t � � �° � -�=�r�..�..s�F: � � � 5TREET t � N!ARG,�F�ET . . KC Y O EX f �'�! NG TELEPI�QNF ('OLE '°T� PRCIPOSCD BtfR1E:() T'EI�ERi�OtJE CkBLE ` ... D {AMGTER OF CA6LE .70 ( PdGNES -- ��'.' FXH16l7 �A � � ; �, N0 �CALE y;, � C�7� r M 1 N I tf U�"t U E P T H �!3 ( N C k E S _�_A---- _.___..._...w--_...-__�-._.__-_.� WO OTF�EFt UTILI'PIES ON ( � ` GERMA I h OR ! N THE ALLEY �'';; �S` `.�`g �� `:s���:�-�� �>''�� t�- ::'r � A � �r�J �L �L _�_. z F,r�r,�s�.� } � �^:1 �">>:�:v , ( j � r;:�; at�� �1.� ,"{ f')r: pROPEFi°i�Y Ot'� 1 � THE CITY 0�' ST ��UL _____`i�.._F_'l•.11L.�-�E.C.}�._..:?.i��F.:._L_ ...�._ ...._ '' t ESTI",����:. �_�7-�-�3__._`�,t:f_..__.._{". . .,��� � � �.'�.^����;�TNu-=-��et�--t:,. _ , ..._._. ._ cT ��:tt?t ��t!_ ,'.__—'i_3�m €>�l£���-.�,_ _. ___._ . � antHeod ClTY OF SAINT PAUL a \ .;, ' . Capitai of Nl�nnasota ��� � � . ' � 9 : _ : . _ . ; � s .�� _ -r�., `1 DE��!.�i', .'r''�'OF COh1MUNITY SERVICES � ' � � : . . . DI�{`�, . Jr PARKS ;-;��� I�ECREATION` ��f: � � �: .. , 545 City Hal! - .° :. .'�..', ..N.:.",.._ "' �. 55102 � �.�.�� ,�� Phone 298-4431 � �. ,' = - ' � i . � .-r'�- - _ , ..-:: . - i .—� _ . - ,., . :_ ., y.,� . � ..,` ,,, , � . _.�r...... . :. . .�,. .......,..,...,.. �. .. . -.,:.,...� )_i`'.f C'wJn� .. . . _.� ._..._.-_........�.�.._:... _...�.. �z�i,� �� ;.�..�.ai.Y.�Y'�."L¢i ". '4� ✓� ' . FORESTRY SECTION 1224 No. Lexington Pkwy. 55103 Phone. 488-7291 July 21�, �973 . � To; Robert P�.ram� Superixztendent of Parks From: I,loyd A. Burkholder� Ass�t. Supt. of Parks Subject: Northsrestern Bell Telephone Company �Zoqusst F�r Undergrou.*�d Instal2ation klong Germaa.n Street Job Order - 31215 �t16� �vtith re�ard to the above mentionsd pro�ect - Job order 31215 - it is recommended that permission be granted �or this instal3ation with tne fol.lvwing requirements: l. The cable be placed at a 1� foot �nimuin depth in the boulevard area - This !� foot mini.�num depth �ri11 pez^�.ri.t use of an auger for boulevard tree planting in tnis portion of uermain Street. LAB/pal