261762 WHI7E — CITY CLERK 1 PINK — FINANCE COLITICII µ' /� BLUE�Y— MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. '°�'�' e �� Cou cil R olut o � Presented By LI�SE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same hereby granted. Roy T. Carlson 244 S. Cleveland Rest.C-2 App. 3203 New Prom Catering Co.� Inc. 143 W. 4th Rest.C-1 �� 3800 �� n �� On-Sale Malt �� �► �� n '� Conf. �� �i n ti �� Cigarette �� �+ �� Harriet Hueffineier 1062 Arcade St. 2nd Hd. Dlr. Gen. �� 5017 �� Bruce E. Mitchell $1? E. Maryland I-V.M. Loc. 1 M �� 5452 �� �� �� 1 add. M. �� �� �� P.A.S.� Inc. 427 S. Wabasha Res t. C-1 �� 6?29 �� " " Off-Sale Malt n �� n '� '� Ci�arette �� �� �� I. U. C. c/o Huot Mfg. Co. 550 N. Wheeler V.M. Loc. 1 M �� 7705 �� " " " 5 Add. M.� Class I " " �� Frank Freshwater & Debra Mondry 1031 W. 7th Rest. C-1 �► ?962 �� C. G. Rein Co. 1385 W. Jessamine Swimming Pool �� 8221 �� Sheryl St. C�rmain 1610 Randolph A�sseuse �� 8409 �� Dianne Fennell 1610 Randolph �► �� 8414 �� Jerome Williams 1440 Rice St. Gas Sta. 6 p. �� 848� �� n n n i� n Groc. A-1 " " Cigarette �� �► �� Dime-Rite� Inc. 1650 White Bear Ave. Rest. C-2 �� 8498 �► COUNCILMEN Yeas Bu't1Px' Nays Requested by Department of: -�t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.Presideret-$et�e� Hi7�1t Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WH17E - CITY CLERK PINK - FIN�NCE CO1111C11 C(-�J BLUE�v- MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. ��3�r✓^ J Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAGE 2 - Con�t. Stevens� Inc. 2483 W. 7th Close out sale App.8507 New Twin City Vending� Inc. c/o Yomela Specialty Co.� 1?8 E. 9th V.M. Loc. 1 M " 8518 �� �i n n �� 4 Add. M. �� n n Jerry J. & Phyllis M. Corbo� 119? Payne Rest. C-2 App.8537 �+ Lee Roy Miller 699 N. Snelling Gas Sta. 5 P. �� 8543 �� " �' Gen. Rep. Gar. �� �� �� Anna Maria Weston 929 Arcade Masseuse �� 8575" Karen Jean Mandehr 145 N. Snelling �� �� 8610 �� Mary Lou E. Wood 96 W. Winifred Groc. A-2 Butcher �� 862? �� �� " Off-Sale Malt �� �� �� " " Cigarette �� �� �� Dorothy Scammahorn 613 Grand Masseuse �� 8641 �� Joyce Truskenski 1284 W. ?th Masseuse �� 8656 �� Joy Truskenski 1284 W. 7th Masseuse �� 865? �� Helen Anderson 749 N. Milton �� +� 8658 �� Mary Ann Windschittl 540 N. Prior �� �� 8660 �� Laura Figone 613 Grand �� �� gggl �� Jacqueline C. Kennedy 57 LV. ?th Masseuse �► 8?08 �� Jacqueline E. Claus 613 Grand �� �� 8716 �� Lenore Ann LeDowc 740 N. Snelling �� �� 8721 �� Geraldine Hasten 613 Grand �� �� 8725 �� Wanda LaPointe 1284 W. 7th �� �� 8727 �� Yeas C�t�erLME Na s Requested by Department of: Y � Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Roedler Against BY �� Tedesco Mme.Presiden�Bn�tr �nt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE CO1111C11 ��� ��� BLUE�Y - MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL � File NO. � �` Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMNQNITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAGE 3 - Con't. Colleen Beth Danovsky ?40 N. Snelling Masseuae App.8?28 New Patricia Sweeney 606 Rice St. �� i� 8730 �� Bonnie 1Nae 0'Reilly 145 N. Snell ing Ma.sseuse �� 8739 �� Susan Elaine Boeltl 145 N. Snelling �� �� 8740 �� Lona Dagel ?40 N. Snell ing �� �� 8741 �� Joanne Planker� 57 W. 7th �� �� 8742 �� G�*nthia Lalley 57 W. ?th �� �� 8?44 �� INary G. Young 1610 Randolph �� �� 8745 �� Maxine A. Johnson 606 Rice St. " " 8746 " Sheila Bowes 929 Arcade �� �� 8751 �� Audrey Alice Scherer 5?-A� ?th St. " �' 8'l54 �� Sharon Curtis 740 N. Snelling �� �' 8756 " Janice Ruth Trushenski 1284 W. 7th �� �� 8758 " Joan M. Hurley 1284 W. ?th r� �r 87gp �r Ellen L. Holliday 57 W. '7th �� �� 8790 �� Karen Thomas 606 Rice �� �� 8?91 �� Sharon Riley 606 Rice 1 �� �� 8792 �� Bruce Mitchell 963 Payne Oring. Cont. D " 8795 �� �� �'4 Cigarette �' �� �' Judith Ann Dupre 119? Arcade Masseuse �� 8796 �� Kathleen M. Patterson 1197 Arcade �� �� 8?97 " Anita M. Pilanski 606 Rice St. '� " 8819 " �� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas $u'�ler Nays �4 Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against By �. Roedler Tedesco Mme.Presiden�-B�tl�r HL111't Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy BY WHITE - CITV CLERK t PINK - FINANCE COLlI1Cll ,.(�J ►'a/� CANA�`� - qEPMRTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL !,� ,( BLUE - MAYOR File NO. �^+��� y � �• Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COI�IlNITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAGE 4 - Con't. Linda K. Cobb 740 N. Snelling Masseuse App.8828 New Eileen M. Pugh 145 N. Snelling �� " 8830 " Violet Lunzman 606 Rice St. �� �� 8831 �� Esterlyne Curry 145 N. Snelling �� �� 8832 �' Catherine IHartin 145 N. Snelling " " 8838 " Mary E. St. John (Inactive) 723-6th Ave. S. Hopkins �� " 8840 " Kathleen A. Heuer 1284 W. ?th �� �� 8894 �� Harold Benesch 1614 University Gas Sta. 4 P. " 8897 �� n �� Gen. Rep. Gar. n n n �� '� Cigarette �� �' �� Donna Mae Jepson 145 N. Snelling Masseuse '� 8900 " Kathleen Gae Grover 57 W. ?th �� �� 8903 �� Charlene Marie Hudson 613 Grand �� �� 8911 �� Harland Kunz 228-No. Owasso Blvd. Tree Tri�ner & �� 8970 " 1 Veh. Robinson King Floors� Inc. 2465 N. Fairview Carpet Dealer '� 8983 �� Daisy Hagen 540 N. Prior Masseuse " 902? " Ceiestine Morris ?40 N. Snelling �� �� 9033 �� LaRockzana Kruger 740 N. Snelling �� �� 9034 �� Jacqueline Rucker� (Inactive) 122-2?th Ave� S.E. Mpls. �� �� 9115 �� Terence E. Finnegan 1890 Palace Mtr. Veh. Driver �� 9265 �� Guyan E. Stream 756 Hall �� �� 9268 �� Paul S. Mordoeski 681 E. �daho " �� 9284 �� COUNCILMEN Yeas �er Nays Requested by Department of: Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President�e� HUri't Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITY CLERK COU11C11 ��� O �/ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANA�Y -�DE�ARTMENT ��V BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolutian Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAGE 5 - Con't. Steven Otis Lane 446 Pierce Mtr. Veh. Dr. App.9290 New John G. Bouthilet� Jr. 6?08 E. Highway 36 �► �� 93p? �+ Robert Cawthorne 275 Goadrich �� �� 9328 �� COUNCILMEN Yeas Butler Nays Requested by Department of: Ko opatzki �_ In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY �� Roedler. Tedesco Mme.President Bnt�e� �t JV�, 2i 6 �9� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certi ' ed by C ry By By Appro by Mayo : Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUBLISHED AU G 4 1973