02-259;--, ; E'^, � e § -... '...d E — , e `�. a'_. � Presented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 WHEREAS, the Division of Pazks and Recreation administers the applicants and grants prograni established by Ordinance 409.235; and WHEREAS, the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board was forined to implement the adminisiration of the ordinance for the Division; and WHEREAS, the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Boazd met on February 28, 2002 to add organizations to the eligible list for the 10% Club for 2002; and WHEREAS, these new applications were approved by the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Boazd; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Boosters East, Inc. 8. Broom Closet, Inc. 9. Duluth & Case Recreadon Center Booster Club 10. Harding Area Girls' Fastpitch Softball Assn. 1 l. Johnson Area Youth Activities Assn. 12. Johnson Area Youth Football Assn. 13. Margaret Booster Club 14. Phalen Youth Club Rice/Lawson Rec. Center Bster. Club Rice Street Athletic Club Star Swim Club Upper East Side Youth Football Assn. Venture Crew #613, BSA Youth Association Hockey 16 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper city officials are hereby requested to 17 promulgate an approved list of eligible organizations for the 2002 Charitable Gambling 10% 18 Club. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Harris Lantry Reiter Council File # �a. RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 203252 13 Yeas �� Nays �� Absent Adopted By Council: ✓ � 3 Requested b � Division o arks & Recrea ' gy; � N Approval Recommended by Budget Director: By Date .�3aes�'orm Approv d by C' y ttorney By: � �, by Mayor for on to Council Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ,. L� A� _ie�� DEPARTMENTIOFFICEICOUNCIL DA7E INRIA7ED r � GREEN SHEET NO. 203252 Parks and Recreation 3/12/02 CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE INITUWDATE INRIAL/DATE EricThompson651-266-6362 � � � DEPAR7MENTDIRECTOR � J CffYCOUNCIL UMBERF OUTING � Z CRYATTORNEV � 4 CITYCLERK MUST BE ON CAONGL A6ENDA 8V (DA7E) DER c ❑ S FINANCULLSERVICESDIR. � V FIWWCL4LSERV/ACCTG A.S.A.P. ❑ rnnroRroRnssisrarrn ❑ TOTAL#OFSIGNANREPAGES CLIPALLLOCA7IONSf-0RSIGNAiURE) ACTION REQUES7E0: _ Approval of organizations to the 10% Club list of eligible recipients for 2002. RECOMMENDA770N5: Apprwe(A)orRe�ect(R) PERSONALSERNCECONTRACTSYUSTANSWER.THEf-0LLOVJINGGUESTIONS: � _PLANNINGCOMMISSION � Ha,qyiispenaJfumeverwaketlunderacaMrad(orUxsdeperomeM? _ CIBCOMMITfEE VES NO �; :,� CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION 2 HasNispemaUfi�meverbeanacdyemployee� � . d; A Youth Proarams Fund Advisorv Boarcl ves No �,; — 3 DOBS Uis Pa��rtn possess a sltill rot normallY WS%�%� bY �Y airten[ �' �nPbY�? µ7J. — VES NO — 4. Is tlris pBrsaNfrtn e tergeled vendor? - �. VES NO w Explain a11 Yas answan on aapar+b shnf and adach to 9mn sh�af. INRIA77NG PROBLEM, iSSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet, Nfien, NAiere, lhhy�' Council has requested that the 10% Club list of eligible recipients be updated on an annual basis. These organizations will be added to the list for 2002 and will then be eligible to receive direct donations from charitable gambling organizations in Saint Paul. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. Improved youth programs for. Boosters East, Inc; (The) Broom Closet, Inc.; Duluth & Case Recreation Center Booster Club; Harding Area Girls' Fast Pitch Softball Association; Johnson Area Youth Activities Association; Johnson Area Youth Football Associa6on; Margaret Recreation Center Booster Club; Phalen Youth Club; Rice/Lawson Recreation Center Booster Club; Rice Street Athletic Club; Star Swim Club; Upper East Side Youth Football Association; Venture Crew #613, BSA; Youth Association Hockey. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. �����@ I�� !J DISADVAMAGESIFNOTAPPROVED ( �A� � L E��J� Poor quality youtn programs. C t�� r�TT� R� E� TOTALAMOUNTOF7RANSACTION� COSTRiEVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FlINDING SOUFtCE AC7MiY NUYBER FINANCULLINFORMATION: fIXPWN) . '�� ° ''r;±:'::'c''wi;'�.;:`::.�.�'+i $.+�za,�.:� i : ., �'"'''`? °- ' �i€�� <...�. . � S:IForms�reensheet wpd vv ;--, ; E'^, � e § -... '...d E — , e `�. a'_. � Presented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 WHEREAS, the Division of Pazks and Recreation administers the applicants and grants prograni established by Ordinance 409.235; and WHEREAS, the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board was forined to implement the adminisiration of the ordinance for the Division; and WHEREAS, the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Boazd met on February 28, 2002 to add organizations to the eligible list for the 10% Club for 2002; and WHEREAS, these new applications were approved by the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Boazd; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Boosters East, Inc. 8. Broom Closet, Inc. 9. Duluth & Case Recreadon Center Booster Club 10. Harding Area Girls' Fastpitch Softball Assn. 1 l. Johnson Area Youth Activities Assn. 12. Johnson Area Youth Football Assn. 13. Margaret Booster Club 14. Phalen Youth Club Rice/Lawson Rec. Center Bster. Club Rice Street Athletic Club Star Swim Club Upper East Side Youth Football Assn. Venture Crew #613, BSA Youth Association Hockey 16 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper city officials are hereby requested to 17 promulgate an approved list of eligible organizations for the 2002 Charitable Gambling 10% 18 Club. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Harris Lantry Reiter Council File # �a. RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 203252 13 Yeas �� Nays �� Absent Adopted By Council: ✓ � 3 Requested b � Division o arks & Recrea ' gy; � N Approval Recommended by Budget Director: By Date .�3aes�'orm Approv d by C' y ttorney By: � �, by Mayor for on to Council Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ,. L� A� _ie�� DEPARTMENTIOFFICEICOUNCIL DA7E INRIA7ED r � GREEN SHEET NO. 203252 Parks and Recreation 3/12/02 CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE INITUWDATE INRIAL/DATE EricThompson651-266-6362 � � � DEPAR7MENTDIRECTOR � J CffYCOUNCIL UMBERF OUTING � Z CRYATTORNEV � 4 CITYCLERK MUST BE ON CAONGL A6ENDA 8V (DA7E) DER c ❑ S FINANCULLSERVICESDIR. � V FIWWCL4LSERV/ACCTG A.S.A.P. ❑ rnnroRroRnssisrarrn ❑ TOTAL#OFSIGNANREPAGES CLIPALLLOCA7IONSf-0RSIGNAiURE) ACTION REQUES7E0: _ Approval of organizations to the 10% Club list of eligible recipients for 2002. RECOMMENDA770N5: Apprwe(A)orRe�ect(R) PERSONALSERNCECONTRACTSYUSTANSWER.THEf-0LLOVJINGGUESTIONS: � _PLANNINGCOMMISSION � Ha,qyiispenaJfumeverwaketlunderacaMrad(orUxsdeperomeM? _ CIBCOMMITfEE VES NO �; :,� CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION 2 HasNispemaUfi�meverbeanacdyemployee� � . d; A Youth Proarams Fund Advisorv Boarcl ves No �,; — 3 DOBS Uis Pa��rtn possess a sltill rot normallY WS%�%� bY �Y airten[ �' �nPbY�? µ7J. — VES NO — 4. Is tlris pBrsaNfrtn e tergeled vendor? - �. VES NO w Explain a11 Yas answan on aapar+b shnf and adach to 9mn sh�af. INRIA77NG PROBLEM, iSSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet, Nfien, NAiere, lhhy�' Council has requested that the 10% Club list of eligible recipients be updated on an annual basis. These organizations will be added to the list for 2002 and will then be eligible to receive direct donations from charitable gambling organizations in Saint Paul. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. Improved youth programs for. Boosters East, Inc; (The) Broom Closet, Inc.; Duluth & Case Recreation Center Booster Club; Harding Area Girls' Fast Pitch Softball Association; Johnson Area Youth Activities Association; Johnson Area Youth Football Associa6on; Margaret Recreation Center Booster Club; Phalen Youth Club; Rice/Lawson Recreation Center Booster Club; Rice Street Athletic Club; Star Swim Club; Upper East Side Youth Football Association; Venture Crew #613, BSA; Youth Association Hockey. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. �����@ I�� !J DISADVAMAGESIFNOTAPPROVED ( �A� � L E��J� Poor quality youtn programs. C t�� r�TT� R� E� TOTALAMOUNTOF7RANSACTION� COSTRiEVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FlINDING SOUFtCE AC7MiY NUYBER FINANCULLINFORMATION: fIXPWN) . '�� ° ''r;±:'::'c''wi;'�.;:`::.�.�'+i $.+�za,�.:� i : ., �'"'''`? °- ' �i€�� <...�. . � S:IForms�reensheet wpd vv