261770 61��� CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL�FI E N . FiNAL ORDER ���.�� ��y��� By - �e,�, � In the Matter of a����L '� ������ ��� � � �1� ��i � �� rld.ah ia t�re+u� aaM �aidra�tcat t1 ca��► ssf.� l�rsw+�ant• �a�t Mars� it ia i�st�iri tt�t �eod a�i �r►lti�ei� �rN ��+Mw►li�o eor► �sisR: �� Fl1� Ms. lp�ari�tie� 1i!!10 'S i. �/!�P tt.� feaetit a�a !'r� 11��wal�a �t. � �� �iunit. �m�br t� � f+a�t1► •f� ot i. t� t!'. !"re� Iti�lin6a �n. �+t �r �c�t. �. �lilt � �. i�! i�.w Ooth �ri+i�s fs� � 1arr. !� �'oa�r�t i�. ��lt2 � i. � �l.,, +�eo�,�i� ira� A�a� �. ta � 8�. ' f!!I3 g t�. � M�'.: s�a►s'dt �rt+� !s'o� �1�4 �t. to tir� last a�srot��l� under Administrative Order �� approved � ��� x�� � "`. JU� 1 ! 1973 under Preliminary Order � approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefo're, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. JUL 3 i 1973 COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Butler Nays Konopatskl Cer ' d ssed by Co i t�UG 1 �9� Levine Mer°dith , In Favor By �Re�--' � 7e d�sc�; Against Mayor PUBLISHED AU G � 1973 , .,.... ... ..�,.. _ . _ _ .� No:_ �„L;-' C� J-t� , .:,,,::., o..�t. ,r . or-�'ICiE or- TFiE �tn�ox �AY � j �� �,_'. , .� T}.ttC: _ � r ADi�IIl`VISTRATiV� Gi DER , ,�� , � G3 � 2����.b _----- __ ____.,_ _ _ __ __._ � ��� p �{..'.�l't:�?:"['F.�TI JE 02DER, A'�a� r.?j;.. �i:;ctor o� r�� De7ar%r:,,�nt o£ Publ3.r_ tdor�, {s �ere�y aurnorize� and _ cfi:.e�� :;tl �o pr�r�re �Ians, a�ta.:�. surv��s, ���pa.� es tirzat� a��d iriv�sti�ara the �'�:�e:����:? to z:co*_i:�tru.�t i.-�t�Lral curb a�ci sici�aal� on ��z foll�.�i.�g str�ets and da ���_�+ oL:i�r :JC±x� w:�ich is nec�ssa:g anr3 ircide�ra�. tc cnr.:plete sa�ci i�nrove�:,en�: �9/0 :?r�r�:� �z<:P o= ;. ����;.:T:2 S2. fra� :R.endot� St. t� Rrz�ey Ava. an:i � `:�!.='�► si:ie flf �;� S.:�I"c.`i�"�i �T. fra� Yinne.'�a.'Ya Z��e. to F.�aney Av�. � . f 9// x:�•�:1>. ._-i:?es o�: Le S�1'r�.y'�HH S�'e f�ara ��anep- A�ae. L� £orest St ✓ 9/ ��✓ ��r� (�� � ����;�:•i �3�-:�n •;.� �f. vl�.YLai� �7.1• 11aQ2 t��� di.n a.� L��(.lY �t• � y y,3 _���..�: .��;� ..�. := s���.� s�', €x:o� v�ut�a s�. �.c� T��st a��ro����1� 200; ✓ �:' ri�T'�L'�:�1:i:' 'J.i Y'��1^C.,�. �ilt� i{3a'l.3rt'_.t�7eg� .�j2l�I.C'.^.'� '�S EleZ��� C�.�ZEC�.."_Ct t0 �'lZ£'j�a.�T'G1 '��IE :•,•'�..'_-}.�:�.:� o.-.:tL a�d ache�:tl� this natter �or -a:i�I�� hea*�in�,. . �.c_.;.;.i�:+ �i _ � `. ;� . %' � ` vf.�/� �•'� _..�: i ,�' ' ;,} . i 'iy��• � � . � ti� r � i/7 jl� ;j � `.,�y; � . . .' ��....� . . - ,.:�s':ZC`v'"���'��r�`_� Tn :�OR�, , � �` ,,� ,r', ,�;� , �-. � / . ,, r.. - ' , ... ; : �� � r'., : --_____--------- ----_ ._ . ,; , f , , . A;si;:tln2�itV!,itt�rney _�'��—�Q���i �-DeF�vtmant f{ead �=F"�� , i2ani�l. J; L'un£o`3 � / �'31t�� Ei�.tr.Cl�.�p . �.• , . , . -,,, _ _ , � A�lminis[r�tive Assistant su�.tayor • -1.> � .� . r �1TY p � �a6 ��, • 2 r .� O ? - �b + ` - .. e �g � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 May 23, 1973 Mr. Robert W. Trudeau Director of Finance Room 109 City Hall ATTN: Paul Desch Re: Construct and/or reconstruct sidewalks. Dear Sir> . Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the construction and/or reconstruction of the sidewalks listed on the attached Administrative Order. The estimated cost tnereof is $5.50 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft. wide and . 0 per lin. ft. for standard sidewallc 6 ft. wide. The estimated cost of integral curb and walk is $1.50 per sq. ft. Attached here�aith ar� the following: �4� `�" �. ,,�� ,5,� ,� ,p,� S 1. Administrative Order D-636 �.a`' S F'' L � �_-� ,,,b,6�,�, G.,��, Gf T 2. Advisability & Desirability Report Yours very truly, . Daniel J. Dun rd Acting Director of Public Works tiJH/HT/gh �,���Z�O 31 ��� �� r� � MA`l 19?3 Q, � -��rE.IVED � ' N ^� a' .�.� `•• �� c.,.._ � . �.: �o��,� r1NpNC� ��ti;f� d�l�gt 5����'�' _ � �9'9/� . , . � Dist. No. 3 j•;..-.. i. 7 th S t. - .�.�ndota to Reaney 5.:;. ;;. 7th St. - ?�Iiiinz'riana 'to Reaney � — Ti:is or�ler was in�t�ated by tiie Dire�tor of Public [•7orks as public necessity on the � �asis o` four compl,ints �on� �ersonal injury complaint) and inspection of t:�e �oalk. Tais c�a1k is old tile and pourel conerete �aitn brotcen tile, hi�n joints, tripping hazards, as��iait patches, disintegrated, cracked concrete panels, scaled, tipne� panels and settied panels. `Che �n;ineering recommendation is for aoproval of the order. �;ec*.�ar'cs: Reconstruct with inte;ral curb f Construct to �oidtl� designated on plat) CT IiJ RP s- �yri Dist. Na. 3 �;�5, �. 7th St. - Reaney Ave. to Forest St. This or��r �•�as initiated by the Director of Public iJorks as public necessity on the ✓ basis oi inspAction of the walic. � `t't�i_s ;aalk is paured concrete �aith disintegrated, cracked concrete panels, scalecl, tl7�iP_'•i yJ?finlS� SF_'tt1.E.'C� PSRE.'I.S. Til� i;n;ineerin� recomr.►endation is for approval of the order. ;�v;;�ar::s : Reconstruct �a?th integral curb (���zst�uct to width desi�nated on plat) CT :i.i �' , �' -��� �- Dist. Pdo. 3 S.S. L> 7t'z SL-. - Ar�ade St. to }�eech St. ii;is �:�r��r L�as ir.�tiated hy tne D_;rector of Public LJorks as publ?c necessity on the ✓ U:.iS�_5 �'?i .-iaspect�on of t�ie ���allc. :�'ai.� �aa?k :�s pour�cl co�.cr.^te u�ith uisintebrated, cracl:ed concrete panels, scaled, i�:�p;,yd ps:el.�; anu se�tled panels. ' . i':ze ':n;;:._;,eri-i� reco�:mendat�on is for apgroval of tiie order. .`r.��':����5: ��econ:>�ruc� WZt't1 1Ili=E.'�'-��'ul curb. �::O:i:i�"'LC� LO �^J1Cl(::1 Ci2S:L�112.�0d OIl plSi� Ci: �i..f F,:P .� ; �— 9�/ 3 . • Dist. iTo. 3 s .;.5. L. ?tii St. - Duluth St. to lJest aporo�:imately 20Q' This or;ier t�as i_nitiat?d Uy tne llirector of Public i�;orks as public necessity on the �/ basis oF izs��.ction of t:ze �aalk. 'lhis �aaiic is poureu concrete �vitti tripping 'tiazards, ��Jater pockets, holes, as�halt natches, disincch�atee, cracl:ed coacrete pan�ls. Tile �n�;ineering recoz�..�e,iclation is ior aaproval oi the order. IZe�.arks: Construct �•Titn inteoral curb (Construct to �aidtii c?esignated on plat) CT HJ RP � • . � r � k�'�i=��i�. i�`�w� .� � �