261803 WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - �NANCE G OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT � BLIJE �-MAVOR File NO. �` �ti-�� ncil Resolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon and pursuant to the pertinent appeal, under the Zoning Code, by John A. Bathke, owner of the subject real estate, situate in the City of Saint Paul and described as : Southwest 3 feet of Lot 3 and all of Lots 5 and 6, Frank Crowell ' s Addition; that the provisions of said Zoning Code, in respect to density requirements, hereby are determined and varied, in their respect to said real estate, as and to the extent necessary therefor, and that a permit hereby is granted unto said appellant, and his successors in interest, in respect of said real estate, in order to have the apartment building thereon certified as a six-plex instead of a five-plex on property located on the north- east corner of Je�samine and Como Place; subject to the condition that said appellant, and his successors and assigns, otherwise, shall make due compliance with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas $utler Nays Xidyt�tc Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY � � Tedesco Mme.President H�C FIUrit Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date AU G 2 1973 � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by or: ate — Approv by r Sub i ' n to Council � By BY PUBLI�HED AU G 4 1973 .. BOARD OF ZONING CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT VINCENT M. COUGHLIN PLANNING COORDINATOR n June 6, 1973 ,����;5?�� ` ` Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the appeal of John A. Bathke to waive density requirements on property located on the northeast corner of Jessamine and Como Place, and further described as: Southwest 3 feet of Lot 3 and all of Lots 5 and 6, Frank Crowell's Addition. This matter was heard by the Board of Zoning at its May 17, 1973, public hearing, at which time the staff report on file was read. The appellant said he bought and used the building as a six-plex and now finds that it is certified as a five-plex. The Board discussed parking availability on the site with the appellant. Subsequently, there was a motion to recoffinend denial because of the inadequacy of off-street parking. The motion was seconded and carried by a vote of 4 to 1. Very truly yours, ��L:�� �' . ��i't a PETER J. MAIETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:PLR:mb Zoning File 7487 � b � �''� �� �� 421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612) 298-4151 � • / �s � P�iarch 7, 1973 � � y . 3 � � � honorable l��ayor �c City Council �� c�o City Clerk . n� �,�� ' Room 386, C ity Hall �'�-_�(_.��. St. Faul, riinnesota Dear Sirs: I am submitting this letter to request a waiver of density in order to have the apartment building which I own at 1086 Como Flace certi- fied as a six unit building. Zrhen I purchased this building it was bein� used as a six unit build- ing and has been ever since. Now that I am prepared to sell the build- ing I find that it is only certified as a five unit building bec�use of the lot size, although there is sufficient par•king space available f or six units. Nr-. Frank Sta�'finson, of the Cit� Architectts Office and a City Inspec- tor looked at the building on Niarch 2, 1973 and said they would be kTilling to grant a six unit c�rtificate of occupany if` I would obtain a waiver of density. Other pertinent in�'ormation which you would want to l�ow is as follows : N�y Name : John A. Bathke ��ome Address : 2062 N. Lexin�ton Ave. , St. Faul, N`inn. 55113 home Tel. No: 1�88-8831 Business Tel. Plo: 633-0532 Legal Description 1086 Como Place of Property: SZd 3 Ft. of Lot 3, all of Lots 5 � 6 Fran� Cr•owell� s Addition Ordinance Appealin�; • Under�: ��' � Q� l� Legislative Code : Chapter Section Paragraph The closi:�g of my sale on this proper•ty is contir�gent upon obtainin� this waiver of density. Sincer•ely� :� L'��`�j �a� ,, �/Z�(, �%l •�Ci��� �`j � �,.John A. Bathke ;�t����� �=�LE �.:`'� ra�rN�eES �� ,.�a� �u��.�c x��x�r;� �€��� �� �� o� zoHZxc o�a �:a���s�����, ���� �.z, �.9asY A� 2�0o Per�o ���C�;�� �:'R�S�i�x: Z�ee Coctzrane; ��tess;:�, P�i�ie�t�, Benshoo�, McPartlin arcd PrifreZ of �:h;e Borard•, M�, Ro�eitPr ac�a M�s� �r�r.�,ault of the Staff. Ji7i�� A. BA��a��? �7�87'�: 9t? appE�� �co rela�. d��asity �equ�.rements on grvpe-rty �ocr�ted esn L��� nortYte�st �r�rue� �£ .�ess�ra;.n� an.c� Cac�o �'l��ev I�I�� �.osette�- .�eaa the s��£:� r�pcz�-t or± thas !��t���> M�o .�o�a B�;?��� s za ted r_ha r h� s�r�s n�� th� a:-�bs_na� Q��nex c►f �che buf I.ding o �Ie ' .�ad iL was ��p��3e�c�e�d ts� him a� a il-►a��:i.t b��;��;�ng, �nd said iC i�€�s �lways been usec� ;s � 5--z.n,ie a�s��t�ent bui 1cli,ng, but he fr�und th�t it was on�.y ce�L-ified as a Swur;.�c buiid:in�a �ie sa�.d �here 4ras plenty oi pa�k�.ng ita t�ae upen ar�ea to r�h� n�ir��: Ni�s o +��c��ane as?:R4d hcs« Ln�K3.y �Dd[3'lca�a� ���e�s �he�� e�ere aad c�ias told $ ot� t�he bl�c�t- �:o� ar�r� �ocsrz ��x: �;G Mr� ��{�h��f su�.� �ae ti�atTgi�t �hp��e �:T�s s�:_ra f'Q,° �orQ parking an the prop�rLy ne�r �.t�� s�:��.�a�cl tza�i:.ao ��:o ',c►�Art��r_ s_:t�l �i-:;�� rah�az �:E•aa_s �a�ace �r�?� =:�zvet�d, the neigfebars came �.n and sai.r rF;�y h�d l���tn �-�a:s�r�.��d L-he`-r �r�ulc�r:�t b� an �par�:xseent b��.idir�� �uC �.n thexeo " [�C' ce:ttT �'AC-! C?3.r.i[1=s�`.. ?:a: �'��.'?"t? �'l��:y'� S3£?Li�.t� '�^�.E1 X't>i7iit �fiY' t3aZti�.►lg �OT Sri]S ilil7lt8o �@ �h;: �fare n��ve� �:;z�y- t;�;:��x��.c� d�nb_aI. r�'� �I�c-. �pp��3.o :Ct c�ras ��couded by �:r� AraieL�a �E�c c�axxi.��i s�y a s�o�:e s��: ';. _,� �.o N�a o $ensh�f vctted agaznsi: the mcl.ion s�at�.n}; E i��t �� �f��u�t�it �-,z�;:e ;���� ; xu�m fc�r g,a�tzing on �h� north side, �nd �:r,ju�f�1: �.�.�:s cras � .a�:-c'.:h:�� c�s�, �s €a�: �cu�h� t[2is ��s�per�y i�: gcs�� fai�h� '►�.tb�at#..tec; t�y: ��k'�:c�=S�d ?�y. �3L?�. ,'',�o letS^s8?:��a'.i �°:?:�o �'c,I.'fD�.�TIi ss�iC�'3�cT1L' • • �(?A) �',s l� n�'�� C �� � �-�� ,.�� 1��� �� ���� �:� ,. �: d f. '� . �1..�. - � �� � `��t • ' :ei�t�t-' liM�ai�.1!'i�:� • _ ������ , ,- ��..t1�s _ . �,. City Clerk _ � CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF fINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ASSESSMENT DIVISION ������ 113 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 June 1, 1973 e File X1337, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:Q0 a.m. on June 14, 1973 on the appeal of John A. Bathke to waive density requi,recaents on the proQerty described as follows: The Southwest 3 feet of Lot 3 and alI of Lots 5 and 6, Frank Crowell's Addition. The property is located on the Northeast corner of F1est Jessamine Avenue and Como Place. For further info•rmation, contact the Planning Board, 421 Wabasha Street, or Celephone 298-4151. To comply with the City Charter, the DepartmenC of Finance is charged with informing you of this public hearing. If you have any questions, ft is recommended that you attend this public hearing to afford you the opQortunity to make your views, both pro and con, known to the City Council. ROB$RT W. TRUDEAU Director �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI July 25, 1973 "�'���( ��� T0: Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen Philip Lee .�-- FR: Frank D. Marzitelli � f RE: Zoning code appeal by John A. Bathke I have reviewed the above referenced resolution and find myself in agreement with same. I would recommend your approval and its early submission to the City Council for action. FDM/ca Attach. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 O � �,BOARD OF ZONING• REPORT AND ACTION Mav 17, 1973 ����i�t,� • Plat Map ��26 Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. " ! 7487 1. APPLICANT'S NAME . John A. Bathke 6085 2, GLASSIFICATION . � Amendment X� Appeal � PermiC � Other 3. PURPOSE . Waive density requirements 4, LOCATION . Northeast corner of Jessamine and Como Place 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Southwest 3 feet of Lot 3 and all of Lots 5 and 6, Frank Crowell 's Addition. 6. PRESENT ZONINGe Commercial � 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Gode Chapter: 64 Section: .03 Paragraph• i 8, STAFF INVESTIGATZON & REPORT: Date: May 11, 1973 gy; p�,R • A. ADMINISTRATOR: The Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement has issued a certificate of occupancy to this building for a five-plex. B. HISTORY: This property was znned cammercial ox� the-eriginal map adopted in 1922. In 1966 a five-car parking lot permit was applied for but was considered withdrawn when the applicant failed to respond to requests for changes. The plan accompanying that application indicates a 5-dwelling unit building. Other records with that application disclose that a variance would be necessary even for the 5-unit building. One notation indicates the area was computed at that time as 8,622 sq. ft. for a legal description which omitted the 3 ft, of Lot 3, now included (86.37 sq, ft.) . Building pe nnit records indicate that the structure was built in 1966 as a S-unit building. A S-dwelling unit building in 1966, as today, required a lot size of 8,700 sq, ft. Building Department computation of the area results in an area slightly more than necessary for a S-plex. There is no record of a variance or parking lot permit being granted. C. PROPOS�4L: The app�Ilant wants the building certified as a 6-plex. D. NEE� FOR VARIANCE: The present area standard for a 6-plex is 9,600 sq, ft. Available plats lack enough information to compute the area of the subject site with complete accuracy. However, the recently computed figure of 8,628.37 sq. ft. , which includes 3 ft. of Lot 3 is very close to the figure cumputed in 1966. Assuming this figure, the site is 971.63 sq. ft. or 10.12% short of that required for a 6-plex. The site is 71.63 sq, ft. or .82% short of that required for a 5-plex. E. AREA ZONING: This block south of the tracks is commercial. Como Ave. frontage sov�h of Como Park is "C" Residential. The rest of the area south of the park is "�" Residential while the rest of the area northward is "A" Residential. The Comprehensive Plan calls for medium density residential use of this site with low density residential surrounding it. It has a Maryland-Como arterial route running on the present BN RR right-of-way F.� SITE CONDITIONS: The site is developed with a brick apartment building suLrounded by trees, lawn and a parking area containing a double garage and enough area for three open stalls. G. AREA CONDITIONS: Immediately to the east is a commercial building. Mixed residentiaZ uses front Como Avenue while generally single family and duplex units occu�y ti�e area to the south and west. Immediately to the north is • . - the R.R. tracks beyond which is Como Park. : 9. . BOARD ACTION: Tfl Recommend � Approval X� Denial Council Letter Dated: Yeas Nays Moved by . McPartlin X Maietta X June 6, 1973 X Benshoof Date of , Seconded by: Maietta X McPartlin , Hearing• `� ' X Prifrel � ` �y' Secretary's remarks: X Cochrane • June 14, 1973 � ` - " Council Action: . ° E -, . .�:x ' _, , {'' Da te: �Q•�'i • . ' ' ` r •. , �{ �'��'�% l�, ,j � , � �— -- --- t �:x � ,,• + ° t �; ; ,�, 1 5� F i�.• �st � ����+� �FR �� �r . ,+'• • = �� �" ��"���' + ��� Y s + , �:� �. * 0-7 f . tt., i . , 4. , _/ ` r i U — ---_. � -�-�; I � � . , ; ��� ' U-�� O . F---+-- � �, / -o-- � ��3 . , , 9, . _ ,, � y • A, �/ ` � � L, `?- 7 '�" { � � -:,- . ;!� ; ,. '�, .. _ • �c -1 � � f `�� ��' � I COri/O �°-• �,, � �, , j PA R K ? ; •�':j ;t^ �� t��� � � ✓t✓lY/OR H/GH �. •.,, " C, �;';.� ,,7� � �.. ,� - '. • r f"•� � '`;`.� S-83 �,? � ' . � .`"-, � _ �. 1j �i �� 'j"t,.� .t �!�_f - - ! �'��,��- � � , ., -- :i �, _ -------- � � M , � �. ` ,� , , -- -- --- � � � I 6 - . � - `� � �, � > '�. ' � � r f . \ �/��/ I I �+ . ;' . . 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