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WHITE - C,ITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ///''�ll! CAMARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. �-•���, BLU� -M/�V OR . — Ordin�znce Ordinance N�.__l✓���"'`' Presented By � ""�'�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "�n ordinance fixing the dutie s and re sponsibilitie s and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the minimum qualifications in the specifications for Fire Fighter, which read as follows: "High school graduation. Must be not less than 5 feet 8 inches tall (bare feet). Must be at least 20, but under 30 years of age. Applicants may be admitted to examinations if they are at least 19 years of age, but shall not be employed until they become 20 years of age. " and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "High school graduation. Must be at least 18, but under 30 years of age. " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas CButle rLME Na s Requested by Department of: Y � Konopatzki _� In Favor , Levine ' Meredith `� Against BY ` �a Roedler Tedesco Mme.President� Hunt Adopted by Council: Date ��R 2 9 1974 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P Council Secre�tary BY / �� s—' By �� � Approve y Mayo : Date Appro by Ma on to Co ci . BY BY �uBU.�,�� APR � 1974 . � �t�� . , � • The a►ttached o�di.aance:wiTl �erve to rnake the change in the miai.r�a�u eatranc4� ; � requi�remeats for�the�position of Fire Fighter, which,chaage i� a� result of tl�e Civil Service Commi �i�a��s hea�iz�g in thia matter. Both �h+� departrneat:��ad and the Affirinative Actia`n Officer�were affq�tded a.n opporte�nity to te8tify, � Pas�age of t�iel ordinance will provride for the elimiastion of the previrnaa height requiremeat a�d a�lso makes a provieion for a. change in t�� a�ge 1imi�� I i . . ' �`������w���������r�� � . � � � � r�t detach this memorand'um from the rdir�nr.e so that this information wiil be �tvaiN�b�e to the City CounciL ; � . , �. . � ���.'��2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI July 18, 1973 To: Hon. Lawrence D. Cohen Mayor, City of St. Paul 347 City Hall From: Frank D. Marzitelli �� City Administrator � 36? City Hall Subject: Amendment to Ordinance No. 760? eliminating height requirement and changing age limits for Fire Fighter We respectfully request that this amendment to Ordinance No. 7607 be submitted to the City Council. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 O , DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES �°��5y 101 EAST TENTH STREET SAINT PAUL, MINNE90TA 55101 -• � �i r � � . r ` '" Fn�aa�v�noN � FIRE FtCaHTING —�� S�CIJBA RESCUE /MABUI.NdCE __ PARA-MEOIC �� _ � � 14 March 1974 Q--v�� � ✓� � CG- �. ,i;� ' ' `���� � � , son, Assistant Director of Personnel ney and have arrived at the determination for the position of Fire Fighter has � Sincerely �_ Steve Conroy Fire Chief "Your Safety Is Our Concem" . . . ��i- - ,j • � � . �� k ��. � tl � ` I 5F 'y . # *' au. CIT1' OF SAINT PAUL O FF'ICE OF` 7`AE CITY COiTNCIL DEAN MEREDITH CITY H�1LL AND �OURT HOUSE Councilman BA INT PAUT.. �'IINNESOTA 55102 November 9, 1973 Mr. Harry Marshall City Clerk 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Marshall : The memorandum of matters referred to committees shows � four items under the License and Public Safety Committee: 6/21/72 - Request of Robert Milavetz for license for motion picture machines - this matter is "dead" as of now. ?,/21/73 - Ordinance on home solicitation sale - have had no complaints since state law was passed so are referring this back to the City Council . 7/26/73 - Ordinance pertaining to qualifications for fire- fi ghter, patrolman, and pol i ce trai nee - meeti ngt.�, � ,�6�jf-y will be held regarding this on November 13. 9/5/73 - Establishment of towing and storage charges - `� the bids on towing are presently under litigation so until this is resolved the License Committee can take no action in establishing new rates. Very truly yours, � � . � - . .�; ✓_. ..� ,,��` DEAN MEREDITH, Chairman . License Committee . . L � ' . -'��"�`�` ` ''''� . . . , . ��''-�.,� - , �` t' � -- --- ,.:'. `': y . � t: . - ��-� r ,� � �s �� �'. . �� � �� _ _'�" O�, �_�3?�TT � �^L�� U t''1+'I(:I' �)L�` '1`T�F (;TTI' COL.'':C�L DEE. • `iEREDiTFi ('I'1'1 lI_1LL �1tiD CU�I.i Fi.^,US.^. � .. c�!nian �_� ►�'T T'_1L i_: �I!_\'�L�'�'7T1^_ :�:ii02 'dovem�3e�� Q, '9�3 �-1r. �-lar�;��.- ��1a�•s�all City C1erk ��6 Cit�,� �ial' Dear t�1r. �larshall : The �7Emor�ndum of rat�ers ref�rred to corrm;ttees sho:�rs fou�, i te,�s under th� L;cense an� �ubl i c Safety Co;rmi t iee; � 6/21;72 - Req;�est of F;obert M�1 avctz fo�� 1 i ce�se for motion p�cture mac�ines - tf�is matter is "dead" a� of now. , ` 3/21/73 - OrdinancC on rome sclicitation sale - have had � no complai�its since state law was passed so are referring this back to thz City Council . � 7/26/73 - Ordinanc� per�aining ta qualificatior,s for fire- C.' , � fight�r, pat�,olman, anci p�iice trainee - meeting ' ��ri i 1 be r�el d regardi ng thi s o� hovember 13. �G� ��� 9/5/73 - Establ i s�����ent Of tOw i►1g dnd s±o��age cha:�ges - the bids on tovring are prese�tly under lit�gation so until tf115 is resolve� tf�e License Corrmittee can take no actio�� in estab�ishing n`��� rates. Very truly yours, DEAfJ f�EREDITH, Chai rman . Licerse Committee J, �• / ' P • � • • � � ��7,�a . 7 � ' �s� _ _ _ 3a��,� . ----- _� _ -- - - ---- -------- ---- , . `�` - --- _ _ _ __ __ . � � � /%� � � ! e �.�- '1 � � _ _—- ---- - - - � ~ _ �O �-r�- _ -�- _� � . ��___ _____ _ _____ _ _ _ _ __ __ �.=....._ _ _ _ __,� .___ `� _ _ __ _���- __ _ __ ' ___ _ _ . _ � _ __ � ___. . _ _ �� f�1Y�� ,�.► �.,.,_•a� , �.. a ♦ _._`��. _ . _ _ _. . _ _ .. - �- ----.. ..__ . _ . .- --- - - _ . . ..._. .—. ._ ��d_� _ p.,a./ _ _ ._ --�`--- - --- - ___-- _------ . � -- - ---- - - --- - -- -- - �- _ _ _ - ,� � --- --�—--� _ _ -- __ _-- - -__ ------ — - --- _ :__ ____ ,�c�'_� — _- -.� -- - _ ----- - _ - �-------- � � ~ - _ ------ - -- ----�----- -- - ----`��-- - � , --- -- _�� �-- _--- ---_.�?�'�--- --' ---��-�.-��-�-�,�,����� r � _ _ _ _ �`. �J,w_ _ _ _-�- - - _ - -- - -------._.---_ ._ _- --� i�'��- -�CS� � � v v � ._ . _.. _ _ __ . .. . _.r _ - _. _ . . _ . . --_ _ _ s-�s- , _ _-- -- _ __ _ __�`- -_ a , -- - - - - � , _ _ - - - _-- __.��� ___-- _ -- __ ' .��-,� �'�-�-� , �_ - .�__ _ - a--�-���- �- -- --4 - _�- � -- -- ----- - -���'�a-��-_��_ - - �- __ __ ._ _- - �"�� � � �_ , _ _ --- ----------- _ -- -- --_ ____.,_ - -- _- --__ _ --- - r � •/�' -a. _ ---- _ _ - �- _ � ��- �- - -� -- �t�--- _ _ _ - - �;� �--�? -� ���. _ � ��o ___ - __ ___ -----__- -- --� __ - �-�--� __ _ - -- � - - -- _ - - -�-- - �:- -- - -_- _��- _ ---- _.--- -- -�- � -- - - c�` , � ___ �� � - ' -- ---- - - - -7_ _ _ __ _ � _ �-..Q -�.-�___�O- _ -- ���----�g r�r�"--z�� --- - --- - ---- _ __�.�Z�x.�� --�•�, � ---�a�-�"�-�.�-� _ -- . � r - � - --.._—_..-T-- -----_- ._._--------------.__._ . _ . -__-_.._---� -----� -- . . _. -___. . ._ __��____ . _' . . _ . . .(�rr . . _ __. _ . 7 _-_ .__ � ,_.. . _... �__ __. . . . .. . ... .__. '._ . '_ ___ . . _ V l ♦ � ���� ___.._ ..._._-_ _._._ -. / . _ . ___ .. .__ . '��.s+� . . . � � __ � _ � F [ ...___. _... .____.__ _ . ____ `_ '- _ .. . .._ ._._._ ___ . ___ ______ _- _._..__..__. __ __.. _._._ _ _ ___. _ _._ .._.. _. . _. _ __- _. -___ _ .lrf��s__-�` �_. .._ ._ _. _. _ ._..._—_... _. � /� ������ _ _ /� � •— - -- -- --.._ - _ _ _- --- ! -� - - _ - .��"-��' ___ _ _ Zt��15�" � March 14, 1974 _��r. Seeve�z Conroy Fire Cl.�ief , PuUlic�Safety ruildinF; St. Paul, �tinnesnta Dear Sir: ' Ple�sse be informecl t?tat the City Council will consicler final adoption of three Ordinances affecting ninimuri qualificatio�tis and specifications for police officers and firem�n on Tkiursdav, March 21, 1�74 at the regular City Eouncil me�tin,r; �t 10:n0 a.m. At that tirse you may wi�h to be present to di,:�cuss thc� Ordinancea and �mend.ments thereto. R � Yours very truly, City Clerk ASO:m�f ��arch 14, 1974 � rir. Richard Rowan Chie� of Police nut�lic Safety k3uildin� St. Paul, ?�iinnesota Dear Sir: Please be informed that the City Council will consider final adoption of three drdinances affecting minimum qualifications and spe<:ifications for �olice officers and firemen on Thursday, Rfarcli 2I, 1974 at t:~�e regular City Council meetin� at 1J:00 a.m. At that ti�e you may �ish to be present to discuss the Ordinances and amendments thereto. Yours very truly, , , City Clerk ABO:m�f « ;�.(arcf. 14, 7_974 `T. r'��•or,Yc� ,r�.rt rr,�,c;r. �i�t: .^,tatio:i t"1�G �.�7, .. �'��.<�l.l:ir�� ".venue .;t. I'.:u?., '°`inne:;c�t:� !.:<>.t�r ;;i�: �'lez�<� bc infc�rt�eci L-tia� tlir City Couzlcil T�ill consider {in�l �:<:ontioi�, oF tlir�e i�r�liriances �frec:tin� min3r�.��.ri c�uali�i.catior.� ��..icl �:=i ecifi_cat.ioz�s :�or ,�ol_ice offi�ess �nd firel;.e.i�: ar� Ti�ursclay, .'<�r.c!: ?1, ?�)71� ;it- ti!� r.c>�,ul�r City Counci.l m��et�n� r�t �;�: �`'` . :Z.r.�.. �`.t ti�at tii�.� you i:�ay �=isli to �e ��resent to c�.i.scu�;:; *_..�� ` �rc?;iYance:� ,���;I ar::��i�ui:?ent-s �iier�.,to. Yaurs very truly, City Clerk :�..:�:rzjf ' , �:<3r�r� 1�,. 1a�4. '•:°. nic'�.arcl �u��3�r 1'ol�c,� ''ecic�r,�tlo.i "u:�Iic 3afet�,' r;uticlin� �t. '�zul, ''_:.nnesota ; T,��ar :�ir: � i?ea:�e ?�L inEor=:ie:3 t:iat ti�e Cit;� Counc.il. cail� consider fi_nal <:��?o,�t�on of: ti�re.� nr.:l.lnan.ca>> ai'�ectiT�� rrir�i..?nu^� civali�icat:"t.on�� :iilc� i�(?C?ficat-ions fOY i)OL'LCF.? b�.F'lCC'r i 3Z1(� {11"i?7'il'_i:l OTl T�1t11Sti�1�?} "�irci: 21, 1'374 1t the r��ntxlaz' Cit;� Gouncil mer�i,nc*, at l�i: ;i;! <t.��. .�t t}i<�t ti*.:�e y�u ;aay �aish to i�e ,�resF.,it to �liscu�;.�� tl�ie �`�ruln�tic;,s anc a���:��u3,2ent::; tiiereLa. �'ours very tru?y, City ^lerk , ATiO:m�f .iarch 14, 197�► rir. Jolin Ftaider I)irector of Personnel Civil Service Ofiice Room 2b5, City Iiall. S t. Paul, P4innesota Dear Sir: Please be informed that the �City Council w�ll consider final adoption of tliree Ordinances affectin� minimum qualifications and specific°ations for police o£ficers and £iremen on Tt�ursc�av, i�[arch 21, 1974 at the regular City Council meeYing at 1� :�C} a.m. At tliat time ynu �ay wisli to be present to discuss the Ordinances and amendr�ents ttiereto. Yours very trul_y, , City Clerk ABO:m,j f �,�5� July 26, 1g73 Mr. Vietor Tedesco, Chairman Mana�ement and Personnel Committee and Mr. Dean Mere�i.th, Chairman License an� k�tblic Safety Cominittee �aentlemen, The City Counc3l r�ferred to the Nlanag�ment and Personn�l Committee and th� Public Safety Committee for �oint con- sideration and reeoznm�n,da'�;ion 4 ord3nances� Council Files Nos. 261752� 261"�5�,, 26175� �d 261755, �elatin� to minimum qu,alifi ications asad requirements for Policemer� and Fire Fighters. Very tru7�y yours, City Cl.erk �jng ?.s:: �?1��_...�..........�..�: �.�� _._d_,_ ..��„�,�..._,._.�...�.. :�m� ` � i('�O�s.�...�.�....�...�. �.el..c�te�. _ '� �� `�,..�..�..,�.,� Ye�.s ��� � B�"�i�� KGT.�PA��'.� � ��� ��?`�52 �..'�'�I�'r , R��I.�k � TEDESCO I�3� PR�i�� (rf�Ji+T`T'� —-- �� ��� '�, a►���r_._ .a ��� l ' ' . , ,, ` a t �� CIT; � ° _. . sSZ� ' ' � � _ , . � ... � � �ui i� -�1 ..�,_ - ...: PM ! �` 1974 � � - '�—� � �I ��. � SS p 6c �/ _. � c s � �� a f ����� . �'�P f �^ � ss`1c��2 � i � - ,.,. � z. . � �� . � '� � �.; ' ��� ,,., i � : , �`�`'� . .b ,� �.. \ . � � . . �� �i. { �� . �. hl ���4 ... � �� � �.� � � � 1 ��,';� �' �. � .:�� �. . � .. `��,r� ,. 7�Ol�u ,� ��, �` �,,�. �`r_,,. �'��� i f� +?aMT�' „�`}}}� ��=,• �. ��.� �� �����b� � ` ��� I'� � � �u,� ,ss every. �, , �,,,a�i1e�.�t1�a "'���m,�e��ua�-: �.��' �, '�����`��'� ��. �a�►:.'I�ean't"�-�� �� �IB��� � ���' mY 111`¢ . ,r:,��'�r � �:� c � f����, S#�t�k�,�t�a � �� ����� b�`, �mrw �. E� ;�+Pu� ��'o ���� b�I`c�ra °�:�`� '.��., .�ke �����ecauss�:of 1��,��eq . � r� � $�.�ing `, t�i Ca�`i�ytla A�i�i' �, �.$g��ab a�'�� -j� � '; �:��tie.�r�� �.�,. �t�, �e�i ,�� �� � e� .�'��.�d °r������ �'a �'tl'` I�ave.�ia Sa��a �� y;��►� �`�;:�e�u�� : +,�'�'.a�m1.tr� �et ,s��¢ � P`et;f,it,��$ . t _ � ��3�to .� +�,� �g. �a1b �e�. � �� -.�-�• �C���w� ��1 the: sc��Y�u fi v�;=�p � , p '��_�,�,�,°r ��. ��e �t It�'a tr r �� ; �,���n} ;F �� �,� ��, � �td�t� ; �� ,� � 1� �� � � ~ �� �y,., 7��� k �� ..��T� }�j �. y "�+ ��PS'� ��"�. ,�t � , � . �y W8i"!��t1. x: ` ,�� ` � - .� �- y�:' t� !�t` #� � � � �.SN i �iS���y�' '��PT�' r �,��j'f� ��. . . .�� � �r p,�� �y��_rt ._ � .�6t: � ,. ��Y�. . . ��� �jVlt� #� � ' C � :. .. t r.: _; ' .. � . . _l�' � . . k 1 1 ;�i.' ��.��,������* w M' �A4 ������' .. . �� � :y �� ' �' � -� �� ... � � r i�'" 1 1 .7Q �. C� *y,,,'.� . �� j �� � � r ��J�� f �,`��i � .�,,� � ��� *��, � 3,'-� ... 'r � • . :. � ; . 'i. „ �� Rr �� .. - . . .. 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A . �'R,ANH TURi RTCH HARRT9 LEONABD SIBDAHL . � � �$b���.� . : I _ � . sx�ttrw MeRC#L ,�: � � < 'MA]G PSAB90N ,.;. ": �' � ; ;- '� ' ' . , . '�a� � _ . • �iine 8�, 1974 _ � : - � � + � . . . . . St. Paul; Minn., ,:. Members of�'Civil:Service Commisaioa & ' . • . Off.iCers Qf Civil 5ervice Bureau. :; . N `.�' 'City �of,Saint'• Paul _ ; . . , ; � Ci�y..Ha7.l: aad Courthouse , '.. ., ' �. . , . , ..Saiat Paul� Minneao�ta' . , . � , � � :.'Dear Ladi�s:�.and :Gentlemen: _ . _ � . '. • ' � Ae e � Scheduled Fire Fighter PScamination (Entrance), for July 16, ` � � : � :: ,: . . � i�, aaa i8, i974. . • '' As you know we, the off3cers ancl members of Fire F3ghters'.` . . : Local IInion :Number 21 �have .been and are vitaa.ly concerned�with �an errtrance� . �,; examinatinn whi'ch'hope�ully. w,i.11 provide the necessary manpower to Ei.7.�. �up. >: our D��artme�t�':whi�ch bas been undermanned for so long a period. We• are� ' � , ;. however� most u�haPpY and�df,sap�ointed with the scheduled exaraination . . . � � .. � - _��particula�ly as ;it is set up and listed to carry the Relative Weights � . '`.pertaining to the �examinatiom proper. We have been and remain very = ` " �.coacerned,'with thc maintenance of the high standards and qualifications � � `. of, our' pro�ession. Of this fact we are sure you are most aware. . Follo�r— . � ing the mang me.etinga of �he �Commis.aion we were .of the im,pression that � , when the Examination would ultimately be held tha� the rel,ative w�eights � would be ,no less �hat fifty fifty (50) (54)e Ar�d� thought this a com- . � � . promise, on our part� and that it was mixtually agreed upon. . ' ` � • ` It followed that this past week when. we received a copy� of . the announcement of the caming Entrance Examination we beca.m.e q�ite cor�- ; � � . ` cernsd �th what would appear as a breach of good faith.. That due to `the , fact tha� the l:isted Relative Weights show sixty (60) for the .P�iysical Test and Porty; (40) for the Written. Test, a complete reversal. of the former, • . .` Weights .for; tbe Fire Fighter Examinations. When we protested this fact at the Civil Service; office on Wednesday of this past week we were told � � :: that the:;�ast�Ca�ssion minutes •showed an agreement upon the nex weights ' � . ' pertainin,g ta.,tha E�camin�tion. .-We. can recollet nothing of the sort. . In . . ' �add�.tion�a�thorough search through all of the minutes on record of the � � � -:� Commisaion Meetings back to the original mesting in June of 1972 found no � . ' �1 � . � record of such an .agreament. . � : ' � .. � . May we reiterate our poaition. That is that we.;oppose as�y ' :lowering �f st.andards or qual3fications pertaining to aur professian. of � � Fire. Fight,er. And; that we are indeed unhaPPY w3th this development. In . � -.` addition�.�we will be available for ftarther cli.scussions, pertaining to'this � most ser�ou.s matter shauld you eo� desire..: Thank you for your kiad con— �` . � , : �ideration. � . , � : . �c.c. Fire' Chief S. Conroy� : . . . , � 1'tespectfully yours,. . � Mayoa`r. Za.ti+trence Cohen , ;� �� : � � City' A�cim. F� Mar�itelli � � G. ' e en, Presiden� . - u�r� Personne2- Di,�e�tor J•. Haider '$t. Psul Fire Fighters Local No.� Zl` ,' City;;Cc>uncil' :i/ , _ . .