261744 . ' � ; ° � 2�1`7�4 CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL k'ILE �O. � � � �.. � �� ( FINAL ORDER � �t r , `�t r'��-����k, By , �—az ;�-- f t"��� File No. ��'�'�3 �J In the Matter of �t'�"�t�6 s1�1k �► � �� �1� O! � flt��' !a'11t �1M2}1! � �the s u ap� �tebj ��i��l a�ia�r rrom'k, wdo ti i� naa�s�a�c�r +n�d �a�ii�+rl e4 e�►� ssli i�►ra�ra�st. s�p� +�rr,c� �t i� �el��ia�rd that �oat +ruaalt s�tli'i+�i+a� �t�i •iirw2ka sov �i.�t, . under Administrative Order �""S� approved �ix �• ��� . under Preliminary Order ����c, approved �� `� �� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. T �u� a s �s� COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas�utle� Nays �1L 2 ? 1973 Konopatski C tifie P ssed by Co i et� Lc�iine ",`:�reditht In Favor B ��.. :r?let' J -r.;��S�t3 Against , �,�t Mayor PUBLI�HED AU G 4 1973, ' "v�� ' LAVV OFFICIi �hy c,u.�e�.r:s �c. iaiitacti BI3IVGS AND MO � GA_ N �� � � JOIiN L.DAVNEY J.N1:11. NUlt7�0� PHUFL:y570NAL ASSOGIATIOD7 H.L.SORENSON 121Of1.\HI) 1'.IS]'l.li YETF.R ft.SEF.D s,�.�ur:i, r�.»o�rc;:» PHILIP L.BEUNER i^i�a�x x.c;�anttnar 2200 FIItST NATIONAL BA2v'K BLJILDING seMUS�.7.. nexsos Cor.t oi:ni.�:x aoxnLn r..oac�+an w.�.nc;ar:�ce nnvts S11INT PAUL, MINNESOTA o5A01 YI2A\H HAM�SO\D �70HN H.KE\EFICH JOHh R.PRIEllMAN I.EOSN2ll J.KEYIiS 227-Fi021 � JAML'S k.HOWEHS B.G.7[ART � JOIiN M.SUI.I.NAN AREA GODF. 612 dNllIIE J.ZDRA7_IL DAVID J. SPEFGTR BYgAAE2D P.}�'gIEL HUHT F..S«'AT:tiON ' DOU(3LAS L.SHOR ?�f.J.(iALV]\,JH. July 181 ,L973 DRUGE G.F.GI{AOLM DAVID G.FOftSllE:RO GEELALI) L.SVOT30DA RICIiARD D.HOLPEE JOf;I� �J.MGV1:F.7.1' MaKXIL V. SP:Y>fOU1i,JR. MAHVIN T.FABYANSHE SDWARD O.STHINOER TF.I;ENC;L N.DOYLE BICHARll Ii.RYLE GOIINSEL RODERT O.SULLNA'_Q The Honorable Ruby Hunt, H"x°�J.$�"�Y President, Saint Paul City Council an d Members of the Saint Paul City Council RE: File 59893, Page 1 Administrative Order D-582 re: Construction of Sidewalk on West Side of Davern Street from Randolph Avenue to Hartford Avenue � Hearing: City Council, 10:00 A.M. July 26, 1973 Protest on behalf of Saint Paul Academy an d Summit School Ladies and Gentlemen: - We understand the above o rder proposes construction of a brand new sidewalk (none presently existing) on the West side of Davern Street the approximate 1/�- mile distance from Hartford to Randolph, which latter property borders on the Saint Paul Academy and Summit School grounds . Saint Paul Academy �and Summit School (SPASS) respectfully requests that any order entered either A. Exclude the construction of a sidewalk along the west side of Davern from Hartford Avenue to Randolph; or B. Limit the construction of a sidewalk on the west side of Davern from Randolph to the south 260 feet+� namely to the present driveway into the School off Davern. The reasons for requesting this action include the following: l. There is no "traffic need" for a sidewalk on the west side of Davern unless perhaps in the section of approximately 260 feet running from Randolph Avenue South to the School driveway entrance on Davern. There are and will be no structures or even entrances to the school groun d._c� on the west side of Davern beyond the present entrances which are on Davern a short distance south of Randolph. M � � ` • r��i7°�`s AND Mor�GAN The Hon. Ruby Hunt and City Council Members Ju1y 18, 1973 Page 2 2. Construction of a new sidewalk on the west side of Davern for at least most of the distance from Ra,ndolph south to Hartford would constitute an expenditure of funds with no resulting public benefit . The existing sidewalk on the east side of Davern is ample for any present or prospective pedestrian traffic, at least south of the school entrance on Davern. 3. The total cost of the sidewalk on the west side of Davern along the school grounds of SPASS would be close to $6,000. SPASS incurs every year a substantial operating deficit made up from con- tributions . The school has at present a substantial scholarship program. Any urmecessary expense reduces by just that much Uahat can be spent on education. The cost of this sidewalk would be equivalent to several full tuition scholarships . 4. There are ample precedents in St . Paul for "sidewalking" only one side of a street. While no study of this matter has been made, we call specific attention to the following : a. The reconstruction, in the summer of Zg69, of the sidewalk along the south side of Hartford Avenue between Davern and Fairview without the construction of any sidewalk along the north side of Hartford between the same two points where it borders on the grounds of Saint Paul Academy and Summit School. b . The reconstruction, in 1g68, of the sidewalk on the north side of St. Clair Avenue between Avon and Victoria without the construction �of any sidewalk on the south side of St. Clair Avenue between the same two points in Linwood Park. c. The laying out of a sidewalk some years ago along the east side of Fairview Avenue between Hartford and Ran- dolph without the construction of any sidewalk along the west side of Fairview between the same streets abutting on the grounds of St. Catherine ' s College. In conclusion, SPASS has always undertaken to be a "good citizen" . Not only has it paid substantial assessments of various kinds in the past, but it furnishes a major recreational facility to the public through the opening of its grounds to the public for tennis, baseball and general recreation on weekends and after school hours . It is also making available to public as well as independent schools its recently completed indoor ice skating facility. . . . . ` na' �GS ANn M��c��N The Hon. Ruby Hunt and City Council Members July 18, 1973 Page 3 It is respectfully requested that Sa,int Paul Academy and Summit School be relieved of what would be essentially an un.necessa,ry ex- pense and that if any order respecting the above proposed sidewalk is entered it be so drawn as to except from its operation the construction of any sidevralk on the west side of Davern Street and be limited to the distance some 260 + feet, south of Randolph as proposed in File 59751, Page l, Administrative Order D-�I-11 as noticed for hearing for April 17, 1973, and as to which SPASS entered no protest . Respectfully submitted, BRIGGS AND MORGAN /�"° ,(� L� ./��j�`� By: Samuel H. Morgan Attorneys for Saint Paul Academy and Summit School SHM:mj i Copies to: Councilman Rosalie L. �a.tler Councilman William Konopatzki Councilman Leonard Levine Councilman Dean Meredith Councilman Patrick J. Roedler Councilman Victor J. Tedesco Mr. Hartley Thomas - Dept. of Public Works Mr. Walter Hurtley - Dept . of Public Works Mr. Samuel Dickinson, Business Mgr. - SPASS Mr. C. E. Bayliss Griggs, President, Bd. of Trustees-SPASS ,/ City Clerk - for July 26, 1973 Agenda. . r ' ' � - 2�1���� �?�' I ° _�� �� .. 'S�i f � "��` ,�,�; �.-� �.. ,. ,;.. �.: =�i; � � :i � � ti,:, �* � r�P� �.�; �x:. �., 'I .�:.. . ��� �:���,i �� __ _ �_ :�� -'� . �- .�w-----�--r-. _-__„_,_ _ --� ---.-: BRIGGS 2�vD MORGAN FIRST NATIONAL BANg BUILDZNG SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 City Clerk Ramsey County Court House St . Paul, Minnesota 55102 � ' ,